Dark Knight (2000–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Black Tree - full transcript

(dramatic music)

(thunder and lightning)

(dramatic music)

(door knocking)

- Enter.

- The queen has arrived and
been shown to her quarters.

- And she's got that oaf Du Bois with her?

- Yes, my lord.

- This visit should prove
as diverting as the weather.

You may go, Falco.

(dramatic music)

(lightning striking)

(hard breathing)

- We were lucky to find shelter.

- You're cold, I'll build us a fire.

(soft dramatic music)

(thunder clapping)

- Ivanhoe?

(dramatic music)

- A viper.

Reasonably deadly.

I'll make sure there aren't any others.

(soft dramatic music)

(thunder clapping)

Have you found something?

- Fox glove.

- For healing?

- In tiny quantities, it calms the heart.

Use too much, and it stops it altogether.

- Whew.

(lightning striking)

- [Asmodis] Awake, at last.


Now begins my vengeance.

(dramatic upbeat theme music)


(dramatic theme music)


(dramatic theme music)

(dramatic music)

- [Asmodis] Rebecca.

- Yes.

- [Asmodis] Come to me.

- Yes.

(thunder clapping)


(soft dramatic music)

- [Asmodis] Rebecca, come to me.

(thunder clapping)

(dramatic music)

Come to me.

Come to the tree.

(thunder clapping)

(soft music)

- Rebecca?

- Who are you?

- [Asmodis] I am Asmodis.

Set me free.

- What are you doing?

- [Asmodis] Come closer.

- No!

- [Asmodis] And you'll find out.

- I won't.

- [Asmodis] Yes, you will.

- I don't want to.

- [Asmodis] Feel my strength.

- No.

- [Asmodis] Come to me.

- Ivanhoe.

- [Asmodis] He can't help you, no one can.

Come to the tree.

(dramatic music)

- Rebecca.

(dramatic music)


- Ivanhoe.

- What is it, Rebecca, what happened?

- I don't know.

I was drawn to the tree.

- You're soaking wet.

Come on, let's get back to the fire.

(soft dramatic music)

- How odd, I didn't request a vision.

A black tree.

Asmodis, how interesting.

(soft dramatic music)

The black tree,

and the black tree's nemesis,

the ax of Yergen.

(thunder clapping)

(dramatic music)

(door knocking)

- Enter.

(thunder clapping)


- Your Majesty.

- Oh.

Take off your cloak,

and come and sit by the fire, child.

You were not seen?

- No, Your Majesty, I took great care.

- Good.

How is Lord Cedric?

- Thriving, my lady.

I think being an outlaw
sits quite well with him.

- So, what news have you?

- The Saxon barons have
raised over 1,000 marks

for King Richard's ransom.

- Splendid.

- Lord Cedric and I hope
our contribution will help.

- And what news of Ivanhoe?

- Ivanhoe?


(dramatic music)

- [Falco] The prisoner you wanted.

- I understand you're an
accomplished murderer.

- That's a lie.

I'm an honest journeyman.

- Ahh, in that case, take him
back to the dungeons, Falco.

- We'll just have time to
settle you back in nicely

before your execution.

- No, wait.

What if I am the man you want?

- Then I have a job for you.

I want you to set a trap for Ivanhoe.

Kill him, and you can go free.

- Free?
- Free?

- Yes.

- What makes you think this
scum is a man of his word?

What's to stop him just running away?

- This little bauble.

Give me your arm.

This amulet contains a deadly poison.

In two days, it will seep into your body.

Only I can remove it.

If you try, the poison will
all be released immediately,

and you will long for a quick,
easy end on the gallows.

- I'll do what you say.

- Good man.

See to it, Falco.

(thunder clapping)

- [Tom] Hurry, Mary, Father will be angry.

- [Mary] I'm scared, Tom.

- [Tom] Don't worry, I'm
sure this is the way home.

- No you're not, we're lost, aren't we?

(soft dramatic music)

Tom, it's the black tree.

(soft dramatic music)

Father told us never to come here.

(dramatic music)

- [Tom] Mary, don't go near
the tree, it's haunted.

(soft dramatic music)

No, Mary, don't touch it.


- Help me, Tom.


- [Asmodis] Mary.

(thunder clapping)

- So this is the new threat?

- Not a new threat, Ivanhoe.

A very old one.

An ancient evil that is seeking
to make itself new again.

First, Asmodis.

She is, or was, a witch
who lived in these woods.

My Druid ancestors cast a spell upon her

which would bind her forever in the root

of a great gallows tree.

- The black tree.

- So she's imprisoned in the tree?

- Yes, but something has awoken her.

Now, she will gain strength

and try to get her freedom.

Her attempt to enslave
you proves that, Rebecca.

Heaven help us if she finds
a human form she can possess.

(thunder clapping)

(soft dramatic music)

- Where am I?

Is anyone there?



Tom, where are you?

- What do you want, Mordour?

- A word in private, if I may, sire.

- You'll have to wait,
I'm having my lesson.

(thunder clapping)

(arrow vibrating)

- Oh what dreadful luck, sire.

But this may cheer you up.

I have a way of making
life difficult for--

- Don't say that name, I
don't wanna hear that name.

How difficult?

- Perhaps fatally difficult.

(arrow vibrating)

- Enough.

- Sire.

(thunder clapping)

- Well, I suppose if you've
found a way to kill him,

it won't hurt to mention his name.


- It all has to do with a certain trinket

called the ax of Yergen.

Ivanhoe will go after it.

(dramatic music)

- It was very brave of you to come here

and bring me news of the king's ransom.

You're just a child.

- It was my duty, Your Majesty.

And pardon me, but I'm a woman.

- A brave woman.


but foolhardy.

If my youngest son were
to discover you here--

(door knocking)

Quickly, you should not be seen.

(dramatic music)


- Majesty.

- Du Bois, and how is my son's archery?

- As good as it ever was.

Your Majesty, I come with urgent news.

The prince's, uh,

I fear a slave awoke uninvited.

- It's all right, Du
Bois, sheath your sword.

Rowena, come out.

This is my personal
bodyguard, the Baron Du Bois.

- The crow.

- Du Bois, meet Rowena, who
is both invited and welcome.

You may speak freely, Du
Bois, what of the prince?

- He is weaving further plans, Majesty,

a trap for Ivanhoe.

It's all the doing of
that spider, Mordour.

(dramatic music)

- I've done as you bid.

- Good, that's always much the best way.

- We freed half the scum
from the prince's dungeons

to prepare the ambush against Ivanhoe.

- Excellent.

But, as you've perhaps noticed,

our friend does have a gift for getting

out of difficult situations.

- What do you mean?

- What I mean is, it would be wise to have

an alternative plan, just in
case Ivanhoe is inconsiderate

enough to survive the ambush

and obtain the ax of Yergen.

- But he won't survive the ambush.

- Ha, ha, ha, that's the spirit, Falco.

A bit of optimism doesn't
cost anything, does it?

- But what else can we do to stop him?

- What do you know about wasps?

- Wasps, what are you talking about?

- I don't suppose there's any harm

in expanding your education.

There's one particular breed of wasp

that has a deliciously vicious habit.

It keeps its prey alive,

and plants its eggs inside them.

- I don't understand.

- No, but you understand
enough to feel the fear

crawling over your flesh, don't you?

I'll make it very simple.

This is our wasp.

And this, is her prey.

(soft dramatic music)

- [Asmodis] Come to me, Mary.

Come to me.

- Who said that?

Where are you?


- Ivanhoe's life is in peril?

- They will Set a trap
for him in the ruins

of Yergen's keep.

- Something must be done
about this, Du Bois.

- I agree, Majesty.

(door opening and closing)

(soft dramatic music)

- [Father] Don't worry,
Tom, we'll get Mary out.

- No, wait, what are you doing?

- We're going to chop
down this evil thing.

My daughter is inside.

- But if you strike the tree,

you'll only make the witch stronger

and put your daughter in mortal danger.

- A witch?

I have no time for such nonsense.

My little girl's in there, and
we're going to get her out.

- I pray you listen to my friend.

- Get out of my way!

- Leave the tree alone.

- Get him!


(dramatic music)

Go on.




(dramatic music)


Go on then, finish me off.

- You're not the one who deserves killing.

You're not the evil here.

- Well at least we agree on something.

(soft dramatic music)


- [Ivanhoe] No.


- This is bad.

The child is in terrible danger.

We must act quickly.

- [Asmodis] Old fool.

- That was close.

- Tom, where are you?

(dramatic music)

- Now the spell grows weak.

If you will not come to me, Mary,

then I shall have to come to you.

- Help me, please.

(dramatic music)

- No.

No, no.


(hard breathing)

- I have bound her
again, but not for long.

- I figure we have to
get this child out now.

- But we can't chop the
tree down to get to her.

- Yes, we can.

- But you said the witch--

- No normal ax can harm her,
only increase her strength.

But there is a weapon to
which she is vulnerable.

A powerful, enchanted weapon

once wielded by the warrior Yergen.

- A golden ax.

- I've heard stories about it.

The ax that cannot be bought or sold,

only paid for in blood.

- No other weapon can fell the black tree.

But time is running out.

The child will not be safe for long.

You must ride for Yergen's keep.

(soft dramatic music)

- [Ivanhoe] No, Odo, stay here.

(dramatic music)

(soft dramatic music)

- Our wasp is very weak.

- Our wasp?

- The witch Asmodis.

Can't you grasp a simple metaphor, Falco?

She's in a weakened state.

We'll have to intervene and assist her.

- Perhaps I should be going now.

There are things I should be doing.

- Oh no, stay.

I think you'll find this most diverting.

(soft dramatic music)


Hello, Mary.

This probably isn't quite
what you had in mind

when you prayed for help.

- Who are you?

Where am I?

- You're in the castle of Prince John.

- Save your breath, Falco,
explanations will only

further confuse the poor child.

You must be thirsty
from all your exertions.

Would you like some water, Mary?

Stop her.

- I'll go after her.

- Oh would you?

And make sure she's not harmed in any way.

- [Falco] Come back here, you little brat.

(horse breathing)

(soft dramatic music)

(hooves beating)

(horse whinnying)

- What are you doing?

I could have killed you, go back.

- It was what you said about Ivanhoe.

I don't want anything to happen to him.

Perhaps I can help.

- Go back.

- If you send me off, I'll
simply follow you again.

- Stay close.

(soft dramatic music)


(soft dramatic music)


- [Falco] Come back here.

(dramatic music)

- Really, Falco?

The prince should employ
you as his court jester.

(soft dramatic music)


- Man in black, he said
I wasn't to be harmed.


(dramatic music)

- It's a shame I had
to stay behind, really.

Usually, I'd jump at the
chance to rob a tomb.

- You must help me watch for any sign

of treachery from Asmodis.

One of us must remain awake
and vigilant at all times.

- Well, as you're awake and vigilant,

can I go and take a quick nap?

- First, help me gather some
materials for our fight.

The juice of this berry,
picked from the dawn bough,

is powerful magic.

- Powerful magic?

Work, work, work, work, work.

(dramatic music)

- [Asmodis] The child has gone.

No matter, though.

I have a knight to kill.


Good, you hear me, Rebecca.

Remember the fox glove you gathered?

Remember the poison?

Pour the poison into
Ivanhoe's water bottle.

(soft dramatic music)

See that he drinks it.

(horse snorting)

- The witch is trying some mischief.

I can see something, but
I cannot see it clearly.

The magic of the tree
is hiding it from me.

Wait, I can see it.

She's trying to bewitch Rebecca,

trying to speak to her mind.

- But Rebecca's miles away.

- The witch's magic is powerful.

It prevents me warning Ivanhoe.

You must go to him.

- I was about to have my lunch.

- I shall stay here and
try to protect the child.

You must ride the wind.

- Ride the wind?

I have enough trouble riding my donkey.

Oh, ah.

(horse breathing)

(soft dramatic music)



- Yes, go on.

- Where did you come from?

- I had to come with you.

I want to help.

Please, let me join Ivanhoe.

- Oh, I don't know.

- Look, I was wrong to
fight him, I know that.

I just want to save my daughter.

- We'll see what Ivanhoe has to say.

This whirlwind put us ahead of him.

I think it's this way.

(soft dramatic music)


- Damn her.

She's stronger than I suspected.

- It influenced my mind, it's so powerful.

- You overcame it.

(dramatic music)

What are you doing here?

(horse whinnying)

(dramatic music)

- Stop, Ivanhoe, he's a friend.

We've gotta stop Rebecca,
she's under a spell.

- Odo.

Let her go.

(dramatic music)

- [Rebecca] Odo.

- I'm sorry, I didn't realize.

(dramatic music)

- We must rest the horses.

- There's no time, come on.

(dramatic music)

- They're coming, three men and a girl.

- Wait until the fourth rider
is safely through the gates,

then, kill them all.

You three go over there, you, down there.

(dramatic music)

(soft dramatic music)

- What's wrong?

(soft dramatic music)

- Ya.

(soft dramatic music)

- Better late than never.

I'm here, let the party commence.

(soft dramatic music)

(horse whinnying)

- Ivanhoe, it's a trap.

- Attack!

(dramatic music)




(dramatic music)

- Whoa ho.


(dramatic music)

(punches landing)


(soft dramatic music)

(kick landing)

(dramatic music)

(swords clanking)

(dramatic music)



(soft dramatic music)

(swords clanking)


(dramatic music)

(kick landing)

- Get out of here.

- Ivanhoe, no!

(arrow striking)


(soft dramatic music)


- Rowena.

(soft dramatic music)



- It should heal cleanly.

- Why?

- I wanted to be heroic.

But, I wasn't much help.

- You saved my life.

You showed great courage.

(hard breathing)

As did you, Baron.

- Don't worry, Ivanhoe, I'll make sure

our young hero gets safely
back to your father.

- Ivanhoe, look at this.

- You shouldn't have come.

You could have been killed.

I mean, what were you thinking?

- I wasn't thinking.

I was following my heart.

(soft dramatic music)

- That amulet moved by itself.

- Sorcery.

(soft dramatic music)

- Mordour.

- I'll have that back, I think.

(soft dramatic music)

(rope slithering)

(rat squeaking)

(rat squeaking)


(rat squeaking)

(dramatic music)

- You survived, Fingal,
but my time is coming.

(rat squeaking)

- Thank you, Beggar.

Her sorcery caused me to sleep.

If not for you,

I would never have awoken.

- What?

- The prince wants to know
if the ambush was a success.

- See if you can interpret that
as an answer for the prince.

(soft dramatic music)

But all is not lost.

There's still the small
matter of Yergen's ax.

(soft dramatic music)

- No, no.

So this is Yergen's keep.

What does he keep here?

- A golden ax.

- Where does he keep it?

- In the burial chamber.

- The burial chamber?

Maybe I should go back and
guard the front entrance

in case we have people coming.

- This way.

(soft dramatic music)

Yergen's tomb.

- It's not very cozy, is it?

Ivanhoe, look out!

- It's only a statue, Odo.

- In the half-light, it
looked like they were moving.

- They are very lifelike.

- That's how I want to stay, lifelike.

- Odo, help me.

This way.

Come on.



(soft dramatic music)

- Is it safe?

- Seems that's all the magic
Yergen had left in him.

His golden ax.

- It's as simple as that?

- Let's find out.


- He doesn't seem to want to let it go.

- Well now what do we do?

- We leave.

(dramatic music)


- Ivanhoe!

They want the ax back.

- Then I'll give it to them.

(dramatic music)

(swords clanking)

(dramatic music)



(dramatic music)


(dramatic music)


(soft dramatic music)

- Oh, no.

(hard breathing)

- Paid for in blood.

- You're my only hope.

Please, save my little girl.


(soft dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

- Ivanhoe has the ax of Yergen.

- [Falco] You knew he would.

- It was an educated guess.

So, now we must resort to our other plan.

- The witch?
- Yes.

- Asmodis has regained
her strength by now,

and I've made dear little
Mary much more susceptible.

So back she goes.

Ready for the wasp to lay its eggs.

(soft dramatic music)

- Ivanhoe is coming, I can sense it.

Ohhh, we shall defeat you yet, Asmodis.

- [Asmodis] Old fool.


(rat squeaking)

- Yes, yes, my friend.

I know this may well be a trap,

but I cannot let this opportunity slip by.

Stay here, Beggar, I must
try to save the child.

(soft dramatic music)

- No, wait.

What are you doing?

(dramatic music)

- Even bound, you are dangerous.

But that will hold you for a moment.

Now where is the girl?



(dramatic music)


Mary, come to me, my child.

(dramatic music)


Come with me, we must hurry.

My magic cannot hold Asmodis for long.

Quickly, quickly, child.

(ground shaking)

(soft dramatic music)

(hard breathing)

(dramatic music)

(rat squeaking)


He's saying, welcome back to the daylight.

Ivanhoe, oh, the ax of Yergen.

- [Ivanhoe] Fingal, thank
God, you have the child.

- [Fingal] Well done.

- Let's finish this.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
you come with me, Mary.

(soft dramatic music)

(wind blowing)

When danger threatens, I can
usually find the safest spot.

- Cut deep, Ivanhoe.

- The tree is changing color.

It's turning from black to gold.

- Black tree, the golden ax,

their powers have canceled each other out.

- But Asmodis, Fingal, is she finished?

- Something is wrong, I can feel it.

The witch still lives.

- But where?

- Oh yes, Mary, I had to
stay here to guard you.

Otherwise, I would have
been in the thick of it.

Never one to miss a fight, that's me.

- Odo.




- Now for you, puny knight.

(dramatic music)



- [Rebecca] No, Ivanhoe.

- I have the blood of the
sacred bearer, get back.

- No more.


(dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

As for you, my pretty,

the door of hell awaits you.



- [Fingal] Ivanhoe, the vial.

Get the vial or we are lost.

Quickly, throw it over her.



(dramatic music)


- [Fingal] The tree has taken her back.

- Phew.


- Did I miss anything?

- Damn you, Ivanhoe.

- So Asmodis is a prisoner once more?

- Yes, but her power is gone forever,

bound in by the golden tree.

- You don't suppose that tree is made

out of real gold, do you?

The kind you could spend?

- Odo.


- Oh, just our luck.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic theme music)