Escape to the Chateau (2016–2019): Season 4, Episode 1 - Weddings, Stables & Staircases - full transcript

Summer has arrived and Dick and Angel are busier than ever with 7 weddings and 14 food lovers' weekends to prepare for. If that wasn't enough they also must sort out the garden and stables.

(light music)

- [Narrator] In the heart
of the French countryside,

a magnificent chateau
stood empty and abandoned.

It's 45 rooms, 12 acres of
land, seven outbuildings,

and moat all left untouched.

As the years passed,
its beauty began to fade

and its walls crumbled.

But three years ago,
everything changed.

- [Woman] Oh look at that.

- [Narrator] When an
intrepid British couple.

- Turn, turn, turn, turn.


- [Narrator] Paid
280,000 pounds to turn it

into their dream family home.

- Everything's gorgeous.

- It's so incredibly important
to bring it back to life.

- [Narrator] Since they moved
in, engineer Dick Strawbridge

and his wife, designer
Angel, have put in heating

and hot water.

- [Dick] Look at that.


- [Narrator] And have
transformed over half the rooms

including three
sumptuous guest suites

for their wedding
and events business.

But despite their hard work,

their dream often
resembled a nightmare.

- You should not be able to
see the sky out of your roof.

- Behind every romantic
story is the reality.

- [Narrator] Now it's
time for the next chapter

in Dick and Angel's
French fairytale.

(cheerful music)

It's summer at the
chateau and Dick

and Angel are busier than ever.

There are seven weddings
and 14 food lover's weekends

to prepare for.

The stables are being
converted into a home

for Angel's parents and
the pollarded trees are

finally growing back.

But there's still plenty of
work to do around the grounds.

Now, as it's the
school holidays,

there's Arthur and
Dorothy to entertain.

- [Dick] Pull the flowers off.

- Pull the flowers
off, let's see.

- [Dick] Whoa that
was a good pull.

Got it in there.

- [Narrator] Picking
elderflower in the walled garden

is an annual event and last
year, Dick made for both family

and guests several
bottles of cordial.

This year, he's upgrading.

- Mmm, good.

- Have you ever had male
de feche Champagne, Angela?

- [Angel] No.

- Daddy, look what we got.

- [Dick] Wow, beautiful.

Pull, yes my man, good muscle.

- [Angel] Oh yeah, good work.

- It smells good.

- [Narrator] Now the family has
set up home in rural France,

Dick is keen to teach
four year old Arthur

and three year old Dorothy
the law of the countryside.

- Arthur, come here.

This is called a
goose gog, yeah.

Rub it on edge and watch.

You've never played
with these before.

Look, I've got him.

Aha it's on him.

It sticks to you.

- [Arthur] (screams) Ah hey!

Oh, get off!

- [Angel] Oh, that's not nice.

No, no I really don't like it.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Why did you show him that?

- When we're out in the
country, we do things

like we play with
stuff that makes us go

oh I don't like that.

- Got you.

- Oh no!

Mr. Strawbridge!

- [Dick] Don't look at
me, I didn't do anything.

- [Angel] You are thoroughly
responsible for this.

- [Arthur] Ah hey!

- [Narrator] Between
entertaining the children

and winding up Angel, there's
always work to be done

inside the chateau and top of
Angel's current to-do list,

the enormous nine meter
high back staircase.

Once only used by the
chateau's servants,

today it's the main route
to the new boudoir suite

on the second floor.

So, as wedding guests
will soon be using it,

Angel wants to transform it
from an embarrassing eye sore

to an elegant entrance.

- I don't actually
understand what you want.

What do you want to do here?

- Well, I don't want to do
anything particularly fancy,

but I've had an idea.

It could save us money.

I'm gonna recreate what
is in the honeymoon suite

by taking pictures
and actually have

that printed onto material.

- [Narrator] When they first
moved into the chateau two

and a half years ago, Angel
discovered in the attic rolls

upon rolls of antique wallpaper.

- Seriously.

- [Narrator] Some dating
back to the 19th century.

Determined to preserve their
patterns for posterity,

Angel created inside
the honeymoon suite,

the wallpaper museum.

Now she wants to replicate
it on the back staircase.

- I got this idea that I'm
gonna cover this is dacron.

Just picture this.

Cover this is dacron.

You know the spongy stuff
that I put on the seats

and then cover it in a graphic.

- Your first words in that
conversation were it's going

to be cheap and save us money.

And then you went on to talk

about having a bespoke
printed something

or other on dacron.

This is not gonna be cheap.

- Yeah I know, but
actually getting Steve

to plaster these walls is
not gonna be cheap either.

- So basically up to at least

that point is gonna
be a padded room.

- Yes, it doesn't
sound as nice, does it,

when you say a padded room?

It's just, you know, they're
gonna be elegantly padded walls

and very French as well.

- Okay.

- [Narrator] Now it's become
clear how much needs to be done

and how awkward the space is,

Angel's simple idea
seems to have turned

into a task of
Herculean proportions.

- I honestly, I thought that
this was quite an easy job,

this job, but it's not.

I need another lift, baby.

(birds chirping)

(light music)

- [Narrator] But it's
not just new jobs

that Dick has to deal with.

- Oh no.

- [Narrator] Outside, one
that he thought he'd finished

now urgently needs
his attention.

In spring, as part of his drive
to be more self-sufficient

and live off the land,
Dick planted 24 fruit trees

in front of the chateau.

Just a couple of months
on, they're under attack.

- I've lost one, two, three.

Three trees definitely gone.

Pomegranate, meddler, and a
mul, pomegranate, meddler,

and a mulberry.

- [Narrator] The
chateau is in one

of the most agricultural
regions in France,

surrounded by over 20,000
square kilometers of farmland

and a lot of hungry wildlife.

- Having the wildlife
is a real pleasure.

This is a pain.

- [Narrator] And with
so many trees damaged,

Dick's keen to
catch the culprit.


(airy music)

While Dick decides how
to tackle the intruders,

Angel is busy photographing
the wallpaper museum.

- I love this room.

It's so beautiful having
the original wallpapers,

you know, from the chateau
since the day it was built.

I'm celebrating that.

- [Narrator] Angels'
idea is to replicate

this plethora of pattern all
along the back staircase.

But first, she's got to transfer
her photos onto material.

- I'm excited.

It's gonna look lovely, but
this room is a bit bonkers,

but it works and the
back staircase is

quite an intricate shape.

It kinda goes up and around
and so there's gonna be pattern

and there's gonna be texture,
3D, and it's gonna be,

it's be form.

It's gonna be
really over the top.

I can't wait, I really can't.

- [Dick] Oh look, what's this?

- [Narrator] In the orchard,
or what was once an orchard,

ex-lieutenant Colonel
Dick Strawbridge is

about to launch a campaign
against enemies unknown

and he's brought reinforcements.

- There's a tree.

Do you see the tree over here?

Do you know what this is?

This is a special
nighttime trail camera.

What Daddy's gonna do is
Daddy's gonna take a photograph

or made a video of what's
been eating our trees.

What do you reckon?

- [Dorothy] Daddy, I
don't want to do that.

- Daddy, I can
actually leave it here.

- [Narrator] Dick, though,
knows from his army days

that the higher ground is
always strategically better,

even if it's just
a couple of feet.

- Up on my shoulders.

Are you happy up there?

Is that better?

There we go, there we go.

The idea is we go
back to our house

and when we are in our house,
do you know what happens?

- [Arthur] What?

- [Dick] This will take a
photograph on our camera

of an animal.

What do you think of that?

- [Narrator] While they wait
to see what the camera catches,

Dick heads into the kitchen

to make some homemade
elderflower fizz.

- And here are these.

The aromatics come in here
and then we add some sugar

to get our sweetness into it.

How many lemons have we got?

10 lemons, perfect.

This is something that's just
sort of, it's an annual thing.

You get it once a year and
because you make it now,

so it is a very summer treat.

- [Narrator] Finally,
add 22 liters of water

and white wine vinegar.

Just a bit more for luck.

- [Dick] Give it a stir.

- [Narrator] Turning elderflower
into alcohol has been done

since ancient times and Dick
learned his viniculture skills

from a prize-winning

- This is proper country wines.

My mum was Wimmis Institute

All-Ireland Peapod
Wine Champion.

Alright, just saying
it's (mumbles).

It's in the blood.

(birds chirping)

- [Narrator] Dick may be
the master in the kitchen,

but when it comes to
decorating the chateau,

Angel is definitely in charge.

Every detail of every room
reflects her natural curiosity

and vivid imagination and
with 45 rooms to fill,

she's always on the
lookout for the unusual.

- I've often been asked, you
know, why I like odd things

and dead things.

I just always have liked
really odd, quirky curiosities.

They're sometimes a bit mounty.

I love a lot of
Victorian objects

and I love the ladies of
the 40's and 50's, you know.

So a mixture of things.

Hi, mate.

I'm your new owner.


- [Narrator] Over the years,
Angel has been a keen collector

of antique taxidermy.

To her, each one
is a work of art,

not only beautiful, but
steeped in character.

- Taxidermy is an
art and everyone puts

in their own impression of
how they feel the animal

or the bird or
whatever it should be.

And this one, he just looks
like he's been down the pub.

Oh wow, we all feel like this

when we've got off of a
long journey, don't we?


- [Narrator] During the summer,

most of the weekends
are busy with weddings.

- Well that's very interesting.

- [Narrator] But as there's
a gap until the next one,

Dick and Angel
decide there's time

for a quick trip to Paris.

While Angel hopes to enhance
her collection of curiosities,

Dorothy and Arthur
have never been before

so have packed for
every eventuality.

- Can you see what's
in your bag please?

- I packed toys.

- Dorothy's packed
to go to Paris.

He's got her own hair
dryer, don't you darling?

(cheerful accordion music)

(cheerful accordion music)

It's the school summer
holidays and Dick

and Angel have decided to
take their children to Paris

for the weekend.

Between the tourist
sites, the museums,

and the bistros, the family
on Angel's suggestion

even managed to squeeze
in a visit to one

of Paris' quirkiest
shops: La Maison Deyrolle.

(cheerful music)

Angel has been interested
in the art of taxidermy

for about 20 years.

- Oh my God.

- [Narrator] La Maison
Deyrolle, for almost 200.

- Gosh it's amazing
in here isn't it?

It's like every single thing
that I love in one place.

- [Narrator] Established
by keen entomologist,

Jean-Baptist Deyrolle in 1831,

the company's primary
purpose was educational.

Today, every animal
here has not only died

of natural causes, but is
considered a piece of art.

For Angel, it's
an Aladdin's Cave

filled with
incredible creatures.

- This place is bonkers
in the best possible way.

I mean, it's like
everything that I love

and everything that's
even beyond my imagination

in just the most charming,
beautiful building in Paris.

It's just amazing.

- [Narrator] Deyrolle's
resident expert, Valerie Prayer,

is on hand to show off their
extraordinary collection.

- I'm really inspired.

I love butterflies and
this place is just,

it's hard to blow my mind.

I've totally got butterfly envy.

- [Valerie] They're
all beautiful.

You can see them here.

- [Narrator] But Angel's not
just here to inspect insects.

She's brought one of
her feathery friends,
Howard the duck.

- [Valerie] Okay,
it's an old piece.

- Yeah, it's a bit tired.

- [Valerie] Yes,
you have to clean it

because there's some dust here.

- How would you clean
this little man?

- First of all, you have
to put it on your freezer.

- In the freezer?

- Yes.

- Okay.

- It's an old pieces, so
there is some little insect

you can buy to everything
so to kill them.

- Yes, okay.

- [Valerie] You have to
put in on the freezer.

- For 24 hours or?

- Five days, so.

- It's good upon check
in, like for five days.

- The best way is to take
something for the hair.

- Oh the hair dryer?

- [Valerie] Cold.

- Cold, yup, I've got that.

And that what would you do?

- You can put some hair
setter on handkerchief

so you can clean everything.

He's beautiful.

- And that's to do with the
taxidermist as you know.

That's why it is art isn't it?

- [Valerie] Yes, it is.

- [Angel] Thank you.


- [Valerie] Bye bye, thank you.


- [Angel] Things were great.

Oh no, thank you.

- [Narrator] Back in the
calm of the countryside,

the Paris crowd
seem a long way away

from the Chateau's
peaceful existence.

While Kitty the cat basks
in the warm summer sun,

inside things are about

to turn distinctly
chilly for Howard.

- It does feel a little
bit alien putting him

in the freezer.

How's he gonna breathe?

I love trying new
things as well.

And what's the worst can happen?

This is when where Arthur comes
and takes his learnies from.


And tomorrow when
he goes to get one,

he's gonna have
a bit of a shock.


- [Narrator] Right now,
Arthur is busy embarking

on an expedition with
Dick and Dorothy.

- [Dick] Come on,
come on explorers.

- [Narrator] The chateau
has 12 acres of land

and an 8,000 square meter
moat where red squirrels,

herons, and even coypu
are regularly spotted.

(Arthur screams)

Or at least they were.

- [Dick] How's it going Dorothy?

- [Dorothy] Good.

- [Dick] Up you go, up you
go, way over that bridge.

I think this is a good place
for us to have our hide.

- I'm going in a hideout.

I'm going in a hideout.

I'm going in a hideout.

- Are you rapping?

What's this?

What's this?

- [Arthur] A jacket
in case it rains.

- No, not that's to hide.

- [Arthur] To hide?

- That's to hide.

It's a teepee tent.

If we hang it here,
like then you'll be able

to go inside it.

- [Narrator] Dorothy
might not be too impressed

with the idea of
building a hide,

but at least Dick and Arthur
seem to be having fun.

- Yeehaw.

Did it work?

Did I swing it around it?

- Yes, you did!

- We're going high up the tree.

Dorothy will you take
that bit of rope?

Is this high enough?

- Perfecto!

- Perfecto, perfecto,
perfecto, perfecto!

- Pull the rope please, pull.

Now, look at this.

Can I just say I
think you're supposed

to just put your binoculars out
there instead of your heads.

- [Narrator] Over on
the back staircase,

Dick and Angel's builder mate
Steve is doing his own bit

of camouflaging by hiding
the crumbling walls

behind plaster board.

While Steve prepares the walls,

Angel is about to find out
if her idea of covering them

with padded material
will work or not.

- I'm slightly nervous
to open my sample

because I have been, I've
been dreaming of these.

- [Narrator] Her photographs
of the wallpaper museum

have been printed onto linen

and if Angel likes
what she sees,

she plans to cover
all 33 square meters

of the staircase wall with it.

- It's lovely.

God, what a difference the
material and the weave makes

because look at that.

Oh my God.

This is, this is,
this is beyond better

than what I've imagined.

Love it.

I love it so much.

I have been having
sleepless nights dreaming

of this material because I
really didn't have a sense

of how it was gonna look.

I'm super super super chuffed.

Now I have to convince my
husband how many walls he's

actually gonna let me grace
with this lovely fabric.

I'm happy.

- [Narrator] As almost every
animal within a mile radius

of the hide seems
to have disappeared,

Dick, Arthur, and Dorothy
give up and head inside

to find out if the
orchard's trail camera

has had better luck.

- Right now, here we go.

Look, look, look, look,
look Dorothy, look her.

Look, look, look,
see it's walking.

Can you see it Arthur?

What is it?

It's very black.

It's right at the edge, but
I can see, that's his eye.

See the white bit?

That's the light
shining off its eye.

Can you see it, Dodo?

- [Narrator] While there
are around 1,000 wild boar

in the UK, there are well
over two million in France.

- Look at his ears and
his nose, look, look.

Look at it looking at us.

- [Narrator]
Surprisingly, they aren't

the ones eating the fruit trees.

A much less scary
animal is responsible

for that misdemeanor.

- Oh, what's this?

What's that, what's
that, what's that?

- Bambi.

- It's a deer isn't it?

Quite a big deer actually.

It's a female.

Deers eating our trees and wild
boars digging up the garden.

- [Arthur] Yeah.

- You'd rather see it in
the daytime, wouldn't you?

- [Arthur] Yeah.

- It's interesting because I
don't mind the boar at all.

The boar can just
kind of snuffle away,

do what they do.

It's just what they do.

It's going to have to protect
the trees from the deer

because the trees cost money.

So a bit of netting
around there,

but nice to see the wildlife.

We knew it was out there.

Now we got proof.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] It's the
end of another long day

and finally it's
mummy and daddy time

so Dick and Angel head
outside and watch the sun set.

- [Dick] There ya go, oops.

- [Narrator] Now it's been
fermenting for a fortnight,

Dick tests the elderflower fizz.

- [Angel] Good pouring.

- [Dick] Little bit too

- How much is about
to get in there?

That's delicious isn't it?

- Whoa.

- Actually this is lovely.

- That tastes of summer.

How many bottles have we got?


I don't know how much it was.

- Not enough.

- Do you know how much it was?


Wonder what to sell it for?

- A lot of money
and smaller bottles.

- The businesswoman
comes through.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] It's
summer at the chateau

and the next wedding is in
just over a week's time.

So before things get too
busy, Angel quickly finishes

off some everyday jobs like
cleaning a frozen, stuffed duck.

- Howard has been in the
freezer now for five days.

So hopefully that's killed
all the little bit of bugs.

Wow, I mean, I can tell
a massive difference.

That is fantastic.

She did also save that acetone.

So quite interested
to give that a go.

What she said was you
get a bit of acetone

and you wipe it on the bird.

The shine is coming
back, his glow.

You're looking
positively radiant.

- [Narrator] Angel eventually
hopes to display Howard

on the back staircase, but
that moment's a while off

as she still needs to
attach the foam lining

and printed material to
the four meter high walls.

- It's a complicated space.

The process is not totally
obvious at the moment

and I think there's gonna
be a little bit of learning.

- Process isn't obvious.

It's code for we don't
know how we're gonna do it.

- [Narrator] Attaching
the foam is just a matter

of a lot of glue and
even more patience.

But when it comes to
hanging the material,

there's not much room for error,

especially since
Angel's underestimated
the amount needed.

- Initially we were
gonna do everything,

but I did only order
30 meters of material.

I'll be able to get this and
hopefully this wall done.

So what we're gonna have
to do is, upside down,

what we're gonna have to do.

- There's a right way up?

- There is a right way up.

- Which way?

- It's the other way.

This is like me with maps.

- Is that like the,
oh there's a bird.

You don't want your
birds upside down.

I get that.

- [Angel] Okay.

- [Narrator] Once they've
worked out which way up it goes,

Dick makes the first move,
swiftly followed by Angel

and her trusty staple gun.

(staple gun fires)

- Right, that's perfect.

- Lovely, wall
papering was easier.

- Wall papering
was easier, I know.

- [Narrator] Now the
first cloth is hung,

Angel is keen to get
down to brass tacks.

Her aim is to give the
walls depth and texture

by tacking along the
lines of braiding.

This is purely a visual thing.

Everything that Dick and I are
doing, we're not experts in.

We just like to have a go.

And when it does come
together and it's nice,

it's always a very
very lovely moment.

From up here, it looks great.

- [Narrator] While
Angel works hard inside

to create an elegant staircase,

outside by the walled garden,

there's an even bigger
project going on.

(dramatic music)

Since spring, Dick
and his builder mates

have been converting
the old stables

into a granny flat for Angel's
parents, Jenny and Steve.

But what makes an ideal
home for horses is not

necessarily great
for grandparents.

- Floor slopes down, but
this is a granny flat

and there's about a
thousand trip hazards here.

So this is broken hip central.

- [Man] Yes it is.

- [Dick] Okay, we
have to get it flat.

- [Narrator] Now the
floor's been leveled,

Dick's keen to move
on to the next stage:

installing a new sewage system.

- The chateau has a moat
around it like this.

Jenny and Steve
crossing the coach house

over here haven't got
anywhere for the poop to go.

Consequently, it's time to
get their sewage sorted out.

Our faw septique is our
big septic tank, sits here.

In front of the coach house,

they have to have
their faw septique.

A pipe from this comes around.

It's gonna go under the whole
block all the way around

and here Jenny and Steve have
their very own filter bed.

Clean water will be fed
back in to the moat.

Another problem is we need water
in Jenny and Steve's place.

So somewhere here, we've
got the water pipe.

I don't actually know
where the water main

is gonna be T'd off.

I don't know how much mess
we're going to make here,

but I know this involves
digging up and lots of mess.

There's a great big hole here
for a massive tank and pump.

That's gonna involve a mess.

We've got weddings.

- [Narrator] In fact,
there's a wedding to do

in just five days time.

But local groundsman, Bertrand,
and his crew are convinced

that's enough time to
install the sewage system

and link the granny flat
up to the water main.

- Bertrand reckoned
by tomorrow evening,

this bit of it will be done.

Won't be bad.

So it's nice to know you got
somewhere for your poo to go.

Big step forward,
big step forward.

- [Narrator] Inside though,
Angel feels she's going nowhere.

Hanging the material
around the twists and turns

of the back staircase is proving
much harder than imagined,

especially when you're a
perfectionist like Angel.

- It has been really
really really difficult.

I've just been wrestling
with all of the material

and I've barely got it up there.

We've done bigger
projects in the house

in terms of just size, but
this has been so tricky

because of the
contours of the walls

and the million
different angles.

- [Narrator] The awkward
shape of the staircase is

also causing another headache.

It's become clear that
there's not enough material

to cover the final wall.

But rather than leave it
empty, Angel's looking

for a solution among some
scraps of antique wallpaper.

- This is lovely.

- [Narrator] Her plan?

To mount them on a board
and continue her homage

to the wallpaper museum.

- Alright, how are we gonna
put this up on the wall

to make it look lovely?

- I don't mind
all of these lines

because this all shows the age
of it's just been rolled up

and stored somewhere.

Anyway, not quite
sure it's gonna work,

but like everything,
give it a go.

- [Narrator] On the second
day of sewage works,

Dick's relieved to
see that Bertrand is

already installing the
5,000 liter septic tank.

- Very very very
accurately going in.

Thing that pleases me
is the tank is lower

than the pipe that comes
out of the building,

which means the poop
will go downhill.

That was something I
was a bit worried about.

(machine backs up)

- (speaks in a foreign language)

- Tres bien.

- [Narrator] While Dick
oversees the sewage,

Angel decides it's time
to focus on the wedding

and one of her first
jobs is to experiment

with Dick's food dehydrator.

Her aim?

To dry out old bridal bouquets
and turn them into confetti.

- Now the instructions
say five or six hours

at body temperature, little
bit higher 40 degrees.

And what this will do is kind
of just take the moisture

out of it really slowly
and kind of blow it away.

I've not done it like this
before, but if it works,

I'm going into production.

Roll up, roll up,
get your confetti.

- [Narrator] Angel
might be preparing

to offer her guests
a fairytale wedding,

but outside, it's a
rather different story.

A 10 and a half meter
long trench has appeared

in the front of the
chateau and Dick's starting

to feel nervous.

- It's Tuesday.

The wedding starts
on Friday here.

Angela hasn't given
me any grief yet,

so I'm just nice and calm.

It'll all be okay.

Bertrand knows what he's doing.

I told him I need to have
it finished by Friday

and it needed to look
good and he said yes.

To be fair, I don't know if
Angela's looked out the window.

She's beavering away inside.

What a hell of a mess.

- [Narrator]
Unfortunately for Dick,

Angel's not beavering away
as much as he'd hoped.

- I didn't expect them to be
digging the hole that far out.

That's essentially about
half the front area.

I thought they were just
gonna do a little hole

outside mum and dad's please.

Oh, Jesus.

- [Narrator] On
Wednesday, just 48 hours

until 80 wedding guests
arrive, the inevitable happens.

There's a major problem.

The sewage works
can't be finished

and more importantly, the
holes can't be filled in

until a pipe coming out
of the stables is moved.

- Now Steve put his pipe
in the perfect place.

Unfortunately we could've done

with the tank four inches lower.

But because the tank
isn't four inches lower

and because of the mess
we're clearing up now

and I'm rows against the clock,

Steve's gonna make his
pipe raise up a little bit

to save us having to put
the tank down a little bit.

- [Narrator] But raising
the pipe up a little bit

involves digging out the
two feet thick stone wall

as well as the
foundations of the barn.

- Can we make it a
priority because I have

to get him finished
so we can actually get

into the tidying up thing?

- Panic?

- (speaks in a foreign language)

- Panic.

- (speaks in a foreign language)

Panic's a French word as well.\

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] There's
now less than 24 hours

until 80 wedding guests
arrive at the chateau

for a weekend of romance,
celebrations, and a clear view

of the sewage system.

- It's all Steve's fault.

Everything here
is Steve's fault.

- [Narrator] Steve hasn't
yet managed to move the pipe

and there's still a very large
hole and trench just yards

from where the bride and groom
will say their wedding vows.

- We have to get outside
tidied up before the wedding.

Otherwise, I'm in the boot.

- [Narrator] Inside,
Angel's doing her best

to ignore the panic outside

and ensure everything
else is perfect,

including the rose
petal confetti.

- Oh that smells amazing.

Wasn't expecting that.

And they look quite nice.

- [Narrator] She now just
needs to put the dried petals

into a suitably
romantic container

and it's another
job off her list.

- Fish and chip cones.

Very very simple.

You cut a square, give it a
twizzle, and then trim the ends.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] At 6:00 p.m.,

Dick's prayers are
finally answered.

Bertrand is happy with the
new position of the pipe.

- [Bertrand] C'est bon.

- (speaks in a foreign language)

- [Narrator] The pipe may
have only moved a few inches,

but it means the sewage system
can finally be completed.

It's the day of the wedding
and in six hours time,

the guests will start arriving.

To Dick's enormous relief,

Bertrand is back
busy filling holes.

This is all going to be finished
off properly this morning,

which will cheer
Angela up no end.

- [Narrator] Even though
Dick already has enough

on his plate, there always
seems to be room for more.

A lorry has turned up with
his latest online purchase:

a second hand 36 square
meter plastic pontoon,

which Dick plans
to use on the moat.

- This isn't exactly the
best time for the delivery

to take place with half a
dozen other things on the go,

but it could've been worse.

It could've turned up
during the wedding.

- [Narrator] As Dick
already has a lot

to do before the wedding, he's
asked the delivery drivers

to unload the pontoon for
him or at least has tried to.

- (speaks in a foreign language)

- Okay minute, minute.

Because they've arrived
with five large pallets.

No way of moving it off
the truck for the delivery,

which is just a nonsense.

- Well that's
(bleep) ridiculous.

- I know, I know that.

I think we just have to cut.

- (speaks in a foreign language)

- Yeah, but for
mine, I pay for here.

That's what I paid.

- [Narrator] Stuck
in a Mexican standoff

with a Polish couple, Dick
turns to the French for help.

- Bonjour, bonjour, pardon.

How are you, bonjour.

- [Narrator] Luckily for Dick,
Bertrand and his men ride

to his rescue.

(upbeat music)

- Exactement, c'est necessaire.

- Merci.

- Perfect.

- [Narrator] By 2:00 p.m.
the pontoon is unloaded

and the sewage
work's neatly hidden

under several tons of gravel.

The chateau is finally, once
the last bulldozer has left,

ready for guests.

(accordion plays)

Despite Dick and
Angel's earlier panic,

the wedding weekend
is a huge success,

filled with joy and celebration.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
will you please rise?

You may now kiss your bride.


- [Narrator] This year,
Dick and Angel are hosting

more weddings and food lovers'
weekends than ever before.

And now, after a
lot of hard work,

the back staircase is
finally reading for guests.

(gentle music)

- I just feel overjoyed
every time I walk through

those doors downstairs

because this was a really really
big job and we've done it.

And it wasn't because
it was a massive room,

but it was one of
those fiddly jobs

that you keep enough.

Two and a half years
ago, me and Dorothy,

we found these
wallpapers in the attic.


There's millions of them, gosh.

And they've come on
a bit of a journey.

They've been into
the honeymoon suite

and now they've been
made into fabric.

Gosh, I love it down here.

I mean, it's like a fabulous
padded cell, isn't it?

We got there, we didn't give up

and I think it's looking great.

- [Narrator] And it seems
Howard the duck agrees.

(upbeat music)

The school holidays
are coming to an end

so Dick decides it's
time for some family fun.

- [Dick] Oh, splash, okay.

Come bring your tails.

- [Narrator] Which
today involves

constructing a secondhand
plastic pontoon.

- Do you know what
this is Arthur?

Look, what is it Arthur?

What is it Dorothy?

- It's a table.

- No, it's not a table.

This is a working
platform for trimming

all of the trees
around the moat.

See all the trees over there?

Look, we have to get
over to those haven't we?

- [Narrator] To make the
game even more exciting,

it seems the instruction
manual has gone AWOL.

- If we look at, how are
we gonna put this together?


- I'm just glad we've
got Dorothy today

because you know, it's
just another flat pack

with no instructions.

But it doesn't really matter

because Dick never reads
instructions anyway.

- [Dick] I always read them.

- After when you've
got a piece leftover.

- Right, see here look.

Excuse me Arthur.

- [Narrator] If Dick can work
out how it's put together,

his plan is to
stand on the pontoon

while he cuts the trees
back around the moat.

- [Dick] Now we've
got this bit here.

- [Narrator] But first,
he needs to find out

if it actually floats.

- This is gonna be fun.

- [Narrator] And for that, he
needs some brave volunteers.

- I have a feeling we're
gonna be in the moat later.

- Careful careful.

No I don't think so.

Sit down please.

There, sit down.

Sit down.

Mummy, you're next.

- [Angel] Right I am next?


- Walk to the middle and sit.

Walk on your hands and
knees if necessary.

But you sit behind Arthur
with your legs around Arthur.

- [Angel] I have to say
it's very stable actually.

- Behind Arthur.

Sit down beside Mummy.

Sit down.

I can't tell you that's
nice and stable considering.

- It is, it really is.

- Let me paddle.

- No.

- In fact you're not
allowed to move or talk.

- I'm about to go gondoleering.

- Oh my God, I thought
it was gonna sink.

- [Dick] You thought
it was gonna sink?

- [Arthur] Keep going!

- No, ah!

- Hold on, we can work on this.

- Arthur, stop it, stop moving.

- This is working isn't it?

- I love it.

- We could actually
make it big yes?

- [Angel] Yep.

- And then motorize it as well.

- Then I can float on the moat.

- [Angel] Your daddy,
he's fearless isn't he?

- You're not
swimming in the moat

until you get older, son.

I really really hope

that you've put all
those screws in well.

- [Angel] How are
we gonna get back?

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Next time,
it's the beginning of autumn

and there are sky
high surprises.

- Look and the sun's
coming through the trees.

- [Narrator]
Adventures into space.

- [Dick] Really gonna
look at the stars.

Can you see any?

- No.

- [Dick] No?

- [Narrator] And
high tea tension.

- [Woman] The bus
is here already.

They're way early.

- You may kiss the groom.


(graceful music)