Destination Fear (2019–…): Season 4, Episode 3 - Defiance Jr. High School - full transcript

The team learns the true meaning of "school spirit" at a vacant junior high school in Ohio. From jangling keys luring them to a killer custodian's lair to a mind-boggling encounter in the gym, Dakota Laden and crew are the victims...

We've never been
to a facility like this.

We have to deal with someone
who got murdered mysteriously.

Keep them upstairs.

I felt like something
was watching me.

I ran out as quickly as I could.

- Who killed you?
- Teacher.


When I went into the room,

I was hoping
I could hurry up and breathe.

I have a gut feeling
that the janitor knew something

that someone
didn't want him to know.

You're going
into his lair, his domain.

I am so regretting
this theme of darkness.

Dude, we're like getting lured in.


My name is Dakota Laden.

I'm leading my sister
and two best friends

on a road trip exploring the most
haunted locations in America.

Oh my gosh.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.
I'm freaked out.

Experimenting with fear
and how it affects our interaction

with the paranormal.

Each night
we separate and sleep alone.

The catch is, only one of us
knows where we're going.

Our last location
was double the trouble

and I know the team
is still a little bit rattled.

Bad news for them.

I am still in control and leading us
to our next overnight.

Right now, we are in
the Buckeye State

heading to a small town
called Defiance in northwestern Ohio.

We are going
to a haunted vacant school.

We have never spent the night
at this type of a location.

This will be
especially interesting for us

because we spent most
of our school years together.

While we did have
some fun, wild, awesome times,

we all could not wait for that bell
to ring for us to get out.

I feel the same will be
horrifically true with this school.

The school's history
is full of tragedy,

dating back
to the late 1800s.

And a scandal
that rocked the community,

some say may be tied
to a mysterious murder.

A dark entity that some call
the watcher is also seen lurking.

I'd say this next spot
is sure to give new meaning

to the term
'school spirit.'

So, how are you guys feeling

after those two
creepy nights at Cresson?

I seriously feel like we got
hit with a double whammy.

Staying back to back nights
at a location is so draining.

I'm glad to be gone.

I don't think I could handle
a third night.

I am so physically exhausted
after that.

I think we got what we wanted
on that last one.

What you wanted.

The double nights
definitely proved to be more active.

Not to mention, that was the biggest
location we've ever done.

Yep, I'm sorry
for doing this to you.

This is about being in the dark.

This is the theme of the road trip.

All that being said,
I'm still in control.

And it's going to be
an interesting one.

Is there any kind of hint?

Come on, just a little hint.

A little bit.
A little hinty poo.

Truthfully, we've never been
to a facility like this.

Like a church?
A bar?

I'll just tell you guys, honestly.

What, hold on, this is a first,
this is a first ever.


Do it.

We are going to a haunted school.


Why are you so upset?

I spent so much
of my life at school.

True, you like just got done
like a year ago.

I'm more scared
of like my memories of school

than I am
of an abandoned school.

Remember when you got a B
in film class?

Shut up.
That's right!

You didn't even get an A
in film class.

You know, what's really funny
about that is I took the class

after you did and we have
a project at the end of the year.

Dakota did it for me
and I got an A on it.

But he got a B minus on his.

So, the one class that has
anything to do with film making,

somehow I got a B minus.
That's true.

When I think of high school,
I think of sports.

That was a huge part
of high school for me.

Tanner, you played sports?
Yeah, I played football.

There was nothing better
than going to football games.


Those were some
of the best moments ever.

What did you play, Al?
I played basketball and football

but then I stopped
and started to work and earn money.

I like money more
than I like sports.

This will be the most relatable
location though for us

because we all went to school,

and I literally had braces
in high school

and so, my time was ruined.

Pretty much,
my high school consisted

of me being
a nerdy film boy.

I always got too talkative
on my report cards.

Distracts others.

Yeah. 100%.

Do you guys like know who
you're sitting with right now?

Chelsea was the homecoming queen.

We're in the presence of royalty.

Yes, we're in the presence
of royalty right now.

I was pretty much
just in the Dean's office.

So, you saying you guys
were troublemakers

and I was goody two shoes
and now look at us.

We're all in the same place in life.

Yeah. This goes to show
you don't need to try that hard.

Normally, I wouldn't even
think twice about a school.

I would...
Why would that be so haunted?

But the claims, the stories
I've heard, it's on another level.

It's very, very bizarre.

But before we get to that,
I do have a pit stop

that will be sticking true
to the theme

of keeping you all in the dark.

I want you guys to do me a favour.
No, blind.


That's such BS.

Blindfolds on. Come on.

I am so annoyed right now.

Alright, step down.
Very soft hands.

No peeking. OK, I brought you here
to do something fun.


And challenging.

I don't think we're going
to end today on a good note.

So, I just want to say
we're all going to be friends

no matter what until the end.
Stop it.

And on the count of three,
lift up your blindfolds.

One, two, three.


You know what this is?

That's the mystery box. Oh, come on.

Here's the deal.

Last road trip, Chelsea
made us all do the mystery box

where we put our hands in this box

and touched some really creepy,
bizarre critters and animals.

I hate this.

I know what you're scared of.

If there's a snake,
I'm going to puke.

I knew it. If it's a snake,
I'm never ever going.

It's not a snake.
It's not a snake.



Oh my God, there's two of them!
There's five.

Five snakes.
I'm going to kill you.

Today, Chelsea will be
the only one doing it.


Let's go. Go Chelsea, you got it.

You can't use my ideas on me.

That's like what we do here.

Stop smiling, everybody.
This is not good.

Ready for this, Chels?
Your first ever mystery box.

This sucks.

It moved, it moved. It moved!

That was me, I hit the bench.
Dude, really long day.

Her hand is an inch in.

Seriously, this is way harder
than I think it is.

Yeah, remember?

Yeah, it was, every single time.
Come on, Chels, you got this.

Am I close?

No, you're not even,
not even halfway down.

Yeah, you got to go all the way,
like up to your bicep.

Am I close, am I close?
Not even close.

What was it?

What do you think it was?

I have no idea.

It's just a little hedgehog.
They're just little hedgehogs.

It's actually good morally.
Sometimes you overthink things.

Oh my, no, that's a scary start.

Hedgehogs. Let's do the next one.

Oh, God.

You guys, it is moving too much.
That's a lot of movement.

Powerful animal.

This one's harder,
it's definitely harder.

You really don't think
it can hurt me?

No, I don't think so.

Those are like the worst,
I don't think so.

I don't know, maybe.

One big effort,
one big effort and then you're done.

And go, this is perfect.
No, to me, to me.

What was it?

It's an armadillo.

Just remember, Chels, how we've
always remained close a lot.

I know this one's really bad
because no one's saying anything.

No, this is fine.

No, it's a bunny.

I can't do it, you guys.
It's looking at me.

I can feel it.
You got it.

It's on the other side now,
the head's so far away.

You guys, my whole arm is in there.
I know, you're perfect.

All the way down, all the way down.

It's a snake.


That's way bigger
than the one I made you touch.

Do you not like snakes?

So, it's raining,
we got to get going.

OK, let's go.

Dude, I'm literally
going to tell Mum.

So, right now, we are going to a park
to read the packet.

Alright, I know you guys
already know that it's a school

but trust me, this is going to be
a very bizarre one for us.

Let's open this up.

Old Defiance Junior High School?

Positioned directly
between two winding rivers

in northwestern Ohio

can be found
the imposing facade

of the former Defiance
Junior High School.

It's located right
in the centre of town.

The first thing you see coming down
the main street of Defiance.

Standing for over 100 years,
this three storey building

shaped the lives
of thousands of students.

I went to school here
in seventh and eighth grade.

The place holds energy of a fight,
of a first kiss, of a break up.

But the school
was not the first structure

to be built on this land.

In the mid 1800s,
the town established a high school.

The institution operated
without incident until 1891

when a scandal shook the town
of Defiance to its core.

Janitor John Moll
was a hardened man who was arrested

for helping a teacher
bring a 12 year old student

down to the school's basement.

Moll held him tightly as the teacher
whipped the boy mercilessly,

drawing blood.

That's disgusting.

He was accused of beating children,
students down in the basement.

The two were turned into the police
by the school superintendent.

Moll was so angered by the arrest
that he launched a complaint

of his own
against the superintendent.

Really after that,
he caught the superintendent

and another teacher in a classroom
doing inappropriate things.

After a lengthy investigation,
Butler and the teachers in question

were cleared
of all accusations,

but that did not stop
the fallout for Janitor Moll.

After that, and John Moll
was found bludgeoned to death,

lying on the railroad tracks
with his legs amputated.

The railroad tracks are no more
than 100 yards behind the school.

I believe he was placed there,
but not by his own will.


Yeah, that's one
of the most scandalous things

that's happened in Defiance.

They never found
anybody that did it.

And so, I think that he has
some unfinished business.

The truth about
what happened that fateful night

out by the tracks
is still unknown to this day.

Now, that is a very bizarre story.

It sounds like there's a lot
of sketchy things happening

within the walls of this school.

the tragedy at the high school

did not end there.

In 1902, two young football stars
collided head first on the field.

Due to the poor protection
of their leather helmets,

both boys were badly injured.

The boy from a rival school
suffered a fractured skull

over his eye
and died from his injuries.

In 1918, a modernised building
was created on top

of the same foundation,
but the new building

did not keep misfortune
from its doors.

In 1921,
the class valedictorian drowned

while swimming
in nearby Powell Lake,

and just eight years later,
a junior drowned

in the nearby river
when he fell off his raft.

Since it shut down in 2018,
there have been

very few individuals
who have dared to venture inside

the building.

But the few who have
strongly believe

that there are many spirits
that chose to remain

long after the final bell tolled.

There's just been consistent
activity every time I've been here.

I do believe the school is haunted.

The most active areas
include the second floor,

home to many different classrooms,
and the library.

And we've heard what sounds like
desks beings scooted

across the wood floors.

If they're strong enough
to move something like that,

or throw something
to get our attention,

that's pretty scary.

And there are
numerous shadow figures

that dart in and out of classrooms.

There's a tall man
who is about seven or eight foot

that walk the hallways
and definitely follows you.

He will try to pull you out of rooms
because he doesn't want you in them.

The gym. A separate building
accessed through the basement.

Now, the gymnasium is just huge,
and it's very dark at night.

In seventh grade,
after gym class one day,

I had forgot my billfold
in the locker room,

and as soon as I got
outside of the doorway,

the hair on my arms stood up

and just felt like
something was watching me.

I ran out as quickly as I could.

Yeah, really creepy dude.

Thanks for bringing us
to this place.

The third floor, home to classrooms
and the study hall.

Loud tapping and lockers
slamming shut have been heard.

You feel very vulnerable up there
when you're in the hallway.

So, I don't know if they were
just trying to get into my head

or play mind games on me.

The area with the most
intense energy is room 312.

EVPs of a woman
urgently screaming 'get out'...

Get out!
..have been captured,

as well as references
to fire and burning.

My chest got really tight,

and it was burning,
kind of like acid reflux.

But it was hot
like I couldn't breathe.

When I went into the room,
I got extremely dizzy.

I just was hoping
I could hurry up and breathe.

The basement.

This is where janitor Moll brought
a student down to be punished.

The basement
is another level of creepy.

I mean, you're kind of really
going into his lair, his domain.

If you're going to be
in the basement,

just have eyes in the back
of your head if you can.

Moll is a very angry hostile entity
and becomes increasingly agitated

when asked about his death.

I don't like to go
in the basement alone.

We were asking how the person died.

And it said, "Let me show you."

I instantly had hair
stand up on the back of my neck.

If you're in the basement,
he's gonna come after you

and tell you his story.

Screw that. Nope.

We're going to deal with something
that wants to hurt us?

We've never really dealt with any
sort of spirit like this before.

Whoever ends up sleeping alone
in that basement is screwed.

This is it, you guys.
Tonight is the night.

We are on our way
to Defiance School right now.

How's everyone feeling?

I'm actually excited to go there,
it's going to be interesting.


And we have to deal with someone
who got murdered there mysteriously.

When you think about
the role of a janitor,

the janitor has access
for the entire facility.

What if he got murdered
in the basement

and then they just threw him
on the train tracks?


Like that could have been
the location where he died.

The sun is going down.

And we are headed to spend
the night at a haunted school

for the first time ever.

Totally different. I have no idea
where this night's going.

We are getting very, very close.

I've never been excited
to pull up at a school.

Not once.


That is creepy.

Dude, this place is huge.

That's it.

Defiance Junior High School.

Class is now in session.

Wow, that's intimidating.

Alright, you guys.

OK, this is not
what I was expecting.

This has bad vibes
written all over it.

Welcome to school.

This is so weird.

All the dust, lockers,
papers are still everywhere.

What the...?

Just a little test
to see if we're on edge.

We just set up our gear room
on the first floor.

I think we should start
in the basement.

We're going right to the basement.


I knew you were going to say that.
We should not.

Lead the way, our fearful leader.



Like a dungeon.

The basement is where
janitor Moll lived,

and where he reportedly
abused a student down here.

When asked 'how did you die, '
someone got the response,

'I'll show you.'

I'm going to have the Ovilus
on the entire time we're down here.

If janitor Moll is down here,
he will be able to choose

one word at a time and talk to us.

Alright, Chels, do you want to hold
the Ovilus while we're down here?

There you go.

This is really creepy.

Janitor Moll,
can you talk to us on this device?

Where would he have stayed?

He has a room back here.
It's in total disrepair.

But up here
is where he was said to live.

It's like a crawlspace up there.


It says here?


It said here.

OK, he's here.
He just told us he's here.

A lot of people
think you're a bad man.

Is there anything you'd like to say?

Were you actually
as bad as people say

or was the superintendent
trying to frame you?

Who killed you?



What, it said teacher?

No, it didn't. Did it really?

It said teacher.

You asked who killed you?
And the response was teacher.

That paints a different picture
in my head of what went down.

I don't think I've ever heard
teacher come out of the Ovilus.


I have a gut feeling
that the janitor knew something

that someone didn't want him
to know.

Maybe he did see too much.
Maybe he did know too much.

Every story has two sides.

Maybe the janitor wasn't
the bad guy in the first place.

Did a teacher do this to you?


What was that?

Dude, I think that came
from up the stairs.

Let's go over there.

What the hell?

Yeah, the stairs are right here.

Dude, that was...
That was a loud bang.

If that came from down here,
can you do it again?


That came from upstairs.

That sounded like a locker slamming.

It did sound like a locker.

Dude, that was a locker slamming.

Oh my gosh.

This is where our gear room is.

I mean, it's going to be impossible
to pick out which one it was.

Oh, here's an open one.
Let's test this out.

Yeah, that kind of sounds
like what we heard.



It might not have even been
like a locker slamming,

it could have just been
like pounding on a locker,

like, it's the same noise.

It had to have come
from one of these

to like have that noise
travel down the stairwell.


I just don't like the fact
that it led us out of the basement

like after we were
getting some good responses.

I mean, it's said that he doesn't
like to talk about his death.

Or we were getting such good answers
that something else

didn't want us hearing them.

Janitor Moll, was that you up here
or was that something else?

Someone else?

Are you trying to lead us
out of the basement?



You guys, it just said return.

It said return?

Like go back down to the basement?

Why would it lead us back up
only for us to go back down?


Do you hear that?
Yeah, what is that?

Where's it coming from?
Where is that coming from?

Is that coming from the basement?

What is that? What is that?


That was like metal.
It was jingling.

Yeah, like metal.

It came from like
right around this corner.

What could have that been?

It was like jingling.

It sounded like keys, jingling keys.

Dude, like the janitor,
janitors have like a ring of keys

that they're able to open up
every single door in the school.

That's like exactly what it
sounds like, just a ring of keys

hitting your hip as you take a step.

What is that?

What is that?

Like, clearly,
it's got our attention.

It literally is like
the janitor's just luring us around

the whole entire school.

It just doesn't want to do
anything when we're around.

It's everywhere we're not.

It really does seem like
the activity is everywhere

that we aren't.

I don't want that to happen again.

I don't want to have something
happen on the floor

that we're not so I have set up
a camera in the basement,

on the first floor
and on the third floor.

Each camera has
a Rem pod in front of it

which is a device
that picks up electromagnetic energy.

If something goes in front of it
or gets close to it, it will beep.

It's basically like almost
set up a trap right here.

We have a camera everywhere
that we're not going to be.

Right now, we're going to head
to the second floor and explore.

Ooh. Freaky.

Is anyone up here?

We came here to talk to you,
to hear from you.

It literally looks like
they just left just yesterday,

but the building looks like
it's been torn apart.

It's definitely more abandoned
than it should be

for being vacant since 2018.

This truthfully has everything,

there's still art
from the students on the wall.

There's still chairs,
desks everywhere.

Look at all the books.


I would just be
so completely horrified

if I went to school
knowing the janitor was butchered.

Creepy. Happy first day of class.

The fans work.

What the frick?

I guess the power works here.


Oh my gosh, a paper aeroplane.
No way.

Not very good one.

Not a good one.

You can just like imagine all
these halls packed with students.


Telling a lie
is like seeing a ghost.

It can come back to haunt you.



If you can hear my voice,
can you come and touch

this red light on the ground?

It'll beep and make noises
to let us know that you're here.

I think right now,
we should go to room 312,

where most all of the paranormal
activity is centred around.

It should be
the last room on the left.

There we go. 312.

What exactly happens here?

This is where people
have gotten EVPs saying 'get out.'

It's also where people have
gotten EVPs relating to a fire

and burning for some reason.

Chels, do you still have the Ovilus?

I do.

I say we turn it on
and ask some questions.

Alright, I'm turning on the Ovilus.

If there's anyone in here,
you can use this device

in Chelsea's hand right there

to talk to us
and choose one word at a time.

Can you explain why people
have heard voices

talking about fires and burning?

Why are you in this room?

What do you know about
the feud between the janitor

and the superintendent
and the teachers?

If you're not going to talk to us
on this device,

can you go out into the hallway

and touch that red light
that's on the ground?

It's called the Rem pod.

If you're watching us,
can you make that Rem pod go off?

Can you do something to let us
know that we're not alone?

Can you touch that Rem pod
in the hallway

if you want us to leave?

If we're talking to the janitor,
can you make the red light

in the hallway go off?



It said observe

right when you asked that.

There's a red light in the hallway.
Can you go touch it?


Rewind. Observe and rewind.

What is that supposed to mean?

Almost like maybe
we should check out our footage.

I know. That's what
I'm thinking after hearing that.

We have a camera on every
single floor right now.

That's going to be a lot
of footage to go through.

We won't know, we won't know
until after this trip

if any of those cameras
captured anything.

Other than observe and rewind,
it's like nothing.

No Rem pod activity on this floor.

Like nothing's really happened.

We haven't heard any noises,
we've been hearing stuff all night.

It's almost like whatever is here
is keeping us at arm's length.


It doesn't really want
to be close to us.

Well, it is pretty
much time to go to bed.

It's really that time already?

Let's go gather all the cameras
that we have set up

in this building and start
preparing for sleeping alone.


Wait, what? There's a light on.

Dude, what?

Yo, you guys.

What is going on over there?

The light in the basement is on.

What? There's a light
in the basement that turned on.

I guess.

Whoa, what?

What the fuck?

All of the lights
are on down here.


The camera's still on
so we definitely caught that.

Is it still on?
It's still recording. Yeah.

OK, good. I don't even
know how to turn them off.

Is there a light switch over here?

This isn't it.

It's not even...

That doesn't doing anything.

There's another one.
Oh, that turns on back there.

But those were off.

So, there's got to be
a light switch somewhere

that turns on these lights.

Dude, up there on the stairs.

Are you kidding me,
on top of the stairs?

Does that one work?

Oh my God.

So, someone had to have
stepped foot right there

and turned on that light.

Well, the bad news is
is the camera's pointed

the opposite direction.

Yeah, true.
That sucks.

I feel bad for whoever
has to sleep down here,

it's going to suck.

Somehow the lights
in the basement turned on.

It's unfortunate
that that just happened

because right now,
it's time for us

to separate and sleep alone.

We have all agreed
on the four scariest locations

for us to go sleep.

First, we have the gym,

which is its own separate building.

And we have not spent any time
in there at all tonight.

And then we have the third floor.

After that,
we have the second floor.

And last and probably worst,
the basement.

Those are our four
sleeping arrangements.

Tanner's going to write those
out on a piece of paper.

And then we're going to draw
and that's where you go sleep

for the rest of the night.

I think that Tanner,
you should draw first.

Yeah, come on.


Because you're holding
the bag already.

That's just my job.

Basement. Please, basement.

Please, basement.

Second floor.

This is not the worst,
but definitely not the best.

Alright. I'll go next.
I'll draw next. I'll draw next.

Yeah, I'm just going
to get it done.

Get it over with.
You're brave.

Damn it. I got the fuckin' basement.

I've never had a good time at school.


Stop it. You're a sucker.
Quit hazing me, you guys.

You guys are bullying me.

I feel bad.
You feel bad, Al?

They're making fun. Have you noticed
I haven't said one thing?

Yeah. Thanks, Al.
Yeah, points for me.

Points for Alex.
Alright, Alex, you want to draw next?

God, why?

I got the gym.
We'll see how it goes.

We'll see how this goes.
This, this could suck.

Or this could be
the best one to pull.

What does that mean, Chels?

That means I got the third floor.

Nice, Chelsea, highest point.
In a war, you want high ground.

But in a ghost hunt, you want exit.

At least
I'm the furthest away from you.

Yep, at least me and you
are so far away,

we don't have to deal
with each other's shit.

Love it.

I'm just glad I didn't
get the basement

but I'm so glad you did, Dakota.
Thanks, Chels.

I'm glad I made you touch all those
animals and reptiles yesterday.

I mean, back in school,
I could fall asleep pretty easily.

I don't think I'm going
to be sleeping much.

It might be the first time
I'm wide awake and very attentive.

I genuinely hate this.

I'm really, really regretting
taking away everyone's flashlights,

just so you can see what I'm seeing.

I know it may look nice and bright,
but this is what it looks like

with my eyes, not night vision.

I cannot see anything right now.

Whoa, Janitor Moll,
if you can hear me,

in the nicest way possible,

I really don't want
to see or hear you.

I am right outside room 312.

EVPs have been captured
up here saying 'burn' and 'fire'

and 'get out', and none of that
really correlates to a school.

So, I'm going to turn on the Ovilus
and I'll be sleeping

with this piece
of equipment tonight.


No way.

Holy shit, it just said 'burn.'
I cannot believe this.

No way.

That goes completely
with the storyline

of other people's accounts here.

Burn, like what?

What does that mean?

What the heck does that mean?

Been down here
for a while now and it sucks.

I keep feeling like I'm hearing
things in all directions.

I am definitely hearing something.



What the fuck?

OK, I am definitely hearing voices.


What the fuck?

Tanner, there's fuckin' music
playing under the gym.

Are you serious? Music?

Dude, yeah, it's underneath
the gym right now.

I hear it so loud.

You want to at least run over here
and help me figure out

what the fuck this is.

OK, OK, I'm on my way.

Yo, so, you heard music?

I hear music playing somewhere.


Like there's a, there's a radio on
somewhere down here

and it just turned on.




Dude, this is out
of a horror film, what?

Like there's radio frequency
going on right now.

Dude, there it is.
How did this turn on?

Dude, the radio is on.


Why is it still playing?

That is off. Dude,
it's coming from the hallway.

Dude, there's another one over here.
Dude, what is going on?

Dude, this is on.

Oh, I don't like this noise.
How do you turn this off?


It's going.
It's still going!

What the fuck is happening?

It's jumping to other radios.

Dude, we're like getting lured in.
Fuck! Watch out, watch out.

How did these turn on?

Yo, what?

The only thing put together
is the janitor.

This looks like a workshop.

This looks like a workshop.

What the fuck?

I kind of just want
to get out of here.

Yeah, let's, let's leave.

I'm going to keep my walkie close
and try to finish this night out,

but that was messed up.

Just yeah, just my walkie.

I'll be over here
if you need me again.

Oh my God.

Holy shit.
I just heard keys.

I just heard keys jingling again,

same freaking thing
we heard earlier but louder.


Oh my God.

Holy shit.

That was clear as day, keys.

Something is down here
and I don't like it.

It came from close to this door
or right here.



Oh my God. I just scanned
the whole freaking basement.

I did not see anything.

I don't even want to be
down here anymore.

I think I'm going to wrap it up.

I'm getting out of here.
I'm leaving.



I'm done.

You're done?

Dude, I'm so done.

Yo, Chels.

I can hear you. I'm coming down.

Hey, Alex, this is Dakota. I'm done.

Thank God because I am so freaking
done with this place, too.

Good, I'm glad we all can agree.

Let's get the hell out of here.

I definitely feel like this was
way more than what I expected.

Last night, we were on
a wild goose chase.

The activity we experienced
didn't happen right in front of us.

It was always in the room next door
or down the stairs or behind us.

We had one thing in there
that seemed to run

the whole entire facility.

You could feel the eyes
on the back of your head

and it wasn't just watching us.

It was toying with us
the entire night.

We heard a ring of keys jingling
almost as if it was the janitor

and it was his
skeleton keys.

On the Ovilus, we got
the response 'teacher'

which begs the question,
did a teacher kill him?

Was he murdered on that location
or was he dumped there

after being murdered
in the location?

I am so regretting
this whole theme of darkness now,

taking away our flashlights,
it was a terrible idea.

The next stop is Tanner's location.

You never know what crazy
experiments he has in mind.

That's really bad because now
I'm not in control

and that makes me nervous.

Tanner is a loose cannon,
you don't know what to expect.

I have found a spot
that no one has heard of.

It has no history,
the records have been erased.

This place is so dark
that if we get separated,

the danger is very real.

Can you tell us who you are,
who we've been dealing with?




Something is moving
down the hallway!

Captioned by Ai-Media
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