Dream Corp LLC (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - What Happens in Randy, Stays in Randy - full transcript

Aah! Aah!


- Aah!
- Randy, it's time for your treatment.

Yeah... Yeah.
No, sounds good.

Can't catch me.

I'm out!
I'm out! I'm out!

Oh! Oh!

- All right.
- Sorry, Doc.

Let's get you
in the Dream Chamber.

2x13 - What Happens in Randy
Stays in Randy

Today, we are going to lick
this agoraphobia thing

- or we're gonna die trying.
- Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Doctor, if I don't
make it out of there,

I want you to have
my high-school ring.

Oh, oh, well, thank you.

And, Ahmed, I want you to have my
living-animal jewelry collection.

Sure. Thanks, Randy.

Oh, uh, 88, you get...
to leave the room.

Uh, no offense,
but you weird me out.

Yeah. Like I'm ...
I'm the weird one.

Right. Well, good luck.

You're gonna be fine, Randy.

We've been this twice a year
for the last 16 years.

No, but it ... it gets harder
every time.

That's the spirit.
Bea, keep a record of everything.

T.E.R.R.Y., get calibration.
Drop me right in.


Honestly, if things go south
while I'm under,

I'll make a gesture like this.


- Got it, Bea?
- Got it.

Okay. And then I'll say
the safe word ... rubber baby.

T.E.R.R.Y., you flip the brain switch,

and then hit the button with
the orange "paid" sticker on it.

Pull back on the yolk,
and I'll ... I'll jump right out.

Sorry, man.
I-I wasn't listening.

But if you die, I'm gonna keep
your sexy bikini mug.

- That's fair.
- You're gonna be fine, Randy.

Ahmed, he's ready.

Oh, God.

Oh, God, oh, God,
oh, God, oh, God.

Is that a bubble?
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

Good luck, Rand.
See you back here soon!

- I ... Oh, shit!
- Was that my sexy bikini muuuu...

Vegas, baby!

Thank you.

I love you, Vegas!

Thank you.

- Calling it a night, Tom?
- My tits are itching.

See you tomorrow, buddy.

Vegas, baby!

Picture with the Rand-bot?
We take tips.

Randy, you've been here
so many times, you work here.

Let's get past Vegas today, huh?

Let's go deeper.
Let's go further.

- Like to Reno?
- Deeper.


- Manhole.
- Manhole.




What is triggering
your agoraphobia?

Find what's hiding.

I can't go any further today, Doc.

I'm just ... I-I'm gonna stop.

Oh, no, no. Deeper.
Keep going, Randy.

I-I'm sorry.
I'm gonna stop here.

I ju... I mean, my legs hurt.
My teeth hurt.

My hair hurts.
I didn't sleep last night.

My teeth hurt.
My braces are tight.

Okay, Randy. Looks like we're
back at the office... kinda.

Let's just get you to the front door.

Five bucks says he's not
leaving the building.

Be optimistic, T.E.R.R.Y.

If Randy overcomes his agoraphobia,
he can lead a real life,

and then you can
get your room back.

Yeah, my room.

Great... Yeah.

Those lizards
don't have any legs.

Dreams, right?

Ah, aah.


Doctor, Randy uses Vegas to
avoid his issues, but he's

confronting himself. He's
making incredible progress.

So, kidding aside,

do you think Randy's got a
chance of leaving the building?

Unless something
disastrous happens.

Oh. Something disastrous...

Good job, Randy.
Now, doesn't that feel nice?

The sun on your face
and the wind in your hair?

Beat off those insecurities.

These fish are idiots!

Salmon return home
to spawn every year.

But to return,
you must first depart.

Ooh, I think I got one.


No! I'm not leaving!
Not today, Doc.

- Bea?
- Play dead.

- Play dead!
- Get the fish!

T.E.R.R.Y., let me out
the front door.


Where's T.E.R.R.Y.?

- 88.
- Oh, hey, T.E.R.R.Y.

You're a shell of a human.
Quick question.

Is it bad to secretly hope
your friend doesn't succeed

at something they really, really want?

Uh... no. It sucks when
your friends are successful.

You just have to bury
that feeling deep inside

and never, ever tell them.

So, being jealous and self-serving

is the most human thing you can do?

It sure is.
That's why I like this plant here.

It's never jealous or selfish at all.

- It's... the only pure thing in my life.
- Oh, okay.

See ya, T.E.R.R.Y.

Yeah, you're gonna die alone.


Rubber baby!
Rubber baby!

T.E.R.R.Y., pull me out!


That one...

Welcome back, Doctor.

T.E.R.R.Y. to
the Dream Chamber, please.

T.E.R.R.Y. to the Dream Chamber.

Come on, Randy.
You can do it.

Just one foot in front of the other.

One foot in front of the other.

No need to continue
hiding from yourself.

I found me.

There you are.
Follow your instincts.

Don't ...
Don't go to the door.

Please, after you.

- See the world!
- Listen to yourself.

Oh, screw it.

I'm not losing
my best friend today.

Oh, dang, we must've
blown a fuse.

I guess we're just
gonna have to start

the therapy session
all over again next year.

Are you okay?
The power's gone ... Oh.

- Dream Chamber's on a generator.
- Oh, yeah.

We can't have some maniac
cutting the power,

compromising our science, can we?

Smart. Yeah.

A lot of maniacs running
around in the world.

T.E.R.R.Y., pull up a seat.
Randy's about to leave the building.

Is he? Wow.

Randy, one foot in front of the other.

Hey! You stepped on my boots.
These are my new boots.

I like those boots.
Got a pair just like them.

He's standing in his own way.

- Randy, what's wrong?
- I'm scared...

and now that I'm looking
at myself, very horny.

I don't blame you.
Not at all.

And Randy, there's nothing
out there to be scared of.

Listen to your id, Randy.

- Take your own advice.
- I can't. I-I just can't.

Randy, it's T.E.R.R.Y.


Everything you've ever
wanted to do,

your silly mind, soft body,
and fake hand have accomplished.

I believe in you, mate.

Thank you, T.E.R.R.Y.

Just one foot
in front of the other.


Holy shit!

Yes, Bea, you owe me five bucks.

He didn't leave the building,
did he, technically?

I wonder what happened.

Good job, Randy.
We'll get it next time.


I'm gonna call it again.

Hey, are you agoraphobic, too?

Why didn't you just say something?

No. I came here because...

Well, wait, wait, wait.
Me first.

Gosh, where to begin.

Dr. Roberts wants me
to get better,

you know, to leave the nest,
to stop ordering birds online

because they keep dying
in the mailing tubes,

but I like who I am, you know?

I-I don't even care
that therapy didn't work today.

- You don't?
- No.

I guess I'm just scared that
if I got better and could leave,

- well, I'd have to leave.
- Yeah.

- Then I'd lose my best friend.
- Never.

Our friendship is
as unbreakable as this.

- My sexy bikini mug!
- Yeah.

That's your fault.

Damn it!
Curse these hands!