Ghost Adventures (2008–…): Season 13, Episode 7 - St. Anne's Retreat - full transcript

The Ghost Adventures crew investigates St. Anne's Retreat, where in 1997 a group of teenagers, drawn to the property for its legends of dead nuns and hellhounds, were held hostage and terrorized by three armed security guards.

There's so much going
on in this hotel.

ZAK: How many people live
in this building?
Just me.

ZAK: Was there any murder
or suicide?

There was a suicide.

You're tellin' me that this
exploded in the air?

-For real.
-I just felt a hand on my arm.

-There's bad energy here.
-The hell was that?

ZAK: Oh, my God! Billy!
What the...

[ Whispers ] I'm so scared.
[ Door creaking ]

ZAK: There are things
in this world

that we will never
fully understand.

We want answers.

We have worked years
to build our credibility,

our reputation,

working alongside

the most renowned professionals
in the field,

capturing groundbreaking proof
of the paranormal.

-It's working!
-Whoa! What was that?

I can't give you
an explanation.

ZAK: This is our evidence,

our "Ghost Adventures."

ZAK: The Hotel Metlen
in Dillon, Montana,

is straight out
of a Hollywood horror movie..

This nearly 120-year-old hotel

has seen the Gold Rush,
the Wild West.

And people have died in
almost every single room here.

Something dark
inside of this hotel

has caused an employee
serious bodily injury

and others to lose themselves

Built by local businessman
Joseph C. Metlen in 1897,

this now defunct hotel

offers nothing more than
an open bar

and a mysterious third floor

that has been locked
for over 20 years.

Death and suicide
are no stranger to the Metlen.

Many have made this hotel
their last stop.

[ Gunshot ]

Henry, come here. Come here.

Uh, this is Henry.

Um, he's the cutest dog
in the world.

Can I sit next to you?


Philly's a little nervous.
I am.

If Henry
is part of the interview,

if we include Henry,

will that take
some of the nerves away?

I think it would, if Henry
could go up there with me.

ZAK: Philly's experiences here
have been so intense

that she no longer likes
going upstairs.

Because of this,

she has recently put the hotel
up for sale.

Well, let's go up there again.

Philly, please.

ZAK: After witnessing how
genuinely terrified Philly is

to visit the place
where a violent injury occurred,

she finally agrees
to take me there.

Where did this happen?

Well, I was halfway
down this hall.

I don't care to walk
down here with these --

without any lights on
in these rooms. [ Laughs ]

So I was, uh,
on my hands and knees,

cuttin' in this carpet.

And I was up here
for a few hours.

And I felt like
somebody was behind me.

So I went to turn to look.

I saw a-a huge shadow.

As soon as I did,
the knife kept going,

and I cut my thigh
pretty bad.

You cut your thigh?

'cause I was nervous.

How big was the wound?

3 or 4 inches long.

We don't know what it was.

ZAK: After hearing
Philly's frightening account,

it's already clear
that Philly injured herself

as a result
of seeing this entity.

But what we want to know is,

if this something
influenced her to do so,

does it feed off pain and blood
from the living?

Do you want to show us
the third floor?


It's been locked up
for...20 years.

It's been locked up,
locked up and sealed.

With a padlock.

You guys are welcome
to go up there by yourself.

I normally
don't go up there.

You honestly
don't wanna go up there.

I-I really don't.

Do we have permission
to open the padlock

and go to the third floor

and do our investigation
up there?

Well, Sandy said
that you can,

and she's making
an exception.

She just wants you
to be respectful...

...when you go up there.
Respectful to the spirits?

Whatever you may find.

ZAK: Before we unlock
the infamous and forbidden
third floor,

we need to collect
more experiences

to be fully prepared
for what we may encounter.

Bailey has an alarming
and unique story

that sent chills down my spine.

You deejay.
Used to.

All right.
So I wanna know, really,

about this whole thing that
happened with you.

Everything was goin' fine.
It was smooth.

It was busy, just busy, busy.
Was there a lot of people?

Dance floor here
was full of people.

It was like a dark cloud
came over me.

And everything was gone.

I could see the empty bar.
There was nobody here.

What do you mean,
"There was nobody here?"

You just said it was busy.
It -- it was busy. That's...

How long did this last?
About 4 minutes.

That long?

So do you think that
it was, like, lost time?

It was 4 minutes gone.

Now, you used the --
the word "dark cloud."


When a dark cloud
gets put over somebody,

I wanna know if you just

lost control
of your -- of your sight,

you lost control
of -- of your hearing.

I lost control of my body.
What the hell?

That's crazy.


when somebody is possessed
by a spirit...


I've been possessed
by a spirit.

There is no track of time.

I'm getting chilled up
just talking about this

because it relives the moment
that it's happened to me.

So do you think it's possible

that you were possessed
for those 4 minutes?

It's definitely possible.

ZAK: One thing I know
about possession,

it elevates the existence
of a wicked presence.

Now, Philly decides to open up
about a very personal

and yet extremely powerful
paranormal story

about her business partner's
mother, Dorothy,

who lived and died
in this very room

where we are sitting right now.

Can you tell me about --

And this is what
I was telling you.

This is the reason
why I wanted to come here.

Tell me exactly what happened
when you were sitting there,

eating with Dorothy
and her daughter Sandy.

And there's something to do
with this glass.

And we're gonna get to this
in a moment.

Well, it was, uh,
it was Sandy, myself,

and a-a good friend
of the family, Anne,

went out to lunch
with Dorothy.

And I knew that she was
takin' us out to lunch

to ask us what each of us

would like to have of hers
after she passed away.

So we're sittin'
at the table, eating.

And she said, "Philly,
what would you like of mine

after I'm --
I'm no longer here?"

I said, "Dorothy,
I've never known anybody

"that was gonna die.

"So I would like,
once you pass,

if you can send me
a signal."

And she said,
"Philly, I'll break a glass."

We actually discussed this.

And I said,
"A glass would be fine."

So you didn't ask her
for an antique.

You didn't ask her
for an expensive possession.

You asked her to come back
to the hotel and break this.

What happened
with the glass?

Couple days after,
she passed away --

This was just 2 days?
Yeah. Right.

Right after she died.
AARON: Right after.

This happened just 2 days
after she died?

We were -- we were in this room.
Se died in this room.

Sandy was in here,
sittin' at a little table,

writin' the eulogy.

And I was writin'
thank you notes.

Her brother, Mike,
just opened up that door.

It was so quiet.

And this is what I heard.

And it actually sounds
just like this.

[ Scraping ]

And a glass just exploded.

[ Whispers ] Wow.
So you're tellin' me

that this slid and exploded
in the air.

ZAK: Dorothy's occupation
is clearly strong here.

This hotel was her baby.

Now I'm curious as to
other peoples' experiences.

I'm curious to know
if Dorothy is

making herself known to others.

Tell me what you saw when you
looked through this window.

I saw a white figure out
on the dance floor,

um, appeared to be
a woman in a dress.

I didn't see, like,
a definite face.

And it didn't look at me
or anything.

But, um...
What time was this?

That was about 2:30,
3:00 in the morning.

So you saw this...

Sandy's mother died.

I never knew her mother.

Okay. You never met her?

Okay. I'm just trying
to piece the --

the -- the pieces together
as an investigator

to see if it's possible
that you saw Sandy's mother,

that has already been proven
to give evidence

from the other side.

ZAK: Two amazing encounters

with what could
very well be Dorothy.

And now it seems that Bailey has
had one as well.

It also appears
that his connection to her

far exceeds the others.

You're tellin' me that
she's entering your dream.

And -- here's the most crazy
part, ladies and gentlemen --

you never met her.

Where do you sleep?
Where do you live right now?

On the second floor.

How many people live
in this building?
Just me.

So in your dreams,
when she visits your dreams,

I believe that's her spirit
entering into your room.

I'm sorry, but I know
you take showers up there.

Yep. Yep. [ Laughs ]
And who knows what else
you do.

But -- but she's here, man.

She's come into your dream
and have told you "thank you"...

...because you're watching
this place.

We're the next caretakers.

Was there any murder
or suicide?

-There was a suicide.
-This is alarming.

-AARON: Dude...
-What was that? I'm serious.

ZAK: Everybody, it's day two
of our investigation

here in Dillon, Montana,
at the Metlen Hotel.

There's so much going on
in this hotel, so much history.

We are going to focus
our investigation

of going into the Hotel Metlen,
meeting with Philly.

She's gonna show us some stuff

that they've found
hidden in the walls,

that she believes is connected
to some of the spirits here.

If we gather their objects
and take possession of it

during our investigation,

those spirits are gonna
come to those objects

because it has
their energy on it.

Their memories are imprinted
in these objects.

So if you find that stuff here,
hidden in the walls,

and you take possession
of that,

those spirits are gonna
come after you.

It's like a spirit lure

that you're putting onto
your fishing rod.

That's what
we're lookin' for.

Let's go.

Hi, Henry. Hi, buddy.

How ya doin', Henry?

Good to see ya again.

Hi, Philly.

It's good to see you.

Holy cow.
[ Chuckles ]

Are you kidding me, right now?
So cool.

ZAK: Philly shows us

a massive treasure trove
of coins from the 1800s

that they found buried
in the walls on the first floor.

Mint shape, 1897,

the year the Metlen was --
was built.

Oh, so cool.
So where -- where did
these come from?

In the wall.

And there's actually a hole
in the wall, in the sandstone.

So it would have been a room
that somebody rented

and hid their stash...

...and then probably died

or didn't come back
or somethin' happened to them.

And that's my point exactly.

It's worth a lot to them
back then.

And if they don't have it...
This is worth everything
to them.

Yeah. That's -- A whole
handful's worth so much.

But the question is...
And all the silver combined...

The question is, why would
he hide this in a wall here?

If you had all this money,

why would you go to a hotel
and hide it in a wall?

Try and figure this out.

Why would you try...

Why would you hide this
in the wall at this hotel?

Unless you were in trouble
and had to come back.

If this was, what,
stolen, maybe?

This is what happens

when you find treasure
in an old, historic hotel.

What was that?
What was that?

I... [ Laughs ]
What -- what was that, dude?

What was that? I'm serious.

AARON: Wait. Shh. Shh.

No one move.

Does that sound like
something being dragged

along the wood with wheels?
Yeah, right here.

Yeah. Right here.
Right here.

It was like...
[ Imitates dragging sound ]

Did you hear that?
PHILLY: Of course I heard that.

JAY: Henry ran over there.

ZAK AND AARON: And Henry ran
straight over there. an old, historic hotel. an old, historic hotel.

What was that?
What was that?

How much square footage
is the hotel?


So in the 42,000 square feet
of this hotel,

as we're standing here,
talking about these coins,

we hear a massive dragging sound
on this floor,

right here, that even
caused Henry to go over there.

Where were these found?

Uh, right below
that wall, in the wall.

[ Laughs ] God.
Yet again.

You always give us
the info after!
I rest my case.

She's like,
"Oh, by the way..."
[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] Dude, oh, my God.
No, for real, it was.

It makes so much sense.

ZAK: If the spirit here
that contained these,

maybe if this guy died,
and these were his coins,

and he knows that
we have 'em right now,

is he here?

ZAK: While exposure to these
fascinating and mysterious items

is raw in my mind,

it seems best
to take this energy

straight to the local museum

and see if we can find
more historical ammunition

regarding this
immense investigation.

Museums are

a paranormal investigator's
best friend,

because the museums contain

the information about
the history.

The history is the product
of the hauntings.

You have to know
the history

before you investigate
the hauntings.

So we want to try
and find out exactly

who these spirits

are that are haunting
the Metlen Hotel.

So if we can learn about
these people,

then we'll get better evidence

when we try and contact
their spirits later on.


How ya doin'?
I'm well, thank you.

This is the -- Whoa!

[ Roars ]
[ Woman laughs ]

What the heck?

[ Aaron laughing ]

Why do you do that
to people?

You live with what? Bears?

In your house?

In the big home, I did.
Not in the house, but right...

Real bears?

Yeah. Tryin' to get in.
Yep, just like that one.

But why is that right there?

That -- that was a legitimate...
I'm scared.

That wasn't a dramatic
for-camera thing.

Well, you're the only one
I've ever seen be really scared.

[ Record needle scratches ]

So were you able to find

any proof of any other deaths,
any names?


Um, was there any murder
or suicide

or anything like that?

There was a suicide
in 1976.

A war veteran named
Everett Pearson

shot himself
at the Metlen Hotel.

This guy that --
that committed suicide,

do you know his background?

He worked on ranches.

So he was a cowboy.

Wait a minute.
What year did he die?

[ Gunshot ]

What year did they find
those spurs?

In 1977, in a room upstairs
that wasn't bein' used...

ZAK: Earlier, Philly showed us
all the coins they found,

but also a pair
of mysterious spurs

found in one of the rooms..

1977. The year I was born.

That's just crazy to me, that
this cowboy committed suicide

just a year prior.

ZAK: Lynn begins to read
the seemingly never-ending list

of deaths
connected to the Metlen.

And it's staggering.

J.C. Metlen, who built
the hotel...

Robert Wing,
who was also a cowboy...

Had a Mrs. Week,
who died in her sleep...

Mr. Delk Lucy...

ZAK: As I listen to these names,

these souls that exhaled
their final breaths

within these walls,

I can't help but think
how many of them

must have wished
they were with their loved ones.

But they were alone

and now eternally sentenced
to these rooms,

a fate that has
dark repercussions.

Now we've called Philly back

as Billy discovered an amazing
EVP that we recorded yesterday,

shortly after her interview

regarding Dorothy
and the broken glass.

I was blown away when
I heard it.

Well, I'm just gonna
be honest with you.

We do a lot of EVP in every
single location that we go to.

Um, we don't always
walk away with EVPs.

And we don't always
walk away with good EVPs.

This -- this is alarming.

Uh, it's really good.

The quality of this --
these EVPs are really good.

We thought that it's important
that you listen to it,

because I wanna see if you can
identify a specific voice.

the hotel's beautiful.

[ Woman speaks indistinctly ]

did you really move --

Stop, Billy.


I heard that.

That sounded like Dorothy.

Shut up. Are you serious?
No, play it back.

I don't know what the pe--
what it's tryin' to say.

Are you -- I didn't mean
to say "shut up."

But I...

That was just my natural
reaction. That -- that's crazy.

When we get EVP,

a lot of our EVPs are
loud whispers.

"Rah, rah, rah.
Blah, blah, rah, rah."

This is one of the few
that has vocal tone.

the hotel's beautiful.

[ Woman speaks indistinctly ]

"She says, 'Thanks.'"

I don't know what
you guys are hearin'.

I hear, "She says, 'Thanks.'"

-AARON: That was a scream.
-ZAK: Oh, my God.

-There's bad energy here.

ZAK: As night falls
in the town of Dillon, Montana,

we are ready for our lockdown.

Bailey, who lives and works
at the Hotel Metlen,

will perform
the "Ghost Adventures" tradition

of sealing us inside
the location.

Okay, we're just gettin' ready
to start our investigation.

And we're setting up
X cameras.

That's why you can see the top
two are still black boxes.

And, uh, our nerve center
is located in Dorothy's room,

the current owner's mother,
who lived and died in this room.

And right over here
at the bar,

where we got an incredible EVP
of her voice at the same spot

where she flew a glass
off the table.

I heard that.
That sounded like Dorothy.

Shut up.

So while we're setting up,

tell everyone
what just happened to you.

Jay was over here,
workin' on stuff.

I was clear across the room,
on my laptop.

And a whisper in my ear,
it goes, "Bill."

I thought it was Jay.
So I went to go, "What, Jay?

Like, why are you
whisperin' in my ear?"
He was clear over here.

Just as we are gearing up

and preparing
for our investigation,

Jay starts frantically calling
for us from nerve center

as he is hearing very loud
noises and unexplained voices

coming from the third floor.

AARON: Let's go.
[ Thud ]

What the...
What the hell?

Did you hear that?
What was that?

JAY: That was
up on the third floor.

We just heard a huge,
huge loud bang.

[ Shriek ]
[ Gasps ]

Oh, my God..

What was that?
That was a scream.

Oh, my God.

We just heard a huge,
huge loud bang.


[ Gasps ]

There was a crash, a scream.

ZAK AND AARON: Let's go.
Time. We gotta go.

ZAK: So that's on
the third floor, Jay?

-Third floor.
-Give me a walkie.
-Good luck, Jay.

There's somethin'
on that third floor.

Now you gotta
remember somethin'.

This is the floor
that is padlocked shut.

People haven't gone up there
in decades.

This floor is left and locked
for the spirits.

[ Stairs creaking ]

ZAK: Now the only person
who has been in here,

very briefly, earlier today,
was Jay,

'cause he had
to get the camera in here

that's rolling right now.
-AARON: Whew.

This is so awesome right now.

I cannot wait to get inside
of this floor.

I'm actually really nervous.
BILLY: I got anxiety, man.

I'm nervous as hell
to get in here.

-BILLY: Yeah.
-ZAK: Key?
-AARON: Key.

The key.

[ Groans ]

I just got an anomaly
shooting out of there.

It -- it went right over
your shoulder.

Yeah, it came out
of the doorway.

ZAK: As Billy is looking at
his tiny LCD screen,

what he first thinks is
a light anomaly

is, in reality,
just a flying insect.

This anomaly is debunked.

Hello, spirits?

[ Music stops ]
Stop, dude.

What? Stop what?

I didn't do anything.

Were you grabbing onto my arm?

No. I just was
over your shoulder.

I just felt a hand on my arm,
like this.

No, I didn't
touch you, man.

Like, I thought you were tryin'
to get me outta the way.

I just had both hands --

You got me, right?
BILLY: Yeah. I got you.

I never touched you.
You weren't touchin' him.

Static comin' out of here.
You can just feel it.

ZAK: You do not like

having the living come up here
and disturb you.

That's why this floor
is kept locked.

We're not here
to tell you to leave.

This is your hotel.

However, the one person
that's living in this hotel now

says that something
growled at him last night.

And you heard the growl?

Yep, just a low grumble.

Can you come to this device...

[ Tap ]
...that I'm holding in my hand?

What was that?

-I don't know, the whole --
-What the hell was that?

The whole ceiling
down here just cracked.
Ceiling just cracked.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]
ZAK: Oh, it says...

Automated female voice:
"Look. Found."

BILLY: What did it say?
"Look. Found."

So -- I'm getting chills.
I am, too. I am getting...

So here,
we just hear noise.

It sounded like somebody
running above us.

...that --

...that I'm holding in my hand?
What was that?

And as soon as we hear that,
we hear "Ran."

"Look. Found," like,
as if they ran,

and then they looked
and found us.


ZAK: Just as I am
piecing this together,

we hear a smoke detector start
beeping in the room next to us.

And we are unaware

that this might be a spirit
manipulating the device.

Can you give us another message
on this device

and tell us who you are
or how did you die?

That's gotta...
I hear it.

It's right here.

"Great Nana"! Get that!

BILLY: Whoa!
"Great. Nana."

AARON: Nana's the sound
for "mom" or "grandma."

Great Grandmother.

When Dorothy heard
the voice,

she said it sounded
more like her mother...

Which would be
Sandra's Great Nana, right?

ZAK: Just as we received
this message, "Great Nana,"

we make one of our best
thermal captures to date.

A very cold, unexplained figure
seems to walk by

in front of the thermal camera,
from right to left.

This blue figure contains
no heat whatsoever.

Here is a split screen

to of the unknown figure
compared to one of us,

showing the difference between
the heat of the living

and the cold of the dead.

This is also not
the Ovilus device

that I'm holding in my hand
grazing in front of the camera.

Here is a
split-screen comparison

to rule this out as well.

Could this possibly be

an old woman with her head
slouched down?

And is it the owner's
Great Nana?

We already know that
the owner's mother, Dorothy,

who earlier gave us
incredible evidence

during our interviews,

and Dorothy's mother
are both here

in full-spirit form.

So could this be
the owner's Great Nana

completing a fourth generation
of matriarchal hauntings?

Oh, I think you're right.
I'm, like, totally chilled.

ZAK: You all right?
Yeah. Yeah. No.

It's the --
it's the connection between...

Stay -- stay there.
...between the family members.

Automated female voice:


It just said, "Beg.

There's bad energy here,
too, though.

Up -- it's up here.

If you're malevolent,

then you'll know
some personal stuff about us.

Can you tell us our name,
or do you know how old we are?


For-- 40!

It just said 40!

Dude, I'm...shaking,

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

ZAK: Oh, my God, Billy!

ZAK: We're on the terrifying
third floor of the Hotel Metlen,

and an entity is communicating
personal information to us.

BILLY: Oh, my God.
Aaron is 40.

Aaron, you're 40.
I am. Yeah.

It's calling you out. I just
said, "Tell us how old we are."

And it said, "Forty."

You're the only one
that's 40.


ZAK: Could this spirit, who is
now getting personal with us,

be trying to lure us
to a particular location?

We now begin searching
for this closet.

AARON: Zak, come here.

Look at this.

We heard footsteps on the roof.
[ Stairs creaking ]

What the...

This is right by
where we were.

I walked in here
'cause there's a -- Okay.

We hear this alarm going off,

and we need to turn it off
'cause it's annoying.

So we're lookin' for it.

Dude, I come up here.
There's a walkway.

And it's right where
we heard footsteps upstairs.

BILLY: Go ahead.
Go up.
Go up and check it out.

Oh, no, man.

I just feel like
I'm walking up to a spirit,

and he's just pissed.
Go see what is up there.

It's a room.
Dude, it's a room.

[ Loud crash ]
Oh, my God, Billy!

AARON: What was that?

There's something in there
just moved.

Are you okay, Bill?
Yeah. Yeah. Shook up.

We were right here.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

I went up the stairs
and then you guys heard that.

These boards moved.

Oh --

Oh, my God, Billy!
What was that?

You all right, Billy?

Dude, I'm...shaking, scared.

I had my back to that.
I was filming you.

I was right here.
Billy was right here.

You were up there, Aaron.
And these boards just moved.

It was in this closet.
Wait a minute.

[ Aaron gasps ]
When we were in here,

and we heard
the footsteps up there,

what word did we get, dude?

Closet! It said, "Closet"!

It did say closet!

So you're telling us something
about this closet.

I'm gonna come inside
the closet now

and I want you to grab me.

You moved the wood.
I wanna feel your hand upon me.

You're crazy, dude.

We are all in complete shock

from experiencing direct
poltergeist activity.

So our instincts tell us
to turn on all of the lights

in order to closely examine
the closet.

What is that?
AARON: I'm telling you.

My mom, she finds sticks
like this and uses 'em

as walking sticks
all the time.

ZAK: Could this walking stick

belong to
the old, hunched-over figure

that we captured on
thermal camera only moments ago?

And this isn't
the only strange object

we find in the closet.

Bird egg?
It's an actual egg.

What's really strange
is that this egg

was sitting up
on this piece of wood.

BILLY: Yeah. Why?

ZAK: What makes this
even stranger

is that while Aaron was
on the next floor,

directly above this closet,

he discovered a dead bird
in the middle of the floor.

A spirit put
that bird egg there.

A bird didn't put
that bird egg there.

Absolutely not.

BILLY: This is gettin'
really strange.
Well, plus the dead...

Whoa. Dude.
Did you feel it?

Oh, my g-- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

You and I are goin' back
to nerve center.

BILLY: Okay.
AARON: Wait. No.

I don't like this
already, dude.

I don't wanna be here
alone, bro.

Face it. You want to.
I got it.

Just try it.
[ Groans ]

I just wanna see what happens.

I want you to go and start here
so we can watch you.

Not only are we leaving
Aaron alone on the third floor,

but I feel we should
also seal him in

by padlocking the door,

so that his natural fear

will attract the spirits
even further.

[ Door thuds ]

I just want to isolate you
in there because right now,

when I did that, you're showing
a lot of fear right now.

That fear is our bait.

Whatever energy is up here
doesn't like to be disturbed.

And you can sense it.
I just have the chills every --

I am...

[ Whispers ] I am so scared.

[ Oscillating static ]

Can you say a name to whoever's
walking around these hallways?

I just wanna talk with you.
I figured, hey,

if you've been up here --
Female voice: Taken.

What was that?
ZAK: A female comes through

and tells Aaron
that she's been taken.

I just wanna talk with you.

I figured, hey,
if you've been up here --'ve been up here --

Oh, my God. I was talking
over it. I didn't quite hear it.


Could you please say that again?
Want some?

Same voice.

ZAK: Now she asks Aaron
if he wants some.

AARON: Could you please
say that again?


Same voice.

You have a lovely place
up here.

Who's up in --
Male voice: Be gentle.

Did you hear that?
AARON: Whoa.

Who's up in --

Who's up in --

ZAK: "Taken." "Want Some."
"Be gentle."

Is Aaron capturing an intimate
and possible sexual moment

between this man and woman?

AARON: What year is it to you?
Female voice: You're welcome.

What year is it to you? you?

I'm not quite understanding
what you're saying.

I need you to talk again
so I can talk back.


I'm scared to have my back
against these rooms.

Should I?
Male voice: Yeah.

I'm scared to have my back
against these rooms.

Should I?

Should I?

[ Oscillating static continues ]

There's somethin' right here.

We're disturbing somethin'

that hasn't been disturbed
in a long time.

What is your name? What?!

ZAK: Aaron is locked in
and alone

on the ominous third floor,

frightened and overwhelmed

by a flood
of paranormal activity.

AARON: Was there a suicide
in here?

Is there history?
Is that correct?

What is that?

Oh, my God, man. I saw you.

Are you guys upstairs?

[ Oscillating static continues ]

Oh, my God, man.
I'm seein' face --

I'm h-- Oh, my God, man.

This is your only shot

to really express who you are.

What's your name?
[ Tapping ]

What's that, dude?

Guys! Guys!

ZAK: All of a sudden,

Aaron and all three of us
back at nerve center

hear what sounds like
very loud stomping sounds

right next to Aaron.

What's your name?

What's your name?

ZAK: This sends him
into a level five panic.

So Billy and I immediately
head upstairs to help him out.

You all right?

Are you serious?

What glass thing?
That's what I thought.

When I came back and I moved
the camera, I was like,

"Wh-- why didn't we, one,
step on this?

And two, where the hell
did it show up from?"

BILLY: Let me see.

That was not there.

That was, 100%, not there.

ZAK: Could this object have
caused the loud rumbling sound

that Aaron heard
about 10 feet away from him?

This was not on the floor
when we locked Aaron in here.

As you can see, we captured it
where it was on this chair.

I want out of here.
Let's go, man.
Aaron. Aaron.

I'm tellin' you,
it's not good in here.

We're disturbing somethin'
that hasn't been disturbed...

[ Whispers ] in a long time.

Bailey overheard growling.

He lives in this room
right here.

He's the only one
who lives here.

And we are going to try
to make contact

to try to help him to see
whether or not this --

this entity is just
a human spirit

or something darker.

So, Billy,
what are you gonna do?

We're gonna use
the Paranormal Puck 2.

Bill Chappell
just updated this.

We're gonna type
the questions and hit enter.

We already got responses

Awesome. Hold on.
I got another idea.

ZAK: We are going to actually
video call Bailey

while we conduct
this experiment

because he told us
that last night,

he was video chatting
with his sister

when this terrifying growl

I hope you don't mind that we're
sitting on your bed right now.

Nope. You're good.
Don't worry.

Our butts are on the far end,
not where your head goes.

If you have any
questions, too, Bailey,

we can transfer your questions
to the device.

And it might be cool that,

if this entity hears
your voice,

he may be, or it may be,
more susceptible to answer it.

Yeah. Absolutely.

Do -- do you like
that we're up there,

and I'm livin' there?

BILLY: Do you like
that Bailey lives here?

Automated voice: Necessary.

Whoa. Sh--

A voice came through
and said, "Necessary."

That's interesting.
Well, think about it.

It's necessary
that you live here.

Does that make any sense?

Yeah. Absolutely.

I-I feel like it's my job

to be the person that,
you know, is there and --

and protects
the building itself.

Let me ask a question.

The spirit that's here now,

that just answered
this question,

what is your name?
Let's see if it's Dorothy.

ZAK: Dorothy is
the owner's mother

who died in this building,

and she visits Bailey
in his dreams

in order to thank him
for what he does for the hotel.

BILLY: Who are we speaking to?

It says "help."

We just said,
"Who are you speaking to?"

And it said, "Help."

Let's -- let's ask what --
what we can do to help?

What can I --
what can we do?

What can Bailey do to help?


[ Gasps ]

Are you serious?


What are the chances of it
saying that?

I don't know.
That's exactly what we're doing.

On the phone.
And I'm on the phone with him.

"What can Bailey do to help?"

That's nuts.
That's weird.

I don't -- that's weird.
That's cool, though.

Like, this whole experiment
is based around this phone.

[ Creaking ]

Like, that -- this is --
AARON: Whoa. Shh.

I just heard footsteps
in that room.

Like, this whole experience
is based around this phone.

Like, that -- this is --
Whoa. Shh.

I just heard footsteps
in that room.

Ask the spirit, again,
what is your name?

I'm afraid to -- I'm afraid
to push the enter button.

Hit it.
What is your name?

"Tub." "Crossover."

Let me ask it
one more time, Zak.

What is your name?


I have no energy.

ZAK: While FaceTiming
with the Hotel Metlen's
only resident,

we have just made contact
with a female spirit.

Bailey, we just got a response.

I think we got more
than just her name.

"Tub. Crossover" could have been
a suicide in a bathtub.

ZAK: Is it possible
that a spirit named Karen

committed suicide in the bathtub
where Bailey now lives?

And is she receiving
help from us

by communicating through
this phone experiment?

We're all stunned.
We can feel it.

Can you -- can you tell us
what room did you cross over?

I'm gonna put Karen so I'm
talkin' directly to her.



She resents what she did.

That's what makes sense to me.

That's why we're
all jacked up, man.

Dude, I gotta get off this --
I gotta get off this phone.

I'm, like...I don't know
what's goin' on.

We need some fresh air.
I can't even stand up.

Here. I got you.
That's what I'm sayin'.

I have no energy.
It's crazy.

During this entire experiment,

I was being used as a conduit

between a spirit named Karen
and Bailey,

who was on the phone
in my hand.

And this has taken
everything out of me.

Just like in the living world,

sometimes a person that needs
help simply needs someone

to talk to about something
they resent doing.

We hope that Karen can now
move on.

As our lockdown nears
its conclusion,

there is still one final
dark, scary place

left to investigate --
the basement.

We wanna send somebody
down there by themselves.

So --
But we're all too scared.

[ Laughter ]

We're all too scared
to go down there.

So what we're doin' is,
I have four pieces of paper.

Three of 'em
have X;s on it.

And one of 'em has a checkmark.
Aw, dude.

The person that gets
the checkmark

is the one that's going to be
strapped with the chest,

full-spectrum camera
with no other light sources,

and is gonna have to touch
and feel their way

down this massive basement.

All right. Are we ready?

Pick just one.
Don't look at it.

This one feels too right.

we're all seriously...

I don't want it!
I don't want it!

Ready, go.


Checkmark! Jay!




ZAK: Jay will now be strapped
with a chest-mounted,

full-spectrum camera
with no flashlight

as he investigate
the dark, dangerous bowels

of this extremely haunted hotel.

Good luck, Jay. I'm sorry.

Bye, Jay.

Better him than me.
Better him than any of us.

JAY: I can't see anything, man.

[ Thud ]



[ Jay groans ]

Dude, are you all right?

[ Breathing heavily ]

ZAK: Billy runs down
to help Jay,

who hit his head
pretty hard on the door.

After a little recovery time,

Jay chooses to carry on
like a trooper.

You're a warrior, Jay.

JAY: I'm tryin'.

[ Lumber shifts, thuds ]

[ Lumber crashes ]

[ Cart rattles ]

Aah! [ Groans ]


[ Groans ]

ZAK: We're comin' down, Jay.
This is enough.

You can only watch a man
fall down so many times

before throwing in the towel.

Enough is enough.

And we have already been
through a great deal

of high-intensity moments.

Our work here is done.

And we will walk away
with a few cuts and bruises,

along with substantial evidence

validating that
multiple paranormal entities

still reside
at the Metlen Hotel.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.