Hellcats (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 3 - Beale St. After Dark - full transcript

Savannah is nervous about her first date with Dan so Marti, Lewis and the rest of the Hellcats team accompany her on their date which ends in disaster. Meanwhile, Marti tries to impress her law professor Julian in the hopes of joining his legal team but he doubts she can balance both her studies and cheerleading. Desperate to get her spot back, Alice turns to pills to kill the pain so she can get medically approved to re-join the team. Vanessa decides to come clean with Derrick about her affair with Red.

Mom, what is this? It says
my scholarship was canceled.

You're applying for a scholarship?

I have one now. For cheerleading.

Hello, Marti. Welcome to Cheertown.

Ah, Vanessa. I'm sure you remember
the famous coach Red Raymond.

Just so we're clear,
I have a boyfriend.

Things change.
Hi, I'm Vanessa Lodge.

My girlfriend.

Nice to meet you.

Tighten up!

6 weeks?

I'll miss qualifiers.

Lewis asked Vanessa if he could
make you his permanent flyer.

What about alice?
Weren't they, like, a thing?

The squad comes first.

Hey, savannah, you
want to go out with me?

Ok, yeah.

Hellcats - S01E03 Beale St.
After Dark

♪ yeah, yeah ♪

♪ my friends say I'm crazy ♪

♪ they all try to save me ♪

♪ there is nothing they can do... ♪

You gotta be kidding me.

They work just as hard
as the volleyball team.

♪ not even worth ignoring ♪

♪ it's just what I'm addicted to ♪

♪ whoo! ♪ ♪ hey! Hey! ♪

♪ it's like boom... ♪ ♪ hey! Hey! ♪


I bought this for my date with dan.

What does this dress say?

"back off. This is
my street corner."

What? Really?

no, I'm kidding. You look hot.

Why are you asking me, anyways?

Well, he's your friend,
and I want it to go well.

Believe it or not, I don't
get asked out that much.

Well, you'd never know it
from your streetwise cool.

Marti, come on.
This is my first secular date.

I'm used to group dates
stage-managed by my church.

I'm sorry. It's just-- it's weird--

I mean, you dating
dan of all people.

All people?

All people-
what does that even mean?

Well, for one thing, he's
big and you're little.

I mean, you two could be
russian nesting dolls.

But mostly, he's...

He's a player.

You're not the kind
of girl he dates.

What kind of girl does he date?

Party girls, hookups.

You're relationship material.
He's not used to that.

Marti, why are you
being so negative?

Do you have a thing for dan? What?

Because if you do,
I'll back off. No.

I don't want to create
drama within the squad. No.

Dan and I are just buds.

I mean, we're friends.
You know? That's it.

Look, I'm just saying manage
your expectations. You know?

I know the guy.

Well, thanks for the advice...

Warning... Whatever that was.


Get out here now, guys.
Vanessa's calling an emergency meeting.

Gather up, hellcats.

The university is pulling
our funding for regionals.

Lewis: What? Why? What?

We just qualified.
The girl's volleyball team

Also qualified in their league.

The school was paying
to send us and not them.

The ladies didn't
think that was fair,

And they're filing a
lawsuit against the school.

I hate them, but that is genius.

The ncaa recognizes
volleyball as a sport.

Cheerleading, not so much.

The university is looking
to avoid a legal fight,

And so they are reallocating
our funding to volleyball.

So, we can't move
to the next level?

We qualified, so we're free to go,

Providing that we can
figure out how to pay

For our away uniforms,
entrance fees, travel.

If we foot the bill ourselves,

It breaks down to about 10 grand.

Oh, my gosh.

So, that's it? We're done?

Oh, we're never done.

We're just moving on to plan "b".

There are 2 ways to
get to nationals.

We can go step-by-step through
regionals and sectionals,

All the way to nationals,
building our routines.

Or...Since we don't
have the money we need,

The second option is
to submit a bid video

Directly to the
national organization.

The competition's a lot stiffer.

But if we win a bid, the national
organization pays our full freight.

Well, if it's free, why didn't we
just do that in the first place?

Well, because of you. Alice...

It's the truth.

Vanessa is afraid to put an
inexperienced flyer like you on video

Up against the best
stunters in the nation.

Wow. Ok.

Hey, look, we all have
total faith in you, Marti.

And may I remind everyone
that if it wasn't for Marti,

We would not have
won at qualifiers.

Exactly. Yes. Marti! Whoo!


Come on, we all know
we're just marking time

Until my wrist healed enough for me to
come back and take back my rightful spot.

Ok, it sucks to be sidelined with an injury.
I know, and I'm sorry.

But your wrist needs time to heal.

My wrist is fine.
It doesn't even hurt anymore.

If we're shooting a video,
you need me on that mat.

You guys, tell her.

Marti: Hey, um, look.

I know this is the worst possible
timing, but I can't be late

For this seminar again.
Guys, I'm sorry.

Alice, you are a treat as always.

Glad the wrist injury
didn't affect your claws.

She's not even a real hellcat.
She is just using us

To pay for her law classes.

The sooner I'm back on
the mat, the better.

Julian: Oh, ms. Perkins.

In a court of law, what happens
when one party is late?

The, um, late party
is held in contempt.

That's correct.

But that's not the real punishment.

Does anyone know what
the real punishment is?

Mr. Pepper.

The judge and jury,

Those who dictate the
outcome of your case,

They won't take you seriously.

Thank you, mr. Pepper.
In the american justice system,

Perception is realital

Please stop speaking, mr.
Pepper. Yes.

Have a seat.

As I was saying, there are
2 types of litigators--

Rich ones who rack
up the billable hours

And those with a soft
spot for lost causes--

The kind of cases no one
else is willing to touch

And who find themselves
teaching at lancer

To pay their rent. Ha!

Now, I have taken on
yet another lost cause,

A man who has been
sentenced to life in prison

For a minor burglary.

And we are gonna get him out.

So, I need 2 pre-law
students to help me

With research and
interviews and legwork.

So, sign your names
for consideration.

You know, harvard and yale law,

They love to see those kind of
side projects on a transcript.

But beware. This is not easy.

You will work harder
than you ever have.

And if there's any blood,
sweat, or tears left at the end,

You're not doing it right.

It'll be the worst
time of your life.

But it'll also be the best.

So, if you are not serious...

Do not bother.

Ow, ow, ow.

I'm coming down.

You shouldn't be on
your wrist like that.

Let's go again. I think you guys

Should call it a day.

She's right. I can get this.

I need to be ready for
the bid video. Come on.

Is this really about the bid video?

Or is it about lewis?

Lewis? No.

You're pushing yourself because
you wanna be his flyer again.

ok. You're talking crap.

Dr. Derrick is not gonna
clear you with a bum wrist.

My wrist is fine.


If you can't fool me, how
are you gonna fool a doctor?

Alice: Hey, jake.

♪ somehow I can ♪

♪ get out... ♪

Hello, darlin'.

Lewis know you're here?

Lewis and I broke up. Huh.

You know, I never understood
what you saw in him, anyway.

What happened between you guys?

You used to be all judd
apatow for each other,

And then one day, boom, you
suddenly hate each other's guts.

Yeah, well, he abandoned his team.
He's a traitor.

Nothing much else to say.

Boys and their secrets.


I need your help. Mm-hmm.

I have to pass medical.

How long ago did you injure it?
A few weeks.

I'm about a month out
from unassisted recovery.

I don't have that kind of time.

Ok. Well, I can get you oxy
and vikes for the pain,

But you're gonna want hgh as well.

It'll cut the healing time in half,

And you can practice
in the meantime. Oh.

What's it gonna cost me?

Oh, alice. I don't know.

Let's meet up later tonight
and figure something out.

Sounds like a plan. Yeah?

I'll text you and let
you know where I'll be.

The third circuit ruled the three
strikes law unconstitutional

Because it resulted in cruel
and unusual punishment.

Butters had already
served 6 years--

Why not just overturn the law?

Three strikes laws are
political plutonium.

Nobody wants to be accused
of going easy on a criminal,

So nobody attacks
the larger issue--

That these laws are
fundamentally unconstitutional.

You're quoting me.

"university of chicago
law review," volume 634.

Look, clearly, you've
done your homework.

And I want to thank
you for your time.

That's it?

Did I do something wrong?

Your answers are
acceptable, ms. Perkins.

Your grades are good. You're solid.

But I need serious and
committed students,

Not cheerleaders.

The only reason I'm a cheerleader
is because I need the scholarship.

I don't care why.
The point is, you're overextended.

I see you sliding into my
class at the last minute.

You got bags under your eyes.

Placing you on my team
would be an enormous risk.

And this case is too
important for that.

A man's freedom is on the line.

I can make the time.

If I have to, I'll cut back on
eating, sleeping, and showering.

I promise I will work 24/7,
and I will impress you.

I will give you one chance.

It's a side assignment, but you
gotta keep it confidential.

All right? I don't want
your classmates hounding me.


Before our next class,
I want you to research

"kobayashi vs. Tennessee"

And how it applies to
three strikes laws.

Got it?

I got it.

And do us all a favor.

Keep on showering.

Boy: Thanks, coach.


Are you trying to avoid me?

I forgot my...Whistle.

So, I just went back in to get it.

Why are you lurking
outside my door, anyway?

I'm enjoying all the intrigue,

The skulking around, whispered
conversations in hallways.

Come on. Remember how
much fun nthat used to be?

Is this a game for you?

Asking derrick and me
to have drinks with you,

Sending me roses,
bringing the football team

To cheer for us at qualifiers.

You're the one keeping your boyfriend
in the dark about our history.

Not me.

I was a student having an affair

With a faculty member--

A stupid, immature clichè.

I didn't want derrick
to think any less of me,

So I didn't tell him.

I have another theory.

I think you're not so sure how you
feel about me coming back to lancer.

You're keeping your options open.

You're out of your mind.

You always did play hard to get.

This feels like old times.

What do they call that?

Déjà  vu? Hmm.

I love the french.
They got a name for everything.

Good night.

Good night, coach.

See you tomorrow.

Um, Marti, you busy?

Yeah, I'm tearing my hair out.

My professor gave me
this case to research.

I've searched lexisnexis,
findlaw, law-nex west.

I even called the
district courts. Nothing.

It's like it doesn't exist.

Why? What's up?

I need you to call dan.

Tell him I'm sick and I
can't go out with him.

What? It's not really a lie.

My stomach's been in knots all day.

I thought you were all excited
about the big secular date.

What happened?
Everything you said...

About what a player dan is.

this is because of me?

You're probably right. He's never
gonna be attracted to someone like me.

Ok, look. I have a big mouth,

And I don't always pay attention
to what comes out of it.

It's healthy for you to
get out into the world.

I can't let you blow this off.

It's not your decision.
Well, then let me help you.

But you have to study.

You know what?
I've hit a wall here, anyways.

A break will do me good.

Now, what can we do to
keep you from freaking out?

♪ ooh! ♪

♪ no, no, no, no ♪

♪ no, no, no, no-o-o ♪

♪ ladies, let me see ♪

♪ your hands up in the air... ♪

Hey. How are you? Hi. Good.

Good to see you.
* show 'em what you got *

♪ shake it all around,
shake it all around ♪

♪ you want a little of this... ♪

Hey, guys.

Get the party started. Yeah.

It's about that time.

♪ hey, yo, you want
a little of this? ♪

♪ you want a little,
wanna little of this? ♪

What's this? * come on *

♪ once you think...
♪ brought the whole fam.

All right. * you can't touch it *

You told her I was a player?
I'm sorry.

It was a dumb thing to say. Yeah.

Now I'm on a date
with half the squad.

Look, the girl was
home-schooled. Ok?

Her parents raised her like veal.

The group thing is how her
church used to handle dating.

Well, if the whole gang is
expecting me to put out tonight,

I'm gonna need a bigger backseat.

All right. Behave.
And don't hurt savannah.

Who said anything
about hurting anybody?

It's a simple date.

With cheerleaders,
nothing is simple.


That dress looks
really nice on you.


I like your shirt. It's very blue.

It's a good color, blue.
Do you like colors?

I'm a monochrome guy myself.


I'm sorry. That came
out wrong. It's ok.

I mean, obviously, you'd
like colors, right?

This is a great bar.


That it is.

Ohh. Come on, savannah.

You're an interesting person.
Lighten up.

This is lame. Excuse me.

Uh, can you get that
girl a hurricane, please?

Keep 'em coming.


♪ something like a girl ♪

Hey, doc. This seat taken?

Oh, hey, coach raymond.
Ah, it's all yours.

Call me red.

Where's that pretty
little gal of yours?

Uh, working dinner.

Trying to get some kind of
sponsorship deal for the squad.

Ah, good woman. Smart.

Guess that means you got
time for a beer, then.

Or two.

Or two.

Good. Bartender,

Some medicine for the doctor here.

these are amazing.

You know, I'm not normally
much of a drinker.

You gotta careful
pounding those hurricanes.

Champagne at weddings,
that sort of thing--

They'll sneak up on you.
Oh. This one time,

I went winetasting
with my girlfriend.

And there was an option
to spit in a metal bowl,

That is disgusting. So...

I ended up drinking
5 glasses of wine,

And it was awesome.

I'm sorry, am I talking too much?

Well, I was trying
to meditate, but...

It's ok.

Was that a joke?


It was funny!

I really like you, dan.

I think you're
really, really funny.

And handsome.

You know, I was so scared that
Marti was in love with you

Because you're a player and
she's really cool and strong

And a street dancer, which
is kinda scary but sexy.

Do you think Marti's sexy? I do.

Mmm--I wouldn't have come tonight

If she hadn't talked me into it.

She's so great and supportive.

Uh, yeah, we're gonna take a walk,

Away from the drinks.
You guys want to come?

hell to the yes! Whoo!

Uh, hands. Yeah.
Just work it out. Ahem.

"get that girl a hurricane
and keep 'em coming."

Really. Yeah? Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Derrick: Vanessa?

Hey. Hi.

So, guess who I ran
into at the pub tonight.

Red raymond. You did?

Oh, I was so slick, Vanessa.

I mean, I was so slick
that you actually

Would have been really turned on.

Oh, I'm always turned on by you.


Ok, so listen.

I laid down the groundwork
to get that open spot

For athletic department
staff physician.

I mean, you know, I just
mentioned it in passing,

And he seemed receptive. Honey--

So, I'm gonna swing by
his office tomorrow.



Sit. Please.

There's something I
haven't told you.

And I should have been
up front from the start,

And I'm so sorry.

It sounds serious.

What is it?

10 years ago, when I was a student

And red was on the coaching staff,

We had an affair.

Oh, my god.

The school found out about
it and forced him to resign

To avoid a big scandal.

That's why red left lancer?
Because of you?

Vanessa, why did you pretend like
you didn't even know this guy?

I don't have a good answer.

I basically panicked.

God, I feel like such an idiot--

Kissing the high king's
ring at the pub tonight,

Groveling for a job. I mean, the guy
is probably still laughing at me.

He was asking about you, you know.

Does this guy still have
feelings for you, Vanessa?

It doesn't matter if he does.

Well, that sounds like a yes.

Well, I certainly told him

That I'm not interested.
And I'm not.

You know that.

You do know that, right?

Why did you feel like you
had to lie to me, Vanessa?

I was embarrassed. Ok?

We just moved in together.

We're still unpacking,
for god's sake.

I want you to see
me for who I am now,

Not who I was when I was 19.

Well, apparently, you still have
no problem deceiving people.

Did that make you feel better?

No. No, it didn't.

I'm, um,

I'm gonna go watch
"sportscenter" for a while.

Derrick, I love you.

I love you, too.

Look, the tumblers are outside.

Those moves are so cool.


Dondre. Dude! How's the
tourist take? Good?

We're bringing it. They ain't.

Do you want to help out?

What do you guys think?

Wanna go for it? What do you say?

Whoo! Yeah!


♪ whoa! ♪

♪ another day ♪

♪ I take your pain away ♪

♪ some people talk about ya ♪

♪ like they know all about ya ♪

♪ when you get down,
they doubt ya ♪

♪ and when you dip
it on the scene ♪

♪ yeah, they talkin' 'bout it ♪

♪ 'cause they can't
dip on the scene ♪

♪ whatcha talk about it,
t-t-t-talkin' 'bout it ♪

♪ when you get elevated ♪

♪ they love it or they hate it ♪

♪ you dance up on them haters ♪

♪ keep getting funky on the scene ♪

♪ while they jumpin' round ya ♪

♪ they trying to take
all of your dreams ♪

♪ but you can't allow it ♪

♪ 'cause, baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ whether you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪ t-t-t-tip ♪

♪ on the tightrope ♪

♪ baby, baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪ t-t-t-tip ♪

♪ now let me see you
do the tightrope ♪

♪ yeah! ♪

♪ yeah! Now shout it out! ♪

♪ I tip on alligators ♪

♪ and little rattle snakers ♪

♪ see, I'm another flavor ♪

♪ something like a terminator ♪

♪ ain't no equivocating ♪

♪ I fight for what I believe ♪

♪ why you talkin' 'bout it? ♪

♪ s-s-she's talkin' 'bout it ♪

♪ some callin' me a sinner ♪

♪ some callin' me a winner ♪

♪ I'm callin' you to dinner ♪

♪ and you know
exactly what I mean ♪

♪ yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout you ♪

♪ you can rock or you can leave ♪

♪ watch me tip without you ♪

♪ n-n-now, whether
I'm high or low ♪

♪ baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪ yeah, tip ♪

♪ on the tightrope ♪

♪ baby, baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪
baby, let me see ♪

♪ you tightrope ♪

♪ and I'm still tippin' on it ♪

Whoo! She's good.

Who's that with alice?

You don't recognize
lancer's quarterback?

My vision's a little blurry.

One beer. Come on.

jakey, I think you're adorable.

Mm-hmm. But I am not
gonna hook up with you.

Ohh. Alice, you're killing me.

And after everything
I set you up with?

Lewis wouldn't like it...

If I did this.

What do you think you're doing?

What'd he slip you?
Lewis, let go. Lewis!

What did he slip you?
Let go of my purse!

Lay off her, man. Stop it!

Anybody talking to you?

♪ s-s-she's talkin' 'bout it ♪

♪ some callin' me a sinner ♪

♪ some callin' me a winner ♪

♪ I'm callin' you to dinner ♪

Stop! * and you know
exactly what I mean *

♪ yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout you ♪

♪ you can rock or you can leave ♪

♪ watch me tip without you ♪

♪ n-n-now, whether
I'm high or low ♪

♪ baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪ yeah, tip ♪

♪ on the tightrope ♪

♪ baby, baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ baby, whether
you're high or low ♪

♪ you gotta tip on the tightrope ♪

♪ tip, tip on it ♪ ♪
baby, let me see ♪

♪ you tightrope ♪

♪ and I'm still tippin' on it ♪

Marti! Marti, help!

Come on.

What do we do?

I have no idea.

Not a lot to cheer
about in that cell.

Ohh. My dad is gonna kill me.

The fighting?

No, the fine.

Yeah, well, I could lose
my scholarship over this.


Yup, lancer athletic's
code of conduct.

Well, not to add to
your heap of woe,

But we're here till
we're arraigned,

Which probably won't
happen till Monday.

So... You sure know a lot
about getting arrested.

It's a family knack.

Thank you.


Marti tells me you
used to play football.

Yeah, freshman year.

I loved being on the field, bro--

The strategy, the rush of the
game, of working as a team.

Why'd you quit?

Uh, it was personal reasons.

Like? Like the personal kind.


Uh, lancer football
just wasn't for me, man.

Why'd you switch to cheerleading?

I lost my football scholarship,

Needed a new one.

Plus, I get to look up
girls' skirts all day long.

Ain't nothing wrong with that.


Look, I haven't got to thank you

For jumping in that
fight back there, man.

Hey, look. Where I come from,

You don't jump into a fight
at the drop of a hat,

Nobody bothers to learn your name.

I think you're a
good dude, dan patch.

A good dude whose made some...
Bad decisions about his hair

But, uh, still a
good dude, bro. Ok.


Man: They're right in here, coach.

I do appreciate this, glenn.

Well, anything to help
the boys win next week.

Uh, boys... It's been fun.

But it looks like my ride's here.
So, good night.

Don't be cocky, moron.

Oh. Uh, hey, fellas--

Hi. Has lewis flynn told you all
how he's become a cheerleader now?

Uh-huh. Pompoms and everything.

Lewis, what is your new job called?

Is it catcher or base?

Bottom bitch?
Do you go by bottom bitch?

Keep talking, man. Really.

Did I stutter?

You did not, sir.

good night.

Go, jailbirds!

I see why you quit.

Ok. So, according to this, they
won't be arraigned until Monday.

If we can get them out now,
they won't go into the system.

And lewis keeps his scholarship?

Yeah. That's the theory.

But we need a lawyer, a pit bull.

Now? In the middle of the night?

How do we do that?

Well, I have one idea. Yeah?

Unfortunately, it involves suicide.

That doesn't sound very fun.

Ms. Perkins?

I'm so sorry to be here on your
doorstep at this time of night

When I should be at home studying
for your special law assignment.

Look, I know I'm blowing my shot
at your law clinic as we speak.

But right now, 2 of my
friends are in jail.

One, well, he's gonna
lose his scholarship,

And the other, he
can't afford to pay.

Technically, neither of them
can really afford to pay.

Get to the point.

We need your help.

Sergeant, my name
is julian parrish.

I know who you are.

What brings a big gun like
you down here at this hour?

Well, you have 2 of my
clients locked up in holding.

I think I'd know if I had
a couple of your clients--

Their names are dan
patch and lewis flynn.

Who? Couple of college students.

They were brought in with a
bunch of football players.

Oh, those two.

Well, I didn't realize
they had counsel.

And just to be clear, we haven't
had any football players in here

In lockup. Not--

Are you sure about that?
'cause a bunch of people saw them arrested

Down on beale street
earlier this eveni.

Oh. Well, they were,
uh, material witnesses.

Ah. Well, in that case,

Could I see their
statements, please?

You know, I really don't
have time for this.

All right? We're on
skeleton shift here,

What, with all the
damn budget cutbacks.

Can you come back, uh, uh,

Monday? Hmm?

I'll be here with bells on.

And I want to thank you, sergeant,

From the bottom of my
withered lawyer's heart.

This is gonna be fantastic.

What do you mean?

Well, freeing the football players

While keeping my clients locked up,

That's unequal
protection under the law,

And a violation of
their civil rights.

And civil rights suits,
they get a lot of attention.

Now, that's "burnett" with 2 "ts."

I want to make sure I get your name
right for the press conference.

We're gonna hold it right
out here on the front steps.

But you know what the
best part's gonna be?

Questioning red raymond
himself on the stand

As a hostile witness.

That is unparalleled legal theater.

And all the boosters and
the city fathers will know

That officer "burnett" with 2 "ts"

Is the man that made it all happen.

Ok, counselor.

What do you want?

Marti, hey, look, I owe you

Really huge. Hey, I'm your flyer.

It comes with the job, man.

I'm so sorry about
getting you arrested.

You only got into that fight because
the football player pushed me.

Ah, not your fault I'm a born hero.

I'm also sorry about
acting like such a freak.

Clearly I had nothing
to be nervous about.

Well, not nothing. I do have a
certain street cred to maintain.

Stop making jokes.

I'm trying to thank you
for being so sweet.

So...Thank you.

You're welcome.

Somebody's gotta hold
her hair. She's--

No. I'll do it, man.

If you see her getting sick,
it will scar her for life.

I'll call a cab.

Lewis: Good man.

Oh, hey. Thank you so much.

I'm so sorry to drag you
down here like this.

I hope you at least
learned something.

I learned the cops around
here have no problem lying.

Everyone lies.

That's my first rule for
successful litigation--

You look for the lie, and
you make it work for you.

I won't ever forget it. It's 6 a.M.

Stop kissing my ass.

Start thinking about the
assignment I gave you.


Your back hurt? Yeah, I just

Slept on it wrong.

No one forced you to
sleep on the sofa.

Sit down.

And for the record,

I happened to fall
asleep on the sofa.

I wasn't--

You know, I wasn't trying
to make a statement.

You kinda were.
Well, maybe a little one.

Can we talk about it?

Last night, when I was sitting
there on the sofa stewing,

I actually started to wonder
if we had made a mistake

Moving in together so fast.

No. We did not make a mistake.

I hope not.

But what does it say
about our relationship

That you actually felt like
you had to keep this from me?

It says I messed up.

Like I said, I'm sorry.

But what was so awful, Vanessa?

College girls hook up with
older men all the time. Right?

So, what makes this one time
so horribly embarrassing?

He had a wife. Emily.


So, how did it happen? The affair.

Do you really want to know? Yeah.

Yeah, I want to know.
It had a big effect on your life.

I should know this stuff.

well, we'd been
flirting for a while.

And one night, I'm walking by his
office, and I stick my head in.

And he's going over tapes
of high-school seniors

Who are applying for
football scholarships.

And I'm there, and he
opens a bottle of wine.

And...One thing leads
to another. And...

So, how did it end?

It ended...

The night I finally met emily.

The wife? Yeah.

We were about a year
into our affair,

And it was at some sort of dinner
for the athletic department.

And...I didn't realize
who she was at first.

She was...

Talking about wanting kids, and...

She was really nice,

And then red walked
up and kissed her.

And that's when everything
just came crashing down

Like a ton of bricks-- I mean,

All the guilt...

Over what I had been doing.

Did you break it off?

I did, but it was too late.

The university found out that
red was sleeping with a student.

And bill marsh covered it up,
but he forced red to resign.

And...Emily left him.

I ruined red's life.
Oh, hold on, Vanessa.

Red knew exactly what
he was doing. Ok?

Now, he was in a position
of responsibility,

And you were nothing
more than a student.

Well, he was 25.

He was 6 years older than me.
We were kids...

Stupid, reckless kids.

And we hurt a woman
who didn't deserve it.

So, now you know.

I do.

Do you really think we made a
mistake moving in together?


Not even close.

Good morning, darlin'.

what's wrong, sugar?

This special assignment
my law professor gave me.

It's for a court case that doesn't exist.
I've been looking all weekend.

Ohh. Well, I guess law classes
have everyone workin' overtime.

What do you mean?

That hottie over there.

Um, yeah, rule one-
never refer to anyone

I have classes with as a "hottie."

Rule 2--never use
the word "hottie."

Ah. Hmm.


Uh, you're morgan, right?


We're in parrish's
law seminar together.

Oh, wow. What's the big secret?


I'm working on a private
assignment for julian.

Oh, well, yay for you.

And I seriously doubt he
lets you call him julian.

By any chance is your
special assignment

"kobayashi vs. Tennessee"?

How could you possibly know that?

That sneaky bastard.

Did he ask you to look it up,
you know, keep it a secret?

Yeah. Was it after disparaging you

For being overextended?
He disparaged me,

But not for being overextended.

He called me off-putting. Hmm.

He said my face was "punchable."

He was kidding, obviously.

So, he made us all
feel like failures

And then gave us one
chance to redeem ourselves.

Basically, it's an impossible
assignment because there's no such case.

Ohh. Duh.

It's kobayashi maru.

Huh? Kobayashi maru.
From "star trek."

The tv show? Uhh. Yes.

And successful film franchise.

85 million opening weekend? Hello?

Why would you know that?
The kobayashi maru scenario

Is a test that starfleet
academy gives its cadets.

It's an impossible task,

To see how you deal
with failure. Why?

Because only through failure
is true character revealed.

See, I don't do failure.

Morgan, you wanna
help me kick some ass?

How do you mean, exactly?

♪ all right ♪

♪ well, take a chance
and let me make you ♪

♪ all mine ♪

♪ 'cause it don't
matter if it takes us ♪

♪ all night ♪

♪ well, maybe love
can start like this ♪

♪ light a spark
with just one kiss ♪

♪ let's roll the dice
and let it ride ♪

♪ yeah ♪

Hopefully all of you realize

That the interview
wasn't just an interview.

It was a test-
a test of character.

And what I hoped was to see
how you note-taking drones

React when faced with
an impossible task.

Who would rise to the challenge?

Who of you could surprise me?

Actually, "kobayashi vs.
Tennessee" does exist.

Yeah. Surprise.

No, I invented it.
Kobayashi isn't a real name.

It's a reference to a fictional--

Yeah, yeah. "star trek
," 85 million opening,

Nerds rule the earth. Mm-hmm.

You two created a case called "
kobayashi vs. Tennessee."

We reprogrammed the scenario,
just like jim kirk.

We filed it on behalf of charlie
kobayashi of hickory withe, tennessee.

Hickory withe needs street lamps,

And mr. Kobayashi has
taken up the cause.

You lied about the case, and
we made the lie work for us.

To be clear,

What you did was not the
conduct of a proper lawyer.

And I hate proper lawyers.

You're in.

My law clinic starts Monday.

You just...

Yeah. Ok.


Give them to me.

Give what to you?

The drugs. I saw jake
give them to you.

Well, you saw wrong.

Every single one of those
guys is on something,

And I know you've been
practicing with a hurt wrist.

So, what did he give you? Hmm?

Hgh? Steroids, alice?

Painkillers? What? Oh.

So, all of a sudden, you care.

We may not be together, but that doesn't
mean I want to see bad things happen to you.

Ok? Now, trouble follows jake.

You should really
steer clear of him.

So, you do care.

Good to know.