Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 21 - Look Who's Barking - full transcript
Piper is trying to control her new power, while Phoebe is writing in the Book of Shadows about Cole. Prue is worried with the behavior of Phoebe and also missing a nice boyfriend. When a ...
Why didn't you invite him in?
- Who?
- Your date.
The guy you've been smooching
on the porch for the last ten minutes.
Eavesdropping, were you?
Well, I'm single again,
so I have no choice but to live
vicariously through your love life.
Wow, I'd pick a better love
life if I were you.
Lately, mine's been rated PG
for "pretty grim."
That's because no one ever makes
it past the threshold, Prue.
I mean don't get me wrong.
I'm glad that you're out there looking,
but you can't keep saving
yourself for Mr. Right.
I need more vicarious thrills
than that.
I am not saving myself for Mr. Right.
I mean Mr. Interesting would do,
or Mr. Personality,
or even Mr. Take-My-Breath-Away.
I don't care.
Be careful with the last one.
They tend to surprise you
in all the wrong ways.
"Cole likes...
walks in the park,
jazz and fine wine."
- Phoebe, what are you doing?
- Well, Cole's a demon.
We write about demons in
the Book of Shadows, don't we?
Right, but this kind of stuff?
Do you really think that's necessary?
Yeah, if it prepares future witches
in case he attacks, absolutely.
The more that they know about Cole,
the better chance they have
of hurting him before he hurts them.
Do you wanna talk about it?
No, there's nothing to talk about.
I loved, I lost,
and now I'm moving on.
- What was that?
- Piper.
All right, where is she?
In the bunker formerly known
as the basement.
I thought she was getting a handle
on her new powers.
Yeah, that was before her new powers
got a handle on her. Piper!
- What?
- Are you okay?
I'm fine.
The Christmas decorations are not.
Can we come down?
No. Stay away from the door.
It's not safe.
Piper, that's ridiculous.
We're your sisters.
Maybe we should back up
just a little bit.
Jeez, who let the dogs out?
- You can't stay down there forever.
- Yes, I can.
No, you can't.
You have a club to run and a husband
who can't stand to live without you.
That's right.
And two sisters who need you
to cook for them
and fight evil with them.
Okay, do you want her to come up,
or do you want her to stay down there?
What is going on?
What was that? What happened?
Nothing. Just relax.
It was only Kit.
Don't blow anything up.
All right, what the hell
is going on out there?
Oh, Cathryn.
Oh, Cathryn, my darling.
Misty, stop it.
- Morning.
- Morning.
You're not still writing in there
about Cole, are you?
- Nope.
- Good.
I'm actually writing about
his demonic half now.
Phoebe, I'm starting to get
a little worried about you.
Oh, don't worry about me,
worry about Piper.
Why? Is she still locked
in the basement?
No, she's locked herself
in her bedroom now.
Well, at least somebody's improving.
Looks like we weren't the only ones
annoyed by the dogs barking last night.
It says that there was a record number
of noise complaints.
It says here that
at the exact same time,
there was a man murdered
in our neighbourhood.
Do you mind?
No motive, nothing stolen,
nothing to suggest how he was killed,
lots of shattered glass everywhere.
You know this isn't gonna work,
you trying to distract me...
- What?
- I saw a little girl.
She couldn't have been any older...
than 14 or 15. Did you mention
something about shattered glass?
I think you're right. I think a demon
was responsible for that man's death.
And I think I know which one.
Pheebs, what are you doing?
If we use the magic-to-magic spell
to summon Cole,
and then we vanquish him...
Wait. What makes you think
that Cole is responsible?
I was holding the Belthazor page
when I got the premonition.
But shattered glass, an old man,
a teenager, that's not exactly his m.o.
Then why else would I get
the premonition?
I don't know, Phoebe, but I think
you're barking up the wrong demon.
Look, I know that he hurt you. But that
doesn't necessarily mean that he's...
Prue, I can do this with you
or without you.
Just, please,
get the vanquishing potion.
- And what if the potion doesn't work?
- It'll work.
It has to.
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
Here he comes.
Wait a minute.
- What happened? Why didn't it work?
- I don't know.
Damn it.
All right, we're just gonna have to find
the girl another way.
Was there anything
in your premonition that might help?
Dark alley, late at night, phone booth.
I mean, there's not much to go on.
So we'll have to go to the first victim's
apartment and see if anything's there.
- Should we get Piper?
- No. Let's not put her
any more on edge
than she already is. Come on.
Soft inhalation.
Slow, deep exhalation.
Be at peace in this moment
as you allow your mind to drift...
slow. Breathe as...
Leo! You're supposed
to knock, not orb!
But I live here.
Okay, okay. Just relax.
That's what I was trying to do,
and then somebody
made me blow up my guru.
No, no, no!
Stay away. I am not safe.
- Piper, come on.
- No, I mean it.
My hands are lethal weapons,
and I don't know how to control it.
And it gets worse every day.
Well, that's normal.
It took you a while
to learn how to control
your freezing power, remember?
Freezing is one thing.
Blowing up stuff
is another thing altogether.
Well, except this time
you're not alone. I'm here.
Yeah, but you shouldn't be here.
You shouldn't be anywhere near me.
It's too dangerous.
Then how are we gonna go
on our honeymoon?
We're not gonna go on our
honeymoon, we're gonna cancel it.
We are not
cancelling our honeymoon.
Well, then tell the Elders to take
this power back.
I don't want it.
I'm not ready for it.
They wouldn't have given it to you
if you weren't ready. I know that,
both as your whitelighter
and as your husband.
What if you're wrong?
What if I hurt someone?
I just... I feel so helpless.
One thing you're not is helpless.
You are one of the strongest, most
capable people I have ever known.
And don't forget,
I've been around for a while.
You can handle this, honey.
We can handle it together.
So, what kind of specialists
are you anyway?
Inspector Morris didn't tell you?
No, he didn't.
Can I pick this up?
Sure. Forensics is done here.
Are you those psychics we keep
hearing about he was working with?
Psychics. Right, that's a good one.
Is this the victim's wife?
Yeah, she died a couple
of months ago.
Neighbours say the poor guy
never got over it.
- Any suspects?
- All we know
is whoever did it, busted through
that window, although three stories up.
- Nobody can figure out how.
- Do you see any scorch marks
by where the body was?
I don't think that there would
have been a body...
if that particular weapon
had been used.
- Are you from arson?
- No, she was just
curious of how he died.
He drowned in his own blood,
according to the ME.
All his blood vessels just burst
for no reason.
Are you feds?
Actually, inspector,
we're witches. Okay?
We actually think a demon
might have done this,
probably my ex-boyfriend.
And if he did do this,
then we have to find him
and vanquish him.
That's very funny.
- Okay, are you out of your mind?
- Well, it got rid of him, didn't it?
- So, what do you think?
- Definitely supernatural,
but was it Belthazor?
Well, they must have some
of the vanquishing potion,
otherwise, why try to summon me?
Perhaps the witch
who loved you wants you back.
Humans can be very forgiving.
Not this human, not after what I did.
If I know her,
she wants to crucify me.
And knowing her
is exactly what I wanted you
to help me stop doing, Alchemist.
If I'm to fully revert
to my demonic self,
I need to break all ties,
remove all doubt.
Transmuting your blood
might make you immune
to the witch's potion, Belthazor.
But it won't necessarily make you
immune from her pull.
That's all right.
If she summons me again...
That's not the pull I'm talking about.
Your human half
will always be vulnerable
to that which makes
all humans vulnerable.
No sorcery can change that.
Then do what you can.
I'm telling you, it's gotta be Cole.
Phoebe, just because you want it to be
him, doesn't necessarily make it him.
This isn't about me and Cole.
This is about what I saw.
My premonitions are always
directly connected
to what I'm touching at the time.
Okay, well, wait a minute.
What if the back of your hand
was touching this page?
Right? A Banshee, whatever that is.
It's a demon who feeds
on souls in great pain.
Hey, stranger. Long time no see.
Well, like you said,
I can't hide forever.
Although you guys
should be wearing asbestos suits.
Oh, I think we'll risk it.
I just don't want anybody to get hurt.
Well, since you can't freeze us,
you probably can't blow us up either.
Just keep your hands
where we can see them.
All right, so the Banshee.
Well, they're pretty rare.
But what they do is hunt
for their victims
with a high-pitched call,
something beyond our range to hear.
Okay, so then how do they find
their victims?
By hearing the inner cry.
By zeroing in on the waves of pain
that emanate from the stricken.
Then their call turns
into a scream that kills.
Well, that explains the broken
blood vessels and the shattered glass.
Looks like it's not Cole after all.
So, what do we do, wear earplugs?
There is no spell to vanquish
the Banshee,
but there is one
to track the Banshee.
Okay, so all we need
is a designated tracker.
You're sure about this?
Well, with everything that you
and Piper are going through right now,
I don't have much of a choice.
It's just a tracking spell.
- What's the worst that can happen?
- With our history, don't go there.
It's almost night, that's when the girl
in Phoebe's premonition was attacked.
So let's just do it.
"Let a piercing cry that feeds on pain
And leaves more sorrow than it gains
Shall now be heard by one who seeks
To stop the havoc that it wreaks"
Oh, my God.
Come on, Prue.
Come on. Come on out.
We're still your sisters, you know.
Jeez, honey, don't sound so sad.
It's gonna be okay.
How? How is this gonna be okay?
Hands in your pockets.
What did you find out?
Why did the spell backfire?
- I don't think it did.
- What are you talking about, Leo?
Prue is walking around
on all fours and barking.
If that's not a backfire, then what is?
You're scaring her.
All right, all I'm saying is that
you guys cast a tracking spell.
And since dogs can obviously
hear a Banshee's call,
what happened makes sense.
Prue should be able to track it now.
Yeah, if she ever comes out.
Prue. Honey.
Okay, you can't stay
under there all night.
Okay, if you won't come out for you,
will you at least come out
for an innocent?
We can't save that teenage girl
without you.
That's a good girl!
That's a good girl!
Who's a good girl?
Well, at least we know
she understands what we're saying.
- She's such a pretty dog.
- What else did you expect?
A Doberman.
Honey, watch your orbs.
So, what do we have to do
to get our real sister back?
Once the Banshee's vanquished,
the spell should reverse itself.
Well, what if the Banshee
doesn't show up until, like, next year?
Then... What do we do then?
I don't think you'll have
to wait that long.
Banshees have an insatiable appetite
for pain.
- They feed every night.
- Okay,
what do we do once
she finds the demon?
I mean, there's no vanquishing potion,
there's no power of three.
Oh, my God! Prue!
Prue, stop that. Stop it!
No, no, no.
Very bad, Prue.
Very, very bad, Prue.
Hi, Cujo. Who are you growling at?
I'd better go check
with the Elders and see if they
- know how to vanquish a Banshee.
- Don't tell me you're afraid of Prue?
Wait a minute. Hold it. What if we find
the Banshee in the meantime?
Well, you blew up the last demon
you fought, didn't you?
Yeah, but I was trying to freeze him.
Just remember what we talked about,
just try and relax.
I really wish everybody
would quit telling me to relax.
What is it? What is it?
What is it, girl?
You think she hears the Banshee?
Wait! Wait!
This is worse than I thought.
I never imagined anything like this
could ever happen to us.
All I know is this can't
go on much longer.
So, what are we gonna do?
Rock, Paper, Scissors?
- No way. You already lost.
- Two out of three.
This is so humiliating.
Does this mean
what I think it means?
- It means I'm off the hook. Prue!
- Wait!
Mom, Dad, are you there?
Pick up, please. It's me.
Mom. Oh, thank God.
I'm so sorry.
I never should have run away.
I wanna come home.
I don't know,
somewhere in San Francisco.
It's okay. It's okay. Come on.
Okay, run. Run.
Piper, now!
- You okay?
- I think so, yeah.
Prue, no, wait!
Oh, God. Oh, no.
Don't get up. Just stay there, baby.
You're all right. Good girl.
Can somebody
give me a hand here?
It's all right. Good girl. Good girl.
Somebody, help!
No, Darryl, I realise that you can't
put an APB out for a dog.
But couldn't you at least ask the other
cops to keep an eye out for her?
Yeah. Okay, that would be great.
Call Piper's cell if you hear anything.
Bye. Do you think that the animal
shelters are even open this late?
They'd better be, because this
is a disaster. I am very worried.
Well, don't worry. We will find Prue,
and we will find the Banshee.
At least we saved that girl.
Yeah, and how are we
gonna save you?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about how the Banshee
zeroed in on you even though
I was the one blowing up things.
- So?
- So,
the Banshee seeks out people
who are in great pain.
- And apparently it thinks you are.
- Piper, that's ridiculous.
Phoebe, you are not the first Halliwell
to fall in love
with a demon and get burned.
I know how much that hurts, which
means I know how much you hurt.
But I think you're in denial.
Well, if you'll forgive me, Dr. Laura,
I have a different demon to worry
about at the moment.
Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get the Book of Shadows
so we can cast
the tracking spell on me.
Wait. You wanna turn yourself
into a dog too?
Do you know a better way to find
the Banshee and to find Prue?
No. But...
Then you will mind your business, and
I'm going to get the Book of Shadows.
Well, there isn't any shelter open.
This is an emergency.
Well, there's gotta be some place.
Never mind.
We lost Prue.
- What?
- She ran off
after the Banshee attacked.
Wait a minute.
You fought the Banshee
- and you and Phoebe are okay?
- Yeah, fine. Why?
Because the Elders just told me
that Banshees are former witches.
- So?
- So the Banshee scream
doesn't kill witches,
it turns them into Banshees.
Why, Cole?
Shut her up.
Phoebe, you okay?
Are you okay?
Am I okay?
Prue is a dog,
and Phoebe is a Banshee.
I am not even in the vicinity of okay.
How did this happen?
What am I supposed to do?
And you could have told me
about the "witches turn
into Banshees" thing a little bit earlier!
- Honey, just try and relax.
- Would you stop telling me to relax!
That was Grams' sewing machine.
Well, we don't have time
for you to lose it.
Well, too bad, because I am losing it,
whether we have time for it or not.
Listen to me. We have to save Phoebe
before she hurts anyone.
If she kills just one person,
she stays a Banshee forever.
Okay, could you give me
all the bad news at once?
Do you have to keep doling it out
for dramatic effect?
- We have to find Phoebe.
- How without Prue to track her?
We'll find a way.
You can do this, Piper.
No. Actually, I can't.
See, because Prue and Phoebe
are the super witches,
and I just tag along and freeze things.
Now I can't even do that right.
That's not true.
You're just as strong as they are.
I can't do it alone.
You're not alone.
We're partners. Don't you see that?
I'm sorry. It's just...
If anything happens to them...
Nothing will happen.
We won't allow it.
Where do we even begin?
Start by taking a deep breath.
That's what your guru said, right?
- Leo, that's not...
- Shut your eyes.
Clear your mind.
Listen to your instincts.
What are they telling you to do?
I think I know what to do.
Are you kidding?
I'd love to go, but I can't.
The vet said someone had
to keep an eye on the dog.
Well, I got a soft spot for animals,
sue me.
No, no tags.
Maybe I should write an article
about irresponsible pet owners,
make them feel like dirt.
Hold it. I gotta go.
Hey, what are you doing?
You're supposed to be resting.
No, no, no.
You're not going anywhere.
No, not until you're better.
Oh, Ramon.
I was beginning to think
you stood me up.
You like the imported stuff.
That's my kind of girl.
What is it? What's the matter?
You're gonna wake the neighbours.
Okay, okay. You want out, I get it.
Here, hold on.
Hey, come here.
Come here!
Piper, think this through, please.
You were the one that told me
to trust my instincts.
Yes, that was before you said you
were gonna summon Cole, though.
Well, believe me,
it was not my first idea.
Well, then what was your first idea?
- Let's do that instead.
- That won't work. This will.
The last time Cole was here,
he killed a witch, remember?
That is what this is for.
What if he makes his move before
you get a chance to vanquish him?
- I'll freeze him.
- Now you're confident in your powers?
Okay, so maybe I'll blow him up.
But what if he blows us up first?
Well, you're already dead.
What's the difference?
The difference is that
I don't want you to join me.
Leo, I love you,
and it's because of you that I have
the courage to even attempt this.
But we don't have any other options.
Now, the Banshees target people
who are in pain.
That's why it went after Phoebe.
And Cole is the source
of Phoebe's pain.
So if we can get him to find her
and eliminate that pain,
then we might be able
to get Phoebe back.
Do you really think he'll help us?
Feelings like theirs don't go away.
We should know.
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
You rang?
Piper? Not the sister
I was expecting.
Phoebe's in trouble.
She's been turned into a Banshee.
A Banshee? Well, that's different.
It happened because she was hurting,
over you.
And I think you're the key
to turning her back.
Sorry, I don't do good anymore.
- Not even for somebody you love?
- "Loved." Past tense.
I think we've heard enough.
Feelings like that don't just die, Cole.
Wrong. They died when Phoebe
gave up on me.
Now all I can do is return the favour.
You've helped us before.
And we have helped you.
Oh, is that what you were doing
when you called me this morning,
helping me?
Or trying to vanquish me?
Piper, the potion.
Phoebe loves you, Cole,
and I know that you love Phoebe.
All I'm asking you to do is find her
and tell her.
It's over, Piper,
- in more ways than one.
- Throw the potion.
You're right, Cole.
It is over.
- But...
- Did you really think
that I would come here without
magical protection? The question is,
do you have any protection
for yourself?
Don't threaten her.
I suggest you orb her
out of here, whitelighter...
before there's nothing left to orb.
- Prue?
- Prue?
What's going on?
Phoebe's home.
You think she's all right?
No, I don't.
Either way, Phoebe's screwed.
I meant Prue.
She seems kind of down.
Well, she should be.
We're about to lose a sister.
I thought you said Cole
would never hurt her.
In self-defence he would.
Did you see her?
She was pissed off.
On the other hand, if she kills him,
then she's a Banshee forever.
This is all my fault.
She zeroed in on Cole's pain for her.
I led her to him.
Well, we found Prue.
We will find Phoebe.
But how? And what if it's too late?
Prue, would you be quiet.
Maybe you should try scrying.
She hears Phoebe.
Hurry! Hurry! Go, go, go!
Don't make me kill you.
Damn it, Phoebe.
I love you.
Prue! Prue!
- My hip.
- What happened?
I had a little accident.
Hey, Leo, not that I'm complaining,
but why am I human again?
The spell must have played itself out.
Phoebe must not be
a Banshee anymore.
So does that mean
Phoebe's alive or?
Stay away from me.
Just stay away.
- Phoebe.
- I don't wanna hear it, Cole.
Yeah, you do.
You're not the only one hurting here,
we both are.
That's why we were drawn
into this mess.
I tried to deny it too. I tried everything
to break my feelings for you,
even magic.
But nothing works.
- Doesn't change anything.
- No.
It doesn't.
It doesn't change the fact
that I killed a witch,
even if I was tricked into doing it.
- What do you mean?
- Forget it, doesn't matter.
Yeah, well, maybe it matters to me.
Raynor cast a spell.
He made me kill her against my will.
And why would he do that?
Because he wanted to turn me.
And he knew the only way to do that
was to destroy the one thing
that was keeping me good.
He knew that my killing a witch
would destroy your faith in me.
And he was right.
I don't know what to say.
There's nothing to say.
Like you said,
it doesn't change the fact that I did it,
or that we'll always love each other.
I guess that's a pain
we'll both have to live with.
I sense her.
Phoebe's alive.
So Phoebe-Banshee...
Is Phoebe-Phoebe.
Looks like your plan worked after all.
Yeah, but if she had to
vanquish Cole,
then she's probably not doing
very well. Why don't you go get her?
- What are you doing?
- I think you got fleas.
You know what, that's so not funny,
because I think I do.
- I think you do.
- Okay,
you have no idea how hard
it was being a dog.
Okay? I mean peeing outside,
eating everything and anything,
and just smelling everything.
Must have been rough,
no pun intended.
Well, at least I got to meet
a really cute guy.
You met a guy?
As a dog?
- How?
- Well, he ran me over.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You know, you might want
to raise the drink prices.
The bill from the window-repair guy.
Yeah, we really keep
that guy in business, don't we?
Are you expecting someone?
A certain journalist
with an empty fridge
and a soft spot for man's best friend.
He hits you, you hit on him.
It's only fair.
Hey, how could I resist a guy who
put up fliers to find me? Excuse me.
It's good to see you out.
It's been a while.
Yeah, I guess
we're both out of hiding.
- I've been wanting to thank you.
- For?
Calling Cole.
I mean if you hadn't,
I'd probably still be screaming.
Yeah, well,
nothing like trusting your instincts.
I know what you mean.
I think I'm gonna act
on some of my own.
Do I even wanna ask?
I think I made a mistake
giving up on Cole.
I now know why he did what he did.
- Phoebe.
- He loves me.
Which means that there's still good
in him.
I can bring him back. I know I can.
- Who?
- Your date.
The guy you've been smooching
on the porch for the last ten minutes.
Eavesdropping, were you?
Well, I'm single again,
so I have no choice but to live
vicariously through your love life.
Wow, I'd pick a better love
life if I were you.
Lately, mine's been rated PG
for "pretty grim."
That's because no one ever makes
it past the threshold, Prue.
I mean don't get me wrong.
I'm glad that you're out there looking,
but you can't keep saving
yourself for Mr. Right.
I need more vicarious thrills
than that.
I am not saving myself for Mr. Right.
I mean Mr. Interesting would do,
or Mr. Personality,
or even Mr. Take-My-Breath-Away.
I don't care.
Be careful with the last one.
They tend to surprise you
in all the wrong ways.
"Cole likes...
walks in the park,
jazz and fine wine."
- Phoebe, what are you doing?
- Well, Cole's a demon.
We write about demons in
the Book of Shadows, don't we?
Right, but this kind of stuff?
Do you really think that's necessary?
Yeah, if it prepares future witches
in case he attacks, absolutely.
The more that they know about Cole,
the better chance they have
of hurting him before he hurts them.
Do you wanna talk about it?
No, there's nothing to talk about.
I loved, I lost,
and now I'm moving on.
- What was that?
- Piper.
All right, where is she?
In the bunker formerly known
as the basement.
I thought she was getting a handle
on her new powers.
Yeah, that was before her new powers
got a handle on her. Piper!
- What?
- Are you okay?
I'm fine.
The Christmas decorations are not.
Can we come down?
No. Stay away from the door.
It's not safe.
Piper, that's ridiculous.
We're your sisters.
Maybe we should back up
just a little bit.
Jeez, who let the dogs out?
- You can't stay down there forever.
- Yes, I can.
No, you can't.
You have a club to run and a husband
who can't stand to live without you.
That's right.
And two sisters who need you
to cook for them
and fight evil with them.
Okay, do you want her to come up,
or do you want her to stay down there?
What is going on?
What was that? What happened?
Nothing. Just relax.
It was only Kit.
Don't blow anything up.
All right, what the hell
is going on out there?
Oh, Cathryn.
Oh, Cathryn, my darling.
Misty, stop it.
- Morning.
- Morning.
You're not still writing in there
about Cole, are you?
- Nope.
- Good.
I'm actually writing about
his demonic half now.
Phoebe, I'm starting to get
a little worried about you.
Oh, don't worry about me,
worry about Piper.
Why? Is she still locked
in the basement?
No, she's locked herself
in her bedroom now.
Well, at least somebody's improving.
Looks like we weren't the only ones
annoyed by the dogs barking last night.
It says that there was a record number
of noise complaints.
It says here that
at the exact same time,
there was a man murdered
in our neighbourhood.
Do you mind?
No motive, nothing stolen,
nothing to suggest how he was killed,
lots of shattered glass everywhere.
You know this isn't gonna work,
you trying to distract me...
- What?
- I saw a little girl.
She couldn't have been any older...
than 14 or 15. Did you mention
something about shattered glass?
I think you're right. I think a demon
was responsible for that man's death.
And I think I know which one.
Pheebs, what are you doing?
If we use the magic-to-magic spell
to summon Cole,
and then we vanquish him...
Wait. What makes you think
that Cole is responsible?
I was holding the Belthazor page
when I got the premonition.
But shattered glass, an old man,
a teenager, that's not exactly his m.o.
Then why else would I get
the premonition?
I don't know, Phoebe, but I think
you're barking up the wrong demon.
Look, I know that he hurt you. But that
doesn't necessarily mean that he's...
Prue, I can do this with you
or without you.
Just, please,
get the vanquishing potion.
- And what if the potion doesn't work?
- It'll work.
It has to.
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
Here he comes.
Wait a minute.
- What happened? Why didn't it work?
- I don't know.
Damn it.
All right, we're just gonna have to find
the girl another way.
Was there anything
in your premonition that might help?
Dark alley, late at night, phone booth.
I mean, there's not much to go on.
So we'll have to go to the first victim's
apartment and see if anything's there.
- Should we get Piper?
- No. Let's not put her
any more on edge
than she already is. Come on.
Soft inhalation.
Slow, deep exhalation.
Be at peace in this moment
as you allow your mind to drift...
slow. Breathe as...
Leo! You're supposed
to knock, not orb!
But I live here.
Okay, okay. Just relax.
That's what I was trying to do,
and then somebody
made me blow up my guru.
No, no, no!
Stay away. I am not safe.
- Piper, come on.
- No, I mean it.
My hands are lethal weapons,
and I don't know how to control it.
And it gets worse every day.
Well, that's normal.
It took you a while
to learn how to control
your freezing power, remember?
Freezing is one thing.
Blowing up stuff
is another thing altogether.
Well, except this time
you're not alone. I'm here.
Yeah, but you shouldn't be here.
You shouldn't be anywhere near me.
It's too dangerous.
Then how are we gonna go
on our honeymoon?
We're not gonna go on our
honeymoon, we're gonna cancel it.
We are not
cancelling our honeymoon.
Well, then tell the Elders to take
this power back.
I don't want it.
I'm not ready for it.
They wouldn't have given it to you
if you weren't ready. I know that,
both as your whitelighter
and as your husband.
What if you're wrong?
What if I hurt someone?
I just... I feel so helpless.
One thing you're not is helpless.
You are one of the strongest, most
capable people I have ever known.
And don't forget,
I've been around for a while.
You can handle this, honey.
We can handle it together.
So, what kind of specialists
are you anyway?
Inspector Morris didn't tell you?
No, he didn't.
Can I pick this up?
Sure. Forensics is done here.
Are you those psychics we keep
hearing about he was working with?
Psychics. Right, that's a good one.
Is this the victim's wife?
Yeah, she died a couple
of months ago.
Neighbours say the poor guy
never got over it.
- Any suspects?
- All we know
is whoever did it, busted through
that window, although three stories up.
- Nobody can figure out how.
- Do you see any scorch marks
by where the body was?
I don't think that there would
have been a body...
if that particular weapon
had been used.
- Are you from arson?
- No, she was just
curious of how he died.
He drowned in his own blood,
according to the ME.
All his blood vessels just burst
for no reason.
Are you feds?
Actually, inspector,
we're witches. Okay?
We actually think a demon
might have done this,
probably my ex-boyfriend.
And if he did do this,
then we have to find him
and vanquish him.
That's very funny.
- Okay, are you out of your mind?
- Well, it got rid of him, didn't it?
- So, what do you think?
- Definitely supernatural,
but was it Belthazor?
Well, they must have some
of the vanquishing potion,
otherwise, why try to summon me?
Perhaps the witch
who loved you wants you back.
Humans can be very forgiving.
Not this human, not after what I did.
If I know her,
she wants to crucify me.
And knowing her
is exactly what I wanted you
to help me stop doing, Alchemist.
If I'm to fully revert
to my demonic self,
I need to break all ties,
remove all doubt.
Transmuting your blood
might make you immune
to the witch's potion, Belthazor.
But it won't necessarily make you
immune from her pull.
That's all right.
If she summons me again...
That's not the pull I'm talking about.
Your human half
will always be vulnerable
to that which makes
all humans vulnerable.
No sorcery can change that.
Then do what you can.
I'm telling you, it's gotta be Cole.
Phoebe, just because you want it to be
him, doesn't necessarily make it him.
This isn't about me and Cole.
This is about what I saw.
My premonitions are always
directly connected
to what I'm touching at the time.
Okay, well, wait a minute.
What if the back of your hand
was touching this page?
Right? A Banshee, whatever that is.
It's a demon who feeds
on souls in great pain.
Hey, stranger. Long time no see.
Well, like you said,
I can't hide forever.
Although you guys
should be wearing asbestos suits.
Oh, I think we'll risk it.
I just don't want anybody to get hurt.
Well, since you can't freeze us,
you probably can't blow us up either.
Just keep your hands
where we can see them.
All right, so the Banshee.
Well, they're pretty rare.
But what they do is hunt
for their victims
with a high-pitched call,
something beyond our range to hear.
Okay, so then how do they find
their victims?
By hearing the inner cry.
By zeroing in on the waves of pain
that emanate from the stricken.
Then their call turns
into a scream that kills.
Well, that explains the broken
blood vessels and the shattered glass.
Looks like it's not Cole after all.
So, what do we do, wear earplugs?
There is no spell to vanquish
the Banshee,
but there is one
to track the Banshee.
Okay, so all we need
is a designated tracker.
You're sure about this?
Well, with everything that you
and Piper are going through right now,
I don't have much of a choice.
It's just a tracking spell.
- What's the worst that can happen?
- With our history, don't go there.
It's almost night, that's when the girl
in Phoebe's premonition was attacked.
So let's just do it.
"Let a piercing cry that feeds on pain
And leaves more sorrow than it gains
Shall now be heard by one who seeks
To stop the havoc that it wreaks"
Oh, my God.
Come on, Prue.
Come on. Come on out.
We're still your sisters, you know.
Jeez, honey, don't sound so sad.
It's gonna be okay.
How? How is this gonna be okay?
Hands in your pockets.
What did you find out?
Why did the spell backfire?
- I don't think it did.
- What are you talking about, Leo?
Prue is walking around
on all fours and barking.
If that's not a backfire, then what is?
You're scaring her.
All right, all I'm saying is that
you guys cast a tracking spell.
And since dogs can obviously
hear a Banshee's call,
what happened makes sense.
Prue should be able to track it now.
Yeah, if she ever comes out.
Prue. Honey.
Okay, you can't stay
under there all night.
Okay, if you won't come out for you,
will you at least come out
for an innocent?
We can't save that teenage girl
without you.
That's a good girl!
That's a good girl!
Who's a good girl?
Well, at least we know
she understands what we're saying.
- She's such a pretty dog.
- What else did you expect?
A Doberman.
Honey, watch your orbs.
So, what do we have to do
to get our real sister back?
Once the Banshee's vanquished,
the spell should reverse itself.
Well, what if the Banshee
doesn't show up until, like, next year?
Then... What do we do then?
I don't think you'll have
to wait that long.
Banshees have an insatiable appetite
for pain.
- They feed every night.
- Okay,
what do we do once
she finds the demon?
I mean, there's no vanquishing potion,
there's no power of three.
Oh, my God! Prue!
Prue, stop that. Stop it!
No, no, no.
Very bad, Prue.
Very, very bad, Prue.
Hi, Cujo. Who are you growling at?
I'd better go check
with the Elders and see if they
- know how to vanquish a Banshee.
- Don't tell me you're afraid of Prue?
Wait a minute. Hold it. What if we find
the Banshee in the meantime?
Well, you blew up the last demon
you fought, didn't you?
Yeah, but I was trying to freeze him.
Just remember what we talked about,
just try and relax.
I really wish everybody
would quit telling me to relax.
What is it? What is it?
What is it, girl?
You think she hears the Banshee?
Wait! Wait!
This is worse than I thought.
I never imagined anything like this
could ever happen to us.
All I know is this can't
go on much longer.
So, what are we gonna do?
Rock, Paper, Scissors?
- No way. You already lost.
- Two out of three.
This is so humiliating.
Does this mean
what I think it means?
- It means I'm off the hook. Prue!
- Wait!
Mom, Dad, are you there?
Pick up, please. It's me.
Mom. Oh, thank God.
I'm so sorry.
I never should have run away.
I wanna come home.
I don't know,
somewhere in San Francisco.
It's okay. It's okay. Come on.
Okay, run. Run.
Piper, now!
- You okay?
- I think so, yeah.
Prue, no, wait!
Oh, God. Oh, no.
Don't get up. Just stay there, baby.
You're all right. Good girl.
Can somebody
give me a hand here?
It's all right. Good girl. Good girl.
Somebody, help!
No, Darryl, I realise that you can't
put an APB out for a dog.
But couldn't you at least ask the other
cops to keep an eye out for her?
Yeah. Okay, that would be great.
Call Piper's cell if you hear anything.
Bye. Do you think that the animal
shelters are even open this late?
They'd better be, because this
is a disaster. I am very worried.
Well, don't worry. We will find Prue,
and we will find the Banshee.
At least we saved that girl.
Yeah, and how are we
gonna save you?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about how the Banshee
zeroed in on you even though
I was the one blowing up things.
- So?
- So,
the Banshee seeks out people
who are in great pain.
- And apparently it thinks you are.
- Piper, that's ridiculous.
Phoebe, you are not the first Halliwell
to fall in love
with a demon and get burned.
I know how much that hurts, which
means I know how much you hurt.
But I think you're in denial.
Well, if you'll forgive me, Dr. Laura,
I have a different demon to worry
about at the moment.
Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get the Book of Shadows
so we can cast
the tracking spell on me.
Wait. You wanna turn yourself
into a dog too?
Do you know a better way to find
the Banshee and to find Prue?
No. But...
Then you will mind your business, and
I'm going to get the Book of Shadows.
Well, there isn't any shelter open.
This is an emergency.
Well, there's gotta be some place.
Never mind.
We lost Prue.
- What?
- She ran off
after the Banshee attacked.
Wait a minute.
You fought the Banshee
- and you and Phoebe are okay?
- Yeah, fine. Why?
Because the Elders just told me
that Banshees are former witches.
- So?
- So the Banshee scream
doesn't kill witches,
it turns them into Banshees.
Why, Cole?
Shut her up.
Phoebe, you okay?
Are you okay?
Am I okay?
Prue is a dog,
and Phoebe is a Banshee.
I am not even in the vicinity of okay.
How did this happen?
What am I supposed to do?
And you could have told me
about the "witches turn
into Banshees" thing a little bit earlier!
- Honey, just try and relax.
- Would you stop telling me to relax!
That was Grams' sewing machine.
Well, we don't have time
for you to lose it.
Well, too bad, because I am losing it,
whether we have time for it or not.
Listen to me. We have to save Phoebe
before she hurts anyone.
If she kills just one person,
she stays a Banshee forever.
Okay, could you give me
all the bad news at once?
Do you have to keep doling it out
for dramatic effect?
- We have to find Phoebe.
- How without Prue to track her?
We'll find a way.
You can do this, Piper.
No. Actually, I can't.
See, because Prue and Phoebe
are the super witches,
and I just tag along and freeze things.
Now I can't even do that right.
That's not true.
You're just as strong as they are.
I can't do it alone.
You're not alone.
We're partners. Don't you see that?
I'm sorry. It's just...
If anything happens to them...
Nothing will happen.
We won't allow it.
Where do we even begin?
Start by taking a deep breath.
That's what your guru said, right?
- Leo, that's not...
- Shut your eyes.
Clear your mind.
Listen to your instincts.
What are they telling you to do?
I think I know what to do.
Are you kidding?
I'd love to go, but I can't.
The vet said someone had
to keep an eye on the dog.
Well, I got a soft spot for animals,
sue me.
No, no tags.
Maybe I should write an article
about irresponsible pet owners,
make them feel like dirt.
Hold it. I gotta go.
Hey, what are you doing?
You're supposed to be resting.
No, no, no.
You're not going anywhere.
No, not until you're better.
Oh, Ramon.
I was beginning to think
you stood me up.
You like the imported stuff.
That's my kind of girl.
What is it? What's the matter?
You're gonna wake the neighbours.
Okay, okay. You want out, I get it.
Here, hold on.
Hey, come here.
Come here!
Piper, think this through, please.
You were the one that told me
to trust my instincts.
Yes, that was before you said you
were gonna summon Cole, though.
Well, believe me,
it was not my first idea.
Well, then what was your first idea?
- Let's do that instead.
- That won't work. This will.
The last time Cole was here,
he killed a witch, remember?
That is what this is for.
What if he makes his move before
you get a chance to vanquish him?
- I'll freeze him.
- Now you're confident in your powers?
Okay, so maybe I'll blow him up.
But what if he blows us up first?
Well, you're already dead.
What's the difference?
The difference is that
I don't want you to join me.
Leo, I love you,
and it's because of you that I have
the courage to even attempt this.
But we don't have any other options.
Now, the Banshees target people
who are in pain.
That's why it went after Phoebe.
And Cole is the source
of Phoebe's pain.
So if we can get him to find her
and eliminate that pain,
then we might be able
to get Phoebe back.
Do you really think he'll help us?
Feelings like theirs don't go away.
We should know.
"Magic forces, black and white
Reaching out through space and light
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Belthazor here"
You rang?
Piper? Not the sister
I was expecting.
Phoebe's in trouble.
She's been turned into a Banshee.
A Banshee? Well, that's different.
It happened because she was hurting,
over you.
And I think you're the key
to turning her back.
Sorry, I don't do good anymore.
- Not even for somebody you love?
- "Loved." Past tense.
I think we've heard enough.
Feelings like that don't just die, Cole.
Wrong. They died when Phoebe
gave up on me.
Now all I can do is return the favour.
You've helped us before.
And we have helped you.
Oh, is that what you were doing
when you called me this morning,
helping me?
Or trying to vanquish me?
Piper, the potion.
Phoebe loves you, Cole,
and I know that you love Phoebe.
All I'm asking you to do is find her
and tell her.
It's over, Piper,
- in more ways than one.
- Throw the potion.
You're right, Cole.
It is over.
- But...
- Did you really think
that I would come here without
magical protection? The question is,
do you have any protection
for yourself?
Don't threaten her.
I suggest you orb her
out of here, whitelighter...
before there's nothing left to orb.
- Prue?
- Prue?
What's going on?
Phoebe's home.
You think she's all right?
No, I don't.
Either way, Phoebe's screwed.
I meant Prue.
She seems kind of down.
Well, she should be.
We're about to lose a sister.
I thought you said Cole
would never hurt her.
In self-defence he would.
Did you see her?
She was pissed off.
On the other hand, if she kills him,
then she's a Banshee forever.
This is all my fault.
She zeroed in on Cole's pain for her.
I led her to him.
Well, we found Prue.
We will find Phoebe.
But how? And what if it's too late?
Prue, would you be quiet.
Maybe you should try scrying.
She hears Phoebe.
Hurry! Hurry! Go, go, go!
Don't make me kill you.
Damn it, Phoebe.
I love you.
Prue! Prue!
- My hip.
- What happened?
I had a little accident.
Hey, Leo, not that I'm complaining,
but why am I human again?
The spell must have played itself out.
Phoebe must not be
a Banshee anymore.
So does that mean
Phoebe's alive or?
Stay away from me.
Just stay away.
- Phoebe.
- I don't wanna hear it, Cole.
Yeah, you do.
You're not the only one hurting here,
we both are.
That's why we were drawn
into this mess.
I tried to deny it too. I tried everything
to break my feelings for you,
even magic.
But nothing works.
- Doesn't change anything.
- No.
It doesn't.
It doesn't change the fact
that I killed a witch,
even if I was tricked into doing it.
- What do you mean?
- Forget it, doesn't matter.
Yeah, well, maybe it matters to me.
Raynor cast a spell.
He made me kill her against my will.
And why would he do that?
Because he wanted to turn me.
And he knew the only way to do that
was to destroy the one thing
that was keeping me good.
He knew that my killing a witch
would destroy your faith in me.
And he was right.
I don't know what to say.
There's nothing to say.
Like you said,
it doesn't change the fact that I did it,
or that we'll always love each other.
I guess that's a pain
we'll both have to live with.
I sense her.
Phoebe's alive.
So Phoebe-Banshee...
Is Phoebe-Phoebe.
Looks like your plan worked after all.
Yeah, but if she had to
vanquish Cole,
then she's probably not doing
very well. Why don't you go get her?
- What are you doing?
- I think you got fleas.
You know what, that's so not funny,
because I think I do.
- I think you do.
- Okay,
you have no idea how hard
it was being a dog.
Okay? I mean peeing outside,
eating everything and anything,
and just smelling everything.
Must have been rough,
no pun intended.
Well, at least I got to meet
a really cute guy.
You met a guy?
As a dog?
- How?
- Well, he ran me over.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You know, you might want
to raise the drink prices.
The bill from the window-repair guy.
Yeah, we really keep
that guy in business, don't we?
Are you expecting someone?
A certain journalist
with an empty fridge
and a soft spot for man's best friend.
He hits you, you hit on him.
It's only fair.
Hey, how could I resist a guy who
put up fliers to find me? Excuse me.
It's good to see you out.
It's been a while.
Yeah, I guess
we're both out of hiding.
- I've been wanting to thank you.
- For?
Calling Cole.
I mean if you hadn't,
I'd probably still be screaming.
Yeah, well,
nothing like trusting your instincts.
I know what you mean.
I think I'm gonna act
on some of my own.
Do I even wanna ask?
I think I made a mistake
giving up on Cole.
I now know why he did what he did.
- Phoebe.
- He loves me.
Which means that there's still good
in him.
I can bring him back. I know I can.