Face to Face (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 1 - Episode #3.1 - full transcript

- Can you talk?
- Yes.

I'm in John's warehouse. Nothing indicates
his death had anything to do with us.

He's documented everything. Every job,
price, execution and client.

- Destroy everything.
- I found some disturbing videos ...

Pete! I don't want to know.

One of the videos is of Christina.

Send me the file.


I thought we were meeting tomorrow.

Oh, shit. Did I get the days mixed up?
Is this tomorrow?

Hey, man.

What's wrong?
You look like shit.

I had Pete empty
John's warehouse on Amager.

- Amager? Okay ...
- You do remember John, right?

Oh, God, if you're in that mood,
I need another Bloody Mary.

Frank! Tell Mette to bring me
some more tomato juice.

It's not like you're overburdened
with responsibility.

You have one job and that's John.

- Yeah.
- You're his contact.

So it's not unreasonable to assume
you knew about his Amager hideout -

- and that you knew he documented
every move he ever made -

- which is why you can tell me
what the hell happened to Christina.

What does she have to do with anything?

You tell me.

- It's not finished.
- No, I get it!

- She's not dead yet.
- I get it!

- Wait for the knife ...
- Dammit, Holger! I get it!

Did I just watch Christina die?


Hey ...
Holger ...

Are you okay?

My whole life I've been looking for
someone who ... understood.

And when I finally found her ...

She knew what I was thinking
before I thought it.

The whole world moved in slow motion
around her.

But she lived a wild life!

So it was my job to look after her.

I had to look after her,
that's the ...

Christina's father was right.
He said she was murdered.

I was so sure it was his guilt that
prevented him from seeing the truth.

"Every man is guilty of all the good
he did not do."

The question is why.


Why what?

Why did John kill Christina
and have everyone think it was suicide?

- It makes no sense.
- No sense? Well, that can't be true.

There's always a motive.

- So nothing is random?
- Very little is random.

There's always a motive
where humans are involved.

So what was it in this case?

Money? For someone like John
isn't it always about money?

Sure. That's the easy part.

And that brings us to the next question.
Who paid him?

When we pull that string, Markus ...

... what will we find?

I'm afraid we're out of tomato juice.
Can I bring you something else?

Mr. Lang, may I get you something?

- Let's hear it.
- What?

You're hiding something.

I can see it in your face.
I always could.

I didn't think it was important,
or I would've told you.

I honestly thought Christina
had committed suicide.


I think John was in love with her.

In love ...
He didn't even know her.

Well, I had John follow Christina.

- You did what?
- Wait for the context, okay?

- Everything was a mess and ...
- What was a mess?!

Meetings were canceled,
contracts ignored, decisions delayed.

I couldn't reach you,
and then I hear about Christina ...

- Ah, you did it for me!
- Give me a break, Holger.

You always say
trust is good, but control is better.

So yes,
I did it for you and the company.

To protect you. To make sure
she wasn't trying to scam you.

- You should've come to me!
- You wouldn't talk to me!

- When did you hire John?
- A couple of months ago.

But I discovered he'd crossed a line.

He said she was beaming.
He used the expression 'beaming'.

Then one night he called me up
and said he'd interacted with her.


He approached her in a bar,
and she got scared.

- Of him?
- Yes, and he wanted me to talk to her.

- What the hell could you do?
- Exactly!

"Hey, Christina. John is following you
'cause you're scamming my brother."

So I tell John to stop
and that the job is called off.

And he never mentioned her again.
I just assumed that he'd backed off.

He apparently hadn't.

What is it they say?
Once you eliminate the impossible -

- whatever remains,
however improbable ...

- Something something, must be the truth.
- No, no, no.

That doesn't explain why John died.

- We don't know if it's connected.
- Everything connects to everything.

Yes, but everything isn't necessarily
connected to John.

His world was chaos.

Think of all the enemies
that man had.

He might very well
have killed Christina -

- and then gotten killed
over something else.

I know you want
to make sense of it all -

- but maybe that just isn't possible.

So no one else was involved?

John followed Christina
and became obsessed with her -

- and when he realized
he would never have her -

- he killed her
and staged it as a suicide.

I'm sorry.
But I think that's what it was.

Holger ...

I thought about you the other day.

I've actually been thinking about you
a lot lately. About when we were young.

Well, you were.

After Mom married Henrik,
and the twins came along.

I've never understood why ...
it was so easy for her to love them -

- when she found us so ... trying.

Were we really that exhausting?

Mom sent us away
because we reminded her of Dad.

She sent us away because
she only ever cared about herself.

- And parties.
- And spa retreats.

- Bridge.
- Hunting trophies.

Nail polish.

Do you remember when you were
suspended from boarding school?

- Uhm ... yes.
- And I had some tropical disease.

- We weren't allowed to see you.
- The food was left at my door.

I had to wait until the footsteps
disappeared before I could get the food.

- Fuck, that was far out.
- Mom stayed clear of me.

I didn't see her even once.

But every night for two weeks
you climbed up the drainpipe -

- with cigarettes
and the Financial Times.

My only good memory of those days
is you on the balcony and me inside -

- smoking Virginia tobacco and talking
about how to conquer the world.

You were more successful at that.

There's actually a mystery
that I've never managed to clear up.


- American Gold Eagle.
- Oh, not that again.

An official American gold coin bought
with the profit of my very first trade.

My Scrooge McDuck coin,
the beginning of an empire, gone!

What the hell happened to it?

I have the same answer for you
as in the past 30 years.

I wouldn't be where I am today
if it weren't for you.

That was sweet.

That was really nice.

Would've been nice to hear
as a kid when I needed it -

- and I was struggling,
but it's okay.

- You always knew I loved you.
- Of course. You say it all the time.

Hey! No, no, no.
Let's hug it out.

- Nah ...
- Yes, come on.

- Let's have a few drinks.
- Not today.


Please! Come on.

- Just one.
- I'm gonna regret this.

I'll find the good stuff.
We'll drink to us.

And to Christina.

Erase it.

- I mean it.
- Why?

Because it's not good for you.

Because it's perverted, it's mean, and
it's not how you should remember her.

You should remember her for the good.
Erase it.

I'll get the good stuff.

It's done.

It's done.

Are we talking a slight buzz or a stupor
you'll wake up from in a day or two?

- Oh, goddammit.
- Listen.

- We had a deal.
- Listen!

- Black screen. What am I looking at?
- Listen.

It's done.

- I don't understand.
- John forgot to turn off the camera.

It was still recording when he left her
apartment and called someone and said:

"It's done."

This wasn't about love.
It was a job.

John killed Christina for someone.

- You get all that from a sound bite?
- It's a job that's reported done.

- Let's think it through for a minute.
- This is insane.

Who would benefit
from Christina's death?

She didn't have any quarrels
with anybody.

Come on, Holger.

No, she just established
an online black market -

- competing with drug lords, arms dealers,
human traffickers and sex traders.

- So she got what she deserved?!
- No, that's not what I'm saying!

But the people she challenged probably
didn't care about her good intentions!

When did those people ever kill someone
and stage it as a suicide?

A hit is a statement, a warning.
They'd never cover it up.

They'd kill her and make sure
the whole world knew.

- What did John report back on me?
- On you?

Christina and I were together most days,
so he can't have missed me.

No, of course not.

I told him I thought
you were being scammed.

So he was following me, too.
It was part of the job.

And besides being a psychopath,
John was good at what he did, right?

- So what did he find out?
- Such as?

Such as my plans for Christina.

Funny you should say that. He found out
you were giving her the company.

So you knew that ...

You knew I was bypassing the family
and giving it all to Christina.

- It's odd that you didn't mention it.
- That I didn't mention it?

- That's what you want to talk about?
- How did you feel about that?

It wasn't an issue. We both know
you'd never leave the company to me.

- So you weren't surprised?
- No. Because that's where we are.

You distanced yourself from us.

From the family, your friends,
the company, from me!

So it was fairly predictable
that you'd do something like that.

But ... you must've talked
to somebody about it.

- I wanted to handle it on my own.
- Okay.

And what did you decide to do?

As it turned out,
I didn't need to do anything.

Because she was killed.

Because she committed suicide!

Or so I thought.

Because she committed suicide.

I had the dubious honor of being one
of the very few people John feared.

And he must have realized,
in all this -

- that it would a declaration of war
against me to kill Christina.

So he would never have done that.

Unless ...

... he thought the order came from me.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Not really.

If the order came from you ...
he wouldn't be suspicious.

From me?

- Why would I have Christina killed?
- Money.

- That's an excellent motive.
- What money?!

What am I missing? I have nothing
to gain since you bought me out!

Maybe you thought that -

- if Christina died, I'd need you?

May we have some privacy?

May we have some privacy,
thank you very much?!


You don't believe that.

We both know there is no scenario
where you'd come to me.

Why would I think it would be
any different if Christina was dead?

Because you're my brother.

You think you're so impenetrable,
so damn mysterious.

But every time you look at me,
I know exactly what you're thinking.

So, no.

I didn't have anyone killed
so you'd hand over control -

- to the dude who used to
bring you cigarettes.

That makes sense.

Thank you.

And fuck you!
But thank you.

It wasn't about money,
it was revenge.

- We're done here.
- We're done when I say so.

- We're fucking done.
- Markus? Markus!


You wanted revenge.

For all the stuff that's gone wrong in
your life and which is somehow my fault.

Okay, since we're talking about blaming
others for one's own actions ...

Christina, your little genius! If she
hadn't met you, she'd still be alive!

Yes, I let her down.

I let her down
because I helped her.

But who helped you, Markus?

You're reactive, that's just you.
You don't make plans.

You react
and face the consequences later.

But someone has taken advantage
of your poor judgment.

You can't do anything.

- Who helped you, Markus?
- Fuck you.

- Who is it?
- Fuck you.

- Who is it?
- Fuck you!

Who is it?!

Who's behind it?!

Who's behind it?!






Markus ...

I'm sorry.

I'll be there in 20 minutes. Traffic."

Markus: "They're still seeing each
other. We have to do something."

Markus: "Holger won't listen!!!"
Liz: "Call me."

Markus: "Christina has to go."
Liz: "Call me."

Subtitles: Tina Goldberg
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