Coach (1989–1997): Season 1, Episode 1 - Kelly and the Professor - full transcript

Football coach Hayden Fox is having trouble dealing with the fact that his daughter Kelly is dating a professor.

filmed before a studio audience.

One more question,
Coach Fox,

before we end "A private look
at a public figure."

What would you say is the
hardest thing about your job?

Well, probably the hardest part of being
head football coach here at Minnesota State,

is what you alluded to
earlier, Miss Armstrong.

If I want to have a private life,
I kinda have to, like, sneak around, you know.

I mean, in a town like this,
I see how many...

I can't even go on the street
without someone saying,

"Hey, Coach, how you doing?"

Or, "Hey, Coach,
how's recruiting coming?"

Or, "Hey, Coach, my son
thinks you're the greatest.”

Hey, Coach, someone just
let the air out of your tires.

Cut, cut.

Dauber! I'm sorry.
I didn't know you were busy.

I'm doing an interview. How many times have
I told you to knock before you come in?


That's all right.
I really think we have all we need.

Thank you for your time.
I know these things are difficult,

but you were very candid.

Oh, thanks.
You're easy to talk to.

Oh, thank you. I'll see you guys
in the truck in just a second.

God, I missed you!
Oh, jeez!

When can you come down again?

Oh, gosh, I don't know.
My schedule is so busy.

I'm just
going to have to call you.

Well, call me tomorrow.
I'll call you tonight.

Call me from the truck.


All right.

Thank you.

Well, thank you again,
Coach Fox.

It's always a pleasure to talk to the
press, Miss Armstrong.


I'm on a phone interview here, pal.
You want to wait a minute?

So, we're looking
at east Texas...

Hey, Coach, I'm sorry to
interrupt, but it's important.

Could you hold on
a second, please? Yeah.

Lewis, how many times
have I told the team

that I do not have
an open door policy?

You don't come barging in here
like that.

Now, what do you want?

We're gonna have to run
Fred Webb over to see the Doc.

He might have
a slight concussion.

I told you guys,
no contact today.

We weren't practicing.
We were just horsing around,

and Fred got hit in the head
with a tub of Gatorade.

I thought you should know.

See ya.

Yeah, sorry.
Where were we here?

Well, you can kiss
the next four years goodbye.

Okay, it's getting a little
hectic around here.

Tell you what,
can I call you back?

Guess where Tommy Jordan just
announced he's going to school.


Do you believe it?

Best high school quarterback in the
country, and he's going to Miami.

And you know the only reason he
is going is 'cause of the weather.

The kid goes down there and sees
all that sunshine and beaches.

They fix him up with a girl
in 3 bikini

and pow,
he's as good as signed.

What do we do?
We bring him here to the tundra,

and take him ice fishing
with a girl in a parka.

I'm telling you, Hayden.
This is a...

(STAMMERING) We're never
going to win here.

Excuse me, Coach.
Mail just came.

Yeah, just put it
on the desk, will you?

It's all divided.

Ticket requests.

Speaking requests.

Questions from alumni,

and one marked personal.

I didn't open this one 'cause
I thought it might be...


Oh, I am going to miss you
when you graduate, Dybinski.

This could be the year, Coach.

Well, let's hope so, huh.

Hey, it's from Kelly.

Your daughter Kelly?

No. Gene Kelly.

Yeah, she's going to be a
freshman at college this year.

I told her to write me when she
found out where she was going.

You ought to have her
come here.

Doesn't seem possible that Kelly's
old enough to go to college.

First time I saw her was when Beth
brought her to the locker room

at half time
of that Louisville game.

She couldn't have been
more than a few weeks old.

God, we played lousy that day.

DYBINSKI: What's the matter?


are you sure
you didn't read this letter?

No. Why?

This is exactly where
Kelly wants to come to school.

You're kidding.
No, she's already been accepted.

She just wants to find out how I
feel about it before she gets here.

And how do you feel about it?

I don't know.

I mean, I haven't been
a father to Kelly

since Beth and I split up.
That's been 16 years ago.

Coach, I doubt if she wants
you to be responsible.

Well, she wants something
from me.

why is she coming here?

What did she say
in the letter?

Well, she said some
cockamamie thing

about us having a great dance
and music department.

Maybe we do.

So do a lot of other schools.

I mean, she could go anywhere.

She is obviously coming here
because I am here.

He's right. Otherwise,
she could go to Miami.

So what are you
going to tell her?

I don't know.

You don't think she would
want to live with you, do you?

Actually, I think all freshmen
girls have to live at "the market".

The what?

Oh, Shaeffer Hall.

They call it "the market" 'cause
it's this big tradition every year.

All the jocks go down
and they check out the...

I know why they call it
"the market".

I don't want to be
responsible for this.

See, I don't even want
to know about this stuff.

So, what are you
going to tell her?

She's my daughter.

I've got to tell her
the truth.

And the truth is...

You know, if she's coming here expecting
to get an education, that's fine.

She's coming here
to find a father...

You guys, would you excuse me?
I'm going to have to make a phone call here.


See, that means that
you guys leave.

Oh! Yeah.
Oh, I'm sorry.

Listen, Hayden, I...

I know this isn't going to be
an easy conversation for you.

I just want you
to know that...

Well, I, ah...

I don't know what exactly I want you to
know, it's that, ah...

I know that, I guess.

Thanks, Luther.

Hello? Kelly?

Oh, Beth.

Oh, boy, it's you.

Boy, you two sound
more alike everyday.

No, it's Hayden.

Yeah, how are you?

Oh? What's wrong?

Well, that's why I'm calling.
Yeah, I just got it a few minutes ago.

Boy, was I surprised.

Thrilled, though. Yeah.

HAYDEN: So, how do you think
the place looks?

I thought it looked okay before
we spent six hours cleaning it.

Well, I just want to make
3 good impression, you know.

You're going to make
such a good impression,

she's going to end up wanting to live here.
You just watch and see.

No. No. See,
that's out of the question.

This is going be
enough of an adjustment

without complicating matters
by living together.


That her?

White Mustang...

Oh, that's her.

Gosh. You know,
I got her that car for her 16th birthday.

Guess she must have
liked it, huh?

Oh, Luther,
would you look at her?

Look how grown up she is.

Hey, you don't need me.
I'll just duck out the back way.

No, come on.
I want you to meet her.

Fine, 'cause I just realized
there isn't a back way.

Well, well, well.
Look who's here.

Hello, Dad.


Hi, sweetheart.

Boy. Yeah.


Hey, welcome
to Minnesota, huh.

That's my friend,
Luther Van Dam.

Hi, Kelly.

Actually, we met along time
ago at a game in Louisville.

You probably don't remember.
You were only about 10 weeks old.

Oh! No. Don't remember.

You two have a lot to talk
about, I'll just...

Kelly, sure nice meeting you.
Hope I'll meet you again real... Sometime.

I'll catch you
at practice tomorrow, Hayden.


Hey, thanks, Luther.

Yeah, well, I asked Luther

to come on over and help me
kinda get the place in order.

I mean, it's such a mess,
with the season starting and everything.

Oh, no, it looks fine.

I like it.

Wow, Kelly.

You look wonderful.

You must have left some broken
hearts back there in Ohio, huh?

Just Mom's.


Hey, you want something
to drink?

Uh... No. Thanks, I'm fine.

Well, so where you
going to be staying?

Here, I hope.


We got plenty of room.

Well, actually, I wasn't sure
that would be such a good idea.

This is going to be enough of an
adjustment without complicating matters

by us living together.


Yeah, I hadn't
thought about that.

To tell you the truth,

I wasn't all that sure
you'd really want me here.

Wouldn't want you here?

Now wait a minute.
Didn't your mom tell you

how excited I was
about your coming?

She also told me

you sometimes say whatever
you think people want to hear.

Dad, I just didn't want to
come out and mess up your life.


I may not
have always shown it...

but the happiest day of my life,
was the day you came into it.

And now I'm back.



Oh, oh! Phone.

Oh, excuse me.
Probably a reporter.

Coach here.

Oh, what a surprise.

It's Christine.

She's a sportscaster
in Minneapolis.

We're friends.


Well, I was just
talking to my daughter Kelly.

She just arrived
just a little while ago.

Ah, four years.

Yeah. She's going to be going
to school here.


Oh, really? I would have loved
to have done that.

Tell you what.

It's her first night
and everything, though.

Can I take a rain check?

You know, I mean, if anything
changes, let me call you.


Okay, yeah. You, too.


Dad, if you want to go out
tonight, you should go.

No. I don't want
to go anywhere.

No, I mean, I don't expect you to change
your whole life just because I'm here.

Hey, changing my life
is no big deal.

I was not expecting
to do anything anyway.

Do you and Christine
see each other a lot?

Well, you know, I mean,

whenever schedules permit
we kinda...

Well, tonight they permit.

So, I really think
you should go out,

and I'll just go
back to the dorm.

Look, no,
wait a minute, Kelly.

Hey, hey. I was counting on
being with you tonight.

No, now you want to be with
Christine, and I understand that.

It's okay.
I'll see you tomorrow.

No, come on, Kelly...
I'm not going to be an intruder.

Well, you're not!

Well, I feel like it tonight,
so please let me go.

I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
We'll catch up then.

Come on, Kelly, wait!


but tomorrow for sure, huh?

Excuse me,

could you tell
Christine Armstrong

that Hayden Fox is downstairs
waiting for her?

Sure. Knock 'em dead
on Saturday, Coach.

Who do you play for?

Excuse me?

Who do you play football for?

I don't play football.

A big, strong guy like you
doesn't play football?


How come?

Too busy running track,
I guess.

You're a track man?


What do you run the 100 in?


Big, strong guy like you runs
the 100 in under 10 seconds?


What size thighs do you have?

Oh, no, hey, come on.

Hey, hi.
Hi, hello.

Hi, how are you?
I'm fine.

I hope
I didn't keep you waiting.

No, no.

I was just having a great
conversation with, you know...

It doesn't matter.

Well, I'm glad
you had a change in plans.

What are we doing?

Well, it's your call.

Now, we could go
out to dinner,

or we could go
back to my place and make it.

I'd like to go back to
your place and make it.

Lots of luck, lady.

Didn't you like it,
or were you just not hungry?

No, no, it's very good.

Really, I just...
l didn't want to get too full.


It's always so attractive when the
man you're with picks at his food

while you eat
yours and his both.

It's the pressure...

You know, the game coming up.

You know how I am
this time of year.

Do you want to talk about it?

Oh, man, I don't want
to spoil this evening.

I was actually thinking
it might save the evening.

Right, right.



I was thinking about
my daughter.

I thought you said you were
thinking about the game.

I lied.

Jeez. You want to
hear the rest of it?

This is really personal,
isn't it?

Yes, yes, of course.
Go ahead.

Well, I was just wondering what kind
of guy lam sometimes, that's all.

I mean, see, I could've made
Kelly stay this afternoon

if I'd wanted to,

but I got to tell you,
the truth is there's a part of me

that wanted to be here
with you tonight

and not with her.

I'm having a hard time telling
you that was a terrible thing.

Well, it's not terrible,
but it's selfish.

I mean, my whole life I figured
I was doing the right thing

by not, you know, being a part
of Kelly's life and everything.

But tell you, the truth is I just
didn't want to take the time.

And I don't know why time scares
me, but it does.

And then I got to thinking, well,
then, why did I get into coaching?

Because I really like it,

or because four years
is about all the time

I'm able to commit
to any one human being?

Okay, it's going deep enough.

Yeah, but I wasn't talking
about you!

Can I say something
really honest?


If you really have to.

Well, I wish I had made
Kelly stay this afternoon.

Boy, I know that is a lousy
thing to say to you, but...

Oh, no, Hayden...

you don't have to feel sorry for
feeling something for your daughter.

I'm not jealous.


In fact...

how's this for being honest?

You know, all those times I've
told you I found you really sexy?

Stalking the sideline
during the game,

or off in the den coming up with
some brilliant new strategy?


You're not nearly as sexy
as you are right now.



And now I have to leave you.

Well, you have to call
your daughter.

The wrong person
is hearing all of this.

Oh, Christine, come on.
Wait, huh?

Listen, I'll call my daughter,
you just clean up the kitchen.

I'll clean up the kitchen.

You just sit here
and drink some wine.

Not tonight, Hayden.

Oh, come on. Now wait a minute, Christine.
Now wait a second. Wait.

See, I don't think you realize

how much better
you have made me feel.

Oh, yeah.

I will see you
next time I'm in town.

Yes, I'm taking your car.

1 will leave it
parked discreetly

by the side street of the hotel.
No one will see it.

And you can ride your bike
in tomorrow.

My bike?
Yes, it will be good for you.

I have a feeling you're going to
have a lot of pent up energy to burn.

Call your daughter, Hayden...

Don't do this to me.
and clean your kitchen.

God, I want you.

Well, then, take me!

Practice just let out,
so you can wait here.


HAYDEN: They call that effort?

Well, I didn't see
any effort out there!

You tell them I want to
see "em in the study room

in two minutes!
No showers! Two minutes!

I mean, that is the most pathetic
excuse for a practice I've ever seen!



I called ahead to find out
when practice was over.

Just ended.

So I heard.

Gee, you know, I was trying
to get a hold of you earlier.

Did your roommate tell you
I called you last night?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
I didn't get back till late.

Yeah, well, see,
I was thinking

maybe we could have lunch or
something before classes start,

'cause there won't be
much time, you know, tomorrow.

Well, I don't think I'm going
to be going to classes tomorrow.

What do you mean?

Well, I...

I realized last night
when I thought about it...

that I wasn't being honest
about any of this.

Oh, great.

That's the one trait
you got from me.

It's just that...

You know, ...

I've been trying
to tell myself all along

that I was coming here to
study my dance and my music,

and it was just kind of
a neat coincidence

that you happened
to be here, too.

That's a lie.

I did come here
because of you.


I think I was expecting
something from you

that I had no right to expect.

You mean that I'd be a father

and be interested in you,

and think more about you
than about myself?

Yeah, that's a lot to ask.


I don't want you to leave.

I want you to stay.

And I'm not saying that because I
think it's what you want to hear,

but I'm saying it
because it's what I want.

Now, I know that's selfish,

but that's the kind of guy
I am.

And I know I don't have any
right to ask you this at all...

but would you give me
another chance?


Hi, Kelly, I didn't know you...

The team is...


Be right there, Luther.

Look here, sweetheart.

Don't make a decision yet,

Come on.
Just come on over here, sit down.

You know, take a second.
Just think about it.

I got to do this,

but I'll be right back.

All right?

You guys think you're ready
to play football Saturday?

You're not ready
to play volleyball!

If you're not going to
practice any harder than that,

then let's not
practice at all.

I don't need to practice.

I know what I'm doing.

If you don't have
any more pride

than you showed out there
today, then fine!

Let's just go out there
on Saturday,

and let's just see how
humiliated we all can be, huh?

Well, you're dismissed!

You don't want to be here

so just get the hell out!



So, what did you decide?

What, that was all for effect?

I mean...

How does anybody
take you seriously, huh?

I mean, how am I supposed to?

I am serious
about wanting you to stay.

And I'm serious
about wanting to change.

I'm not saying I can,

but I'm serious
about wanting to.

Well, if I stay,
I stay at the dorm.

No daughter of mine is going
to stay at "the market".

Then I'm not staying.
So, stay at the dorm.

lam just terrible at this.

But, I know
I can get better.

You'll see, huh?

A guy can change, Kelly.

Even a son of a bitch
like me.

Hey, Coach...
I'm having a hug here, pal.

You want to wait a minute?