Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Dark Entity - full transcript

An evil entity latches itself onto a woman and invades her mind.

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I'm Eli Roth.

I've spent my life
telling horror stories.

But imagine if those
stories were real.

And suddenly, you
found yourself stalked

and tormented by an evil spirit

and no one believed you.

These are the actual
accounts of terror

as told by the victims
who came face to face

with their demons and survived.

- I need a minute.
- Okay.

All right.
Take your time.


I'll be right back.

My anxiety and my PTSD
from all this has been,

uh, pretty intense.

It's something that stays.

It's something that
remains with you.

Lucinda and Rae-rae,
we were living together and,

um, we had a nice house.

We had just gotten engaged.

It was... it was
awesome. It was awesome.

Oh, no.
No, you don't.

I'm gonna... I'm
gonna get you.

- I'm coming.
- I hear you.

I hear you.

I got you.

Okay, it's our turn
to hide now. Okay?

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Okay. Okay.

- Close your eyes.
- Okay.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

Three, two, one. Ready
or not here, I come.

I'm gonna come find you.


Oh, I'm sorry, Button.

I didn't mean to.

What did you call me?

I said
I'm sorry, babe.

I didn't mean to.

called me Button.



My dad called me Button.

That was his name for
me when I was little.

He hasn't called me that
in years. No one has.

You called me Button.

Aren't you going to get that?



What's wrong?


When did they find him?

What happened?

My father died.



Oh, my God.

They thought maybe
he had overdosed

and that he had done this
intentionally to himself.

Thank you for coming. I
know it was unexpected.

I really appreciate it.

So do you know
what actually happened?

I had no
idea what happened.

I believe he
was having problems.

He was angry all the time,

picking up fights.

You know, he emptied out

the entire medicine
cabinet, right?

- No wonder he'd done it.
- Do you wanna go?

Where's Rae-rae?

I'll go find her, okay?

- Stay here.
- Okay.

- Okay?
- Thanks.

Rae-rae, are you up here?


Let's go.

Rae-rae is downstairs.

Ali wants to
sleep with you tonight.

It's been a long day
today, hasn't it?


You know it's
okay to be sad, right?

Is there anything
you wanna talk about?

Where's Mommy?

Mommy is not feeling very good

so she went to bed and...

and you should be asleep, too.


- Good night.
- Good night.

- I love you.
- Love you, too.

Can you not shut it
all the way, please?


Lucinda, Lucinda.

- What is it?
- Are you okay?

- Is everything okay?
- There was a monster.

It was
just a dream, okay?

It's just a dream.

What is it?

Rae-rae saw it, too.

It's scary. It's frightening.

It's frightening.

I am my own biggest skeptic.

For the longest time,

um, I wanted to believe

that none of this
really existed.

That the paranormal
is not a real thing.

Uh, I didn't wanna believe

that people could
actually be haunted.

I'm telling myself,
you're just tired.

You're tired. This isn't
really what's going on.

I found you.

Good spot.

Okay. You know what?
I'm gonna hide now,

but we have to be
really quiet, okay?

- Okay.
- Because mommy's not feeling well, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

One, two, three.



Honey, did you see
anything in that room?

You're gonna be late for work.

It's about time you got ready.

It's about time you got
your ass out of bed.

What did you just say?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I don't
know why I said that.

I haven't really slept well
in the last couple of days.

I honestly thought
I was just tired

and didn't wanna put

too much merit into it, I guess.

I was a professional
bartender downtown.

I wanted to open up my
own bar and restaurant.

Here comes the rush.

Sorry, sorry.

I'm getting unhinged
at this point.

You're home early.

How was work?

Candice, is everything okay?

Anything wrong?

Just leave me alone, okay?


I don't know what's
gotten into you.

For the last time, lay off,

I do everything around here

while you sit around on
your sad ass all day.


Just leave me alone, okay?


Shut up.

What the hell is wrong with you?


Oh, honey, you should be in bed.

Go away.

Something was really going on,

was really happening
in our household.

It escalated.

It got bigger, badder, stronger.

I've been touched,
I've been scratched.

Um, I have been paranormal
bitch-slapped before.

And it's one of those
things until you experience

one of your own
that it's kind of

hard to explain it.

I would see things out
of the corner of my eye.

I could feel the
things still around us.

I would be angry and not
know why I was angry.

I would switch on a dime.

It got volatile.
It got volatile.

I just feel like I do
everything around here.

You don't do anything all day.

I feel like you're using me.

My father just died, okay?

Just cut me some slack.

Seriously, what
is wrong with you?

You know, this is
exactly what he was like

before he died.
He was unhinged.

He was just picking fights.

He was just here scaring
the crap out of people,

out of me.

You're scaring
me, just like him.


Come here.

Did your father
ever say anything?

Anything weird?

What do you mean?

Like something.

Anything. Before he died?

He told me he was gonna die.

Not that he was
gonna kill himself.

I just... I don't get it.

Ever since he died,
I just feel like

there's something in
the house with us.

I just feel like there's
something else here.

Do you feel it?

Do you feel any?


Oh, honey.

Lucinda, I just...

Just not now, okay?

Come with me,
sweetheart, let's go.

Lucinda, she would tell me,

"You remind me so
much of my dad."

Some of the afflictions
that he suffered from

were also happening to me.


They just came out of
nowhere, absolutely nowhere.

All of a sudden, these spiders
are everywhere, everywhere.

And it was something
that was unexplainable.

I could not wrap
my brain around it.

It still blows my mind.

Still completely blows my mind.

We decided to move.

I'm getting my kid out of there.

I just thought it
was a way to escape.

We got a very,
very big, big house

that we moved into very shortly

after Lucinda and I got married.

Um, everything was good.
Everything was good.

It was good for a long time

and I thought that it was done.

I thought that it was over.

What's wrong with
you, stupid bitch?

- What did you say?
- I said you almost slipped.

Watch your step.

It followed us.

When I saw it back in the house,

it was heartbreaking for me.

It was heart wrenching
for me, it was scary.

And not just for me, it
was scary for the fact of

I didn't want this
to come back upon...

A my kid and my wife again

and start to affect us the
way that it had before.

It was... It was devastating.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Hey, hey, hey, you're
driving my spleen.

No! No! No! No!


What are you doing?

I'm sorry. I'm
sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I could literally,

in a very crowded room,

feel and experience and
hear negative emotions

that were going
on with the people

that were in my
bar, not to mention

the people that I worked
with consistently.

That was kind of frightening.

This thing fed off of anger.

It fed off of our
negative emotions.

This thing fed off of that.

It got ugly. It got violent.

It got really violent.


Please, please.



Go away!

Go away!

Shut up!

No. Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

No. No.

Shut up!

I know what you think of me.

I know what you think of me.

I know that you hate me.

And you're gonna leave me.

I know that you're
gonna leave me.

I know you're gonna
leave me and you hate me!

I know what you're gonna do!


Such an anger
like I'm gonna kill.

My rage is scary.

It's blinding even to me.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to do.

Black outrage it's
an immediate rage.


Mommy, what's happening?

Looking up
and seeing your daughter

standing in the doorway.

I think she witnessed it.

We're just playing
a game, sweetheart.

You're lying to me.

I don't like it when you lie.

It makes me angry.

Get out. Get out.

Get out of the house! Get out!

- What?
- Get out!

Oh, come with me.

Come with me.

Let's go.

There were
things that my daughter

should not have experienced.

It's too much.
It was too much.

It was too much. It was
time for us to not...

No child should ever have
to witness any of that.

I don't know if I'm
comfortable talking about this.

I'm gonna take a minute.
Oh, God, I'm so sorry.


I haven't really
processed all this

until just now to
be honest with you.

I definitely was not
prepared for the influence

that this was gonna have
upon myself and my family.

I started to realize
that the best way for me

to try to keep my family
safe was for us to split up.

Come on, Rae-rae.

Let's go.

The house being empty was...

I think I was kind of shut down.

Things got so bad,

this thing was not going away.

It would make me angry
and it fed off of that.

It was very much
stronger at this point.

It was scary.

I lost my job. I quit because
I could, I couldn't...

I could not be around
that many people

in that large of
capacity anymore.


I started to drink.

I thought
I could sip it away.

I could put down a gallon
of vodka a day easy.

Not a problem.

Most people should
be dead doing that.

Walk a mile in my shoes.

You're gonna look for any outlet

to make it shut the up.

I need a minute.


The things that
I do and would do

resembled his actions.

I found out before he passed,

her dad had had
paranormal experiences.

When the entity had shown up,

it was responsible
for his death.

It got very, very overwhelming.

I was so
tired at that point,

so tired, I was so tired
of dealing with everything

that I just couldn't
do it anymore.

I just... I wanted
everything to be done.

I tried
to kill myself.

When I came to in the hospital,

when I finally came out of it,

I realized that
that was not a place

I wanted to be in.

I literally had had enough.

I had the... All
that I could stand.

I can... I can temper
things happening to me.

But when things start
to happen to my family,

that puts me over the line
and that was my breaking point

and that's when I
had... I had had enough.

Very, very determined,

I decided to fight.

At this point,
I just instinctually knew

that it was time
to get this thing

out of my house.

I decided to fight.

I went
through every room,

every room, room by room,
and said "You have to go.

You have to go.
It's time to go."

I opened up every window

trying to make the entity leave.

time for you to go.

It was very strange.

Well, she was very
much an amateur.

When I brought in
an investigator

that didn't necessarily
know what she was doing,

um, it stirred the pot
and it... and it...

It just made situations worse.

My sister told
me that maybe it's time

you should get out of
here, like, let's just go.

So within that week,
we grabbed a U-Haul

and we packed up
all of my things

and moved to
Lafayette, Louisiana.

It followed me.

I was... I was devastated.

I didn't know how
to fix anything

and I was scared, like, scared.

It was really a,
"Why me?" situation.

"Why this right now?"

I don't know if
it was a succubus.

It fed off of my negative
emotions and anger.

This particular entity,
it's not something

that is ever really
gonna go away.

It's something that I have
to live with and fight.

It's very
much a research process.

It actually gives me
a better understanding

of the things that are
happening around me

and help to get
this under control.

For the most part,

I have worked very,
very hard on myself

for the last couple
years to not be angry

and not let these
things afflict me.

I actually got into
the paranormal,

officially, and started
investigating professionally.

I use my experiences and my team

as a sounding board and
we're a team amongst teams

and if I can't help
you, other people can.

Rae-rae's amazing.

She's doing great. She
great, she's great.

I'm very proud of her.

I've gotten through this
bad point in my life

and I have transpired
and gone through.

This entity messed our world up.

I firmly believe that
it is the sole cause

of why I'm not still
married to that woman today.

I try to take a negative
and turn it into a positive

and you're not gonna
succeed all the time.

But some days, you might
be better than others.

No, I don't think so.

What an amazing story.

I appreciated her
vulnerability and her honesty.

I thought she was very real.

I thought she just opened it up.

- Mmm-hmm.
- And that's not easy to do.

I think about so many people
if they just had somebody

say to them, yeah, me
too, you know, I get it.

It's not just you, me too.

And I think that can
mean a lot to people,

change their story, you know?

Definitely. Finding
your people,

finding your
community, finding...

I think that common ground
just goes a long, long way.

Do you have a
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