Hijack (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Final Call - full transcript
Sam Nelson gets on a flight to London hoping to win back his ex-wife, but something on board feels wrong--and his suspicions are confirmed.
["Trouble Blues" playing]
[announcer] Dubai Delivery,
this is Kingdom 2-9.
Request clearance to London Heathrow.
[announcer speaks Arabic]
[passenger] Excuse me. Sorry. [sighs]
Excuse me. Sorry.
- Stop. Stop. Wha...
- I've had a talk with check-in.
They said, "When you get to security,
they'll let you straight through."
Yes, please. You come.
[flight controller]
Kingdom 2-9, good morning.
You have a Gulf Air flight ahead of you,
then you are next on the runway 3-0 right.
You sound in good spirits today, Dubai.
It's my birthday today, Kingdom 2-9.
- [pilot 1] Oh, well, happy birthday.
- [pilot 2] Happy birthday, Dubai.
[exhales sharply] Uh, if you wanna treat
yourself, try the restaurant at the Plaza.
Yeah, sure. If you wanna
spend your birthday going bankrupt.
I'm serious, Dubai.
Half a lobster for one.
You'll thank me, next time.
[intercom chimes]
Well, a very good morning, everyone.
This is Captain Robin Allen speaking.
On behalf of myself and my first officer,
Anna Kovacs,
- I'd like to welcome you onboard...
- Okay?
...this Kingdom Airlines flight
to London Heathrow.
Cabin crew today is headed by
the very capable Deevia Khan.
Deevia and her excellent crew
will be on hand
- for all your questions and concerns.
- Sir, can you sit up, please?
- Flight time today is six hours...
- [flight attendant] Good morning, sir.
...54 minutes.
- [passenger 1] I think we're down here.
- [passenger 2] All right, this side here?
[Robin] Due to arrive
at London Heathrow round about
six minutes past 1:00
in the afternoon, local time.
Weather en route's calm, clear skies
most of the way, including in the UK.
Ground temperature at Heathrow right now
is a mighty seven degrees.
- Just a couple minutes delay...
- Don't say anything.
...while the final few passengers
make their way onboard.
- We should be pushing back...
- Philip!
- [Philip] See what I can do.
- ...any minute now.
You okay, love? Do you want a pill?
[passengers chattering]
Sorry, love.
I'm old-fashioned. Can't help it.
[intercom chimes]
[announcer] Any remaining passengers
- for flight KA29 to London Heathrow.
- [agent] Sorry.
Please make their way to Gate B15.
- [agent] Thank you.
- That's any remaining passengers...
[agent] Quick as you can, please, sir.
- Oh, right.
- Thank you.
That's great. No hand luggage today?
- Ah, no. Just this for my wife.
- Okay. Great.
No, wait! Wait! Wait, please.
No, wait. No, no, wait.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Sir, the gate is now closed.
- Please.
- Sir, I'm sorry.
- [sighs]
It's already onboard. My...
My luggage is already onboard.
- Sir, I'm sorry.
- Please. [stammers]
Miss, how bad can it be?
[agent] Okay.
- [passenger] Thank you.
- [agent] Okay.
Let's go.
[child 1] Stop! Just stop.
Look, there's a space.
There, David. That's ours.
[child 1] Stop! You're doing my head in!
You don't get one.
So... Sorry, love?
The lockers,
it's not like they're allocated.
They all belong to all of us.
We're entitled to 'em
as much as anybody else is.
No, yeah, I know. I'm just saying...
And there's four of us.
It's not just us and our fruity water.
- We've got kids.
- [child 2] I'm going to tell Mom.
- I hadn't noticed.
- [parent] Enough.
Sir, if you'll let me.
There's some space further up the plane.
[groans] Thank you. [sighing]
Right. Just do that.
[intercom chimes]
[Robin] Well, folks. I'm told we're just
boarding our final few passengers,
and then we'll be on our way.
Morning. Morning.
I'll get back to you a little later
during the flight with any updates.
In the meantime, I will leave you
with Deevia and the team,
and we wish you
a safe and pleasant flight.
[passenger] Sorry.
- Morning.
- Hi, there. Yeah, just under there.
Hello. Right, just here, on this side.
Hey, by the way, weren't you meant
to be flying transatlantic?
Wanted to be with my boyfriend.
Oh, is that what they call
sugar daddies these days?
How's your love life, Arthur?
Still drowning in offers,
or have things finally settled down?
- Here. There's room in first.
- Ouch. Okay.
Sir, we're about to push back.
I'm sorry,
but my wife's a rather anxious flier.
We couldn't help notice
a pair of empty seats in business class.
Sir, take it from me,
that's not gonna get you anywhere. Okay?
Back to your seat, please.
[phone chiming]
I did. Just.
- Right there, sir.
- [passenger] Ah, thanks. [strains]
Make the trade. Yeah. I've got to go.
[both sigh]
For a lucky lady?
- The other way around. From a lucky man.
- [chuckles]
- Let me. [sighs]
- Thank you.
[sighs, groans]
Cabin crew, doors to automatic
and cross-check, thank you.
[controllers chattering indistinctly]
Kingdom 2-9, you're clear for departure
on runway 3-0 right.
Thank you, Dubai. Enjoy your special day.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
What does that leave, exactly?
[smacks lips]
More than a man should admit.
[flight controller] Safe journey now.
[steward] In the unlikely event
of the aircraft having to make
an emergency landing,
you'll be told
to adopt the brace position.
If we need to evacuate the aircraft,
please follow the emergency lighting
to your nearest exit,
taking nothing with you.
[steward] Your cabin crew
will now point out your nearest exits.
- [phone chiming]
- Slides will deploy
- from these emergency exits.
- [sighs]
- If the aircraft lands on water...
- [phone chiming]
...life jackets are beside
or underneath your seat.
Place them over your head,
and tie them securely, like so.
These should not be inflated
until you exit the aircraft.
During the flight, all devices
should remain in flight-safe mode.
During takeoff and landing...
- Hey.
- [phone chiming]
Can you turn that down?
- [phone chiming]
- Please.
[steward] Your luggage should be stowed
in the overhead lockers
- or under the seat in front.
- [clears throat]
Now, please. Sit back,
switch off and stow...
...your electronic devices and prepare for
a relaxing flight with Kingdom Airlines.
[flight attendant] Cabin crew,
please take your seats for takeoff.
[Anna] Stabilize. V1.
[overlapping radio chatter]
["Lonely Soul" playing]
[David] This is us. Look.
We go all the way up here,
right over Europe.
This thing shaped like a boot is...
I... It... It's Italy.
Then we carry on across this bit,
and where's that, Fred?
Can I play Mario Kart now?
That's home!
Seven hours all that way,
that's all it takes.
Yeah, in a bit.
[Robin clears throat]
Do you know the internationally accepted
code for caffeine?
Once for seat belts, twice for coffee.
How does he take it?
Why are you asking me?
[toilet flushing]
- Like I said, I'm old-fashioned like that.
- Thanks.
When do they come round
with the champagne?
We got off on the wrong foot.
Hugo. Marketing.
UK start-ups in the UAE,
it's actually a very interesting area.
What about you?
Let me guess. Banker. No, properties.
Sport, maybe?
One of those agents who makes
a disgusting amount of cash.
Enjoy the movie.
Or whatever it is you're gonna do
that doesn't involve speaking to me.
Okay. [scoffs]
- [phone ringing]
- [Anna] Flight deck.
Hey, it's Arthur. Got your coffee.
Hey, guys.
[passengers chattering]
[both chuckle]
Listen to R & B I suppose, but...
[speaks indistinctly]
[both chuckling]
Is that...
I don't know.
You all right, darling?
[whispering] I found something.
Is it real?
You're asking the wrong man.
[passenger] What do I do?
[stammers] Okay, I'll go tell someone.
Somebody in the crew, they'll have
a... a whatsit, a thing they do.
- [stammers] A procedure.
- That's right.
Want me to come with you?
- Do you want to?
- I can come.
Maybe we should wait. [sighs]
Keep it low-key, yeah?
What's your name, darling?
- Naomi.
- I'm Marcus.
You stay there, Naomi.
I'll be straight back,
tell you what they said.
[intercom chimes]
[Arthur] Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
We have now reached our cruising altitude.
Our in-flight refreshment service
will commence shortly with drinks,
followed later in the flight by lunch,
prior to our landing in London.
Everything okay, sir?
I need a very quick word, please.
A very quick word with my nephew.
Um, sorry,
you're not actually allowed in first.
One minute and I'll be gone.
[stammers, sighs]
Thank you, darling.
[Deevia] Sir, wait.
You're not allowed in...
[Marcus] Problem.
One of our lot left a round in the toilet,
and some girl found it.
We bring it forward.
That's my call.
Yeah. That's why I'm here,
to advise you to make the call.
The plan was three hours.
Plan's gone to shit.
They think I'm up here
reporting it to the staff.
Cabin crew.
Right. Well, go back
and you tell them you reported it.
And you tell them they said
it wasn't a problem.
How's that not a problem?
Because, Terry, it belonged to someone
who's allowed to have it.
Like a soldier or something like that.
And if they don't buy it?
That's the five-minute warning.
Go out the back wearing that and make sure
every one of our lot sees you.
And whatever you tell the girls,
it's only gotta hold for five minutes.
We go on Jamie's call like we practiced.
- [Terry] Thank you, darling.
- [Deevia] No problem.
[passengers chattering]
Long story short, we're okay.
Turns out there was some sort of
routine security check before takeoff.
Happens about once a week, apparently.
And one who was on board,
one of the Dubai security boys,
asked to use the toilet.
- [Naomi] And that's how it got there?
- [Terry] Yeah.
They're all armed, see.
Foreign police. It's not like London.
So they weren't worried?
Didn't seem to be.
Not like the four of us, hey?
I told them that and all.
I said we'd had a moment.
[all chuckle]
One thing she did ask more seriously
was for us not to repeat any of this
in case it causes any...
Concern. No, of course.
So, wait, some guy gets on the plane.
He's got some sort of... [whispers] ...gun.
He goes to the toilet,
and that's how it got there?
It just fell out?
That's what you're saying?
- No, darling, that's what they're saying.
- Mona.
I don't get it.
Listen, I went up there, I told them.
That's what they told me.
And they didn't seem worried.
- But...
- [Terry] That's the point.
That's the important thing.
Thank you, Marcus. Honestly.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
[Naomi] Why would they lie?
That's not what I'm saying.
I just want them to explain.
- No. No, Mona.
- [chimes]
Think about it. You can't
just bring bullets on to a plane.
[guard] Next, please.
- [scanner beeps]
- [cell phone buzzing]
[Senil, in Malayalam]
They want you to come home.
Tell your boss you're not feeling well
and come home right now.
[in Malayalam] What for?
[Senil] Gala!
What for Senil?
[inhales sharply]
[tablet chiming]
[in English] He is allowed to play.
- [passenger] Did I say anything?
- Just like she's allowed to watch a film
- and him and all of those other...
- Yeah. They're on headphones.
He would be on his headphones,
but the headphones that fits his game
are in his suitcase.
There was no room for that, remember?
Because of all your bags.
- All my bags?
- Yeah, you went shopping.
[scoffs] One thing.
Which you put in our locker.
[stammers, chuckling]
You know what, I'm not saying anything.
I'm not having this conversation.
You started the conversation, love.
- No, I'm saying nothing.
- Yeah, you don't sound like it.
[mouthing words] What are you doing?
[passengers chattering]
You know how you said that
that thing in the toilets
was nothing to worry about, yeah?
E-Excuse me?
The object in the toilet.
The item.
- [Arthur] Item?
- It might not have been him that he told.
[Mona] And you said
there was nothing to worry about?
Start from the beginning for me.
Nice and slow, okay?
What was the item that you found?
You want me to say it?
- It might help.
- [Mona] You want me to say it out loud?
Unless you wanna draw me a picture. Yeah.
How can I help, sir?
Sorry, yeah, I, um, didn't get a washbag.
Well, you don't get a washbag.
Only on the overnight flights.
- So no one's got a washbag?
- Mmm. No.
He said not to do this.
She's just thinking about
health and safety.
Look, what did you find?
Look, madam, if you think it's important,
you need to tell me what it is.
Thing is,
we don't want people to, you know...
- What?
- Panic.
Everybody down!
- [passengers screaming, clamoring]
- Down! Down!
- [hijacker 1] Remain in your seats!
- [hijacker 2] You! Down!
Get down! All of you! Get down now!
Do not move!
Sit the fuck down!
Stay in your fucking seats!
Oh, geez. [whimpering]
- [hijacker 1] Do not move!
- [hijacker 2] Stay the fuck down!
[hijacker 1] Don't be fucking stupid!
[passenger] Please!
[hijacker 1 speaking Arabic]
[hijacker 2] Stay calm! S-Sit down.
Face the front.
No, you fucking don't.
Everyone stay calm,
and no one gets hurt, okay?
[hip-hop music playing]
[breathing heavily]
Kai, do you want some milk?
[Kai breathing heavily]
So Detective Daniel gets
to sleep over now.
You don't call him that, Kai.
So, what are we?
Are w... Are we all flatmates now?
We spoke about this.
[inhales deeply] It's okay. I get it.
Great bike, by the way. [inhales sharply]
Thanks. I decided to get one
that's fixed onto the floor.
Go on.
So that you and your mates
can't pull me over for no reason.
That's a good joke. I like it.
- No joke.
- Kai.
And you don't like it.
Everybody, listen!
This is how it's gonna work.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
Nobody makes any noise.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
Nobody makes any trouble.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
And nobody gets seriously fucking injured.
[speaks Arabic]
[passenger 1] Did you hear that?
That's Arabic.
- [passenger 2] She's speaking English.
- She is. She's English.
[inhales shakily]
But someone is speaking Arabic.
Phones, tablets, devices. The Wi-Fi's off.
There's no need to be a hero.
[breathing shakily]
[breathes deeply, exhales shakily]
- Hey. Hey, what's your name?
- [inhales deeply]
- Amanda. Yeah. [inhales deeply]
- Amanda?
- Amanda, just breathe, all right? I'm Sam.
- [breathing shakily]
- Listen to me. Drink that.
- Okay.
- Look, you're like me, yeah?
- Hmm.
Got family? Loved ones?
We got one job to do right now.
- Just get through it for them. All right?
- [hijacker] Back in your fucking seat.
[breathing shakily] Yeah.
Well, I can't see anything.
Explains why no one's answering.
I'm sure I heard something.
Try calling the other galleys.
- [phone ringing]
- [hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
- [phone continues ringing]
- [speaks Arabic]
Oh, come on. What difference does it make?
- [cries]
- Oh, mate, it's all right. It's...
[phone ringing]
[breathing shakily]
Listen, we've g... we've got an incident.
We've got a major incident...
Wait, wait. Slow down.
I can't hear what you're saying.
They've got control of the whole plane.
They've... [breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily] They've got guns.
Colette Fisher.
Dubai, this is Kingdom 2-9.
Dubai, can you hear me?
Kingdom 2-9, you can't keep away.
[Robin] Dubai, we have a possible
security incident on board. Stand by.
Whatever's happening out there.
We cannot open that door.
Correction, Dubai. That's a definite
security incident on board.
Definite security incident on board.
We all know the score.
If they're Arab or anything like that,
we take 'em on, yeah?
We've got no choice.
That's not a good idea.
Oh, you wanna let them crash us
into some capital city, is that it?
[Sam] Oh, come on.
Is that what you think's gonna happen?
[scoffs] I have no idea, pal.
No. Obviously.
Yeah, but I'm not gonna wait
and find out, am I?
So, what are you gonna do?
You gonna just attack him?
No one's asking you to join in.
You'll get yourself killed.
Listen, if you've not got the balls,
- all you have to do is say.
- [hijacker] Phones, tablets, devices.
Come on.
Thank you.
[sighs, sniffs] Phone?
I-I haven't got it.
Listen, you c... you can have it.
It's just, it's in my seat,
and this isn't my seat.
She... She put me in this seat, remember?
[flight attendant breathing heavily]
- [passenger 1] Okay, now. Let's go.
- [passenger 2] We're doing this.
Listen. Listen, guys.
No one is asking you to make this call.
No one. All right?
Just because you speak the loudest
doesn't mean you've got
anything better to say.
It doesn't mean
you've thought this through.
- There's nothing to think through.
- No, there is.
You just haven't thought of it yet.
All right?
Look, this plane took off from Dubai,
so there are people on this flight
that only speak Arabic.
So, if you're gonna hijack a plane,
- Arabic's a language you need to speak.
- [hijacker, in Arabic] Handheld devices.
It doesn't make you a suicide bomber.
It just means you're prepared.
Phones. Tablets.
The Wi-Fi is off...
so no need to be a hero.
Until you know who these people are,
do nothing.
It's not gonna work.
They won't let you in.
Not if something's happening.
That's right.
That's the rule.
That's right.
That's why you're gonna convince 'em.
[breathing heavily]
[phone line ringing]
[phone ringing]
Flight deck.
Um, they want access to the cockpit.
That's not possible.
I know that, but they've got guns, and,
um, they're not... they're not giving up.
No, we understand that.
We understand that,
but that's why we can't open the door.
You know that.
- She's saying no.
- She?
- First officer.
- Talk to the pilot.
- He'll say the same thing.
- The pilot. Now.
I... I need to speak to the captain.
[breathes deeply]
Captain speaking.
They want access to the cockpit.
You know we can't do that.
I know that. I've said that.
Talk to him about last night,
about what it meant to you.
The Plaza.
How do you know about that?
Say it was magical.
Say every trip to Dubai is magical.
- Robin.
- 'Cause you get to be together.
Because you love him.
Robin. [sighs]
Tell him you love him.
Robbie, they know.
Say it!
[breathes shakily]
[breathes shakily, sighs] Love you.
[breathing shakily] I love you. [cries]
I love you too, Colette.
Either he opens that door,
or I pull this trigger.
[whimpers, screams]
[whimpering, breathing heavily]
[cries] He's gonna kill me.
Please, just open the door.
He's gonna blow my head off.
Please. [crying]
If it doesn't open, we kill this one
and do another one and so on, yeah?
If they take control of this plane,
they can fly it anywhere,
do anything with it.
[clears throat]
[Robin breathes shakily]
No. No. You...
- Robin. [breathing shakily]
- I... [stammers] I don't want to fight you.
Don't make me fight you.
I don't want to fight you.
- No! [grunting, yelps]
- Anna. Anna, s... Anna, s-stop!
S-Stop. Listen to me. Listen to me.
I'm going to open that door, okay?
If you try to stop me, I will hurt you.
You fight me, I will fight you,
and I will win.
[inhales sharply] Whatever happens,
whatever you think of me,
I'm opening that door.
- No. [groans]
- [grunting]
[Robin, Anna, panting, grunting]
- [Anna grunting] No! Stop!
- [breathing shakily]
[Anna, Robin grunting]
Oh, my God. [breathes shakily] Oh, my God.
[Colette whimpers]
[breathing heavily]
[flight controller]
Kingdom 2-9 is a British A330
now entering the Bahraini airspace.
We'll have contact with it
for another 20 minutes, maximum.
Dubai, this is Kingdom 2-9. Do you copy?
[flight controller] Kingdom 2-9, go ahead.
[Robin] Dubai, I can report
the incident has now been resolved.
[Robin] That is correct. Uh, I'm happy
to say the entire thing was a false alarm.
We're sorry for any anxiety.
Kingdom 2-9,
you said you had a definite incident.
"Definite security incident on board."
How is that a false alarm?
Uh, it turns out there was a...
It was just a couple of drunken passengers
trying to make a sick joke.
Uh, we'll be notifying Heathrow
to make sure the police are there
to question them on arrival.
We can do that for you.
- Negative, Dubai.
- [flight controller] It's no problem.
[Robin] Uh, thank you, Dubai,
but I think we've wasted enough
of your time already.
In that case,
you're now leaving our airspace.
We wish you a safe onward journey.
Kingdom 2-9, copy.
Good. Now turn off the Wi-Fi.
They said there's no Wi-Fi.
If there's no Wi-Fi,
then why take everyone's phones?
[Robin] Um... [sighs]
Uh, this is a... [stammers] ...300.
I usually fly the 200s.
[Robin] Um...
Here, look.
You did that.
[chuckles] You're disappointed?
No, I'm, uh... [sighs] ...I'm relieved.
[chuckles] Now you have to do
all the paperwork too.
For the plane that cried wolf.
[breathing deeply]
[breathing heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[agent] Senil?
Gala? Gala?
[breathes deeply]
[music playing, muffled]
It's just gonna take a bit of time.
That's all.
Well, you've been saying that for months.
What does he expect?
I'm sorry. Not helpful.
You ready for your interview?
I think so.
You're gonna be great. It's gonna be fine.
You're gonna have an amazing day.
What is it?
[intercom chimes]
"This is your cabin crew speaking.
This flight is now under the complete...
[breathes shakily]
...and irreversible control
of those who have taken charge.
All means of communication
with the ground has been severed.
[stammers] Nobody outside of this aircraft
is aware of any issues on board.
The captain and cabin crew have decided
full cooperation is the best
and only way forward.
If... [swallows]
If you stay calm,
stay in your allocated seats,
and do as instructed,
there is nothing to stop this flight
continuing exactly as it normally would.
Resist, however, and...
Resist, however, and not only
will you be severely punished,
but so too will other innocent passengers
chosen at random
as an example to the rest of the plane."
Take it from me.
That's not gonna get you anywhere.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
this flight is now six hours from London.
Six hours and this will all be over."
I told him. We spoke about it.
I told him not to get on the plane.
Dad wouldn't lie
about something like this.
All right. So, he's on a flight
back from Dubai, yeah?
You got a flight number?
[Kai] No.
But Mum will.
[Daniel] They'll probably want everything
you have, every detail. Okay?
- W-What does the message say?
- Kai.
It's important.
Dad says, "I'm flying back.
I need to come back to London
for work meetings."
Mom says, "Stop playing games."
Dad says, "I take off at 9:12."
Mom says, "Do not get on that plane."
Then, an hour ago, Dad says, "Too late."
Then Dad says,
"Incident on board. Serious.
But I'll get home. I love you."
"I always will."
- Get back!
- It's okay.
I'm just doing as she said,
going back to my allocated seat.
[hijacker] Sit the fuck down!
- Stop! What are you doing?
- [Sam] I'm just getting my phone.
Right, I promised you
I'd give you my phone, and here it is.
What, you come up here just for that?
And to make you an offer.
What exactly does your dad do
for a living?
It's difficult to explain.
He gets brought in by big companies.
If there's a merger or takeover,
it doesn't matter where,
they bring Sam in
at the end of the process,
'cause when it all kicks off...
Sam's the best at handling it.
Handling what?
The negotiation.
Now... Now, listen to me, all right?
There are, like,
some 200 people on this flight,
and most of them will do
exactly as you say.
- That's right.
- But, let's face it,
there are some who will kick off
and who'll cause you problems.
- Sit down.
- [Sam] No, no.
Let me just tell you where I'm at, okay?
Let me tell you where I'm at with this,
all right?
I don't care about any of those people.
I just wanna get home to my family.
So here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna help you.
["Trouble Blues" playing]
[announcer] Dubai Delivery,
this is Kingdom 2-9.
Request clearance to London Heathrow.
[announcer speaks Arabic]
[passenger] Excuse me. Sorry. [sighs]
Excuse me. Sorry.
- Stop. Stop. Wha...
- I've had a talk with check-in.
They said, "When you get to security,
they'll let you straight through."
Yes, please. You come.
[flight controller]
Kingdom 2-9, good morning.
You have a Gulf Air flight ahead of you,
then you are next on the runway 3-0 right.
You sound in good spirits today, Dubai.
It's my birthday today, Kingdom 2-9.
- [pilot 1] Oh, well, happy birthday.
- [pilot 2] Happy birthday, Dubai.
[exhales sharply] Uh, if you wanna treat
yourself, try the restaurant at the Plaza.
Yeah, sure. If you wanna
spend your birthday going bankrupt.
I'm serious, Dubai.
Half a lobster for one.
You'll thank me, next time.
[intercom chimes]
Well, a very good morning, everyone.
This is Captain Robin Allen speaking.
On behalf of myself and my first officer,
Anna Kovacs,
- I'd like to welcome you onboard...
- Okay?
...this Kingdom Airlines flight
to London Heathrow.
Cabin crew today is headed by
the very capable Deevia Khan.
Deevia and her excellent crew
will be on hand
- for all your questions and concerns.
- Sir, can you sit up, please?
- Flight time today is six hours...
- [flight attendant] Good morning, sir.
...54 minutes.
- [passenger 1] I think we're down here.
- [passenger 2] All right, this side here?
[Robin] Due to arrive
at London Heathrow round about
six minutes past 1:00
in the afternoon, local time.
Weather en route's calm, clear skies
most of the way, including in the UK.
Ground temperature at Heathrow right now
is a mighty seven degrees.
- Just a couple minutes delay...
- Don't say anything.
...while the final few passengers
make their way onboard.
- We should be pushing back...
- Philip!
- [Philip] See what I can do.
- ...any minute now.
You okay, love? Do you want a pill?
[passengers chattering]
Sorry, love.
I'm old-fashioned. Can't help it.
[intercom chimes]
[announcer] Any remaining passengers
- for flight KA29 to London Heathrow.
- [agent] Sorry.
Please make their way to Gate B15.
- [agent] Thank you.
- That's any remaining passengers...
[agent] Quick as you can, please, sir.
- Oh, right.
- Thank you.
That's great. No hand luggage today?
- Ah, no. Just this for my wife.
- Okay. Great.
No, wait! Wait! Wait, please.
No, wait. No, no, wait.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Sir, the gate is now closed.
- Please.
- Sir, I'm sorry.
- [sighs]
It's already onboard. My...
My luggage is already onboard.
- Sir, I'm sorry.
- Please. [stammers]
Miss, how bad can it be?
[agent] Okay.
- [passenger] Thank you.
- [agent] Okay.
Let's go.
[child 1] Stop! Just stop.
Look, there's a space.
There, David. That's ours.
[child 1] Stop! You're doing my head in!
You don't get one.
So... Sorry, love?
The lockers,
it's not like they're allocated.
They all belong to all of us.
We're entitled to 'em
as much as anybody else is.
No, yeah, I know. I'm just saying...
And there's four of us.
It's not just us and our fruity water.
- We've got kids.
- [child 2] I'm going to tell Mom.
- I hadn't noticed.
- [parent] Enough.
Sir, if you'll let me.
There's some space further up the plane.
[groans] Thank you. [sighing]
Right. Just do that.
[intercom chimes]
[Robin] Well, folks. I'm told we're just
boarding our final few passengers,
and then we'll be on our way.
Morning. Morning.
I'll get back to you a little later
during the flight with any updates.
In the meantime, I will leave you
with Deevia and the team,
and we wish you
a safe and pleasant flight.
[passenger] Sorry.
- Morning.
- Hi, there. Yeah, just under there.
Hello. Right, just here, on this side.
Hey, by the way, weren't you meant
to be flying transatlantic?
Wanted to be with my boyfriend.
Oh, is that what they call
sugar daddies these days?
How's your love life, Arthur?
Still drowning in offers,
or have things finally settled down?
- Here. There's room in first.
- Ouch. Okay.
Sir, we're about to push back.
I'm sorry,
but my wife's a rather anxious flier.
We couldn't help notice
a pair of empty seats in business class.
Sir, take it from me,
that's not gonna get you anywhere. Okay?
Back to your seat, please.
[phone chiming]
I did. Just.
- Right there, sir.
- [passenger] Ah, thanks. [strains]
Make the trade. Yeah. I've got to go.
[both sigh]
For a lucky lady?
- The other way around. From a lucky man.
- [chuckles]
- Let me. [sighs]
- Thank you.
[sighs, groans]
Cabin crew, doors to automatic
and cross-check, thank you.
[controllers chattering indistinctly]
Kingdom 2-9, you're clear for departure
on runway 3-0 right.
Thank you, Dubai. Enjoy your special day.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
What does that leave, exactly?
[smacks lips]
More than a man should admit.
[flight controller] Safe journey now.
[steward] In the unlikely event
of the aircraft having to make
an emergency landing,
you'll be told
to adopt the brace position.
If we need to evacuate the aircraft,
please follow the emergency lighting
to your nearest exit,
taking nothing with you.
[steward] Your cabin crew
will now point out your nearest exits.
- [phone chiming]
- Slides will deploy
- from these emergency exits.
- [sighs]
- If the aircraft lands on water...
- [phone chiming]
...life jackets are beside
or underneath your seat.
Place them over your head,
and tie them securely, like so.
These should not be inflated
until you exit the aircraft.
During the flight, all devices
should remain in flight-safe mode.
During takeoff and landing...
- Hey.
- [phone chiming]
Can you turn that down?
- [phone chiming]
- Please.
[steward] Your luggage should be stowed
in the overhead lockers
- or under the seat in front.
- [clears throat]
Now, please. Sit back,
switch off and stow...
...your electronic devices and prepare for
a relaxing flight with Kingdom Airlines.
[flight attendant] Cabin crew,
please take your seats for takeoff.
[Anna] Stabilize. V1.
[overlapping radio chatter]
["Lonely Soul" playing]
[David] This is us. Look.
We go all the way up here,
right over Europe.
This thing shaped like a boot is...
I... It... It's Italy.
Then we carry on across this bit,
and where's that, Fred?
Can I play Mario Kart now?
That's home!
Seven hours all that way,
that's all it takes.
Yeah, in a bit.
[Robin clears throat]
Do you know the internationally accepted
code for caffeine?
Once for seat belts, twice for coffee.
How does he take it?
Why are you asking me?
[toilet flushing]
- Like I said, I'm old-fashioned like that.
- Thanks.
When do they come round
with the champagne?
We got off on the wrong foot.
Hugo. Marketing.
UK start-ups in the UAE,
it's actually a very interesting area.
What about you?
Let me guess. Banker. No, properties.
Sport, maybe?
One of those agents who makes
a disgusting amount of cash.
Enjoy the movie.
Or whatever it is you're gonna do
that doesn't involve speaking to me.
Okay. [scoffs]
- [phone ringing]
- [Anna] Flight deck.
Hey, it's Arthur. Got your coffee.
Hey, guys.
[passengers chattering]
[both chuckle]
Listen to R & B I suppose, but...
[speaks indistinctly]
[both chuckling]
Is that...
I don't know.
You all right, darling?
[whispering] I found something.
Is it real?
You're asking the wrong man.
[passenger] What do I do?
[stammers] Okay, I'll go tell someone.
Somebody in the crew, they'll have
a... a whatsit, a thing they do.
- [stammers] A procedure.
- That's right.
Want me to come with you?
- Do you want to?
- I can come.
Maybe we should wait. [sighs]
Keep it low-key, yeah?
What's your name, darling?
- Naomi.
- I'm Marcus.
You stay there, Naomi.
I'll be straight back,
tell you what they said.
[intercom chimes]
[Arthur] Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
We have now reached our cruising altitude.
Our in-flight refreshment service
will commence shortly with drinks,
followed later in the flight by lunch,
prior to our landing in London.
Everything okay, sir?
I need a very quick word, please.
A very quick word with my nephew.
Um, sorry,
you're not actually allowed in first.
One minute and I'll be gone.
[stammers, sighs]
Thank you, darling.
[Deevia] Sir, wait.
You're not allowed in...
[Marcus] Problem.
One of our lot left a round in the toilet,
and some girl found it.
We bring it forward.
That's my call.
Yeah. That's why I'm here,
to advise you to make the call.
The plan was three hours.
Plan's gone to shit.
They think I'm up here
reporting it to the staff.
Cabin crew.
Right. Well, go back
and you tell them you reported it.
And you tell them they said
it wasn't a problem.
How's that not a problem?
Because, Terry, it belonged to someone
who's allowed to have it.
Like a soldier or something like that.
And if they don't buy it?
That's the five-minute warning.
Go out the back wearing that and make sure
every one of our lot sees you.
And whatever you tell the girls,
it's only gotta hold for five minutes.
We go on Jamie's call like we practiced.
- [Terry] Thank you, darling.
- [Deevia] No problem.
[passengers chattering]
Long story short, we're okay.
Turns out there was some sort of
routine security check before takeoff.
Happens about once a week, apparently.
And one who was on board,
one of the Dubai security boys,
asked to use the toilet.
- [Naomi] And that's how it got there?
- [Terry] Yeah.
They're all armed, see.
Foreign police. It's not like London.
So they weren't worried?
Didn't seem to be.
Not like the four of us, hey?
I told them that and all.
I said we'd had a moment.
[all chuckle]
One thing she did ask more seriously
was for us not to repeat any of this
in case it causes any...
Concern. No, of course.
So, wait, some guy gets on the plane.
He's got some sort of... [whispers] ...gun.
He goes to the toilet,
and that's how it got there?
It just fell out?
That's what you're saying?
- No, darling, that's what they're saying.
- Mona.
I don't get it.
Listen, I went up there, I told them.
That's what they told me.
And they didn't seem worried.
- But...
- [Terry] That's the point.
That's the important thing.
Thank you, Marcus. Honestly.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
[Naomi] Why would they lie?
That's not what I'm saying.
I just want them to explain.
- No. No, Mona.
- [chimes]
Think about it. You can't
just bring bullets on to a plane.
[guard] Next, please.
- [scanner beeps]
- [cell phone buzzing]
[Senil, in Malayalam]
They want you to come home.
Tell your boss you're not feeling well
and come home right now.
[in Malayalam] What for?
[Senil] Gala!
What for Senil?
[inhales sharply]
[tablet chiming]
[in English] He is allowed to play.
- [passenger] Did I say anything?
- Just like she's allowed to watch a film
- and him and all of those other...
- Yeah. They're on headphones.
He would be on his headphones,
but the headphones that fits his game
are in his suitcase.
There was no room for that, remember?
Because of all your bags.
- All my bags?
- Yeah, you went shopping.
[scoffs] One thing.
Which you put in our locker.
[stammers, chuckling]
You know what, I'm not saying anything.
I'm not having this conversation.
You started the conversation, love.
- No, I'm saying nothing.
- Yeah, you don't sound like it.
[mouthing words] What are you doing?
[passengers chattering]
You know how you said that
that thing in the toilets
was nothing to worry about, yeah?
E-Excuse me?
The object in the toilet.
The item.
- [Arthur] Item?
- It might not have been him that he told.
[Mona] And you said
there was nothing to worry about?
Start from the beginning for me.
Nice and slow, okay?
What was the item that you found?
You want me to say it?
- It might help.
- [Mona] You want me to say it out loud?
Unless you wanna draw me a picture. Yeah.
How can I help, sir?
Sorry, yeah, I, um, didn't get a washbag.
Well, you don't get a washbag.
Only on the overnight flights.
- So no one's got a washbag?
- Mmm. No.
He said not to do this.
She's just thinking about
health and safety.
Look, what did you find?
Look, madam, if you think it's important,
you need to tell me what it is.
Thing is,
we don't want people to, you know...
- What?
- Panic.
Everybody down!
- [passengers screaming, clamoring]
- Down! Down!
- [hijacker 1] Remain in your seats!
- [hijacker 2] You! Down!
Get down! All of you! Get down now!
Do not move!
Sit the fuck down!
Stay in your fucking seats!
Oh, geez. [whimpering]
- [hijacker 1] Do not move!
- [hijacker 2] Stay the fuck down!
[hijacker 1] Don't be fucking stupid!
[passenger] Please!
[hijacker 1 speaking Arabic]
[hijacker 2] Stay calm! S-Sit down.
Face the front.
No, you fucking don't.
Everyone stay calm,
and no one gets hurt, okay?
[hip-hop music playing]
[breathing heavily]
Kai, do you want some milk?
[Kai breathing heavily]
So Detective Daniel gets
to sleep over now.
You don't call him that, Kai.
So, what are we?
Are w... Are we all flatmates now?
We spoke about this.
[inhales deeply] It's okay. I get it.
Great bike, by the way. [inhales sharply]
Thanks. I decided to get one
that's fixed onto the floor.
Go on.
So that you and your mates
can't pull me over for no reason.
That's a good joke. I like it.
- No joke.
- Kai.
And you don't like it.
Everybody, listen!
This is how it's gonna work.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
Nobody makes any noise.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
Nobody makes any trouble.
[hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
And nobody gets seriously fucking injured.
[speaks Arabic]
[passenger 1] Did you hear that?
That's Arabic.
- [passenger 2] She's speaking English.
- She is. She's English.
[inhales shakily]
But someone is speaking Arabic.
Phones, tablets, devices. The Wi-Fi's off.
There's no need to be a hero.
[breathing shakily]
[breathes deeply, exhales shakily]
- Hey. Hey, what's your name?
- [inhales deeply]
- Amanda. Yeah. [inhales deeply]
- Amanda?
- Amanda, just breathe, all right? I'm Sam.
- [breathing shakily]
- Listen to me. Drink that.
- Okay.
- Look, you're like me, yeah?
- Hmm.
Got family? Loved ones?
We got one job to do right now.
- Just get through it for them. All right?
- [hijacker] Back in your fucking seat.
[breathing shakily] Yeah.
Well, I can't see anything.
Explains why no one's answering.
I'm sure I heard something.
Try calling the other galleys.
- [phone ringing]
- [hijacker 2 speaks Arabic]
- [phone continues ringing]
- [speaks Arabic]
Oh, come on. What difference does it make?
- [cries]
- Oh, mate, it's all right. It's...
[phone ringing]
[breathing shakily]
Listen, we've g... we've got an incident.
We've got a major incident...
Wait, wait. Slow down.
I can't hear what you're saying.
They've got control of the whole plane.
They've... [breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily] They've got guns.
Colette Fisher.
Dubai, this is Kingdom 2-9.
Dubai, can you hear me?
Kingdom 2-9, you can't keep away.
[Robin] Dubai, we have a possible
security incident on board. Stand by.
Whatever's happening out there.
We cannot open that door.
Correction, Dubai. That's a definite
security incident on board.
Definite security incident on board.
We all know the score.
If they're Arab or anything like that,
we take 'em on, yeah?
We've got no choice.
That's not a good idea.
Oh, you wanna let them crash us
into some capital city, is that it?
[Sam] Oh, come on.
Is that what you think's gonna happen?
[scoffs] I have no idea, pal.
No. Obviously.
Yeah, but I'm not gonna wait
and find out, am I?
So, what are you gonna do?
You gonna just attack him?
No one's asking you to join in.
You'll get yourself killed.
Listen, if you've not got the balls,
- all you have to do is say.
- [hijacker] Phones, tablets, devices.
Come on.
Thank you.
[sighs, sniffs] Phone?
I-I haven't got it.
Listen, you c... you can have it.
It's just, it's in my seat,
and this isn't my seat.
She... She put me in this seat, remember?
[flight attendant breathing heavily]
- [passenger 1] Okay, now. Let's go.
- [passenger 2] We're doing this.
Listen. Listen, guys.
No one is asking you to make this call.
No one. All right?
Just because you speak the loudest
doesn't mean you've got
anything better to say.
It doesn't mean
you've thought this through.
- There's nothing to think through.
- No, there is.
You just haven't thought of it yet.
All right?
Look, this plane took off from Dubai,
so there are people on this flight
that only speak Arabic.
So, if you're gonna hijack a plane,
- Arabic's a language you need to speak.
- [hijacker, in Arabic] Handheld devices.
It doesn't make you a suicide bomber.
It just means you're prepared.
Phones. Tablets.
The Wi-Fi is off...
so no need to be a hero.
Until you know who these people are,
do nothing.
It's not gonna work.
They won't let you in.
Not if something's happening.
That's right.
That's the rule.
That's right.
That's why you're gonna convince 'em.
[breathing heavily]
[phone line ringing]
[phone ringing]
Flight deck.
Um, they want access to the cockpit.
That's not possible.
I know that, but they've got guns, and,
um, they're not... they're not giving up.
No, we understand that.
We understand that,
but that's why we can't open the door.
You know that.
- She's saying no.
- She?
- First officer.
- Talk to the pilot.
- He'll say the same thing.
- The pilot. Now.
I... I need to speak to the captain.
[breathes deeply]
Captain speaking.
They want access to the cockpit.
You know we can't do that.
I know that. I've said that.
Talk to him about last night,
about what it meant to you.
The Plaza.
How do you know about that?
Say it was magical.
Say every trip to Dubai is magical.
- Robin.
- 'Cause you get to be together.
Because you love him.
Robin. [sighs]
Tell him you love him.
Robbie, they know.
Say it!
[breathes shakily]
[breathes shakily, sighs] Love you.
[breathing shakily] I love you. [cries]
I love you too, Colette.
Either he opens that door,
or I pull this trigger.
[whimpers, screams]
[whimpering, breathing heavily]
[cries] He's gonna kill me.
Please, just open the door.
He's gonna blow my head off.
Please. [crying]
If it doesn't open, we kill this one
and do another one and so on, yeah?
If they take control of this plane,
they can fly it anywhere,
do anything with it.
[clears throat]
[Robin breathes shakily]
No. No. You...
- Robin. [breathing shakily]
- I... [stammers] I don't want to fight you.
Don't make me fight you.
I don't want to fight you.
- No! [grunting, yelps]
- Anna. Anna, s... Anna, s-stop!
S-Stop. Listen to me. Listen to me.
I'm going to open that door, okay?
If you try to stop me, I will hurt you.
You fight me, I will fight you,
and I will win.
[inhales sharply] Whatever happens,
whatever you think of me,
I'm opening that door.
- No. [groans]
- [grunting]
[Robin, Anna, panting, grunting]
- [Anna grunting] No! Stop!
- [breathing shakily]
[Anna, Robin grunting]
Oh, my God. [breathes shakily] Oh, my God.
[Colette whimpers]
[breathing heavily]
[flight controller]
Kingdom 2-9 is a British A330
now entering the Bahraini airspace.
We'll have contact with it
for another 20 minutes, maximum.
Dubai, this is Kingdom 2-9. Do you copy?
[flight controller] Kingdom 2-9, go ahead.
[Robin] Dubai, I can report
the incident has now been resolved.
[Robin] That is correct. Uh, I'm happy
to say the entire thing was a false alarm.
We're sorry for any anxiety.
Kingdom 2-9,
you said you had a definite incident.
"Definite security incident on board."
How is that a false alarm?
Uh, it turns out there was a...
It was just a couple of drunken passengers
trying to make a sick joke.
Uh, we'll be notifying Heathrow
to make sure the police are there
to question them on arrival.
We can do that for you.
- Negative, Dubai.
- [flight controller] It's no problem.
[Robin] Uh, thank you, Dubai,
but I think we've wasted enough
of your time already.
In that case,
you're now leaving our airspace.
We wish you a safe onward journey.
Kingdom 2-9, copy.
Good. Now turn off the Wi-Fi.
They said there's no Wi-Fi.
If there's no Wi-Fi,
then why take everyone's phones?
[Robin] Um... [sighs]
Uh, this is a... [stammers] ...300.
I usually fly the 200s.
[Robin] Um...
Here, look.
You did that.
[chuckles] You're disappointed?
No, I'm, uh... [sighs] ...I'm relieved.
[chuckles] Now you have to do
all the paperwork too.
For the plane that cried wolf.
[breathing deeply]
[breathing heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[agent] Senil?
Gala? Gala?
[breathes deeply]
[music playing, muffled]
It's just gonna take a bit of time.
That's all.
Well, you've been saying that for months.
What does he expect?
I'm sorry. Not helpful.
You ready for your interview?
I think so.
You're gonna be great. It's gonna be fine.
You're gonna have an amazing day.
What is it?
[intercom chimes]
"This is your cabin crew speaking.
This flight is now under the complete...
[breathes shakily]
...and irreversible control
of those who have taken charge.
All means of communication
with the ground has been severed.
[stammers] Nobody outside of this aircraft
is aware of any issues on board.
The captain and cabin crew have decided
full cooperation is the best
and only way forward.
If... [swallows]
If you stay calm,
stay in your allocated seats,
and do as instructed,
there is nothing to stop this flight
continuing exactly as it normally would.
Resist, however, and...
Resist, however, and not only
will you be severely punished,
but so too will other innocent passengers
chosen at random
as an example to the rest of the plane."
Take it from me.
That's not gonna get you anywhere.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
this flight is now six hours from London.
Six hours and this will all be over."
I told him. We spoke about it.
I told him not to get on the plane.
Dad wouldn't lie
about something like this.
All right. So, he's on a flight
back from Dubai, yeah?
You got a flight number?
[Kai] No.
But Mum will.
[Daniel] They'll probably want everything
you have, every detail. Okay?
- W-What does the message say?
- Kai.
It's important.
Dad says, "I'm flying back.
I need to come back to London
for work meetings."
Mom says, "Stop playing games."
Dad says, "I take off at 9:12."
Mom says, "Do not get on that plane."
Then, an hour ago, Dad says, "Too late."
Then Dad says,
"Incident on board. Serious.
But I'll get home. I love you."
"I always will."
- Get back!
- It's okay.
I'm just doing as she said,
going back to my allocated seat.
[hijacker] Sit the fuck down!
- Stop! What are you doing?
- [Sam] I'm just getting my phone.
Right, I promised you
I'd give you my phone, and here it is.
What, you come up here just for that?
And to make you an offer.
What exactly does your dad do
for a living?
It's difficult to explain.
He gets brought in by big companies.
If there's a merger or takeover,
it doesn't matter where,
they bring Sam in
at the end of the process,
'cause when it all kicks off...
Sam's the best at handling it.
Handling what?
The negotiation.
Now... Now, listen to me, all right?
There are, like,
some 200 people on this flight,
and most of them will do
exactly as you say.
- That's right.
- But, let's face it,
there are some who will kick off
and who'll cause you problems.
- Sit down.
- [Sam] No, no.
Let me just tell you where I'm at, okay?
Let me tell you where I'm at with this,
all right?
I don't care about any of those people.
I just wanna get home to my family.
So here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna help you.
["Trouble Blues" playing]