Escape to the Chateau DIY (2018–2021): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Baillie-Smiths and the Halpins 6 - full transcript

Dick, voice-over: That's me,
Dick Strawbridge,

my darling wife Angel,
and our two beautiful children.

Nearly 3 years ago,
we upped sticks

for a whole new life
in France

and bought this magnificent

Angel: Oh! Whoo!

Dick, voice-over: We've been
doing it up ever since.

Angel: Baby, we--oh, you're
so strong.

Dick, voice-over: Turns out,
we're not the only ones.

Woman: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Second woman: Whoops.

Dick, voice-over: Dozens of
Brits are taking the plunge

to rescue these stunning


- Amazing colors.
- We need to get on top of it.

Get on top with the goats.

Dick, voice-over: In this
series, we'll reveal more

on how we're running our chateau
as a business...

Oh! Ahh, back on dry land.

Angel: I'm still finding things
that I haven't seen.

Dick, voice-over: And we'll
help these daring families
run theirs...

Angel: Here's to the meeting of
two like-minded couples.

- Yes, cheers.
- Cheers.

Dick, voice-over:
as they face the highs...

I'm absolutely terrified.

Dick, voice-over: and lows...

[Engine dies]

Woman: It's extremely expensive.
It's financial suicide.

Dick, voice-over: of running
these gorgeous buildings

as everything from B&Bs
to beautiful wedding venues.

Woman: Owning a chateau
isn't glamorous.


Woman: Anyone who thinks it is
is delusional.

Michael: Hello.
Dick, voice-over: Today...

Michael: Welcome
to Chateau de Jalesnes.

Dick, voice-over: Angel helps
put on a tea service
at one chateau...

Angel: Do we have a
time check? Does everyone
know what they're doing?

Dick, voice-over: then gives
lessons on furniture

upcycling at another.

Angel: Hi!

- Lovely to meet you.
- How are you? Mwah.

Dick, voice-over: Major pool
and wall problems...

Mandy: Oh, my God, that is
really not good.

Dick, voice-over: threaten to
scuttle a summer opening...

Steve: This wall fell down.

We need to put it up before
the guests come.

Dick, voice-over:
and one chateau owner

spies a potential business

with a local farm.

Jonathan: I can feel
her heart beating.

I'm close to tears myself.

Dick, voice-over:
I'm Dick Strawbridge, engineer

and former lieutenant colonel
in the British Army.

With my wife Angela, we've been
renovating our chateau

into a home and business.

This is my calling in life.

Dick, voice-over:
It's not been easy.

I think I'm a bit too old
for this.

Dick, voice-over: and my heart
goes out to anyone else

insane enough to take on
a chateau restoration.

Take the late-17th-century
Chateau Madame, for example.

Mandy: This is much better.

Dick, voice-over: Brit Mandy
and her best friend

and business partner,
American Steve

have been lovingly restoring it.

Steve: It's got everything.

It's an actual castle.
I absolutely love it.

Mandy: Steve is a complete
and utter perfectionist,

so everything has to be done
just so.

It does take a lot of time
and effort

to get it to be perfect.

Dick: Steve blames
his fastidiousness

on Chateau Madame.

Steve: The chateau is female,
it turns out,

and the chateau is
a stubborn stone house.

It fights me at every angle.

Mandy: And I keep trying to put
a little bit

of more feminine into it.

Dick, voice-over: Built on a
hillside in Mauzens-et-Miremont

in the Dordogne,
Mandy and Steve

have spent two years renovating
this place

with a plan to rent it out
as a holiday home

for the first time over
the upcoming summer season.

Financial pressures are
very great.

It costs vastly more than
you'd think,

and it's critical to get
renters in

as soon as possible

and have as long a season as we
possibly can.

Dick, voice-over: To make
the place even more enticing

to holidaymakers, they've
started to install a pool.

Mandy: So, are you gonna show me
the pool?

- That's it.
- And this dreadful cement.

Dick, voice-over: But the
project's been a disaster.

Mandy: Oh, my God, that is
really not good.

Steve: So the situation is
obviously that

the concrete froze.

The mason didn't put
any anti-freeze in it.
Mandy: Right.

Dick, voice-over:
If anti-freeze isn't added,

the water in the concrete

making the concrete unsuitable
for a pool.

Steve: When the cement froze,
the cement became soft.

Mandy: Yeah, became soft, yeah.

Steve: It's not hard.
I don't think it's--

I don't think it's good for the
purpose it was made.

Mandy: But it does have the--

it does have all the support

you know, the grills
and the things,

so maybe at the end of the day,

if you just put the cement
over the top,

you know, having got rid of all
the loose stuff, it would work?

Steve: No, I don't think so.

Mandy: You think it is
completely like that,

or do you think it was just
the surface?

Steve: Stay right here.
Mandy: Oh.

What are you gonna do?

I know.

You're gonna get
the sledgehammer.


Steve: I should not be able
to just beat this out like this.

So what I have done is I've
contacted my insurance company,

and they're going to send out
an expert

in this subject
who will decide

whether the cement is
good or not. Now--

When's that gonna happen?

Steve: As soon as I finish
the letter. Heh heh!

Mandy: Oh, God.
Steve: No, I've got the letter.

It's just about done.
Mandy: Get on it,

'cause you've got to get
this done.

Dick, voice-over:
There are only 3 months
until the rental season starts.

Steve needs to get this sorted

if they're going to turn
the château

into a viable business.

This is Château de Jalesnes.

Its proud owners are couple
Jonathan and Michael.

Jonathan: We have a fantastic

which has been beautifully
renovated and restored.

There's an extraordinary energy

an extraordinary opportunity.

Dick, voice-over: Located in
the Pays de la Loire,

they've invested everything they
have into the place,

converting it into 15 luxury
holiday apartments

and a wedding venue.

But the business is struggling.

Michael: We're now two years
down the line,

and it's still not making
a profit.

Jonathan: It's got to start
to make money.

Dick, voice-over: Money is so
tight for Jonathan and Michael,

they're doing all they can to
make or save

even the smallest amount.

Jonathan: There's no fallback.

If this doesn't work,
we're destitute.

We've got no--nowhere to go.

Dick, voice-over: So today,
they're both chasing up ideas

of how to bring in more business
to the château.

Jonathan is off to a local farm
to discuss a business

[Speaking French]

Dick, voice-over: while
Michael is exploring an idea

of putting on an afternoon
tea service for the locals.

And who better to ask for
guidance than my wife Angel?

She wrote the book on high teas.

Seriously, she wrote
the book on it.

Michael: Hello.
Angel: Hi.

Michael: Welcome to Château
de Jalesnes.

Angel: Mwah, mwah.
Oh, it's amazing.

Just taking my breath away.
Oh, it's just so beautiful.

Michael: That's the oldest bit
there. That's from 1535.

Angel: How romantic. I'd love to
see what you've got inside.

Michael: All right, come on in.

Angel: Oh, can't wait.

Dick, voice-over: Michael has
15 guests arriving

in just two hours, and on
top of that,

he has his mum looking
over his shoulder.

Michael: This is my mum Oona.
Angel: Hi, Oona.

This is Angel, who's been--
you've heard me talking about.

It's my mum's birthday today.

Angel: Oh, Happy Birthday.

Just explain to me
so I understand.

When you do these teas
on a Sunday, what support

have you got in the kitchen
in setting up and everything?

- Me and Jonathan.
- You and Jonathan.

Right. So, like. without being
sort of patronizing,

you want to keep it easy,
don't you, yeah?

- Yes.
- Easy and beautiful.

Michael: Yep, that works
for me. [Laughs]

Angel: So, scones
you must have.

If you're having a British tea,
you've got to have scones, yeah,

and, I think, sandwiches
because the French don't really

have that combination, do they,
the sandwiches, the tea?

And it's an old recipe that I've
modernized a little bit,

and it's about eating
rose petals. Heh!

Michael: OK. [Laughs]
Angel: Are you up for it?

Michael: Yeah, rose petals.
Never eaten them before,
but I'll give that a go.

Angel: You know, we have got
quite a bit to do.

Bottom line, have you got anyone
who can come and help us?

Michael: Yeah, I'll give 'em
a ring and see what I can get.
I can get all hands on deck.

Dick, voice-over:
Michael ropes in Jenny,

one of the chateau's investors,

who likes to stay here
in the summer.

Michael: The cavalry's come.

Jenny: What do you want?

Angel: Everything!

You want to bring over
the rose petals?

Dick, voice-over: Angel
rehydrates the rose petals
for half an hour,

then adds a dash
of rose essential oil.

They're put in the sandwiches
with floral honey.

Angel: But who wants
to taste some?

Let's see.

Michael: Oh. Do it.

Angel: Do you know what?
I can't taste any.

Michael: I can't taste petals.
Angel: I can't taste it.

Dick, voice-over:
The rose petal sandwiches

aren't quite right yet.

Angel: Can we have
a time check? 12:30.

Right. We've got
just under two hours.

Dick, voice-over:
So that's two hours to go,

and there's still
lots to do.

Angel: Does everyone know
what they're doing?

You've all got your stations.

Michael: It's 12:53, actually.
That clock's wrong.

Dick, voice-over: Make that
an hour and a half.

Angel: Oh, [bleep]!

Dick, voice-over: While Michael
works out if a tea room

is a good money-making idea,

Jonathan has come
to a local farm

to discuss a possible
business arrangement.

[Jonathan and woman
speaking French]

[All speaking French]

What we'd like to do is to learn
how we can work together,

the chateau and the farm,
so that our guests can come

and see how a farm works,

meet some goats,
meet the farmers,

and learn a little bit
about rural farming in France.

Let's go.
Lead on.

[Both speak French]

Dick, voice-over: Sandra, her
husband Fabien, and his brother

Francois are the latest
generation to run this farm.

Jonathan: How long has
the family been farming here?

[Speaks French]

Jonathan: 1820?

Sandra: 20, yes.
Jonathan: Wow.

[Sandra speaks French]

Jonathan: Great-great-great-

- Yes.

Sandra: Yes,

and it was only the woman first.

- Women?
- Yes.

Jonathan: Not the--what did
the men do, then?

Sandra: Uh, the war...

Jonathan: Oh, of course!
Sandra: for the--yes, because--

Jonathan: Yes, yes, yes.
Sandra: Yeah,

they are the first World War...
[speaks French]

Jonathan: Yes, yeah, yeah.

- and the second World War.

Jonathan: And the men were
away fighting,

so the women had
to run the farm.

[Goats bleating]

Jonathan, chuckling:
Oh, wow.

Sandra: Oui.

Jonathan: Can I touch one?
Sandra: Yes.

Jonathan: Hello.

[Speaks French]


Sandra: And when it's
the period,

they can observe births.

Jonathan: Is it at nighttime
or during the day?

Sandra: No, during the day, yes.
Jonathan: During the day,

so they can actually come
and watch them being born?

Sandra: Yes.
Jonathan: It's magic.

So how old is
this little one?

[Sandra and man speak French]

Sandra: One day, yeah.
Jonathan: One day old?

Ohh! Can I touch?

Sandra: And it's a male
or a female?

[Sandra and man speak French]

Sandra: So it's a female.

In French,
c'est une chevatte.


- Listen. [Chuckles]
- keeps all the females...

Jonathan: Yes.
Sandra: To do [French word].

Jonathan: The breeding, yes.
Sandra: Yes, and...

Jonathan: Dare I ask what
happens to the males, then?

Dick, voice-over:
Don't ask, Jonathan!

Sandra: They are going
to another farm...

Jonathan: Yes?
Sandra: For the meat.

Jonathan: OK. OK.
Sandra: Yes, to be--yes.

Dick, voice-over:
This visit could be an activity

Jonathan can lay on for guests
at their chateau

and, more importantly,
one he can charge them for.

Jonathan: I think any guest
is not going to be able

to resist this.
I mean, look at her.

She's a day old.
They can come in,

they can watch her
being born,

they can stroke them.
Sandra: It's lovely.

Jonathan: I can feel
her heart beating

in my left hand here--
my right hand.

I'm close to tears meself.

It's just lovely.

- Yes.
- And what an experience,

so I'm very, very pleased, very
pleased. I think this is a goer.

I certainly think there's
a great potential here for us
to be working together.

Dick, voice-over: It's been
a worthwhile trip for Jonathan.

Jonathan: OK, let's send you
back to Daddy.

Dick, voice-over:
The 17th-century
Chateau du Bailleul

has 30 rooms
and its very own chapel.

Husband and wife Philip
and Angelina Baillie-Smith

have been renting it
as a wedding and events venue

to try out chateau life.

Angelina: Renting before we're
buying was a brilliant idea.

It just gave us
the opportunity to experience

without the heavy financial
input if it didn't go well.

Dick, voice-over:
And after hosting
a 50th wedding anniversary,

they've decided
that chateau life is
indeed the life for them.

Philip: Now we're looking
forward and there's no stopping,

I hope.

Dick, voice-over: They'll soon
start their search

for their very own chateau,
but meanwhile, they'll continue

the business here
at Chateau du Bailleul
after securing another booking.

Philip: We've already
got somebody that wants
to book for a wedding.

- Yeah.
- Somebody here last night,

somebody we know locally, said,

"My son's getting married,

and they'd love
a chateau wedding."

Dick, voice-over: So today
they're going shopping
for furniture

so they can accommodate
more guests at the chateau.

Philip: Right.
As per usual? Heh!

Angelina: Get in, get out
as quickly as possible.

Philip: In, out,
get the bargains

before anybody else.

Obviously, the chateau
is furnished,

there is some stuff there,
but to make it your own,

to really change and give it
your own style, you've really

got to put your own spin
on things, so we need

to find some furniture,
decorate in our own style.


Dick, voice-over: Angelina's
barely through the door

when a bed catches her eye.

Angelina: Perfect!

Philip: OK, like it.

Angelina: It's in really,
really good condition.

The fabric, it's clean.

It's beautiful fabric,

Light chalk, paint,
and re-cover this.

Angelina: Yeah.
Man: Bonjour. Hello.

Angelina: Bonjour.

Angelina: OK.
Philip: Oui.

Yeah, it's good, yeah.

Angelina: Fantastic.
We found a bed,

which is awesome.
I love it.

Philip: I'm not gonna whinge

at 30 Euros.

We generally buy a bed
any time

we get a chance,
if it's good.

A bed can change a bedroom

dramatically by putting you--
'cause it's such--

it's the largest piece
of furniture in there.

Dick, voice-over:
One of the main things
Angelina wants to get today

is a chair for
the master bedroom.

Philip: No, no, no.

Angelina: Yeah,
but you don't know.

Philip: I can tell you now. No.

Angelina: Oh, I see.
I see two chairs.

I like them, depending
on the price, yeah.

What do you think?
Do you like them?

Philip: Quite cute. They're
quite like these chairs.

Dick, voice-over:
In this market,

you need to book your purchase
with the store assistant.

- OK.
- Merci beaucoup.

Dick, voice-over: Otherwise
someone else will grab it

and it's easy to
get distracted.

I found a nice little table lamp
made out of marble.

- All right.
- 5 Euros?

I don't like the shade,
but that's fine.

I really like this.
5 Euros.

It's big, it's marble,
it's white. It's imposing.

It's perfect
for the chateau.

It's heavy. If you like it,
have it.

That's it? Oh, I like that.
Didn't see that.

I end up buying stuff
and go "Where can I put it?"

because I like it,

and then you're almost finding
you're justifying buying it.

"It's a bargain.
It's 4 Euros."

It's another 4 Euros which isn't
something else

that's more useful
to get the business going,

and everything we're doing
is about doing it

with the minimal budget
we possibly can

because it's all a risk.

So even 4 Euros--
that's my lunch, isn't it?

So should we just
forget about this?

- Leave it, yeah.
- Right.

Dick, voice-over: Phil suddenly
remembers the chairs

and grabs a shop assistant
to ask the price.

Excusez-moi, monsieur.


Yeah, we missed them, hon.

Come on.
Decision made.

There's a reason why
I run around this place.

You think about something
more than 30 seconds,

somebody else grabs it.

You know, it's first-come,

Dick, voice-over: Ah, well.

They've come away
with a real bargain.

The double bed and lamp
for just 35 Euros.

Phil: OK.


Dick, voice-over: But Angelina
will have to come up with

another plan
for the master bedroom's chair.

At Chateau Madame
in the Dordogne,

after 2 years of renovating,

business partners
Mandy and Steve

hope to finally
rent the place out

as a holiday let
in just 12 weeks' time.

We need to be taking
renters in here

at the absolute opening
of the season.

It's got to be done
as soon as possible.

Dick, voice-over: But they're
having problems with the pool.

The concrete surrounding it
was laid down

without antifreeze in it,

and so it started
to crack in the cold months.

It'll be replaced when they get
their insurance claim.

Mandy: Let's look at the stone
and hopefully

the stone at least
will be done.

Dick, voice-over:
Today, the pair are at
a natural stone factory

in Saint-Henri
to pick out the pool paving

that will go over
the new concrete.

Steve: Hopefully they'll have
the kind of stones that we want

for the pool.
- Yeah.

The whole idea is
to get something

that really fits in with the
chateau and hard enough.

- Very important.
- And that we can afford.

And that we can afford.
I agree with that.

Steve: Good.

Dick, voice-over: Mandy is
hardly through the door...

Mandy: Wow.
Look at this.

Dick, voice-over:
when some paving
catches her eye.

- Pretty amazing.
- Whoa!

- Pretty amazing.
- It's slippery.

- Yeah, it is slippery.
- But it's fabulous.

Mandy: This wouldn't work
around the pool, would it,

Hi. Steve.

- Good afternoon, Mr. Mack.
- How are you? Mandy.

- Bonjour.
- Good afternoon.

Dick, voice-over:
Stone salesman Cedric

cuts straight
to the chase.

This is something you like?

Actually, unfortunately,
I like everything.


Do you make something like
this that's a little
bit less slippery?

- Yes, look here.
- You mean these larger sizes.

They are 30, 40 feet width
and run down length.

Ah, yes, maybe we could
go to the workshop.

Steve: This is awfully
nice of you.

- Here we go.
- There we go.

Ah! I look so weird!
Ha ha ha!

Dick, voice-over: There's
a lot of stone to choose from,

but at least they have
some strict criteria.

Steve: Pardon me? you might say
rough enough.

Right. Rough enough
and affordable

where we can get them
in a reasonable length of time.


[Loud whirring]

- Just like that.
- The light color.

No, I don't like
the light color.

This is too brown.

Actually, the chateau
is a bit that color.

Steve: I don't know.

Steve: I think Mandy and I
drive each other mad.

That's the way it is.

And if everything's perfect,
you're heading for a fall.

But something like this,
you mean?

Steve: I think that's--it's
warm, but it's too white.

- Too white.
- Utterly gray.

I like the stone, though.

Mandy: No. These are all
too gray.

Steve: Yeah. Check this out.

This is the browner stuff.

Mandy: That's funny.

But this one's even
a little bit lighter,

a little less varied.

Mandy: But this, really,
I like.

- Too slippery?
- People won't slip.

Dick, voice-over: Could they be
about to agree on the paving?

And they look very natural

and they would even
match the stone in the chateau.

- This is it.
- We've made a decision.

I can't believe it.

Now we have to go in
and make the deal.

And as the other wheeler-dealer,
make a good deal, dealmaker!


Dick, voice-over:
Over to you, Steve!

The stone's perfect,
we absolutely love it,

and we need about
60 square meters.

We'd like to buy it.

Dick, voice-over: The paving
costs £3,000.

Steve: And I don't mean to press
you, but we're going to
need it very soon.

Cedric: Uh, maybe I could send
you this paving in 2 weeks?

Perfect. If you could arrange a
truck that has a forklift on it

because the driveway is narrow
and the arch is narrower,

otherwise we have to carry
every stone from the road.

OK, you explain it.

I can send a truck.
We have a forklift

and could unload the order
near to your swimming pool.

An absolute dream.
All right.

- Very good.
- Lovely.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.

Steve: Well, we're good.
I think the stone's amazing.

I think it's
really nice stuff.

- What do you think?
- Well, I think so.

I love them.
I think it's great.

- I think they're very nice.
- Yeah.

I don't think we could
possibly do better.

So now we have to have
everything ready for 2 weeks.

Dick, voice-over: But with Steve
and Mandy's luck so far,
I wouldn't count on it.

About 250 miles north
at Chateau de Jalesnes,

my wife Angel is helping
Michael, his mum Oona,

and one of the investors, Jenny,
lay on an English tea

for some of the chateau's

Angel: We've got to add
a bit more essence.

We're working with
fully new stuff today...

under pressure.

It always adds for a little bit
of excitement, doesn't it?

Dick, voice-over: Today's
a trial run to see

if it's a moneymaking service
Michael and Jonathan

can lay on regularly.

Angel: Right. We're
gonna go for--

I've put a good dose
of that on it now.

Whatever we've got, make
as many you can with that now.

Don't go too crazy
with the honey.

Dick, voice-over: Michael
plans on just him and
Jonathan running it.

Angel, it's 25 to 2:00.
How are we doing--

How's the time?

I'm not gonna lie. We're a
little bit under on time.

Dick, voice-over: But even with
everyone's help, it's not easy.

Angel: Are you planning to have
this open like 3 times a week?

Michael: We're planning to do
this once a week on a Sunday

for local people.

Angel: And what are you
thinking of charging

for something like this?

Michael: I thought we would
charge in the region of

20 Euros without alcohol.

Angel: We'll speak
about this after.

but it's all of these costs
that are associated

that sometimes get
a bit overlooked and...

Michael: What we're learning is
we do overlook a lot

the cost of labor--we tend to
keep me and Jonathan free.

That is the absolute
biggest, biggest overlook

on someone setting up
the business,

because you guys
are not free,

and Jenny's not free either,
nor is Mummy. Ha ha!

Everyone that works here
has got to be on a fee.

Dick, voice-over: Once Michael
and Jonathan factor in

the cost of their own labor in
creating and serving these teas

they may find this venture
just isn't profitable.

Personally, having done
a hell of a lot of tea rooms,

it's hard, you really
work for your money.

Dick, voice-over:
Angel has an idea

about another way
to make this profitable.

Angel: I think it's kind of nice
to potentially offer this

as part of a package
for a wedding.

because then
you know your numbers.

You can be totally
prepared for it.

I think that's what he's got
to do, really.

Can I have a time check?

- 10 to 2:00.
- 10 to 2:00.

Dick, voice-over: The guests
will be here

in just over half an hour.

I don't see
any cream in here.

Dick, voice-over:
And Michael looks
far from ready.



Dick, voice-over: While Angel
and Michael struggle

with the business of
serving tea,

Jonathan is on a mission
to serve a higher order.

Jonathan: We've lost Jesus.

We've got a crucifix here
that some vandals knocked off.

We've got our own shrine
in the garden.

that the village used to come
out to once a year.

They don't come out now
and don't know

whether we'll
resurrect that, um...

pardon the pun.

Dick, voice-over: But a
more important reason
for finding Jesus

is the huge wedding here
in a few weeks' time.

The bride wants it outside
so it's important

everything look
shipshape for her.

Jonathan: So that's the point of
the exercise this morning,

is I need to find a Jesus,

and there are lots of Jesus'
about there

that have lost
their wooden crosses.

So you've just got the man
standing like this.

This is a first. Measuring Jesus
is a real first.

I feel a little bit
sacrilegious about it.

32 and 2 by...

So we've come to a place
called Montsoreau,

and every month they have what
they call a Marche aux Puces.

"Puce" is French for flea.

I'm particularly keen that
we find today my Jesus.

So I've got the dimensions
still in my head.

Jesus is too small,
unfortunately, the one there.

It's a shame.

He's 40 wide,
and I want 32 wide.

It's a shame, 'cause he looks
good from a distance.

Well, blow me down.
I found another Jesus. Ha!

He's still a little bit big,
and I'm concerned that

because it's wood
that it will rot.

Dick, voice-over: Looks like
Jonathan's not being
successful here.

Let's hope he finds what
he needs in time for
the big wedding.

My wife Angel is at
Chateau de Jalesnes,

where 15 visitors
are due to arrive

for an afternoon
tea service in just...

Michael: 15 minutes.

Dick, voice-over:
It's a trial service

to see if it's something
Michael and his partner Jonathan

can lay on regularly,
and Angels' helping them.

The tactic today
is to woo these ladies.

We've been a bit rushed.

To smooth that along,
alcohol's gonna be served.

I'm making a speedy, speedy
jasmine syrup.

It's really tasty.
It's very sweet.

We're gonna serve it
with a local sparkling

in a teacup.

Sort of been my signature
for a while.

Right. And I'm gonna serve
a tiny little bit

in the bottom of a glass,
you know, as you do
a Bellini or something.

Michael: So, literally, that
much at the bottom of a cup

and then chop up a sparkly?

Yeah. You are hosting.
Let me do service, OK?

- OK. Great. Thank you.
Let's do it!

Angel: I'm gonna focus on
getting everyone pickled! Ha ha!

Dick, voice-over:
The guests are here.

What will the French think
of Jonathan and Angel's
English tea?

[Michael speaking French]

- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.

Angel: OK.

[Bubbles fizzing]

Hello. How's it going out there?

They all seem to be loving it,
having a great time.

Dick, voice-over: They do,
but is this a service

worth providing regularly
at the chateau?

Angel: I just think
it's a lot of work.

If you actually charge your top
line, you'll make hundreds,

but that's not enough
to keep the place going.

- But it's not the hours--
- No, it's not,

but you get that
now you've seen.

Your market
isn't the locals.

- No.
- Your market is overseas,

people coming here,
people that want big events

that don't have a chateau.
- Yeah, yeah.

As Angel pointed out,
there's 4 of us in the kitchen

at some stage
for like 3 or 4 hours.

That's a lot of work.

See how it is?

Ooh, they've all gone?

All gone!

[Both speaking at once]

Angel: I've had an absolutely
lovely day.

It was a bit bonkers
to start with,

but, you know, I don't
think anyone knew.

Give me a hug.

I'll say good-bye,
then tidy up.

- Yes, tidy up, all right.
- Right.

Dick, voice-over: It's been
a constructive day for Michael,

and he's come to
a conclusion.

Michael: To try and do this
every Sunday

as we were planning to do
is a lot of work

for not a lot of reward.

And the people we'd be
doing it for

wouldn't be coming
back to stay,

which is the main aim for us.

I like her point that we take it
as part of a package

so we could say that
you have an afternoon tea

after the wedding.

We could say actually that
experience is worth thousands.

Dick: If they can incorporate
this experience

into a bigger wedding package,

they can make more
at each event.

370 miles south at
Chateau Madame

in the Dordogne, Mandy and Steve
have enough on their plates

with a pool area made of
cracked and damaged cement.

Steve: We should've poured it
ourselves is the bottom line.

Mandy: Yup.

Dick: But to make matters worse,
part of a 17th-century wall

that surrounds the pool area
has collapsed.

Steve: This wall fell down
in a wind storm. It's a pain.

And we need to put it up
and make it safe

and make it back to be
what it is

before the guests comes.

Dick: Mandy and Steve have
paying guests coming to stay

in the chateau in just 12 weeks.

They'll be expecting
a working pool

and not
to be killed by falling masonry.

Steve: We don't want to have
in the local paper:

"Guests injured in landslide
at Chateau Madame."

Would not be a good way
to start.

It's dangerous.
It's a worksite situation.

And we need to get it done.
It's a priority job.

Dick: This traditional storm
wall is made

from rocks originally used to
build a castle that

once stood on this site.

Steve: Obviously, stone walls
don't blow down in a storm,

but this one did.

I think it might've had a tilt
of its own going.

So I'm going to dig this up
over to here.

We'll probably have to pull down
some of these stones

and set something in here that
will at least support the wall

properly so that it doesn't
start doing this again.

One thing that's a challenge is

nothing to stand on here.

It's really just kind of

Maybe the fact that this lacks
a footing, at least here,

is one of the reasons why this
thing fell over.

Somebody took a shortcut,
I guess.

Putting this back together
wasn't something I planned on,

but what the heck?

This wall looks like it was
run into by a truck.

Everything's knocked out of
whack. Very odd.

I need to be careful to not let
these roll down this steep hill

here because at the bottom is
a newly-placed stone pathway

to the shower.

We don't want to break that in
addition to everything else.

So I'm going to take it down
in a more mature way,

piece by piece.

This whole wall is falling
apart inside.

I don't think I'm going to
finish this tonight.

I think there's more to do,
and so it'll take

a little bit longer,
but anything that

doesn't take a little bit longer
around here, there's got

to be something wrong.

Dick: We know exactly what
you mean, Steve.

Every job at a chateau is
a big one.

At Chateau du Bailleul, after
failing to find a chair

for the master bedroom, Angelina
has called in the services

of my beautiful wife Angel to
help her refurbish an old one.

Angelina: Hi!
Angel: Hi! Ha ha!

Lovely to meet you.
Angelina: How are you?

Angel: Mwah, mwah. Oh, wow.

Angelina: Welcome to my chateau.
Angel: Hey, it's gorgeous.

Lady of the manor and all that.

I mean, it's beautiful.
The windows!

I mean, the light must be
phenomenal inside.

I can't wait to see what's what.

I love stairs.
Angelina: Ha ha!

Angel: Have you not got a lift?

Angelina: Some lovely exposed

Angel: I love that. Absolutely.
That's gorgeous.

Angelina: So I have this room
that I'm working on.

Angel: Oh, it's beautiful
in here.

Angelina: I am sort of halfway
done here.

I painted the bed. I painted
those gorgeous drawers.

And the last thing I need to do
is this lovely chair.

Angel: Lovely.

Angelina: I found this beautiful
fabric that

I'd love to upholster it in.
Angel: Love it.

Angelina: Beautiful detail.
Angel: Yeah. So is this

a project that you want to have
a go today at doing?

Angelina: I would love to.

Angel: So I've not
done a lot of easy chairs.

The trick in being crafty is
just having a go at things.

Angelina: Yeah!

Angel: And you'd be
really surprised,

so are we going to spray
the wood?

Because it does need a bit of

and a bit of TLC.
Angelina: Yeah, definitely.

Angel: Let's get this off.

And then we can do
color choices from that.

Angelina: Perfect.
Angel: Right. You take them.

Angelina: Excellent.
Angel: I'll take this.

Angelina: Thank you.
Angel: Let's do it.

Dick: Fixing up this old chair
instead of buying one

fully restored could
save Angelina

a decent amount of cash.

Angel: Some are easier
than others.

That one just popped out.
It depends how they've gone in.

Dick: Angel's a veteran of many
refurbishing adventures.

Angelina: Have you put
the buttons in before?

Angel: Put them into walls.
Angelina: OK.

Angelina: Yeah, yeah. Anything
that's needed a finish,

I've just used upholstery
beading, which I pick up

in charity shops.

It's a glue gun job.
And it's a beautiful finish.

I might let you have a go
in a minute

because this
is really therapeutic.

I love instant gratification.
Ha ha! Right.

You have a go.
Angelina: Fab. OK.

Dick: As I know all too well,
Angel knows how to delegate.

Angelina: Is it me
or are they rusted?

Angel: These have just got
very, very dirty.

So when you buy the tacks,
you buy them

in different finishes, like
brass and the gold and silver

in different sizes
and what have you.

Upholstery is to
cover something over

and put a bit of beading on,
which, to be honest, is

what a lot of people,
you know, do.

This is slightly more tricky.

Go on, sweetheart. Go for it.

It's got that outer beading.

You just needed a bit of
confidence to do it.

So, you know, that's sometimes
what it is.

It's just having the guts to
say, "Well, what could be

the worst thing that goes

Dick: With the original beading
fully removed, it's time

for the next step.

Whenever possible,
spray-painting is

best done outdoors.

Angel: At the end of the day,
for the time it's going to take

me to mask everything off,
it's just not worth it.

Dick: By spraying the chair
frame before adding the fabric,

Angel is guarding against any

Angel: As you can hold that for
me, my darling?

Angelina: Yup.
Angel: Thank you.

Really nice color, isn't it?
Angelina: Yeah.

Really, really lovely, actually.
Angel: Go on. Swap places.

This bit.

That would've taken you longer
to do with the paint.

Angelina: Longer to paint, yeah.

Angel: And this is, you know,
my world. Five-minute job.

Bish, bash, bosh.
Angelina: Exactly. Yeah.

Angel: And if you get a run,
you can just give it

a little sand.

Because we live in these
chateaux because we like

old things, right?
Angelina: Yeah.

I think I'm done.
What do you think?

Angel: See?
Have I converted you?

Angelina: You have.

Dick: That paint job looks
pretty good,

but the really tricky bit is
still to come,

covering it with fabric.

Angelina: Fab.

Dick: As the freshly
spray-painted chair dries

in the sun, Angel gets
an impromptu tour

around the chateau.

Angelina: This is fabric
on the wall.

Angel: Right. Love it.
Angelina: It's padded behind.

Angel: That's nice.
Angelina: Padding,

it's like soundproofing.

To the bedroom.
Angel: * La! *

OK, just needed to do that.
Angelina: This side isn't done.

It's quite echoey. Heh!
You'll notice a difference.

It's quite soulless.
Angel: Yeah.

But let's face it. You got
a beautiful view. It's amazing.

Angelina: One of the bedrooms
is done with the material

how it's supposed to be.

And it hides all
the imperfections on the walls.

Angel: You know what would
freak me out, though,

'cause it really feels like--
"Hold on."

I just expect someone's gonna
come out from the other side

and go, "Ooh!" Ha ha!

Angelina: So we have this...
Angel: Wow!

Angelina: bridal suite
through here.

Angel: Oh, it's beautiful.

Angelina: It's a big room,
plenty of space to get ready.

Angel: There's certain things,
personally, that I think are

nearly acceptable.

For instance,
slight dilapidation

on some of the walls I've
always found possibly OK.

Angelina: Character.
Angel: A bit of character.

Yeah. You know what's gonna make
this room?

Angelina: Yeah.
Angel: Proper, proper, proper.

Palleted curtains.

Something really sumptuous.
Angelina: Like that chair.

So I'll show you
the piece de resistance,

the tiny, little bath in here.

Angel: Ha ha! I've been in one
of these before.

Angelina: Oh, my God.

Angel: I can't remember getting
out of it.

Oh, isn't it cute.

Dick: Back outside with
the chair now dry...

Angel: All right. Great.
Here we go.

Dick: it's time to cover it.

Angel: I mean, this is
very nice.

Angelina: That's a nice print.

Angel: Yeah, get it straight.

[Angel hums]


Angelina: So is there
a particular place that you

usually would start stapling
the fabric onto the furniture?

Angel: Whenever I've done them
before, I sort of start

front, back, side...
Angelina: OK. Uh-huh.

Angel: then corners...
Angelina: Yeah.

Angel: to hold it into place,
then work your way back in.

Angelina: I was just wondering.

Angel: OK. Right.
Let's go over the back.

Angelina: Visit the back.

Angel: Want to have a go at
the back?

Angelina: Yeah, sure.
Angel: Right.

Just make sure that it's really,
you know, it's got

that voluptuousness.

Because you can manipulate

So can you see, it's already
looking like you want

to put your bum on it?

Do it. What's the worst
that can happen?

Both: Yay!
Angel: Next side.

OK. Lovely.
Do the same over here.

There we go.

Put the corners down, like so.

Angelina: Fab.

Angel: Now you do.
Angelina: Upholstery. Oh, God.

Angel: It's looking
quite nice already.

It's good when you do new things

and you're forever learning.

Every day, you will learn
something new.

Angelina: Do you think that's OK
on the fold?

Because is that what you mean?
Or is that too high?

Angel: Let me see. Yeah.

This one comes down
a little bit lower, actually.

So try and sort of make them

Yeah, that's better.
That's good. Yeah.

See, there's no right or wrong.

It's just of like making it
look neat.

Dick: Refurbishing is a vital
part of chateau life.

With Angel's help, Angelina is
saving their pennies

and learning a great new skill
in the process.

Angel: Angelina's got a bit of
confidence today.

I've not really given her
much more than, you know,

a couple of tips.

You know, "Don't be afraid.
Just give it a go.

What's the worst that can
happen?" You know.

We are nearly done.

You've got a few more bits to
do, so you're gonna trim tight

around here.
Angelina: It's beautiful.

Angel: Find the beading that
you want,

and make all the little
edges neat.

Angelina: Hide all
the staples, yeah.

Angel: And then you can just
put this on.

You'll take that off, won't you?
Angelina: Yeah.

I was really super scared of it,
but I love it.

I absolutely love it.

Angel: Oh! I have to steal that
into my bedroom, to be honest.

Dick: Success!

That newly-upholstered chair
looks the business.

Angel: It's been a lovely day.

We stripped the chair,

put this lovely fabric
Angelina's got on it,

and give it a little
spray paint.

Angelina: I love it.
I'm so pleased with this chair.

Look at it! It's stunning.

Definitely doing a lot more

Angel: I'll be inviting her over
to our chateau.

Can you do this chair, Angelina?
Ha ha!

It's all about confidence.

Angelina: Maybe we can go
and celebrate

and have a bit of wine.

Angel: You're not finished yet.
Ha ha!

Dick: In the Dordogne, business
partners Mandy and Steve

are trying to get Chateau Madame
ready to rent out

as a holiday home for
the busy summer rental season.

Mandy: We've got to get it going
because, basically,

time's running out.

We've got to get it all set up
and ready to go.

Dick: Today Mandy is unavailable
to help.

Steve: Mandy, unfortunately,
isn't here

because Mandy's mother had to go
to the hospital. She's OK.

She had something--
irregular heartbeat.

But she's going to be OK,
and she's there for a test.

She's 98 1/2 years old.

Dick: The chateau has been
beset by problems.

A wall has blown over
in a storm,

and their swimming pool has
been nothing but trouble.

It started when a local
contractor was hired to lay

a cement base for the patio.

Steve: He does it December 19th.

He doesn't put
any antifreeze in.

He doesn't use enough cement.
The stuff ruptures and splits.

Dick: Steve got another team
in to fix

the problems of the first,
and they got it wrong, too.

Steve: So we hire other guys who
were touted to be very good.

And these guys did everything
the opposite

of the way it should be done.

Dick: The workers didn't make
the concrete base big enough.

And now the patio stones
Steve and Mandy ordered

to sit on the top won't fit.

Steve: The stones
are 60 centimeters.

This is supposed to be 62.
This is hardly 60.

Now the stones
don't even fit in.

Dick: Steve is going to have to
cut a couple of centimeters

off the stones that will sit
around the edge

so they're the correct size for
this concrete base.

But now he has
more pressing problems.

He and John, a volunteer worker
from New Zealand,

think the pool may have a leak.

John: But if it stops here...
Steve: Yeah.

John: then it's definitely
this point.

Yesterday it never went lower
than that.

Steve: Why don't we mark this
spot with a pencil?

John: I'll mark the spot here.
Steve: Yeah.

John: You can see it go down.

Steve: Mark it on
the plastic up here.

Those pieces that go round
the stairs,

the water could be leaking out.

That's a weak point in
the chain, is right there.

I can't imagine anything else.

Why don't we turn the pump on
and then--

John: Just wait for
a couple hours.

I want to see if it drops.
Steve: That's fine with me, too.

John: You know, you got the
pencil mark, if it goes down.

Steve: Right.

Dick: The guys get some time
working on the wall

that was blown down in
the storm.

And then they come back to check
the water level again.

John: It's going down about
10 mil every hour.

So that's a lot of water,
which is somewhere. Yeah.

Steve: If the water is dropping
like a rock, what do you think?

I think we just have to let it
go for the moment.

John: Yup.

Steve: Let the water drop
a bit more and see what happens.

John: Sorry.
I've got no answers.

Dick: This is terrible news
for Steve.

The pool's been a nightmare.

And with the first-ever booking

in just 12 weeks' time,
it needs to be sorted.

Steve: The pressure is on

*That pool needs to be finished.

It just needs to be dealt with
one way or another.

Dick: Next time,

Steve's pool problems multiply.

Steve: Mamma mia.

It's the curse of the accursed

Dick: Phil and Angelina go in
search of their dream chateau...

Angelina: It's a nice drive.

It's just got magical appeal,
and it's got, like,

really cool outbuildings.

There's turrets as well.

Dick: Angel and I go treasure
hunting in our attic...

Angel: I love this bath.
I could fit in there.

Dick: Darling.
Angel: I know!

Dick: and as Michael and
Jonathan prepare their chateau

for a big event, it throws up
a problem.

[Michael gagging]

Jonathan: That's yet
another thing on the list of

things to do
and we could well do without.