Cuckoo (2012–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Mum's Group - full transcript

Assisted by Dale Ken is enjoying hosting the mother and baby group at his house but is forced to confess to Lorna that he was present when Jess's baby was born, whereupon Lorna demands that he leave the group. Ken is unwilling - until Jess makes a play for him, forcing him to leave her house in a hurry. Unfortunately this leads to a mix-up which requires Dale to sort it out, though he is less amenable when he sees Rachel with a man she has met through a dating agency.

Or we could just buy me a hi-fi.


Sid's going to be spending more time
in his baby stroller than anywhere else.

It's like the office was for
you when you were a working man.

Ah, yes! Those happy times!

That one with blue on it?

What? The aluminium frame?

Then I don't know, Dale!

What happened to the time when
you just chucked them in a pram

and listened to Screamadelica?


Jess! Haven't seen you since
that time at the hospital.

The time I gave birth! And you...

Yeah, that time, yeah. How's motherhood?

Loving it. And paternity leave?

How does it feel to be a feminist icon?

What can I say? I'm a hero to all women.

Ah, the stroller debate.
Marc and I went for that one.

The Jill Cotterill. It's durable,
light, turns into a car seat.

Oh, gosh, she's a beauty!

And so this horrific
experience draws to a close!

I owe you, Jess.

Don't be silly!

Actually, you know what?

I'm doing this mums' group thing
with some of the girls from NCT.

You should come.

Bloke? At a mums' group? Think
that might be a bit weird.

And I said to the doctor, "Hey,
sonny -- what about MY mastitis?"

Oh! Right, cake o'clock, I think.

Don't you shake your head at me, Jenny.

That baby weight is dropping right
off and you bloody deserve it!

Excuse me for a second, ladies.

- Cake report. - This is going
to be the best darn coffee cake

those girls have ever tasted!

- Who would have thought that mums'
group would be so ace? - I know!

We get to enjoy all of
the fun and gossiping

but we get to avoid the catty infighting.

Oh, by the way, Beth said
your fruit cake was dry.

- Prissy little tart!
- Right.

Left the stuff for my meeting!

Ooh! How's your coffee morning going?

Tremendously! Ken has a foolproof system.

- I do. - I prepare all the food,
clean the house and wash up.

Ken is the social face of the operation --

occupying the guests, and
checking the food is tasty.

Sounds about right!

Right, now, you wash up. You
-- come and meet the girls!

So, everyone...

Oh, Ken -- busted! Now Laura's going
to know about your daytime harem!

It's not a harem.

Well, I think we would ALL like
to thank you for letting us

borrow him, Laura.

With Marc in Dubai, Ken's
the only male company I get!

Well, I hope he's not droning
on about history too much!

- You!
- Why would you say that, Laura?

Ken is a fascinating intellect.
I hope you appreciate him!

I do. And it's Lorna.

- What's Lorna, Laura?
- My name -- it's Lorna.

What? No!

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!
So embarrassing! Oh, ha-ha!

- Lorna. - Yeah. - Lorna.

Not Laura. Lorna.

OK! Well. Back to work.

Oh! By the way, save the
25th for Eliza's christening.

Only right you should be there, Ken,

seeing as you were there at liftoff.

- What? - How do you
mean, there at liftoff?

I think what Jess means is we
were both at the same hospital

when the babies came. Right, Jess?

Right. Well, so just think about it!

- She's a head case.
- No, she's OK.

Nope, she's a head case. See you later!

Squeeze Sid for me.

Jess. What was that about?

Of course I haven't told Lorna
that I was at Eliza's birth!

What? You haven't told her?

No, I haven't told her. Because
of you, I missed Sid's birth!

If Lorna finds out, I'll
get murdered in my sleep,

so keep it to yourself!

Um... oh. It's a bit
weird. I mean, so what?

You held my hand as I gave
birth. It was an act of kindness.

Plus you wouldn't let go of my hand, so...

Oh, Ken! I just want to make it clear --

I am happily married to Marc.

So am I! Very happily! Not
to Marc. To Laura. Lorna.

Well, OK. So then, just
please -- tell your wife!

Because whatever problems
you and Laura are having,

I just don't want to
be a part of them, OK?

Lecture over.


Ling is thousands of miles away,

so how come our love feels even stronger?

And if love transcends time and space,

perhaps therein lies the
secret of the universe.

What do you think, Dyl?

Couldn't give a shit, mate.

Hey. What's that game you're
playing on your robot phone?

It's not a game, you
bell-end. It's Love Swipe.

Ah, fuck! I just liked a munter.

Love Swipe is a way of
finding romantic partners?

No, it's hunting willing snatch.
Here, have a look. Right, OK.

So here we have... ah, older woman, 24.

Only 100 or so metres
away from us... Rachel!

- That's Mom!
- I flicked right, I flicked right.

These treacherous eyes!

Dylan, are you trying to hook
up with me on Love Swipe?

Your photo's like three years
old. You look completely different!

Yeah, right. So my face
has completely changed

- in three years, has it?
- Mom!

You didn't say you were
electronically dating.

Yeah, well, I thought
I'd put myself on there.

- You know, see what the
fuss was about. - Oh, phew!

It seems like there's been nobody
on the scene since December!

- Yeah. How many dates you
been on, Rach? - In total...

- .. none.
- What?

Come on, Mom! Get a move on.

You're not going to find a
man mooching about the house!

Unless there are some
available guys round here --

and I don't know of any.

Thanks, Dale.

- Phew! Longest day ever!
- Hello.

- Mwah!
- How's our little Sid?

Yeah, he's good. I just put him down.

Well, the Briony and Tim saga continues.

Who's Briony and Tim?

- From work.
- Oh!

Don't you listen to a word I say?

Of course! Your voice
is music to me, my love.

- I just sometimes don't
concentrate on the lyrics. - Hah!

So -- there's probably something
I should tell you. It's no biggy.

And certainly no-one's fault. So
promise me you won't over-react.

I will react the exact
right amount. What is it?

Well, do you remember when Sid was born?

I think I recall it, yeah.

Well, it's a funny story.

I... I ran into Jess while
we were waiting for Sid.

And she grabbed hold of my hand

and she wouldn't let go
until she'd given birth.

Which explains why I was late. Why
I missed Sid's birth. It's silly!

But like I say, it's no biggy.

No biggy?

No, no biggy.

Is this a biggy?

Jesus Christ, Ken! No biggy!

Come on, Lorn. It's not like
it didn't work out all right.

Sid's great. And you're the
best wife a man ever...

Oh, shut your face! You have no
idea what I was going through,

what it takes to push a thing
like that out of your bits!

May I remind you I have seen
it three times, actually,

with two different...

- Oh, shit. Lorn!
- Hi, Lorna. Hi, Chief Ken.

- It wasn't my fault.
- Oh, it never is your fault, is it, Ken?

"Whoops, I shot the cat! Whoops,
I didn't have a vasectomy!"

Guys. What's happening?

Are Chief Ken and Lorna
going to get a divorce?

Oh, no -- this happens every couple of years.
Believe me, it's worse when they make up.

Dad walking round like he's John Mayer
just because he's done it twice in a week.

How's your robot-phone dating going?

Love Swipe is crammed with goons.

Well, I hope you'll give 'em
a chance, little Miss Fussy!

Do you? All right, well -- how
about him? He's quite attractive.

Maybe I should go round
to his and have wild sex.

- Be all right with that, would you? - Absolutely
doodle dandy! - Absolutely doodle dandy.

- All right. There -- a match.
- What!

Oh! And he wants to meet now.

I'll just go over there, shall I?

You know, unless anyone has
any objections to that?

- No, none here. - OK. Yeah. See
you in the morning, then. Or not!

- OK!
- OK.

I could not be happier for her!

Maybe we should get a super king-size.

That way you can be even further
away and even more ridiculous.

Just more comfortable like this.

Lorna, I can't help what happened.

I didn't mean to upset you,
but what can I do about it?

Well, here's an idea -- you
can stop meeting up with Jess.

Ha-ha! Not happening.

OK, if you don't care about my feelings...

What about MY feelings, Lorn?

Jess runs the mums' group, which
happens to be my entire social life.

No, I'm sorry -- you don't
get to veto my friends.

Friends? As if! She's after you!

What? Don't be ridiculous!

"Oh, Ken! What a
fascinating intellect, Ken!

"Oh, Ken, hold my hand
while I give birth, Ken!"

Get real, Lorn!

I am greying, I'm out of shape and
Jess is a young, highly attractive...

Fuck! I didn't mean that!

No, I'm sorry. There is a
point of principle here.

I am not backing down on this. Final word.

OK, OK! you win! I won't see Jess again.

I surrender my dignity at your whim.

Nice to see the patriarchy
in action again.

How I love to rule the world.

Now will you please come back
to the centre of the bed!

I don't know what you're going on about.

Right, I am getting a glass of water.

- Hello? - Hey, how's it
kicking? You must be Rachel's...

ancient housemate?

I'm her father.

Father? OK, I'm Freddy. I'm
a... new friend of hers.

We met last night, and then
we had a... a sleepover.

You know.

- Is this awkward? This feels awkward.
- Let us eat our breakfast in silence.


- Hello.
- Ah, this is Freddy.

Freddy and Rachel went
on a date last night.

Interesting. Did he hold hands with
another woman while she gave birth?

Oh. Seamless segue! And thank you
for airing our personal grievances

in front of our daughter's
one-night stand.

I'm not a one-night-stand kind of guy.

Are you going to be boyfriend and
girlfriend from now on, are you?

- I mean, I'm not in that place, so...
- Thank you! - Shit! Rachel actually got laid!

Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

- You're still here? - Well, it's breakfast,
so... most important meal of the day.

Good morning, my beautiful family!

And complete stranger. Would
you like some pancakes?

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

You must be a friend of Rachel's?

Ah, sort of. We met last night.

On a date.

Oh, fun. Did you stay the night here?

- Yeah. - With Rachel?
- Yeah. - In her bedroom?

- Yes, Dale -- we slept
together, OK? - Argh!


I am so sorry! I'll get
him cleaned up in no time.

- What the hell was that?
- Weird, right?

It must be my training with Mr Xi --
I get these crazy reflex reactions.

I think he'll be OK.

- Dale, you were the one who told me to
start dating again! - I know, you should!

Then why punch the first guy I spend
the night with? I thought you -- I
mean -- we had made it very clear.

- There's nothing between us.
- Yeah, what are you saying?

You were jealous. Of me and him.

What! I love Ling. See
previous conversations.

Well, obviously, there are some suppressed
emotions going on here. Maybe deal with them, Dale.

Because I can't have this jealous
ex going round the house saying

he's not jealous when he so clearly is.

I don't care either way... so...!

We're going to take our arms into
the air, stretching to the side.

Rachel is so wrong!

I mean, me -- jealous? No way!

Sure, once I thought her to be
my one and only eternal love.

But that was so eight months ago!

Right leg in the air. Really
push into that stretch.

- What do you think, Chief Ken?
- Oh, God.

- Chief! - Yeah, can we talk
about this another time. - Hey!

Oh, no!

Right, as soon as this class
finishes, we are leaving.

Keep walking, Dale. Just
keep walking, please.

Ken! Ken! KEN!

Wow, that is some world-class
baby yoga leaving there.

Ha-ha! Right. It was great to
see you anyway, Jess. Bye, now!

Hey, what are you guys
up to this afternoon?

Some of the mums are coming over.

I've made a killer pistachio tart.

Oh, that sounds delicious! Yeah,
we have absolutely nothing going on!

Oh, but I'm afraid we do have
something going on, don't we?

We've got that thing, Dale. You
know that thing we've got to do.

Oh, I get you -- THAT thing!

He will just...!

No, Chief Ken, that
thing is NEXT Wednesday.

- This afternoon is completely free.
- Great! So come round.

Oh, but I'm sorry, we can't. Get in.


Oh, um, which way you headed?

Through town. See you!

You couldn't give me a lift, could you?

It's just, bit worried about
Eliza, it's such a hot day

and the sun being SO
dangerous for tiny babies.

It's very hot.

Of course.

Great. Oh, isn't he a nice man!

Right. We're dropping her
straight off at her house.

And you do not mention this
to Lorna. Do you understand?

Are you sure I can't tempt you
in? The girls will be round soon.

- I've got eclairs in from
Druckers. - Oh! - No, can't do it.

Suit yourself. Dale, would
you be a sweetheart?

Of course.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Thank you.

Chief Ken, have you gone insane?

That's some of the finest
Vienna patisserie in Birmingham!

Lorna says I'm not allowed to see Jess.

She's a little bit jealous.

But mums' group is the
most fun we have all week!

Oi! Where are you going?

- Lorna didn't say I couldn't see
Jess, did she? - Well, no, but... - OK.

- I'm going to go have some cake and
have the best time ever. - Traitor!

What do you think, Sid?

It's not like I'm doing
anything wrong, is it?

Jess is my friend and I love mums' group.

What do you think, my boy?

Should I obey your delusional mother,

or should I make my own decisions
in life like a proper adult?

Who's the chief here?


Oh, great! You changed your mind!

Yeah! When are the girls getting here?

Oh, dunno -- in about an hour or so.

Dale, would you be a love,

and run and get some of
that nice coffee from town.

I invite everyone over for coffee
and what do I forget to buy? Coffee!

- Yeah. I'll be back soon!
- Right.

You make yourself comfortable
and I'll be back in a sec.

There we are, Sidney.

- There you go.
- Oh!


Well, there's no coffee, is
there! Right, then. Shower for me.

Sorry? A shower?

Well, I can't receive the
girls in my yoga sweats, can I?

OK, Jess -- should I go and
come back another time, cos...?

Oh, no, I'll be two ticks.

Don't worry, we've got a couple
of hours before the gang get here.

A COUPLE of hours?

What are you doing?

Ken! Oh, you're not leaving, are you?

Shouldn't you be wearing more clothes?

Why are you walking towards
me? What's happening?

What's happening is you
are going to ravish me,

you sexy giant old man, you!

What? There will be no
ravishing! Not today or tomorrow.

You were supposed to be
my coffee morning friend!

I am very disappointed
in you, actually, Jess!

I know you're tempted.

You are scaring me! I am a happily
married man. What about Marc?

Oh, come on -- we both
know there's no Marc.


What? Don't undo that.
Why are you undoing that?

You are mental!

I am mental...

- Argh!
- .. and naked.

Ooh! I'm not looking. And I'm leaving!

And I'm not looking! Goodbye!

- Get in the car. - Why? I got
coffee. - She's a fucking nutter.

Lorna WAS right. Jess WAS after you.

Yes. But Lorna had no right
to try and control my life.

I've behaved entirely faultlessly, yet
somehow, I'm also massively in the wrong.

Well, I guess I should
be the one to tell Lorna.

No! Obviously we are
not going to tell her.

And you, my ex-friend, can bog off.

Right, inside.

And none of that accidental
truth-telling that you do.

No, I've shaken that out my system.
It's hard to do business...

... Crime...

... in China without the odd porky pie.

I'll stick to my old standby
-- we were in the market

shopping for Lotus dumplings
for the Dragon boat festival.

Or maybe just go to straight to your
room and never talk to Lorna again.

- OK.
- OK.

Hiya, you two!

Hello, beautiful.

- Have you had a good day?
- Yeah.

He's asleep.

Sorry we argued.

Me too.

Maybe I was a bit
over-sensitive about Jess.

Still, I probably shouldn't see her again.

- Oh, you're not bloody
seeing her again. - No.

- Have you seen her again?
- No! Of course not.

I appreciate it, love.

Fuck, it's started.

So, maybe we could put on a box set,

have a bit of Ken and Lorna time.

Yes, that's my favourite kind of time.

Has it ever occurred to you
that I'm like a faithful,

non-alcoholic Don Draper?

Oh, you totally are!

- I am, right?
- Yeah.

Five to go to finish the season.

I'll go.

Sit down.

Draper's going to change that nappy.

Oh, God, I am like him.

Well, then, Sidney,

no in-depth analysis of the
Arab-Israeli conflict for us tonight.

No, we shall change that nappy,
quick bath and then bed. Deal?

Oh! Erm...

Here, I'll do that. You
take the weight off.

Nah, you're all right.

Ken, honestly, It's my
turn. You go and relax.

I don't want to relax. You go and relax.

- Let me change him.
- Lorna...

You are stressed out and it's
ruining our family life, OK?

Now, get in there and
chill the fuck out, yeah?

Oh, OK, well, I'll go and
make a cup of tea, then.

Right, good. Tea would be nice.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, fuck.

Just going to take him for a
little drive, soothe him a bit.

- But he's not crying.
- He's upset, though. I can tell.

It's a sort of primary carer thing.

'Ken, I have been calling and
calling. Where is my baby?

'I want my baby back!'

I'm driving her over now. Don't
move, I'll be ten minutes, tops.

Might as well keep you company.

But let's make it a short
ride. How's our Siddles..?

He's very close to being upset.

Just going to get
something from the house.

- What am I going to do, Dale?
- Snap out of it, Ken!

But she's in the car, she's in the car!

Now, you listen to me.

I've done swaps like these my
whole time with Mr Xi, all right?

Then with suitcases of money, now
with babies -- same principle.

- What?
- I run to Jess' house, grab Sid.

You take her baby to the
leisure centre car park --

that's where we'll meet.

- All you need to do is keep Lorna...
- .. from looking at the baby.

- You got this.
- I can do this.

- You got this, Chief Ken.
- I can swap these babies.

I know you can!

- Dale!
- Just for luck.

Where's my baby? Give me my baby, now!

Jessica, we're going to get
your baby. Just stay calm.

Also, here's your coffee from earlier.

Fuck the coffee.

Let's go.

This is nice.

OK, I'm bored now, let's go home.

Lorna, I'm loving this.
Come on, let's chat.

Tell me about those guys at work,
you know, old Tom and Britney.

- Briony and Tim?
- Hell, yes, those guys.

- Well, Siobhan thought she wasn't
invited to the Christmas party. - No!

I mean she's very nice,
she's in her fifties,

she lives on her own. You
know, she's a bit lonely.

Anyway she came in the other day to work,

she just... She burst into tears,
Ken, on the shop floor and...

.. I took her down to the little
room where we have our cup of tea

and stuff and erm...

.. anyway, she had to admit that
she hadn't even opened the envelope!

But I'm blathering.

What? I live for this
shit, Lorna, please...

OK, well, Briony came
in the following day...

.. and directly said, "Don't
worry, I'll go and get..."

- Ah. - What? - Probably
wants his bottle.

No! Where are you going?

I'm going to get Sid, bring
him in the front for a cuddle.

Lorna, this is our time, just you and me.

Let her cry... Let him cry.

- Ken, I can't listen to him cry.
- Lorna...

You're so beautiful.


I don't know what's got into you.

Oh, fuck!


- Ken?
- Stop!

Someone's got my baby! My baby!

- Stop! - What the hell
have you done with my baby?



Ken, what the hell is going on?

- No! - Ken! - No! - Ken!


What the hell are you doing?

So sorry, sir. I can explain.

- You've got a baby in the back of your car.
- I definitely don't.

- No, you have. Dale put it in.
- Hi, I'm Dale.

Oh, thank God, my little girl. Oh!

Don't you dare bring your stodgy
sponge to my mums' group ever again.

How dare you! That sponge
was light as a feather.

What the hell is happening?

Going around putting babies
in people's cars. It's not on!

- Just calm down, I can explain.
- Well, I bloody hope you will, Ken.

- The thing is, I went round to
Jess' this afternoon... - Ken!

- I know, I know you told me not to...
- No, I didn't.

- I'm sorry, this is principally
for Lorna. - Who's Lorna?

My wife.

Jess was there and I had
Sid and Eliza and I...

No, no, no, mate. Mate,
listen, I am way behind here.

I'm sorry, Lorn, can we
talk about this in the car?

Yes, I think we'd better
get back to your son, Ken.

What I'm saying, Ken, is I was right.

That mad bitch did fancy you.

Yes, all right, you were right.

In future, I will remember I
am irresistible to all women.

It's their incredibly well-kept secret.

How fast did you run out of that house?

Like a fat Usain Bolt.

- Do you want some wine?
- Yes.


Watching Ken and Lorna today has taught me

how destructive jealousy can be.

I mean, it seems their marriage is OK now,

but it was touch-and-go there earlier.

What are you trying to say, Dale?

About this morning.

I now accept that
somewhere deep, deep down,

I may have some residual
feelings towards you.

But, don't worry,

I will not let those feelings get
in the way of our friendship.

I will crush them using the
immense power of my mind.

OK, well, good luck with that.


we're OK?

Absolutely doodle dandy.
