Flipper (1964–1967): Season 2, Episode 20 - Flipper and the Shark Cage - full transcript

Bud disobeys his father and breaks a lot of rules, putting himself in grave danger inside a shark cage on the bottom of the ocean without anyone's knowledge.

- Flipper, I thought you
said there was something

down there special.

This old conch shell isn't worth anything.

Flipper, I just gotta find
something worth a lot of money.

Dad's birthday's tomorrow
and all I've got saved up

for a present is 50 cents.

Oh, all right, I'll give
you one more chance.

Wowee, Flipper.

Do you know what that is down there?

It's a real shark cage.

With all that metal, it
must be worth a fortune.

Now, let me see.

Turtle Rock, just so
you can see Gary Point.

I got this place marked, Flipper.

I betcha Pop Jenkins
will give us enough money

for that shark cage so we can buy Dad

a real great birthday present.

Come on, we better get
over to see Pop Jenkins

before he closes.

♫ They call him Flipper, Flipper

♫ Faster than lightning

♫ No one you see

♫ ls smarter than he

♫ And we know Flipper

♫ Lives in a world full of wonder

♫ Lying there under

♫ Under the sea

- Okay, Doc, I'll have it
over there this afternoon.

Yeah, right away, sure.

So long.

Look Bud, it's like I
said, I can't buy anything

I haven't even seen.

Now, I'll come Saturday,
I'll take my divers

and we'll pick up the cage.

Then I'll pay you whatever it's worth.

How's that?

- But, Mr. Jenkins, I need the money now.

Can't you gimme an advance.

You've done that before, haven't you?

- Yes, when I have enough information,

the exact size, the lead bars,
the type and construction

of the cage, the name of the manufacturer.

Then if I have all that, well...

- I'll go back right now and get it.

I have a tape measure
at home and everything.

- Bud, shark cages, even abandoned ones,

can be very tricky.

I think you'd better wait.

- Gee thanks, Mr. Jenkins.

I'll be back in one hour
with all the information

you need to know.

Now, don't close up, 'cause
this is real important.

- Bud, wait, don't go fooling around.

Oh kids.

- There, that ought to do it.

- Hi Dad.

- Hello Bud.

- What's that?

- It's a rough water bell, Bud.

Gonna use it to warn park visitors

that are out in small skiffs
when the seas come up.

Gonna place a few of 'em around the park

and see how they work.

- It's a pretty good idea.

- Thank you, Bud.

And, speaking of pretty
good ideas, I've got one.

What about those chores you
were gonna do this morning?

Don't you think it's time you got to 'em?

- Oh, right away, Dad.

- All right, now one more
time, I want these two bottles

and my double unit filled with air,

then I want it put in the ready rack.

I want you to do that first.

Then I want you to take
the tools and put 'em

in the tool chest.

Have you got that?

- Four tanks of air put in the ready rack,

uh, tools in the tool chest.

- Right.

- All right, Sandy, I want you
to help me put some signs up

around the park.

- Yes, Dad.

Uh, I'll be with you in a minute, Dad.

I want to talk to Bud for a second.

It's a super top secret, please don't ask.

- All right, one minute.

- What did you do with the tape measure?

Do you have it?

- It's in the last
place you'd look for it,

in the tool chest where
it's supposed to be.

- Hey yeah!

- Why?

- I can't explain now, Sandy.

- Sandy, come on.

- But, just think, I'm gonna get Dad

the best birthday present he ever had.

- Whatever you do, make sure
and do your chores, huh?

- I will, don't worry.

. Okay-

- But, I'm going to Mr. Jenkins' first.

Flipper, whose side are you on?

You know we're doing this for Dad.

Flipper, you don't realize,
if I fill those tanks now,

I'll never get to Mr. Jenkins'.

Listen Flipper, I'll put
the tanks in the ready rack

and everything will look
all right till we get back.

Turtle Rock where you
can still see Gary Point.

This is the place, right Flipper?

- Sandy.

' Dad.

- Yeah.

- I know tomorrow's your birthday and all,

but I was wondering, what child are you?

- What what?

- You know, what day of the week?

Like Monday's child is fair of face

and Tuesday's child is full of grace.

- Oh yeah.

Well, let's see.

Wednesday's child is loving
and giving, that's you.

And, Thursday's child
works hard for a living.

That's me, I was born on Thursday.

Seems I've been working hard ever since.

- What about Bud?

- Bud.

Friday's child is full of woe

and Saturday's child has far to go.

That's Bud.

- What do you mean?

- Well, like me having
to lean on him today

for him to do his chores.

- But, his intentions
were good, honest, Dad.

- Intentions?

What do you mean?

- Well, I can't tell you.

It's kind of a surprise, you
know, your birthday and all.

- Sounds like the rough water bell.

- I'm sure of it.

- Now, if that's Bud fooling around...

- It must be something important, Dad.

- I think you're right, Sandy, let's go.

- Dad, it is Flipper.

- What's the matter, Flipper?

What's the trouble?

- It must be trouble.

Maybe it's Bud.

I think Flipper wants us to follow him.

- All right, get the air tanks, Sandy.

We may need 'em.

- Come on, come on.

- Dad, there's Flipper.

That must be where Bud is.

- Hold the launch.

Keep it right here, Sandy.

- Well, where's Bud?

- Bud's down there.

He needs air.

- Well, what's wrong?

- He's trapped in an old shark cage.

Now, I'm going down with my stuff.

I want you to follow me
and bring an extra bottle.

Do you understand?

All right.

All right, Sandy, hurry it up.

Sandy, gimme the anchor
and then tie the line

to the center of the stern.

When I pull on it, I want
you to rev up the engines

on this launch and take
off as fast as you can go.

You understand?

- Dad, if this doesn't work,
I don't think any of us

have five minutes of air left.

- I know that.

You just gimme that line.

When you feel me pull on it, you go!

Hurry now.

Well, that's very nice, Sandy.

Thank you.

And, thank you for the present, too.

- Dad, don't you think
Bud's been punished enough?

- Has he?

- Dinner in his room and all.

I was in there talking to him

and it's just because
he was so anxious to...

- All right, send him in.

Sit down, young man.

- Happy Birthday, Dad.

- Thank you, Bud.

It very nearly wasn't, you know.

- I should've told you
about the shark cage

in the beginning, but I...

- Bud has a present for you too, Dad.

- It's not the greatest
present in the world,

but I got you one.

- Says it for me, too.

See, First Prize, World's Greatest Dad.

- Thank you, Bud.

And, thank you, Sandy.

Bud, how would you like to
blow out this candle, hmm?

- Sure!
- That's provided

you've got enough air left.

- There goes Flipper again.

He keeps doing that.

- I know, that's the fifth time today.

Isn't there some way we
can make him stop that?

- Dad, do we really want him to stop?

- No, I guess we don't.

All right, gentlemen.

♫ Everyone loves the king of the sea

♫ Ever so kind and gentle is he

♫ Tricks he will do when children are near

♫ And how they laugh when he's near

♫ They call him Flipper, Flipper

♫ Faster than lightning

♫ No one you see

♫ ls smarter than he

♫ And we know Flipper

♫ Lives in a world full of wonder

♫ Lying there under

♫ Under the sea