Gunsmoke (1955–1975): Season 2, Episode 11 - No Indians - full transcript

Matt strongly suspects that it is actually white men who are responsible for a murderous series of 'Indian raids' that have terrorized prairie-dwelling families.


Starring James Arness
as Matt Dillon.

Morning, Doc.
Where you going?


Nowhere? Well, what are
you doing out here

on the street for then?

Well, I'm looking around
here for dead bodies.

I thought I might be able
to pick an autopsy fee.

Oh, Doc.

Well, you asked the question.

Well, I was raised
to be sociable.

Well, don't waste it
on me this morning.


Hey, there's
Arie O'Dell.


Oh, yeah.
That's Arie.

That's that little filly
you've been trying to deal for.

Yeah. What?

Oh, Doc.
Shame on you.

You oughtn't to talk
about Arie like that.

About A-

Che- I'm talking about
that little mare right there.

Doc, I thought
that you...

Oh, spare me, young fool,
blind in love.

Oh. Oh, no,
no, Doc.

No, I ain't
in love.

You're not? Well, you better
not be. Not with her.

'Cause her father
is a blacksmith,

and he'd break you in two.


I- I've seen you
standing here, Arie.

You waved to me.

Yeah. The, uh-

Uh, well, me and Doc
was walking up the street-

I don't know
where he went he-

I know.

Uh, when are you...

gonna go fishing
with me, Arie?

Well, um...

I'm afraid
to go, Chester.




Well, haven't
you heard?

About the Pawnees
out raiding?

Oh, well, Arie, they're way out
on the prairie somewhere.

They wouldn't hurt us none.

I'd hate to be captured
by the Pawnee.

Oh, Arie, you got nothin'
to worry about.

Why, I'd fight them
Pawnees for you.

I'd- I'd- I'd kill
every one of 'em.

Would you, Chester?

Oh, I tell you, Arie,

it'd be
a sight to behold.

I'd fight them Pawnees
while I was a-dying.


Arie, I wouldn't let
no Pawnees get you.

Why, I'd-

I'd just sooner let the moon
shine in my mouth.

Well, uh-


Can we go then?

Mm. Maybe.

I'd have to ask my pa.

Your pa?

Oh, well, yeah. I mean-

Well, of course,
we'd ask your Pa, naturally.

I wouldn't go without
asking your pa.

You're a real
gentleman, Chester.

Yeah. I guess I-

Oh, am I?

Well, yeah. Of course I am.

Well, let's go find him.

Well, we can't.


He's not there.
He, um-

He went fishing.

Oh. Oh, Arie. I was-

But you can walk me home
if you like.

I can?


All right. Let's go.

Hi, Doc.

Hey. What is this

Looks like you're

I am moving.


I don't know,
and I don't care.

Back East, most likely.

Wait a minute. Why?

You've been out on
the plains lately, Doc.

And you ask me that?

Are you giving up,

Why shouldn't I? Pawnees
wiped out another family

on Smoky Hill River
two days ago.

That's not 10 miles
from my place,

and nothing's done about it.

Why shouldn't
I get out?

Well, I just never thought
they'd ever run you off.

I can't fight 'em
alone, Doc.

I don't want my family
to end up like that.

Well, now why don't you
just wait and think this over.

These raids
will be stopped.

By who? The Army?

And where's your law

Your Matt Dillon, for instance.

a-hidin' in town.

They don't dare show up
where they're needed.

No, Doc. I had a nice little
place and I hate to leave.

But I'm not
stretching my luck.


Doggone, I hate
to see you go.

We need settlers
like you.

Not dead ones.


Not dead ones.

Well, hello there,
Matt and Kitty.

How are you, Doc?

Oh, I don't know.
Fine, I guess.

Sit down, Doc.

I sure will.

I'm tired, hungry... Mm.

What is that
you're eating there?

It looks like stew.

That's what
they call it.

Well, I'll have
some of that, I guess.

Bring me some
of that, Tom.

Then I think
I'll go to bed.

At noon?

Yep. Been up
the whole night.

Been out at
the Brants' place.

Did Ms. Brant
have her baby?


That's number
five, isn't it?

Yeah. It's five.

It's about time they gave you
one of those, isn't it?

No, sir, not me. I got
trouble enough all by myself.

What? Is it something

or just, uh,
in general?

Well, I'd say
it's kind of particular.

It's getting so,
I'm about half afraid

to be out there
at night all alone.

More Indians,

Yeah. Pawnees wiped out
a whole family

up on the Smoky Hill
a couple days ago.

Thanks, Tom.

Yeah. That's the third
one this month too. Yep.

How did you know
about it, anyway?

Sam Butler told me.
You know Sam.


Well...he came into town.

Brought his wife, family,
all his belongings.

He's scared to death.
He's leaving. He's quittin'.

Well, I can't say
I blame him, Doc.

Well, I don't
blame him either.

I'll tell you something else.
He's out there in the street

telling everybody
that'll listen to him

what a shameful thing it is,

how the law hides out in Dodge,

while whole families
are being slaughtered.

Well, I just thought you'd like
to know what he's saying.


maybe I'd better have
a talk with this Mr. Butler.

I'll, uh,
see you later.

And I'm saying that any man
that stays there

and exposes his family
to them murdering savages

is plumb crazy.

You can't fight
a Pawnee war party by yourself.

And the law sure ain't
helping us any.

I say that we can all die
and rot for all the law cares.

Hello, Sam.

Well, marshal,

where you been
hiding out?

I understand the Pawnees
made another raid

up near you, huh?

Well, if you call
killin' and scalpin'

a man, his wife
and two boys a raid. yes.

Did you actually
see the family?

Sure, I seen 'em.

If you had, you'd have been
doing something about it,

instead of loping
around here in Dodge.

Well, Sam, I'm not hired
to fight the Indians.

That's the Army's job.

Well, why don't
you help 'em?

Every lawman ought.

'Cause the Army
doesn't need any help.

Tell me, uh-

I want to know
more about these Pawnees.


There's something
that sounds mighty strange

about this whole thing
to me, Sam.

Strange? They're killin'
white men, like always.

Those men didn't
have a chance.


Well, the boys
are goin' on 14, 15.

Old enough to handle a rifle.

But they got caught outside.

They never
made the house.

Never made the house? That
sounds just like the others.

What are you thinkin',

I don't know, Sam.

But you know, you may be
right about one thing.


Maybe this is a job
for the law.

I think I'll ride up there
and take a look at 'em.


What are you men
doing out here?

Well, I'm the marshal over
in Dodge City, captain.

Matt Dillon.

This is
Chester Goode here.

Oh, yes,
I've heard of you, marshal.

I'm Captain Starr.

How do you do?

Tell me, captain, you, uh-

You new out in
the territory here?

Well, as a matter
of fact,

I arrived at Fort Dodge
only last month.

Well, you know, it might not be
a bad idea to post a guard.

Yes, you, uh,

did come up on us pretty
easily, didn't you?


Well, there's a little
better cover

over by those
trees too, I think.

What is it you want
out here, marshal?

If you don't mind,
I'd like to tag along

with you for a couple of days.


There's something about these
Pawnee raids that interests me.

A few things I've
been hearing about

I like to
see for myself.

Glad to have you along.

You're gonna make camp here?

I might as well.

Haven't found a thing so far,
but I have scouts out.

I hope to pick up
their trail by morning.


Looks like we're on
the trail, all right.

Well, I could
understand it

about the man
or the woman, or the-

Even the boy but-

A little girl.

Haven't been
dead long.

Well, it looks like
this morning to me, sometime.

Those Indians
can't be far off.

Yeah, an Indian's got a way
of disappearing fast, captain.

Scalped 'em all,
everyone of 'em.

At least they didn't
torture them.

Is that what they did
to the other families?

No. Just
like this.

Shot and


Dig, uh, burials
there, will you?

Yes, sir.

Captain Starr.

You said this is
your first tour of duty

in the Indian territory,

is that right?
That's right.

Well, take a look
around you here.

I have.

Every one of these families
is shot out in the open

away from their cabins.

That mean
anything to you?

Well, they must have
been caught by surprise.

Those Pawnees must be
pretty tricky.

By surprise and defenseless.

If they had any chance
to fight back at all, well,

there'd be a lot
of arrows around here.

Those people were shot, marshal,
with rifles.

Yeah, and the Pawnees
usually don't waste ammunition.

Lookit here.

Those tracks are rubbed out,
every one of 'em.

Well, I hadn't
noticed that.

There's something else
you didn't notice,

or maybe you didn't

What's that?

How old would you say
that boy was there?

About the same age

as the boys at
the last place:

12, 13.

He's old enough to be
a brave in a couple of years,

if he was a Pawnee.

If he was a Pawnee?

The Indians usually don't
kill a boy that age.

They take him back home and try
to make a brave out of him.

Well, that's something else
I didn't know.

Mr. Dillon,
are you trying to say

that it wasn't Pawnees
that did this?

Is this what
you're saying?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But the Pawnees are the only
tribe around here right now.

A man wearing moccasins
doesn't have

to cover up
his tracks, captain.

He's got nothing
to hide.

I don't
follow you, marshal.

I'm saying the Pawnees
didn't do this.

It wasn't Indians at all.

It was white men.

That's what you figured all
along, wasn't it, Mr. Dillon?

That's why you wanted to come
out here in the first place.

Let's get the burying done.


I just can't

that white men
could have done this.

Hey, captain, did you
ever hear Chivington

did to the Cheyenne

at Sand Creek?

"Kill 'em and
scalp 'em all, " he said,

"big and little.

Nits make lice."

But congress repudiated
that whole affair.

Well, it happened,
just the same.

And it was white men
who did it.

Well, I guess
you're right.

But why?

Why did they do it?


See that corral
over there?

He must have had eight or ten
good head in there.

So did
the others.

They probably stole
the horses

and whatever else
they could find in those cabins.

They're probably stacked away
in some camp right now,

laughing at us
Indian hunters.

I'll find 'em.

It's a mighty
big country, captain.

How you gonna find 'em?

Pick up their trail.

All right. What if
you run across

a bunch of men
with some horses?

How are you gonna know
you got the right ones?

Well, horses
must be branded.

What brand?

Well, they must be
registered somewhere.

All right. You got to go
and find out which one.

By the time
you do all that,

another family
might be slaughtered.

I'm just beginning to realize
how new I am at this game.

All right. What
do you suggest?

Well, as I remember,
there's an old shack

about five miles
up the river here.

We'll throw up
a rope corral

and run in a few head
of horses there.

If we'll lucky
they'll find us.

Good idea.

I'll have my men deployed,
ready to move in.

No, that wouldn't
work, captain.

You can't hide
a whole troop of cavalry.

You'll have to keep your men
clear away from there.

Chester and I
will be there,

and we'll wait for 'em.

You realize there may be
a whole gang of them?

Well, captain...

if these are white men,

that's my job anyway, not yours.

And this is one job
I wouldn't mind doing.

Well, they ought to
see that

if they're anywheres this side
of the Rocky Mountains.

They will.

I reckon they ought to be
around here somewheres.

I don't think
they stole enough horses

to leave the country yet.

No. And besides, they're
feeling safe, Chester.

They'll be here.

You know, Mr. Dillon,

I was just thinkin'.

Well, that, uh,

that's what'll
make you rich, Chester.

I don't care so much
about being rich

as I do about
staying alive.

What's bothering you?

Well, it's just-

Well, there's
just two of us.

I was just wondering
how many there was of them?

You want to go back
and get the cavalry?

Well, I'd feel
a lot safer.

Go ahead.

Well, no, Mr. Dillon. You didn't
answer my question yet.

I was just wondering
how many we was waiting for?

Well, there's no way
of tellin', Chester.

Yeah, but say there's
a whole passel of 'em.

How do you figure on
taking 'em?

I don't much care how.

Oh, well, I-

I guess I don't
either. I-

Can't get that little girl
out of my mind.


Well, he's
all alone.

Do you- Do you think
he's just some cowboy?


Yeah, he probably
just seen the smoke,

and wonderin' how many horses
we got in the corral.

Yeah, or he could be one
of that bunch

scouting ahead for the others.

They don't take any chances,
you know?

Well, how we gonna
find out?

We'll find out soon enough.

Come on. Put
the coffee back on.


Good morning.

Step down off your horse

and, uh, have a cup
of coffee with us.

I'll tie my horse.

Sure could use some coffee.

Had to make
a dry camp last night.

Dry camp?

Why didn't you ride on
down the river?

I'll tell you why,
mister. I was lost.

I rode till after dark
and got myself lost.

Well, your horse could have
sure found the water for you.

Well, maybe my horse
ain't as smart as yours.

No offense.

Uh, sit down.
Have a cup of coffee.

No, thanks. I've been
sittin' all morning.

Here you are.

We ain't got
no sugar, though.

You boys are traveling
pretty light, ain't you?

What do you mean?

Here's your coffee.


Well, all them

Got a mighty
big remuda.

No wagon. Not much grub
I can see.

We're driving this herd
to Cheyenne.

There's only two of us here.

We couldn't very well handle
a wagon and a herd both.

Just the two of you, huh?


Well, look, mister,
I'm just drifting.

Maybe you could use
another hand.


Where you from?

Dakota Territory.

Name's Lee Stapp.

Sure like to go to Cheyenne.

Heard a lot about it.
Ain't never been there.

Why don't you ride on
up there by yourself?

Sure would beat
chasing a herd.

Well, I'm broke,

Can't have much of a party
in Cheyenne broke,

now, can you?


I guess maybe you can't.

Look, I'm a good hand
and I work cheap.

What do you say?

You're a good
hand, huh?

Yeah, sure.

See those horses.

Yeah. Best I've
ever seen.

Yeah, and we take
good care of 'em.

Well, what's that got to do
about giving me a job?

Mister, I wouldn't
hire you to herd sheep.


You say you made
a dry camp last night?

Then how come you tie your
horse up without watering him,

while you stand here
slopping up coffee?

Well, it's my horse,
ain't it?

Yeah. How do you like
that coffee?


Good, huh?

Yeah. Why, sure.

Well, have some more of it.

Mr. Dillon,
you sure he ain't

just a drifter,
like he said?

Well, I wasn't sure
before, Chester...

but now I know.

Well, I'll get the rope,

but we ought to
hang him with it.

All right, and hurry up.
The rest of 'em

may be comin' in
any minute.

They're comin'.

Your friends don't take much
of a chance, do they?

They're no friends of mine.
How many is there, Mr. Dillon?

There's six
of 'em.

They'll be riding in
a few minutes. Get up.

You haven't
got a chance, marshal.

Get up. He might be right, Mr. Dillon.

How are we gonna
take care of six men?

These aren't men, Chester.
They're animals.

It's them or us.

We're gonna ambush 'em.


They'll never
even know we're here.

All right,
get going.

Come on.


All right, now, get over
in that corner and stay there.

And if I hear one sound
out of you,

I'm gonna crack your skull.
Got that?

Mr. Dillon. You think
you ought to ambush 'em

without trying to
take 'em back to town

for trial
or nothing?

Chester, every man's responsible
for his own actions.

If I have to answer the law,
that's all right too.

Right now, I just want to
see six men dead. just
tell me what to do.

All right. You start
shootin' when I do.

Start on the outside
and work in.

Yes, sir.

They must be over
by the river.

Maybe Stapp's
killed 'em already.

You didn't hear
no shooting, did we?

I don't
like it, Jake.

Stapp should have been
back a long time ago.

Stapp knows
his business.

Sure is pretty horses,
ain't they?

All right.

Now, Chester.

Stop. Stop it.

Stop it. Don't shoot!

All right,
cover me.

Yes, sir.

Throw your guns down!

All right, now,
turn around.

Get your hands up.

All right, Stapp, get up!
Get out,

you don't want
some of the same.

Right there.

Now you can yell
all you want to. Move.

All right, get over
here, you.

Who are you? What did
you ambush us for?

Why, you done already
killed four men.

What kind of man's gonna ambush
a bunch of men like that?

My kind, mister.

He's the marshal.

But it was murder.
That's what it was.

Just plain murder.

It sure was.

Even if he is a marshal,
he'll hang for this.

You didn't even
give us a chance.

That's right.

And I never saw men that
deserved less of a chance.

What are you
talking about?

We ain't
done nothing.


I found this
on your friend here.

What's that? Th- That
don't mean nothing.

It's just a little
plain yellow ribbon.


And you'll find the mate to it
back at the Howard ranch...

on that little girl's doll.

Stapp, you fool!

I didn't know I-

I just wanted
a little souvenir.

I told you to
get rid of everything.

Stapp, I'm sorry
you came in first.

I wish you had
rode in with them.

But, mister,
you're gonna hang.

You're all
gonna hang.

And it's this little ribbon
that's gonna hang you.

All right, now get
some shovels.

You got
a burying job.