Charmed (1998–2006): Season 6, Episode 14 - The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell - full transcript
The Charmed Ones learn about Magic School and have to determine which magical student has summoned the Headless Horseman who is beheading teachers.
All I'm saying is that you're
way behind with little Wyatt.
You should have applied before this.
Yeah, well, you know,
he's not even a year old yet.
So? I had my Jake signed up
for Mommy and Me
-when I was still pregnant with him.
-Really, you can do that?
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised
that they let you sign up this late.
Everybody wants to get in here
because it gets you
into Elderberry Preschool, which is
a feeder for Hoskins Elementary
and Bentley Middle School.
Doesn't have any siblings, does he?
Uh, no. How did you know?
Because he doesn't play well
with others.
Oh, don't worry about it. It's a common
problem among only children.
All the more reason to start developing
their social skills early.
First things preschools look for,
you know.
Yeah, well, that's why we're here.
Excuse me.
-Hi, thanks for coming.
-Oh, of course, you know,
anything for our little nephew.
What exactly are we doing
-for our nephew?
-Showing family support.
They look for it. Especially
when the father's not around a lot.
What are you talking about?
-Leo's around all the time.
-Yeah, for Wyatt. But he won't be
for the school. He can't be.
What are you doing?
Put that thing down.
I'm trying to reach Richard.
I can't find him.
You've been trying to call Richard
for the last couple days.
-Maybe you should give it a rest.
-But I'm just afraid he's off on some
magical freak-out or something,
you know.
And I just want to be able
to help him.
Maybe he just needs
a little time alone.
It makes me question whether or not
I can even save an innocent
if I can't save my boyfriend.
-No offense.
-No, don't worry about it. I'm over it.
-Yeah, when you get to be my age,
you can't spend the time
crying over spilled milk, you know.
-Your age?
-Yeah, the whole biological clock thing,
it's very real and it's echoing:
Okay, neurotic people, can we get
back to my neurosis right now, please?
Sure, which one
were we talking about?
The one where I'm a rotten mother
who's raising an antisocial child.
Oh, that is ridiculous. And not true.
Is it? He doesn't have any friends,
Phoebe. You and I had each other
when we were growing up. But he
doesn't have anybody, he's all alone.
Hey, I was all alone.
But you didn't know you had power,
so it was safe for you to have friends.
Your mother didn't have to worry about
if you were gonna orb out
-during a play date or something.
-You think you're overreacting a little?
PIPER: You cannot keep doing this,
sweetie, really.
Oh, guys...
PAIGE: What the...?
Oh, this is not good.
Orb him out of here. Go.
Oh, thank God you're home.
What the hell was that?
...was the Headless Horseman.
-You're very kind.
Yeah, can I ask you just one question?
How are you still talking?
Yes, well, fair question.
Fortunately, the rest of me is still
at Magic School, otherwise I'd be...
I'm sorry, Magic School?
Yes, that's right... Anyway,
as I was saying, as long as my body
remains on grounds, I can't...
Well, you know, die.
It's all part of the magic, thankfully.
Like the doorway
in the middle of my stairway.
Sorry, I didn't know where to put it.
It's the only way in or out of the school.
-I had to reach you.
-Do you have a name?
Sigmund. But I'm afraid we don't have
much time for pleasantries.
I need to get you back
before he strikes again.
-The Headless Horseman.
-Where's Wyatt?
-He's upstairs in his room.
I thought I should bring Leo...
Oh, my God,
and apparently I was right.
Leo! Oh, it's so good
to see you again!
Sigmund, what happened?
-Wait, you guys know each other?
-Gideon sent me for your help.
-All your help.
-Gideon? Who's Gideon?
-And who are you?
-All right, all you people with legs,
follow me.
You wait here.
Leo, just so you know,
this is what's keeping your son
-from developing social skills.
-And me from helping Richard.
And me from helping me.
-I'm talking about our lives.
We can't just drop what we're doing
every time somebody's head
comes rolling down the stairs.
I don't believe you're saying this.
You don't understand,
this isn't supposed to happen.
Magic School is supposed
to be protected from evil.
It's the only way Gideon can teach
magic to the next generation...
Wyatt's generation.
I think Wyatt is more concerned
with nursery school right now
-than Magic School.
-Are you sure?
Paige said he orbed back
in front of the door.
He was drawn to it.
Okay, you know what, I think we
should help the Magic School.
Because we can't just keep that head
on our foyer table, you know.
What is it, a centerpiece?
Okay, fine,
but we can't take Wyatt, sorry.
All right. I'll get Chris to watch him.
What? After everything he's done?
No, I don't think so.
-He was just trying to protect Wyatt.
-Oh, please.
I think his intentions are good.
He deserves another chance.
-Sure you can breathe in there?
-Yes, I...
We must move quickly.
-All right.
SIGMUND: Just step around it.
Someone will be along for it shortly.
Wow, impressive.
How long is this hallway?
No one really knows.
It's endless.
-So how are we gonna find
this dude Gideon anyway?
He's not a dude, he's an elder...
My old mentor, actually.
You've never mentioned him before.
We met a long time ago
when I first became a whitelighter.
He helped me out, took me under
his wing. He actually fought for us
-to get married... To break the rules.
I don't want to freak you out,
but there's a wolf following us.
There was a wolf following us,
I swear.
Not everyone sees
the same things here, Phoebe.
Only what they're meant to see.
Who you got in there, Confucius?
Okay, you all saw that, right?
Eleventh-grade levitation. She's late.
We should keep moving,
the great hall is just ahead.
Leo, good. Thanks for coming.
Although I do wish it was under
better circumstances.
LEO: Gideon...
GIDEON: And the Charmed Ones.
Lovely to see you again. Although you
probably don't remember meeting me.
You were just little girls.
Gideon, I believe
your invisibility shield is still up.
I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted
with everything
-that's been going on around here.
-Yes, we heard.
-Sigmund, oh, I'm so sorry.
-It's all right, sir.
Didn't stop me from delivering
the message now, did it?
Okay, would somebody
please tell me what's going on here?
Always were the restless one.
Just like your Grams.
Well, it all started
innocently enough, actually.
Pranks, really. Setting the rats
loose from the Pied Piper.
Turning the north dorm
into a gingerbread house.
-And then?
-And then someone cast a spell
that brought forth the darkness.
And days became nights,
nights became terror,
and the Headless Horseman
has roamed the campus ever since,
targeting teachers.
Forgive me, sir, perhaps you'd like
to orb me over to the other heads?
-Good thinking.
-Nice to meet you.
You too, dude.
So, what you're saying is somebody's
trying to shut down the school
by cutting off teachers' heads?
What else could it be? What better
way for evil to gain an upper hand,
than to thwart the next generation?
Isn't it as simple
as finding who conjured
the Horseman
and reversing the magic?
Yes, except no student possesses
that level of magic.
At least they're not supposed to.
That's why I believe that a demon from
the outside has somehow corrupted
one of them into doing his bidding.
So you find the student,
you find the evil, right?
Except that you find much more
than that here, Paige.
The answers you each seek
can be found within these grounds.
You merely have to be open to them.
Teaching will help you find
the student in question.
But it will also remind you
of what you fear you have lost.
Investigating our nursery school will
help you with your worries over Wyatt.
And if you follow the wolf,
she will lead you where you want to go.
But be careful.
The deeper you look,
the more you will discover.
And the better chance
you will have of saving...
...all this.
PAIGE: Who does he think he is?
Obi-Wan Kenobi?
How can I be afraid
of losing something
if I don't know what I've lost?
Maybe that's why he wants you
to take over Sigmund's class.
So you can remember.
Remember what?
Your gift, perhaps.
Now, whatever you do, be strong.
Don't let them intimidate you.
This may be advanced magic,
but they're still just kids.
Help! Stop it!
Oh, my God.
-You okay?
-I'm fine.
Telepathy isn't the coolest
power now, is it, Zach?
-Did you do that?
Excuse me, I'm talking to you.
Did you do that?
-Yeah, so what if I did?
-What's your name?
What's so funny?
Thanks a lot, Slick.
Get me in trouble, why don't you?
What's the matter, teach?
You seem a little out of sorts.
Me? No, I'm perfectly fine.
Thank you. You're a conjurer.
And I'd watch your
pretty little neck if I was you.
Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie.
Come on.
I know you're here somewhere.
Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie...
Oh, hi. Hi, sweet wolfie.
Okay, you don't have to attack me,
because Gideon sent me...
Where are you going? Come on.
Neat trick.
Can you shape-shift
-into the Headless Horseman as well?
-I'm a shaman,
not a shape-shifter.
The wolf is merely a projection
of your quest. A symbol.
You didn't answer my question.
Do you really think I lured you out here
just to kill you, Phoebe?
You have the power of premonition.
But it's unreliable. Especially lately.
I can help you
see your future more clearly.
If you're willing to take the risk.
I don't know what the hell
Gideon was talking about,
because this is certainly not
what I'm looking for.
Still, Wyatt doesn't have to
hide his powers. Plus he's
-not gonna be all alone.
-No, he'll be surrounded
-by all the other freaks.
-They're not freaks.
You know what I mean. I just want
Wyatt to have a normal upbringing.
At least as normal as possible.
Is that too much to ask for?
I don't know. Maybe.
Well, we're not shopping
for preschools,
we're shopping for headhunters.
So where is...?
Sorry, had a little emergency.
Go ahead.
-Now, where were we?
-You were telling us about
your near miss with the Headless...
I don't want to scare the little ones.
They may have powers
-but they're still innocent.
-How did you get away?
I astral projected. Confused him,
I guess, by creating two of me.
-Thank God.
-Are you suggesting that
-one of these kids might be in...?
-Involved? Oh, dear, no. No. Never.
-Why would you be a target?
-These children are the cradle
of good magic. Its entire future.
Without proper guidance, nurturing,
they could easily be turned...
What's that?
-Anybody hurt?
-Not yet.
-You guys okay?
-You're a teacher now. Be careful.
-Come on, I'll take you back.
-Wait, don't leave...
Just great.
-Ow. Easy, watch the hair.
-You doing okay up there, honey?
-Actually, I feel a little woozy.
Maybe because
we have you up too high.
-Want me to move you down lower?
-No, I don't want Wyatt to see me
-like this. He will freak out.
-Well, you know, on the plus side,
this is a great way
for Wyatt to get out and socialize.
If I had legs, I would kick you.
Could you move this for me, please?
You know, maybe I should just go
upstairs and check the Book
and see of there's a spell
that can fix this.
Or we can find the child that conjured
the Horseman and vanquish it.
You think that would
reverse the spell?
-I'm hoping.
-You know, I keep getting this weird
feeling that it's one
of the students in my class.
-Because who better to turn
than one of the most
powerful kids there?
-What do you suggest?
-I think we should bring them here.
-Yeah, if we get them away
from school, they can't conjure
the Horseman.
That way we keep them here
long enough to figure out who it is.
Actually, it's not a bad idea,
since you're targets now.
Uh-oh... Phoebe.
-I'll go get her.
-No. I do not want Wyatt
to have two headless parents.
Send Chris.
-What the hell is going on?
-I can explain.
-You okay, buddy?
-What was he doing?
Nothing! I mean, nothing bad.
-I swear.
-Nothing bad? He's a demon.
But he wasn't hurting him. I promise.
Wyatt's shield wasn't even up.
I trusted you. I vouched for you.
Look, just let me explain.
Get out of here.
Paige, please?
-Is he okay?
-Yeah, I think so.
Listen, I'm gonna take him up there
where it's safe. Do you mind...?
Getting Phoebe? No, not at all.
I just hope there's all of her to get.
So if you're so innocent,
why are you hiding out?
-I'm protecting myself.
-From what? You're a student.
The bad guy's only
after the teachers, right?
I'm not protecting my body.
I'm protecting my powers.
I sense someone trying to invade
mine. To use them for themselves.
How do I know
you're telling the truth?
You're an empath. You tell me.
I can't tell.
It's because you're conflicted.
Questioning your own magic.
Your very future.
It's affecting your powers.
I'm not questioning my future.
Okay, maybe just a little bit.
But how do you know that?
The wolf is a pack animal.
But constantly searching
for something she craves...
...but cannot find.
Seeing it means
you're searching too.
Drink this.
Take the vision quest.
There you will find
the answers we both seek.
-I'm not drinking that.
Tick, tick, tick...
You didn't tell me
I could get hurt on this vision quest.
You didn't ask.
The vision is of your future, Phoebe.
-It's no less real than anything else.
-And no less dangerous.
Great. More demons in my future.
It's exactly what I wanted.
But are there any more
beyond the light?
That's what you
really want to see, isn't it?
There you are, I've been looking
all over for you, Pheebs.
Are you okay?
What happened, the Horseman?
My inner demons, apparently.
Well, it's good to see at least
you have your head, unlike Piper.
-Yeah, the Horseman got her.
But, you know, she's doing pretty
good, considering the circumstances.
A little grumpier
than normal, but hey...
Anyway, you really should
get out of here before, you know,
you get chopped.
-I think I should stay here.
Because Gideon put me
on this path for a reason.
And I believe that
there are answers here.
I'll be okay. And you know where
to find me if you need me.
Okay, but remember
that she's a suspect too.
Ready to try again?
-What's that? Who is that?
-Don't worry, it's just me,
and some of the more
unusual suspects.
Wait, you think one of us
is responsible?
What, you didn't know
she thought that?
What kind of telepath
are you anyway?
-Stop picking on me!
-Yeah, or what?
All right, guys, knock it off.
You're in my house.
The Halliwell manor. I don't believe it.
It's just like in the text.
It looks like my grandma's house.
All right, all right,
move it along, people.
Let's go, other room.
-All right, is everybody here?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Hey, watch your mouth.
-Whoa, it's Piper Halliwell.
-Yeah, but only part of her.
-And not the good part either.
-Can it!
-Okay, here's the deal, people.
We know that one of you
is behind this.
So nobody is gonna leave here
until we figure out who it is.
-So far, nobody has gotten killed...
-Not yet anyway.
PAIGE: And so far, this has just been
a really stupid prank.
So please, let's not let it go
any further than that.
Is Gideon gonna shut down
the school?
Not unless he's forced to.
Why don't you start
with the conjurer?
Me? What about you, Quinton?
-You're the Sleepy Hollow buff.
-But Slick's the shape-shifter.
-Hey, screw you, Zachary.
-Wait, just stop it...
SLICK: Why not admit that you did it?
HERMAN: I would never do anything
to harm a Charmed One.
-I'll be right back.
-Where are you going?
-I wasn't talking to you!
-What are you doing here?
-I need your help.
My help?
That's rich, with what you pulled.
Listen, I have enough juvenile
delinquents to take care of. Thanks.
Please, just hear me out.
I'm running out of time.
-What's that supposed to mean?
-Exactly that.
Don't you see? That's the only reason
why I went to the demon.
He can scan for evil. And maybe
figure out who's gonna turn Wyatt,
-since we haven't been able to.
-Okay, you're not making any sense.
Paige, listen to me.
I need you to trust me.
And I need you to get
Piper and Leo to trust me too.
Before it's too late.
STUDENT 1: Headless Horseman!
What happened?
Are you okay?
Everyone all right?
I think so.
Head count.
No jokes, just do it.
What are you doing here?
-Just trying to help.
-They're all here.
I heard the alarm.
What's this doing open?
A student must have
opened it without my seeing it.
-And the Horseman?
-Gone, out those doors.
-You have to stop him.
-Okay, well, we have to figure out...
No, you don't understand.
People on the outside aren't protected
like we are at school.
They'll die.
-Then we need Phoebe.
-I'll get her.
But you can't wait for her.
You have to go after
the Horseman now.
By myself?
No, I can't vanquish him.
You don't have to.
All you have to do is lead him
back to the school
so that at least nobody
will be killed.
Don't let your concerns about Richard
make you question yourself.
You can do this. I'll help you.
Ah, where are you going?
Don't give me that look.
I still got a mouth,
I could turn you into a toad.
-Well, at least we got him back.
-Not soon enough, I'm afraid.
The death of an innocent
means the death of Magic School.
I just don't understand why
the Horseman targeted him.
I mean, and why did he pass up
so many others along the way?
Granted, it could have been a lot worse
but it doesn't change my mind.
The police said he was a killer,
-Doesn't make it right.
-No, it doesn't,
but you shouldn't close
the school because of it.
We have the Horseman contained.
We just need to find...
It's too late. The damage
has already been done.
When I started this school, I made
a promise, that the magic within
would never harm a soul.
-Piper, you okay?
You, come with me.
Anybody else want to try me?
-What do you want him for?
-What's going on?
Talk him out of closing
down the Magic School.
Someone let the Horseman out, Leo.
He killed a man.
But why?
Why else? To force my hand.
If you let whoever is behind this win,
all those kids are gonna lose.
-Is that what you want?
-Of course not.
PAIGE: But what?
Big deal, you have one bad apple.
Just give us the time to flush him out,
to save the next generations of magic.
-I know, but the rules...
-Screw the rules! Listen,
you are the one who talked me into
doing this, you are the one who said
I could do it.
So don't give up on me now, please.
Just let us finish the job
that we started.
Tell him, Leo.
I think you just did.
Next time, I give you warts.
Hey, who did that?
Where did you come from?
Hey. Hey, wait... Hey!
Piper? Oh, my God, Piper!
-The door is still closed.
-The kids are frozen.
-Piper must have done that.
-Without hands? I don't think so.
-Someone from the outside?
-Impossible, we got here too fast.
-It has to be one of them.
-The students? No,
they don't possess that kind
of power. Besides, they're frozen.
Then one of them is faking it.
Okay, you know what?
Enough already.
Every journey requires a sacrifice.
My whole life is about sacrifice.
If that's all that my future holds,
-then I don't want to see it.
-You're fighting it.
Don't use your powers
to get through.
They're not working
very well anyway.
Just let it come to you.
Want it more than anything.
Wyatt, let your little brother play
with the game too, please.
Little brother?
Hey, Piper, can you take Phoebe
to the doctor instead?
I have so many papers to grade.
Thank you.
-The doctor?
-Yeah, we need to make sure
our little niece is doing okay.
Aunt Phoebe, we need your help.
Phoebe, can you hear me?
We need your help.
You okay?
I don't know.
-Am I?
-You tell me.
What did you see?
I saw children and my child.
And a life without demons...
Is that even possible?
With your powers, you know
by now what is truth and what is not.
Embrace those powers again.
Embrace your path,
and it will lead you there.
You don't know how much
you've given me.
You should go.
So you can use your powers
to help us save our school.
Oh, Phoebe, so glad to see you.
I was worried.
What's the matter? Didn't trust me?
-Separate subject.
-How's Piper?
-You're not gonna like it.
-She's been kidnapped.
-That's the bad news.
The good news is that she's here...
Well, if one of the students took her,
I can't sense which one it is.
Maybe I can.
Thanks to your wolf.
I can sense pain and anger...
A lot of anger.
Wants revenge...
Do any of them hate the high school?
Honey, they're teenagers,
they all hate the school.
But he's a conjurer.
No. It's not him.
-But who's this guy?
-A telepath.
Yeah, he's telepathing
a whole lot of rage right now.
Well, look who just solved the case.
-What happened? Where did he go?
-That wasn't Zachary,
-that was an astral projection.
-He doesn't have that power.
No, but a teacher here does.
And Herman's a conjurer,
and Piper can freeze.
He's using his telepathy
to tap into other people's powers.
Where's the real Zachary?
He's at school, with Piper.
But why?
What does he want with her?
You don't think he'll kill her, do you?
You know what, I have no idea.
He's a smart kid.
I just hope he's not luring us here.
You made me do this, you know.
I didn't have a choice.
So now what are you guys
gonna do?
So whose bright idea
was this anyway?
We were trying to save you.
Yeah. Good job on that one.
And who went
and got her head stolen?
While you were off contemplating
your navel. While you still had one.
Guys, we are not getting
anywhere arguing.
Actually, we're not "getting anywhere"
because we don't have any bodies.
Okay, look, we said we were sorry.
Can we try looking on the bright side?
I mean, you know,
-we're still alive.
-Only because Zachary...
-...can't kill us in here.
-I don't think he would if he could.
I mean, he practically
apologized to us.
I think she's right, actually.
I didn't sense any anger from him,
-just a lot of sorrow.
-So, what,
he did this to us just to get us
out of the way? To do what?
-To get revenge on the school.
-And Gideon.
How could I not have seen this?
How could I not
have sensed his pain?
After all these years with him.
It's not your fault, Gideon.
Even you can't see everything.
I should have seen this.
I should have focused more
on the boy than on his magic.
-Get the kids out of here now.
-Why, what's the matter?
It's Zachary, he's lost it.
Orb them out, up there.
I'll try talking to him.
Just go.
You should leave too.
Why? After all, I came here for you.
Do you think this spell's gonna work?
Well, now that we know
who conjured the Horseman, it should.
We won't know until we summon him,
so let's just put our heads together...
You know what I mean, right?
Okay, now, now, now!
Power of three, unite!
End this grizzly fright
Reverse the roles
And make us whole
Thank God, it worked.
You want me to get you a room?
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Why take it out on others, Zachary?
Why not just come after me?
Because I want you to suffer,
Like you made me suffer
ever since I got here.
I want you to see your precious
school destroyed. Bit by bit.
But that doesn't give you the right
to kill an innocent.
You scolding me now?
You're gonna give me a demerit?
That wasn't supposed to happen.
I just wanted the sisters out of the way.
The Horseman's only
supposed to hurt evil.
You think teachers are evil?
They are when they keep me here
against my wishes!
And they take me away
from my family, my home!
Without even thinking
about what I want!
-Why didn't you come to me?
-I did, damn it!
Every time I snuck out.
Every time I got in trouble.
But you didn't care.
-You wouldn't listen!
-We're listening.
It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you.
-We're here to help.
-How'd you get out?
See, sometimes it takes us away
from our lives as well.
A lot more than we like it to.
But it's who we are
whether we like it or not.
We can't change that
and neither can you.
You have to accept it.
You have to realise this is not
worth throwing your life away for.
Just let it go.
That's it. Easy...
-You okay?
I just guess I've been more invisible
than I realised over the years.
Hey, guys.
Wasn't Ziggy Marley
-supposed to play here before?
-Yeah, he had to reschedule.
So how's Zachary?
He's good.
He's at home with his family now.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see him
back at Magic School someday.
I think he heard us, you know,
about accepting himself.
-So you're not gonna bind his powers?
-No, he didn't want me to.
But he gave me a good idea about
maybe doing that for somebody else.
You know, if he can't handle it,
why should he have to?
Maybe I can finally help him
accept that.
You're gonna make a really good
teacher one day, Paige.
-Yes, in Magic School.
I saw it with my very own...
Yeah, well, I don't think she's gonna be
teaching Wyatt any time soon.
Suddenly I'm more concerned about
separating him from his family
than raising him as an only child.
Actually, there might be a day that you
don't have to be concerned about that.
What do you mean?
I'm just saying.
What are you just saying?
Excuse me!
So did you come here
to kick me out?
No, actually, I came here
to ask you a question.
I need you to be honest with me.
No games, no running away.
Just the truth.
Are you Wyatt's little brother?
Only if I can get Piper and Leo
back together in time.
way behind with little Wyatt.
You should have applied before this.
Yeah, well, you know,
he's not even a year old yet.
So? I had my Jake signed up
for Mommy and Me
-when I was still pregnant with him.
-Really, you can do that?
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised
that they let you sign up this late.
Everybody wants to get in here
because it gets you
into Elderberry Preschool, which is
a feeder for Hoskins Elementary
and Bentley Middle School.
Doesn't have any siblings, does he?
Uh, no. How did you know?
Because he doesn't play well
with others.
Oh, don't worry about it. It's a common
problem among only children.
All the more reason to start developing
their social skills early.
First things preschools look for,
you know.
Yeah, well, that's why we're here.
Excuse me.
-Hi, thanks for coming.
-Oh, of course, you know,
anything for our little nephew.
What exactly are we doing
-for our nephew?
-Showing family support.
They look for it. Especially
when the father's not around a lot.
What are you talking about?
-Leo's around all the time.
-Yeah, for Wyatt. But he won't be
for the school. He can't be.
What are you doing?
Put that thing down.
I'm trying to reach Richard.
I can't find him.
You've been trying to call Richard
for the last couple days.
-Maybe you should give it a rest.
-But I'm just afraid he's off on some
magical freak-out or something,
you know.
And I just want to be able
to help him.
Maybe he just needs
a little time alone.
It makes me question whether or not
I can even save an innocent
if I can't save my boyfriend.
-No offense.
-No, don't worry about it. I'm over it.
-Yeah, when you get to be my age,
you can't spend the time
crying over spilled milk, you know.
-Your age?
-Yeah, the whole biological clock thing,
it's very real and it's echoing:
Okay, neurotic people, can we get
back to my neurosis right now, please?
Sure, which one
were we talking about?
The one where I'm a rotten mother
who's raising an antisocial child.
Oh, that is ridiculous. And not true.
Is it? He doesn't have any friends,
Phoebe. You and I had each other
when we were growing up. But he
doesn't have anybody, he's all alone.
Hey, I was all alone.
But you didn't know you had power,
so it was safe for you to have friends.
Your mother didn't have to worry about
if you were gonna orb out
-during a play date or something.
-You think you're overreacting a little?
PIPER: You cannot keep doing this,
sweetie, really.
Oh, guys...
PAIGE: What the...?
Oh, this is not good.
Orb him out of here. Go.
Oh, thank God you're home.
What the hell was that?
...was the Headless Horseman.
-You're very kind.
Yeah, can I ask you just one question?
How are you still talking?
Yes, well, fair question.
Fortunately, the rest of me is still
at Magic School, otherwise I'd be...
I'm sorry, Magic School?
Yes, that's right... Anyway,
as I was saying, as long as my body
remains on grounds, I can't...
Well, you know, die.
It's all part of the magic, thankfully.
Like the doorway
in the middle of my stairway.
Sorry, I didn't know where to put it.
It's the only way in or out of the school.
-I had to reach you.
-Do you have a name?
Sigmund. But I'm afraid we don't have
much time for pleasantries.
I need to get you back
before he strikes again.
-The Headless Horseman.
-Where's Wyatt?
-He's upstairs in his room.
I thought I should bring Leo...
Oh, my God,
and apparently I was right.
Leo! Oh, it's so good
to see you again!
Sigmund, what happened?
-Wait, you guys know each other?
-Gideon sent me for your help.
-All your help.
-Gideon? Who's Gideon?
-And who are you?
-All right, all you people with legs,
follow me.
You wait here.
Leo, just so you know,
this is what's keeping your son
-from developing social skills.
-And me from helping Richard.
And me from helping me.
-I'm talking about our lives.
We can't just drop what we're doing
every time somebody's head
comes rolling down the stairs.
I don't believe you're saying this.
You don't understand,
this isn't supposed to happen.
Magic School is supposed
to be protected from evil.
It's the only way Gideon can teach
magic to the next generation...
Wyatt's generation.
I think Wyatt is more concerned
with nursery school right now
-than Magic School.
-Are you sure?
Paige said he orbed back
in front of the door.
He was drawn to it.
Okay, you know what, I think we
should help the Magic School.
Because we can't just keep that head
on our foyer table, you know.
What is it, a centerpiece?
Okay, fine,
but we can't take Wyatt, sorry.
All right. I'll get Chris to watch him.
What? After everything he's done?
No, I don't think so.
-He was just trying to protect Wyatt.
-Oh, please.
I think his intentions are good.
He deserves another chance.
-Sure you can breathe in there?
-Yes, I...
We must move quickly.
-All right.
SIGMUND: Just step around it.
Someone will be along for it shortly.
Wow, impressive.
How long is this hallway?
No one really knows.
It's endless.
-So how are we gonna find
this dude Gideon anyway?
He's not a dude, he's an elder...
My old mentor, actually.
You've never mentioned him before.
We met a long time ago
when I first became a whitelighter.
He helped me out, took me under
his wing. He actually fought for us
-to get married... To break the rules.
I don't want to freak you out,
but there's a wolf following us.
There was a wolf following us,
I swear.
Not everyone sees
the same things here, Phoebe.
Only what they're meant to see.
Who you got in there, Confucius?
Okay, you all saw that, right?
Eleventh-grade levitation. She's late.
We should keep moving,
the great hall is just ahead.
Leo, good. Thanks for coming.
Although I do wish it was under
better circumstances.
LEO: Gideon...
GIDEON: And the Charmed Ones.
Lovely to see you again. Although you
probably don't remember meeting me.
You were just little girls.
Gideon, I believe
your invisibility shield is still up.
I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted
with everything
-that's been going on around here.
-Yes, we heard.
-Sigmund, oh, I'm so sorry.
-It's all right, sir.
Didn't stop me from delivering
the message now, did it?
Okay, would somebody
please tell me what's going on here?
Always were the restless one.
Just like your Grams.
Well, it all started
innocently enough, actually.
Pranks, really. Setting the rats
loose from the Pied Piper.
Turning the north dorm
into a gingerbread house.
-And then?
-And then someone cast a spell
that brought forth the darkness.
And days became nights,
nights became terror,
and the Headless Horseman
has roamed the campus ever since,
targeting teachers.
Forgive me, sir, perhaps you'd like
to orb me over to the other heads?
-Good thinking.
-Nice to meet you.
You too, dude.
So, what you're saying is somebody's
trying to shut down the school
by cutting off teachers' heads?
What else could it be? What better
way for evil to gain an upper hand,
than to thwart the next generation?
Isn't it as simple
as finding who conjured
the Horseman
and reversing the magic?
Yes, except no student possesses
that level of magic.
At least they're not supposed to.
That's why I believe that a demon from
the outside has somehow corrupted
one of them into doing his bidding.
So you find the student,
you find the evil, right?
Except that you find much more
than that here, Paige.
The answers you each seek
can be found within these grounds.
You merely have to be open to them.
Teaching will help you find
the student in question.
But it will also remind you
of what you fear you have lost.
Investigating our nursery school will
help you with your worries over Wyatt.
And if you follow the wolf,
she will lead you where you want to go.
But be careful.
The deeper you look,
the more you will discover.
And the better chance
you will have of saving...
...all this.
PAIGE: Who does he think he is?
Obi-Wan Kenobi?
How can I be afraid
of losing something
if I don't know what I've lost?
Maybe that's why he wants you
to take over Sigmund's class.
So you can remember.
Remember what?
Your gift, perhaps.
Now, whatever you do, be strong.
Don't let them intimidate you.
This may be advanced magic,
but they're still just kids.
Help! Stop it!
Oh, my God.
-You okay?
-I'm fine.
Telepathy isn't the coolest
power now, is it, Zach?
-Did you do that?
Excuse me, I'm talking to you.
Did you do that?
-Yeah, so what if I did?
-What's your name?
What's so funny?
Thanks a lot, Slick.
Get me in trouble, why don't you?
What's the matter, teach?
You seem a little out of sorts.
Me? No, I'm perfectly fine.
Thank you. You're a conjurer.
And I'd watch your
pretty little neck if I was you.
Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie.
Come on.
I know you're here somewhere.
Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie...
Oh, hi. Hi, sweet wolfie.
Okay, you don't have to attack me,
because Gideon sent me...
Where are you going? Come on.
Neat trick.
Can you shape-shift
-into the Headless Horseman as well?
-I'm a shaman,
not a shape-shifter.
The wolf is merely a projection
of your quest. A symbol.
You didn't answer my question.
Do you really think I lured you out here
just to kill you, Phoebe?
You have the power of premonition.
But it's unreliable. Especially lately.
I can help you
see your future more clearly.
If you're willing to take the risk.
I don't know what the hell
Gideon was talking about,
because this is certainly not
what I'm looking for.
Still, Wyatt doesn't have to
hide his powers. Plus he's
-not gonna be all alone.
-No, he'll be surrounded
-by all the other freaks.
-They're not freaks.
You know what I mean. I just want
Wyatt to have a normal upbringing.
At least as normal as possible.
Is that too much to ask for?
I don't know. Maybe.
Well, we're not shopping
for preschools,
we're shopping for headhunters.
So where is...?
Sorry, had a little emergency.
Go ahead.
-Now, where were we?
-You were telling us about
your near miss with the Headless...
I don't want to scare the little ones.
They may have powers
-but they're still innocent.
-How did you get away?
I astral projected. Confused him,
I guess, by creating two of me.
-Thank God.
-Are you suggesting that
-one of these kids might be in...?
-Involved? Oh, dear, no. No. Never.
-Why would you be a target?
-These children are the cradle
of good magic. Its entire future.
Without proper guidance, nurturing,
they could easily be turned...
What's that?
-Anybody hurt?
-Not yet.
-You guys okay?
-You're a teacher now. Be careful.
-Come on, I'll take you back.
-Wait, don't leave...
Just great.
-Ow. Easy, watch the hair.
-You doing okay up there, honey?
-Actually, I feel a little woozy.
Maybe because
we have you up too high.
-Want me to move you down lower?
-No, I don't want Wyatt to see me
-like this. He will freak out.
-Well, you know, on the plus side,
this is a great way
for Wyatt to get out and socialize.
If I had legs, I would kick you.
Could you move this for me, please?
You know, maybe I should just go
upstairs and check the Book
and see of there's a spell
that can fix this.
Or we can find the child that conjured
the Horseman and vanquish it.
You think that would
reverse the spell?
-I'm hoping.
-You know, I keep getting this weird
feeling that it's one
of the students in my class.
-Because who better to turn
than one of the most
powerful kids there?
-What do you suggest?
-I think we should bring them here.
-Yeah, if we get them away
from school, they can't conjure
the Horseman.
That way we keep them here
long enough to figure out who it is.
Actually, it's not a bad idea,
since you're targets now.
Uh-oh... Phoebe.
-I'll go get her.
-No. I do not want Wyatt
to have two headless parents.
Send Chris.
-What the hell is going on?
-I can explain.
-You okay, buddy?
-What was he doing?
Nothing! I mean, nothing bad.
-I swear.
-Nothing bad? He's a demon.
But he wasn't hurting him. I promise.
Wyatt's shield wasn't even up.
I trusted you. I vouched for you.
Look, just let me explain.
Get out of here.
Paige, please?
-Is he okay?
-Yeah, I think so.
Listen, I'm gonna take him up there
where it's safe. Do you mind...?
Getting Phoebe? No, not at all.
I just hope there's all of her to get.
So if you're so innocent,
why are you hiding out?
-I'm protecting myself.
-From what? You're a student.
The bad guy's only
after the teachers, right?
I'm not protecting my body.
I'm protecting my powers.
I sense someone trying to invade
mine. To use them for themselves.
How do I know
you're telling the truth?
You're an empath. You tell me.
I can't tell.
It's because you're conflicted.
Questioning your own magic.
Your very future.
It's affecting your powers.
I'm not questioning my future.
Okay, maybe just a little bit.
But how do you know that?
The wolf is a pack animal.
But constantly searching
for something she craves...
...but cannot find.
Seeing it means
you're searching too.
Drink this.
Take the vision quest.
There you will find
the answers we both seek.
-I'm not drinking that.
Tick, tick, tick...
You didn't tell me
I could get hurt on this vision quest.
You didn't ask.
The vision is of your future, Phoebe.
-It's no less real than anything else.
-And no less dangerous.
Great. More demons in my future.
It's exactly what I wanted.
But are there any more
beyond the light?
That's what you
really want to see, isn't it?
There you are, I've been looking
all over for you, Pheebs.
Are you okay?
What happened, the Horseman?
My inner demons, apparently.
Well, it's good to see at least
you have your head, unlike Piper.
-Yeah, the Horseman got her.
But, you know, she's doing pretty
good, considering the circumstances.
A little grumpier
than normal, but hey...
Anyway, you really should
get out of here before, you know,
you get chopped.
-I think I should stay here.
Because Gideon put me
on this path for a reason.
And I believe that
there are answers here.
I'll be okay. And you know where
to find me if you need me.
Okay, but remember
that she's a suspect too.
Ready to try again?
-What's that? Who is that?
-Don't worry, it's just me,
and some of the more
unusual suspects.
Wait, you think one of us
is responsible?
What, you didn't know
she thought that?
What kind of telepath
are you anyway?
-Stop picking on me!
-Yeah, or what?
All right, guys, knock it off.
You're in my house.
The Halliwell manor. I don't believe it.
It's just like in the text.
It looks like my grandma's house.
All right, all right,
move it along, people.
Let's go, other room.
-All right, is everybody here?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Hey, watch your mouth.
-Whoa, it's Piper Halliwell.
-Yeah, but only part of her.
-And not the good part either.
-Can it!
-Okay, here's the deal, people.
We know that one of you
is behind this.
So nobody is gonna leave here
until we figure out who it is.
-So far, nobody has gotten killed...
-Not yet anyway.
PAIGE: And so far, this has just been
a really stupid prank.
So please, let's not let it go
any further than that.
Is Gideon gonna shut down
the school?
Not unless he's forced to.
Why don't you start
with the conjurer?
Me? What about you, Quinton?
-You're the Sleepy Hollow buff.
-But Slick's the shape-shifter.
-Hey, screw you, Zachary.
-Wait, just stop it...
SLICK: Why not admit that you did it?
HERMAN: I would never do anything
to harm a Charmed One.
-I'll be right back.
-Where are you going?
-I wasn't talking to you!
-What are you doing here?
-I need your help.
My help?
That's rich, with what you pulled.
Listen, I have enough juvenile
delinquents to take care of. Thanks.
Please, just hear me out.
I'm running out of time.
-What's that supposed to mean?
-Exactly that.
Don't you see? That's the only reason
why I went to the demon.
He can scan for evil. And maybe
figure out who's gonna turn Wyatt,
-since we haven't been able to.
-Okay, you're not making any sense.
Paige, listen to me.
I need you to trust me.
And I need you to get
Piper and Leo to trust me too.
Before it's too late.
STUDENT 1: Headless Horseman!
What happened?
Are you okay?
Everyone all right?
I think so.
Head count.
No jokes, just do it.
What are you doing here?
-Just trying to help.
-They're all here.
I heard the alarm.
What's this doing open?
A student must have
opened it without my seeing it.
-And the Horseman?
-Gone, out those doors.
-You have to stop him.
-Okay, well, we have to figure out...
No, you don't understand.
People on the outside aren't protected
like we are at school.
They'll die.
-Then we need Phoebe.
-I'll get her.
But you can't wait for her.
You have to go after
the Horseman now.
By myself?
No, I can't vanquish him.
You don't have to.
All you have to do is lead him
back to the school
so that at least nobody
will be killed.
Don't let your concerns about Richard
make you question yourself.
You can do this. I'll help you.
Ah, where are you going?
Don't give me that look.
I still got a mouth,
I could turn you into a toad.
-Well, at least we got him back.
-Not soon enough, I'm afraid.
The death of an innocent
means the death of Magic School.
I just don't understand why
the Horseman targeted him.
I mean, and why did he pass up
so many others along the way?
Granted, it could have been a lot worse
but it doesn't change my mind.
The police said he was a killer,
-Doesn't make it right.
-No, it doesn't,
but you shouldn't close
the school because of it.
We have the Horseman contained.
We just need to find...
It's too late. The damage
has already been done.
When I started this school, I made
a promise, that the magic within
would never harm a soul.
-Piper, you okay?
You, come with me.
Anybody else want to try me?
-What do you want him for?
-What's going on?
Talk him out of closing
down the Magic School.
Someone let the Horseman out, Leo.
He killed a man.
But why?
Why else? To force my hand.
If you let whoever is behind this win,
all those kids are gonna lose.
-Is that what you want?
-Of course not.
PAIGE: But what?
Big deal, you have one bad apple.
Just give us the time to flush him out,
to save the next generations of magic.
-I know, but the rules...
-Screw the rules! Listen,
you are the one who talked me into
doing this, you are the one who said
I could do it.
So don't give up on me now, please.
Just let us finish the job
that we started.
Tell him, Leo.
I think you just did.
Next time, I give you warts.
Hey, who did that?
Where did you come from?
Hey. Hey, wait... Hey!
Piper? Oh, my God, Piper!
-The door is still closed.
-The kids are frozen.
-Piper must have done that.
-Without hands? I don't think so.
-Someone from the outside?
-Impossible, we got here too fast.
-It has to be one of them.
-The students? No,
they don't possess that kind
of power. Besides, they're frozen.
Then one of them is faking it.
Okay, you know what?
Enough already.
Every journey requires a sacrifice.
My whole life is about sacrifice.
If that's all that my future holds,
-then I don't want to see it.
-You're fighting it.
Don't use your powers
to get through.
They're not working
very well anyway.
Just let it come to you.
Want it more than anything.
Wyatt, let your little brother play
with the game too, please.
Little brother?
Hey, Piper, can you take Phoebe
to the doctor instead?
I have so many papers to grade.
Thank you.
-The doctor?
-Yeah, we need to make sure
our little niece is doing okay.
Aunt Phoebe, we need your help.
Phoebe, can you hear me?
We need your help.
You okay?
I don't know.
-Am I?
-You tell me.
What did you see?
I saw children and my child.
And a life without demons...
Is that even possible?
With your powers, you know
by now what is truth and what is not.
Embrace those powers again.
Embrace your path,
and it will lead you there.
You don't know how much
you've given me.
You should go.
So you can use your powers
to help us save our school.
Oh, Phoebe, so glad to see you.
I was worried.
What's the matter? Didn't trust me?
-Separate subject.
-How's Piper?
-You're not gonna like it.
-She's been kidnapped.
-That's the bad news.
The good news is that she's here...
Well, if one of the students took her,
I can't sense which one it is.
Maybe I can.
Thanks to your wolf.
I can sense pain and anger...
A lot of anger.
Wants revenge...
Do any of them hate the high school?
Honey, they're teenagers,
they all hate the school.
But he's a conjurer.
No. It's not him.
-But who's this guy?
-A telepath.
Yeah, he's telepathing
a whole lot of rage right now.
Well, look who just solved the case.
-What happened? Where did he go?
-That wasn't Zachary,
-that was an astral projection.
-He doesn't have that power.
No, but a teacher here does.
And Herman's a conjurer,
and Piper can freeze.
He's using his telepathy
to tap into other people's powers.
Where's the real Zachary?
He's at school, with Piper.
But why?
What does he want with her?
You don't think he'll kill her, do you?
You know what, I have no idea.
He's a smart kid.
I just hope he's not luring us here.
You made me do this, you know.
I didn't have a choice.
So now what are you guys
gonna do?
So whose bright idea
was this anyway?
We were trying to save you.
Yeah. Good job on that one.
And who went
and got her head stolen?
While you were off contemplating
your navel. While you still had one.
Guys, we are not getting
anywhere arguing.
Actually, we're not "getting anywhere"
because we don't have any bodies.
Okay, look, we said we were sorry.
Can we try looking on the bright side?
I mean, you know,
-we're still alive.
-Only because Zachary...
-...can't kill us in here.
-I don't think he would if he could.
I mean, he practically
apologized to us.
I think she's right, actually.
I didn't sense any anger from him,
-just a lot of sorrow.
-So, what,
he did this to us just to get us
out of the way? To do what?
-To get revenge on the school.
-And Gideon.
How could I not have seen this?
How could I not
have sensed his pain?
After all these years with him.
It's not your fault, Gideon.
Even you can't see everything.
I should have seen this.
I should have focused more
on the boy than on his magic.
-Get the kids out of here now.
-Why, what's the matter?
It's Zachary, he's lost it.
Orb them out, up there.
I'll try talking to him.
Just go.
You should leave too.
Why? After all, I came here for you.
Do you think this spell's gonna work?
Well, now that we know
who conjured the Horseman, it should.
We won't know until we summon him,
so let's just put our heads together...
You know what I mean, right?
Okay, now, now, now!
Power of three, unite!
End this grizzly fright
Reverse the roles
And make us whole
Thank God, it worked.
You want me to get you a room?
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Why take it out on others, Zachary?
Why not just come after me?
Because I want you to suffer,
Like you made me suffer
ever since I got here.
I want you to see your precious
school destroyed. Bit by bit.
But that doesn't give you the right
to kill an innocent.
You scolding me now?
You're gonna give me a demerit?
That wasn't supposed to happen.
I just wanted the sisters out of the way.
The Horseman's only
supposed to hurt evil.
You think teachers are evil?
They are when they keep me here
against my wishes!
And they take me away
from my family, my home!
Without even thinking
about what I want!
-Why didn't you come to me?
-I did, damn it!
Every time I snuck out.
Every time I got in trouble.
But you didn't care.
-You wouldn't listen!
-We're listening.
It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you.
-We're here to help.
-How'd you get out?
See, sometimes it takes us away
from our lives as well.
A lot more than we like it to.
But it's who we are
whether we like it or not.
We can't change that
and neither can you.
You have to accept it.
You have to realise this is not
worth throwing your life away for.
Just let it go.
That's it. Easy...
-You okay?
I just guess I've been more invisible
than I realised over the years.
Hey, guys.
Wasn't Ziggy Marley
-supposed to play here before?
-Yeah, he had to reschedule.
So how's Zachary?
He's good.
He's at home with his family now.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see him
back at Magic School someday.
I think he heard us, you know,
about accepting himself.
-So you're not gonna bind his powers?
-No, he didn't want me to.
But he gave me a good idea about
maybe doing that for somebody else.
You know, if he can't handle it,
why should he have to?
Maybe I can finally help him
accept that.
You're gonna make a really good
teacher one day, Paige.
-Yes, in Magic School.
I saw it with my very own...
Yeah, well, I don't think she's gonna be
teaching Wyatt any time soon.
Suddenly I'm more concerned about
separating him from his family
than raising him as an only child.
Actually, there might be a day that you
don't have to be concerned about that.
What do you mean?
I'm just saying.
What are you just saying?
Excuse me!
So did you come here
to kick me out?
No, actually, I came here
to ask you a question.
I need you to be honest with me.
No games, no running away.
Just the truth.
Are you Wyatt's little brother?
Only if I can get Piper and Leo
back together in time.