Fantastic Voyage (1968–1969): Season 1, Episode 7 - Gone Today Here Tomorrow - full transcript

Various toys that were used to test the miniaturization machine when it broke down, reappear on the miniaturize platform and have somehow come alive.



Combined Miniaturized
Defense Force.

Project: Fantastic Voyage.


Authority: Top Secret

Team: Jonathan Kidd,

Guru, master of mysterious

Erica Lane, Doctor,

Busby Birdwell, scientist,

Builder of the Voyager.

Mission: In its miniaturized
form to combat...

the unseen and unsuspected, the
enemies of freedom.

Time limit: 12 hours.

Coming in now, professor.

Prepare for enlargement.


Stop the machine, quick!

Kidd, what's going
on? What is wrong?

- Hang on, Erica.
- I'll get it.

Hey, cut that out.


Wait, Mr. Kidd. He's only
trying to be friendly.

Could someone please tell me
what's going on?

That's what I'd
like to know.

That make three of us.

You said you were attacked by
that stuffed panda bear?

That's right, sir.

Maybe it was an enemy agent
disguised as a panda bear.

That's the most silly
idea I've ever heard.

- Well, do you have a better one?
- Hey, wait a second.


What is it, Busby?

That bear is one of the things
we use to test the machine.

Time was up. Now,
see what happens.

- That's vanish.
- Right in thin air.

We may never find out
what happened to him.

There were also some
other objects.

Right, there's a toy fire truck.

Some Mexican jumping beans.

And some rubber Indians.

- Jumping beans?
- Rubber Indians?

At least, we already know what to
buy Mr. Birdwell for his birthday.

Just for a second.

- That panda bear was Erica's.
- That's right, I forgot.

And the fire ranger
was Kidd's.

It was just,
you know...

And Professor Carter provide
the jumping beans.

Perhaps we should change the name
of that organization to...

Children's Miniaturization
Defense Force.

Very funny.

That's enough joking.

Wherever these things were, they
seemed to have come back.

And be to be a life. They
must be rounded up.

Before they interfere with
a serious mission.

I'll get them, we won't
need a Guru.

That's right.

No man one knows today what
he believe tomorrow, Mr. Kidd.

- I wish you good luck.
- We don't need that either.

Prepare to miniaturize.

Okay, Busby.
Let's go.

There's something there.

What is that, Busby?

It's the streets for your
fire engine, remember?

Yeah, well, let's
put out the fire.

I do not see him.
Let's land.

It was...
What is it?

Oh my Gosh!


Hey, the water...

Now that's what
I call funny.

But I don't. Glad good
Guru didn't see us.

So I am. I gotta feeling

toys decided to
play with us.

Oh, oh, here it
comes again.

I'll take care of it.

You go to the others,

Where was... There
it is. He made it.

Okay, now let's get rolling.

There's something over there.
It's the jumping beans.

- Get ready, Erica.
- OK, Busby, open it up.

Don't ge to... jumping now.

There's the rubber

That's will be a snap.

Anybody home?

I guess not.

I've been shot!

Oh damn, let it be a gentle
lock. Let me out of here.

It's open at the top.
Now I will show...

for those red rubber
skins how to do it.

Finally he closed
this here too.

Whoops, here they come again.

See you later,

Well, it sure is nice
to be stand still for me.

Sneaky things.

I'll get you.
Do not worry.

Quiet now, don't

Do you want to be quiet?

He stopped. I wonder what
kind of trick this is?


I got it. But
why not jump?

Maybe my voice
can command it.

Come here immediately.
I'm command you.

It worked.

Hey, just a second.
Not so fast.


Here is Erica.
Come in, I need help.

No, this thing
must move...

with atomic energy,
it never stops.

Oh, it's trying to bring me down.

Very good this time.
Now try to stop me.

Why didn't I jump in when
I had the chance.

I have to call someone,
I must...


This is ridiculous.

Who do they think I
am? General Custer?

Busby to someone.
Busby to anybody.

Come in, please.
Come in.

What's wrong, Busby?
Kidd? Erica?

- Damn it. Where is...
- I'm here, professor.

Thank heavens. You've got
to do something, Guru.

They're in trouble.
All of them.

Perhaps the toys proved to
be more work than three.

Prepare for

Immediately. Better
find them fast.

They only have six
hours left.

Start process.

Stop process.


It's no use, no one will
ever find me here.

Imagine being overtaken by
a bunch of jumping beans.

It's embarrassing.
Well, I better...

Guru? Thank heavens.
Get me out of here.

I'll should try, Ms. Lane.

Why didn't I think
of that?

Come on, let's find Busby.

This is no joke anymore.
I have to get out of here.

A horse. There's
my chance.

Hey, Birdwell!

That was the last straw.

Kidd? Erica?

Where are you?

Looks like Buffalo Busby
isn't doing too well.

- Help him, Guru.
- I'll should try.

Where'd they go?
Oh, so that's it.

It's about time.

Did have a good play,
Mr. Birdwell?

Very funny. Let's
get out of here.

Where's Kidd?

I'm getting dizzy.

Everything is going around.
I can't hold on.

There he is.

Is falling!

What happen?
How did I get here?

You can thank Guru. Without
it we would all be goners.

I would might be goner right now.
Weren?t got much time.

Right. Let's get this
truck and move.

Keep after him, Busby.
You'll get tired soon.


Look's that.

I could have sworn
I heard a bird.

I must be hearing things.

It is funny. Did you
hear something?

It sounds like a canary.

That is impossible.

Busby, can you see
anything there?

You mean like
a bird!?!

- Come in, Voyager, come in.
- Kidd here, sir.

Listen Kidd, we just found out there's
something else missing.

It couldn't be a flying
canary, could it?

That's right, have
you seen him?

I tell you we saw him
and he saw us too.

Go quickly and catch him, there
are only two hours left.

Yes, sir.

- If he doesn't get us first.
- Move, Busby.

Attention Busby. There
he comes again.

Oh-oh time to start.

It comes like a guided missile.
I can't get rid of it.

- It's gaining,
- Wait, what's there?

I believe it's one of the miniaturization
machine's cones.

- Can we go in there?
- It would be dangerous.

We can't touch him.

We have a chance.
In the cone, Busby.

But don't touch the bars
no matter what.

I'll try!

Look out!
Here we go.

Oh, I'm dizzy.

How long is the weather?
Come on, faster, Busby.

Voyager, it's almost time, hurry.

Where the hell are they?

We're out

Yeah, but he's still
on our tail.

- That did it.
- I'll say.

Now let's go down
to the platform.

And what about the
fire truck?

Forget it.

Look at the clock. Don't
waste time, Busby.

- We're on the platform, professor.
- In a moment, soon.

Activate process.

Something is wrong, sir.

- Hey, what's going on.
- Stop the process, stop.

It's still burning. What
do we do, sir?

There are fire alarms

I don't know. There
is no time.

- Get out of there, Busby.
- I can not.

I can not. The commands
got stuck.

- What do we do?
- I don't know, let me think.

There is no more time.

What is that?


The fire is going out.

Hurry. Move yourself.

Start process!

Make in that time.

Look over there, the toys. They
returned to normal size.

See, I said it
would be easy.

And as usual
you was wrong.

So these are the
harmless toys...

which almost destroyed
the CMDF.

Well, they're innocent
now, sir.

Look out!

Guru, you did that.

Very funny.

Subtitles: Kilo