Gotham (2014–…): Season 4, Episode 12 - A Dark Knight: Pieces of a Broken Mirror - full transcript
Gordon is called to the scene when the Toy Maker is hired to assassinate a doctor in Gotham; Lee tries to rebuild the Narrows with Nygma's help; Alfred's new life becomes complicated; Ivy shows Selina her new persona.
Previously on "Gotham"...
I'm assuming the
captaincy of Gotham Central.
You just better hope
you can pay up when your bill's due.
And it'll come due.
Let me know how I can help you.
Stop trying to be my father.
Master Bruce, I'm so sorry.
Alfred, you're fired.
This is your turf now.
You're new leader of the Narrows.
I am in control!
You're in love with Lee Thompkins,
you pathetic loser.
Shut up!
Where are they?
That's powerful stuff.
It can get in your DNA.
You're gonna remember me, Butch.
I'm sorry. I tried.
What the hell happened to me?
It was you.
You sent this monster to my city.
Heard you got the Pyg.
Turned out well.
You didn't even need me.
They, uh...
they believe in you.
Don't let 'em down.
This way, big boy.
How can I help you, Captain Gordon?
I assure you this is
a respectable establishment.
Relax. I'm not here to shut you down.
- I'm looking for someone.
- We are trusted for our discretion.
Was he here?
Who did he spend the night with?
He specifically requested
Tallulah and Pip.
That's him.
That's Bullock.
If he comes back, please...
tell him to call me.
It was an old Chinese guy's place,
filled with rare drugs and stuff.
He split town. The place is empty now.
Where are the drugs?
You said there'd be drugs.
Holy crap.
What the...?
Don't touch it, dude.
You just woke it up.
Hey, Tiffany.
Who's the stiff at the counter?
New customer.
Nice guy, polite.
Leave him alone, okay?
Hey, new guy.
Do I know you?
No, mate. Most definitely not.
Not from around here, huh?
And what gave you that idea?
Here you are, miss.
Thank you very much.
Keep the change.
That stiff's shoes
are worth more than my car.
I understand times are tough.
I understand.
You need to make a living.
But it's time to stop
punishing each other for the situation
the city has put you in.
Instead of stealing from those
hurting as much as you,
this community needs to start
protecting one another.
We do what we do to survive.
- Yeah!
- Quiet down.
And is that all you want?
All of you?
Just to survive every day?
One day at a time?
Listen, Doc, down here,
it's every man for himself.
That's the way it's always been.
How many of you have kids?
I've been running a clinic
down here for the last nine months.
And I have been treating
your kids for things like
TB, hepatitis, pertussis, pneumonia...
diseases that don't belong
in a modern city.
But there are no functioning
hospitals down here.
And the doctors are too afraid to visit.
You're not stealing from the rich.
You're stealing from each other.
You are fighting each other.
And you are living in a prison
of your own construction.
Well, hello, beautiful.
What's your name?
My name was Ivy.
Well, Ivy,
what's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?
That's a hell of a thing.
Let's go.
Little lord fuddy-duddy.
- It's Fauntleroy.
- What?
Little Lord Fauntleroy
by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
- A tad saccharin for my tastes but...
- Shut up.
Wallet, watch, jewelry.
Absolutely not. I mean,
you're a big man,
but you're out of shape.
And what? You're what?
You're three beers in already?
That's enough!
Get out of here.
Not who I was expecting to see here.
Is Bruce with you?
What are you doing here?
it's not too bad down here, really.
I mean, you can rent
a lovely space, for what?
Next to nothing,
if you root around and you're patient.
You live here?
It's a long story.
Give me the chance
to prove to you
that I can turn the Narrows
into a place where you
don't have to steal
from one another to live.
All right.
Let's go. Come on.
Go, go, go, go.
All right, everyone,
move away from the building!
There's your mom. Go ahead.
- Mommy!
- Oh!
- That's the last one. Building's clear.
- Thank you.
- Oxygen, please.
- Over here, over here.
Listen up.
We need to set up a perimeter.
Then start interviewing
witnesses. Let's go.
Well, they seem on it.
Appears like you've turned
around the GCPD, Captain Gordon.
Gordon. Quite a mess.
Thought you might need help.
Thank you. We need to find
the source of the blast.
Alfred, I do want to talk to you,
but I have to deal with this first.
Well, you have my number. Call me.
All right. Let's go.
I'll ask you one more time.
Why were you here?
It was a wine and cheese mixer.
Laugh all you want.
They were trying to kill you.
This is the Narrows, bud.
That's every day around here.
Yeah, just another beautiful day
in the Narrows, Captain.
Get him out of here.
What you got?
Well, seems like a piece of a toy plane,
and yet, if I'm not mistaken,
it's covered in plastic
explosive residue.
There's also the remnants
of what seem like
a trigger wire.
Whoever built it
takes pride in their work
and has considerable talent,
historical knowledge even.
Look at the detail.
Pretty elaborate.
I can think of easier ways
to kill a room full of criminals
than with a toy plane.
Perhaps it was intended
to fly to someone specific
and not destroy the whole room.
Like an assassination attempt?
If so, who was the target?
Whoever this was
needs to be made an example of.
I mean, can't they tell
you were trying to help?
- Maybe it wasn't one of them.
- Oh, of course it was.
I just think that maybe the best thing
for the Narrows is to burn it
to the ground, start over.
Well, that would certainly
suit everyone, wouldn't it?
I'm just saying,
someone tried to blow you to bits,
and I bet they're gonna try it again.
So I'm gonna find them, and when I do,
Grundy's gonna pull 'em apart,
limb by limb.
Isn't that right, big fella?
Hey, Grundy?
You okay?
My name is Butch.
Butch Gilzean.
There he is.
That was so brave, sir.
It's Alfred, please.
It's the good stuff.
Our manager hides it in his drawer.
- Thank you.
- On the house.
What you did out there...
...running into a burning building...
well, I wouldn't have done it.
No hard feelings, eh?
Good man.
What happened there?
Uh, I fell. No big deal.
There are a few places in the city
that collect and sell antique toys,
but only this one also
manufactures its own.
Um, can I help you gentlemen?
Yes. We were wondering
if you recognized this plane.
One of yours?
- Where did you find it?
- Yours or not?
It's a pine and lead
1944 Mustang replica.
We have these,
yes, but... it's been altered.
To carry a bomb, yeah.
How many people work here?
- Uh, just me and my father.
- And where is he?
Go get him.
Got a hunch you'd like to share?
No, just a bad feeling.
- Of course, I'd happily be wrong.
- Yeah.
Who buys these things?
I'm not sure any of it's for sale.
I don't see price tags on anything.
Any word from Harvey?
Not yet.
Think he'll return to the GCPD?
To be honest,
- I'm not sure.
- Um...
Gordon, get down!
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
You have got to be kidding me.
Seek and destr...
Wait, wait, no, no,
wait, wait, you got
to let him go, please.
He's my father.
I can't let you hurt him.
I swear to God, I had no idea
what my father was up to.
There's a machine gun built
into the wooden hand
of this nutcracker here.
Excuse me if I find
that hard to believe.
I didn't know, okay?
My father... he hates to be disturbed.
He also built a bomb that almost
blew up a building this morning.
We need to know why.
- Who was the target?
- I don't know.
Has anyone suspicious
been here recently,
asking for specialty toys?
No. No one comes in here.
This is just his workshop.
He mostly works at night.
He, he boxes the things
he makes and... ships them.
Like, three days ago, I-I thought
I heard him talking
to someone behind his door.
His voice was low, like he...
didn't want me to hear him.
- Did you hear a name?
- I heard my father
repeat something, like-like he was
confirming a name. He said, "The Doc."
The Doc? Who's that?
I have no idea.
Hey, can you deal with this?
I'm gonna talk to somebody
who might know who The Doc is.
We have the son in the back.
Father's on the run.
This place is killing you.
Honey, the taxi is here.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
...freeway, the truck overturned,
spilling its load of gasoline
into Gotham's Nature Park.
The GCPD is warning all citizens
to remain clear of the...
...causing gas to leak
into the water supply,
which then ignited, setting fire
to the resident's kitchen,
which set off a 24-acre blaze.
Wayne Enterprises can't...
Now there's no reason to
ever be alone in this city again.
The Sirens club is back...
with a passion.
Ladies drink for
free whilst men... don't.
You'll like it.
It's nice.
I know you.
All of you.
And I'm pretty sure I hated you.
You're funny, Alfred.
I honestly haven't laughed
this much in a very long time.
I'm glad I'm able to
amuse you, Miss Gale.
Your accent... I love it.
- Where are you from?
- A charming place called Whitechapel
in the East End of London.
Go back often?
No. Sadly, no.
Well, perhaps you should.
Why did you leave?
Well, I was in the military.
I was very proud to serve my country.
Not so proud of some of the
things we have to do, though.
And when I left, I found
myself, um... lost.
- You know, it was a tough transition.
- Mm.
Then I met this man.
He changed my life...
brought me to America, gave me a job.
And where is that man now?
He's dead.
And I miss him.
I miss him very much.
Is that your boyfriend?
Hey, you didn't call me back.
I was heading
to the diner to pick you up.
Uh, that wasn't necessary.
Alfred was kind enough to walk me home.
Thank you, sir.
I hate to think of Tiff alone
on these streets after dark.
Drop the act, sunshine.
I've seen her face!
That was your idea, was it?
Wear her hair down, cover the bruising?
Oh, my, what a
little tattletale she's been.
- What am I to do with her?
- Stop it! Don't make things worse.
- I can handle it!
- Listen to me. Listen.
Listen to me. You stay away from him.
He's dangerous. Let me walk you home.
I'll be fine.
Oh, Tiffany, what did I tell you
about talking to strange men?
It's time to go.
We have so much to discuss.
You be careful.
There was a fatality at the bomb site.
Young man found in a room
below the impact site.
And, well, perhaps
I should just show you.
- Of course.
- Yeah.
The cause of death was ingested poison.
See the discoloration around the mouth?
So the poison entered
directly into the bloodstream.
But, see, that's not what's unusual.
There seems to be something emanating
from within the victim's body.
The time of death was several hours ago,
but this foreign organic
material is not only alive,
but... growing.
- Seems like moss.
- Toxicodendron radicans.
Poison ivy?
It's microscopic at first,
but multiplying,
growing, living...
off the victim's dead tissue.
So, the commercial worked.
- We're back and busier than ever.
- Good.
'Cause that's the last time
you're getting me on camera.
Who's that?
Who's who?
Will you tell those brats
over there to keep it down?
Why me?
Because you're a partner now,
and also, the one paying
is a friend of yours.
What's up? Champagne?
- No.
- Why?
They don't card you here...
and even if they did...
this is Gotham.
By "they," you mean me.
This is my place, too.
Yeah. So, you want to tell
your little brat pack here
to reel it in a little?
Or should I call your keeper?
Go ahead, call Alfred. He won't answer.
'Cause I fired him.
It was time to move on,
you know what I'm saying?
Oh. You sure about that?
- I'm not buying it.
- Not buying what?
Firing Alfred?
What are you trying to prove?
- Man, I saw her first!
- The lady was speaking with me.
Hey, hey.
Silly boys.
I'm really not sure what got into them.
You should leave.
Well, that's awfully rude.
But you always were.
Who is that woman?
She seems to know you.
Who cares?
Redheads. They're all crazy, am I right?
I like what you've done with the place.
Thank you. Though it
was hardly a challenge
after what that crazy
bird passed for as taste.
What brings you here, my love?
Actually, you know,
I'm so proud to say
that I seem to maintain
a very good relationship
with all my exes.
- You...
- Leave me off that list.
Hmm. What can I do you for, Jimmy?
The Doc. You know him?
The Doc.
I believe he was the target
of an assassination attempt
- in the Narrows this morning.
- Do you, now?
And you want to protect The Doc?
I want to know who wanted
to kill him and why.
You know him or not?
Oh, I know The Doc.
Dangerous character.
Someone like that, you
might want to shoot first,
then ask questions later.
Something you're good at.
- Where is he?
- With Ed Nygma.
They're partners.
- Where?
- The Narrows, place called Cherry's.
Careful, Jim.
Sometimes we search
for things we don't wish to find.
Harper, what's up?
I'm at a murder scene in the Narrows.
I'm busy. Can you handle it?
You're gonna want
to check this out in person.
I have the suspect in custody.
Alfred Pennyworth.
Beaten to death. Local girl.
Garbage collectors found
her about an hour ago.
She lived with her boyfriend,
who was at work all night.
He told us that him and
Pennyworth got into it earlier.
Says that he was trying to keep
him separate from his girlfriend.
Says that he made advances
towards the victim.
According to him, Pennyworth got rough.
- That doesn't sound like him.
- Come on.
You and I both have seen
Alfred lose his temper.
There's more.
This was found next to the body.
It's an SAS signet ring.
Impressions of it on the victim's face.
My God.
Give us a minute.
Is this yours?
Yes, but I-I...
- You hit this girl?
- No.
How can you even ask that?
It was the boyfriend.
I mean, he beat her before, now
he's gone and bloody killed her.
- He says you were fighting with him.
- Because he beat her!
- I swear, he's a liar.
- All right, calm down.
You're in enough trouble as it is.
The last thing you need to do
is lose your temper.
Who was this girl to you?
She was a friend.
Just a friend.
What, you just met her?
Well, I know you find
this hard to believe,
Gordon, but we connected.
She was a beautiful, kind soul.
Her murderer's name is Rooney, right?
- Gil Rooney.
- He has an alibi.
I swear to God, I am...
I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.
Calm down.
Take a breath.
Go with Harper to the precinct,
make a statement,
and I'll find you later, yeah?
And you're gonna arrest Rooney
as well, yeah?
- He will make a statement, yes.
- Cap?
Got a witness
who saw Pennyworth and the
boyfriend getting into it.
- She saw the whole thing.
- All right.
Take Alfred back to the precinct.
I'll come by after my last stop.
Okay. Where is he?
Damn it.
Oh, my God, it worked.
It hurt, I'll tell you that.
What happened to you?
And who turned you into this... thing?
I don't remember much.
I remember Barbara
shooting me in the head.
Something in that swamp brought me back.
I'm a monster.
I came here be...
Butch, tell me.
I came here because...
the one thing that is still very
clear in this thick head of mine
is my feelings for you.
I still love you, Tabby.
Good-bye, Tabby.
Thank you for waiting!
It's worth it. You'll see.
Believe in her passion...
and your champion she'll be.
Bombs can't stop her!
Nor bullets, too!
'Cause she's here to speak out
and fight for you!
Ready to battle?
- Ready to rock?
- Yeah!
People of the Narrows,
here's The Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
This morning someone tried to kill me.
Maybe it was someone from the outside.
- Maybe it was one of you.
- No, no way.
You know what,
I don't know, and I don't care.
But what I do know...
is that someone
did not like what I was saying.
Now, why would the idea
of a united Narrows
scare people?
I'll tell you why!
Because a united Narrows
is a strong Narrows.
And guess what.
They should be scared.
Magnificent, isn't she?
- It's been forever, right?
- I should bust you right now.
Oh, come on, Jim, don't be grumpy.
Your ex has my full support.
She's really gonna change
things around here.
Yeah. Someone hired Griffin Krank
to kill her this morning.
You really think they won't do it again?
- Krank?
- A toymaker,
but also an assassin.
That is so Gotham.
Because together,
we have the power to change our lives.
Imagine a hospital.
Imagine schools.
Imagine these slums torn down!
The children deserve better.
Your children deserve life!
Doc! Doc! Doc!
I'd like to think of that
as a sign of respect,
not just a lack of imagination.
How long you been back?
A while.
I wished you would have contacted me.
I've been busy.
I can see that.
You look great.
You look the same.
Are you here to arrest someone?
I'm here because someone wants you dead.
The assassin's still on the loose,
as is the person who hired him.
You're not safe.
It's Gotham.
Is anyone ever safe?
So you're partners with Ed, huh?
I'm right here.
Why not?
Wouldn't have been my first choice,
but the universe has funny ways.
Still here.
I'll see you around, Jim.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Oh, boy.
I've been trying to get to you.
You shouldn't be here,
you're a wanted man.
Better stay cool, Limey.
I've got friends here.
That was for Tiffany.
- And that was for me.
- Help me!
This man killed my girlfriend.
He's a maniac.
Ah, you're making this too easy.
I'll tell the cops
this was self-defense.
Sorry it took me so long.
I was in the john.
I liked you better
when you were making tea.
what the bloody hell are you doing here?
I work here.
Don't say it like that;
this place has history.
I love bartending; it involves
two of my favorite things:
drinking and ignoring people.
Who are these jokers?
He's a bloody murderer.
Then call a cop; I'm a bartender.
No. He's the murderer.
- I have an alibi.
- Oh, yeah?
Let me guess: one of
these guys is your alibi?
- What do you say now, pal?
- No. I'm not an alibi.
I'll call it in.
Hi, kitty-cat.
You suck at following
people, by the way.
In the flesh.
Just different flesh.
What happened to you?
Something wonderful.
Can you feel that?
Coursing through your veins?
It's my essence.
Is your head swimming?
Your mouth drying up?
It lives within me now...
this power.
It'll counteract the toxin.
It took me a few tries, but...
it'll work.
You have to trust me.
You've gone crazy.
No, I haven't.
I've been reborn.
And I will never be underestimated
or ignored ever again.
You always looked after me, Selina.
Now, let me help you.
Let's make Gotham our bitch.
Please don't hurt me.
Why would I do that?
- But you tried to kill Lee.
- Yeah.
Because you paid me to.
You paid me good money to kill The Doc.
Used your alias:
The Riddler.
You want me to finish the job or not?
I came to you?
Paid in cash.
Said The Doc was holding you back.
She has to die, or you can't be free.
- Oh, God.
- I put myself at great risk for you.
Cops came to my workshop;
I can't go back there.
- My son...
- Let go of him!
Get down, Ed!
What the hell were you thinking,
going after him alone?
Well, clearly I wasn't thinking.
Damn it.
Did he say anything about who hired him?
Uh, it was him, uh, all him.
He was a lone wolf, that's what he said.
He-he was, he was afraid
of what Lee was gonna do to the Narrows.
Are you sure?
His son said he was talking
to somebody on the phone about The Doc.
Yeah, he-he said, he said
that he was calling around,
trying to get support,
but no one would help him,
so he went it alone. Crazy.
Crazy loon.
He told you all that?
Obviously, I'm not much of a threat.
I'm so lucky that you
came out here, Jim.
I don't know what I
would have done if...
This is Captain Gordon.
I have a suspect down,
outside Cherry's Place
on State Street in the Narrows.
Send all available units.
Nice job, Ed, I guess.
I'm back.
Of all the beer halls in the city, huh?
Who was it that that jerk killed?
A lady.
A very beautiful,
kind, nice lady.
Then I drink to her.
Heard the call on the radio.
Don't worry, we'll get him to talk.
How you been?
I missed you.
Is that so?
Well, I haven't missed you.
I haven't missed begging you
not to do something
just to watch you go ahead
and do it anyway.
Haven't missed watching you bang
Falcone's daughter while she
uses you to get rid of Penguin.
Something's eating at you, Jim.
I don't know what it is,
but you're no good at keeping secrets.
And you're not gonna feel clean
until you get it off your chest.
You didn't come down here
because you miss me as a cop.
You came here to confess.
You want me to be your priest.
Well, sorry, pal,
I'm not interested.
So hit the bricks.
Take that with you.
I'm assuming the
captaincy of Gotham Central.
You just better hope
you can pay up when your bill's due.
And it'll come due.
Let me know how I can help you.
Stop trying to be my father.
Master Bruce, I'm so sorry.
Alfred, you're fired.
This is your turf now.
You're new leader of the Narrows.
I am in control!
You're in love with Lee Thompkins,
you pathetic loser.
Shut up!
Where are they?
That's powerful stuff.
It can get in your DNA.
You're gonna remember me, Butch.
I'm sorry. I tried.
What the hell happened to me?
It was you.
You sent this monster to my city.
Heard you got the Pyg.
Turned out well.
You didn't even need me.
They, uh...
they believe in you.
Don't let 'em down.
This way, big boy.
How can I help you, Captain Gordon?
I assure you this is
a respectable establishment.
Relax. I'm not here to shut you down.
- I'm looking for someone.
- We are trusted for our discretion.
Was he here?
Who did he spend the night with?
He specifically requested
Tallulah and Pip.
That's him.
That's Bullock.
If he comes back, please...
tell him to call me.
It was an old Chinese guy's place,
filled with rare drugs and stuff.
He split town. The place is empty now.
Where are the drugs?
You said there'd be drugs.
Holy crap.
What the...?
Don't touch it, dude.
You just woke it up.
Hey, Tiffany.
Who's the stiff at the counter?
New customer.
Nice guy, polite.
Leave him alone, okay?
Hey, new guy.
Do I know you?
No, mate. Most definitely not.
Not from around here, huh?
And what gave you that idea?
Here you are, miss.
Thank you very much.
Keep the change.
That stiff's shoes
are worth more than my car.
I understand times are tough.
I understand.
You need to make a living.
But it's time to stop
punishing each other for the situation
the city has put you in.
Instead of stealing from those
hurting as much as you,
this community needs to start
protecting one another.
We do what we do to survive.
- Yeah!
- Quiet down.
And is that all you want?
All of you?
Just to survive every day?
One day at a time?
Listen, Doc, down here,
it's every man for himself.
That's the way it's always been.
How many of you have kids?
I've been running a clinic
down here for the last nine months.
And I have been treating
your kids for things like
TB, hepatitis, pertussis, pneumonia...
diseases that don't belong
in a modern city.
But there are no functioning
hospitals down here.
And the doctors are too afraid to visit.
You're not stealing from the rich.
You're stealing from each other.
You are fighting each other.
And you are living in a prison
of your own construction.
Well, hello, beautiful.
What's your name?
My name was Ivy.
Well, Ivy,
what's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?
That's a hell of a thing.
Let's go.
Little lord fuddy-duddy.
- It's Fauntleroy.
- What?
Little Lord Fauntleroy
by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
- A tad saccharin for my tastes but...
- Shut up.
Wallet, watch, jewelry.
Absolutely not. I mean,
you're a big man,
but you're out of shape.
And what? You're what?
You're three beers in already?
That's enough!
Get out of here.
Not who I was expecting to see here.
Is Bruce with you?
What are you doing here?
it's not too bad down here, really.
I mean, you can rent
a lovely space, for what?
Next to nothing,
if you root around and you're patient.
You live here?
It's a long story.
Give me the chance
to prove to you
that I can turn the Narrows
into a place where you
don't have to steal
from one another to live.
All right.
Let's go. Come on.
Go, go, go, go.
All right, everyone,
move away from the building!
There's your mom. Go ahead.
- Mommy!
- Oh!
- That's the last one. Building's clear.
- Thank you.
- Oxygen, please.
- Over here, over here.
Listen up.
We need to set up a perimeter.
Then start interviewing
witnesses. Let's go.
Well, they seem on it.
Appears like you've turned
around the GCPD, Captain Gordon.
Gordon. Quite a mess.
Thought you might need help.
Thank you. We need to find
the source of the blast.
Alfred, I do want to talk to you,
but I have to deal with this first.
Well, you have my number. Call me.
All right. Let's go.
I'll ask you one more time.
Why were you here?
It was a wine and cheese mixer.
Laugh all you want.
They were trying to kill you.
This is the Narrows, bud.
That's every day around here.
Yeah, just another beautiful day
in the Narrows, Captain.
Get him out of here.
What you got?
Well, seems like a piece of a toy plane,
and yet, if I'm not mistaken,
it's covered in plastic
explosive residue.
There's also the remnants
of what seem like
a trigger wire.
Whoever built it
takes pride in their work
and has considerable talent,
historical knowledge even.
Look at the detail.
Pretty elaborate.
I can think of easier ways
to kill a room full of criminals
than with a toy plane.
Perhaps it was intended
to fly to someone specific
and not destroy the whole room.
Like an assassination attempt?
If so, who was the target?
Whoever this was
needs to be made an example of.
I mean, can't they tell
you were trying to help?
- Maybe it wasn't one of them.
- Oh, of course it was.
I just think that maybe the best thing
for the Narrows is to burn it
to the ground, start over.
Well, that would certainly
suit everyone, wouldn't it?
I'm just saying,
someone tried to blow you to bits,
and I bet they're gonna try it again.
So I'm gonna find them, and when I do,
Grundy's gonna pull 'em apart,
limb by limb.
Isn't that right, big fella?
Hey, Grundy?
You okay?
My name is Butch.
Butch Gilzean.
There he is.
That was so brave, sir.
It's Alfred, please.
It's the good stuff.
Our manager hides it in his drawer.
- Thank you.
- On the house.
What you did out there...
...running into a burning building...
well, I wouldn't have done it.
No hard feelings, eh?
Good man.
What happened there?
Uh, I fell. No big deal.
There are a few places in the city
that collect and sell antique toys,
but only this one also
manufactures its own.
Um, can I help you gentlemen?
Yes. We were wondering
if you recognized this plane.
One of yours?
- Where did you find it?
- Yours or not?
It's a pine and lead
1944 Mustang replica.
We have these,
yes, but... it's been altered.
To carry a bomb, yeah.
How many people work here?
- Uh, just me and my father.
- And where is he?
Go get him.
Got a hunch you'd like to share?
No, just a bad feeling.
- Of course, I'd happily be wrong.
- Yeah.
Who buys these things?
I'm not sure any of it's for sale.
I don't see price tags on anything.
Any word from Harvey?
Not yet.
Think he'll return to the GCPD?
To be honest,
- I'm not sure.
- Um...
Gordon, get down!
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
Seek and destroy.
You have got to be kidding me.
Seek and destr...
Wait, wait, no, no,
wait, wait, you got
to let him go, please.
He's my father.
I can't let you hurt him.
I swear to God, I had no idea
what my father was up to.
There's a machine gun built
into the wooden hand
of this nutcracker here.
Excuse me if I find
that hard to believe.
I didn't know, okay?
My father... he hates to be disturbed.
He also built a bomb that almost
blew up a building this morning.
We need to know why.
- Who was the target?
- I don't know.
Has anyone suspicious
been here recently,
asking for specialty toys?
No. No one comes in here.
This is just his workshop.
He mostly works at night.
He, he boxes the things
he makes and... ships them.
Like, three days ago, I-I thought
I heard him talking
to someone behind his door.
His voice was low, like he...
didn't want me to hear him.
- Did you hear a name?
- I heard my father
repeat something, like-like he was
confirming a name. He said, "The Doc."
The Doc? Who's that?
I have no idea.
Hey, can you deal with this?
I'm gonna talk to somebody
who might know who The Doc is.
We have the son in the back.
Father's on the run.
This place is killing you.
Honey, the taxi is here.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
...freeway, the truck overturned,
spilling its load of gasoline
into Gotham's Nature Park.
The GCPD is warning all citizens
to remain clear of the...
...causing gas to leak
into the water supply,
which then ignited, setting fire
to the resident's kitchen,
which set off a 24-acre blaze.
Wayne Enterprises can't...
Now there's no reason to
ever be alone in this city again.
The Sirens club is back...
with a passion.
Ladies drink for
free whilst men... don't.
You'll like it.
It's nice.
I know you.
All of you.
And I'm pretty sure I hated you.
You're funny, Alfred.
I honestly haven't laughed
this much in a very long time.
I'm glad I'm able to
amuse you, Miss Gale.
Your accent... I love it.
- Where are you from?
- A charming place called Whitechapel
in the East End of London.
Go back often?
No. Sadly, no.
Well, perhaps you should.
Why did you leave?
Well, I was in the military.
I was very proud to serve my country.
Not so proud of some of the
things we have to do, though.
And when I left, I found
myself, um... lost.
- You know, it was a tough transition.
- Mm.
Then I met this man.
He changed my life...
brought me to America, gave me a job.
And where is that man now?
He's dead.
And I miss him.
I miss him very much.
Is that your boyfriend?
Hey, you didn't call me back.
I was heading
to the diner to pick you up.
Uh, that wasn't necessary.
Alfred was kind enough to walk me home.
Thank you, sir.
I hate to think of Tiff alone
on these streets after dark.
Drop the act, sunshine.
I've seen her face!
That was your idea, was it?
Wear her hair down, cover the bruising?
Oh, my, what a
little tattletale she's been.
- What am I to do with her?
- Stop it! Don't make things worse.
- I can handle it!
- Listen to me. Listen.
Listen to me. You stay away from him.
He's dangerous. Let me walk you home.
I'll be fine.
Oh, Tiffany, what did I tell you
about talking to strange men?
It's time to go.
We have so much to discuss.
You be careful.
There was a fatality at the bomb site.
Young man found in a room
below the impact site.
And, well, perhaps
I should just show you.
- Of course.
- Yeah.
The cause of death was ingested poison.
See the discoloration around the mouth?
So the poison entered
directly into the bloodstream.
But, see, that's not what's unusual.
There seems to be something emanating
from within the victim's body.
The time of death was several hours ago,
but this foreign organic
material is not only alive,
but... growing.
- Seems like moss.
- Toxicodendron radicans.
Poison ivy?
It's microscopic at first,
but multiplying,
growing, living...
off the victim's dead tissue.
So, the commercial worked.
- We're back and busier than ever.
- Good.
'Cause that's the last time
you're getting me on camera.
Who's that?
Who's who?
Will you tell those brats
over there to keep it down?
Why me?
Because you're a partner now,
and also, the one paying
is a friend of yours.
What's up? Champagne?
- No.
- Why?
They don't card you here...
and even if they did...
this is Gotham.
By "they," you mean me.
This is my place, too.
Yeah. So, you want to tell
your little brat pack here
to reel it in a little?
Or should I call your keeper?
Go ahead, call Alfred. He won't answer.
'Cause I fired him.
It was time to move on,
you know what I'm saying?
Oh. You sure about that?
- I'm not buying it.
- Not buying what?
Firing Alfred?
What are you trying to prove?
- Man, I saw her first!
- The lady was speaking with me.
Hey, hey.
Silly boys.
I'm really not sure what got into them.
You should leave.
Well, that's awfully rude.
But you always were.
Who is that woman?
She seems to know you.
Who cares?
Redheads. They're all crazy, am I right?
I like what you've done with the place.
Thank you. Though it
was hardly a challenge
after what that crazy
bird passed for as taste.
What brings you here, my love?
Actually, you know,
I'm so proud to say
that I seem to maintain
a very good relationship
with all my exes.
- You...
- Leave me off that list.
Hmm. What can I do you for, Jimmy?
The Doc. You know him?
The Doc.
I believe he was the target
of an assassination attempt
- in the Narrows this morning.
- Do you, now?
And you want to protect The Doc?
I want to know who wanted
to kill him and why.
You know him or not?
Oh, I know The Doc.
Dangerous character.
Someone like that, you
might want to shoot first,
then ask questions later.
Something you're good at.
- Where is he?
- With Ed Nygma.
They're partners.
- Where?
- The Narrows, place called Cherry's.
Careful, Jim.
Sometimes we search
for things we don't wish to find.
Harper, what's up?
I'm at a murder scene in the Narrows.
I'm busy. Can you handle it?
You're gonna want
to check this out in person.
I have the suspect in custody.
Alfred Pennyworth.
Beaten to death. Local girl.
Garbage collectors found
her about an hour ago.
She lived with her boyfriend,
who was at work all night.
He told us that him and
Pennyworth got into it earlier.
Says that he was trying to keep
him separate from his girlfriend.
Says that he made advances
towards the victim.
According to him, Pennyworth got rough.
- That doesn't sound like him.
- Come on.
You and I both have seen
Alfred lose his temper.
There's more.
This was found next to the body.
It's an SAS signet ring.
Impressions of it on the victim's face.
My God.
Give us a minute.
Is this yours?
Yes, but I-I...
- You hit this girl?
- No.
How can you even ask that?
It was the boyfriend.
I mean, he beat her before, now
he's gone and bloody killed her.
- He says you were fighting with him.
- Because he beat her!
- I swear, he's a liar.
- All right, calm down.
You're in enough trouble as it is.
The last thing you need to do
is lose your temper.
Who was this girl to you?
She was a friend.
Just a friend.
What, you just met her?
Well, I know you find
this hard to believe,
Gordon, but we connected.
She was a beautiful, kind soul.
Her murderer's name is Rooney, right?
- Gil Rooney.
- He has an alibi.
I swear to God, I am...
I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.
Calm down.
Take a breath.
Go with Harper to the precinct,
make a statement,
and I'll find you later, yeah?
And you're gonna arrest Rooney
as well, yeah?
- He will make a statement, yes.
- Cap?
Got a witness
who saw Pennyworth and the
boyfriend getting into it.
- She saw the whole thing.
- All right.
Take Alfred back to the precinct.
I'll come by after my last stop.
Okay. Where is he?
Damn it.
Oh, my God, it worked.
It hurt, I'll tell you that.
What happened to you?
And who turned you into this... thing?
I don't remember much.
I remember Barbara
shooting me in the head.
Something in that swamp brought me back.
I'm a monster.
I came here be...
Butch, tell me.
I came here because...
the one thing that is still very
clear in this thick head of mine
is my feelings for you.
I still love you, Tabby.
Good-bye, Tabby.
Thank you for waiting!
It's worth it. You'll see.
Believe in her passion...
and your champion she'll be.
Bombs can't stop her!
Nor bullets, too!
'Cause she's here to speak out
and fight for you!
Ready to battle?
- Ready to rock?
- Yeah!
People of the Narrows,
here's The Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc!
Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
This morning someone tried to kill me.
Maybe it was someone from the outside.
- Maybe it was one of you.
- No, no way.
You know what,
I don't know, and I don't care.
But what I do know...
is that someone
did not like what I was saying.
Now, why would the idea
of a united Narrows
scare people?
I'll tell you why!
Because a united Narrows
is a strong Narrows.
And guess what.
They should be scared.
Magnificent, isn't she?
- It's been forever, right?
- I should bust you right now.
Oh, come on, Jim, don't be grumpy.
Your ex has my full support.
She's really gonna change
things around here.
Yeah. Someone hired Griffin Krank
to kill her this morning.
You really think they won't do it again?
- Krank?
- A toymaker,
but also an assassin.
That is so Gotham.
Because together,
we have the power to change our lives.
Imagine a hospital.
Imagine schools.
Imagine these slums torn down!
The children deserve better.
Your children deserve life!
Doc! Doc! Doc!
I'd like to think of that
as a sign of respect,
not just a lack of imagination.
How long you been back?
A while.
I wished you would have contacted me.
I've been busy.
I can see that.
You look great.
You look the same.
Are you here to arrest someone?
I'm here because someone wants you dead.
The assassin's still on the loose,
as is the person who hired him.
You're not safe.
It's Gotham.
Is anyone ever safe?
So you're partners with Ed, huh?
I'm right here.
Why not?
Wouldn't have been my first choice,
but the universe has funny ways.
Still here.
I'll see you around, Jim.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Oh, boy.
I've been trying to get to you.
You shouldn't be here,
you're a wanted man.
Better stay cool, Limey.
I've got friends here.
That was for Tiffany.
- And that was for me.
- Help me!
This man killed my girlfriend.
He's a maniac.
Ah, you're making this too easy.
I'll tell the cops
this was self-defense.
Sorry it took me so long.
I was in the john.
I liked you better
when you were making tea.
what the bloody hell are you doing here?
I work here.
Don't say it like that;
this place has history.
I love bartending; it involves
two of my favorite things:
drinking and ignoring people.
Who are these jokers?
He's a bloody murderer.
Then call a cop; I'm a bartender.
No. He's the murderer.
- I have an alibi.
- Oh, yeah?
Let me guess: one of
these guys is your alibi?
- What do you say now, pal?
- No. I'm not an alibi.
I'll call it in.
Hi, kitty-cat.
You suck at following
people, by the way.
In the flesh.
Just different flesh.
What happened to you?
Something wonderful.
Can you feel that?
Coursing through your veins?
It's my essence.
Is your head swimming?
Your mouth drying up?
It lives within me now...
this power.
It'll counteract the toxin.
It took me a few tries, but...
it'll work.
You have to trust me.
You've gone crazy.
No, I haven't.
I've been reborn.
And I will never be underestimated
or ignored ever again.
You always looked after me, Selina.
Now, let me help you.
Let's make Gotham our bitch.
Please don't hurt me.
Why would I do that?
- But you tried to kill Lee.
- Yeah.
Because you paid me to.
You paid me good money to kill The Doc.
Used your alias:
The Riddler.
You want me to finish the job or not?
I came to you?
Paid in cash.
Said The Doc was holding you back.
She has to die, or you can't be free.
- Oh, God.
- I put myself at great risk for you.
Cops came to my workshop;
I can't go back there.
- My son...
- Let go of him!
Get down, Ed!
What the hell were you thinking,
going after him alone?
Well, clearly I wasn't thinking.
Damn it.
Did he say anything about who hired him?
Uh, it was him, uh, all him.
He was a lone wolf, that's what he said.
He-he was, he was afraid
of what Lee was gonna do to the Narrows.
Are you sure?
His son said he was talking
to somebody on the phone about The Doc.
Yeah, he-he said, he said
that he was calling around,
trying to get support,
but no one would help him,
so he went it alone. Crazy.
Crazy loon.
He told you all that?
Obviously, I'm not much of a threat.
I'm so lucky that you
came out here, Jim.
I don't know what I
would have done if...
This is Captain Gordon.
I have a suspect down,
outside Cherry's Place
on State Street in the Narrows.
Send all available units.
Nice job, Ed, I guess.
I'm back.
Of all the beer halls in the city, huh?
Who was it that that jerk killed?
A lady.
A very beautiful,
kind, nice lady.
Then I drink to her.
Heard the call on the radio.
Don't worry, we'll get him to talk.
How you been?
I missed you.
Is that so?
Well, I haven't missed you.
I haven't missed begging you
not to do something
just to watch you go ahead
and do it anyway.
Haven't missed watching you bang
Falcone's daughter while she
uses you to get rid of Penguin.
Something's eating at you, Jim.
I don't know what it is,
but you're no good at keeping secrets.
And you're not gonna feel clean
until you get it off your chest.
You didn't come down here
because you miss me as a cop.
You came here to confess.
You want me to be your priest.
Well, sorry, pal,
I'm not interested.
So hit the bricks.
Take that with you.