Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Asylum - full transcript

A teenager and his friends awaken an evil presence in an abandoned asylum.

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Go! Go! Go, go, go!

This is a bad idea. I never
should've let you guys

- come in here.
- Why did you come?

- I didn't know we were gonna be...
- Guys, enough!

Let's go this way.

This way.

Through here!

Watch your step, you guys.

- I want out of here!
- Come on, come on!

I'm Eli Roth.

I've spent my life
telling horror stories.

But imagine if those
stories were real.

And suddenly, you
found yourself stalked

and tormented by an evil spirit

and no one believed you.

These are the actual
accounts of terror

as told by the victims
who came face to face

with their demons and survived.

several years later,

I don't stop thinking
about Central State.

I can't help it.

It was terrifying
to say the least.

It truly truly was.

What I did primarily was
just playing video games,

hang out with friends,

go see movies, you know, the
cliché American weekends,

you know, after school.

Central State
was a mental institution.

Opened in 1848 till
its closure in 1994.

It seemed like a normal park,

but just with
abandoned buildings.

From dusk, you know,
till dawn it has

a totally different
feel, of course.

There's a lot of
damage, too. I mean,

with kids coming through,

there could have been
homeless as well.

It kind of digs into the cliché

of a mental institution

that's allegedly haunted
with the dark past

of, you know, satanic
rituals, evil doctors,

the mad scientist.

Are you sure about this?

- Come on.
- Come one, you wuss.

Let's go in
for a thrill, you know.

I'm a kid just looking
for something different.

There's a journey? An
adventure? We're in.

Are we going inside?

Hell yeah.


Anybody home?

Calling all ghosts!

Come out!

Come out wherever you are!

How about we split
up? Cover more ground.

not scared, are you?


As you walk
down the hallways,

you can hear that
scary creepy water drip

along with the smells that
kind of puts in the atmosphere

that you're in this
creepy Hollywood movie.

no working lights,

there's no electricity,
everything's dilapidated

and just decaying around you.

It's very, very barbaric.

Pipes are all over the place.

There's broken glass
shards in there.

It was pitch black,
not only to your eyes,

but it's pitch black
to my being. My energy.

something weird going on.

There's probably
something in here

that we may not wanna find.

Stop messing with me.

What are you talking about?

Nice try. The
moaning. The hand.

Wasn't me.

I swear.

Maybe we should go.

Not a chance.

Let's go.

Check it out.

You coming?

There was over five
miles of tunnels

underneath Central State
and that would take you

throughout all the
other buildings.


Come on! If you're a
ghost, show yourself!

Hold up.

Check it out.

What is it?

What happened in there?

Some poor
prisoners scratched

the hell out of the walls.

Yeah, let's get out of here.

Wanna hang at my place?

Yeah, let's do that.



Go! Go! Go, go, go, go!

Rocks are being thrown
at this point in time.

Apparently, whatever it was,
I'm seeing multiple rocks

being levitated off the ground
in front of me and launched.

And now they're
hitting me in the face.

They're hitting me in the chest.

My buddies are getting hit.

So, that's when we
pretty much figured

we are in a little too deep.

There's the door.

Come on! Come on! Come on!


These are fresh batteries.

We made
our bad decision.

A really bad mistake.

Now I'm using negative energy
to bring something out.

I challenged them.
I threatened them.

I'm like, "This is
what I'm asking for,

so be ready for it."

But the fact is, I
wasn't ready for it.

Come on, come on, come on!

Is it over?

I don't know.

We need more light.

Come on!

Okay, now what?

Get out of here. That's what.

This way.

There is something
down there with us.

It's not me playing games.

It's not them playing games.

The more we reacted in
a negative, fearful way,

the more it gained power.

This is a bad idea.

- I never should've let you guys come in here.
- Then why did you come?

- I didn't know we were gonna be...
- Guys, enough!

Let's go this way.

This way!

No, no, no, no, no!

There was no way
of us getting out.

We were pretty much stuck.

There was something real there

and it, it was very angry.

Very, very angry.

You know, it's like, "Hey,
you asked for trouble.

Here I am. Here I am."

Come on.

Let's go!

Through here!

Watch your step, you guys.

I want out.

- I want out of here!
- Shh!


We're right back
where we started.

Now let's get the
hell out of here.

Did you see that?

I almost had my head taken off!

Guys, guys, guys!

I think we're safe now.

- That was...
- Yeah.

There's a woman in
white, literally

comes into view like smoke.

She has a full white gown.

She has a face but no details.

She had no emotion. She
had no characteristic.

She was just there.

Like that's just... so unreal.

We just survived this.

We just survived something new.

Something crazy.

But little did we know there
was a much larger plan,

a much larger agenda.

It's one
thing to provoke.

It's another thing
to even challenge

but it's especially bad
when you offer your energy.

And whatever this thing
was, it was negative,

and it accepted my offer.

That, that's terrifying.


What happened to your eye?

Ah, nothing.


It actually had
scratches on the paint,

as if somebody took the
edge of a knife and carved

the paint and that's
where I started thinking,

you know, what
exactly is going on?

I feel this thing was
trying to tell me is,

"I'm more powerful than you.

You've messed with something
that you should've never

messed with."

I thought maybe it
just could have been,

you know, PTSD type of thing.

I've had a scary encounter and
I'll get over it eventually.

And that didn't help me
either because it didn't stop.

I felt
completely lost.

I felt like a patient
at Central State.

I felt abandoned,
I felt hopeless,

and I'm starting
to lose my mind.

I most definitely felt
like this was a message

from Central State.

Whatever this thing
was, it was a messenger.

I opened the door
for the messenger,

I asked for it, and
I was receiving.

Central State most definitely
does have a dark past.

I learned that patients would be

taken into the tunnels,
that the really bad patients

would be taken into little
crevices or secret rooms,

and they would be
chained to pipes.

They would actually
take shackles

and hammer them to the
walls and leave them there.

They would do lobotomies.

There's a lot of information
on Central State.

I mean, it dates back from 1848.

It, it especially
had a lot of history

from the '40s up until the '90s.

In '94 it closed.

There were tragedies.

There were dark
things that happened.

I thought maybe the woman
in white was a patient

at Central State.

It could have
been like most situations.

There were people that
needed a little help,

but they were there
for the wrong thing.

She could've been neglected.
She could've been abused.

I was actually living
in that experience

and this thing was happening.

This thing was attacking me.

These screams were happening.

Every day I feel
sick to my stomach.

Every night I have some
type of vivid nightmare

that I can't escape.

Give it
back! Give it back to me!

I'm sorry.


Do you need to see someone?

- Schuler?
- I'm fine, Mom!

I'm fine!

I felt defenseless.

I felt terrified. And I
felt like I had no way out.

I opened up a door that
I didn't understand.

It was torment.

And I knew I had to
fight this thing.

And energy like that is
just demonic and non-human.

It, it scared me.

You want to feel safe
in your own home,

you know, and you
want it to stop.


Alex, why didn't you
answer any of my calls?

'Cause I don't wanna talk
about something that never happened.

But it did happen.
You were freaking out.

- I don't want to talk about it.
- But...


I left you so many messages.

Why haven't you called me back?

Come in.

- There's some really weird stuff...
- Shh.

It's happening to
you, too, isn't it?


It's been weird.

I've been having nightmares.

We never should have gone there.

Have you seen anything?

Like what?

You kept this?

- Where did these come from?
- Look,

- you should go.
- Danny.

- You should go!
- Danny, you're...

Just leave. Okay? Go!

That's where I start
to really panic.

The more I provoke, the
more negative I get,

we're getting a reaction.


Go! Just go!

It just keeps building
and building and building.

I've lived several
years in this room,

in this home and none of
this has happened before.

I wanted it to stop.


Schuler, what's happening?

What is happening?

Slammed against the wall,
slammed against the ceiling

and the floor, slammed against
the halls, the hallways.

I'm taken out of my body.

It was like literally my soul
was sucked out of my body.

Hey, it's Danny.

Leave a message.

Hey, you've
reached Alex. Leave a message.


your laundry downstairs.

Yeah, sorry. Just
give me a minute.

So, I put one and one together

and figure out
what I need to do.

I have to return the rock.

And I started hoping
that I can apologize

for my provocation, make amends.

- Schuler?
- Danny, look,

the bolt that was in your room,

you stole it from
the asylum, right?

Because I stole a rock, too.

I think we need to return them.

Like hell. I'm
not going back there.

Dude, it's our only chance.

You know it.

You just got
to get with the program.

And that's taking
everything back.

It was terrifying
to say the least.

I mean, it's pure
fear, but I had this...

This overpowering mindset
that if I don't do this,

this won't end.
I'm gonna feel sick

for the rest of my life,
it could get worse.

"You have to come with
me this one last time,

so we can return these objects,

because I know one thing,
we have to go back."

Knowing what was there, that
didn't make it any easier

to want to go into
that building,

you know, to return everything.

I thought
we're taking these things

back to where we found them.

Yeah, close enough.

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth,

as it is in heaven.

I prayed out loud.
I prayed over my friends,

their families, my
family, our homes,

anything that we have,

that we're attached to
physically, spiritually,

and throughout the entire visit

to return all these items,

that's what I did. I prayed.

To this day, I feel

whatever that thing
was from Central State

was not human.

I, I truly believe
it was a demon.

It had one intention,

and that was to make
my life a living hell.

Eventually, over
time, everything stopped, too.

No more vivid nightmares.

No more pop cans flying,
no more scratches,

nothing like that.

It seemed to work, thankfully.

I feel like
there's some type

of magnetic connection I
have to the spirit world

ever since I've
opened that door.

My energy has intertwined
with that other side

and I'm a little
more sensitive to it.

I can understand
it, I can feel it.

We would be
in one of our offices.

Then it would feel like
there's somebody watching us.

My fiancée proclaimed
that she's seen

an apparition in our
new home as well.

A little misty
apparition with legs

scurrying into the bathroom.

Our internet,

it, there's been times where
it just kind of shoots off,

it dies completely and it's
always at a particular time.

Things start
escalating to the point

of where I'm not feeling
safe in my own home.

So, that right there
is our diffuser lamp.

That's our primary
"weapon," if you will,

to kind of combat the
supernatural things

that we believe are
currently in this home.

And as you can see,
we're using sage oil.

That's kind of like the same
thing with the sage stick.

These are our mineral
rocks and our crystals.

So, with our mineral
rocks and our crystals,

this is supposed to induce
positive energy into our home.

My fiancée, she's not
as into the paranormal

as I am, so I respect that.

And I also wanna
protect that, too.

I don't want to take her into
an environment that's toxic,

an environment that's gonna
be dangerous or you know,

something that I experienced
from Central State.

So today, what I do
primarily is podcasting.

We like to reach out to
individuals and vice versa

they reach out to us,
and we like to help

these people and also share
stories with these people.

When I had my issues in
2011, I did feel alone.

- Yeah.
- You know, I wanted to find answers,

but I got myself
into some hot water

and I was kind of
left out to dry

so with my podcast that's
kind of my whole...

My goal. That's my intention,

just to bring people
together and try to make

a band of answers
and resolutions.

After everything has been said
and done with Central State,

it's really opened me

to the whole spiritual
connection thing.

Accepting, believing that
there is good and evil,

negative, positive,
demonic, angelic

and prior to all
these experiences,

I wasn't necessarily
a God believer.

You can believe
whatever you want,

you can follow
whatever path you want

but when it comes down
to it, there is good,

there is evil, you can see
it in the physical world.

I feel the importance
of my story

is to help other people not make

the same mistake that I did.

I can't put it anymore, you
know, complex than that.

I appreciate you guys coming
out listening to my stories,

giving me the
opportunity to share this

because after all the years,

I've kind of had this tied in.

I've had the podcast
to share but you guys

coming in, you know,
it's refreshing.

Kind of touched base, so I
hope you learned at least

one thing from everything
I've shared, you know.

Be, uh, be alert.

Be mindful of where
you're going next time

'cause you don't know
the history maybe,

unless you do a little digging.

Do you have
a supernatural stalker?

We want to tell your story.

Contact us here.