East New York (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Personal Shopper - full transcript

When a string of luxury boutique robberies is tied to a crew out of East New York, the 7-4 discovers a connection to Haywood.

Previously on East New York...

Now, that is gonna beat anyone

that you go against on Saturday.

Georgia quit.
She asked that

neither one of us contact her.

It's better if we
just leave her alone.

Rough night of bouncing?

Corinne was counting on me

to come up with the money

to keep the lights on
in that joint.

She still has to be
able to count on me.

Thank you for waiting, sir.
You can come on in.

What do they pay you to do what
you do here? I'll triple it.

Yeah, who are you?

Bobby Azeroff.

Ma? What are
you doing here?

I didn't like the way you
sounded on the phone yesterday.

You didn't have to come here.

I wanted to, okay?

I showed up for you.

Consultant to Raymond
Sharpe was in the car without my knowledge.

He, uh, made a recording
of cops being derelict

and me stopping it.

I'm sorry I embarrassed you

and your officers.

Well, for what it's worth,
I'm sorry that you got fired.

It's not without its upsides.


♪ I'm feeling good today ♪

♪ I've rearranged my space ♪

♪ Might catch some sun,
might find someone ♪

♪ To take me another place ♪

All right, ladies and
gents, here are our numbers.

Robberies are down 12%,

street assaults
have declined 18.

Not too shabby. Uh,
seems like the increased

foot posts are working,

...some of you have failed

to pass out cards with
your contact numbers.

They have my number. It's 911.

That's a new one.

All right, folks,
let's listen up.

Thank you.

I've received information
from the Intelligence Division

about a smash-and-grab
robbery pattern.

They've hit three luxury
stores in the past month.

One in the West Village, one
in the Meatpacking District,

one on Madison Avenue.

Mostly they take jewelry,

watches and high-end handbags.

So, all in Manhattan?

Ain't no high-end handbags
in East New York.

Also they take
the surveillance servers.

Suspects seen fleeing in
an early 2000s Honda Accord,

gold-colored with
what's been identified

as Cragar mag wheels.

We get a plate on that?

They covered it.

Intelligence thinks

they're working
out of East New York.

Have all units
be on the lookout.

I ain't putting up
with it no more!

I ain't
putting up with it neither.

Oh, no, not these two again.

- I hate you, Alice.
- Hold on, now.

What's going on? He threw
my clothes out the window

'cause I had the audacity
to talk to another man.

She don't tell you that
she slept with the man.

17 years ago. 17 years ago
I was married to him.

Wait, don't you think
that's a little bit

of an overreaction,
don't you think?

'Cause I don't want
her wined and dined

by some guy think he
Billy Dee Williams?

I said I would take
him for dialysis. Okay.

17 years ago seems like

it could be water
under the bridge, no?

Thank you, young man.

I really like
that you said that.

You see how she do?

She make me a cuckold
with any man she meet.

Do you want a divorce?

If this fool be threatened by me

driving to Mount Sinai
twice a week,

I most certainly do
want a divorce.

You want a divorce?
I am definitely

considering it. Hell yeah.

Well, forget about
considering it.

Come on over here and put

your finger on my shield.

Come on.
We gonna do this.

Put your finger on my shield.

By the power vested in me

by the State of New York,

I do hereby declare
your matrimonial union

to be null and void from

this day forward,
to the end of time...

Wait, wait, wait.
You're saying that does it?

That's right, Albert.

As soon as you take
your finger off my shield,

you and Alice are officially
no longer husband and wife.

That's not what I want, Albert.

Well, it ain't
what I want either.

Well, how about if
I drive him once a week?

I can live with that.

So, put a hold on the divorce?

Yes, please. Then
fold these damn clothes

and put them back in the house.

Stop all that nonsense.

7-4 Precinct,

I have a 10-59,

vehicle on fire
at 9183 Fulton Street.

Any units available.

7-4 Foot Patrol 8-9.

We're around the block,
we'll handle.

10-4. FD notified.

Aw, man.

That's a Honda.
Central, be advised...

That's a Honda Accord.
...we found

what looks like to be
a Honda Accord on fire.

10-4. FD en route.

And those are Cragars.

This is the car.

It's good nobody's
in there. Yeah.

What are the chances

the VIN's still readable?

I don't know.

It's in at least
four different places.

And you know those
four different places

on this particular car?

Guess we'll see.

Sometimes I think you
say you know something

whether or not
you actually know it.

I said sometimes

I think you say
you know something

whether or not you know it.


this was stamped
on the cross member.

Looks like a VIN to me.

You're starting to remind me

of Captain Yenko, you know?

You can't block the hydrant.

Yo, two minutes.

How's it going, Stuffy?
I'm good.

How about yourself, Officer?

Doing good. Salaam
alaikum to you, my sister.

Wa alaikum salaam.

This stuff didn't fall off

the back of a truck,
did it, Stuffy?

No, ma'am.

I don't want to find out
that you're moving

stolen merchandise.

I can show you a receipt
for everything I carry.


Have a nice day.

What this smash-and-grab crew
takes is higher-end.

Yeah. Well, it doesn't
hurt to let him know

that we're still
paying attention.

Hey, Ma.

Hey. I thought I'd
straighten up around here,

but you don't have a Swiffer?


Well, where's the local
hardware store?

Ma, I don't need a Swiffer.

Oh, Brandy,
you know what, the water's boiling.

Can I call you back?


All right, bye.

Well, that's cute.
Your mom wants to

buy you a Swiffer.

Yep, the woman's tidy.

Hates a mess,

except for in her own life.

Hey. Is, um...

Has Corinne been
in touch with you?

No, why would she be?

I don't know,

see-see how I'm doing,
see if I'm fine?

You're not too much of
a narcissist, are you?

Well, if she does call,
you could tell her

I'm doing fine,
'cause-'cause I am.


Totally fine.

Can I help you?

Ms. Wilson?

I'm Detective Killian,
this is Detective Morales.

We're from the 7-4 squad.

We'd like to ask you
a few questions.

Why would someone
set fire to my car?

It's possible your
car was involved

in the robbery of a store.

Did we have anything in it?
Do you know?

I think Bianca had a pair
of Jordans in the backseat.

Oh. She's not gonna like that.

Your car wasn't reported stolen.

We didn't know it was stolen.

We don't use it unless we
absolutely have to, okay?

We both take
public transportation

to and from work, so...

Is there anyone else
who uses it?

Our daughter.

Could we talk to her?


would you come down here, honey?

Our car was stolen.

You're kidding.

Stolen and set fire to.

Oh, God.

When's the last time
you used it, Bianca?

Uh, I don't know.

A week ago, maybe?

Is it possible

anyone you know
might've used it?

Well, I'm not gonna

loan out my parents' car.

Actually, it might
have been involved

in a string of robberies.

Like of people's houses?


It's those stupid mag wheels

you got, Daddy.

Some gangbanger wannabe
thought they looked cool.

Well, we have a lot of
security camera footage

we have to go through.

We'll let you know
what we find out.

Thank you.

The daughter didn't
seem all that interested

in the Jordans she
left in the backseat.

She probably forgot
they were there.


The family don't have money.

I would think that that's

the first thing she'd think of.

Good. Good.


Hey, anything on that,
uh, pattern robbery crew?

No, not yet.

Want to show some, uh,
initiative on that one.

Not because we always do,

or there's something
particular about this case?

This crew hits places
where rich people shop.

Some of those people have power,

including power over us,

so they need to know
we're paying attention.

Need to show
we're getting results.

This have something to do with

getting Raymond Sharpe
elected mayor, or...

anything like that?

You know, I thought to myself,
I don't know,

I don't want to be part
of Raymond Sharpe's circle.

I definitely wasn't
looking to be rewarded

with any kind of promotion,

let alone being
made P.C.

But I guess,

if it doesn't compromise
the way I do my job,

which it hasn't,

I wouldn't mind

seeing good things happen
for either one of us.

Maybe they will.

This is Bianca Wilson's

social media page.

A real fashionista, this one.

This is an Alexander
McQueen peplum skirt

reported stolen from Intermix.

What's peplum?

It's a skirt that kind of

flanges out to the side.

Yeah, is that right?

You got to ask her?

All right, next image, please.

Okay, these are
cloisonn bracelets

that were reported stolen
from the Dover Street Market.

Where are we?

Captain Yenko's

taking us through
some of the items

reported stolen from
previous pattern robberies

apparently being worn by
Bianca Wilson and her friends.

Is that the daughter
of the people

who owned the getaway car?

Yeah, and the
security camera footage

gives us three individuals

running out of the stores

and jumping into a Honda Accord.

We sure they're posing
with stolen items?

Yeah. Can I have
the previous image, please?

This is an Alexander
McQueen peplum skirt

that's very distinctive.

You know, maybe I'm
just being a romantic,

but what it tells me

is that we ought to be looking

at her boyfriend
as a possible suspect.

No, that's not being romantic.

Is there anything that
conclusively establishes

the perps as being male?

Not conclusively, no.

Between the getaway car,
the stolen merchandise

that Bianca and her
friends were wearing,

I'd say the crew
we're looking for

is made up of teenage girls.

Bianca, where were you

around 2:00 yesterday afternoon?

What does that have
to do with anything?

Daddy, stop.

I was studying for AP calculus

with my friend Too tie.

We're gonna want to talk to your

friend Too tie.
I don't understand.

Do you suspect us of something?

These are some pricey articles

of clothing, Bianca.

Where'd you get them?

Flea markets,

online, vintage stores.

I know how to shop.

That she does.

Well, would you mind if we
looked through your closet?

Yeah, I'd mind.

Where do you get off
treating us like criminals?

Ms. Wilson, your car
matches the description

of the car used
in these robberies.

Now, your daughter appears

to be in possession of articles

stolen in these robberies.

You ever heard of knock-offs?

Well, that's why we
want to look at them,

determine if they're knock-offs.

A Black girl's not supposed
to have too nice of clothes

any more than she's supposed
to be in AP calculus, right?

Okay, sir,

no one is saying that
and no one is thinking that.

We came in here
voluntarily to talk about

a car that was stolen,

and you want to ask

our daughter trick questions

like she's a suspect?
No more voluntarily.

And we want a lawyer.

And unless you're placing
our daughter under arrest,

we're also entitled to go home.


I left that folder on your desk.

I got it.
Thank you.

So, what do you got?

Well, you said
you wanted a heads-up

about how things are going
so that's what I'm here for.

Landlord jacked up

our rent 3,700 a month,

a beer truck driver's

putting in a claim for falling

on the basement stairs.

Corinne feels like

she has no choice
but to go to her father.

I don't want her
to go to her father.

I don't know that you
have anything to say about it.


Is she, um,

she going out with anybody else?

Don't ask me that, Killian.

I'm not gonna
do anything about it,

I just... I just want to know.

Then find out yourself.

Find out myself.

You know where this is at?

That's Snowball's block.

There's a bunch of young girls

hang out on the stoop there.

You want some Extended
Tour overtime? Yeah.

Her name's Bianca Wilson.

See who she's been
hanging around with.

All right.

All right, you got it.

I'd rather you not
go on this one, Marvin.

Bentley's less likely

to get made as a cop
if you're not with him.

You're sending him
off by himself?

Well, uh, he can
go with Quinlan.


Same generation.


Yeah, yeah.

All right.
Thanks, Marvin.

♪ Don't need no golden hour,
I stay lit ♪

♪ New day, new flex ♪

♪ Don't edit my... ♪

♪ I don't need to be modest ♪

♪ Don't do no look back ♪

♪ Got those diamonds
that reflect. ♪

You know,

I'm kind of glad
we got to do this together.

Why's that?

Come on.

What do you mean,
"Why's that?"

'Cause I like being
around you, that's why.

I like being with you, too.

I don't know.

I don't feel like I'm living

my normal life for
some reason, you know?

Is it possible it's
'cause your mother's here?



definitely possible.

Well, for what it's worth,

she seems pretty together

from what I can
tell. You can't tell.

That's the problem.

How long's she staying?

No idea.

Oh, there's Bianca.


Oh, that's Georgia and Tanya.

You know them?


They're in the track club
Haywood and I

have been helping out with.

Hi, Chris.

I got a friend following me.
Will you let him up?


Of course.

Hey. Hey.

Hey. There he is.

Um, I didn't know if I was
supposed to wait outside.

Why would you wait outside?

We can talk right there.

Okay. So we can talk here?


I was just
auditioning these actors

for a musical I'm investing in,

keep my wife...
my ex-wife off my back.

Well, I guess you
got to love theater.

I hate theater.

So, what are you
here to tell me?


The offer you made
the other night

to have me do security for you?

Um, truth is, I could
use some extra cash,

but I got to know,

um, I'd still be
keeping my day job, right?

You keep as many jobs
as you want.

Well, in that case, I...

I'd like to accept your offer.


Your passport up to date?

Um, I'm not even sure
where my passport is.

Ah, don't worry about it.
I'll have my office

make sure they
issue you a new one.

What, am I going somewhere?

Yeah, I'm buying
a racehorse in Dubai.

You're free this weekend, right?


Oh, there she is.


Hey, babe.


Brandy, this is Duke.
Duke, my daughter Brandy.

How you doing, Brandy?

Nice to meet you.

I got a phone call to meet you
here. Is everything all right?

Everything's great. Sit down.

So, Duke has a vacant condo

in Mill Basin that
he said I could use.

It's just sitting there empty.

Oh... I didn't realize you were
sticking around that long.

I didn't think that I was,
but you know,

when I shared at
the meeting last night

how I spent my whole
life running away,

it occurred to me
that maybe it was time

to stop running.

Right? Yeah.
Hundred percent.

That affected me
deeply what she shared.

I seldom share,

but after she shared
what she shared,

I shared that I feel worthless.

On what planet could you
be considered worthless?

He supports you know
how many people?

Oh, stop it. Dah,
dah, dah, dah. Oh.

So you're gonna

move into the condo?

She's more than welcome.

I mean, I'd like to think

I could help you get through

whatever it is
you're going through.

And Duke said he could use
some help at the dealership.

Dealership? Uh,
what kind of dealership?


Well, if you'll
excuse me a minute,

I got to take this.

Sweetheart, you know,

sometimes when
you meet somebody,

there's like this
instantaneous connection.

And I-I wasn't looking for it,

and Duke wasn't looking for it,

but... it was there.


You watch. You know,
if you're open to it,

the same thing
could happen for you.

There you are.


♪ My problem ♪

♪ Better pay attention
who you talking to ♪

♪ Show me some respect
when I walk in the room ♪

♪ 'Cause you wish you were me,
yeah, babe, I know you do ♪

♪ But I don't have no patience
for that attitude ♪

♪ Thankful for my mama... ♪

What's up, Coach?

You got a minute?

Anytime for you.

I want to talk to you
about Bianca Wilson.

I don't know nothing
about Bianca.

If you're involved in certain
illegal activities,

I just want to help you

get uninvolved.

You worried about me and
my friendship with Georgia,

me killing her chance
of getting a scholarship?

I'm just talking
about you right now.

You ain't never
talking about me.

The only reason why you care

is 'cause I'm tight
with Georgia.

We have reason to believe

Bianca may be involved
in robberies, Tanya.

So arrest her.

And if you think I'm
involved, arrest me, too.

I don't want to have to do that.

So what, you giving me
a chance of saving myself

by ratting out on Bianca?

Nah, I ain't interested.

It's not going to
end well for Bianca,

and it may not end well
for anyone in her crew.

You know, it's funny,

at the track you said
to look at you

like a mentor, not a cop.

You said that you had
dreams of running track,

that you had dreams
of going places,

to open up doors for us.

I meant that.

I don't need you
to open up nothing.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I got you some things at C-Town

so you don't always have
to be going out to eat,


my darling daughter,

Vienna Fingers,

'cause I know how much
you love them.

So, did you spend the night
at that guy's place last night?

Well, not at his place.

I stayed at the condo
that he said I could use,

which, by the way,

is gorgeous.

And this is all part of AA?

Yeah, one addict
or alcoholic helping another

is very much part of AA.

And then moving in for the kill?

That's not what I'm doing.

Come on, Ma, that's
exactly what you're doing.

That's what you always do.

You find a guy,

he falls in love with you,

and then you use him
for all he's got

for as long as he'll give it,

and then when he
turns off the tap,

you move on and move on
to the next guy.

You know,

I think we both
have had relationships

that fit that description.

Well, I did learn
from the master.

I just want you to have
a decent life, Brandy, okay?

This is something else
you have to make amends for?

Yeah, to anyone I may have hurt.

Yeah, well, I'd pack
a lunch for that to-do list.

You know, high on that list

is that I didn't support you.

It's all right, Ma.
No, no.

It's not all right.

You know, when you were
in junior high school

and you wanted
to go out for band

and you wanted to
play the trumpet,

I told you that girls
don't play trumpet.

It's really okay.
I-I got over it.

What is it you want
from your life, Brandy?

I mean, living here
in the housing projects,

I'm assuming that's like
a temporary situation?

Not for the people
that live here.

Okay, well, it is for you.

What is it that you want?

I want to be a detective.

All right.

I moved in here
so that they could see

that I have the people skills,
the intelligence...

But I-I thought that takes
a long time, I mean, doesn't it?

It takes as long
as it takes, Ma.

I-I just don't want you
to be disappointed.

You know what,
I got to go to work.

Want me to make you a sandwich?
I got nice tuna.

I'm good.

All right, well, call me later.

All right, I'll
talk to you soon.


Hey, here you are.

Oh, here's your,
uh, your passport.

Um, yeah, listen,
about that, Mr. Azeroff.

Um, I-I don't...
I don't think I can, uh,

accompany you to
Dubai this weekend.

I mean, I wish I could.

God knows I need the money,

but, um, uh,

it's just I don't have
a lot of flexibility

as far as days off go, and, um,

it might be that you're
looking for someone

who's retired off the job
rather than active duty.

Thank you, but
I-I can't take this.

What am I going to do with it?

Right, of course.

This one, she wants
to be an FBI agent.

Think you can help her out?

Come on, he doesn't
even know me.

We met at the World
Economic Forum in Davos.

Now, you've worked with
the FBI before, right?

Uh, yeah, yeah, a few times.

So, maybe you could
introduce her to somebody.

Yeah, no, I can, um,

maybe look through my files,
you know,

and see if I can find a name.


Thank you.
You bet.

Yeah, so, anyway,

I'm-I'm sorry about
the Dubai thing, you know.

I mean, I should've told
you it might be a problem.

How much will it take?

I'm not due to get paid.

There's roughly...

10,000 here.

That do it?

Just like that?

Just like that.



What time do you
usually start in?

I'm usually up and
humming at about 5:00.


I'm guessing since you're not
working with Raymond anymore,

uh, you might

have some extra
time on your hands.


Since he fired me,

I've taken on a congressman

considering a run for Senate,

a mayor considering
a run for governor

and a presidential

candidate in the Czech Republic.


And Raymond's called me
four times in the last week.

That's what happens
when you make yourself


Just say the word

and I will make
you indispensable.


You have something on your mind?

What if...

I get approval
from the press office?

Would you be open to
doing some interviews?


a higher profile?


Higher profile as in,
um, career advancement?

Yes, yes.
Career advancement.

Yeah, I'd...

I'd be open to that.

What are you
doing here, Georgia?

Tanya told me you
were pressuring her

to give up some robbery crew.

I thought she might
not want to spend

the next ten years
of her life in prison.

Tanya's the most loyal
person who ever lived.

She hangs with Bianca because
Bianca tried to recruit me.

I assume you turned Bianca down.
Why couldn't Tanya?

It's been a while

since you've been
in high school, Ms. Haywood.

There's a price to pay

if you say no to Bianca.

And what your friend
is going to find out

is that there's a price
to pay if you say yes.

And I'm done
having Tanya pay it.

I convinced Bianca

I was down with
robbing one of those stores,

and she said the next
time they hit one,

I could come with them.

Looks like that's today.


that is not what
you should be doing.

It ain't what Tanya
should be doing neither,

but you didn't have
a problem asking her.

I thought she was
already doing it.

The fact is you both
put yourselves at risk.

What was it you asked Tanya for?

I asked her to help us
build a case against Bianca.

So, now that's
what I'm gonna do.

We'll be following
from a distance and monitoring

any conversations taking place
between you and the other girls.

We'll also be
monitoring your location.

If we hear anything funny,

we'll be right there.

Let's do it.

You are one brave
young woman, Georgia.


I need you.


I'll be right back, okay?

These are the parents
of the Wilson girl

you like for the robbery.

What can I do for you folks?

We're worried about
our daughter.

What are you worried about?

You don't want to think

your kid's mixed up in anything.

And we don't know that she is.

What is it you think

she might be mixed up in?

We don't always know
where Bianca is.

We don't want her to get hurt.

I'm curious about
what caused you

to come in and tell me that.

My husband kept a gun on a shelf

in our bedroom closet.

Bianca knew that's
where he kept it.

It's gone.

All right, they're
at Belmont and Schenck.

Make sure you don't
get close enough

to get made.

I don't want to put
Georgia at any more risk

than she's already in.

Why you ain't never

hang out with us until now?

Between school and track,

I ain't got time

to hang out with anyone.

Probably that ain't
the only reason though, right?

I don't like where
this conversation's going.

Come with us.

Where are we?

Tanya told us you
were gonna be famous.

I-I don't know about all that.

Didn't she say that?

She said you could be
like Sha'Carri Richardson.

Bianca, I'm a long way
from Sha'Carri Richardson.

Come here.

I want to show you something.

Give me your hand.


is a Patek.

A lot of rappers

wear Pateks.

Oh, yeah?

You're gonna wear one
next race you run.


And tonight,

we're gonna get one for me.


Go get her one of those
coats we wear.

Yeah, you're right.

My jacket's no good for this.

The coat you want me
to wear is much better.

That's her trying to tell us
we're about to lose contact.

Bianca has a gun, so we need to
find another way to track them.

Any ideas, boss?

Yeah, maybe.


I appreciate you taking the time

to talk to me, Chief.

Well, as long as
the interview requests

are approved by the DCPI,
I'm happy to do it, Nadia.

What's your response
to the claims

that the uptick in street crime

is directly attributable

to bail reform

and a lack of effort
on the part of the cops?

I would question the
premise that there has been

an uptick in street crime,

and I definitely would
challenge the premise

that there's been
a lack of effort

on the part of the cops.

From my understanding,

the uptick has
not been city-wide.

Exactly, that's right.

In fact, from the most
recent statistics,

some sections of
the city have seen

a marked downturn
in street crime.

And I think that one factor
that corresponds to that

is the increase in foot patrols.

I understand you have
something to do with that.

Actually, the credit for that

belongs to our precinct
commander at the 7-4,

Deputy Inspector Regina Haywood.

This was her idea.

You were behind it though.

Foot patrols?
I was behind that 100%.

I'm happy not to do this

in front of your
grandmother, Tanya,

but we can't waste
any time right now.

Why even bother me at all?

You're a material witness.

What that mean?

We have reason to believe
you have information

pertinent to an
ongoing investigation,

which means we can detain you.

That's stuff I hear from
Ice-T on Law & Order.

I ain't buying it then,
I ain't buying it now.

Tanya. Your
friend Georgia's

in trouble.

She agreed to go with Bianca

and the other girls
on a robbery,

and Bianca has a gun.

Hey, if you help me,

I'd like to
save the both of you.

Doing this for Georgia,

I'm not doing this for you.

I got Bianca on Find-A-Friend.

You mind
if I take it? Sure.

She's on Atlantic
heading toward the BQE.

I'll coordinate with Highway.

Who's got the hammer?

I got it.

Okay, remember,
the case with the Pateks

is against
the wall on the right.

Wait, my right or your right?

Facing the store.

It's against
the right side, Whitney.

This is the NYPD.
Turn the vehicle off

and put your hands
where we can see them.

I repeat: Turn the vehicle off

and put your hands
where we can see them.

Oh, my God, Bianca.

Gun, gun, gun!

Somebody say something
to the cops?

Bianca, nobody said nothing.

Put the weapon down now!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa. Whoa.

What about you, track star?

You asked me along 'cause you
knew I wouldn't say nothing.

Hold on, hold on. Bianca,

put the gun down.

This when you tell me I'm
not in trouble as of yet?

No, this is when I tell you

that if anyone gets hurt,

you're gonna be in
a lot more trouble.

I never laid hands on nobody.

That's good.
That counts for a lot.

Put the gun down.

You're a young girl,

and sometimes

young girls,
they do foolish things.

People look at you different
when you wearing Balenciaga

and Alexander McQueen.

Bianca, look at me. I know.

You put the gun down now,

you will go to juvie,

but, Bianca,

chances are, inside of a year,

you are going to be back
at home with your parents.

That's real talk.
I'm telling you now.

Bianca, I want you
to listen to me.

When I open this door,

I want you to come
outside of the car,

I want you to put your hands up.

I want you to turn around,
face the vehicle

and put your hands on the
vehicle, do you understand me?


Get out of the car
very slowly with your hands up.

Hands where I can see them.

Put your hands where I can
see them. Get out the car!

Keep your hands where
I can see them.

Put them up there.

Let's go.
Back of the car.

You get what you need?

I think so.

The storage unit had all kinds

of stolen merchandise in it

and it's registered to Bianca.

What about Tanya?

We can't tie Tanya
to the robberies.

So, she should be all right.

She keeps telling me I should
start running track again.

Why do you think she says that?

Probably 'cause she knows me.

She knows you
and she cares about you.

Whenever you're ready.

I don't know that I am.

Whenever it is that you are.





You said you were
patrolling New Lots Avenue,

so I thought I'd come
and try to find you.

Nice car.

Um, hey, why don't I just

meet you down on
the corner? Yeah.

Duke asked me to drop it off.

Drop it off where?

Uh, the people that bought it.

They live in New Jersey.
Basking Ridge?

Okay, and how are you
supposed to get back?

Oh, Duke's meeting me there.

We're gonna go see Chris Rock

at the Borgata in Atlantic City.

Isn't that great?

Yeah, that's real great, Ma.
Have a good time.

Hey, hey.

What kind of send-off is that?

I didn't realize
I was supposed to be

giving you a send-off.

I didn't know that
this was the beginning

of your next
Hustler's World Tour.

What is it, Brandy?
Huh? What's the problem?

Respectable woman

is not supposed to accept
favors from men?

That's completely irrelevant.

"Hey, Ma, have a great time.
Chris Rock's hilarious."

Pop the trunk.

What, is this
a traffic stop now?

Yeah, call it whatever
you want. Pop the trunk.

I don't even know
what button it is.

Figure it out, Mom. Pop it.

What you think you're gonna
find in there, Brandy, huh?

I don't know, Ma.
That's why I was looking.

Hey, how about
I buy you a coffee?

Good afternoon, Officers.
Quite a nice day today,

isn't it?

Good afternoon.

It's hard to imagine being 17...

...and having the nerve
these girls had.

Is it nerve or desperation?

Well, I think the desperation
gives you the nerve.

Turn it up.

...from the most
recent statistics,

some sections of
the city have seen

a marked downturn
in street crime.

And one factor, I think,

Nadia, that corresponds to that

is the increase in foot patrols.

I understand you have

something to do with that.

I was behind that
a hundred percent.


With ideas like that,
I suspect you'll be

commissioner in no time.

There are some people

I would think would take credit

for what somebody else did.

I wouldn't expect it of him.
I'm surprised.

Maybe it's time we
stopped being surprised.




I heard you're having
money problems.

Yeah, you could say that.

Here's $10,000.

Where did you get $10,000?

It doesn't matter.

Are you shaking down
drug dealers, Tommy?

No, I'm...
Well, then what?

'Cause I know you don't have
$10,000 lying around.

It's an advance from
a guy I'm working for.

What guy?

You don't know him.

He's a rich guy paying me
to do security.

It's totally legal.

Look, there's a lot of cops

who got something
going on the side.

Yeah, do a lot of cops
get advanced $10,000?

Are you... Are you just dead-set

against me helping you out
for some reason?

Okay, so we're not
a couple anymore.

I mean, we're not partners.

You know, just pretend that,
you know,

we were sitting next
to each other on the bus,

you know, and you
told me your story,

and I'm helping you out
'cause I'm rich,

and that's what I do for kicks.

That work?

Corinne, hey,
it's not that big a deal.


My dad went in for
his six-month checkup.

His numbers were bad.

I'm sorry.

I just feel so alone, Tommy.

No, you're not alone.

It may feel that way,


you're not.

♪ Telling myself
that it's time to get out ♪

♪ Fell off my bike again ♪

♪ It's so embarrassing ♪

♪ How much I want
to call you now. ♪

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