Ghost Adventures: Aftershocks (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Bobby Mackey's and Brookdale Lodge - full transcript

In the series premiere, Zak Bagans relives old evidence from the Ghost Adventures Crew's (GAC) three visits to Bobby Mackey's Music World in Wilder, Kentucky. He states that it is one of the places he and his crew will never investigate again. Bobby Mackey's Music World interviewees: Bobby Mackey, Wanda Kay, Missy Bostrom, and Matt Coates.[2] The Brookdale Lodge, a former Grover Lumber Mill site that was reconstructed to become a resort in Brookdale, California. Brookdale Lodge interviewees: Denise Dalton and Marina Marazzo.

LAWSON: Help me!
MAN #1: Do you hear me?

It won't let me!

ZAK: The last several years,
we have explored many locations.

We have met
hundreds of people...

MAN #2: The work you do
is so valuable.

...many who have been deeply
affected by our investigations.

This scarred you?


Are these dark spirits
still plaguing these places...

and harming these people?

I'm not leaving!

If I leave,
we all have to leave!

It's time to find out.

EP 1 -Bobby Mackey's and Brookdale Lodge

Bobby Mackey's Music World,

named after its own
Robert Randall Mackey.

There is only one location
in nearly 10 years

that the "Ghost Adventures" crew
refuses to go back to,

and this is it.

Thought to potentially be
a doorway directly to hell

opened up by
a ritual decapitation

performed on the premises,

Bobby Mackey's is known
for it's dark activity.

# Lay dead upon the ground #

# Poor Pearl, poor girl,
her head was never found #

[ Chuckling ] Hey, Zak.
ZAK: What's up, buddy?

How you doing? How you doing?

Great. Good to see you.
Like our song?

Oh, yeah, that's great.
[ Chuckles ]

An attachment can pursue
and torment its victim

long after they have left
a haunted location.

I'm feeling weird, man.

And our experience
with oppressive entities

at Bobby Mackey's
has been very personal.

Leave him! Leave him!

But former caretaker Carl Lawson

may have suffered
more than anyone.

First off, you know,
we're sorry to hear about Carl.

How'd you fair with his passing?

Well... not real good, you know?

I'd known Carl
since he was 18 years old.


And I really hated it, but Carl
was his own worst enemy.

Whether that was a possession

or, you know,
whatever it was that caused it.

Why would you bring up

Well, you know that there was
an exorcism once.

Let's watch it right now.

We interviewed Carl during
our first investigation here.

It had been years
since his demonic possession,

but it was clear that day,
his soul was still haunted.

Do you think that the evil
spirits that possessed you

are still here?

I feel them right now.

You do right now?

After years of searching,
we were able to retrieve

a home-video recording
of the exorcism

performed on Carl
right here at Bobby Mackey's.

You guys ready to see this?

MAN: Charlie, it's time
for you to leave.

I'm not leaving! Yes, you are!

This is disturbing.

Leave him!

Leave him!

You got to leave tonight.

I don't have to go nowhere!
Yes, you do.

This body is mine! No, it's not!

This body is mine!

No, it's not!
"This body is mine."

In the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth

and on the authority
of God's word,

I command every spirit to leave!

Leave him, Charlie.

[ Cries ]

You've seen that many times?

Not many, but I've seen it,

and I'll say what
I've always said about it...

Carl was not an actor.

You know, and that's what
disturbs me about it,

because I never saw Carl
like that.

And he definitely
was not an actor.

Longtime employee Wanda Kay

continues to lead groups
of brave investigators

in search of the demonic

despite being deeply affected
by Carl's death in 2012.

Do you think that Carl
is still at Bobby Mackey's?

I do.

He loved that place, Wanda.
He did. He won't leave it.

He loved Bobby Mackey's.

He loved it,
even though he was possessed,

even though he had an exorcism.

MAN: Leave him! Leave him!
Leave him!

When we had our event there,
we couldn't keep him away.

He would call me at home,

"Please ask Bobby
to let me come back in."

He drank quite a bit
towards the end.

You know, walk a mile in
somebody's shoes. Don't judge.

But look at the [bleep]
that he went through.

Right. He was not a saint
by any means.

I know.

But he was a man.


And he was just very much
part of Bobby Mackey's,

not just in him wanting to
be there all the time,

but he discovered that well.


Two dreams that he had had when
he was sleeping in the apartment

living upstairs
as the caretaker.

He said he would
have nightmares.

He had an entity,
one in particular,

that he had called Charlie...

It's time for you to leave.

I'm not leaving!

...that was supposed to be
taunting him

and telling him
to go to the basement

and dig and look,

and that's how he said he found
and discovered that well.

It was from the dreams
leading him down there.

I would like to show you
the last time I saw you,

because this clip is going to
lead into something

that has to do with you
and also our friend Carl.

ZAK: Wanda, who worked with Carl
for many years,

gives us a recently-recorded EVP
of his voice.

I had my hands
around a pastor's neck.

It seems that even in death,

Carl cannot break his ties
to Bobby Mackey's.

I won't go!

Yes, you are going.

"Look at the band-aid, Mikey."

What was going on that day
was I had been giving a tour,

and one of the men
who came to take a tour

had cut his finger
on the car door coming in.

So, when he arrived,
it was bleeding,

and I asked him
if he'd like a band-aid,

and he said no,
he thought he'd be okay.

So, as we got halfway through
the tour on the main level

to the area where Carl had had
an exorcism done on him...

Help me! It won't let me!

...that's the area
where we were standing.

And the man says to me,
"Wanda, if you don't mind,

I think I will
take that band-aid,

'cause my finger
won't quit bleeding."

So I said, "Stay here.
I'll go get it."

I came back, and as I was
wrapping that band-aid on,

that's when we got that EVP.

Do you have the wave form
of that?

Can you please play that?

MAN: Let me see your band-aid.

LAWSON: Where's the band-aid,

Let me see your band-aid.

Where's the band-aid, Mikey?

I get EVPs all the time. Mm-hmm.

I don't recognize any of them,
but since I knew him personally,

talked to him all the time,
I recognized that voice.

I met him twice...
Three times, actually.

And, um...
I remember he was outside,

and I went outside with him.

And he told me, he goes,

"When I die, I want to be buried
right there."

And I always ask myself,

"Why would a man
that went through that"...

[ Screams ]

..."want to be a part
of this location?"

He was still attached to it.
He never got unattached.

Do you think it was him
that was attached to it,

or do you think it was something
that was in him

that was attached to it?

I agree with you there.

I don't think that
he was ever totally released

from what had a hold on him.


He was consumed.

Carl, look at me.
They're gone. Believe me.

[ Echoing ] They'll be back.

We've been talking to Wanda Kay

about our mutual friend
Carl Lawson,

who unfortunately passed away

since we last investigated
at Bobby Mackey's.

I want to make an apology
to you.

Why is that?

Because when we went to
Sedamsville Rectory,

we wanted to see his memorial,

but we didn't go inside
Bobby Mackey's.

I understand why.

Nick, do you want to go in
and look at the memorial?

NICK: I don't...
I don't want to go inside.

I made a promise
that I would never go...

I just... Made a promise to who?

Well, I told my wife
I wouldn't go back in here.

I'm being dead serious.

Every time I go home
after this place,

she tells me that I just...
I'm somebody totally different.

You're name is actually a form
of taunting in that building.

If somebody...
We call you "the 'Z' word."


If they mention your name,
they get scratched.

You... Whoa, hold on. Hold on.

When people use my name,

they'll get scratched
or attacked?

Yes. Yeah.

So, they haven't forgot you.

And that's a reason why,
in all seriousness...

You know, I look at my first
investigation there, you know...

If this is the portal of hell,

well, why don't you come up
out of that ground

and come and get us?

I didn't have the knowledge
that I have now,

and I learned by being a dumbass

and trying to taunt
and scream at demons,

it just...
That's what's gonna happen.

I'm feeling weird, man.

What's going on?
I'm just feeling
[bleep] weird.

That's all right.
Just kind of... just relax.

Just sort of relax
a little bit.
What was that?

Just kind of relax a little bit.

You know, there are some
things that I don't think
should be recorded.

You want me
to stop recording?
I think
that's a good idea.

I will not go back there again.

I know what they're probably
gonna call me for not
wanting to go back there,

but the more and more
we're gonna talk,

people are now gonna understand
that these forces are so strong

and that's the stuff
that you can't fight against.

[ Distorted ] I'm feeling weird.

You cannot fight
against that force.

These demons have
the damn near same power

as any god that they worship.

I agree.

I agree.

I've had about six alpha males,
team leaders come in

that have walked out
of that basement

sobbing and crying like babies.

Nine times out of 10,

when you start provoking
and really taunting,

it seems like it's the weakest
one in the litter that gets it,

and they don't necessarily
get you at that time.

Many people get it
after they leave.

So, let's talk about
the weakest one in the group.

I understand there's
a woman named Missy.

That was a scientific team
that came in

that were a group of skeptics,

and this was a group
that used your name.

We are ones
that we like to go in

and actually do an investigation

find proof of what we can
actually, you know...

So, you just wanted to go in,

and find your own findings.

Correct. I like that...

A skeptic that has to get
evidence for themselves

to be convinced.

So, we started
on the first floor,

and we set up
all of our cameras.

And then it was time
to go down into the basement.

We were gonna bring in
some bibles,

we were gonna bring in
some crucifixes,

we were gonna bring in
some trigger objects.

Can I stop you right there? Yes.

When you brought in
those bibles,

did Wanda Kay
see your bibles?

What did she tell you
about those bibles?

She told us we were allowed
to bring them in

but she was not gonna be
any part of it.

What did you think about that?

Because a lot of people
use bibles for protection.

What did you think
when Wanda told you

she wasn't gonna be
any part of it

if you're bringing
these bibles in?

Well, I knew she was afraid that
we were stirring up something

that we shouldn't
be stirring up,

and I think
she was truly fearful

for what was going to happen
with us bringing them in.

KAY: That's when they said,
"We paid our money.

We deserve to give it a try."

So, that's what they want.
That's what they wanted.

Did you keep the bibles in?


Because at this point,
you're still skeptical...

Correct... of this place.

You're still skeptical.

So, what happened?

I felt like something grabbed me
by the tops of my shoulders

and picked me up
and threw me backwards.


That girl went straight back
onto a concrete floor

about 10 feet behind me.

How far did her feet
go off the floor?
About like that.

Everybody saw what happened,

and I literally
just went down to the ground.

I ended up on the ground.


You all right?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

ZAK: All right,
pause for a second.

You just suffer what I think
is possibly an attack,

you get pushed or something,

but one of these guys, all they
care about is this ball.

[ Chuckles ]

You will also notice
that one person

never even moves his camera
in my direction.

KAY: Next thing I know,
the guys talk her into,

"Take one for the team.
We're scientific.

You can do it.
It's all right here."

"Yes, I'm okay. It just knocked
the wind out of me."

I thought,
"You're a braver girl than me."

They threw me across the room,
I wouldn't go back in there,

at least that night.

Missy, was anybody in your group
using my name?


They weren't? No.

You sure? Yes.




And this was a group
that used your name.

I was told
that my name was brought up.

AARON: I thought so.

I'll say this,
that they are aware of,

you know,
who we are by name even,

as our names have been captured
through audio evidence.

I mean, a lot of people
just want to get pushed,

they want to get scratched,
they want to...

That's the fun thrill that
a lot of investigators want,

that energy
that's made up of this demon

or whatever has touched you,

has become a part of you
in the forms of an attachment.

But I've gotten
absolutely no EVPs,

and that's what bothers me
the most about the place.


Whatever is there
is willing to push me around,

but they're not willing
to tell me who they are.

It's because
they're smart as hell.

Yeah, it's like they're trying
to trick you to get you back,

so in a way,
you're attached to the area

and you keep trying
for more and more.

[ Distorted ] More and more.

Wanda Kay believes the fact
that she never provokes

has kept her safe,
at least so far.

But we've learned
that you don't need to push it.

Carl never pushed it.

Carl never taunted.


I've got it for the first time
in 10 years myself.

You did?

I did, back in June.

What happened to you? Tell me.

The door began to rattle.

So I said, "Open it.
Let's see what happens."

And as he did that,
all of a sudden,

I felt like a man...
500, 600 pounds...

Or a Mack truck just pow,
right into my chest.

I fell forward,

I kind of blacked out
for a couple seconds or so.

As I came back around,
I thought if I just relax,

don't fight it, it'll pass.

That's usually the way I deal
with that sort of thing.

But I've never had anything
that aggressive.

I've never been hurt before.
It hurt me.

Do you think it's safe
to bring people down there?

It depends on how you're acting,
who you are, and what you do.

What I do right now is I...

But innocent people
can get attacked.

I feel like I've got...
They could.

But I've got...

And this is nothing
to play with.

I don't want to say
I've got a deal with the Devil,

but there's an understanding,
and what I've told him lately...

Wanda, these are demons.
I know that.

You can't make an understanding
with demons.

Well, this is probably true.
This is true.

There's no "probably" to it.
You're absolutely right.

It is a job.
I'm trying to do it.

I'm trying to stay
as long as I can.

I'm trying to hold my own
as long as I can.

If they are not happy
with me being there

and doing my job
on a particular day...

Of course they're not
happy with you. You got
punched in the chest.

And you're telling me
that you're making a deal
with the Devil.

Think it's because
we were changing the building

and doing some things there.

I was helping do some remodeling
on the building.

With Bobby's new wife.

Is this renovating
going over well with the demons?

The renovating is definitely
not going over well.

I know that she knows
that I feel like

this was causing the spirits
to act out

and things to get
a little tougher around there.

I don't think
that either one of them

want to hear that
or to believe that.

Do you think that she's gonna
have repercussions?

I think that there's already
things going on.

With her?


She's not telling you?


Someone who has been there
since our first investigation

witnessing all these changes

is security guard Matt Coates.

Do you believe
there's demons there?


Do you still work there?

Yes, I do.

You're a tough [bleep] man,

to know that, to know
what you've been through.

I'm serious, man.

I wouldn't go two inches
inside of that place.

Hundreds of times,
I've told them, "You know what?

I'm done. Here's my keys."

I've walked out the door,
come back the next day,

and pick up
where I left off the day before.

Why would you
give them the keys?

Because you're just
sick of the job?

Or was it related to...

I mean, the atmosphere.

When the atmosphere would change
in the building, I'd just...

I'd be fed up
and just want to walk away.

Mm-hmm. What kind of atmosphere?

Was it affecting you?

Oh, yeah.

Were you flipping off on people?

Yep. In the drop of a pin,
I could be the biggest [bleep]

Was it you?


What was it?

Whatever had a hold of me
at the time.

Am I talking to Matt?
Yeah, this is...

[ Both chuckle ]

It's been me since that day
that you and I got into it...

Yeah, remember that?

...where we threatened
to kill each other and...

We wanted to kill everybody.

Matt was present
during our 2009 live event

when 100 "Ghost Adventures" fans

witnessed our second
investigation at Mackey's.

After the first time
we went there,

did the investigation,

then we were like,
"Okay, we got to do an event.

We got to show people
what happened."

This is when it truly
just unleashed itself.

It went to everybody

and just gave a little piece
of taste of itself to everybody.

Dave Schrader was doing
a Shack Hack session.

I was new to the Spirit Box
at that point.

And my voice came through it.

"Guys, be careful!"

Guys, be careful!

We just got your voice that came
through on the radio upstairs.

It was your voice.
I know your voice.

Are you serious?

That's why we ran down here.
I thought something was wrong.

WOMAN: And we played it back,

and I don't think anybody
had any question it was you.

That's me.

"Guys, be careful."

I want to play that over
and over for you right now.

Guys, be careful!

Guys, be careful!

Guys, be careful!

Hey, Aaron. Yeah.

How long
have you known me for?
A long time.

Is that my voice?

[ Chuckling ] Yeah.

Matt, is that my voice?
Yes, it is.

You know, to hear your
voice being mimicked by
something that close,

that wasn't a whisper
or nothing.

That was me screaming.

When we were in the basement,

you and I started feeling
the same things.

I was feeling really sick to my
stomach. I know you were, too.

Dread and sorrow and wanted to
kill everybody that was here.

ZAK: Bishop James
put something on my...

Some blessed oil on my forehead.

It felt like there was fire
on my forehead.


He also gave me his medallion.

When he put this medallion
on my neck,

I mean, my neck started burning.

I said, "It's burning real bad."
He goes, "That's good.

You are borderline possessed."

What happened to that pendant?

There was an altercation
at the club one night.

And after that altercation,

I don't know
what's happened to it.

What do you mean?
You always wore that.


There was a fight, and somehow,
it got ripped off my neck.

And it wasn't till about an hour
later that I had reached down.

I always reached down,
and I would play with it,

roll it around in my fingers.

And reached down for it,
and it wasn't there.

After the event with this medal,

how did things start going
in your life,

and how's everything going
in your life now?

Much like you guys, I also lost
a relationship out of it.

You did?

7? years.

Do you blame it
on Bobby Mackey's?

[ Sighs ]

Yes and no.

I wasn't making
the right choices at the time,

and the club was basically
running my life.

I mean,
I know there was one time

that I actually had to
get ahold of you

and, uh... you had to get ahold
of the Bishop Long for me.


I was having a bad night
at the club.

Some group had been in
from out of town,

and they were doing heavy
provoking and everything.

And started getting that feeling
again where...

Again, when you and I
went at each other

and started going after
everybody else.

Dread and sorrow and wanted to
kill everybody that was here.

And I noticed some of the signs
of what was going on.

I was actually, basically,
standing outside of myself.

I was able to see
that I was changing

back to what I was before.

Just real agitated
and everything.

And made a couple phone calls,
and that's when you went ahead

and got ahold of Bishop Long
for me.

And he called me and talked to
me and talked me out of it.

Did you ever act on it?

Did you ever beat someone's ass
in a way

that it wasn't provoked
because of a fight or something?

Did you ever act on anything?

You can get personal.


ZAK: Security guard Matt Coates
has been opening up

about his struggle
with oppression.

Dread and sorrow and wanted to
kill everybody that was here.

Has this dark entity driven him
to violence yet again?

I was able to see
that I was changing

back to what I was before.

Just real agitated
and everything.

And made a couple phone calls,
and that's when you went ahead

and got ahold of Bishop Long
for me.

And he called me and talked to
me and talked me out of it.

Did you ever act on it?

Did you ever beat someone's ass
in a way

that it wasn't provoked
because of a fight or something?

Did you ever act on anything?

You can get personal.


There was one incident.

I don't remember
exactly what had happened.

But I know I did hurt somebody
very badly.

What'd you do, Matt?

I can't remember
exactly what happened.

Did you hurt them physically?


Was it you?

No, it wasn't.

You think something
was influencing you
at Bobby Mackey's,

the same type of energy that
made your medal burn your skin,

was influencing
your aggression...

and made this person hurt?



And is this what caused you
to get help from a priest?


Did he do an exorcism on you?


Do you agree that these people
are still coming in

and investigating and yelling
and screaming and taunting

and pissing off the spirits?


Do you want it to stop?

I wish they would stop doing it.

They kick up the spirits
and everything.

They get to go home.

The next couple weeks,

I have to deal with it till
everything calms back down.

Have you told Wanda and Bobby
that you want this to stop,

these investigations?


And what do they tell you?

"We'll talk about it."

But it's not gonna stop.


Your director of security,
Matt Coates,

and Wanda Kay, who's worked
for you for how long?

10, 12 years.

Carl Lawson,
you've known him since 18.

He worked for you
almost his whole life.

What do they all have in common?

They've all been
somewhat attacked

or pushed or something
by some unseen force.

You can't really
prove the paranormal,

and you can't disprove it.

I'm gonna let you listen
to a voice, okay,

and I want you to tell me

if this voice sounds familiar
to you, okay?


MAN: Let me see your band-aid.

Where's the band-aid, Mikey?

ZAK: Pause it.

Do you hear anybody's voice
in there that you knew or know?

Uh... there was a couple of words
that sounded like Carl.

Carl who?

Carl Lawson.

This was captured
after Carl passed

in an EVP.

I'm not here, and I'm not gonna
shake your shoulders

and say, "Bobby," you know,

"all this stuff here,
how can you still be skeptical?"

What do you do?
But what do you do about it?

I mean, you just...
I mean, I ignore it.

You just want to
focus on the music.

I wanted to focus on the music,
had to get the place open,

was putting everything I had
in there.

And nothing's ever bothered me.


Maybe I don't connect with it.


For a skeptic, it seems strange
that Bobby would refer to

what he believes are
imaginary beings as "it."

Maybe I don't connect with it.

I felt like a man
or a Mack truck just pow.

This body is mine! No, it's not!

This body is mine! No, it's not!

COATES: I was basically
standing outside of myself.

I was able to see
that I was changing.

Perhaps he has begun to suspect

that the things he's heard
might be true,

that the evil that lurks inside
his bar is something very real.

I'm feeling weird, man.

We've been exploring demonic
attachments at Bobby Mackey's

and their impact on the lives
of its employees.

More recently,
we investigated a location

in the forests near Santa Cruz
where we spoke with Denise,

who has had her own experience
with negative attachments.

We interviewed you
at the Brookdale Lodge.

And I remember
first walking in there.

I mean,
a lot of locations we go to,

a lot of these places will have
a specific type of energy

that myself, Aaron, Nick, Billy,

we've been able to
become more sensitive

to these energies
in these locations.

And we knew right off the bat
that there was just something

not right about the Brookdale.

Constructed in 1922,

the most famous feature of
the lodge is the Brook Room...

A dining area built
around a flowing body of water

where a young girl
once lost her life.

Now, you were a house...

Head of housekeeping.

Head of housekeeping there.

I know that you spent
a lot of time there.

It's as if these spirits use you

possibly as an energy source
for them.

We don't understand
how they function, how they work

without being able to physically
grab them or see their matter.

It's just invisible energy.

But we can feel this energy
with our bodies,

and it makes us react
with the goose bumps,

and the hairs stand on end.

Sometimes we'll feel the pain
of these spirits.

And when you're saturated
in that environment,

like you were at Brookdale
for a long time,

what does that do to your body?

That can't be natural for you.

I lived constantly
under stress and fear.

And then just a few months after
leaving the Brookdale Lodge

and after the episode,

I was diagnosed
with multiple sclerosis.

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.


But I was just slowly
getting sicker and sicker

while working
at the Brookdale Lodge.

I was constantly being
hospitalized from being sick.

After you guys, after doing
the interview with you guys

at the Brookdale Lodge,

things just went chaotic
after that,

and something, I think,
followed me home.

Right now, I want to play a clip

when we interviewed you
for the first time,

when I met you
for the first time,

about the most traumatic

you had at the Brookdale Lodge.



Denise, if you don't mind,
I know I wasn't with you.

I know Nick was.

Can you tell me a little bit
real quick,

like, what you were telling him?

I came in to give the girls
their duties for the day.

One was working behind the bar.

And as I started walking down
this walkway right here,

something pushed me
with such force in my back...

...that, face hit
the pavement so fast.

I didn't have time
to put my hands down.

My bone came through my nose.

And when I got to the hospital,

they brought a domestic-violence
specialist in

because not only
was my nose broken,

but I had a massive bruise
of a handprint on my back.

And nobody was behind you?

No. But the lady
that was in the bar,

she's Hispanic, and she started
yelling "phantasma."

And she said that a dark figure
hovered above me.

Do you have any sense
of what this was?


Has this scarred you?


Don't be scared.
Be strong. This happens.


I don't like seeing this,

and we're gonna try and find out
what in the hell this is,

why it did this to you.


I hate to see you
go through this again

and to see that again.

'Cause I know it's hard.

But you agreed
to come talk to us,

and I just wanted to come back
and check in with people,

check in with you, 'cause...

I don't care what anybody thinks
about the paranormal

beyond that.

I just care now about the people

that were affected
by the paranormal.

And I want to raise awareness
through stories like yours

that these entities,
these evil spirits, these demons

are very real.

As further proof of the darkness

lurking within
the Brookdale Lodge,

I want to speak to
Denise's roommate, Marina,

to compare their perspectives
on these disturbing events.

I wanted to interview you
separately from her to...

I just want to have
a third party...

Yeah. know,
somebody that is a skeptic

and somebody that can talk to me

and everybody
that's watching this

and just give us that
perspective of things,

because she's very emotional,

she's very traumatized
by what happened to her.

Did she ever tell you
about that experience?

It was kind of one of the first
things that we discussed

when I moved to Brookdale.


And... [ Chuckles ]

I can't say that I didn't think
that it was a little crazy.

Mm-hmm. Is that the first time
you met her?

Yeah. Very first time I met her,
she told me about it.

Okay, when she told you about
it, was she emotional about it?

I've rarely seen her
talk about it

without getting
kind of emotional.

After the interview, we went
into the main ballroom area,

and we started hearing
some claw marks everywhere.

There it goes again.


It's right there.

We went and tried to debunk it
as squirrels or raccoons.

We looked everywhere.

We even went on the roof.

How do you get up there?

Grab that camera. Come on.

Where do you go?
Up these stairs.

Okay, go, go, go.

We didn't see anything. Nothing.

And these are thick roofs.

You wouldn't hear a raccoon or,
like, a squirrel or something.

It would be sliding, too.

But what animal's living up here

I don't know. I don't see any.

There was something
that seemed to gravitate
towards your presence.

After the investigation,
that night, I was deathly ill.

I was just projectile sick.

After that, little by little,

that scratching that we heard
that day started.

First it started at her house
one night.

There's this scratching
on the wall outside.

Could you hear it?


[ Scratching ]

This is what's really weird
for me,

'cause I never knew about the
scratching that you guys heard,

and you being
a full-blown skeptic.

When we were up there
looking for an animal
or something like that,

we didn't see one, yet he was
still hearing the scratching...



So, what did you hear,
a skeptic, at this house

where nobody else
could be doing it?

What would you describe
the sound as?

Like, nails
that would be scratching

on the outside of the paneling.

I'm just connecting
those two together.

Okay, and you heard it?


Then knocking began every night.

It was becoming every night.

Knocking, scratching.

In your room? Yes.

Okay. And on this one wall.

So, then, I think the thing
that was the most frightening

in the decision about wanting to
get out of there

was the Brookdale Lodge
had gave some...

I don't remember if you guys
remember seeing them...

Old guitars.

Okay, so, you get attacked
at the Brookdale Lodge,

you get pushed over,

with an unexplained hand print
on your back,

you break your nose,

and you decide
to take some souvenirs

from the Brookdale Lodge.

Well, they gave them to me,
and I didn't want to...

And you hang them in your room.

Yeah, I hung them in my room.

Let's just... Okay.

Denise, don't take objects

from insanely
friggin' haunted locations

that have bad spirits.

Didn't know that. Okay?

No more, right? Right.

Okay, cool. Let's continue.

So, I used these
really long screws
and kind of thick

so that it would hold these
in place,

'cause I didn't want them
to fall and smash.

They were just
really nice-looking,

and I knew
they were kind of old.

Marina and I had been out,
and we came home.

[ Door opens ]

One was smashed.
One was against the wall.

The screws that were in the wall

were about this far
out of the wall,

and they were bent
completely down.

And these guitars were light.

Yeah, exactly.

Okay, so the weight of them
wouldn't have bent a steel nail.



And the nails itself,
if it was 'cause of gravity,

would have pulled those nails
down and bent the Sheetrock,

but the bending nail,
that's just...

That's intense, because it would
have bent the Sheetrock.

The guitars
are from the location.

So if it was something else
just randomly...

But were those
the only objects affected?

Those were the only objects.

The only objects that were moved
or torn off the wall

were the objects
from the Brookdale?

Yes. Okay.

So something was probably trying
to give you a sign that,

"Hey, I'm here."

We've been talking to Denise

about her experiences
at the Brookdale Lodge

and the dark presence that has
invaded her life since she left.

Did you ever get angry?

Yeah, I got angry a lot.

I was pushing people away
from me.

I don't know why
I was doing that.

The people who cared about me
the most...

So, you started going into
a state of oppression.

Now, what's the difference

between possession
and oppression?

is a less serious form.

Oppression is when the entity
or the demonic being or whatnot,

even an evil spirit,

has decided to
attach itself to you.

And while it does that,

it's inflicting all of its bad
emotion, all of its bad mojo,

on you.

It wants you to be angry.

It wants you to argue
with your friends.

It wants you to lash out
and do bad things.

It wants you to be depressed
and miserable and sick,

because that's how
that energy feeds.

That's exactly
what it felt like.

Whatever lingers on
at the Brookdale,

I believe that we managed
to capture it on video

during our investigation
in 2012.

Is there somebody here
that's pushing women?

Whoa. AARON: What is that?

That's what I saw.

I want to play you a clip from
our thermal-imaging camera.

How does that work?

A thermal-imaging camera? Yeah.

It basically sees
in temperature.


All right, Bill.
Go ahead and play that clip.

If you're here, Sarah,

would you please
manifest yourself?

Or any other spirits.

AARON: We just want to say hi.

Hold on a second.

Billy, go back. Scroll back.

[ Video rewinds ]

Okay, so, right now, we are
inside of the river room.

I'm standing there with
this thermal-imaging camera,

shooting down the other side
to the bridge.

Watch as I pan the camera.

You're gonna see Nick's
reflection in the glass.

Okay. Okay?

There's another something here

that there was no explanation
to us.

Go ahead and play it.

Here's his reflection. That.

We don't know what it is.

What is that?

There's your reflection.
There's your hot point...

71.6, staying on it, right?

I just wanted to make sure
that that's your reflection.



What is that?

That's what I saw.

This right here
is the figure in question.

Even our reflections will show
heat up to here, okay?

For some reason,
this weird anomaly

that looks like a torso
and the top of a head

is all in your cold temperatures

So to date,

that's one of our most
impressive thermal captures.

Now I'm starting to wonder

exactly about what everyone
has to say about the lodge.

AARON: We just want to say hi.

There are some things even
a skeptic cannot explain.

What is that?

Is this the entity
that pursued Denise

even beyond the walls
of the Brookdale Lodge?

Would you ever go back
to that place again?

I feel like I have to.


We already did that.

But it feels like something
still has control.

Okay, but that means
not going back there.

I want to know why
everybody says that.

that has bad experiences,

they say the same stuff.

We say the same stuff.

Why do we always want to
go back to it?

No. Please, enough's enough.

You've been through too much
of this, all right?

Talking to us right now,
this, I hope,

is closure for you,
not going back there.

You know, you got beat up,
you know, by something,

and to come out here
and show that bravery

and sharing that with everybody
and sharing your story,

I think that is helping you
beat this entity, you know?

And I know it's still hard.
You shed some tears here.

But ultimately, your heart,
your bravery, and your courage

is far exceeding the power
of whatever this is

that is...
That used to be attached to you.

Leaving behind the negative
influence of the Brookdale Lodge

has been a huge step
towards Denise's recovery.

I can only hope
that it's not too late

for the employees
at Bobby Mackey's Music World.

Think you're ever
gonna leave there?

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, I d... I think I'm there
until the day it closes down.

# Poor Pearl, poor girl
lay dead upon the ground #

# Poor Pearl, poor girl,
her head was never found #

MAN: [ Distorted ]
They gave her head

as a blood sacrifice
to the Devil.

The Devil.

# Things haven't been the same
since Zak Bagans came along #

# Teased the bad spirits #

# Made them mad,
and they followed him home #

I think Pearl is safe now.

Subtitles Diego Moraes