Donkey Kong Country (1997–2000): Season 2, Episode 7 - Four Weddings and a Coconut - full transcript

Bluster's constant marriage proposals get Candy wondering whether or not Donkey Kong will marry her. Not wanting to wait around for Donkey Kong to pop the question;Candy does the asking...and sends Donkey Kong into a tailspin! Could it be we've found the one thing that really frightens the future ruler of Kongo Bongo? Hoping to find a loophole";Donkey Kong and his best man;Diddy head off to visit the idol of Inca Dinka Doo. Will Donkey Kong find out what he needs to know? Will Candy marry the ape of her dreams? Or will it be Bluster's luck day? One thing's for sure;Klump and Krusha make a lovely couple and with all of these wedding day hysterics and King K. Rool on the loose;nothing is safe--especially not the Crystal Coconut!

♪ Ooh ♪ Ah ♪ Ooh-ah
♪ Donkey Kong ♪ Hey-oh

♪ Look out down
below ♪ Here he comes

♪ Banana slamma

♪ Donkey Kong ♪

♪ Ooh ♪ Ah ♪ Ooh-ah, Donkey Kong

♪ Ooh ♪ Ah ♪ Ooh-ah,
Donkey Kong ♪ Hey-oh

♪ Look out down
below ♪ Here he comes

♪ Banana slamma ♪
Kongo Bongo"s hero ♪

♪ Hey-oh ♪ Donkey Kong,
let"s go ♪

♪ Let"s go ♪

♪ Here he comes ♪ Banana slamma

[Machinery clanking]

You know, Candy, if you were

to say the right words, some day

all of this could be yours.

Get lost, Bluster.

Those weren't the actual

words I had in mind.

I'm trying to finish my work

so I can have lunch
with Donkey Kong.

Why waste time with that

unlovable loser when you can

have the richest, most eligible

ape on Kongo Bongo?

Because DK loves me.

He calls me... [Giggling]

The "“gorilla his dreams."”

Oh, please.

Your Donkey Kong is
nothing compared to me.

Yeah, well,
he'd do anything for me.

Would he, now?

Yes, he would.

Would he... marry you?


Of course he'd marry me.

He'd marry me like... that.

DK: Hey, Candy!

I'll show you true love.

Watch this.

Are you sure Candy won't mind

if you break your
lunch date to go fishing?

That's the great thing about

having a girlfriend.

They don't care
about stuff like that.

Now hide this, quick!

Here she comes!

Oh, DK, I'm wondering if I

could ask you a little favour.

Anything for you, Candy.

And I have a favour to ask too.

Well, you go first.

Watch this.

Do you mind if I
postpone our lunch date?

Diddy and I have some very

important business
to take care of.

Sure, not at all, if you do

my my favour in return.

my sweet banana muffin.

Will you... marry me?

No problem.

I can do that.

I told you... Will I what?

Marry me.

Will you marry me?

Jeepin' junglebugs, that's a

heck of a favour.


Uh, isn't the guy supposed to

ask the girl?

Okay then, go ahead and ask.

I... Well, you know,
I don't really

need a favour from you...

Well, Donkey Kong,
what do you say?

I say... Ring!

Isn't that the phone?

I'd better get it.


What'd he say, what'd he say,

what'd he say?



Donkey Kong, where are you?



Are you hiding?

That depends.

Is Candy with you?


In that case, I'm not hiding.

Gee, DK, you're the bravest

ape in Kongo Bongo.

You're not afraid of getting

married, are you?

Don't be silly.

It's just that the future ruler

of Kongo Bongo isn't allowed to

get married.

That's it.

The Crystal Coconut forbids it.


I never knew that.

Neither did I, until just now.

How's it sound?

Cranky would know for sure.

We could ask him.

DK: Augh!

What do you mean, there's no

reason I can't get married?

There has to be a reason.


It's okey-dokey by me, and it's

okey-dokey with the Coconut.

Let me be the first to

congratulate you
on your wedding.

So, big buddy, now that you

and Candy are getting married, I

guess you won't be needing your

super cool bachelor pad anymore.

Guess not.

So I'm pretty sure you'd want

it to end up in good hands,

like, uh, oh, say, mine?


What do you think, DK?

Hey, not so fast, little buddy.

I haven't even asked Candy yet.

But you're gonna.

Have you thought of
what you're gonna say?

Gee, I don't know.

I guess something like,

"“Candy, will you marry me?"”

Oh, and she'll say yes, and

you'll get hitched, and I can

have your place!


Thunderin' artillery!

Did you hear that?

Uh, hear what?

"“Will you marry me?"”


No, you non-commissioned

nincompoop, Donkey Kong!

You want to marry Donkey Kong?

Donkey Kong's getting married!

We gotta tell King
K. Rool immediately.

Who did you say
was getting married?

Me and Klump.

Never mind him, sir.

Our undercover surveillance

overheard Donkey Kong say he was

going to ask Candy to marry him.

A wedding.


How absolutely thrilling!

Oh, there's so much to do!

Shall I requisition the

exploding wedding cake, sir?

Or booby trap the bouquets?

Or obliterate the
hors d'oeuvres?

You're not exactly a

romantic, are you, Klump?

Nugatory on that, sir.

I just love weddings.

Permission to ask why you

care about the enemy's

forthcoming marriage, your

sentimental slobbiness?

Because who's more important

than the king?

Uh, you are.

I am the king!

And the king is always the most

honoured guest at any wedding on

Kongo Bongo.

It's just good manners.

Even the enemy's weddin'?

The only enemies at a

wedding, Klump, are the in-laws.

I'm sure they'll expect me to

give the toast to the bride.

I can do this.

I can do this.

No, I can't!

what are you worried about?

She doesn't want
to marry you anyway.


♪ Aw, Candy"s got you wrapped

around her little finger ♪

♪ She just wants you to show her

that you care ♪

♪ So if I ask her to be wed,

it really means no instead ♪

♪ Does it makes much sense to

you if she really
doesn"t want me to? ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

it means "No, no, no" ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

it means "No, no, no" ♪

♪ Yes means no
and no means yes ♪

♪ It should be rather obvious

♪ If you ask,
she will say "nay" ♪

♪ A swinging
bachelor you will stay ♪

♪ Oh,
this makes no sense to me ♪

♪ If I ask her she won"t agree ♪

♪ Why look like a foolish clown

when she"s only
gonna turn me down? ♪

♪ If I read between the lines,

and understand what you say ♪

♪ It"s not a true proposal,

just a road all grey ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

it means "No, no, no" ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

you know it's all for show ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

it means "No, no, no" ♪

♪ When she says "Yes, yes, yes,"

you know it's all for show ♪

So march in there and ask

Candy to marry you
and get it over with.

Marry me, Candy, and

everything that's mine is yours,

except for what's in this

prenuptial agreement.

Hold everything!

Candy, don't do anything until

you hear me out?

Can it wait, DK?

Bluster's proposing to me.

I think Candy's smart enough

to realize that I've got much

more to offer her than you.

No, she's not.

Excuse me?

I mean... Here, for you.

there's something I want to ask you.

I... I... >> Oh,
very eloquent, I must say.

I'd like to see you do this.

My pleasure.

Candy, my sweet... >> No so fast,

may I have this hand in...


but you'd better ask Bluster.

It's his hand.

BOTH: Yuck!

If you can't say what you

came here to say,
then I'm leaving.

No, wait!

I'm ready!

Candy, say the words that

will make me the happiest monkey

in the world!

I'd... love to marry you.

Those aren't the words.

So how did it go?

I'd say congratulations
are in order.

Congratulations, big buddy, I

told you she'd say no.


She said yes.

Oh, that's bad.

CANDY: What?

I mean, that's good.

Well, good for you,
Candy, and for me.

Why you, Diddy?

Well, gee, if DK marries you,

I get his bachelor pad.

I suppose you realize you're

making the biggest
mistake of your life.

Don't I know it.

I was talking to Candy.

DK, don't you want to marry me?

Of course I do!

I wouldn't have asked if I

thought you were going to say no,
would I?

Uh, see ya.

You can always change your mind.


I mean... nothing could make me

change my mind, Candy.

CRANKY: Donkey Kong!

If you're still looking for a

loophole, I found a way you can

get out of marrying Candy.

CANDY: What?

Uh, that's okay, Cranky!

We can discuss it later.

I'm sure he meant loophole in

the good sense.

It seems any future ruler of

Kongo Bongo has to ask

permission to marry from the

Inka Dinka Doo.

Who knows?

Maybe he'll say no and let you

off the hook.


Ye... [Clearing throat]

Yes, yes.

I'm sure it's just a formality.

And when he sees how lovely you

are, well, how can he say no?

Come on.

No thanks, you go yourself.

I've got way too much to do for

the wedding.

I'm getting married tomorrow,

DK, with you or without you.

maybe we've come at a bad time.

We don't want to
Inka Dinka disturb him.

DOO: Who goes there?

I know you're wondering why

we just dropped in without an

invitation, but, well, you see,

Inky, I'm supposed to get

married tomorrow, before I give

Candy my Inka Dinka I Do, I

thought I'd just
check it out with you.

Nose to the ground.

Do not tarry.

Is that, uh, a yes?

If you say no,
I'll understand, really.

Only with this
can a monkey marry.

Is that a yes or a no?


Come on, DK,
let's get out of here!

So all you have to you is

tell Candy that the Inka Dinka

Doo said Inka Dinka Don't get

married, and you're a free ape.

But that's not what it said.

Is it?

Who ever knows what it says?

I can't lie to Candy.

What if I'm supposed
to marry her?

I gotta make sure, little buddy.

See you later.

Hey, Inka, I wasn't quite clear

on your messages, so I was

could you give me a... siiign!

Look out, dudes,
I'm hanging zen!


You gotta help us.

We need all these invitations to

Candy and DK's
wedding delivered today.

Can you do it, Funky?

Chill, future Mrs. Donkey

the Funk-man is on the job.

CANDY: I'm counting on you,



I gotta admit, Inky.

I'm still a little bruised and

confused here.

Does this mean you don't want me

to get married?

In that case, just point my nose

to the door.



I said door, not floor!


Let's get it right so you

don't embarrass
me at the wedding.

Hey, Fred Astairical!

I'm leading!

Why you?

Because I outrank you.



Get off my feet!



ow, ouch, ooh...

I like this dance better.

Excuse me, croco-dudes.

How dare you enter my private

inner sanctum
without an invitation?

We're surfing the same

wavelength, your dude-ness,

because that's just what I have.

Invitations to the
Donkey dude's wedding.

One for you, and one for you.


That's all they wrote.

Later, gator.

They didn't invite me?

That's so unfair.

What's wrong with me?

Haven't I always tried to be a

good enemy to Donkey Kong?

Permission to invite you as

my date, your party pooper-ness?

No, no, no!

Now they've insulted me.

I wouldn't go to that wedding if

they begged me to go.

Well, I'll save you a piece

of wedding cake, sir.

Those arrogant apes will soon

discover that if I'm not invited

to their wedding, there won't be

any wedding.

[Evil laughter]

[Rooster crowing]

Hey, DK, ready for your big day?


Why are you
looking for him here?

He's with you.

You mean he's not back from

the Inka Dinka Doo?

He said he'd see me later or

he'd be here for the wedding,

and that was yesterday.

Oh, this is bad.

This is bad!

I'll bet the answer is right

in front of my nose.



I'm no good at riddles.

Can't we play charades instead?


Can we get this
show on the road?

I'm losing a fortune
standing around here.

I'm ready.

Where's DK?

Candy, I know you'll

understand, and I'm sure there's

nothing to worry about.

What I'm trying to say is...

DK never came back from the

temple of Inka Dinka Doo.

DK stood me up
at my own wedding?

I can't believe
he did this to me.

Well, if you're not getting

married, let's get back to work.

Not so fast!

I'm getting married today, and

if the monkey I'm marrying isn't

I'm marrying the monkey who is!



I've never spent so much time

with my nose in the dirt.

Hey, what's this?

A ring.

Nose to the ground.

Do not tarry.

"“Only with this
can a monkey marry."”

It's a wedding ring!

That's it, isn't it?


Banana slamma!

The ring's a sign!

You want me to get married.

I can do that.

But now I'm going to be late for

my own wedding.

Can you... [Growling]



I'm free.

I'm free!

And I'm starving.

Maybe I should
have mentioned food.

[Inka Dinka Doo growling]

Never mind!

I'll pick something
up on the way!

Are you sure you want to go

ahead with this wedding?

I'm not going to miss my

wedding day just because the

groom didn't show up.

And this is one time I don't

mind being second banana.

Let's do it!

Get this thing in gear, Cranky.

If you're sure.

Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here...

Gotta get to my wedding!


Hmm, don't mind if I do.

[K. Rool cackling]

K. Rool!

Hate to eat and run.

Did I mention I'm
late for a wedding?


Oh, you're not going

anywhere, Donkey Kong.

But not to worry, I'll be sure

to send your regrets
to the wedding party.

Do you, Bluster, you pompous

obnoxious spoiled brat mama's

boy of a baboon, take way-out-

of-your-league Candy to be your

lawfully wedded wife?

Why is there still
a wedding going on?

But what's even more

interesting is, if everybody is

there, then who's watching the

Crystal Coconut?


For richer and poorer, in

sickness and in health...

Wait a minute, not so fast.

I wand to go over that "“richer

and poorer"” part
again with my lawyer.

I don't think it's fair that

I'm not allowed to go
to my own wedding.

I wanted to dance
at your wedding.

We could all still dance.

With me here, it's like having

half a wedding.

That makes sense.

♪ You bow to the left,

you bow to the right ♪

♪ You take your partner"s hand

and you hold on tight ♪

♪ You pull him in close and you

don"t let go ♪

♪ Now,
you"re doing the Banana Dosey-Do ♪

♪ You push "em back quick then

you pull "em in fast ♪

♪ You spin "em real hard to make

their dizziness last ♪

♪ You grab them by the shoulders

and you shake them like so ♪

♪ Now,
you"re doing the Banana Dosey-Do ♪

♪ You grab them by the waist,

lift them high in the air ♪

♪ If you throw him high enough

he"ll need intensive care ♪

♪ You"re doing a hand-stand,

you"re walking real slow ♪

♪ Now,
you"re doing the Banana Dosey-Do ♪

♪ You promenade as you"re

dancing through the Everglades ♪

♪ Skip to the beat, until you

can"t feel your feet ♪

♪ You grab him by the sides and

you bend him in half ♪

♪ You tickle his feet so it

makes him laugh ♪

♪ Hold them in your arms,

rock them to and fro ♪

♪ Now you"re doing
the Banana Dosey-Do ♪

♪ Doing the Banana Dosey-Do

If anyone here knows why this

wedding should not take place,

let him speak now or forever

hold his peace.

DK: Banana slamma!

Hold everything!

Nobody's marrying
Candy unless it's me!


Are you sure, Donkey Kong?

I just spent the last day in

the temple of Inka Dinka Doo so

I could give you this.

Oh, DK.

You do want to get married.

Let's get this show on the road.

And then, let's eat.

I'm starving.


There must be some way to open

this stupid thing.

And now, ancient ritual

demands the bride and groom tap

the cane to show their love.

And now, DK, your turn.

One measly tap?

I can do better than that.



The best wedding gift of all.

It's all mine.

Let's go, Klump!

Aw, do we have to go just yet?

I was hoping to
catch the bouquet.

Look, Klump and K. Rool!

They're getting away
with the Coconut!

This'll teach you to not

invite me to your wedding!


Are you gonna just stand

there like a limp chimp?

Get them!

I almost missed my
wedding once already.

I'm not going to miss it again.

On with the ceremony, Cranky!

But... but the Coconut!

Are you crazy?


Crazy in love.

And I'm not going anywhere until

the ceremony is over.

What's next?

Skip that, skip that, yada

yada yada, skip that, okay.

Does anybody here know why this

wedding should not take place?

Let them speak now or forever

hold their peace.


In that case... >> I do.

I mean, I do know why this

wedding shouldn't take place.

You do?


Well, don't get mad, DK, but

your job is to save the Coconut,

and if you stay here now just so

you don't hurt my feelings and

don't save the Coconut, well,

that's not right.

Besides, there's things, like my

career, that I still have to do,

at least for now.

It's not that I don't like you.

You understand that,
don't you, DK?

You mean that, Candy?


Because I'm not
afraid to marry you.

Well, not really afraid.

You're very sweet, DK.

And that's why I
like you so much.

Now go save the Coconut!

Hey, this isn't just an

excuse to get rid of me and

marry Bluster, is it?

ALL: Go!

All right!

Just checking.

Banana slamma!


Now that I have the Crystal

Coconut in my
possession... [Panting]

Maybe it's time I thought

about settling down with a wife.

Sorry, sir, but I can't

volunteer for that mission.

Thank you for asking,
though, sir.

I didn't mean you,
you... What the...

Will you disco dunces stop that?

it's more fun when the monkey calls.

DK: Banana slamma!

Glad to oblige.

Get him!

Not so fast, my scaly pets.

Let's show the
king our fancy steps.

♪ Dosey-Do, King, have no fear

♪ And send that
Coconut over here ♪

Thanks, and enjoy the hoedown.

I've got it!

[All cheering]


So what do we do now?

I thought I was going
to be your best man.

I thought I was going to be part

of the wedding party.

But now there's no wedding.

Hey, little buddy, just

because there wasn't a wedding,

doesn't mean we
can't have a party.

Hit it, Funky!

Always the bridesmaid,
never the bride.