East New York (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 17 - Pound of Flesh - full transcript

The 7-4 investigates the suspicious death of the patriarch of a neighborhood barbecue joint who has a close connection to Suarez.

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Previously on East New York...

We can significantly increase

our coverage of the
area by having cops

assigned to solo foot posts.

Some sections
of the city have seen

a marked downturn
in street crime.

And one factor is the
increase in foot patrols.

I was behind that 100%.

I've got an
undercover... Sean Dryden.

I'm not sure you
should be seen with me.

Yeah, one of the reasons I want
out of undercover assignments.

Sick of worrying about
things like that.

I meant to call you last night.

Yeah, it's-it's okay.

I think that we
got hot and heavy

a little too quick.

I don't think it's good
for either one of us

to be involved right now.

If it was me that
went off of my nut,

Remy would've clipped
me without hesitation.

Instead you did it to him!

Yeah, I did it to him.

You also have to answer
for killing Yolo Linden.

I'm sure you have

information on other dirty cops.

Look, work with the D.A.

Maybe they'll go
easy on you, Walsh.


I'm not going to
talk shop with you,

unless you're ready
to tell me what

went down with you at the 7-4.

One day I'll spill.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ They say all
work and no play ♪

♪ Makes me a dull boy ♪

♪ But you know what I
say, I gotta get up ♪

♪ Oh, oh, up in the morning ♪

♪ Oh, oh, up in the morning ♪
Morning, hey.

♪ Oh, oh, up in the morning ♪

♪ I gotta get up ♪

♪ I'm in an airplane
most of the time ♪

♪ And sometime I feel like
my life just ain't mine ♪

♪ I'm living out
of my su-suitcase ♪

♪ From one place to
another place, hey ♪

♪ I gotta get up, oh, oh ♪

♪ Up in the morning ♪

♪ Oh, oh, up in the morning ♪

♪ I gotta get up, oh,
oh, up in the morning ♪

♪ Oh, oh, up in the morning. ♪

Oh, Terrell, Terrell.

Oh. Oh.

Yo, help!

Help! Somebody help, help!

You are gonna make me late.

Hey, that's not so bad, is it?

A little late's not so bad.

♪ Tonight I'll do it... ♪

You know, I'm actually
getting used to having

to sneak around with you.

I'm actually worried
you'll get bored of me

if you don't have
to sneak around.

Is that something
you're worried about?

As long as I can

turn and see you
sleeping next to me...

I ain't worried about nothing.

Why don't we go away
for the weekend?

Yeah, where do you want to go?

Just someplace pretty

and away from here.

I stayed at this place

in the Berkshires
called Canyon Ranch

on an undercover assignment.

Super deluxe, beautiful setting.

That sounds great.

I'll book it.


Girl, you better get out of here
before you got to call a 1013.


Yeah, that Booker & Sons,
that's some serious barbecue.

Oh, yeah?
Yeah, you ever have it?

I never have.

It's like North
Carolina barbecue.

I think that's where
Booker was from.

Rack of ribs, brisket sandwich

with a side of potato
salad... Ooh, good God.

Sound like you're
hungry, Marvin. Yeah.

I ain't never been this close
without ordering something.

Here. You're damn
right, I'm hungry.

You want a granola bar?

Man, get away from me with that.

Come on.

Man, that's rabbit food.
This ain't no rabbit food.

Put it in your back pocket...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

All right, so you found Terrell
Booker Sr. around what time?

Around 7:00 when I got in.

When was the last time
you saw him alive?

Last night when we closed up.

I mean, it was about midnight.

We'd tell him

he didn't need to be
working this hard.

You know, we'd tell him that
me and Javier could close up.

Who's we, Mr. Booker?

Uh, my mom and I.


This is Terrell Booker's wife.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I told Terrell...

not to close up by
himself late at night.

I told him and told
him and told him.

Hopefully my detectives will
be able to figure out exactly

what it is that happened.

This, you recognize this?

That's what Terrell would
put the deposits in.

And Terrell would make
those bank deposits himself?

Always. Well, those
deposits are missing.

Why don't you show
me around? Yeah.

Uh. This way.

What time did you leave
here last night, Mr. Booker?

Around 11:00.

Who else was here at the time?

Uh, my mother and father...

Javier and a couple
of customers.

But you close at 10:00.

Yeah, my-my-my dad

unlocked the door to
let in a few stragglers.

We waited until they finished.

Maybe 10:30.

Was your husband
here when you left?

That's when he likes
to do the ordering

and... pay the bills.

He likes it then...

because it's quiet.

When was it that you
saw he hadn't come home?

I was out like a
light when I got into bed.

When I got up around
7:00... Mm-hmm.

I saw that he hadn't come home.

Oh, Chief.

Mrs. Booker... Vivian.

John. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. I came as soon

as I heard it on the
rad... whoa, whoa.

Uh, I've been coming here
since I was a patrolman.

Can I please take her home and
let her rest for a little bit?

Sure. Come on, Ma.

Terrell was so
afraid of falling.

He used to say that when you get

to be a certain age,

you got to stay upright.

Because if you fall down
and break something,

it's all downhill from there.

I never thought he'd
fall down and die.

Now let's... you can take
her home. Thank you, John.

Thank you.



Oh, check this out.


Yo. I had just been
made lieutenant.

That's my moms, my brother...

You're in some good
company on this wall.

Mayor Dinkins.

That's Reggie Jackson.

Dinkins, that's
right. Listen, I...

I wanted to talk to you
about something. I-I...

did this interview for, uh...

All New York News.

Yeah. Hey, it was good.
Did you...? No, no.

I'm not fishing. Uh, I
wanted to tell you...

when the subject came
up about foot posts,

I gave you all the
credit, and when...

I saw the edited version,

it sounded like I was
taking credit for myself.

Chief, you don't owe me no explanation...
No, I kind of feel like I do.

Well, I-I appreciate
you giving me one.

Okay? Yeah, uh...


how do we think this
whole thing happened?

Well, from what we can
tell, it looks like

some kind of blunt force trauma.

Also, he didn't
have any cash on him

and there was nothing in
the pouch that he used

to make the deposits.

So robbery is not
out of the question?

Right, right.


your gut tells you that it's not

accidental? My gut
always tells me that.

Start with murder

unless shown to be otherwise.

Popular restaurant.


I saw you got a big write-up
in The New York Times.

Yeah, you'd think that'd
be a good thing, right?

Good for business.

Line out the door.

Turn tables four,
five times a night.

People taking pictures
of their food.

Not what it's like
when I started.

Hmm, I guess the increase in
popularity has its downside.

I didn't mind the work.


Hey, how's it going?

I've never known you to
drop by unannounced, Dad.

Actually, I've never known
you to drop by at all.

One thing about retirement is

you get to do things
you've never done before.

Yeah, hi, hi.

Look at you, Deputy Inspector.

Big office.

Windows, a conference table.

It makes me proud.

You didn't come by just to
tell me that, did you, Dad?

I have a reason.

What a surprise.

You collared Kurt Walsh

on the Remy Taylor homicide.

Yes, we did.

He's no doubt talking to the
D.A., trying to cut a deal.

We knew that was gonna happen.

I have friends who are...

concerned about
what he's saying.

These are guys you have known

your whole life, Regina.

What are they concerned about?

What do you think, honey?

No matter what,
Walsh is going away.

If he thinks he has half a shot

at a few years on the outside

before he dies,
he'll say anything.

So, what, they're
looking for a heads-up?

They want to get
out in front of it.

Do they have to hire lawyers?

Do they have to find witnesses

from God knows

how many years ago?

I'll see what I can find out.

I said I would ask
you, and I did.


how's everything going with you

and Mom? Good.

We watched a stupid
movie last night.

You two are getting
along, in other words.

We are. How about you?

I get along with Mom fine.

I meant, are you
going out with anyone?

As a matter of fact...

I am.


Care to provide any details?


He is not a cop, is he?

You play your cards

close to the vest, Regina Gail.

Who do you think I got it from?

7-4, Sector David.

Larceny of a package at
1331 Flatlands Avenue.

Complainant only speaks
Italian, very little English.

Any officers out there who
speak Italian to respond?

7-4, foot post 158.

I speak Italian
and will respond.

Well, I've been told that
my conversational Italian's

getting pretty good.

Are you saying you want to
head over there, Captain?

Yes, Officer Gunst.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

What's going on,
Captain? But, uh...

Officer Quinlan parla italiano.

Uh, s.

There's been another
package theft.

That happens a lot around here.

Yeah, the job that came
in over the radio said

that the package had been
stolen from her and...

I have a feeling that she
doesn't speak very much English.


Ciao. Ciao. Ciao.

Who's Mimi?

Chi Mimi?

My dog.

Very cute.


I guess you could
say I'm the capo.

We're gonna do all
that's humanly possible

to get your Mimi's ashes back.

Starting with putting up

a security camera in case
the robber comes back.

You do this?

Well, I don't actually
do the installation.

But you do this?

You make camera for me?


S, s.

Have TARU put, uh,
security cameras up.

And we'll put a decoy
box on the front stoop.



So, what kind of relationship
do you have with Terrell Booker,

Mr. Pappadopolis?
Uh, he's a tenant.

He's a good tenant.

We heard you had some
kind of dispute with him.

Got pretty loud. I'm
Greek. Greeks talk loud.

What was the nature
of the dispute?

What's the nature
of these questions?

We're detectives.

I don't see how that entitles
you to make wide-ranging

inquiries into how I
conduct my business.

Terrell Booker was
found dead this morning.

That's horrible.

When was the
last time you saw him?

I was over there yesterday.

Was he
current with the rent?

Terrell was always
current with the rent.

One of his sons, this Darnell,

he wanted to open a
restaurant in Red Hook,

came to me for the
up-front costs.

I fronted him about $80,000.

Now the restaurant's open,

I'm expecting to get paid back.

So you went to Terrell,

thinking that he'd
cover his son's debt?

Better than commencing with
eviction proceedings, no?

I'm guessing Terrell didn't
see it as his responsibility?

Not at first.

We got into it pretty
good, but then I started

talking about my sons,

he started talking
about his sons.

Before you know it, we were
both halfway to bawling.

We came up with a number
we could both live with

and went out for breakfast.

I can show you the
receipt, you want to check.

Yeah, I'm curious why you never
went to Darnell to make good

on the back rent?

I've seen Darnell get into it

with customers,

with his brother,

and with his father.

I avoid confrontations that
threaten to turn violent.

With Darnell,

you had to worry about that.

Surprised to find you
at work today, Darnell.

We'd have thought you would
have taken the day off.

You would have thought wrong.

I take it you and your father
weren't on the best of terms.

I don't see as that's something
I got to answer to you for.

Well, you
kind of do, Darnell.

How your father
died is something

we take an interest in.

He was alive and
kicking when I left him.

And when was that? Last night.

What time? I don't
know what time.

I think a precinct setting

might be more conducive to
sharpening your sense of recall.

Yeah, we're gonna need
you to come with us.

Yo, I can't leave these guys
here alone. They ain't been

working here but a few weeks.

What's that you're burning
in there, Darnell? Wood.

100% wood. Mm.

You got a permit for that?

Ain't nobody ever
asked me for a permit.

Yeah, well, somebody's
asking you for one now.

Close it up and let's go.

Hey, Captain.

The decoy box look all right?


I rigged it so we could
figure out who the thief was.

Oh, with those exploding
dye packs the banks use?

Kinda. Kinda like that.

She does that every day.

You pass by her on your foot
post, you notice that, do you?


Something about becoming aware

of the lives of
others, isn't there?

Wondering, what do
their days consist of?

Well, I know one thing that
her day consists of today.

She's wearing a lot
more makeup than usual.

Well, you think that's 'cause she
knows she's gonna be on camera?

I think it's 'cause she knows
that you were gonna be watching.

Yeah, I can't imagine that
having anything to do with it.

You know, Captain.

Men can't imagine
a lot of things.

Okay, so set the
scene for us, Darnell.

You went over to your father's
restaurant for what reason?

I missed a payment
to Pappadopolis.

I wanted to see if my
father would cover me.

And did he?


Why not?

Because he thought I was
wrong for going out on my own.

But since I did, he said I
had to assume the risk myself.

And why did you go
off on your own?

I worked for my father from
the time I was 13 years old.

I didn't want to
work for him anymore.

But your brother stuck around?

According to his LinkedIn page,

your brother got an
MBA from Dartmouth.

And he had all kinds of big
ideas he got from up there.

Yeah. Like what? Like
putting the waitstaff

in pre-stained aprons and fake
gold teeth as part of some

private equity group's
marketing strategy.

Hmm. I take it

you didn't approve of
that marketing strategy?

No, I didn't.

He convinced my father to cut
the heart out of the business,

make it into some Black
barbecue version of

Middle American
family-friendly dining.

You're gonna need to account

for where you were
last night, Darnell.

I took a car to my parents'
restaurant around 8:00.

Had a conversation in the
office with my father,

and then I went home.

What time was
it when you got home?

I don't know. What car
service did you use?

Whichever one my
girlfriend ordered.

What's your girlfriend's name?

Why? So you can browbeat her?

So we can verify that what

you're telling us is the truth.

You're gonna have to
take my word for that.

That's not how it works.

What's your girlfriend's name?

Nicole Pascale.

And what's the name of the
private equity group, Darnell?

Elkhart Hospitality.

Did you ever meet
with them yourself?

Yo, money don't mean
that much to me.


I'm on my way to the borough.

Where are you?

What do you mean you're here?

What are you doing here?

I have entered a new
phase of my life.

What does that mean?

I got a transfer out
of Drug Enforcement and

out of undercover work.

You're kidding. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, I'm gonna be working
in the New York Field Office

of the FBI from now on.


you didn't tell me you
were even trying for that.

I didn't want to tell you
until it was a done deal.

So no more sneaking around.

Uh-uh. No.

That's actually
really great news.


Can I kiss you?

No... you can't. Okay.

Not here.

Okay. Okay.

Hey, come in.

So, I know that you have
a personal relationship

with the Booker family,

which is why I wanted
to let you know that

Crime Scene determined

that there was no
forcible entry,

making robbery highly unlikely.

Thanks for letting me know.

Also, I wanted to ask.

Do you know anything
about the status

of the Kurt Walsh prosecution?

I think it's still in front
of the grand jury. Okay.


Who wants to know, Regina?

Hey, just a couple old-timers

wondering what's coming down
the pike. You know how it is.

I'll see what I can find out.

Okay. Thanks.

I don't understand why

you brought him here
in the first place.

We typically conduct
interviews at the precinct.

He wasn't a witness,

and I sure as hell hope
he's not a suspect.

He is a grieving family member,

so why were you
conducting an interview?

We're trying to piece together

how your husband
died, Mrs. Booker.

He's free to go.

Why he wasn't free
to go before this?

We had to verify
what he told us.

What could you have
possibly said this time?

You know what, Ma? You better
get him out of my face.

Chief Suarez will
hear about this.

Is this gonna be made public

that there's a whole
investigation going on?

Is that something
you're concerned about?

Only because

we've been negotiating
with this company

who wants to open a
Booker & Sons in Vegas,

and, well, negotiations
are at a delicate point.

I'd hate to see something like
this get out and spook them.

That's exciting...
Opening a place in Vegas.

My father started this
business with next to nothing.

When I told him

that we were gonna take it
national, his face lit up.

But suddenly he backed out
and wouldn't tell me why.

It was really weird.

Thank you.

Well, we know that
Terrell Booker and his son

were in the process of working
out a deal with your company.

We were well along in the
process, at which point

Mr. Booker decided
to pull up stakes.

He say why?

Offered no explanation

It seemed to baffle his
son as much as it did us.

In fact, the day his father
pulled out, he called,

assuring me that he could
get his dad back on board.

The other son ever get involved?

I never met the other son.

Well, you know, you're using
the name Booker & Sons, plural.

Um, wouldn't both sons
expect to be part of it?

I think of myself
as a storyteller.

Ah. I thought you run
restaurant chains.

Restaurant chains
are about a story.

The Italian restaurant
at Woodbridge Mall?

Was that a real Italian
restaurant? Of course not.

It's pretending to be
an Italian restaurant.

It's telling a story.

But Terrell Booker is
a real barbecue guy

and ran a real
barbecue restaurant.

And what we intend to do is

ever so slightly
enhance that reality.

So, we researched
Terrell's family tree.

We tell an origin story.

You mean of when Terrell
Sr. Opened the place?

Go back further.

To when he was born?

To sharecroppers
in the Deep South.

To ribs and pig trotters
served on wax paper.

It may not be my story

or your story, but

it's somebody's story, and we're
gonna tell the hell out of it.

Would it be possible
to take a look

at whatever paperwork's
related to your negotiation

with the Booker family?
Of course. You know,

Terrell Jr. was very upset

about his father
pulling out of the deal.

Have you spoken to him?

Wow. Terrell Jr. Clearly
spent a lot of money

on this expansion idea.

Since they're calling
it Booker & Sons,

shouldn't there be a
waiver from the other son?

"Artists to be featured on
Booker & Sons playlist...

"Robert Johnson, Muddy
Waters, Howlin' Wolf,

Elmore James..." Hmm.

Isn't a waiver something
a lawyer would insist on?

"Decor to feature
incidental photographs

"of Black blues
musicians, preferably

"taken by Black photographers.

"A genealogical Booker family
tree artistically rendered

is to be prominently

They ran DNA tests.

Anything interesting?

Ah. Probably not the
results they were expecting.

You got anything on that
security cam, Captain?

Same individual has walked
past Juliana's house

twice now.

Marvin, you guys ready?

We're ready,
boss. You got something?

Bingo. Sector David.

We've got a suspicious
male, curly hair,

in a camouflage jacket,

on Flatlands and Ashford,

driving a gray sedan.

Bentley and
Sandeford, intercept.

on it, Captain.

Police. Don't move.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.


Stop! Police!


Stop moving.

Stupid glitter bomb.
Give me your hand.

You thought you was faster
than me? Little did you know,

state championship, 2017, baby.

All right.

This should do it.

Where'd you pick up this trick?

Uh, years of sneaking
off to clubs in the city,

you learn how to
get glitter off.

How's your mom doing?

She's good.

Um, her and Duke...
They're in St. Bart's

until the weather
turns warm, so...

I wouldn't mind
being in St. Bart's

till the weather gets warm.

Yeah, me neither.

You really
have it all over.

I know.

So, you work this
neighborhood, huh, Gustavo?

I was just riding around,
man. Riding around.

And you just decided
to steal a package

off somebody's stoop
for fun? Is that it?

I was bringing it
back. Okay? I found it.

I assume you think this
is a minor infraction,

like jaywalking or spitting

on the sidewalk,
huh? It's not?

No. No, no, no. You committed
criminal trespass, larceny.

And if you broke the plane of
the front portico, well, then,

we're talking aggravated
burglary, as well.

- I don't know what all that
means. - It means

three to five years in prison,
and you too pretty for that.

I just picked up a box. I
didn't even know it belonged

to anybody. It was sitting
on someone's stoop, fool.

It was sitting on a front stoop.

What were you gonna
do with it, Gustavo?


I stash 'em and

I sell what's inside.
Where do you stash 'em?

What happens if I tell you?
You get to finish high school.

We appreciate you coming in.

We, uh...

we know there were some...
disagreements in your family.

And there's nothing
unusual with that.

Terrell, you and your
father were interested

in franchising your
barbecue restaurant

and were about to make a deal

with a private equity group
to finance that. That's right.

But your father pulled
out at the very last minute, right?

Yeah, I suspect my brother

convinced him to do that.

I wish I could
claim credit for it.


As part of their marketing
strategy, this...

private equity group
had you take a DNA test

to trace your ancestry
to the sharecroppers

in the Mississippi Delta.

Yet another way to
culturally appropriate

the Black experience and
turn it into a sales gimmick.

Also known as giving Black
people a seat at the table,

which my brother chooses
not to acknowledge.

God knows I can't convince him,

which is why we go
our separate ways.

What were the results of
that DNA test, do you know?

Yeah. Our family was
originally from Nigeria.

How did you get the results?

My mother.

So, the report showed more

than that your family was
from Nigeria, Terrell.

What did it show exactly?

Test showed that your biological
father was Wesley Mayfield,

not Terrell Booker.


that's not true.

No, Darnell, it is.

It is.

Wait. What?

You're, you're
saying the... the man

that raised me,

the man that I'm named after...

wasn't my father?

That's what the
test showed, son.

Who's Wesley Mayfield?
Well, who is that?

Wesley Mayfield was
convicted of murder in 2005,

and he was stabbed

in the prison yard at Sing Sing

in 2018.


No. No.

I don't know who that
is. That's not my dad.

I don't know what that is.
I don't know who that is.

That's not my dad.

Hey, bro...

your mouth, Darnell.

I'm serious, bro.

Darnell, get away...
Don't-don't touch me,


I'm serious, bro. Who
is that guy? Look.

That don't mean
nothing. Who is that?

You're my brother.
Who is that?

Bro, stop. It don't
matter. You're my blood.

Bro, stop!
Brother, you're my blood.

Darnell! Look! It
does not matter.

Bro, she lied.

still my brother.

You're good!

don't mean nothing.

I don't know
who that guy is, bro.

Don't mean nothing, bro.

Who the hell is that guy, bro?

I don't even know
who that guy is, bro.

She wanted to keep
her family together.

We need to find out
what her husband wanted.

I love you, man.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my gosh!

Is this thing organized at all?

What you mean,
"organized"? I mean,

do you designate which
boxes were stolen

from which block? Nah, nah.

I just keep 'em in here until I
can open them up and sell 'em.

Maybe you could organize
them by what date

- they were stolen.
- Oh, I'm just

taking a guess here, but,
uh, I don't think this guy's

too well organized,
boss. I got it.

Mimi's ashes.

Fantastic. All right.

Coordinate with
the property clerk

to determine where they
want the rest of them.

I will take the precious Mimi

to the designated
addressee myself.

Take him to booking.

You got it. Let's
go, Sticky Fingers.


You all right with
it on the hot side?


You, I know about.

we found out about

the DNA test results.

Oh, I don't pay that no mind.

We know your husband
wasn't your eldest son's


He and I raised Terrell Jr.

Terrell Jr. loved him like
a father, and he loved

Terrell Jr. like a son,

so in what sense was he not
Terrell Jr.'s real father?

In the sense that they
weren't biologically related.

That don't matter to me.

Did it matter to your husband?

My husband...

couldn't get it out of his head.

He started pulling out calendars

and dates.

What dates?

When it was

he and I were together

as of when Terrell
Jr. Was born.

Could have

I had relations with
Wesley after the date

on which Terrell
and I were together?

Terrell's 28 years old.

Did Terrell Sr. want
to tell your son

that he was not his father?

Why would you put that
kind of hurt on somebody

that didn't do
nothing to deserve it?

You weren't gonna
let him, were you?

I didn't offer you
nothing to drink.

What do you want, honey?
You want some sweet tea?

'Cause once he put
his mind to something,

there was probably no
talking him out of it.


I stood in front of him.

He tried to push
me out of the way,

but I wouldn't be
pushed out the way.

He said some horrible things.

I slapped his face,

and he slapped my face.

And all that stood

between him and
my son being hurt

was me.

We were at the
top of the stairs.

I pushed him,

and he fell.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ This world moves fast ♪

♪ For no reason at all ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ We break our backs ♪

♪ Spin our minds till we fall ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Into the darkness ♪

♪ Into the pain ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Looking for something ♪

♪ Just can't explain ♪

♪ Feels like it's closing in ♪

♪ Maybe we missed
all the signs ♪

♪ Feels like it's closing in ♪

♪ One day, one
breath at a time. ♪

How you find? Well, we used
every resource available,

which was considerable, and, uh,

as I say, it's... it's
been a problem, and...


We got lucky.

I make you something.

Oh, no. No, no, no,
you-you don't have to.

I want to.

You ever eat there?

Being that I'm a vegetarian,

I don't generally
frequent barbecue places.

Oh. I forgot. Keep

It's a shame about the family,
though. All these good things

happening for them,
and none of it matters.

I'd be surprised if

either of the brothers
open for business

any time soon.
Speaking of which,

any ideas what you
want to eat tonight?

Ooh, I'd love to get a rib eye

at Gage & Tollner, but I doubt

we could get in.

Let's, um... We can get in.

But wait.

Is there something there for
you that's not meat, or...?

Other than you? Mmm.

They have great
sides, mama. We good.

Okay. Mm-hmm.

Oh. And dessert?

No, no, no. No, no, no.

Come on, let's go. Let's
go. I'm not mad at that.

Now, you know I
don't eat sweets,

but I do have a
sweet tooth. Uh-huh.


I didn't say
anything. Hey, Chief.


Everything all right?

Yeah. Uh, I just want to
talk to you for a minute.

Uh, should we go to my office?

Okay. Oh.

Sean Dryden, Chief Suarez.

All right.

I'll be right back.

Vivian Booker gave my detectives

a pretty airtight statement.


Yeah, she'll plead
to manslaughter.

Well, with a sympathetic judge,
she'll probably do 18 months.

Between her two sons
and what she's gonna be

carrying around inside,
she's doing life.

I, uh, got the feeling

there's something
you want to tell me.

No surprise that Walsh is
singing for his supper.

The 7-4 had a lot of dirty
cops back in the day, Regina.

So Walsh is just
reeling off their names.

I imagine the statute
of limitations

has run on most of it.

Not on homicide.


Apparently, they're
getting close

to coming out with indictments

around the death of Yolo Linden.

Well, you said yourself,

somebody has to answer
for his killing.

A bunch of somebodies.

I just never figured that...

one of them would
be your father.


Um, nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you, Chief.

What's the cancelation policy

on that place you
booked for the weekend?

You all right?


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