Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose - full transcript
Prue and Piper bring a doctor to the manor, to protect him from a powerful demonic assassin named Shax, who was sent by The Source. When Shax breaks into the manor, he throws Prue and Piper through a wall, causing them to almost die.
Okay, I think we made it.
I'm sure we made it.
- Do you think we made it?
- I don't know.
He would've attacked by now
if we hadn't.
Who would've? Why won't you
tell me what's going on?
Because we're busy
trying to save your life.
- From who?
- Unfortunately, we're not quite sure.
That's because Phoebe did not
give us enough time to figure it out.
Well, I didn't have a lot of time.
I mean, I can't control how far in
the future my premonitions take place.
I saw the attack, we kicked butt,
what more do you want?
I would like to know more
about who we are up against.
Okay, Phoebe, maybe you should
check the Book of Shadows,
see if you find anything
on this demonic hit man.
- Excuse me, demonic?
- And how to vanquish him.
That would be a good thing to know.
Do not get sidetracked
with the Cole potion thingy.
The only ones we're concerned
about saving right now is ourselves.
Okay, what Cole potion?
He told her that he only killed
because some demon
cast a spell on him.
How naive is that?
I thought she was over him.
- Apparently not.
- What the hell are you talking about?
First you tell me my life's in danger.
Then you abduct me from my work.
Now you're talking about demons and
witches? Who the hell are you people?
Look, I know this all
sounds incredible,
but it doesn't make it
any less true, all right?
You're a healer, you do good. Now,
either you have saved too many lives,
or you're about to save a life
that they don't want you to save.
- They?
- Yeah, demons.
More specifically, Shax,
who is The Source's assassin.
Hold it, I get it.
This is a practical joke, right?
Guess you've got
a hidden camera here?
My second wife put you up to this?
Oh, it's just like her.
Okay, Dr. Griffiths, listen to me.
This is anything but...
I don't know. I just felt a chill.
- Phoebe?
- All right, all right, I'm coming.
- Phoebe!
- Phoebe!
- Dear God.
- No!
- What are you?
- The end.
Evil wind that blows
That which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell
Oh, no.
Oh, God.
Hurry, it's bad.
What happened?
You guys almost died,
that's what happened.
- Yeah, well, what else is new?
- Oh, where's Shax?
Well, I tried to use
the vanquishing spell on him.
But I think it just wounded him.
He turned into the wind.
Well, maybe the spell needs more
than one witch to have its full impact.
- Okay. Come on.
- Come on. Come on where?
To go find him. So we can
finish him off while he's still hurt.
You just stay here with Griffiths,
all right?
If Shax comes back, say the spell
to fend him off. Right?
Okay, come on.
Maybe Phoebe hurt him
worse than she thought.
No, he's gotta be
around here somewhere.
He wouldn't leave without
getting what he came for.
You really think he'd attack us
in broad daylight?
Evil is usually more
insidious than that.
- Okay.
- What?
Blow this.
Okay, is he dead?
Well, we didn't really say the spell.
Well, maybe we don't have to.
We don't always.
Lucky nobody saw us.
All right, let's just get back
to Phoebe. Come on.
Back to me. Back to me.
Back to me.
Okay, I'm not exactly
sure what just happened.
But whatever it was,
you saw it here. Live.
Thank you.
Now you understand why
you have to keep this a secret?
Why you can't tell anyone about us,
about what you saw today?
If others knew, we wouldn't be able
to do what we do anymore.
We wouldn't be able to help
future innocents like we helped you.
No. No, I understand.
I mean, I don't understand
Demon. Witches. The Source.
So much for my being an atheist.
Your secret is safe with me.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
You saved my life.
The least I can do is protect yours.
- Okay, I'll walk you to the door.
- Okay.
How did it go?
- We dodged another bullet.
- Yeah, with him maybe.
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
I mean, something still bothers me
about the way we vanquished Shax.
Like, I'm not so sure we really did.
What do you mean? He screamed,
he went poof, just like they all do.
Third demon in a row, by the way,
that I vanquished with my new power,
- but who's counting?
- Right, but if that's all that we needed,
then why was there
a vanquishing spell in the book?
I mean, hasn't that always meant that
our individual powers weren't enough?
Except the book
was written by witches
with less powers
than you guys have.
- They needed the spells.
- And plus, I think if he was still alive,
he probably would've
attacked again by now.
You know, Leo, will you
just check to make sure, please?
- With the Elders?
- No problem.
If you ask me, I think
you're being paranoid.
We kicked Shax's ass. We bad.
Yes, you're probably right.
I'm hoping you won't
need me around here for a while.
I want to try a new potion on Cole.
One that'll reverse the spell
that turned him bad in the first place.
- Phoebe...
- I'm not looking
for your approval, Piper.
Just your support.
Well, Phoebe, it's sort of hard
to give you support
when you're just setting yourself up
to get hurt again.
Cole is good inside, I know it.
And if dark magic did this to him,
then how come white magic
can't save him?
I can't just turn my back.
I have to try.
What do you want us to do?
I want you to use the magic-to-magic
spell to send me down there.
I reworded it to make it work.
Phoebe, that's awfully dangerous.
If something goes wrong, we won't
be able to contact each other.
I'll be safe. I'll be with Cole.
And he'll bring me back,
so don't worry about that.
You're banking a lot on
that little potion of yours, you know.
No, I'm not.
I'm banking on Cole.
Wake up.
What are you doing here?
I came to bring you back.
You just made a huge mistake.
- Right here.
- Hey, pipe down, everybody.
Quiet. Close that damn door.
Now, what we talk about in this room
stays in this room until I say otherwise.
All right? Go ahead.
Seismologists believe that this
quiet neighbourhood is actually
- sitting on top of a fault line.
- What in the hell?
Oh, my God.
Back to me. Back to me.
Has this hit the network feed yet?
No, but if we don't send it,
some idiot out there who taped it will.
We won't be able to control
the revenue stream.
Hold it. We don't even know
what the hell it is we've got here yet.
Can we just start with that, please?
- Elana?
- I don't know. I mean, you saw it.
What else could it be
other than something supernatural?
Oh, come on, give me a break.
It could've been anything, some
kind of military deal. Publicity stunt.
Right, publicity stunt.
- For what, NASA?
- Besides, why would they pull a stunt?
- They didn't know we were there.
- You don't know that.
Maybe they only pretended
not to know.
- For all we know, this is a hoax.
- Yeah. If it is, and we send it out
before we authenticate it,
we'll look like fools.
We can't put the genie
back in the bottle, Dave.
Two hundred thousand viewers
saw it live. What do you want to do?
Go find out who
these women are, fast.
But be careful, okay?
They may not wanna be found.
- What did you expect to find?
- I don't know, something, though.
Well, demons don't usually
leave footprints, remember?
No, but sometimes
they leave a residue
when they've been vanquished,
something otherwise innocuous.
Look, I just don't understand
how we could vanquish
such a powerful demon
without a spell.
Well, frankly, I'm more worried
about Phoebe than Shax.
- We shouldn't have let her go.
- Phoebe can take care of herself,
Dr. Griffiths can't. Look...
Piper, I've had a bad feeling
about this, and I've had one all day.
And if there's one thing I've learned
since becoming a witch,
it is to trust those feelings.
Come on, sweetie.
Stay away from them.
- Morris.
- Captain.
Looks like all those freaky rumours
about you and the Halliwells
might not have been rumours
after all.
What do you mean?
Oh, no.
No, I understand.
How long will he be in there?
Okay, just have Dr. Griffiths
call me as soon as possible.
All right, thanks. Bye.
Okay, well, at least Griffiths
is in surgery for now.
- No way Shax will attack him in there.
- Okay, but what do we do then?
We can't protect him indefinitely.
Well, if I'm right, we won't have to.
I mean, Shax will attack sooner
rather than later. We should go.
No, we should wait for Leo,
to see what he found out.
Especially with Phoebe gone.
I mean,
what if we need
the power of three?
Maybe that's Griffiths.
- Digital-video experts outside KCSF
- Hello?
- have examined the original...
- Darryl, just wait.
Slow down, okay? What?
Have you see the TV yet today?
It's all over it.
- What's all over it, Darryl?
- Just turn on the TV, okay?
I told the captain I would handle this,
but I can't ward him off for long.
Stand by.
- Oh, my God.
- We now switch to Elana Dominguez,
- Prue? Prue?
- with another exclusive. Elana?
Here we are approaching the home
of where they allegedly live.
Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell.
And you're gonna meet them live,
right here on KCSF:
What are we gonna do?
- Oh, look.
- Are you coming to arrest them?
Do you consider them dangerous?
- No comment.
- Is the FBI involved?
- I said, no comment.
- Have any idea who they are?
Hey, hey, I can help.
I know who they are. I mean,
I know what they are, they're witches.
Just like me, just like I am.
Yeah, Prue, I'm at the door.
Open it up.
- Would you like to make a statement?
- I said, no comment.
- Oh, Miss Halliwell. I've got...
- Back off!
Isn't that illegal? Can't you
do something about that?
Killing somebody live on TV
is pretty illegal too, you know.
Okay, it wasn't somebody, Darryl.
It was a demon, and we're pretty sure
we didn't kill him anyway.
You want to try telling them that?
Look, I've called for backup,
but that's not gonna help for long.
This thing's gonna get ugly fast.
We shouldn't have followed
Shax into the street.
- We didn't have a choice, Piper.
- Didn't we?
Sure, we could've
let him kill our innocent.
That would've been better,
you think?
All right, you know what?
Let's not let this thing
get between us, okay?
We have enough problems
as it is, please.
More than you know.
The captain wants me
to bring you in for questioning.
Right, Darryl, and what do we
tell him? The truth?
What are you gonna tell them?
You know, maybe when
Phoebe's done saving Cole,
she can come back and save us.
Hello, Leo, nice of you to orb in.
Where have you been?
Trying to figure out how to get you
out of this mess.
- It's pretty big news up there.
- Well, in case you hadn't noticed,
it's pretty big news down here too.
Any suggestions?
No. They're still working on it.
Well, then by all means,
tell them to take their time.
They're not the ones
that screwed up.
Excuse me, screwed up?
We've been busting our Wiccan butts
for three years without getting caught.
- Don't we get credit for that?
- Piper, you've been exposed.
If we can't fix this, it could
undermine the good you've done
and all the good that you're
still destined to do.
Well, maybe this is our destiny.
Maybe it's just not meant to be.
- You don't believe that.
- Don't I?
I don't. I mean, look, this whole year
has just been
a series of tests, right?
To see what we're made of.
Well, maybe this is one more test.
Which means we can't give up,
all right?
So while the Elders are figuring out
what we're supposed to do,
- we still have work to do, okay?
- Dr. Griffiths?
Yeah, if we don't catch him before
he gets out of surgery, Shax will.
Unless you know something
we don't?
No, you're right. Your powers
aren't enough to vanquish him.
You'll need the three of you
to say the spell.
Yeah, well, we only have
two of us. Don't ask,
- just orb us to the hospital, okay?
- I can't.
The Elders won't let me. They don't
wanna risk exposing whitelighters too.
- Cowards.
- Fine, we'll just save him
- without your guys' help. Let's go.
- Whoa, Prue. Prue.
Even if you can save your innocent,
that still doesn't save yourselves.
I know that.
But first things first, all right.
Try and buy us as much time
with your captain as you can, and you,
get back up there
and whitelight a fire
underneath your bosses' butts.
Let's go.
- Whether arrests have been made...
- Hey, I need to talk to you.
- Miss Halliwell.
- No, wait, don't leave, don't leave.
- Miss Halliwell.
- Hey, take me.
- Come on, please. Take me with you.
- Stay on the car.
How'd that happen?
Let's go, let's go.
Let's follow on them.
- You're not an easy girl to dump.
- Yeah, well, I didn't risk everything
to come down here
and not get what I came for.
Well, you can't have me,
not anymore.
I can if I reverse the spell
that took you away from me.
We've already had this conversation,
Phoebe. Even if you could reverse it,
- it doesn't change the fact that l...
- That you killed a witch.
Yeah, I know, Cole, but you didn't do it
willingly, and that's the difference.
That's what gives you
a second chance.
That's what gives us a second chance.
I already had a second chance.
And I blew it. Now, this...
is your last chance.
Do you understand?
No more games.
Go home.
You can't save me.
You wanna bet?
Pretty cool potion, huh?
Let's get out of here.
What do you mean, where?
Home, back to my place.
You really think
they're just gonna let me go?
They're not gonna
come looking for me again?
We'll fight them off.
For how long, indefinitely?
Phoebe, we tried it up there.
It doesn't work for us.
So where does that leave us?
Right where we are.
Dr. Griffiths, three-four.
- Yes. Yes.
- Dr. Griffiths. Three-four.
Yes, here he is now.
This is Dr. Griffiths.
- Hi, he's still after you, come on.
- What? Wait. Where...?
- Come on.
- Let's go.
I don't have...
- I thought you got rid of this thing.
- Yeah, well,
- we don't think that anymore.
- Where we going?
- Just somewhere where it's safe.
- Look, I'm not cut out for this stuff.
- Get in the car.
- I swear...
Evil wind that blows
That which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell
Now that was a vanquish.
- Nice going.
- That's amazing.
News at 11.
Oh, that's bad.
I believe!
- Stand back!
- Let me talk to you!
I'm one of you.
Prue! Piper! I'm one of you.
I'm the only one who understands.
I can help.
Prue. Piper!
Get those idiots off the driveway,
get them back behind the tape.
All right, what I can't figure out is how
they knew that we were at the hospital.
I mean, they didn't follow us.
The reporter probably LoJacked
your car and followed you.
Forget it. You know, I really hope
Phoebe's doing better down there
than we are up here.
Look at all these interview
requests we're getting.
Ted Koppel, TIME magazine,
Jerry Springer.
Sports Illustrated?
Yeah, they probably want you
for the Swimsuit Edition.
I'm just kidding.
You know what, this is a nightmare.
Where is Leo?
Okay. Is that who I think it is?
And then one of them said
they needed a vanquishing spell.
Dr. Griffiths?
She ran upstairs to get
some book.
I don't know,
some witch-type book, I guess.
Something that told them
how to kill that demon.
So much for keeping our secret.
Turn him off.
Those sisters were always
a little strange, if you ask me.
I know for a fact
that Prue once cast a spell to make
my boyfriend break up with me.
Okay, Susie Johnson
from tenth grade?
They're interviewing her?
I always wondered why they broke up.
Not funny, not funny.
Leo. Leo.
All right. This thing
has to end now, okay?
The media is turning it
into a freaking circus.
Now you know why the Elders
have always been
- highly concerned about exposure.
- Okey-dokey, now we know.
- Do they have any solutions or not?
- Well, one. But it's a long shot.
You have to try
and contact Tempus.
Tempus? Temp...
Tempus, the demon?
He's the only one on either side
who has the power to manipulate time,
to reset everything
before this all started.
Okay, you're definitely right.
That... That's...
- That qualifies as a long shot.
- We vanquished him.
No. You defeated him,
you didn't vanquish him.
But that's not the real problem.
The real trick is
trying to contact him.
He's an upper-level demon
who's well insulated.
And why would he wanna help us?
I mean, we can't make a move
without the whole world tuning in
to watch. We're basically powerless.
Why would he want to change that?
Cool, I made it.
- You, get off that...
- Who the hell are you?
I'm Alice, Alice Hicks.
I've been trying to contact you.
I wanna join your coven.
Are you nuts? This is our home.
Get out of here.
All units, stay back!
All units, stay back!
- You guys okay?
- Yeah, we got it, Darryl.
All right, this has to end now
or our lives are over.
Here she comes. Go, close-up. What
happened? What did they do to you?
- Did they think you were a demon?
- Did they think you were a joke?
- They're mean witches.
- Tell us, tell us.
Come on, tell us. How many people
were in there?
Well, okay, so how do we
contact Tempus?
Through Cole. He's an upper-level
demon, isn't he?
- Why would he help us?
- Because helping us helps Phoebe.
Are you allowed to orb down there?
Yes, but I won't be able to find her until
I'm there. I can't track her from here.
All right, well, then you'd better hurry.
- Okay, what's the matter?
- Well, once I'm down there,
you won't be able to contact me
if you get in any kind of trouble.
Honey, what more trouble
could we possibly get into?
Besides, once time resets itself,
then everything should be fine.
- So go, and be careful.
- Yeah, you too.
Okay, so, what do you say,
Oprah or Barbara?
Barbara makes you cry.
We go with Oprah.
I have to get you out of here.
You mean, get us out of here.
Listen to me, this is serious.
Something's happening.
Something big, l...
It's too dangerous for you here.
- Why? What's happening?
- I don't know,
but whatever it is, it's important
enough for The Source to have come.
He's here? Now?
Which is why you have to go.
- Leo.
- Are you out of your mind?
- What are you doing?
- Trying to save my family.
Prue and Piper have been exposed.
The whole world knows you're witches.
- How?
- It doesn't matter how.
What matters is getting them out of it,
which requires your help.
Come again?
You have to get to Tempus,
you have to get him to reverse time.
Oh, you gotta be kidding.
There's no way.
Look, it's the only way there is.
But we have to move fast.
I... I couldn't summon Tempus
even if I wanted to.
I don't have that kind of power.
But you know somebody who does.
Wait, you want me
to ask The Source to help witches?
Doesn't just help witches.
The demonic world
has been exposed too, Cole.
Why do you think he's here?
Resetting time solves
everybody's problem.
Make it your idea. Pitch it like
you're doing it to save him, not them.
Whether that's why
you're doing it or not.
This is suicide.
I've heard the rumours.
I beg you, are they true?
- Have we been exposed?
- What business is it of yours?
I may have a solution.
Tempus' powers...
Are still weakened from when
he last turned back time.
Doing so again will destroy him.
What other choice is there?
- Forgive me.
- For your betrayal, never.
I know of your struggles, Belthazor.
Of your witch.
I know that's why
you've come to me.
I know everything about you.
Tempus will do as you suggest
if your witch crosses over.
If your witch joins us.
She'd never do that.
Not even to save
one of her sisters' lives?
Has one of them been killed?
I'm on the scene amongst
this frenzied crowd...
I don't know why
we're bothering to do this.
In case time doesn't reset itself.
If time doesn't reset itself,
this table against that door
is not gonna help much.
Then we better start thinking
about what would, okay?
Because if Leo doesn't succeed,
we're gonna have to figure out
what we're gonna do.
We're gonna do talk shows
and book signings and movie deals,
and then be taken by the CIA
and dissected.
How can you be joking
about this, Piper?
- Who's joking?
- Well, I'm not.
All right, I'm scared.
And you should be too.
Okay, our lives, Piper,
everything that we've worked for,
could be completely destroyed with...
With one stupid mistake.
Our entire future, our entire destiny,
could be wiped out just like that.
What was that?
Piper. Piper.
I killed the wicked witch.
The wicked witch is dead.
I killed the wicked witch.
Oh, God. Oh, God. I know.
I know. You're okay.
You're okay.
Okay, we have to get you
to the hospital. Come on.
Miss Halliwell, please,
what is going on?
Miss Halliwell, please.
- Look out for the guy.
- Where are you going?
- Move!
- Miss Halliwell, what is going on?
Miss Halliwell, where are you going?
Miss Halliwell, please...
Move out of my way.
I gotta get her to the hospital! Move!
- What happened to your...?
- Move out of my way.
Get out of the way.
What is wrong with you people?
You're okay.
Hang in there. Where's Dr. Griffiths?
He should've been here by now.
- How did this happen?
- Some idiot in front of our house.
- What do we know?
- Pulse is 70 and weak.
I need some numbers, people.
At the count of three.
- One. Two. Three. Go.
- Suture kit standing by.
Suture kit prepared.
Small entry wound, upper right back.
Larger exit wound, abdomen.
Lungs failing.
Stir an IV of lactated ringers.
- Two units of O, stat.
- Right away.
- Grab 40 cc's adrenaline.
- He... He can't hear you.
Leo. Something
must have gone wrong.
You hang in there.
Don't you dare die on me.
Pin in the lower back.
- Prue...
- Hold it there.
I'm cold.
I can't... I can't...
- I can't feel my legs.
- Pulse is dropping.
Don't go.
I love you.
Oh, God.
Full arrest. Paddles!
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Recharge.
- Recharge.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- I'm sorry.
- No!
No, God.
Get out of here.
Maybe it shouldn't. L...
Where have you been?
We've been worried.
What's the matter?
He knows.
About you, about us.
So, what does that mean?
He's offering a deal.
He'll get Tempus to reset time...
if you stay here.
- What? Down here? He's crazy.
- Hardly.
Yeah, well, we're desperate,
but not that desperate.
Why would he think that I would
accept an offer like that?
Because it's the only way to bring
one of your sisters back to life.
It's a trick, he's lying.
It's not.
Okay, stop it right there. Here.
Just keep your hands where
I can see them, and you won't get hurt.
They killed her, Leo.
They think we're the demons now.
How could...?
How could this be happening?
I don't understand.
I'm so sorry.
Can you make this right or not?
Don't worry, he's gonna fix it.
I promise, you're gonna be fine.
You don't have to do this.
Yes, I do.
will resetting time
affect us down here?
I only have one condition.
You must warn Prue and Piper
before the demonic hit man attacks.
Otherwise they're dead anyway.
Once I have reset time, detain him.
And then kill his witch.
That way I won't have to worry
about Belthazor anymore.
Or the Charmed Ones.
It shall be done.
Look, I know this all sounds
but it doesn't make it
any less true, all right?
You're a healer, you do good. Now,
either you have saved too many lives,
or you're about to save a life
that they don't want you to save.
- They?
- Yeah, demons.
More specifically, Shax,
who is The Source's assassin.
Hold it, I get it.
This is a practical joke, right?
Guess you've got
a hidden camera here?
My second wife put you up to this?
Oh, it's just like her.
Okay, Dr. Griffiths, listen to me.
This is anything but...
I don't know. I just felt a chill.
Phoebe, you there?
Phoebe, where are you?
- Dear God.
- No!
- What are you?
- The end.
I'm sure we made it.
- Do you think we made it?
- I don't know.
He would've attacked by now
if we hadn't.
Who would've? Why won't you
tell me what's going on?
Because we're busy
trying to save your life.
- From who?
- Unfortunately, we're not quite sure.
That's because Phoebe did not
give us enough time to figure it out.
Well, I didn't have a lot of time.
I mean, I can't control how far in
the future my premonitions take place.
I saw the attack, we kicked butt,
what more do you want?
I would like to know more
about who we are up against.
Okay, Phoebe, maybe you should
check the Book of Shadows,
see if you find anything
on this demonic hit man.
- Excuse me, demonic?
- And how to vanquish him.
That would be a good thing to know.
Do not get sidetracked
with the Cole potion thingy.
The only ones we're concerned
about saving right now is ourselves.
Okay, what Cole potion?
He told her that he only killed
because some demon
cast a spell on him.
How naive is that?
I thought she was over him.
- Apparently not.
- What the hell are you talking about?
First you tell me my life's in danger.
Then you abduct me from my work.
Now you're talking about demons and
witches? Who the hell are you people?
Look, I know this all
sounds incredible,
but it doesn't make it
any less true, all right?
You're a healer, you do good. Now,
either you have saved too many lives,
or you're about to save a life
that they don't want you to save.
- They?
- Yeah, demons.
More specifically, Shax,
who is The Source's assassin.
Hold it, I get it.
This is a practical joke, right?
Guess you've got
a hidden camera here?
My second wife put you up to this?
Oh, it's just like her.
Okay, Dr. Griffiths, listen to me.
This is anything but...
I don't know. I just felt a chill.
- Phoebe?
- All right, all right, I'm coming.
- Phoebe!
- Phoebe!
- Dear God.
- No!
- What are you?
- The end.
Evil wind that blows
That which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell
Oh, no.
Oh, God.
Hurry, it's bad.
What happened?
You guys almost died,
that's what happened.
- Yeah, well, what else is new?
- Oh, where's Shax?
Well, I tried to use
the vanquishing spell on him.
But I think it just wounded him.
He turned into the wind.
Well, maybe the spell needs more
than one witch to have its full impact.
- Okay. Come on.
- Come on. Come on where?
To go find him. So we can
finish him off while he's still hurt.
You just stay here with Griffiths,
all right?
If Shax comes back, say the spell
to fend him off. Right?
Okay, come on.
Maybe Phoebe hurt him
worse than she thought.
No, he's gotta be
around here somewhere.
He wouldn't leave without
getting what he came for.
You really think he'd attack us
in broad daylight?
Evil is usually more
insidious than that.
- Okay.
- What?
Blow this.
Okay, is he dead?
Well, we didn't really say the spell.
Well, maybe we don't have to.
We don't always.
Lucky nobody saw us.
All right, let's just get back
to Phoebe. Come on.
Back to me. Back to me.
Back to me.
Okay, I'm not exactly
sure what just happened.
But whatever it was,
you saw it here. Live.
Thank you.
Now you understand why
you have to keep this a secret?
Why you can't tell anyone about us,
about what you saw today?
If others knew, we wouldn't be able
to do what we do anymore.
We wouldn't be able to help
future innocents like we helped you.
No. No, I understand.
I mean, I don't understand
Demon. Witches. The Source.
So much for my being an atheist.
Your secret is safe with me.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
You saved my life.
The least I can do is protect yours.
- Okay, I'll walk you to the door.
- Okay.
How did it go?
- We dodged another bullet.
- Yeah, with him maybe.
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
I mean, something still bothers me
about the way we vanquished Shax.
Like, I'm not so sure we really did.
What do you mean? He screamed,
he went poof, just like they all do.
Third demon in a row, by the way,
that I vanquished with my new power,
- but who's counting?
- Right, but if that's all that we needed,
then why was there
a vanquishing spell in the book?
I mean, hasn't that always meant that
our individual powers weren't enough?
Except the book
was written by witches
with less powers
than you guys have.
- They needed the spells.
- And plus, I think if he was still alive,
he probably would've
attacked again by now.
You know, Leo, will you
just check to make sure, please?
- With the Elders?
- No problem.
If you ask me, I think
you're being paranoid.
We kicked Shax's ass. We bad.
Yes, you're probably right.
I'm hoping you won't
need me around here for a while.
I want to try a new potion on Cole.
One that'll reverse the spell
that turned him bad in the first place.
- Phoebe...
- I'm not looking
for your approval, Piper.
Just your support.
Well, Phoebe, it's sort of hard
to give you support
when you're just setting yourself up
to get hurt again.
Cole is good inside, I know it.
And if dark magic did this to him,
then how come white magic
can't save him?
I can't just turn my back.
I have to try.
What do you want us to do?
I want you to use the magic-to-magic
spell to send me down there.
I reworded it to make it work.
Phoebe, that's awfully dangerous.
If something goes wrong, we won't
be able to contact each other.
I'll be safe. I'll be with Cole.
And he'll bring me back,
so don't worry about that.
You're banking a lot on
that little potion of yours, you know.
No, I'm not.
I'm banking on Cole.
Wake up.
What are you doing here?
I came to bring you back.
You just made a huge mistake.
- Right here.
- Hey, pipe down, everybody.
Quiet. Close that damn door.
Now, what we talk about in this room
stays in this room until I say otherwise.
All right? Go ahead.
Seismologists believe that this
quiet neighbourhood is actually
- sitting on top of a fault line.
- What in the hell?
Oh, my God.
Back to me. Back to me.
Has this hit the network feed yet?
No, but if we don't send it,
some idiot out there who taped it will.
We won't be able to control
the revenue stream.
Hold it. We don't even know
what the hell it is we've got here yet.
Can we just start with that, please?
- Elana?
- I don't know. I mean, you saw it.
What else could it be
other than something supernatural?
Oh, come on, give me a break.
It could've been anything, some
kind of military deal. Publicity stunt.
Right, publicity stunt.
- For what, NASA?
- Besides, why would they pull a stunt?
- They didn't know we were there.
- You don't know that.
Maybe they only pretended
not to know.
- For all we know, this is a hoax.
- Yeah. If it is, and we send it out
before we authenticate it,
we'll look like fools.
We can't put the genie
back in the bottle, Dave.
Two hundred thousand viewers
saw it live. What do you want to do?
Go find out who
these women are, fast.
But be careful, okay?
They may not wanna be found.
- What did you expect to find?
- I don't know, something, though.
Well, demons don't usually
leave footprints, remember?
No, but sometimes
they leave a residue
when they've been vanquished,
something otherwise innocuous.
Look, I just don't understand
how we could vanquish
such a powerful demon
without a spell.
Well, frankly, I'm more worried
about Phoebe than Shax.
- We shouldn't have let her go.
- Phoebe can take care of herself,
Dr. Griffiths can't. Look...
Piper, I've had a bad feeling
about this, and I've had one all day.
And if there's one thing I've learned
since becoming a witch,
it is to trust those feelings.
Come on, sweetie.
Stay away from them.
- Morris.
- Captain.
Looks like all those freaky rumours
about you and the Halliwells
might not have been rumours
after all.
What do you mean?
Oh, no.
No, I understand.
How long will he be in there?
Okay, just have Dr. Griffiths
call me as soon as possible.
All right, thanks. Bye.
Okay, well, at least Griffiths
is in surgery for now.
- No way Shax will attack him in there.
- Okay, but what do we do then?
We can't protect him indefinitely.
Well, if I'm right, we won't have to.
I mean, Shax will attack sooner
rather than later. We should go.
No, we should wait for Leo,
to see what he found out.
Especially with Phoebe gone.
I mean,
what if we need
the power of three?
Maybe that's Griffiths.
- Digital-video experts outside KCSF
- Hello?
- have examined the original...
- Darryl, just wait.
Slow down, okay? What?
Have you see the TV yet today?
It's all over it.
- What's all over it, Darryl?
- Just turn on the TV, okay?
I told the captain I would handle this,
but I can't ward him off for long.
Stand by.
- Oh, my God.
- We now switch to Elana Dominguez,
- Prue? Prue?
- with another exclusive. Elana?
Here we are approaching the home
of where they allegedly live.
Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell.
And you're gonna meet them live,
right here on KCSF:
What are we gonna do?
- Oh, look.
- Are you coming to arrest them?
Do you consider them dangerous?
- No comment.
- Is the FBI involved?
- I said, no comment.
- Have any idea who they are?
Hey, hey, I can help.
I know who they are. I mean,
I know what they are, they're witches.
Just like me, just like I am.
Yeah, Prue, I'm at the door.
Open it up.
- Would you like to make a statement?
- I said, no comment.
- Oh, Miss Halliwell. I've got...
- Back off!
Isn't that illegal? Can't you
do something about that?
Killing somebody live on TV
is pretty illegal too, you know.
Okay, it wasn't somebody, Darryl.
It was a demon, and we're pretty sure
we didn't kill him anyway.
You want to try telling them that?
Look, I've called for backup,
but that's not gonna help for long.
This thing's gonna get ugly fast.
We shouldn't have followed
Shax into the street.
- We didn't have a choice, Piper.
- Didn't we?
Sure, we could've
let him kill our innocent.
That would've been better,
you think?
All right, you know what?
Let's not let this thing
get between us, okay?
We have enough problems
as it is, please.
More than you know.
The captain wants me
to bring you in for questioning.
Right, Darryl, and what do we
tell him? The truth?
What are you gonna tell them?
You know, maybe when
Phoebe's done saving Cole,
she can come back and save us.
Hello, Leo, nice of you to orb in.
Where have you been?
Trying to figure out how to get you
out of this mess.
- It's pretty big news up there.
- Well, in case you hadn't noticed,
it's pretty big news down here too.
Any suggestions?
No. They're still working on it.
Well, then by all means,
tell them to take their time.
They're not the ones
that screwed up.
Excuse me, screwed up?
We've been busting our Wiccan butts
for three years without getting caught.
- Don't we get credit for that?
- Piper, you've been exposed.
If we can't fix this, it could
undermine the good you've done
and all the good that you're
still destined to do.
Well, maybe this is our destiny.
Maybe it's just not meant to be.
- You don't believe that.
- Don't I?
I don't. I mean, look, this whole year
has just been
a series of tests, right?
To see what we're made of.
Well, maybe this is one more test.
Which means we can't give up,
all right?
So while the Elders are figuring out
what we're supposed to do,
- we still have work to do, okay?
- Dr. Griffiths?
Yeah, if we don't catch him before
he gets out of surgery, Shax will.
Unless you know something
we don't?
No, you're right. Your powers
aren't enough to vanquish him.
You'll need the three of you
to say the spell.
Yeah, well, we only have
two of us. Don't ask,
- just orb us to the hospital, okay?
- I can't.
The Elders won't let me. They don't
wanna risk exposing whitelighters too.
- Cowards.
- Fine, we'll just save him
- without your guys' help. Let's go.
- Whoa, Prue. Prue.
Even if you can save your innocent,
that still doesn't save yourselves.
I know that.
But first things first, all right.
Try and buy us as much time
with your captain as you can, and you,
get back up there
and whitelight a fire
underneath your bosses' butts.
Let's go.
- Whether arrests have been made...
- Hey, I need to talk to you.
- Miss Halliwell.
- No, wait, don't leave, don't leave.
- Miss Halliwell.
- Hey, take me.
- Come on, please. Take me with you.
- Stay on the car.
How'd that happen?
Let's go, let's go.
Let's follow on them.
- You're not an easy girl to dump.
- Yeah, well, I didn't risk everything
to come down here
and not get what I came for.
Well, you can't have me,
not anymore.
I can if I reverse the spell
that took you away from me.
We've already had this conversation,
Phoebe. Even if you could reverse it,
- it doesn't change the fact that l...
- That you killed a witch.
Yeah, I know, Cole, but you didn't do it
willingly, and that's the difference.
That's what gives you
a second chance.
That's what gives us a second chance.
I already had a second chance.
And I blew it. Now, this...
is your last chance.
Do you understand?
No more games.
Go home.
You can't save me.
You wanna bet?
Pretty cool potion, huh?
Let's get out of here.
What do you mean, where?
Home, back to my place.
You really think
they're just gonna let me go?
They're not gonna
come looking for me again?
We'll fight them off.
For how long, indefinitely?
Phoebe, we tried it up there.
It doesn't work for us.
So where does that leave us?
Right where we are.
Dr. Griffiths, three-four.
- Yes. Yes.
- Dr. Griffiths. Three-four.
Yes, here he is now.
This is Dr. Griffiths.
- Hi, he's still after you, come on.
- What? Wait. Where...?
- Come on.
- Let's go.
I don't have...
- I thought you got rid of this thing.
- Yeah, well,
- we don't think that anymore.
- Where we going?
- Just somewhere where it's safe.
- Look, I'm not cut out for this stuff.
- Get in the car.
- I swear...
Evil wind that blows
That which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell
Now that was a vanquish.
- Nice going.
- That's amazing.
News at 11.
Oh, that's bad.
I believe!
- Stand back!
- Let me talk to you!
I'm one of you.
Prue! Piper! I'm one of you.
I'm the only one who understands.
I can help.
Prue. Piper!
Get those idiots off the driveway,
get them back behind the tape.
All right, what I can't figure out is how
they knew that we were at the hospital.
I mean, they didn't follow us.
The reporter probably LoJacked
your car and followed you.
Forget it. You know, I really hope
Phoebe's doing better down there
than we are up here.
Look at all these interview
requests we're getting.
Ted Koppel, TIME magazine,
Jerry Springer.
Sports Illustrated?
Yeah, they probably want you
for the Swimsuit Edition.
I'm just kidding.
You know what, this is a nightmare.
Where is Leo?
Okay. Is that who I think it is?
And then one of them said
they needed a vanquishing spell.
Dr. Griffiths?
She ran upstairs to get
some book.
I don't know,
some witch-type book, I guess.
Something that told them
how to kill that demon.
So much for keeping our secret.
Turn him off.
Those sisters were always
a little strange, if you ask me.
I know for a fact
that Prue once cast a spell to make
my boyfriend break up with me.
Okay, Susie Johnson
from tenth grade?
They're interviewing her?
I always wondered why they broke up.
Not funny, not funny.
Leo. Leo.
All right. This thing
has to end now, okay?
The media is turning it
into a freaking circus.
Now you know why the Elders
have always been
- highly concerned about exposure.
- Okey-dokey, now we know.
- Do they have any solutions or not?
- Well, one. But it's a long shot.
You have to try
and contact Tempus.
Tempus? Temp...
Tempus, the demon?
He's the only one on either side
who has the power to manipulate time,
to reset everything
before this all started.
Okay, you're definitely right.
That... That's...
- That qualifies as a long shot.
- We vanquished him.
No. You defeated him,
you didn't vanquish him.
But that's not the real problem.
The real trick is
trying to contact him.
He's an upper-level demon
who's well insulated.
And why would he wanna help us?
I mean, we can't make a move
without the whole world tuning in
to watch. We're basically powerless.
Why would he want to change that?
Cool, I made it.
- You, get off that...
- Who the hell are you?
I'm Alice, Alice Hicks.
I've been trying to contact you.
I wanna join your coven.
Are you nuts? This is our home.
Get out of here.
All units, stay back!
All units, stay back!
- You guys okay?
- Yeah, we got it, Darryl.
All right, this has to end now
or our lives are over.
Here she comes. Go, close-up. What
happened? What did they do to you?
- Did they think you were a demon?
- Did they think you were a joke?
- They're mean witches.
- Tell us, tell us.
Come on, tell us. How many people
were in there?
Well, okay, so how do we
contact Tempus?
Through Cole. He's an upper-level
demon, isn't he?
- Why would he help us?
- Because helping us helps Phoebe.
Are you allowed to orb down there?
Yes, but I won't be able to find her until
I'm there. I can't track her from here.
All right, well, then you'd better hurry.
- Okay, what's the matter?
- Well, once I'm down there,
you won't be able to contact me
if you get in any kind of trouble.
Honey, what more trouble
could we possibly get into?
Besides, once time resets itself,
then everything should be fine.
- So go, and be careful.
- Yeah, you too.
Okay, so, what do you say,
Oprah or Barbara?
Barbara makes you cry.
We go with Oprah.
I have to get you out of here.
You mean, get us out of here.
Listen to me, this is serious.
Something's happening.
Something big, l...
It's too dangerous for you here.
- Why? What's happening?
- I don't know,
but whatever it is, it's important
enough for The Source to have come.
He's here? Now?
Which is why you have to go.
- Leo.
- Are you out of your mind?
- What are you doing?
- Trying to save my family.
Prue and Piper have been exposed.
The whole world knows you're witches.
- How?
- It doesn't matter how.
What matters is getting them out of it,
which requires your help.
Come again?
You have to get to Tempus,
you have to get him to reverse time.
Oh, you gotta be kidding.
There's no way.
Look, it's the only way there is.
But we have to move fast.
I... I couldn't summon Tempus
even if I wanted to.
I don't have that kind of power.
But you know somebody who does.
Wait, you want me
to ask The Source to help witches?
Doesn't just help witches.
The demonic world
has been exposed too, Cole.
Why do you think he's here?
Resetting time solves
everybody's problem.
Make it your idea. Pitch it like
you're doing it to save him, not them.
Whether that's why
you're doing it or not.
This is suicide.
I've heard the rumours.
I beg you, are they true?
- Have we been exposed?
- What business is it of yours?
I may have a solution.
Tempus' powers...
Are still weakened from when
he last turned back time.
Doing so again will destroy him.
What other choice is there?
- Forgive me.
- For your betrayal, never.
I know of your struggles, Belthazor.
Of your witch.
I know that's why
you've come to me.
I know everything about you.
Tempus will do as you suggest
if your witch crosses over.
If your witch joins us.
She'd never do that.
Not even to save
one of her sisters' lives?
Has one of them been killed?
I'm on the scene amongst
this frenzied crowd...
I don't know why
we're bothering to do this.
In case time doesn't reset itself.
If time doesn't reset itself,
this table against that door
is not gonna help much.
Then we better start thinking
about what would, okay?
Because if Leo doesn't succeed,
we're gonna have to figure out
what we're gonna do.
We're gonna do talk shows
and book signings and movie deals,
and then be taken by the CIA
and dissected.
How can you be joking
about this, Piper?
- Who's joking?
- Well, I'm not.
All right, I'm scared.
And you should be too.
Okay, our lives, Piper,
everything that we've worked for,
could be completely destroyed with...
With one stupid mistake.
Our entire future, our entire destiny,
could be wiped out just like that.
What was that?
Piper. Piper.
I killed the wicked witch.
The wicked witch is dead.
I killed the wicked witch.
Oh, God. Oh, God. I know.
I know. You're okay.
You're okay.
Okay, we have to get you
to the hospital. Come on.
Miss Halliwell, please,
what is going on?
Miss Halliwell, please.
- Look out for the guy.
- Where are you going?
- Move!
- Miss Halliwell, what is going on?
Miss Halliwell, where are you going?
Miss Halliwell, please...
Move out of my way.
I gotta get her to the hospital! Move!
- What happened to your...?
- Move out of my way.
Get out of the way.
What is wrong with you people?
You're okay.
Hang in there. Where's Dr. Griffiths?
He should've been here by now.
- How did this happen?
- Some idiot in front of our house.
- What do we know?
- Pulse is 70 and weak.
I need some numbers, people.
At the count of three.
- One. Two. Three. Go.
- Suture kit standing by.
Suture kit prepared.
Small entry wound, upper right back.
Larger exit wound, abdomen.
Lungs failing.
Stir an IV of lactated ringers.
- Two units of O, stat.
- Right away.
- Grab 40 cc's adrenaline.
- He... He can't hear you.
Leo. Something
must have gone wrong.
You hang in there.
Don't you dare die on me.
Pin in the lower back.
- Prue...
- Hold it there.
I'm cold.
I can't... I can't...
- I can't feel my legs.
- Pulse is dropping.
Don't go.
I love you.
Oh, God.
Full arrest. Paddles!
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Recharge.
- Recharge.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- I'm sorry.
- No!
No, God.
Get out of here.
Maybe it shouldn't. L...
Where have you been?
We've been worried.
What's the matter?
He knows.
About you, about us.
So, what does that mean?
He's offering a deal.
He'll get Tempus to reset time...
if you stay here.
- What? Down here? He's crazy.
- Hardly.
Yeah, well, we're desperate,
but not that desperate.
Why would he think that I would
accept an offer like that?
Because it's the only way to bring
one of your sisters back to life.
It's a trick, he's lying.
It's not.
Okay, stop it right there. Here.
Just keep your hands where
I can see them, and you won't get hurt.
They killed her, Leo.
They think we're the demons now.
How could...?
How could this be happening?
I don't understand.
I'm so sorry.
Can you make this right or not?
Don't worry, he's gonna fix it.
I promise, you're gonna be fine.
You don't have to do this.
Yes, I do.
will resetting time
affect us down here?
I only have one condition.
You must warn Prue and Piper
before the demonic hit man attacks.
Otherwise they're dead anyway.
Once I have reset time, detain him.
And then kill his witch.
That way I won't have to worry
about Belthazor anymore.
Or the Charmed Ones.
It shall be done.
Look, I know this all sounds
but it doesn't make it
any less true, all right?
You're a healer, you do good. Now,
either you have saved too many lives,
or you're about to save a life
that they don't want you to save.
- They?
- Yeah, demons.
More specifically, Shax,
who is The Source's assassin.
Hold it, I get it.
This is a practical joke, right?
Guess you've got
a hidden camera here?
My second wife put you up to this?
Oh, it's just like her.
Okay, Dr. Griffiths, listen to me.
This is anything but...
I don't know. I just felt a chill.
Phoebe, you there?
Phoebe, where are you?
- Dear God.
- No!
- What are you?
- The end.