Heroes Reborn (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 7 - June 13th - Part One - full transcript
Noah and Hiro join forces to return to the events of June 13, 2014, that set everything in motion; Mohinder receives a message from Angela Petrelli about Erica's motives; Hachiro moves against Hiro.
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NOAH: Previously
on Heroes Reborn...
You wiped my memory.
You needed to forget.
What did I need to forget?
Not what. Who.
NOAH: You're the only one
who can tell me
what really happened
on June 13th.
Save the future.
It's not working!
I can't use my powers.
What are you doing?
If you wanna do it, do it.
None of this would have happened if you
hadn't convinced me to take Dennis.
NOAH: Erica Kravid slaughtered 1000s on
June 13th, the day my daughter died.
HIRO: I will
take you back, Noah.
So you have a plan?
You know I do.
RICHARD: With the
magnetic poles reversing,
we are going
to be defenseless
against solar radiation.
Starting over
is never pretty.
Claire never made it
to the summit.
I know she died at St. Jude
Hospital here in Odessa,
but I don't know
what time she...
I don't know
how long I have.
Then we must
work quickly.
How do we stop
the explosion?
Well, based on the size and the
trajectory of the explosions,
there were at least six
separate bombs, maybe more,
all detonated simultaneously
and we have to find them.
And what time
was the explosion?
11 :14, which means all
these people are gonna die.
Maybe we don't
find the bombs.
Maybe we call in a bomb
threat and warn them.
No, I told you. We must try
not to step on butterflies.
We must find the
smallest thread to pull,
the one that
unravels the least.
The smallest thread.
We only have three hours.
Then I've gotta get to the
hospital before Claire.
Nice threads.
Have you seen Claire?
Well, she got in early
at the east gate.
She's here?
She wanted to keep a low profile,
so she didn't check in, but...
You're gonna
want to see her.
I've gotta find her.
ANGELA: Hello, Mohinder.
What is it you couldn't tell
me on the phone, Angela?
We have made
a terrible mistake
getting into bed with Erica
Kravid and Renautas.
Maybe you have. Renautas has been
funding my research for four years.
Primatech never did.
Primatech is Renautas
and vice versa.
I sold her my company
because she had
a visionary plan
to save the world from
a catastrophic event.
You know about the HELE?
The Human Extinction
Level Event.
The earth's magnetic
poles reversing,
solar flares radiating
the earth.
Gruesome stuff you've discovered
up there in the Arctic.
This is my research.
This is classified!
Where did you get this?
I've gone to great lengths to make
Erica believe we're still partners,
but I am telling you...
Her plan, such as it is,
is to let the HELE come.
That's absurd.
She hired me to find a
solution and I did.
It's the Evos...
Otherwise, everyone
on the planet would die.
Not everyone.
And Erica will choose
who survives.
She's been
planning it for years.
You're telling me that she knew
all this before she hired me?
Yes, because I told her!
I had one
of my visions.
And as you know, my
visions always come true.
Fire from the sky,
boiling oceans,
land incinerated,
earth destroyed, toxic.
Game over.
For all of us.
But my vision
also showed me
the Evos who can save us.
And you told her that, too.
I thought if I did,
we could revise the plan and
save everyone, but she...
She used me, Mohinder.
You have to believe me.
Why would I?
You've been a snake in the
grass since I've known you.
You have no proof
of any of this!
Your team in the Arctic
was murdered this morning.
They were gunned down, their
bodies buried in the snow,
and all evidence
of your research erased.
I don't know what you have to gain
by telling these lies, Angela.
Come to the press
with me.
We need
to warn the world.
lam warning the world.
I'm giving a speech today as Erica's
personal guest at the summit.
There will be a last-minute
change in schedule.
She will
apologize politely,
and you will be
escorted out and shot.
I'm warning you, Mohinder!
If she gets to them first,
Erica will kill the Evos
who can save us.
Wait, who is this?
Wait here.
RICHARD: She's nervous.
She should be.
The fate of
the entire world
depends on us
getting this right today.
I'm thinking maybe a little more
carrot than stick might be in order.
Or not.
It's almost time, Phoebe.
I've never made
this much darkness before.
ERICA: It has to cover
the entire summit.
What if I don't
have the strength?
Then I suggest
you find it.
Or that brother that's
been looking for you?
When the world ends,
he's going to burn
right along with it.
Do we understand each other?
Keep going.
Dennis, what's happened?
Come here. (SIGHS)
You all right?
Let me see.
DENNIS: I was playing.
I didn't know my hand
was in the light.
I just want to be normal.
Mmm, it's okay.
Doesn't look too bad.
I'll go and get
the medicine.
Buddy, buddy.
Come on, you know the deal.
Sunlight is
dangerous for you.
You have to be
more careful.
How many times have we talked
about this, a hundred?
I'm Super Dennis!
(LAUGHS) You're getting too
big and I'm getting too old.
All right,
come on, Super Dennis.
Let's get you fixed up.
Oh, that's not too bad. We've
seen worse than that, haven't we?
Trade you.
You know,
you guys should
come and see all of these incredible Evos.
They are everywhere.
It is amazing.
Some of 'em can fly.
Ooh. Some of 'em can
teleport, justHke,poofl
they're somewhere else.
Some of 'em can read minds.
Some of them can
regenerate skin.
No joke. (STAMMERS)
They can grow back limbs.
Okay. They can heal themselves.
There you go. All better.
So what?
We're just gonna pay them?
We're gonna beg them?
It's not like someone with a power can
just inject him with a vaccine, Luke.
We don't know that.
I'm just worried that
we're giving him false hope.
Isn't some hope better
than no hope at all?
This is happening. These
people have real powers.
And they're right in front of us
right now and I do have hope.
I have hope that at least
one of these people
can do something to help
him live a better life.
He only identifies with Evos because
you keep telling him he's special...
He is special.
He's not, Luke.
Solar urticaria isn't just, just like
a power you can turn on and off.
DENNIS: I hear
you guys arguing.
We're not arguing, honey, we're
just having a discussion.
DENNIS: Same difference.
How's our head count?
Uh, it's good.
Check-in's almost complete,
all the delegates
have arrived.
Well, we're still waiting
on a few keynote speakers.
Are you having
a senior moment?
I just told you,
she's here.
She's here? Where?
Like I said before, she's keeping
a low profile. Oh, that's great.
Did you change?
What about, uh,
Hiro Nakamura?
What, did you lose him?
He was just here.
Hey, um, Stevens,
when I checked,
there was no security
detail in the garage.
What's going on?
(SIGHS) We pulled them.
We put all the guards
on the west entrance.
Who the hell
gave that order?
Erica Kravid.
NOAH: This is the only
place left Claire could be.
She used to come here sometimes
after school and do her homework.
Don't worry, Noah.
We'll find her.
Let's get to work.
My security briefing
for the summit.
The explosion was centered
in the underground garage.
Whoever placed the bombs
bypassed security,
and then set the charges
here, here, and here,
which took out
the support beams.
If we could get to these three...
Over there
right away.
Over here.
Oh, like Harry Potter.
Give us a moment.
You touched base
with Claire?
NOAH: Why did you go behind my
back and rearrange security?
Noah, you're overthinking.
You left half
the building unguarded.
I ran a dozen scenarios.
I covered
every entry point.
Have you even read
my briefing?
We're covered.
Our security is
the best there is.
Stop worrying and enjoy this.
You should be out there
celebrating with your daughter,
who I look forward
to meeting.
You seem very interested
in my daughter.
Well, she is the one who
started this whole thing
when she jumped off that
Ferris wheel in New York.
Humanity has taken a
backseat to Evos ever since.
Evos are humanity, Erica. That's the
whole point of this summit, isn't it?
To remind us that evolved
humans are still human.
Evolution is great
when it's controlled.
Random evolution,
not so much.
I thought you of all people
would understand that.
Living with one of them under
your own roof for so many years.
You sound like
a bigot, Erica.
I'm a businesswoman
and a pragmatist.
Renautas has plans,
big plans
that are going
to change the world.
Bis plans, huh?
I want you by my side
because you're smart.
So I'm gonna pull you
off the field for a beat,
put you on the bench.
The bench?
Please escort Mr. Bennet downstairs,
where I think he'll be more comfortable.
Oh, you've gotta
be kidding. Ow!
Don't worry.
When I see Claire,
I'll tell her
you've been detained.
You'll never get
your hands on her.
Noah, don't! You are
not thinking clearly.
We don't know
what happens to him, me.
The other Noah
will be fine.
Otherwise, you wouldn't
be here, right?
Oh, Noah, thank God.
It's Claire.
What? Where, where is she?
A nurse from St. Jude's Hospital called.
She had Claire's phone and...
And what? ls she alive?
All they'd tell me is that she
was rushed from here to the ER.
She's in surgery.
This time, you save the cheerleader.
I will stop the bomb.
I'm looking for my
daughter, Claire Bennet.
Mr. Bennet.
Please tell me
we got here in time.
What's happened?
Where is she?
I'm sorry. We tried
everything that we could.
We were able to
save the children.
Your daughter
died in childbirth.
Ned, it's me again.
Listen, give me
a call when you can.
I just want to make sure
you and the team are okay.
Haven't heard back from you.
I'm getting a little worried.
Anyway, just call me.
Mohinder, you ready?
Excited for
the big speech?
What's wrong?
I'm trying to reach my research
team, but they won't answer.
Do me a favor.
Take this.
"Escalating Evolution
by Mohinder Suresh."
First copy.
Just keep that.
Okay? In case
anything should, um...
I'm sure it's nothing.
Dr. Suresh,
we've been looking for you.
Miss Kravid
would like a moment.
I should, uh...
Don't worry about it. I'll
see you after the speech.
Hello, Erica.
Mohinder, dear.
How are you?
Well, I think.
A little nervous
about my speech,
but anxious to let the
world know about the HELE.
Yes, about that.
I'm afraid there's been
a change in the schedule.
You won't be speaking
today after all.
You're going to bury my research,
and you've had my team murdered.
Is that all true?
You allow this
HELE to happen,
and the only thing you'll be
creating is man's extinction.
I have a plan.
Sad to say
it does not include you.
ERICA: Get him to the garage.
I've watched Claire die half a
dozen times and always regenerate.
There has to be a way.
The babies,
they're important.
I had a vision
about them, a prophecy.
Mr. Bennet?
Dr. Roberts.
Yes, the nurse said you
wanted to speak with me.
Yeah, it's my daughter, Claire Bennet.
I need to see her.
We're still
assessing the...
I'm afraid
that's not protocol.
Please, please, there's a spot
right behind her head here.
If it's blocked,
it'll interrupt her power.
Cause of death
was cardiac arrest
due to a traumatic seizure
during childbirth.
You don't understand,
I need to see her!
Mr. Bennet,
would you like to see
your grandchildren?
They have their
mother's eyes.
They're perfect.
Where are you going, Noah?
I have to see her.
I have to see for myself.
HARRIS: When this place blows
up, they'll never find you.
Don't bother trying
to use your power.
You can't.
What? Surprised to see me?
You're supposed to be
in the Eternal Fortress.
Plans changed.
Never bring your fists
to a sword fight.
Think again. SURESH: Careful,
Hiro, he has a bomb!
Ya ta!
(SIGHS) Hiro.
You got those two?
Of course, go!
Great Scott. How many
of you are there?
As many as are necessary.
You can't stop us
on your own, Nakamura.
Actually, I can.
But I must know
what happens if I do.
Too many butterflies.
Come on, Dad.
Okay, all right, all right.
There's a guy
doing tricks with ice.
Sorry, sorry. Excuse us.
Excuse us. Sorry.
Here we got something special
for you too, my man, all right?
Check it out here. Ready?
Keep your eyes on it.
That's awesome.
Hey, hey.
Maybe we should go.
No, baby, those people
are idiots, okay?
Look, stop worrying and enjoy yourself.
This is good.
All right.
I'm gonna do
one more little,
little something here
to cool down.
Thank you, thank you.
NOAH: Really?
She got to you, too?
You know, I always wondered why no one
ever really thought through this whole
"One of us,
one of them" thing.
I mean, think about it.
Any Evo who
turns on his own...
Can you ever really
trust them?
I trusted you.
And I liked you, Noah.
I still do.
That's why I convinced Erica
that you can still be an asset.
But you're gonna have
to forget a few things first.
Either way, it's copper.
You decide if it's a penny
or a bullet.
I saved
your life in Tulsa
the night that fire starter burned
down the whole neighborhood.
I was there with you
when Gladys left you.
I spent four years
at your side...
Noah, please, please.
Begging doesn't suit you.
Remember what happened
in San Francisco?
San Francisco?
Casper, you don't
have to do this.
You bastard.
I know.
NOAH: Hey, Claire bear.
I thought I'd have time.
I thought we'd have time
to say all the things
that we never said.
All this time
wasted fighting.
For what?
(SOBBING) I'm sorry, Claire.
I'm sorry I couldn't
protect you.
Your children.
Claire, twins.
They're perfect.
And I'm gonna
keep them safe.
I'm sorry we couldn't
save her, Noah.
That we couldn't
save any of them.
What do you mean?
You were there.
You didn't stop it?
I tried.
But there were too many bombs,
too many butterflies.
No matter what I did
to save the summit,
the consequences
were just always worse.
I'm sorry.
It's time for us
to go home.
Goodbye, Claire.
What the...
lt doesn't hurt anymore.
Keep going, Phoebe.
Be the hero
I know you can be.
This is a load-bearing wall.
From here, I can take out
one-fourth of the stadium.
And there are many of us.
All wearing the same vest.
My God.
You'll make history,
Dr. Suresh.
Just not the kind
you intended.
Hey, buddy,
how's it going?
You want me
to freeze something?
Freeze this.
Okay, buddy.
One more for you, all right?
All right.
My balloon!
NOAH: I'm telling you,
she's up to something bad.
Never trusted Erica.
Too much faith in analytics.
Not enough in humanity.
What is that?
Some kind of eclipse?
Not a natural one.
Where's Dennis?
JOANNE: Dennis!
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
We gotta find Claire.
We need to get him
to a hospital.
Let's go back again. We can save Claire.
We can save everybody.
No, fate is fate. That's
been proven once again.
We have already risked too much
meddling with the forces of time.
We have to try.
No, he's right, Noah.
There's no changing this.
Our only hope now is to save
what remains of the future.
What have you seen,
A year from now,
there'll be an event.
An extinction.
Erica knows about this.
That's why she's sending
things to the future.
And she knows that Claire's child is
the only one capable of stopping it.
Which one?
I don't know.
Maybe both.
ANNE: Sorry, the whole
hospital is in chaos.
They pulled me
from the nursery.
They must be hungry.
Hey, girl.
There you go.
Just, uh, you just put it in your
hand like that and you just,
just like this.
That's perfect.
I'll be back when I can.
This is it.
This is what I made
myself forget.
What are you
talking about?
I hid Claire's children
from Erica.
That's what
I had to forget.
That's why
Molly Walker...
Oh, my God!
You came back
from the future.
Dennis! Dennis!
I'm here, buddy!
I'm here, buddy! Listen to my voice!
It's me!
MICK: Help!
Hey! Hey!
I see you. I see you.
Where are you hurt?
I don't know. It all...
Here we go, here we go.
Up, up, up, up.
It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.
My son, hey. My son,
Dennis, he was with you.
Did you see
where he went?
Not when it happened. I don't know
what happened. Okay, okay, okay.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come on, here we go.
UP. up. Okay. Go, go,
go! go! go; go,
A year from now, Erica's still
looking for Claire's baby,
so I must have done
something right.
Your plan was sound.
We have to hide them.
And I know
the perfect place.
The safest place.
A year from now, Erica will be
looking for a one-year-old baby.
And how old was Claire
when she manifested?
They'll have time
to mature.
They'll be more capable
of stopping this thing!
No, no, no, absolutely not.
It is very dangerous.
Nothing we have done
has worked so far.
Well, maybe we should
try to do something else.
Maybe there's a way to take
Erica out of the equation.
It is about fate.
You do not mess with it.
If it is fated, yes.
You want fate's permission?
My visions are fate.
They're one and the same. These
children will save the world.
I'll go back with them
to take care of them.
But I'm gonna need a ride.
You are crazy.
Okay, hang on, baby.
We're gonna party
like it's 1999.
Hiro, wait.
Claire never got
a chance to name them.
after the son I lost.
And Malina,
after my mother.
Keep them safe.
I'll erase all the
security footage
and no one will ever
know they were here.
I'll be right back, but
remember, do not tempt fate.
No more butterflies.
This is ridiculous.
I'm fine.
We're getting you
looked at.
I need to find Claire.
Where is she?
You see her?
(SIGHS) I'm sorry.
I don't know.
Well, check and see
if they brought her here.
I Will. I Will.
Come on.
JANICE: I'm here at the St-
Jude of Galilee emergency room
with Erica Kravid
from Renautas,
who fought so long and hard to bring
the world together for this summit.
Tell us, Erica,
after today's tragedy,
what future do you see
for human-Evo relations?
ERICA: Janice...
People say there is
no such thing as
absolute evil, that villainy
always has a point of view,
but I look around at the pain and the
destruction caused by this horrific act,
and I don't agree.
There is evil.
There is villainy.
And there
must be justice.
LUKE: Hey, hey, hey. Listen,
listen, listen, listen.
I talked to the EMTs, okay? They're
still searching for survivors,
and they will be
all night long.
He could be
out there, Luke.
Hurt, alone...
I know, I know,
and I would be out there, too,
right now if I could,
but they said
it's too dangerous.
I'm not allowed to be
out there anymore, okay?
We cannot leave
here without him.
I know. I know. We're not.
ANNE: I should be back
in an hour. Thanks.
Sorry I'm late, hon,
but I, I...
I told you it was gonna be a
madhouse at the hospital.
I just came home
to shower and change.
I, uh, wasn't sure
you wanted to celebrate,
today of all days,
but, okay.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Thanks, Mom.
I can't believe
how fast time flies.
That it's starting.
It'll be all right.
I'm ready.
I promise.
And Dad taught me
everything he knows.
He did.
I love you, Nathan.
I'm heading back to
Primatech for photo ops.
You stay and look for
any sign of Claire Bennet.
Where's the car?
Level one.
JANICE: Only moments ago,
our station received
a part of a dramatic video
apparently made by...
Do me a favor.
Get me some water?
NOAH: Previously
on Heroes Reborn...
You wiped my memory.
You needed to forget.
What did I need to forget?
Not what. Who.
NOAH: You're the only one
who can tell me
what really happened
on June 13th.
Save the future.
It's not working!
I can't use my powers.
What are you doing?
If you wanna do it, do it.
None of this would have happened if you
hadn't convinced me to take Dennis.
NOAH: Erica Kravid slaughtered 1000s on
June 13th, the day my daughter died.
HIRO: I will
take you back, Noah.
So you have a plan?
You know I do.
RICHARD: With the
magnetic poles reversing,
we are going
to be defenseless
against solar radiation.
Starting over
is never pretty.
Claire never made it
to the summit.
I know she died at St. Jude
Hospital here in Odessa,
but I don't know
what time she...
I don't know
how long I have.
Then we must
work quickly.
How do we stop
the explosion?
Well, based on the size and the
trajectory of the explosions,
there were at least six
separate bombs, maybe more,
all detonated simultaneously
and we have to find them.
And what time
was the explosion?
11 :14, which means all
these people are gonna die.
Maybe we don't
find the bombs.
Maybe we call in a bomb
threat and warn them.
No, I told you. We must try
not to step on butterflies.
We must find the
smallest thread to pull,
the one that
unravels the least.
The smallest thread.
We only have three hours.
Then I've gotta get to the
hospital before Claire.
Nice threads.
Have you seen Claire?
Well, she got in early
at the east gate.
She's here?
She wanted to keep a low profile,
so she didn't check in, but...
You're gonna
want to see her.
I've gotta find her.
ANGELA: Hello, Mohinder.
What is it you couldn't tell
me on the phone, Angela?
We have made
a terrible mistake
getting into bed with Erica
Kravid and Renautas.
Maybe you have. Renautas has been
funding my research for four years.
Primatech never did.
Primatech is Renautas
and vice versa.
I sold her my company
because she had
a visionary plan
to save the world from
a catastrophic event.
You know about the HELE?
The Human Extinction
Level Event.
The earth's magnetic
poles reversing,
solar flares radiating
the earth.
Gruesome stuff you've discovered
up there in the Arctic.
This is my research.
This is classified!
Where did you get this?
I've gone to great lengths to make
Erica believe we're still partners,
but I am telling you...
Her plan, such as it is,
is to let the HELE come.
That's absurd.
She hired me to find a
solution and I did.
It's the Evos...
Otherwise, everyone
on the planet would die.
Not everyone.
And Erica will choose
who survives.
She's been
planning it for years.
You're telling me that she knew
all this before she hired me?
Yes, because I told her!
I had one
of my visions.
And as you know, my
visions always come true.
Fire from the sky,
boiling oceans,
land incinerated,
earth destroyed, toxic.
Game over.
For all of us.
But my vision
also showed me
the Evos who can save us.
And you told her that, too.
I thought if I did,
we could revise the plan and
save everyone, but she...
She used me, Mohinder.
You have to believe me.
Why would I?
You've been a snake in the
grass since I've known you.
You have no proof
of any of this!
Your team in the Arctic
was murdered this morning.
They were gunned down, their
bodies buried in the snow,
and all evidence
of your research erased.
I don't know what you have to gain
by telling these lies, Angela.
Come to the press
with me.
We need
to warn the world.
lam warning the world.
I'm giving a speech today as Erica's
personal guest at the summit.
There will be a last-minute
change in schedule.
She will
apologize politely,
and you will be
escorted out and shot.
I'm warning you, Mohinder!
If she gets to them first,
Erica will kill the Evos
who can save us.
Wait, who is this?
Wait here.
RICHARD: She's nervous.
She should be.
The fate of
the entire world
depends on us
getting this right today.
I'm thinking maybe a little more
carrot than stick might be in order.
Or not.
It's almost time, Phoebe.
I've never made
this much darkness before.
ERICA: It has to cover
the entire summit.
What if I don't
have the strength?
Then I suggest
you find it.
Or that brother that's
been looking for you?
When the world ends,
he's going to burn
right along with it.
Do we understand each other?
Keep going.
Dennis, what's happened?
Come here. (SIGHS)
You all right?
Let me see.
DENNIS: I was playing.
I didn't know my hand
was in the light.
I just want to be normal.
Mmm, it's okay.
Doesn't look too bad.
I'll go and get
the medicine.
Buddy, buddy.
Come on, you know the deal.
Sunlight is
dangerous for you.
You have to be
more careful.
How many times have we talked
about this, a hundred?
I'm Super Dennis!
(LAUGHS) You're getting too
big and I'm getting too old.
All right,
come on, Super Dennis.
Let's get you fixed up.
Oh, that's not too bad. We've
seen worse than that, haven't we?
Trade you.
You know,
you guys should
come and see all of these incredible Evos.
They are everywhere.
It is amazing.
Some of 'em can fly.
Ooh. Some of 'em can
teleport, justHke,poofl
they're somewhere else.
Some of 'em can read minds.
Some of them can
regenerate skin.
No joke. (STAMMERS)
They can grow back limbs.
Okay. They can heal themselves.
There you go. All better.
So what?
We're just gonna pay them?
We're gonna beg them?
It's not like someone with a power can
just inject him with a vaccine, Luke.
We don't know that.
I'm just worried that
we're giving him false hope.
Isn't some hope better
than no hope at all?
This is happening. These
people have real powers.
And they're right in front of us
right now and I do have hope.
I have hope that at least
one of these people
can do something to help
him live a better life.
He only identifies with Evos because
you keep telling him he's special...
He is special.
He's not, Luke.
Solar urticaria isn't just, just like
a power you can turn on and off.
DENNIS: I hear
you guys arguing.
We're not arguing, honey, we're
just having a discussion.
DENNIS: Same difference.
How's our head count?
Uh, it's good.
Check-in's almost complete,
all the delegates
have arrived.
Well, we're still waiting
on a few keynote speakers.
Are you having
a senior moment?
I just told you,
she's here.
She's here? Where?
Like I said before, she's keeping
a low profile. Oh, that's great.
Did you change?
What about, uh,
Hiro Nakamura?
What, did you lose him?
He was just here.
Hey, um, Stevens,
when I checked,
there was no security
detail in the garage.
What's going on?
(SIGHS) We pulled them.
We put all the guards
on the west entrance.
Who the hell
gave that order?
Erica Kravid.
NOAH: This is the only
place left Claire could be.
She used to come here sometimes
after school and do her homework.
Don't worry, Noah.
We'll find her.
Let's get to work.
My security briefing
for the summit.
The explosion was centered
in the underground garage.
Whoever placed the bombs
bypassed security,
and then set the charges
here, here, and here,
which took out
the support beams.
If we could get to these three...
Over there
right away.
Over here.
Oh, like Harry Potter.
Give us a moment.
You touched base
with Claire?
NOAH: Why did you go behind my
back and rearrange security?
Noah, you're overthinking.
You left half
the building unguarded.
I ran a dozen scenarios.
I covered
every entry point.
Have you even read
my briefing?
We're covered.
Our security is
the best there is.
Stop worrying and enjoy this.
You should be out there
celebrating with your daughter,
who I look forward
to meeting.
You seem very interested
in my daughter.
Well, she is the one who
started this whole thing
when she jumped off that
Ferris wheel in New York.
Humanity has taken a
backseat to Evos ever since.
Evos are humanity, Erica. That's the
whole point of this summit, isn't it?
To remind us that evolved
humans are still human.
Evolution is great
when it's controlled.
Random evolution,
not so much.
I thought you of all people
would understand that.
Living with one of them under
your own roof for so many years.
You sound like
a bigot, Erica.
I'm a businesswoman
and a pragmatist.
Renautas has plans,
big plans
that are going
to change the world.
Bis plans, huh?
I want you by my side
because you're smart.
So I'm gonna pull you
off the field for a beat,
put you on the bench.
The bench?
Please escort Mr. Bennet downstairs,
where I think he'll be more comfortable.
Oh, you've gotta
be kidding. Ow!
Don't worry.
When I see Claire,
I'll tell her
you've been detained.
You'll never get
your hands on her.
Noah, don't! You are
not thinking clearly.
We don't know
what happens to him, me.
The other Noah
will be fine.
Otherwise, you wouldn't
be here, right?
Oh, Noah, thank God.
It's Claire.
What? Where, where is she?
A nurse from St. Jude's Hospital called.
She had Claire's phone and...
And what? ls she alive?
All they'd tell me is that she
was rushed from here to the ER.
She's in surgery.
This time, you save the cheerleader.
I will stop the bomb.
I'm looking for my
daughter, Claire Bennet.
Mr. Bennet.
Please tell me
we got here in time.
What's happened?
Where is she?
I'm sorry. We tried
everything that we could.
We were able to
save the children.
Your daughter
died in childbirth.
Ned, it's me again.
Listen, give me
a call when you can.
I just want to make sure
you and the team are okay.
Haven't heard back from you.
I'm getting a little worried.
Anyway, just call me.
Mohinder, you ready?
Excited for
the big speech?
What's wrong?
I'm trying to reach my research
team, but they won't answer.
Do me a favor.
Take this.
"Escalating Evolution
by Mohinder Suresh."
First copy.
Just keep that.
Okay? In case
anything should, um...
I'm sure it's nothing.
Dr. Suresh,
we've been looking for you.
Miss Kravid
would like a moment.
I should, uh...
Don't worry about it. I'll
see you after the speech.
Hello, Erica.
Mohinder, dear.
How are you?
Well, I think.
A little nervous
about my speech,
but anxious to let the
world know about the HELE.
Yes, about that.
I'm afraid there's been
a change in the schedule.
You won't be speaking
today after all.
You're going to bury my research,
and you've had my team murdered.
Is that all true?
You allow this
HELE to happen,
and the only thing you'll be
creating is man's extinction.
I have a plan.
Sad to say
it does not include you.
ERICA: Get him to the garage.
I've watched Claire die half a
dozen times and always regenerate.
There has to be a way.
The babies,
they're important.
I had a vision
about them, a prophecy.
Mr. Bennet?
Dr. Roberts.
Yes, the nurse said you
wanted to speak with me.
Yeah, it's my daughter, Claire Bennet.
I need to see her.
We're still
assessing the...
I'm afraid
that's not protocol.
Please, please, there's a spot
right behind her head here.
If it's blocked,
it'll interrupt her power.
Cause of death
was cardiac arrest
due to a traumatic seizure
during childbirth.
You don't understand,
I need to see her!
Mr. Bennet,
would you like to see
your grandchildren?
They have their
mother's eyes.
They're perfect.
Where are you going, Noah?
I have to see her.
I have to see for myself.
HARRIS: When this place blows
up, they'll never find you.
Don't bother trying
to use your power.
You can't.
What? Surprised to see me?
You're supposed to be
in the Eternal Fortress.
Plans changed.
Never bring your fists
to a sword fight.
Think again. SURESH: Careful,
Hiro, he has a bomb!
Ya ta!
(SIGHS) Hiro.
You got those two?
Of course, go!
Great Scott. How many
of you are there?
As many as are necessary.
You can't stop us
on your own, Nakamura.
Actually, I can.
But I must know
what happens if I do.
Too many butterflies.
Come on, Dad.
Okay, all right, all right.
There's a guy
doing tricks with ice.
Sorry, sorry. Excuse us.
Excuse us. Sorry.
Here we got something special
for you too, my man, all right?
Check it out here. Ready?
Keep your eyes on it.
That's awesome.
Hey, hey.
Maybe we should go.
No, baby, those people
are idiots, okay?
Look, stop worrying and enjoy yourself.
This is good.
All right.
I'm gonna do
one more little,
little something here
to cool down.
Thank you, thank you.
NOAH: Really?
She got to you, too?
You know, I always wondered why no one
ever really thought through this whole
"One of us,
one of them" thing.
I mean, think about it.
Any Evo who
turns on his own...
Can you ever really
trust them?
I trusted you.
And I liked you, Noah.
I still do.
That's why I convinced Erica
that you can still be an asset.
But you're gonna have
to forget a few things first.
Either way, it's copper.
You decide if it's a penny
or a bullet.
I saved
your life in Tulsa
the night that fire starter burned
down the whole neighborhood.
I was there with you
when Gladys left you.
I spent four years
at your side...
Noah, please, please.
Begging doesn't suit you.
Remember what happened
in San Francisco?
San Francisco?
Casper, you don't
have to do this.
You bastard.
I know.
NOAH: Hey, Claire bear.
I thought I'd have time.
I thought we'd have time
to say all the things
that we never said.
All this time
wasted fighting.
For what?
(SOBBING) I'm sorry, Claire.
I'm sorry I couldn't
protect you.
Your children.
Claire, twins.
They're perfect.
And I'm gonna
keep them safe.
I'm sorry we couldn't
save her, Noah.
That we couldn't
save any of them.
What do you mean?
You were there.
You didn't stop it?
I tried.
But there were too many bombs,
too many butterflies.
No matter what I did
to save the summit,
the consequences
were just always worse.
I'm sorry.
It's time for us
to go home.
Goodbye, Claire.
What the...
lt doesn't hurt anymore.
Keep going, Phoebe.
Be the hero
I know you can be.
This is a load-bearing wall.
From here, I can take out
one-fourth of the stadium.
And there are many of us.
All wearing the same vest.
My God.
You'll make history,
Dr. Suresh.
Just not the kind
you intended.
Hey, buddy,
how's it going?
You want me
to freeze something?
Freeze this.
Okay, buddy.
One more for you, all right?
All right.
My balloon!
NOAH: I'm telling you,
she's up to something bad.
Never trusted Erica.
Too much faith in analytics.
Not enough in humanity.
What is that?
Some kind of eclipse?
Not a natural one.
Where's Dennis?
JOANNE: Dennis!
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
We gotta find Claire.
We need to get him
to a hospital.
Let's go back again. We can save Claire.
We can save everybody.
No, fate is fate. That's
been proven once again.
We have already risked too much
meddling with the forces of time.
We have to try.
No, he's right, Noah.
There's no changing this.
Our only hope now is to save
what remains of the future.
What have you seen,
A year from now,
there'll be an event.
An extinction.
Erica knows about this.
That's why she's sending
things to the future.
And she knows that Claire's child is
the only one capable of stopping it.
Which one?
I don't know.
Maybe both.
ANNE: Sorry, the whole
hospital is in chaos.
They pulled me
from the nursery.
They must be hungry.
Hey, girl.
There you go.
Just, uh, you just put it in your
hand like that and you just,
just like this.
That's perfect.
I'll be back when I can.
This is it.
This is what I made
myself forget.
What are you
talking about?
I hid Claire's children
from Erica.
That's what
I had to forget.
That's why
Molly Walker...
Oh, my God!
You came back
from the future.
Dennis! Dennis!
I'm here, buddy!
I'm here, buddy! Listen to my voice!
It's me!
MICK: Help!
Hey! Hey!
I see you. I see you.
Where are you hurt?
I don't know. It all...
Here we go, here we go.
Up, up, up, up.
It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.
My son, hey. My son,
Dennis, he was with you.
Did you see
where he went?
Not when it happened. I don't know
what happened. Okay, okay, okay.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come on, here we go.
UP. up. Okay. Go, go,
go! go! go; go,
A year from now, Erica's still
looking for Claire's baby,
so I must have done
something right.
Your plan was sound.
We have to hide them.
And I know
the perfect place.
The safest place.
A year from now, Erica will be
looking for a one-year-old baby.
And how old was Claire
when she manifested?
They'll have time
to mature.
They'll be more capable
of stopping this thing!
No, no, no, absolutely not.
It is very dangerous.
Nothing we have done
has worked so far.
Well, maybe we should
try to do something else.
Maybe there's a way to take
Erica out of the equation.
It is about fate.
You do not mess with it.
If it is fated, yes.
You want fate's permission?
My visions are fate.
They're one and the same. These
children will save the world.
I'll go back with them
to take care of them.
But I'm gonna need a ride.
You are crazy.
Okay, hang on, baby.
We're gonna party
like it's 1999.
Hiro, wait.
Claire never got
a chance to name them.
after the son I lost.
And Malina,
after my mother.
Keep them safe.
I'll erase all the
security footage
and no one will ever
know they were here.
I'll be right back, but
remember, do not tempt fate.
No more butterflies.
This is ridiculous.
I'm fine.
We're getting you
looked at.
I need to find Claire.
Where is she?
You see her?
(SIGHS) I'm sorry.
I don't know.
Well, check and see
if they brought her here.
I Will. I Will.
Come on.
JANICE: I'm here at the St-
Jude of Galilee emergency room
with Erica Kravid
from Renautas,
who fought so long and hard to bring
the world together for this summit.
Tell us, Erica,
after today's tragedy,
what future do you see
for human-Evo relations?
ERICA: Janice...
People say there is
no such thing as
absolute evil, that villainy
always has a point of view,
but I look around at the pain and the
destruction caused by this horrific act,
and I don't agree.
There is evil.
There is villainy.
And there
must be justice.
LUKE: Hey, hey, hey. Listen,
listen, listen, listen.
I talked to the EMTs, okay? They're
still searching for survivors,
and they will be
all night long.
He could be
out there, Luke.
Hurt, alone...
I know, I know,
and I would be out there, too,
right now if I could,
but they said
it's too dangerous.
I'm not allowed to be
out there anymore, okay?
We cannot leave
here without him.
I know. I know. We're not.
ANNE: I should be back
in an hour. Thanks.
Sorry I'm late, hon,
but I, I...
I told you it was gonna be a
madhouse at the hospital.
I just came home
to shower and change.
I, uh, wasn't sure
you wanted to celebrate,
today of all days,
but, okay.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Thanks, Mom.
I can't believe
how fast time flies.
That it's starting.
It'll be all right.
I'm ready.
I promise.
And Dad taught me
everything he knows.
He did.
I love you, Nathan.
I'm heading back to
Primatech for photo ops.
You stay and look for
any sign of Claire Bennet.
Where's the car?
Level one.
JANICE: Only moments ago,
our station received
a part of a dramatic video
apparently made by...
Do me a favor.
Get me some water?