Charmed (1998–2006): Season 6, Episode 9 - Little Monsters - full transcript
The Sisters kill a Manticore...and find her baby. While trying to decide what to do with the human-looking infant demon, they have to fight other Manticores and a mysterious Beast. Also, Paige 'helps' Darryl out, magically.
Pardon me.
Hi. Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Oh, no, no, please.
Never apologize for a kiss, signora.
Especially for one like that.
Uh, '95 Brunello di Montalcino.
Great. Decant it, please.
Of course.
Oh, wow, is that embarrassing.
You heard what the man said.
Never apologize.
-I'm so happy for you.
-Yeah, I still can't believe it.
Really, I've wanted to buy my
grandad's winery ever since he lost it.
I just hope he knows that somehow.
Believe me, he does.
You talk as if you have
inside information.
Well, maybe I do.
You are special, Phoebe.
I love you too.
-I'm sorry?
-Who said that?
-Did you say "too"?
I just said "you" twice.
I said, "I love you, you."
Isn't that what I said? Oh, God.
Daniel, table three.
WAITER 2: Let me take care of this.
-Oh, thanks. Thanks. It's weird how...
PAIGE: I am so sorry to interrupt,
but Piper's kind of got a bit of,
um, a power problem.
She kind of needs some more.
Why doesn't she just call
the power company?
Tried, and the line is busy.
So if you could come, like, right now,
she'd really love it.
Oh. Oh, please don't use that word.
Please don't use that word.
Okay, all right, so I should go.
-And we will, you know...
Talk, yeah.
I'm so sorry.
-I'll get that for you.
PHOEBE: Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
PAIGE: Okay.
Ooh, the stuffed shells,
great choice.
Okay, bye, everyone.
-Okay, let's vanquish this demon.
Something beat us to the punch.
-Ew, what is it doing?
-Apparently, eating the demon.
Or storing it.
-What is it?
-I don't know,
and I don't wanna find out.
Let's get out of here.
Paige, do something.
Power line!
PHOEBE: You all right?
PAIGE: Yeah.
-You okay?
I still can't believe
we vanquished its mommy.
Yeah, but we didn't know
it was a mommy.
-And besides, Mommy tried to kill us.
-I know. Still, look at how cute he is.
So adorable.
Oh, except when he does
that weird little thing with his tongue.
-I wonder why he looks so human.
-I don't know, but he won't for long.
Okay, Wyatt's upstairs,
so at least he's...
Don't worry about him,
he's got his protective bubble.
-He'll use it if he needs it.
-It looks like he likes his new friend.
-That is not a friend. That's a demon.
-No, he's just a baby.
Excuse me, were you
at the same vanquish as me?
Because it took all three of us
to stop its mother.
It doesn't mean he'll
turn out that way.
-He doesn't have a choice, it's genetic.
-No, I don't think so.
Okay, maybe I'm a little biased
because I am, in fact, adopted,
but I think there's something to
the whole nurture-versus-nature thing
in predicting how a kid
is gonna turn out.
You know, the classic
environment-versus-biology argument.
But this is not a child, it's a demon.
Okay, why don't you go over there
and see if you can sense anything evil.
All right.
Nothing, good or evil.
My point exactly.
Clay to be molded.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
Still, the question remains,
what are we supposed to do with him?
-So did you vanquish the demon?
-Yes and no.
Well, the good news is the demon
you sent us after is, in fact, gone.
And the bad new is,
is whatever ate it, left us that.
-Ooh. I think it likes you.
-I don't care. Vanquish it.
-I mean it. Now.
No, we are not vanquishing a baby.
What's wrong with you?
I'm concerned that this could be
the evil that gets to Wyatt.
-Don't be ridiculous.
-What? I'm being ridiculous?
There is a demon in the playpen.
I'll get it.
Hey, if it's Jason,
tell him I'm in the shower.
Are you avoiding him?
Uh, kind of. I, um, sort of told him
that I loved him last night.
Oh, and this is bad?
No, except I said, "I love you too."
As if he said "I love you" first,
which he didn't.
So wait, you told him that he loves you
-before he told you that he loves you?
-Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
-Yeah, that's not good.
I'll be lucky if he doesn't move
to Hong Kong permanently now.
I really thought I had
my empath power under control.
-Forget that. What are you gonna do?
-What am I supposed to do?
I mean, you tell a guy
that you love them, and they bolt.
-It's just what they do.
CHRIS: About the baby.
I meant the baby.
We gotta do something.
I can't hear you, Darryl. Speak up.
I know I've never asked before,
but I'm asking now.
I need help on this one.
-All right, what's going on?
This stupid kid, and he's got hostages.
Only, I know him.
And he wouldn't hurt anybody,
but I'm running out of time
to talk him down.
SWAT's ready to move in.
I don't wanna lose him, Paige.
All right. All right.
I'm coming. Okay.
Hold your horses.
Where's Wyatt? Where is he?
Look, look. Wait, listen.
Where's Wyatt? There he is.
Look, look, look.
Where's Wyatt? Where's Wyatt?
There he is.
-All right.
-Distracting him is not the answer.
Wyatt? Bad demon.
Very bad demon.
-Hey, was that Jason?
-No, that was my raison d'être.
-That was Darryl.
I've been wondering why
the temp agency didn't call,
and now I know why.
I needed to be free to help him.
To do what?
Well, to save an innocent.
Why else would he have called?
And, more importantly,
why else would I have been the one
to answer the phone?
Because you were the closest to it?
No. Because it's my reason
for being. Call me if you need help.
-What, you're just gonna let her go?
-You're welcome to try and stop her.
You know, I should go talk to Jason.
-And her too.
CHRIS: Wait, stop.
Where are you going? Aren't you
concerned there's a demon here?
Chris, this is a baby, okay? Relax.
And you, call me
if you need anything.
-Love you too.
CHRIS: And you're okay with this?
Them dumping this on your lap?
-Well, they don't seem too worried.
-Well, they should be.
I need to figure out what kind of
creature we're dealing with here.
PHOEBE: Hey, is he in?
I mean, yes, he is,
but he asked not to be disturbed.
Yeah, but that
can't possibly mean me.
Actually, it specifically means you.
Sorry. You guys have a fight?
No, but we're about to.
Listen, Jas...
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Phoebe, what are you doing?
I didn't know you were in a meeting.
Yeah, that's why the door
was closed.
Really? Because I was told the door
was closed specifically for me.
-I didn't know you spoke Italian.
How come I didn't know
you speak Italian?
-Is that what you came here to ask?
No, of course not.
I just wanted to talk about last night.
Okay, fine, but can we do it later?
I'm in the middle of
a very important meeting right now.
Of course, yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
-So how about tonight?
Tonight's not good.
I'm flying to Rome.
-Wait, what?
-I was meaning to tell you.
It just... It just came up.
Really? When?
-Right after I told you I loved you?
-Oh, come on.
I've heard of guys running
when they hear the I word,
but all the way to Italy?
That's gotta be a new record.
Could you keep
your voice down, please?
It's got nothing to do with that.
That's a crock. We both know
how you really feel about me.
The only difference is, I'm the
only one who's not afraid of it. Ciao.
CHRIS: "Vicious demons
with supernatural strength
and venomous claws,
Manticores communicate
in high-pitched cries
and tend to travel in packs."
Great. Well, I say
we get rid of the little brat
before the pack
comes looking for him.
Okay, fine. What do you suggest
we do with him, call social services?
No, I suggest you vanquish it.
Chris, I'm a mother.
I can't go around vanquishing babies,
no matter how evil they are.
It's not how evil he is,
it's how evil he's gonna be.
You gotta stop looking at him
as a little baby
and start looking at him
as an unstoppable killing machine.
-Because that's what he is.
-I realize that, but still.
"But still" nothing. You're supposed
to protect the innocents, right?
Well, think of all the future innocents
you can save
-by vanquishing him right now.
-Don't you think I know that?
I'm scared to death of what
he could do to Wyatt,
but I can't even separate them.
Piper, there's one thing
you can do, and you know it.
And you better do it fast,
before any other Manticores show up.
There's no known
vanquishing potion.
I just can't do it.
Well, if you won't listen to me,
maybe you'll listen to Leo.
MAN 1: Okay, move.
MAN 2: Move out, move out.
We're in position, lieutenant.
We've got a clean shot.
We've got you covered. Go, go!
Darryl! Darryl, over here.
-Stand by.
MAN [OVER RADIO]: We copy.
It's okay, let her through.
-What took you so long?
-I would have orbed here,
but it could have been more magic
than you had in mind.
I'm not sure what you
could've done anyway.
He's not letting the hostages go,
and SWAT's ready to move in.
Well, forget that. I'm not giving up.
This is my raison d'être.
-Excuse me?
-Listen, I came to help,
that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
So, you know, what do you need?
I don't know, if I could just
talk to the kid without getting shot.
I think I have the perfect spell
for this.
Spell? What spell?
Just go with me, okay?
Blessed with powers from my destiny
I bless this hero with invincibility
-How do you feel?
Feels good.
-All right. Go get him, tough guy.
Feels good. Yeah.
OFFICER 1: Hey, where's he going?
OFFICER 2: Negotiating?
You better stand down.
He's walking right in there.
Lieutenant, what are you doing?
DARRYL: I got it. Don't worry.
OFFICER 5: Watch his back.
Hold your fire.
Hey, turn around! Get out of here!
I swear to God, man, I'll shoot!
I'll shoot you, man!
I swear to God, I'll do it!
Put your gun down, son.
I just wanna talk.
That's okay. Hold your fire.
I'm going in.
Leo, I have been looking
everywhere for you.
-What are you doing up here?
-Communing with the others.
-Can anyone see us?
-Not me.
But you look like a lunatic,
standing up here talking to yourself.
-What do you want?
-It's about Piper.
-Is she all right?
-Yeah, she's fine, don't worry.
-It's Wyatt I'm worried about.
-What happened?
Well, nothing yet.
Out of curiosity, what's the elders'
policy on vanquishing demon babies?
-No reason.
There's just one playing with Wyatt
as we speak.
Okay, listen to me, you will not
orb down to your little friend.
Do you understand me?
No orbing.
I give up.
Whoo, I have had it with men.
They are incorrigible.
Let me tell you,
little boys are not much better.
I mean, I could understand running
if he didn't love me back, you know?
Fight or flight.
It's the nature of the beast.
-Speaking of that...
-But he does love me.
I know. I felt it, you know?
So, what's the big deal, you know?
Why is he running?
Well, if it makes you
feel any better,
you probably won't be alive
much longer to worry about it.
Thank you, yes, that makes me feel
so much better.
I'm just saying, if this doesn't work,
we can't vanquish the Manticores
when they come to get their little one.
-Oh, you figured out what they are?
-Yeah, and it's not good, believe me.
So maybe Chris is right.
Yeah, I know, but I can't.
Piper, you said it yourself,
he was born evil.
I know, and I still believe that, I do.
But something just doesn't
add up about him.
I mean, why isn't Wyatt
using his protective shield?
Why doesn't Wyatt think he's evil?
Well, we gotta keep Wyatt
away from him. That's for sure.
-Phoebe, wait.
-You stay away from my nephew.
And don't shimmer after him either,
or I'll bind your powers.
Phoebe, hurry, put him back down!
What? Okay.
-That's why.
Hey! You get away from my kid.
I feel really bad that I wasn't there
to help you earlier.
Oh, I don't think you could've helped
even if you were there. Thanks.
That thing was just as powerful
as the Manticore.
Are you sure it wasn't a Manticore?
Yeah, I'm positive. It was more,
I don't know, like, beast-like.
What do you think it wanted
with the baby?
I don't know,
but I think it's really weird
that it showed up right after
the baby started crying, you know?
As if it could hear him.
Maybe we can get the baby to cry
and lure the beast here
and torture him
into coughing up Piper.
It's a great idea,
but we don't have a potion yet.
I can't believe I can't find Piper.
Okay, let me get started
on the potion.
Good news is, if he wanted to kill Piper
by now, he probably would have.
And undoubtedly, he's holding her
hostage somewhere,
probably magically cloaked.
I think he's gonna use her as leverage
to get that baby, just you watch.
Since when did you become an expert
on hostage situations?
About an hour ago.
-Shh, shh. Keep it down.
Don't wake the baby, trust me.
-Where's Piper?
-That's a really good question.
-She's missing?
-Did the Manticores take her?
No, some other creature
that wanted the baby.
You should've listened to me
and vanquished him earlier.
It's good that we didn't, because
we'll need him to get Piper back.
You guys, shh,
keep your voices down.
PAIGE: I am not convinced that
that baby is inherently evil,
which means he's probably
not even responsible for any of this.
Oh, come on.
Will you please talk to her?
Not everyone is born morally neutral,
especially not demons.
They're predisposed to evil.
Predisposed, but it doesn't mean
they can't be raised to overcome it.
You can't predict whether a kid will be
good or evil based on his genetics.
We're not talking about kids,
we're talking about demons.
No, we are talking about
a demon kid,
who so far has played
nothing but nice with Wyatt.
Okay, this is all irrelevant.
We need the baby to find Piper,
so let's just focus on that, shall we?
She's right, but I think I should
take Wyatt just to be on the safe side.
What if the other baby wakes up?
They won't be able
to follow me where I'm going.
-It's gonna scream bloody murder
and call half the Manticores
in the city to come save it.
-Maybe the beast too.
-We have to be prepared.
Okay, go, just quietly.
Let's get started on that potion.
Hello? Who's there?
I want the child.
-Who are you?
-I want the child!
Yeah, I heard you the first time.
Look, if you're trying to scare me,
it's not gonna work,
because I've seen worse, really.
I doubt it.
I don't want to hurt you,
but I will if you don't do as I ask.
Who are you kidding?
You need me.
-Otherwise I'd be dead already.
-Don't mock me!
Okay. Easy, easy. Sorry.
You're not a Manticore, are you?
So why do you want
the kid anyway?
-That's not your concern.
-Well, it is if you want my help.
I'm not just gonna serve him up to you
as a snack.
That's not why I want him.
How'd you get him away
from his mother anyway?
We vanquished her.
You have no idea what you've done.
We got a baby away from a demon,
and I'm not gonna give him up
to another one.
-Then you'll die!
-The hell I will.
-Any sign of the lieutenant?
MAN [OVER RADIO]: Negative.
All right, we give him five more
minutes to talk him out, then we'll...
Hold your fire, hold your fire.
Don't shoot, they're hostages!
This way, ma'am.
OFFICER 3: Where's the lieutenant?
I don't see the lieutenant.
OFFICER 4: Come on,
outside the wall, ma'am, please.
No sweat, I got it.
This lieutenant's on the job.
Kicking butt and taking names.
Yeah, that's right. That's me.
I got it. No sweat.
Yeah, give me five, give me five.
Give me some skin. How you doing?
-You looking good, Tim.
TIM: Not as good as you, lieutenant.
No problem, no sweat.
MAN: Nice cuff, boss.
-How'd you do it, man?
How did those bullets
bounce off you like that?
DARRYL: Because I'm a badass,
that's why, punk.
What the hell was that?
Shut up.
What the hell are you, man?
Last chance.
Help me get the child or die.
What are you doing with this?
What is the matter with you?
Do you have a death wish?
I've come too far. I've gone through
too much to lose him now.
Don't make me kill you!
Why don't you just do it?
What are you waiting for?
Get it over with.
I can do worse than kill you.
I can keep you here.
You'll never see your child again.
Think about it.
Well, can't think
of anything else to add.
It's the most powerful potion
we've ever made.
I agree.
I guess it's time to wake up the baby.
-Hey, it's me.
Oh, hey, Jason.
I, uh...
I didn't wanna leave like this.
I can't really talk right now.
-I'm kind of busy.
JASON [OVER PHONE]: Oh, really?
Come on, Phoebe. Why do you always
have to make things so difficult?
Oh, I make things so difficult?
And how exactly do I do that?
By being honest with my feelings?
And by making you
be honest with yours?
You know it's not that simple.
Okay, I really have to go now.
-Phoebe, wait...
-Have a good flight.
Toss me a vial.
-Paige, you okay?
Phoebe, get the vial.
So much for our leverage.
You're okay.
It's all right, you're home now.
-This had better work.
PHOEBE: Oh, it will.
We just got back from talking
to the elders. They agree.
-If we can't return the baby safely...
-We'll vanquish it.
-Talk about your moot points, people.
-What's that supposed to mean?
Well, do you notice
anything missing?
-The baby?
-What happened?
The beast took him, right after
the Manticores kicked our asses.
This is all Jason's fault.
-How's that?
-Oh, you're a guy. You wouldn't get it.
Wait, how are we supposed to
get back Piper if we don't have a baby?
We're gonna try to have another
get-together with the Manticores,
see if we can't strike
some sort of deal.
If we can join forces to kill the beast,
then they can get their baby back.
And we get our sister back.
And what if they
don't wanna join forces?
Well, then we hope we have enough of
these fancy little things to go around.
-No. No way. It's too risky.
-Well, blood is thicker than water.
Well, quit moving around so much,
you're just making this more difficult.
Just leave me alone.
Why, so you can die?
Hey, it's your choice. I'm just saying,
if we can't stop this bleeding...
-Fine, whatever, just hurry up.
-You're welcome.
-Who did this to you?
-Your sisters.
Oh, sorry.
Actually, if they used the potion
I think they did, you're lucky to be alive.
You should've been blown to pieces.
-How do you know?
-Well, because I made it.
Oh, come on, show a little spine.
What kind of demon are you?
I'm not a demon.
Then what are you?
I saw a picture of a man
in the bedroom.
Oh, come on.
I've been around a lot of demons,
and they don't usually
live in neighborhoods
right out of Home & Garden.
Is that why you're helping me?
You think this is some sort of
hideous curse or something?
Yeah, basically.
Well, then go. I don't need your pity.
That's not what happened,
and that's not who I am.
Not anymore anyway.
Just leave us. Go.
Us? You mean, you and your son?
What happened?
Manticores mate with humans
to create hybrids
so they can blend in,
hide in plain sight.
They kill their mates after conception,
but I got away.
Ever since, all I could think about
was saving my son
so he wouldn't have to be
raised like one of them.
The only chance I had to do that
was to turn myself into this.
To become powerful.
But, um, how?
I just started mixing potions,
using whatever I could
steal from them.
I didn't know what I was doing,
but I didn't care.
All I cared about was finding a way
to fight them. To find him.
I didn't care what happened to me.
I just wanted my son.
You know they're gonna try
and take him back.
I know.
So let's get you fixed up
so we can fight them together.
Sorry to interrupt.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Do you think we have
enough potion?
So who wants to go hunting with us?
This is gonna be a little cold.
The bleeding's not stopping.
You should come home with me
and we can do more there.
No, I can't.
-If you're worried about my sisters...
-It's not your sisters I'm worried about.
It's the Manticores.
They'll be looking for me there.
-They'll be looking for him there.
-You don't understand,
we have somebody who can heal you
once we turn you back into...
You can't turn me back.
No one can.
Not unless I die.
So how are you planning
on raising your son?
I wasn't. I figured I'd find someone.
All I cared about was saving him.
That's exactly what
I'm gonna keep on doing.
You can't run forever, you know.
Not for long. Not with that.
And who's gonna save him
when you're dead?
You have a way with words,
you know that?
I ad lib a lot.
Piper, duck!
What are you doing?
-Let's get her out of here.
-No, wait...
-What the hell are you doing?
-Saving your life.
No, no, no. You don't understand.
We have to go back. Hurry!
Oh, no.
Leo, we need you.
Hurry, he's dying.
-Who is he?
PHOEBE: The beast. Heal, heal, hurry.
CHRIS: Where's the baby?
PAIGE: The Manticores have him.
-Oh, so the plan worked.
-Yeah, a little too well.
-Now we have to get the baby back.
Paige, will you fill up
some potion vials, please?
-Lots of them.
Hold up, are you serious?
You get rid of the demon child,
now you wanna get it back?
He's not a demon child.
-That's my son.
-How you feeling? Are you all right?
-I can't believe I'm human again.
-Aren't you glad you didn't kill me?
-Not funny. I don't think that's funny.
What, are you two
on, like, the same team now?
We're gonna get your baby back.
I promise.
-Do we not have a say in this?
LEO: No.
We don't. One thing you gotta learn
about being their whitelighter
is once they make up
their mind, that's it.
Besides, I'm a father first.
So we're gonna have to separate
the baby before we attack.
-You know that, right?
Well, because the potion
vanquishes Manticores,
and your son is half Manticore.
-I see him.
PHOEBE: Let's just hope he sees you
-before they see us.
-Should I just orb the baby to us?
No, he'll probably just shimmer back,
and then we'll be in trouble.
This is gonna work.
Hurry, hurry.
Watch. Peekaboo.
You can do it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, you can do it.
You're okay.
Good job.
So much for nature
being more important than nurture.
Here are some clothes and a stroller.
-You sure you don't mind?
-No, not at all.
Wyatt has outgrown it all,
and I don't see myself
having more kids any time soon,
-so enjoy.
For everything. I just...
I wish there was something
I could do for you.
Well, you could tell us your name.
PAIGE: I mean, unless
you prefer being called "the beast."
Derek. My name's Derek.
It's nice to meet you, Derek.
What's his name?
I never gave him one, actually.
I never... I never had the chance.
Well, now you do.
Well, I guess I should be going.
That is, if I can pry him
away from Wyatt.
Yeah, good luck.
That is cute.
I'll get it.
You know, if you ever need us
to bind his powers...
No, thanks. That's really sweet,
but it's not necessary.
I mean, he's a good boy, so it's just up
to me to make sure he stays that way.
In that case, he's in good hands.
Well, take care.
You too.
What? What'd you do?
I kind of forgot to reverse the spell
I put on Darryl.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were on a plane.
I canceled the flight.
I mean, it is my plane.
-What about the winery?
-It'll be there in the morning.
I just wasn't sure
whether you would be.
And I didn't wanna take the risk.
You were right.
I was running, but not
for the reasons that you think.
I am not afraid
of how I feel about you.
It doesn't scare me one bit.
Then why?
It's a little unnerving to have somebody
tell you how you feel all the time
before you know it yourself.
I know.
-I'm sorry.
-You do that a lot too.
You're very intuitive.
It's pretty amazing, actually.
It's a real gift.
Yeah, well, sometimes
it can be a curse too.
Tell me about it.
Look, all I'm saying is that I'd like
to be able to express my own feelings
in my own time from now on.
If that's all right with you.
-It's perfectly okay.
So while we're on the subject... do you feel about me?
I love you too.
Pardon me.
Hi. Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Oh, no, no, please.
Never apologize for a kiss, signora.
Especially for one like that.
Uh, '95 Brunello di Montalcino.
Great. Decant it, please.
Of course.
Oh, wow, is that embarrassing.
You heard what the man said.
Never apologize.
-I'm so happy for you.
-Yeah, I still can't believe it.
Really, I've wanted to buy my
grandad's winery ever since he lost it.
I just hope he knows that somehow.
Believe me, he does.
You talk as if you have
inside information.
Well, maybe I do.
You are special, Phoebe.
I love you too.
-I'm sorry?
-Who said that?
-Did you say "too"?
I just said "you" twice.
I said, "I love you, you."
Isn't that what I said? Oh, God.
Daniel, table three.
WAITER 2: Let me take care of this.
-Oh, thanks. Thanks. It's weird how...
PAIGE: I am so sorry to interrupt,
but Piper's kind of got a bit of,
um, a power problem.
She kind of needs some more.
Why doesn't she just call
the power company?
Tried, and the line is busy.
So if you could come, like, right now,
she'd really love it.
Oh. Oh, please don't use that word.
Please don't use that word.
Okay, all right, so I should go.
-And we will, you know...
Talk, yeah.
I'm so sorry.
-I'll get that for you.
PHOEBE: Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
PAIGE: Okay.
Ooh, the stuffed shells,
great choice.
Okay, bye, everyone.
-Okay, let's vanquish this demon.
Something beat us to the punch.
-Ew, what is it doing?
-Apparently, eating the demon.
Or storing it.
-What is it?
-I don't know,
and I don't wanna find out.
Let's get out of here.
Paige, do something.
Power line!
PHOEBE: You all right?
PAIGE: Yeah.
-You okay?
I still can't believe
we vanquished its mommy.
Yeah, but we didn't know
it was a mommy.
-And besides, Mommy tried to kill us.
-I know. Still, look at how cute he is.
So adorable.
Oh, except when he does
that weird little thing with his tongue.
-I wonder why he looks so human.
-I don't know, but he won't for long.
Okay, Wyatt's upstairs,
so at least he's...
Don't worry about him,
he's got his protective bubble.
-He'll use it if he needs it.
-It looks like he likes his new friend.
-That is not a friend. That's a demon.
-No, he's just a baby.
Excuse me, were you
at the same vanquish as me?
Because it took all three of us
to stop its mother.
It doesn't mean he'll
turn out that way.
-He doesn't have a choice, it's genetic.
-No, I don't think so.
Okay, maybe I'm a little biased
because I am, in fact, adopted,
but I think there's something to
the whole nurture-versus-nature thing
in predicting how a kid
is gonna turn out.
You know, the classic
environment-versus-biology argument.
But this is not a child, it's a demon.
Okay, why don't you go over there
and see if you can sense anything evil.
All right.
Nothing, good or evil.
My point exactly.
Clay to be molded.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
Still, the question remains,
what are we supposed to do with him?
-So did you vanquish the demon?
-Yes and no.
Well, the good news is the demon
you sent us after is, in fact, gone.
And the bad new is,
is whatever ate it, left us that.
-Ooh. I think it likes you.
-I don't care. Vanquish it.
-I mean it. Now.
No, we are not vanquishing a baby.
What's wrong with you?
I'm concerned that this could be
the evil that gets to Wyatt.
-Don't be ridiculous.
-What? I'm being ridiculous?
There is a demon in the playpen.
I'll get it.
Hey, if it's Jason,
tell him I'm in the shower.
Are you avoiding him?
Uh, kind of. I, um, sort of told him
that I loved him last night.
Oh, and this is bad?
No, except I said, "I love you too."
As if he said "I love you" first,
which he didn't.
So wait, you told him that he loves you
-before he told you that he loves you?
-Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
-Yeah, that's not good.
I'll be lucky if he doesn't move
to Hong Kong permanently now.
I really thought I had
my empath power under control.
-Forget that. What are you gonna do?
-What am I supposed to do?
I mean, you tell a guy
that you love them, and they bolt.
-It's just what they do.
CHRIS: About the baby.
I meant the baby.
We gotta do something.
I can't hear you, Darryl. Speak up.
I know I've never asked before,
but I'm asking now.
I need help on this one.
-All right, what's going on?
This stupid kid, and he's got hostages.
Only, I know him.
And he wouldn't hurt anybody,
but I'm running out of time
to talk him down.
SWAT's ready to move in.
I don't wanna lose him, Paige.
All right. All right.
I'm coming. Okay.
Hold your horses.
Where's Wyatt? Where is he?
Look, look. Wait, listen.
Where's Wyatt? There he is.
Look, look, look.
Where's Wyatt? Where's Wyatt?
There he is.
-All right.
-Distracting him is not the answer.
Wyatt? Bad demon.
Very bad demon.
-Hey, was that Jason?
-No, that was my raison d'être.
-That was Darryl.
I've been wondering why
the temp agency didn't call,
and now I know why.
I needed to be free to help him.
To do what?
Well, to save an innocent.
Why else would he have called?
And, more importantly,
why else would I have been the one
to answer the phone?
Because you were the closest to it?
No. Because it's my reason
for being. Call me if you need help.
-What, you're just gonna let her go?
-You're welcome to try and stop her.
You know, I should go talk to Jason.
-And her too.
CHRIS: Wait, stop.
Where are you going? Aren't you
concerned there's a demon here?
Chris, this is a baby, okay? Relax.
And you, call me
if you need anything.
-Love you too.
CHRIS: And you're okay with this?
Them dumping this on your lap?
-Well, they don't seem too worried.
-Well, they should be.
I need to figure out what kind of
creature we're dealing with here.
PHOEBE: Hey, is he in?
I mean, yes, he is,
but he asked not to be disturbed.
Yeah, but that
can't possibly mean me.
Actually, it specifically means you.
Sorry. You guys have a fight?
No, but we're about to.
Listen, Jas...
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Phoebe, what are you doing?
I didn't know you were in a meeting.
Yeah, that's why the door
was closed.
Really? Because I was told the door
was closed specifically for me.
-I didn't know you spoke Italian.
How come I didn't know
you speak Italian?
-Is that what you came here to ask?
No, of course not.
I just wanted to talk about last night.
Okay, fine, but can we do it later?
I'm in the middle of
a very important meeting right now.
Of course, yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
-So how about tonight?
Tonight's not good.
I'm flying to Rome.
-Wait, what?
-I was meaning to tell you.
It just... It just came up.
Really? When?
-Right after I told you I loved you?
-Oh, come on.
I've heard of guys running
when they hear the I word,
but all the way to Italy?
That's gotta be a new record.
Could you keep
your voice down, please?
It's got nothing to do with that.
That's a crock. We both know
how you really feel about me.
The only difference is, I'm the
only one who's not afraid of it. Ciao.
CHRIS: "Vicious demons
with supernatural strength
and venomous claws,
Manticores communicate
in high-pitched cries
and tend to travel in packs."
Great. Well, I say
we get rid of the little brat
before the pack
comes looking for him.
Okay, fine. What do you suggest
we do with him, call social services?
No, I suggest you vanquish it.
Chris, I'm a mother.
I can't go around vanquishing babies,
no matter how evil they are.
It's not how evil he is,
it's how evil he's gonna be.
You gotta stop looking at him
as a little baby
and start looking at him
as an unstoppable killing machine.
-Because that's what he is.
-I realize that, but still.
"But still" nothing. You're supposed
to protect the innocents, right?
Well, think of all the future innocents
you can save
-by vanquishing him right now.
-Don't you think I know that?
I'm scared to death of what
he could do to Wyatt,
but I can't even separate them.
Piper, there's one thing
you can do, and you know it.
And you better do it fast,
before any other Manticores show up.
There's no known
vanquishing potion.
I just can't do it.
Well, if you won't listen to me,
maybe you'll listen to Leo.
MAN 1: Okay, move.
MAN 2: Move out, move out.
We're in position, lieutenant.
We've got a clean shot.
We've got you covered. Go, go!
Darryl! Darryl, over here.
-Stand by.
MAN [OVER RADIO]: We copy.
It's okay, let her through.
-What took you so long?
-I would have orbed here,
but it could have been more magic
than you had in mind.
I'm not sure what you
could've done anyway.
He's not letting the hostages go,
and SWAT's ready to move in.
Well, forget that. I'm not giving up.
This is my raison d'être.
-Excuse me?
-Listen, I came to help,
that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
So, you know, what do you need?
I don't know, if I could just
talk to the kid without getting shot.
I think I have the perfect spell
for this.
Spell? What spell?
Just go with me, okay?
Blessed with powers from my destiny
I bless this hero with invincibility
-How do you feel?
Feels good.
-All right. Go get him, tough guy.
Feels good. Yeah.
OFFICER 1: Hey, where's he going?
OFFICER 2: Negotiating?
You better stand down.
He's walking right in there.
Lieutenant, what are you doing?
DARRYL: I got it. Don't worry.
OFFICER 5: Watch his back.
Hold your fire.
Hey, turn around! Get out of here!
I swear to God, man, I'll shoot!
I'll shoot you, man!
I swear to God, I'll do it!
Put your gun down, son.
I just wanna talk.
That's okay. Hold your fire.
I'm going in.
Leo, I have been looking
everywhere for you.
-What are you doing up here?
-Communing with the others.
-Can anyone see us?
-Not me.
But you look like a lunatic,
standing up here talking to yourself.
-What do you want?
-It's about Piper.
-Is she all right?
-Yeah, she's fine, don't worry.
-It's Wyatt I'm worried about.
-What happened?
Well, nothing yet.
Out of curiosity, what's the elders'
policy on vanquishing demon babies?
-No reason.
There's just one playing with Wyatt
as we speak.
Okay, listen to me, you will not
orb down to your little friend.
Do you understand me?
No orbing.
I give up.
Whoo, I have had it with men.
They are incorrigible.
Let me tell you,
little boys are not much better.
I mean, I could understand running
if he didn't love me back, you know?
Fight or flight.
It's the nature of the beast.
-Speaking of that...
-But he does love me.
I know. I felt it, you know?
So, what's the big deal, you know?
Why is he running?
Well, if it makes you
feel any better,
you probably won't be alive
much longer to worry about it.
Thank you, yes, that makes me feel
so much better.
I'm just saying, if this doesn't work,
we can't vanquish the Manticores
when they come to get their little one.
-Oh, you figured out what they are?
-Yeah, and it's not good, believe me.
So maybe Chris is right.
Yeah, I know, but I can't.
Piper, you said it yourself,
he was born evil.
I know, and I still believe that, I do.
But something just doesn't
add up about him.
I mean, why isn't Wyatt
using his protective shield?
Why doesn't Wyatt think he's evil?
Well, we gotta keep Wyatt
away from him. That's for sure.
-Phoebe, wait.
-You stay away from my nephew.
And don't shimmer after him either,
or I'll bind your powers.
Phoebe, hurry, put him back down!
What? Okay.
-That's why.
Hey! You get away from my kid.
I feel really bad that I wasn't there
to help you earlier.
Oh, I don't think you could've helped
even if you were there. Thanks.
That thing was just as powerful
as the Manticore.
Are you sure it wasn't a Manticore?
Yeah, I'm positive. It was more,
I don't know, like, beast-like.
What do you think it wanted
with the baby?
I don't know,
but I think it's really weird
that it showed up right after
the baby started crying, you know?
As if it could hear him.
Maybe we can get the baby to cry
and lure the beast here
and torture him
into coughing up Piper.
It's a great idea,
but we don't have a potion yet.
I can't believe I can't find Piper.
Okay, let me get started
on the potion.
Good news is, if he wanted to kill Piper
by now, he probably would have.
And undoubtedly, he's holding her
hostage somewhere,
probably magically cloaked.
I think he's gonna use her as leverage
to get that baby, just you watch.
Since when did you become an expert
on hostage situations?
About an hour ago.
-Shh, shh. Keep it down.
Don't wake the baby, trust me.
-Where's Piper?
-That's a really good question.
-She's missing?
-Did the Manticores take her?
No, some other creature
that wanted the baby.
You should've listened to me
and vanquished him earlier.
It's good that we didn't, because
we'll need him to get Piper back.
You guys, shh,
keep your voices down.
PAIGE: I am not convinced that
that baby is inherently evil,
which means he's probably
not even responsible for any of this.
Oh, come on.
Will you please talk to her?
Not everyone is born morally neutral,
especially not demons.
They're predisposed to evil.
Predisposed, but it doesn't mean
they can't be raised to overcome it.
You can't predict whether a kid will be
good or evil based on his genetics.
We're not talking about kids,
we're talking about demons.
No, we are talking about
a demon kid,
who so far has played
nothing but nice with Wyatt.
Okay, this is all irrelevant.
We need the baby to find Piper,
so let's just focus on that, shall we?
She's right, but I think I should
take Wyatt just to be on the safe side.
What if the other baby wakes up?
They won't be able
to follow me where I'm going.
-It's gonna scream bloody murder
and call half the Manticores
in the city to come save it.
-Maybe the beast too.
-We have to be prepared.
Okay, go, just quietly.
Let's get started on that potion.
Hello? Who's there?
I want the child.
-Who are you?
-I want the child!
Yeah, I heard you the first time.
Look, if you're trying to scare me,
it's not gonna work,
because I've seen worse, really.
I doubt it.
I don't want to hurt you,
but I will if you don't do as I ask.
Who are you kidding?
You need me.
-Otherwise I'd be dead already.
-Don't mock me!
Okay. Easy, easy. Sorry.
You're not a Manticore, are you?
So why do you want
the kid anyway?
-That's not your concern.
-Well, it is if you want my help.
I'm not just gonna serve him up to you
as a snack.
That's not why I want him.
How'd you get him away
from his mother anyway?
We vanquished her.
You have no idea what you've done.
We got a baby away from a demon,
and I'm not gonna give him up
to another one.
-Then you'll die!
-The hell I will.
-Any sign of the lieutenant?
MAN [OVER RADIO]: Negative.
All right, we give him five more
minutes to talk him out, then we'll...
Hold your fire, hold your fire.
Don't shoot, they're hostages!
This way, ma'am.
OFFICER 3: Where's the lieutenant?
I don't see the lieutenant.
OFFICER 4: Come on,
outside the wall, ma'am, please.
No sweat, I got it.
This lieutenant's on the job.
Kicking butt and taking names.
Yeah, that's right. That's me.
I got it. No sweat.
Yeah, give me five, give me five.
Give me some skin. How you doing?
-You looking good, Tim.
TIM: Not as good as you, lieutenant.
No problem, no sweat.
MAN: Nice cuff, boss.
-How'd you do it, man?
How did those bullets
bounce off you like that?
DARRYL: Because I'm a badass,
that's why, punk.
What the hell was that?
Shut up.
What the hell are you, man?
Last chance.
Help me get the child or die.
What are you doing with this?
What is the matter with you?
Do you have a death wish?
I've come too far. I've gone through
too much to lose him now.
Don't make me kill you!
Why don't you just do it?
What are you waiting for?
Get it over with.
I can do worse than kill you.
I can keep you here.
You'll never see your child again.
Think about it.
Well, can't think
of anything else to add.
It's the most powerful potion
we've ever made.
I agree.
I guess it's time to wake up the baby.
-Hey, it's me.
Oh, hey, Jason.
I, uh...
I didn't wanna leave like this.
I can't really talk right now.
-I'm kind of busy.
JASON [OVER PHONE]: Oh, really?
Come on, Phoebe. Why do you always
have to make things so difficult?
Oh, I make things so difficult?
And how exactly do I do that?
By being honest with my feelings?
And by making you
be honest with yours?
You know it's not that simple.
Okay, I really have to go now.
-Phoebe, wait...
-Have a good flight.
Toss me a vial.
-Paige, you okay?
Phoebe, get the vial.
So much for our leverage.
You're okay.
It's all right, you're home now.
-This had better work.
PHOEBE: Oh, it will.
We just got back from talking
to the elders. They agree.
-If we can't return the baby safely...
-We'll vanquish it.
-Talk about your moot points, people.
-What's that supposed to mean?
Well, do you notice
anything missing?
-The baby?
-What happened?
The beast took him, right after
the Manticores kicked our asses.
This is all Jason's fault.
-How's that?
-Oh, you're a guy. You wouldn't get it.
Wait, how are we supposed to
get back Piper if we don't have a baby?
We're gonna try to have another
get-together with the Manticores,
see if we can't strike
some sort of deal.
If we can join forces to kill the beast,
then they can get their baby back.
And we get our sister back.
And what if they
don't wanna join forces?
Well, then we hope we have enough of
these fancy little things to go around.
-No. No way. It's too risky.
-Well, blood is thicker than water.
Well, quit moving around so much,
you're just making this more difficult.
Just leave me alone.
Why, so you can die?
Hey, it's your choice. I'm just saying,
if we can't stop this bleeding...
-Fine, whatever, just hurry up.
-You're welcome.
-Who did this to you?
-Your sisters.
Oh, sorry.
Actually, if they used the potion
I think they did, you're lucky to be alive.
You should've been blown to pieces.
-How do you know?
-Well, because I made it.
Oh, come on, show a little spine.
What kind of demon are you?
I'm not a demon.
Then what are you?
I saw a picture of a man
in the bedroom.
Oh, come on.
I've been around a lot of demons,
and they don't usually
live in neighborhoods
right out of Home & Garden.
Is that why you're helping me?
You think this is some sort of
hideous curse or something?
Yeah, basically.
Well, then go. I don't need your pity.
That's not what happened,
and that's not who I am.
Not anymore anyway.
Just leave us. Go.
Us? You mean, you and your son?
What happened?
Manticores mate with humans
to create hybrids
so they can blend in,
hide in plain sight.
They kill their mates after conception,
but I got away.
Ever since, all I could think about
was saving my son
so he wouldn't have to be
raised like one of them.
The only chance I had to do that
was to turn myself into this.
To become powerful.
But, um, how?
I just started mixing potions,
using whatever I could
steal from them.
I didn't know what I was doing,
but I didn't care.
All I cared about was finding a way
to fight them. To find him.
I didn't care what happened to me.
I just wanted my son.
You know they're gonna try
and take him back.
I know.
So let's get you fixed up
so we can fight them together.
Sorry to interrupt.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Do you think we have
enough potion?
So who wants to go hunting with us?
This is gonna be a little cold.
The bleeding's not stopping.
You should come home with me
and we can do more there.
No, I can't.
-If you're worried about my sisters...
-It's not your sisters I'm worried about.
It's the Manticores.
They'll be looking for me there.
-They'll be looking for him there.
-You don't understand,
we have somebody who can heal you
once we turn you back into...
You can't turn me back.
No one can.
Not unless I die.
So how are you planning
on raising your son?
I wasn't. I figured I'd find someone.
All I cared about was saving him.
That's exactly what
I'm gonna keep on doing.
You can't run forever, you know.
Not for long. Not with that.
And who's gonna save him
when you're dead?
You have a way with words,
you know that?
I ad lib a lot.
Piper, duck!
What are you doing?
-Let's get her out of here.
-No, wait...
-What the hell are you doing?
-Saving your life.
No, no, no. You don't understand.
We have to go back. Hurry!
Oh, no.
Leo, we need you.
Hurry, he's dying.
-Who is he?
PHOEBE: The beast. Heal, heal, hurry.
CHRIS: Where's the baby?
PAIGE: The Manticores have him.
-Oh, so the plan worked.
-Yeah, a little too well.
-Now we have to get the baby back.
Paige, will you fill up
some potion vials, please?
-Lots of them.
Hold up, are you serious?
You get rid of the demon child,
now you wanna get it back?
He's not a demon child.
-That's my son.
-How you feeling? Are you all right?
-I can't believe I'm human again.
-Aren't you glad you didn't kill me?
-Not funny. I don't think that's funny.
What, are you two
on, like, the same team now?
We're gonna get your baby back.
I promise.
-Do we not have a say in this?
LEO: No.
We don't. One thing you gotta learn
about being their whitelighter
is once they make up
their mind, that's it.
Besides, I'm a father first.
So we're gonna have to separate
the baby before we attack.
-You know that, right?
Well, because the potion
vanquishes Manticores,
and your son is half Manticore.
-I see him.
PHOEBE: Let's just hope he sees you
-before they see us.
-Should I just orb the baby to us?
No, he'll probably just shimmer back,
and then we'll be in trouble.
This is gonna work.
Hurry, hurry.
Watch. Peekaboo.
You can do it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, you can do it.
You're okay.
Good job.
So much for nature
being more important than nurture.
Here are some clothes and a stroller.
-You sure you don't mind?
-No, not at all.
Wyatt has outgrown it all,
and I don't see myself
having more kids any time soon,
-so enjoy.
For everything. I just...
I wish there was something
I could do for you.
Well, you could tell us your name.
PAIGE: I mean, unless
you prefer being called "the beast."
Derek. My name's Derek.
It's nice to meet you, Derek.
What's his name?
I never gave him one, actually.
I never... I never had the chance.
Well, now you do.
Well, I guess I should be going.
That is, if I can pry him
away from Wyatt.
Yeah, good luck.
That is cute.
I'll get it.
You know, if you ever need us
to bind his powers...
No, thanks. That's really sweet,
but it's not necessary.
I mean, he's a good boy, so it's just up
to me to make sure he stays that way.
In that case, he's in good hands.
Well, take care.
You too.
What? What'd you do?
I kind of forgot to reverse the spell
I put on Darryl.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were on a plane.
I canceled the flight.
I mean, it is my plane.
-What about the winery?
-It'll be there in the morning.
I just wasn't sure
whether you would be.
And I didn't wanna take the risk.
You were right.
I was running, but not
for the reasons that you think.
I am not afraid
of how I feel about you.
It doesn't scare me one bit.
Then why?
It's a little unnerving to have somebody
tell you how you feel all the time
before you know it yourself.
I know.
-I'm sorry.
-You do that a lot too.
You're very intuitive.
It's pretty amazing, actually.
It's a real gift.
Yeah, well, sometimes
it can be a curse too.
Tell me about it.
Look, all I'm saying is that I'd like
to be able to express my own feelings
in my own time from now on.
If that's all right with you.
-It's perfectly okay.
So while we're on the subject... do you feel about me?
I love you too.