Heroes Reborn (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 8 - June 13th - Part Two - full transcript

Erica puts her plan into motion; Hiro and Angela take on an important mission; Noah has an unexpected reunion with Matt Parkman.

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NOAH: Previously on
Heroes Reborn...

ANGELA:. She had a visionary
plan to save the world

from a catastrophic event.

Erica will choose
who survives.

I have a plan. Sad to say
it does not include you.

You got to admit,
it's nice to see him so happy.

PHOEBE: I've never made
this much darkness before.

ERICA: You better
figure it out,

because it has to cover
the entire summit.

Where's Dennis? Dennis!

JOANNE: Dennis!

He could be out there, Luke. We
cannot leave here without him.

I know.

My visions are fate.

They're one and the same.

These children
will save the world.

I'll go back with them,
but I'm gonna need a ride.

Hang on, baby.

We're gonna party
like it's 1999.

NOAH: Maybe there's a way to
take Erica out of the equation.

HIRO: It is about fate.
You do not mess with it.



We at Renautas

have gone to great lengths
to build bridges.

And like so many others,
I turned a blind eye

to the Evos who were radically
opposed to these bridges.

But now information
is coming to light,

indicating that this tragedy

lies at the hands
of the very ones

it was meant to benefit.


I checked with Urgent Care,
and they sent me here.

My sister, Phoebe Frady.

Sir, we're not even taking
names right now. I'm sorry.


Did you check the ER?

Thank you.

Out of the ashes
of this tragedy,

there will come
a new and better world.

We at Renautas
are committed to that.

Miss Kravid,
sorry to interrupt.

It sounds like
FBI has a tape

apparently made by
a disgruntled

Renautas employee,

claiming responsibility...

Mohinder Kumar Suresh.

Mohinder Suresh

was a research scientist
in our genetics division.

Okay, but can you confirm

whether Dr. Suresh

was an Evo before we go
to this FBI announcement?

Dr. Suresh was an Evo

and apparently also
a very troubled individual.

It is feared that he may
have been responsible

for the murder
of his entire research team

at a remote facility
in the Arctic.

Thank you.

I have no further comment.


I'm going back
to Primatech for photo ops.

You stay and look for
any sign of Claire Bennet.

Where's the car?

Level one.

Only moments ago,

our station received
a copy of a dramatic video

apparently made
by Mohinder Suresh

just before he set
deadly explosives

at the Unity Summit.

Despite humans being the
dominant species on this planet,

12 brothers and sisters

were able to change
the compass today.

Can you do me a favor?

I could use some water.

SURESH: They bravely
sacrificed their lives

to show the world
that we will not conform

to an inferior species.




The time has come for us

to claim
our rightful position.

Any attack,
any blood spilled of a human

is a victory for us.

We will not stop

until we have weeded you
from this planet.

This is your destiny.




on! (GASPS)

What the hell
are you doing?



Come on.

What are you...
What am I doing here?

I came back
to fix things.

All this.

Help me, please.

Where is my sister?

My sister, Phoebe.

Phoebe Frady.
(YELLS) Where is she?

This artery here, huh? You're
bleeding out. (GROANS)

I could call for help,
but it's up to you.

No, it's up to you.

If you don't help me, you will
never see your sister again.

How am I supposed to know
you'll let me see her?

That you're not doing
something terrible to her?

You don't. (GROANS)

But I'm the only
chance you have.

(GRUNTS) Damn it!

You came back to kill
Erica Kravid?

No, that part
was unplanned.

You stepped on a butterfly.

You stepped
on the biggest butterfly!

Do you have any idea...

Hiro Nakamura.

He brought you here,
didn't he?

Where is he?

I don't know.

He said he'd be right back.

Well, he damn well
better be,

or we've got
an even bigger problem.

ANGELA: Well, at least you
got the time travel right.

It's 1999.

But you were supposed to take
us to my chateau in Geneva.

We are still in Odessa.

HIRO: Oh, this is
not possible.

Well, just recalculate,
and get us to Switzerland.

It's not working.
Well, try again.


It's the babies.


ANGELA: Don't, don't, don't,
don't come any closer.

The boy is a Petrelli.

I should've realized earlier.

Think about it.

The way Claire died
in childbirth

must be the same reason you can
no longer use your ability.

The boy is like his uncle
and his great-grandfather.

He can absorb powers.

He took Claire's ability,
and now...

He took mine.
That's why I can't...

How do I get out of here?
It's not about you.

We have a bigger problem.

You're a very bad baby.

We have to keep him away
from his sister.

We can't risk him taking
her ability as well.

Now, the prophecy is set.

These babies will be safe
growing up in the past

where they will
never be found,

but our plans
need to change.

They'll have to be
raised separately.


You take the boy.

I'll see to the girl.

And whatever happens,

we must never run into our
future or former selves!

But I don't know
anything about babies.

You'll figure it out.

Every parent does.


Godspeed, Hiro!

We have not been formally
introduced, superbaby.

My name's Hiro Nakamura,

former master
of time and space.





CURREN: So, Taliban forces
came up through the south

and east entry points.

The enemy had all
escape routes blocked.

Is that correct,
Sergeant Gutierrez?

Yes, sir.

We retreated north
of the building,

where we were able
to hold our ground.

Due to a glitch
in the footage,

we can't make out
what happened next.

Lieutenant Nazan claims
that you circled back

through the east entry point
and came up behind the rebels.

Yes, sir.

CURREN: Two American soldiers
died that day.

Four survived.

The question at hand is
what part you played.


Oh, my God.

Claire was...

How is that even possible?

Her power just stopped
working somehow.

I've got to see her.

It's too dangerous.
You're gonna have to trust me.

You will see her again,
I promise,

when I...

When you come back
a year from now.

You got to get back
to the future. Now.

You said Hiro was gonna
be back any minute.

He and Angela took
the babies into the past

to protect them
from Erica.


Erica, who you shot.

Erica, who saw you,
who saw us...

I know, a momentary lapse.
You changed things.

Everything could be different
when you get back.

I need to find Hiro.

It's odd.

I'm picking up his ability,
teleportation, time travel.

I'm not seeing him.

He's in Odessa

or at least his power is.

We need to get to him.

And you...

You need to forget
all about today,

about Claire,
and about the children.

That's the only way
to protect them.

(SNIFFLES) I'll find Rene.

FUTURE NOAH: No, not Rene.

Trust me.

Use Caspar.

All right, let's go.

No, not here.

Back at the summit,
at the destruction.

That way,
after you're done,

it'll seem like I hit my
head and lost my memory.




If your boy's one of them,
it goes over there.

Our son is normal.

Baby, baby, baby...


My baby.

I'm not
telling you anything.

Don't need you to.


Hello, Noah.


You're working
for Erica Kravid?

She's been really good to me,
good to my family.


I struggled for everything
l ever got.

I finally got smart, and I sold
my ability to the highest bidder.

Hey, I'm a company man now.

Listen to me.

Erica and Renautas
don't want to help Evos.

Oh, they're helping Evos.

Maybe just a few, but
that's good enough for me.

Erica is our best hope.

Get started, Parkman. Find out
everything you can about his daughter.


You don't have
to do this, Matt.


NOAH: I'm looking for my
daughter, Claire Bennet.

She's here.

Claire's here, in Odessa.

Or she was. She's...

NOAH: She died
at St. Jude Hospital
here in Odessa.

Her power just stopped
working somehow.

Goodbye, Claire.

She's dead.

Go to hell, Matt.

Noah, I'm so sorry.
I had no idea.

How'd she die?

NOAH: Childbirth.

Uh, childbirth.

She died in childbirth.

Where's the baby?

The baby, Parkman,
where is it?


MATT: His thoughts...

Everything that's
happened today,

it's all gone.

What do you mean?
What just happened?

I don't know. He's...

He's not
remembering anything.

Then he's useless to us.



Ah, just take him.
Get him out of here. Go.


Let's go, Noah.



MAN ON TV: The unevolved media
accuses my people

of fostering an environment
of fear, of terror, of hatred.

But I ask,

would any of our actions
have been necessary

if the world
had not gazed upon us,

if they had not made us feel
terrible for their actions,

if they had not
treated us...

You're leaving.

Were you gonna tell me?

My tour is up.

I took a new assignment with a
company I used to work for.

It will take me off the
grid for a long time.

What do you want, Carlos?

I just got the call.
They're giving me a medal

for what you did.

We had a deal.

I kept my end of it,

and you're not getting

You saved those men.
You saved me.

I just hid behind a Wall.

Suck it up.

Don't you get it?

The powers that be
are turning the world

against people like me.

Maybe the truth could help.

I would be in a military prison
or worse if they knew what I was.

And what about us?

It'd all be a lot easier
to swallow if...

If we faced this together.

If you're uncomfortable with
an honor you don't deserve,

live up to it.

You have to go.





Erica Kravid.

MIKO: Something is
terribly wrong.

The media is claiming
that Hiro Nakamura

is one of the terrorists.

I'm afraid it's true.

Information has come to light
implicating Mr. Nakamura.

But that's impossible.

Hiro Nakamura
is in the game.

Why are you saying
that Evos are evil?

Dr. Suresh was your employee.

Thank you for your help,
Mr. Otomo,

but your job is done.

And I suggest
you stop worrying

about things
that don't concern you.

Tell me that Hiro Nakamura is
still trapped inside that game.

He is.


Then our plan is still
in place.

But he was also here
at the summit.

Another Nakamura
from the future.

Or the past.

Either way, it explains
two Noah Bennets.

Unfortunately for Mr. Nakamura,
we don't need a spare.

And I believe our friend Otomo's
time with us has expired as well.

I'll take care
of them.

I'm sure you will.

And then you'll find
Noah Bennet

and encourage him

to tell you
where that baby is.





Take the next left. MAN ON RADIO: The
FBI has now confirmed that Dr. Suresh

did indeed have as many
as 12 accomplices involved...

That's impossible. I was
with him this morning.

He didn't do it.
Of course not.

Erica Kravid's made him
her scapegoat.

You did the right thing,
trying to kill her.

That woman
deserves a bullet.

Why would he be here
instead of the hospital?

It's about time,
my old friend.

Reliving today

was worse
than I had anticipated.

They said an Evo tried to
assassinate Erica Kravid.

Tell me it wasn't you.

I'm sorry, Hiro.

I had to stop her,

or at least try.

Noah, I don't regret
the years

I've committed
to your plan,

living without my powers.

But you have no idea what changes
you may have made to the future.

I don't understand.

If you lost your power, how
was I able to track you?

You tracked the boy.

He's a Petrelli.

Angela and I realized that
he absorbed Claire's power.

And that's why Claire
couldn't heal.

HIRO: Yes.

And then later,
he absorbed mine,

except he's only able
to hold one power at a time.

And since we separated
him from his sister,

Nathan absorbed
no other power.




I've been waiting
for you.

You were a baby
in my arms,

a few hours ago.

And now look at you.

Technically, I'm not
even a day old.

Same smile as Claire.

Dad showed me pictures.

HIRO: I believe this
is why I was freed

from the prison
in "Evernow"

to raise your grandson.

I had some help.

NOAH: You were in the hospital
the day Claire died.

I guess fate
brought us together.

And then
you fell in love.

I thought
we had, uh...

Another year
before it happened.

If it's time...

I'm ready.

I'm ready to save the world.

First, we have to keep
you safe for another year.

And I've got to figure out
a way back to the future.

But how?

You lost your ride.

Not necessarily.

Don't move!




(PANTING) Are you okay?

You all right?

About those consequences...


My bad.
They're onto us.

We've got to warn Angela.

Can you take me?

To meet
my great-grandmother?



will certainly go down in history

as one of the worst terrorist
attacks on American soil,

with casualty numbers expected
to be in the thousands.

(KNOCK ON DOOR) On this morning
of hope, the dream for peace

between humans and Evos
was shattered in seconds

by radical activists
who sought to disrupt

this historic summit.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I had to track you down.

I wouldn't be able to live
with myself

if I didn't thank you
in person.

It was nothing, man.

What's happening?

Hey, I know you.

Your husband saved my life.

When everyone else ran,
he came back,

and he pulled me
from the rubble.

He's an
honest-to-goodness hero.

So, instead
of saving Dennis...

You saved one of them?

Joanne, it wasn't
like that, okay?

I found him when I was
looking for Dennis.

He was buried. He needed help.
I had to help him.

No, you didn't.

Our boy is more important
than this freak.

That's not fair.

Shut up.
I did everything
that I could, babe.

Then where
is my little boy?

I failed him, okay? ls that
what you want to hear?

I failed our son.

I was the one
who brought him here,

and I wasn't there
in his time of need.

Is that what you want
to hear from me?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...
You people!

If it wasn't for you, none
of this would've happened!

Me? What did I do?

You just...

Get off me!

I'm sorry.
I... I didn't mean...

You son of a bitch!
No, no, please!


Please, please, I'm
sorry about your son.






You had to do it.
You had to do it.

(CHOKING) You had to do it.
There was no other choice.


Jo, are you okay?



I'm fine.




What happened?
Who did this?




Sir, come with me
and I'll help you.

Come. Come with me.


Last night an old wolf
wearing a crown of thorns

crept into my dreams.

Who else could that be
but you, Noah?

You must be Nathan.

You're pretty young
for a great-grandmother.

Pretty big
for a one-year-old.

I would've visited,

but I've been a bit busy
with your sister.

NOAH: Malina.

Sweet. Can I meet her?

No, I'm sorry.
You mustn't get too close.

Not yet.

You better have a damn good
reason for bringing him here.

Erica... (SIGHS)

Renautas found him.

We took every precaution.

And I undid
every one of them

when I shot Erica Kravid.

Lately I have been plagued
with dreams...

Fire raining down,
blood everywhere,

and the twins
saving the world

under a clock tower
in Odessa,

its hands stuck at 11:53.

It's the way
the world ends, Noah,

under a burning Texas sky.

How much longer
do we have?

Vvhen the
poles shift,

animal migration patterns
will be disrupted.

So you'll see birds,

all flying
in the wrong direction.

And eventually
the Northern Lights

will appear further south
than ever before.

That's already begun,
a year from now.

Erica Kravid has
given up on humanity.

She just wants to let
the world burn.

I know.

But thankfully,
your grandchildren

gave us another way.

And now
we're gonna save them.

Every last one of them.


He really is a Petrelli,
isn't he?

We better be going.


You stay in touch
with Hiro and Nathan.

Find them when
the time is right,

and I'll make sure Malina has
made her way to her brother.

Give us a smile.


Come in.


I owe you my life,
Mr. Frady.

We had a deal.

Now, what did you do
with my sister?

I helped her realize
her true potential.

By kidnapping her,
by torturing her.

Nothing she did today
was against her will.

You know, the whole world
might be buying this


but I know the truth.

You framed Suresh
using a shape-shifter.

Is that right?

And then you used
my sister's shadow

to dampen everyone
at the summit's powers.

Then you blew them
all up.

And yet, you still saved me.

You said you'd let me
see my sister.

Actually, I said that I was
the only chance you had

of seeing your sister.


Don't worry, Mr. Frady.
I'm a woman of my word.


Farah Nazan...

You shouldn't sneak up
on an old woman.

I sneak up on everybody.

ANGELA: Meet mankind's
greatest hope.


ANGELA: Half of it,
at least.


When the time comes,
she and her brother

must be brought together
in Odessa, but no sooner.

Why not?
Because, Farah...

There's something I haven't
had the heart to tell her.





Hey, Q.

Oh, my God, Phoebe!

Hey. Oh, my God.

My God.

What did they
do to you?

Only good things.

All my life, I've felt
lost, out of place.

Erica gave me a purpose.

What? Killing thousands
of people?

You have it
all wrong, Quentin.

Erica's gonna save us.



You'll see
that this is the only way.

Erica is onto you,
well, the other you.

It's a long story.

I took care of him.

Most of the day erased.


It has to remain
that way.

Claire's kids must remain
hidden at all costs.

I trust you'll watch
over Nathan,

keep his identity
a secret.

No one will remember

Molly, monitor Nathan
and Malina remotely.

Keep tabs on everybody.

Erica is going
to come after you

because of your power.

Trust me, I'd rather die
than give them up.

You think you could
give me a head start?

Sure. Where do
you want to go?

Chennai, India.

Mohinder's mom needs to know
the truth about him.

NOAH: Well, I guess
it's my turn.

Ready to send me back
where I belong?

Nathan, remember, when you're
sending someone through time,

you're pinching the fabric
of the time-space continuum...

Dad, I've got it.

That's my boy.

I'll see you in a year.

And you too.




Nathan, you must
take your mom and Caspar

somewhere far away
from here.

What about you?

Don't worry.
I will always be with you.



Don't do this.

What are you doing?

Saying good-bye.

You can't.

Living with you,
the both of you,

is more than I could have
ever asked for.

Thank you.

Save our son,
save the world.

No, I'm not leaving
without you!

You must. This is your
important destiny, my son,

one I was sworn
to protect.

This is mine.





I've been waiting 15 years
to finish this.



Dad, no...

I have to go back.

No, it's too dangerous.
No, let me go!

I can save him.

Caspar, help me! I can't lose him, too.
Get off.

I'll have to take everything.

He'll only remember you.
Do it!

Mom, what's going on?

How did we get here?

Come on, let's go.

Where are we going?

I hear Denver's nice.

Come on.


(GROANS) Just got to work
on that landing.

Where you been, man?

I've been looking for you.

Like, one second, Katana Girl's
swinging her sword around,

and then next second,
both of you are gone.

What happened?

You're alive.
Yeah, no thanks to you.

Harris nearly took
my head off and then...

lt worked, didn't it?

Holy crap!
That's awesome!


What's time travel like?
Where's Hiro?

I don't know.

But you got
your memories back, right?

Hey, you were the one
who said,

"No more lies,
no more omissions."

I'm putting it all
on the line here, man!

Claire had two babies.


I was protecting them
from Erica.

That's why I wiped
my memory.



Boy and a girl.

They're 16 years old now.

I got to find them, and I
got to get them to Odessa.

Where's my gun?


Hey, it's me.

I hope this is good news.

Oh, it's way better
than good.

You know that baby we've been
looking for over the past year?

Yeah, turns out it's two
teenage wonder twins.

Bennet's gonna take us
right to 'em.
