Gigantor (1964): Season 1, Episode 22 - The Incredible Speed Machine - full transcript

With his new energy machine attached to a car, Wizard Dee Doo can make it go 1000 miles per hour. But to do that, he needs Spedium ore which he has been mining from Goody Island... causing it to sink!

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ He's at your command

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ His power is in your hands

♪ Bigger than big

♪ Taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick

♪ Stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for right

♪ Against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

The Incredible Speed Machine.

A lonely stretch of
road in the year 2000.

It's coming right on time.

Oh, a hitchhiker.

I'll pick the poor fellow up.

Hello, there.

Will you please give me
a lift to the next city?

Sure, I'll be glad to.

Just hop right in.


I think you'd better walk.

Hurry it up.

Don't waste any time.

A car may be coming.

We're almost finished.

There, the job's done.

Let's close the hood.

This is Z, reporting
the job is all done.

What do we do now?

This is Z reporting,
what do we do now?

This is Wizard D. Dew.

Let the remote control
drive the truck

then get away when
the coast is clear.


At police headquarters,

Inspector Blooper and Dr.
Brilliant are worried.

Say Chief, it's reported
that a remote control truck

is zooming around the highways

and this can be dangerous

with no one at the
wheel to steer it.

What can we do about it?

The first thing to do
would be to investigate.

Yes, you're right
Chief, that's logical.

But there hasn't been a clue.

Where do we start?

Nobody can figure that out.

It's logical to
start at the beginning,

so let Dick Strong and Jim

patrol the highway
and look for it.

Jim, the truck.


The way it's speeding,

I'd say it's the one
we've been looking for.

You're right Jim.

Hey, look out.

Just as we
suspected, no driver.

Very mysterious.

Let's follow it.

Right Dick.

There's a car following us.

Go faster.

It's speeding over
300 miles per hour.

Yes, much too fast for
anybody on the ground to catch.

They got away.

The invention
is working so well

that I'll be able to
do whatever I want.

I can make any
vehicle go like that,

just by putting the energy
device into the engine.

It will make me the most
powerful man in the world.

Come in.

Ah, Dr. Tic Tac Toe,
what do you want?

Mr. Wizard, I came to tell you

about that speedium
ore specimen.

What of it?

It's from Goody Island
and it's the best ore

for making your energy machines.

You've got to dig as
much as you can of it.

Try to dig it all up.

I'll take every ounce, so
that no one else will get any.

I want every man and machine
to begin digging it up.

Anyone tries to stop us
I'll get rid of them.

Well starting the ore at once.

Later, on Goody Island.

The ground has been
trembling for almost a week.

Can there be a great big
worm down there or a mole?

It can't be an
earthquake or a worm.

I don't think so.

But I don't know
what it could be.

I'm getting the
heeby jeebies from it.

Our digging machines
are almost out of

their special energy fuel.

You'd better radio
for a fresh supply,

otherwise the digging
will have to stop.

We can't let that happen.

I'll radio for some.

This is Wizard D. Dew.

Some energy fuel is
needed immediately.

Send it.

It's the boss.

He wants some fuel.

We can't waste any time.

Get me the fuel.

Drop whatever you're doing.

But we're still
testing the truck.

I said drop what you're doing

and get me the fuel!

I guess we'd better
do what the boss says.

We caught up to it anyway.

I wonder where the
remote control is.

Let's look under the hood.

What did you find Jim?

I don't know what I found.

I don't know
what that is either.

It must be
some kind of energizer

that made the truck go fast.

I'll bet you're right.

Look, they opened the truck

and the found the
remote control.

Let's radio Wizard about it.

Hmm, they found it?

It's true, you can't
let them take it.

Either get it back
or get rid of them.

It's either them
or you, understand?

Let's get 'em.

They're trying to run us down!

Did we get 'em?

Let's see.

Not yet.

The truck!

They're trying
to hit us with it.

Stick to the cliff Jim.

I'll call for help.

Come on Gigantor,
come on and help.

Come on, hurry.

The truck was taken
by that big robot.

I recognize him.

That robot's name
is Gigantor, right?

Alright men, come on.

We must shoot Gigantor down.

We'll destroy him.

Take us away!

Those stupid fools!

They let my remote
control get away.

I must get it back.

Later, at the home
of Jimmy Sparks,

Wizard brings an
electronic detector.

Eh just as you figured Wizard,

the remote control is
somewhere in that house.

Hmm, it's the house
that belongs to the kid

that owns Gigantor.

Let's break into it.

Dick, wake up.

The warning just sounded.

The infrared alarm?

Yes, someone just came
past the front gate.

They're coming this way.

I expected that.

They're coming here for
that remote control unit.

I'm glad I decided
to spend the night.

Should I call
inspector Blooper?

Go ahead Jim, call him,

but I'm afraid it's going
to take the inspector

too long to get here.

Well he might hurry
more this time, I hope.

Hmm, Sparky,
it's them alright.

Jim, this is a
flare gun, isn't it?

Yes, and I'm going
to try using this.

You'll use a spray gun
for bugs as your weapon?

I filled it with
some weed killer.

Here they come kid.

Now be all ready
to fire at them.

Maybe we can scare them away.

I'll spray weed
killer with this gun

while you shoot the flare gun.

You start.

I smell weed killer.

It's coming out of the sky.

That's a burning
drop of weed killer.

Who are you, what
are you doing there?

I am Wizard D. Dew,
inventor of the world's best

and fastest remote control.

You and your friends took one
from one of my stolen trucks.

But I'll get it
back, I swear I will.

Boss, the police are coming.

Don't be stupid.

Fire at them.

Let's go!

Let's get out of here!

You say they came for
that remote control, Jim?

Yes sir, they'll try anything

to get us to return it to them.

And this gadget makes the truck

goes hundreds of miles an hour?

It looks that way.

Only Dr. Brilliant can tell us
that for certain, Inspector.

And this Wizard D.
Dew is very dangerous.

He even wants to
take over the world.

And with remote controls
that have power like this,

there's going to be no
easy way of stopping him.

When Dr. Brilliant
returns, we'll ask him.

He could have a suggestion.

You're right Jim, Bob's
knowledge of special gases

could be a tremendous help.

At Jim's house later that night,

policewoman Straightlace
brings a report.

Hmm, so these are pictures
of the truck that was speeding?

Yes, Inspector.

They were taken
from a helicopter

flown by our defense forces.

They told me to bring them.

Every accident caused
by that speeding truck,

there was a black car nearby.

A black car eh?

Could this be the
one right here?

Isn't that the same
car we saw that time?

Yes, and I figure
they must've been

controlling the
truck from the car.

Before Wizard D. Dew
starts his campaign

to rule the world,
we've got to find him.

We must try to stop him!

Let me try to find him.

Go ahead.

Thank you sir.

Later, on Goody Island.

They're doing too much
digging underground.

That's right, now
the island's about to

sink into the hole
that they've dug!

I hope we get away in time.

Just because Wizard D. Dew

wants every bit of
ore from the mine,

we have to lose our home.

Why didn't anyone stop
those machines from digging?

We mustn't cry over it.

It's too late.

The people of Goody Island

flee for their lives.

Now that everyone's gone,
we'll continue to dig.

And there'll be no
further interruptions

by the stupid inhabitants there.

Think of the amount
of the speedium ore

we're now going to be digging.


Without this special fuel to
energize the remote control,

it wouldn't be worth very much.

I know and it
can power anything.

We could dig it up faster Doc,
but we need a whole lot more

of the machines able to dig.

I ordered some, but where's
the ship that's bringing them?

I hate to think that it
might have been attacked,

but if the defense
force found it,

they might send the
ship to the bottom.

Ah, that's not very funny.

We must get those machines.

We must continue
digging, with no trouble.

I agree Wizard.

We can't waste time
because right now

those scientists have
the remote control

and might learn what makes
it drive everything fast.

We have to get all
the ore before them.

Dr. Bob Brilliant is
working on the remote control

and hopes to find out
what makes it so powerful.

He is at this very moment
analyzing the fuel.

He has put a small
amount of the fuel

in a special gun
and any second now

will be testing its
power against some rocks.

Dr. Brilliant has discovered
how to use the speedium.

We'll have to take care of him.

Will you please
take this speedium gun

back to the police laboratory?

Um hmm.

Police headquarters,
a short time later.

How does the
remote control work?

Why, uh.

Tell us what you've found
out about it Dr. Brilliant.

It's a fantastic device,

one of the greatest
ever invented.

It contains so much energy,
nobody could stop it.


I strongly feel that anybody

who puts this into
a car or truck

can drive at more than
1,000 miles an hour.


You mean any car can travel
over 1,000 miles an hour?

Jim, this remote control,
besides giving speed,

gives the operator full control.

Think of it in traffic.

And those in the black
car were driving the truck

with this control.

Gee, now I wonder where
they got that control.

I went to science school
with a man by the name

of Tic Tac Toe who was
experimenting with speedium ore.

And I suspect that
he may be the one

who invented this control.

He went to work for another
man named Wizard D. Dew.


He's working for the
fiend, Wizard D. Dew?

This is terrible.


Missing you say?

I'll have to report this to
Inspector Blooper immediately.

Inspector, we just
received awful news.

That new speedium gun the
doctor tried out's gone.

Didn't he give it
to the messenger?

Yes sir and the truck the
messenger was carrying it in

disappeared near
Cape Cap and Gown.

Cape Cap and Gown?

That's the same area in which
the remote control truck

was speeding.

Then because of all the
things that happened there,

it seems possible that
Wizard D. Dew might have

his secret base in that
same area of the cape.

What do you mean Dr.?

Speedium ore is used to
power this remote control

and speedium ore is found
only on Goody Island,

which is near Cape Cap and Gown.

For Wizard D. Dew to build
up his supply of power,

he has to dig this ore.

Therefore, he must
have his headquarters

somewhere in that vicinity.

Sir, we've brought you Dr.
Brilliant's speedium gun.

A very good job Zuzu.

Brilliant of Dr. Brilliant
to invent this gun for us.

With our remote controls
and the special guns,

we're ready to strike.

We'll take over the
whole country men.

From now on nobody or anything
will be able to stop us.

I've worried
about Dr. Brilliant.

He might think of something
to use against us.

I'm going to take care of him.

Now Wizard's men try to place

the remote speed controls
inside various cars.

Who's there?

Follow it, that's one
of Brilliant's trucks.

Wizard's car is being followed

by a secret agent, Dick Strong.

Alright, he's gone far enough.

Give the orders.

It's time to stop the truck.

Don't let it go any
further, cut it off.

Well, I guess that's what
happened to the first truck.

You were right, Wizard
could be around here Bob.

Exactly where
is Gigantor, Jim?


Calling Inspector Blooper.

Inspector Blooper.

We are all right
here Dick, go ahead.

A sedan is following
the special truck.

I think I recognize Wizard
D. Dew and Dr. Tic Tac Toe

in the sedan.

Good work Dick.

Stay close behind them.

Wizard is there, huh?

That means that
he and the doctor

probably are up to
something tricky.

Before they get away with
it I'm going to arrest them.

Let's go sir.

Come on!

Ha, a hotrodder.

Cops are after us!

Now take it easy ZZ,

this car has a remote
speed control in it.

Just use the gas pedal.

Okay boss, and we'll
use the same control

in the truck.

They're using the control.

Now we'd better
start to speed up.

We got away from the police.

And look, there's
the special truck

heading straight for our base.

Good, hey, the road's blocked.

We'll getaway by
using Brilliant's gun.

Come on, back the car up.

Okay Wizard.

Alright Wizard Dr.
Dew, you and Dr. Tic Tac Toe

come out of there
with your hands up

You'll never stop us.

Watch this!

I'll get 'em.

They're melting the
cars, hey, using speedium.

We're helpless against them.

In a way it's my fault.

They're using the special
speedium gun I invented.

Where's Gigantor?

Alright Inspector.

I guess I'd better call him now.


They might melt Gigantor.

Listen Jim, the only way
to stop Gigantor from melting

is to make him fly
into some water,

which might cool him off enough

to be able to continue fighting.

Hurry, get him some water.

I sure hope it works.

I'm signaling him in.

Now I'll fix him.

We got 'em!

Oh, he's beginning to melt.

Wash him again.


Some of that
liquid is still on him.

Well I hope we have no
more trouble from Wizard.

Thanks to Gigantor
I don't think we will.

You can never tell about
Wizard, don't you agree Jim?

Yes, he might
show up here again.

Has the notorious
Wizard D. Dew been defeated?

Or will he show up again?

There's plenty of action in
the next exciting episode of


♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ He's at your command

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ His power is in your hands

♪ Bigger than big

♪ Taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick

♪ Stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for right

♪ Against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor