Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 14 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed - full transcript
Phoebe somehow becomes psychically and physically linked with the violent past of an Old West ghost town complete with horses, petticoats, cowboys and six-shooters and Prue must go back in time to save her sister from a horrifying...
All right, Dad, spill it.
What are we doing here?
What? Can't a father spend
a little quality time with his daughter?
Especially after all the time
we've been apart?
All right, I take after you, okay?
I've inherited all your tricks,
especially your fine art of fibbing.
Don't know
what you're talking about.
Tell me a little bit more
about this Leo fella, anyway.
How did he and Piper meet?
Oh, it was a couple of years ago
at the house. He was our handyman.
Piper's marrying a handyman?
Well, no, he isn't really a handyman.
- Wait, you do know that he's...?
- All I know is he's a nice enough guy
who seems to know
the big, bad secret.
Trust me, it's a lot better for a mortal
to know he's marrying a witch
before the wedding instead of after.
Wish I'd had that...
Mortal, right.
It's nothing. I guess that's why
they call it a ghost town, huh?
What do you mean?
Did you actually see something?
What do you mean?
I mean like a premonition,
or whatever you call it.
All right, I confess.
I brought you out here hoping
maybe you could give me
a little bit of your help.
I just didn't know how to ask.
Magical help? Dad...
Well, this place seemed like
such a good investment.
Too good, actually. Made me think
that all the stories were true.
I'm biting. What stories?
Ghost stories.
Something's been keeping people
from investing in
and razing this place
for over 100 years.
So, what, you want me to do
a little supernatural inspection?
I thought you could do
a little feng shui on the place
and see if there's anything going on.
Okay, first of all, I don't do feng shui.
And secondly, I can't always
get a premonition when I want to.
- Okay, now, I definitely heard that.
- Heard what?
Okay, you didn't hear that?
You're a dead man, Bo.
Can you see them?
See who?
- Hey! Hey! What's going on?
- Nobody crosses Mr. Sutter.
- Run, Geronimo!
- Phoebe.
Phoebe, what's going on?
Sweetheart, you're bleeding.
I wouldn't buy the place, Dad.
Really, really bad feng shui.
Wait a minute. We have
one too many place settings.
No, we don't.
Okay, you, me, Leo, Phoebe, Dad.
- That's five. We have six.
- So?
So who is the sixth for?
What? It's my wedding.
At least she can be here in spirit,
if nothing else.
Yes, she can be.
Looks great. When do we eat?
Leo, can't you see
we're having a sister moment?
- Oh, sorry. Do you want me to go?
- No, I want you to help.
This is your rehearsal dinner too,
you know.
So, Leo, you nervous? I mean,
only one more week before:
- Thanks.
- Well, as long as no demons
come bursting through that door
until then, I'm fine.
Prue? Piper?
You had to jinx it.
Hey. Phoebe, what happened?
Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine.
I just need an aspirin.
- Dad?
- I don't know what happened.
We're just walking around,
- next thing I know, she's bleeding.
- I got into a bar brawl.
Well, actually, I didn't,
two cowboys did.
Bo and some other guy,
didn't catch his name.
But I think he's the bad guy
because he was wearing a black hat.
- Oh, and they were transparent.
- She must have hit her head.
Sweetheart, I never would have
taken you there if I had any idea.
It's fine, Dad, really.
Don't worry about it.
- Here, let me take care of that.
- No, I'm all right.
Dad, why don't you go to the porch
and get those town files.
You know, maybe there's something
in them that could actually help us.
All right.
Dad doesn't know
that Leo is a whitelighter.
- What?
- What?
Well, I've been meaning to tell him,
but considering Mom had an affair
with her whitelighter,
I didn't think he'd really be
receptive to the idea.
Piper, he's gonna kill me
when he finds out.
Oh, don't be ridiculous,
you're already dead.
Just a lot of investment stuff.
Background info.
I don't see how it's gonna help
find out what happened.
Well, you're the one that called it
a ghost town.
And since Bo fell through me
and I ended up
with the same split lip that he had...
- Sounds like a ghost to me.
- Well, it can't be. Ghosts don't bleed.
I mean, so I've read. In books.
Obviously, it's not
my area of expertise.
Mine either. What do you say we let
the supernatural stuff to the pros
and go grab a bite?
I don't know, Mr. Bennett.
"Victor," please. It's time
you called me Victor, son. Come on.
I'm fine. Go ahead.
Great, now I'm dead.
All right, why don't we just focus
on Phoebe
and try to figure out what happened.
- I'll get the Book.
- I'll get it. Maybe a drink.
So Phoebe says you're a handyman.
Actually, no, I'm a doctor.
I mean, not a "doctor" doctor, per se.
I'm more of, like, a counsellor doctor.
- I guide people.
- You make good money?
Honestly, no. It's more of a calling.
Leo, I think it's time to come clean.
- You do?
- Yeah.
I need to talk to you
about something man-to-man.
Well, from one mortal to another.
Leo...'s not easy being married
to a witch.
- No?
- That's why my marriage
to Piper's mother didn't work out.
It wasn't because I didn't love her.
It's because I wasn't prepared
for what was to come.
Well, I think I'm prepared, sir...
I mean, Victor.
Don't get me wrong, Leo.
I want this marriage to succeed,
that's why I'm warning you.
But there are dangers out there
worse than demons and warlocks.
- You do know about them, don't you?
- Well, yeah, sure.
Well, the dangers I'm talking about
you're not even gonna see coming.
The thing I'm talking about
will just sneak up on you
and destroy your marriage
if you're not careful.
Leo, do you know
what a whitelighter is?
- What?
- Look, I have a huge bruise.
All right. Well, you must have
gotten that the same way
that you got the split lip. From Bo.
I don't get it. He gets beat up,
and I get his symptoms?
How is that possible?
I wish I knew what I was looking for.
I mean, if they're not ghosts,
then what are they?
Well, whatever it is, it's got something
to do with the history of that town.
You said they were dressed
like cowboys?
Yeah. Real cowboys,
right out of the Old West.
The outlaw said something to Bo
about a guy named Sutter.
- Look him up. Maybe he's a demon.
- Wait a minute.
- Did you find something?
- It's more of what I'm not finding.
All right, nothing is dated
past April 25th, 1873.
The maps, the land grants,
death certificates.
It's almost like time just stopped.
What do you mean stopped?
Like everybody just died?
No, like stopped
moving forward, literally.
Wouldn't be the first time
we've come across a time loop.
- No, we vanquished that demon.
- Wait a minute.
Well, maybe it's not a demon,
maybe it's a curse.
"Certain spiritual traditions believe
that a great evil or great injustice
can be cursed into a time loop
until righted."
So that's probably why
this is happening to me.
Our job is to right the wrong.
Yeah, well, we better do it
before your symptoms get any worse.
I'll get that.
Hey, Prue, long time.
Is Phoebe home?
- What the?!
- Cole!
- What...?
- Phoebe, hi.
- These are for you.
- What the hell are you doing here?
Do you have
some kind of a death wish?
Well, I told Phoebe last week
I wasn't giving up on her,
- and I meant it.
- You talked to Phoebe?
He talked to you?
You said that he was alive,
you never said that he was back.
It didn't matter,
because as I told him,
I don't want anything
to do with him anymore.
- Oh, well, in that case...
- Hey, hey, hey. I just set that table.
We don't have time to buy a new one
before dinner.
I'm not gonna use my powers
against you anyway.
In fact, I'm never gonna
use them again.
Ever. Keeps me from being evil.
No, you will always be evil.
You're a demon.
My human half can suppress it if...
Phoebe, you're hurt.
What happened?
You know what, Cole?
It's none of your business.
So why don't you do yourself a favour
and just get...
Phoebe, what happened?
I think I've been shot.
Thing is, they can orb
into their charges' lives
any time of the day or night...
...without us mortals
even knowing about it.
You can't trust the whitelighters, Leo.
They're sneaky little bastards.
Because Piper says that
they're really, really good guys.
More of, like, guardian angels.
That's the party line, Leo,
but don't believe it.
You can't trust them.
They have this tendency
to fall in love with their charges.
Before you know it,
they've stolen your wife.
The girls' mother, Patty,
she fell for her whitelighter.
I thought that happened
after you separated.
He was putting the moves on her
long before we split up, believe me.
And we never had a chance
to get back together because of him.
And... know, then she died.
Look, my point is, if you wanna...
I have to go. Now.
- Go?
- Yeah.
And I don't think you're gonna like
the way I have to go either.
What the hell are you doing here?
Forget about him, Leo.
Phoebe's been shot.
Shot? How did that happen?
There's no time to explain.
Can you heal her?
- Where's Dad?
- Seething, probably.
What's the matter?
Why isn't it working?
I don't know.
You gotta tell me
exactly how this happened.
I don't... I don't really know.
I had a premonition,
and I felt Bo get shot,
and then I came out of it.
- Leo, can you heal her?
- No.
Because Phoebe wasn't the one
that was shot, Bo was.
What are you talking about?
She's bleeding.
I know, but it's more like
a psychic echo.
Phoebe is linked to Bo somehow.
Whatever he feels,
whatever happens to him
happens to her.
Which means Bo
must be magical too.
They only way they can be linked
is through their magic.
- I agree.
- We have to find Bo. Heal him.
It's the only way.
Well, he's been cursed
into a time loop,
along with the rest of the town.
And we don't know how to get there,
let alone where "there" is.
It's gotta be a parallel plane
existing on the same physical space
as the town.
You know, I don't think that we need
any demonic input right now.
If I can help save Phoebe's life... sure as hell do.
We're listening.
I move through planes all the time,
it's how I've been hiding
from The Source.
Shouldn't be any problem
to shimmer into Bo's plane,
bring him back here
so you can heal him.
You said you don't
use your powers anymore.
Shimmering isn't a lethal power.
Why don't you just take Leo with you,
and you can heal Bo there.
I can't. I'm not allowed to work
with a demon.
- Fine, I'll go.
- Prue.
I'm not gonna leave this up to him.
Well, okay, what if
something goes wrong
and you get stuck in the time loop, and
you don't get back before midnight?
It's not the time loop
I'm worried about.
Look, why don't you and Leo
go to the town,
see if you can find anything there
to help break the curse.
You, you hang in there, okay?
Play nice, you two.
Gotta hold my hand.
This already sucks.
- Leo! You lying little piece of...!
- Okay. Dad, not now.
Stay with Phoebe. We'll be back.
Well, don't get mad at me,
I've been shot.
- It worked.
- You doubted me?
Yeah, well, for all I knew,
you were gonna...
- Welcome to the Wild, Wild West.
- All right, just so we're clear,
I'm in charge here.
You're just my ride.
- Fine with me. What's your plan?
- Find Bo, lay low.
- That's a plan?
- Yeah. You got a better one?
Maybe. But...
...first I think we better find something
a little less conspicuous to wear.
Fine. Agreed. Any ideas?
Okay, watch out. Make room.
Let's put him up.
Yeah. Nothing you're
gonna like, though.
- Thanks, Roy.
- Yeah.
I'll raise you a dollar.
Still think you should have worn
that pretty little red dress
- drying on the line.
- It was a prostitute's dress.
Not the impression
I wanted to make.
At least I'm not wearing
some dead guy's clothes.
I thought you'd be pleased. At least
I'm playing the role of a good guy.
Yeah, right. All right, just fact-finding,
okay? No getting involved.
- What will it be?
- Hi. Moonshine.
- A what?
- She means whiskey. Make it two.
Leave the bottle.
You watch too many old movies.
And you'd be confusing me
with Phoebe.
Not a chance.
- Passing through?
- Maybe.
Maybe, if you're not,
you ought to consider it.
Things are getting pretty dangerous
around here.
Friendly advice: Wet your whistle,
get back on your horses
and move on as fast as you can.
Hi. What am I, a potted plant?
Talk to me. What's so dangerous?
It's nothing to concern
your pretty little head about.
Okay, now, that's condescending.
- Lay low, remember?
- Fine.
You were saying?
There's some trouble
between a powerful man in town...
- Sutter?
- How do you know about Sutter?
This pretty little head knows a lot.
So why don't you talk
to both of us now.
Tell us what's going on.
One of Sutter's men just got killed.
And now there's gonna be
hell to pay.
Where is he?
Just so you know,
I've already taken liberty
to print up the evening edition.
Just so you know
how serious this is.
All the news that's fit to print.
You know where your little brother's
hiding, now, don't you?
Even if I did, I'd never tell you.
I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Sutter.
Well, if you're smart, you'd be.
Of course, your kind are not,
aren't they?
Hold it. Plan is to not get involved.
I haven't seen Bo, Mr. Sutter.
I swear. Not since he took off.
You know, you lie to me again, Cal...
...and I'll do worse than this.
What the hell is wrong
with you people?
Well, well, well.
What do we got here?
Lady, I don't know who you are
or where you come from,
but you obviously don't have the
slightest idea who you're dealing with.
Oh, please, what a clich?.
I usually don't hit women.
But seeing as you're dressed
like a man,
I imagine I can make an exception.
- Don't.
- No.
Deal with these two later.
After we take care of Bo.
This ain't over.
You and me, we got a score to settle.
One of you know where he's at.
And if you don't tell me...
...I'm gonna burn this town
to the ground looking for him.
- So much for laying low.
- Yeah.
Sutter's in tight with the railroads.
He came here a couple months ago
promising to bring tracks through,
- make it more than an old mining town.
- In exchange for what?
Piece of everything,
mines, bank, the newspaper.
When folks started resisting,
his boys took over.
First, everybody stood up to them,
but after they killed the sheriff...
- Cowards.
- Why is Sutter after your brother?
Because Bo wouldn't back down.
He kept on fighting,
trying to get everybody
to take back the town.
- Sounds like a brave man.
- He is. Too bad the others aren't.
Isabel, we know that Bo was injured.
We know that he's been shot.
We can help you,
but you have to trust us.
I do.
Bo said you'd come.
How's that again?
Bo, he saw it in one of his dreams.
He said that two strangers
would come, so...
...I knew.
All right, so wait a second,
Bo has dreams about the future?
Yeah. He has the gift.
He inherited it from our father.
He was a great medicine man.
His name was Soaring Crow.
- "Was"?
- He died when we were young.
When we moved here,
my mother wouldn't allow Bo
to talk about his gift.
She knew that magic was considered
evil in the white man's world.
Yeah, I know what it's like to have
a gift that you have to keep a secret.
And live in a place where you
have to hide half of who you are.
Come, I'll take you to Bo. Come.
- Where did you get the horses?
- Told you, I was expecting you.
You know, I still say we eliminate
the threat first, kill Sutter.
- Probably break the curse anyway.
- Yeah, well, we don't know that,
which is why we
need to get to Bo first.
You know, Cole, if you wanna
try your hand at being good,
your first instinct shouldn't be to kill.
I don't know what we're
supposed to be looking for.
We gotta keep looking, find something
that might help us break the curse.
Like what? There's nothing here
but spiders and lizards
and that stupid old crow.
Oh, come on, let's keep looking.
After all, we got a rehearsal dinner
to get back to.
There's not gonna be
a rehearsal dinner or a wedding
if we don't find
a way to save Phoebe.
What is it?
Phoebe said Bo got in a fight
in the bar, right?
So that would be the saloon.
Makes sense, it's a Western.
So it's always the saloon.
"Hankins Nerve Tonic.
Calms raw nerves."
Think I should bring a bottle back
for your Dad?
I don't think that will do it.
There's nothing...
There's nothing here.
Great brainstorm, huh?
Actually, I think it was. Look.
"Half-Breed to Die at Sundown"?
Yeah. On that same day in 1873,
read who's gonna die.
Bo Lightfeather.
We gotta find a way
to warn Prue and Cole
that they don't have until midnight.
Which means neither does Phoebe.
Here you go. Drink up.
What is it?
It's nothing.
Hey, I didn't come back into your lives
just to be kept in the dark.
I'm your Dad.
You can tell me anything.
I'm dying.
- Oh, come on.
- No.
I can feel what's happening to me.
It's like a...
Something that you can feel...
...deep inside of you.
I can't explain it.
Your sisters are not gonna
let that happen.
I am not gonna let that happen.
- How is she?
- She's gonna be fine.
Okay, we have to hurry.
We found out Bo dies at sundown.
Except I don't think Prue knows that.
But we have an idea
how to let her know.
Phoebe, if you're getting visions
from Bo,
- maybe he can get one from you.
- I don't understand.
Phoebe, if you can will yourself to get
a premonition about Bo's death,
he might be able to see it too.
And then he can tell Prue and Cole
that they don't have as much time
as they think they do.
But I thought you said
you couldn't always get premonitions
- when you wanted.
- I can't.
You can try.
Any idea what we should say
to him?
"We" are not gonna say anything.
I'll do the talking.
You know, it wouldn't kill you
to be nice to me.
Really? It's funny
that you should say that,
considering how many times
you actually tried to kill me.
That's all in the past, Prue.
Right. After all this is done,
you need to leave us alone.
Otherwise, we'll have to do what we
should've done in the first place,
which is vanquish you.
Then that's what you're
gonna have to do,
because it's the only way you're
gonna keep me away from Phoebe.
Are you guys ready to go in?
Something wrong?
No, nothing that I can't handle.
He's very weak.
I tried to pull the bullet out,
but it's in too deep.
How you doing?
What's the matter with you?
Who the hell are they?
It's okay. They've come to help.
Just like in your vision, remember?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
- Bo, I told them.
- Too much, apparently.
We don't need your help.
Just leave now.
Bo, my sister gets visions too.
And she had one of you getting shot,
all right? We're here to help you.
And help her.
It's a trick. Sutter sent you.
I know he did.
No. They stood up to Sutter.
You should have seen it.
Just get out of here.
We're not going anywhere.
I know that look. Sutter's got it too.
You're evil. I can sense it.
All right, then just look at me.
You can't say the same thing
about me, can you?
Bo, this isn't just about you, all right?
My sister will die too.
This whole town will
if you don't let us help you.
They think that something Sutter is
going to do to you will trigger a curse.
The kind that Father
used to speak about.
If we show you
that we have gifts too,
will you trust us then?
- Show him.
- Show him what?
Your gift. Show him your gift.
This better be good.
We couldn't find him, boss.
Now, you listen to me,
and you listen real good.
Bo's giving the townsfolk ideas,
and I don't want them getting ideas.
No one knows where he's at.
And if they do, they ain't talking.
Well, you make them talk!
This town is mine,
and it's gonna stay mine.
When that railroad comes through...
Mark my words, it will.
- when I'm selling this land,
that land is gonna be worth more
than any of you three are capable
of imagining.
You better have something useful
to tell me, Cal.
I know where Bo is hiding.
...someone knows
what's good for him.
All right.
The first thing that we need to do
is get that bullet out of you.
This is gonna hurt.
I'm warning you, half-breed.
I believe you.
It's okay. You're okay.
Take a deep breath.
I saw what they're gonna do to Bo.
It was horrible.
- Do you think he saw it too?
- I know he did.
I felt it. And when he did anything,
they didn't help him.
Nobody did anything.
So, what do we do now?
There's nothing else we can do
but wait. It's up to Prue and Cole.
And you call yourself
their guardian angel?
What good is a whitelighter
if all you can do is stand there
- and watch my daughter die?
- Dad, please don't.
- You're not helping.
- And he is?
Why don't you do something?
Isn't that your job?
You know, I am doing something. I am
trusting your other daughter, Prue.
You know, I know that you
feel helpless. We all do.
But Prue is not gonna let Phoebe die,
and neither is Cole.
So now I'm supposed to trust
a demon?
As much as I hate to say this,
Cole loves Phoebe.
He took a huge risk to come here
and try and prove himself to her,
and he will do whatever it takes
to save her life.
- He's right.
- How can you be so sure?
Because he loves me
as much as I love him.
- You learn fast.
- Thanks. I have a few gifts too.
Sutter's men just showed up.
We better get Bo out of here.
- What? How did they find us?
- We must have been followed.
I'll shimmer him back to Leo
then come back for you two.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
He dies, Phoebe dies.
Taking Bo out of here
will not break the time loop.
It will save Phoebe.
Yeah, well, there's more than just
Phoebe's life on the line here, Cole.
We have to break the curse
by sundown,
otherwise this entire town is doomed
to repeat the same day
over and over again.
Are you seriously telling me
you're willing
to sacrifice your sister's life
for a town full of cowards?
What I'm saying to you is that
there's a greater good at stake here.
One that I can't just walk away from,
and one that you shouldn't
walk away from
if you truly expect to be good.
We know you're in there, Bo.
Come on out with your hands up,
and nobody gets hurt.
What's it gonna be, Bo?
All right,
how do we break the curse?
I don't know, but I do know
that it hinges on keeping Bo alive.
No, it doesn't.
The curse isn't about me,
or about Sutter.
It's about them. Townspeople
who stood there and watched me die.
The only way is
for me to give myself up.
- No.
- It's okay, Isabel. Have faith.
They'll kill you.
This curse came
from my father's people.
I understand that now.
It's meant to heal,
to teach the townspeople
to act without shame.
- I have to give them that chance.
- Helping them to save you...
...saves themselves.
I want you all to see what happens
when people cross me.
No. No.
Don't. He knows what he's doing.
What's the matter, boy?
You too stupid to scream?
I want you to beg for mercy.
What are you people doing?
Look at him.
He has the courage
to fight Sutter for all of you.
You can't just stand there
and watch him die.
You have to do something.
You can take him down.
Sutter can't take all of you out.
You need to do what's right.
You cannot just stand by
and let this happen.
Stand up to him. Don't be scared.
Nobody crosses me.
I think you just ought to
leave Bo alone, Sutter.
You just signed
your own death certificate.
You wanna kill Bo,
you're gonna have to kill me too.
We're with you, Cal.
- You heard him, Sutter.
- Yeah, okay.
We got you now.
- Are you okay?
- Let her go, Sutter.
- Leave her alone.
- Anybody comes after me
and she's dead.
- Now can we do something?
- Oh, yeah.
Bo. Bo.
I don't think Sutter's gonna be
a problem anymore.
What about the curse?
It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it?
I don't think there's been one
quite like it in 128 years.
Looks like you're out of bullets.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
- See you in hell.
- Been there, done that.
Like I said, once a demon,
always a demon.
So where are they?
I don't know,
unless they didn't make it out.
Don't even say it.
Don't even think it.
- Finally.
- What took you so long?
We've been worried sick.
Sorry, we had a few loose ends
to tie up.
- Are you okay?
- I'm great.
Thank you. Both of you.
- And the time loop?
- Broken.
They will never have to live
that horror again.
So then, where are they?
I don't know,
probably living out their lives
on a parallel plane, I guess.
You don't think about it too much,
Victor. It'll just give you a headache.
Okay, anybody up
for a rehearsal dinner?
Absolutely. I'm starving.
Well, I guess I should be going.
Yeah, that would probably be
a good idea.
You're not going anywhere.
Phoebe, I don't wanna
cause any trouble.
You're staying.
And that's that.
All right, then, shall we?
What are we doing here?
What? Can't a father spend
a little quality time with his daughter?
Especially after all the time
we've been apart?
All right, I take after you, okay?
I've inherited all your tricks,
especially your fine art of fibbing.
Don't know
what you're talking about.
Tell me a little bit more
about this Leo fella, anyway.
How did he and Piper meet?
Oh, it was a couple of years ago
at the house. He was our handyman.
Piper's marrying a handyman?
Well, no, he isn't really a handyman.
- Wait, you do know that he's...?
- All I know is he's a nice enough guy
who seems to know
the big, bad secret.
Trust me, it's a lot better for a mortal
to know he's marrying a witch
before the wedding instead of after.
Wish I'd had that...
Mortal, right.
It's nothing. I guess that's why
they call it a ghost town, huh?
What do you mean?
Did you actually see something?
What do you mean?
I mean like a premonition,
or whatever you call it.
All right, I confess.
I brought you out here hoping
maybe you could give me
a little bit of your help.
I just didn't know how to ask.
Magical help? Dad...
Well, this place seemed like
such a good investment.
Too good, actually. Made me think
that all the stories were true.
I'm biting. What stories?
Ghost stories.
Something's been keeping people
from investing in
and razing this place
for over 100 years.
So, what, you want me to do
a little supernatural inspection?
I thought you could do
a little feng shui on the place
and see if there's anything going on.
Okay, first of all, I don't do feng shui.
And secondly, I can't always
get a premonition when I want to.
- Okay, now, I definitely heard that.
- Heard what?
Okay, you didn't hear that?
You're a dead man, Bo.
Can you see them?
See who?
- Hey! Hey! What's going on?
- Nobody crosses Mr. Sutter.
- Run, Geronimo!
- Phoebe.
Phoebe, what's going on?
Sweetheart, you're bleeding.
I wouldn't buy the place, Dad.
Really, really bad feng shui.
Wait a minute. We have
one too many place settings.
No, we don't.
Okay, you, me, Leo, Phoebe, Dad.
- That's five. We have six.
- So?
So who is the sixth for?
What? It's my wedding.
At least she can be here in spirit,
if nothing else.
Yes, she can be.
Looks great. When do we eat?
Leo, can't you see
we're having a sister moment?
- Oh, sorry. Do you want me to go?
- No, I want you to help.
This is your rehearsal dinner too,
you know.
So, Leo, you nervous? I mean,
only one more week before:
- Thanks.
- Well, as long as no demons
come bursting through that door
until then, I'm fine.
Prue? Piper?
You had to jinx it.
Hey. Phoebe, what happened?
Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine.
I just need an aspirin.
- Dad?
- I don't know what happened.
We're just walking around,
- next thing I know, she's bleeding.
- I got into a bar brawl.
Well, actually, I didn't,
two cowboys did.
Bo and some other guy,
didn't catch his name.
But I think he's the bad guy
because he was wearing a black hat.
- Oh, and they were transparent.
- She must have hit her head.
Sweetheart, I never would have
taken you there if I had any idea.
It's fine, Dad, really.
Don't worry about it.
- Here, let me take care of that.
- No, I'm all right.
Dad, why don't you go to the porch
and get those town files.
You know, maybe there's something
in them that could actually help us.
All right.
Dad doesn't know
that Leo is a whitelighter.
- What?
- What?
Well, I've been meaning to tell him,
but considering Mom had an affair
with her whitelighter,
I didn't think he'd really be
receptive to the idea.
Piper, he's gonna kill me
when he finds out.
Oh, don't be ridiculous,
you're already dead.
Just a lot of investment stuff.
Background info.
I don't see how it's gonna help
find out what happened.
Well, you're the one that called it
a ghost town.
And since Bo fell through me
and I ended up
with the same split lip that he had...
- Sounds like a ghost to me.
- Well, it can't be. Ghosts don't bleed.
I mean, so I've read. In books.
Obviously, it's not
my area of expertise.
Mine either. What do you say we let
the supernatural stuff to the pros
and go grab a bite?
I don't know, Mr. Bennett.
"Victor," please. It's time
you called me Victor, son. Come on.
I'm fine. Go ahead.
Great, now I'm dead.
All right, why don't we just focus
on Phoebe
and try to figure out what happened.
- I'll get the Book.
- I'll get it. Maybe a drink.
So Phoebe says you're a handyman.
Actually, no, I'm a doctor.
I mean, not a "doctor" doctor, per se.
I'm more of, like, a counsellor doctor.
- I guide people.
- You make good money?
Honestly, no. It's more of a calling.
Leo, I think it's time to come clean.
- You do?
- Yeah.
I need to talk to you
about something man-to-man.
Well, from one mortal to another.
Leo...'s not easy being married
to a witch.
- No?
- That's why my marriage
to Piper's mother didn't work out.
It wasn't because I didn't love her.
It's because I wasn't prepared
for what was to come.
Well, I think I'm prepared, sir...
I mean, Victor.
Don't get me wrong, Leo.
I want this marriage to succeed,
that's why I'm warning you.
But there are dangers out there
worse than demons and warlocks.
- You do know about them, don't you?
- Well, yeah, sure.
Well, the dangers I'm talking about
you're not even gonna see coming.
The thing I'm talking about
will just sneak up on you
and destroy your marriage
if you're not careful.
Leo, do you know
what a whitelighter is?
- What?
- Look, I have a huge bruise.
All right. Well, you must have
gotten that the same way
that you got the split lip. From Bo.
I don't get it. He gets beat up,
and I get his symptoms?
How is that possible?
I wish I knew what I was looking for.
I mean, if they're not ghosts,
then what are they?
Well, whatever it is, it's got something
to do with the history of that town.
You said they were dressed
like cowboys?
Yeah. Real cowboys,
right out of the Old West.
The outlaw said something to Bo
about a guy named Sutter.
- Look him up. Maybe he's a demon.
- Wait a minute.
- Did you find something?
- It's more of what I'm not finding.
All right, nothing is dated
past April 25th, 1873.
The maps, the land grants,
death certificates.
It's almost like time just stopped.
What do you mean stopped?
Like everybody just died?
No, like stopped
moving forward, literally.
Wouldn't be the first time
we've come across a time loop.
- No, we vanquished that demon.
- Wait a minute.
Well, maybe it's not a demon,
maybe it's a curse.
"Certain spiritual traditions believe
that a great evil or great injustice
can be cursed into a time loop
until righted."
So that's probably why
this is happening to me.
Our job is to right the wrong.
Yeah, well, we better do it
before your symptoms get any worse.
I'll get that.
Hey, Prue, long time.
Is Phoebe home?
- What the?!
- Cole!
- What...?
- Phoebe, hi.
- These are for you.
- What the hell are you doing here?
Do you have
some kind of a death wish?
Well, I told Phoebe last week
I wasn't giving up on her,
- and I meant it.
- You talked to Phoebe?
He talked to you?
You said that he was alive,
you never said that he was back.
It didn't matter,
because as I told him,
I don't want anything
to do with him anymore.
- Oh, well, in that case...
- Hey, hey, hey. I just set that table.
We don't have time to buy a new one
before dinner.
I'm not gonna use my powers
against you anyway.
In fact, I'm never gonna
use them again.
Ever. Keeps me from being evil.
No, you will always be evil.
You're a demon.
My human half can suppress it if...
Phoebe, you're hurt.
What happened?
You know what, Cole?
It's none of your business.
So why don't you do yourself a favour
and just get...
Phoebe, what happened?
I think I've been shot.
Thing is, they can orb
into their charges' lives
any time of the day or night...
...without us mortals
even knowing about it.
You can't trust the whitelighters, Leo.
They're sneaky little bastards.
Because Piper says that
they're really, really good guys.
More of, like, guardian angels.
That's the party line, Leo,
but don't believe it.
You can't trust them.
They have this tendency
to fall in love with their charges.
Before you know it,
they've stolen your wife.
The girls' mother, Patty,
she fell for her whitelighter.
I thought that happened
after you separated.
He was putting the moves on her
long before we split up, believe me.
And we never had a chance
to get back together because of him.
And... know, then she died.
Look, my point is, if you wanna...
I have to go. Now.
- Go?
- Yeah.
And I don't think you're gonna like
the way I have to go either.
What the hell are you doing here?
Forget about him, Leo.
Phoebe's been shot.
Shot? How did that happen?
There's no time to explain.
Can you heal her?
- Where's Dad?
- Seething, probably.
What's the matter?
Why isn't it working?
I don't know.
You gotta tell me
exactly how this happened.
I don't... I don't really know.
I had a premonition,
and I felt Bo get shot,
and then I came out of it.
- Leo, can you heal her?
- No.
Because Phoebe wasn't the one
that was shot, Bo was.
What are you talking about?
She's bleeding.
I know, but it's more like
a psychic echo.
Phoebe is linked to Bo somehow.
Whatever he feels,
whatever happens to him
happens to her.
Which means Bo
must be magical too.
They only way they can be linked
is through their magic.
- I agree.
- We have to find Bo. Heal him.
It's the only way.
Well, he's been cursed
into a time loop,
along with the rest of the town.
And we don't know how to get there,
let alone where "there" is.
It's gotta be a parallel plane
existing on the same physical space
as the town.
You know, I don't think that we need
any demonic input right now.
If I can help save Phoebe's life... sure as hell do.
We're listening.
I move through planes all the time,
it's how I've been hiding
from The Source.
Shouldn't be any problem
to shimmer into Bo's plane,
bring him back here
so you can heal him.
You said you don't
use your powers anymore.
Shimmering isn't a lethal power.
Why don't you just take Leo with you,
and you can heal Bo there.
I can't. I'm not allowed to work
with a demon.
- Fine, I'll go.
- Prue.
I'm not gonna leave this up to him.
Well, okay, what if
something goes wrong
and you get stuck in the time loop, and
you don't get back before midnight?
It's not the time loop
I'm worried about.
Look, why don't you and Leo
go to the town,
see if you can find anything there
to help break the curse.
You, you hang in there, okay?
Play nice, you two.
Gotta hold my hand.
This already sucks.
- Leo! You lying little piece of...!
- Okay. Dad, not now.
Stay with Phoebe. We'll be back.
Well, don't get mad at me,
I've been shot.
- It worked.
- You doubted me?
Yeah, well, for all I knew,
you were gonna...
- Welcome to the Wild, Wild West.
- All right, just so we're clear,
I'm in charge here.
You're just my ride.
- Fine with me. What's your plan?
- Find Bo, lay low.
- That's a plan?
- Yeah. You got a better one?
Maybe. But...
...first I think we better find something
a little less conspicuous to wear.
Fine. Agreed. Any ideas?
Okay, watch out. Make room.
Let's put him up.
Yeah. Nothing you're
gonna like, though.
- Thanks, Roy.
- Yeah.
I'll raise you a dollar.
Still think you should have worn
that pretty little red dress
- drying on the line.
- It was a prostitute's dress.
Not the impression
I wanted to make.
At least I'm not wearing
some dead guy's clothes.
I thought you'd be pleased. At least
I'm playing the role of a good guy.
Yeah, right. All right, just fact-finding,
okay? No getting involved.
- What will it be?
- Hi. Moonshine.
- A what?
- She means whiskey. Make it two.
Leave the bottle.
You watch too many old movies.
And you'd be confusing me
with Phoebe.
Not a chance.
- Passing through?
- Maybe.
Maybe, if you're not,
you ought to consider it.
Things are getting pretty dangerous
around here.
Friendly advice: Wet your whistle,
get back on your horses
and move on as fast as you can.
Hi. What am I, a potted plant?
Talk to me. What's so dangerous?
It's nothing to concern
your pretty little head about.
Okay, now, that's condescending.
- Lay low, remember?
- Fine.
You were saying?
There's some trouble
between a powerful man in town...
- Sutter?
- How do you know about Sutter?
This pretty little head knows a lot.
So why don't you talk
to both of us now.
Tell us what's going on.
One of Sutter's men just got killed.
And now there's gonna be
hell to pay.
Where is he?
Just so you know,
I've already taken liberty
to print up the evening edition.
Just so you know
how serious this is.
All the news that's fit to print.
You know where your little brother's
hiding, now, don't you?
Even if I did, I'd never tell you.
I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Sutter.
Well, if you're smart, you'd be.
Of course, your kind are not,
aren't they?
Hold it. Plan is to not get involved.
I haven't seen Bo, Mr. Sutter.
I swear. Not since he took off.
You know, you lie to me again, Cal...
...and I'll do worse than this.
What the hell is wrong
with you people?
Well, well, well.
What do we got here?
Lady, I don't know who you are
or where you come from,
but you obviously don't have the
slightest idea who you're dealing with.
Oh, please, what a clich?.
I usually don't hit women.
But seeing as you're dressed
like a man,
I imagine I can make an exception.
- Don't.
- No.
Deal with these two later.
After we take care of Bo.
This ain't over.
You and me, we got a score to settle.
One of you know where he's at.
And if you don't tell me...
...I'm gonna burn this town
to the ground looking for him.
- So much for laying low.
- Yeah.
Sutter's in tight with the railroads.
He came here a couple months ago
promising to bring tracks through,
- make it more than an old mining town.
- In exchange for what?
Piece of everything,
mines, bank, the newspaper.
When folks started resisting,
his boys took over.
First, everybody stood up to them,
but after they killed the sheriff...
- Cowards.
- Why is Sutter after your brother?
Because Bo wouldn't back down.
He kept on fighting,
trying to get everybody
to take back the town.
- Sounds like a brave man.
- He is. Too bad the others aren't.
Isabel, we know that Bo was injured.
We know that he's been shot.
We can help you,
but you have to trust us.
I do.
Bo said you'd come.
How's that again?
Bo, he saw it in one of his dreams.
He said that two strangers
would come, so...
...I knew.
All right, so wait a second,
Bo has dreams about the future?
Yeah. He has the gift.
He inherited it from our father.
He was a great medicine man.
His name was Soaring Crow.
- "Was"?
- He died when we were young.
When we moved here,
my mother wouldn't allow Bo
to talk about his gift.
She knew that magic was considered
evil in the white man's world.
Yeah, I know what it's like to have
a gift that you have to keep a secret.
And live in a place where you
have to hide half of who you are.
Come, I'll take you to Bo. Come.
- Where did you get the horses?
- Told you, I was expecting you.
You know, I still say we eliminate
the threat first, kill Sutter.
- Probably break the curse anyway.
- Yeah, well, we don't know that,
which is why we
need to get to Bo first.
You know, Cole, if you wanna
try your hand at being good,
your first instinct shouldn't be to kill.
I don't know what we're
supposed to be looking for.
We gotta keep looking, find something
that might help us break the curse.
Like what? There's nothing here
but spiders and lizards
and that stupid old crow.
Oh, come on, let's keep looking.
After all, we got a rehearsal dinner
to get back to.
There's not gonna be
a rehearsal dinner or a wedding
if we don't find
a way to save Phoebe.
What is it?
Phoebe said Bo got in a fight
in the bar, right?
So that would be the saloon.
Makes sense, it's a Western.
So it's always the saloon.
"Hankins Nerve Tonic.
Calms raw nerves."
Think I should bring a bottle back
for your Dad?
I don't think that will do it.
There's nothing...
There's nothing here.
Great brainstorm, huh?
Actually, I think it was. Look.
"Half-Breed to Die at Sundown"?
Yeah. On that same day in 1873,
read who's gonna die.
Bo Lightfeather.
We gotta find a way
to warn Prue and Cole
that they don't have until midnight.
Which means neither does Phoebe.
Here you go. Drink up.
What is it?
It's nothing.
Hey, I didn't come back into your lives
just to be kept in the dark.
I'm your Dad.
You can tell me anything.
I'm dying.
- Oh, come on.
- No.
I can feel what's happening to me.
It's like a...
Something that you can feel...
...deep inside of you.
I can't explain it.
Your sisters are not gonna
let that happen.
I am not gonna let that happen.
- How is she?
- She's gonna be fine.
Okay, we have to hurry.
We found out Bo dies at sundown.
Except I don't think Prue knows that.
But we have an idea
how to let her know.
Phoebe, if you're getting visions
from Bo,
- maybe he can get one from you.
- I don't understand.
Phoebe, if you can will yourself to get
a premonition about Bo's death,
he might be able to see it too.
And then he can tell Prue and Cole
that they don't have as much time
as they think they do.
But I thought you said
you couldn't always get premonitions
- when you wanted.
- I can't.
You can try.
Any idea what we should say
to him?
"We" are not gonna say anything.
I'll do the talking.
You know, it wouldn't kill you
to be nice to me.
Really? It's funny
that you should say that,
considering how many times
you actually tried to kill me.
That's all in the past, Prue.
Right. After all this is done,
you need to leave us alone.
Otherwise, we'll have to do what we
should've done in the first place,
which is vanquish you.
Then that's what you're
gonna have to do,
because it's the only way you're
gonna keep me away from Phoebe.
Are you guys ready to go in?
Something wrong?
No, nothing that I can't handle.
He's very weak.
I tried to pull the bullet out,
but it's in too deep.
How you doing?
What's the matter with you?
Who the hell are they?
It's okay. They've come to help.
Just like in your vision, remember?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
- Bo, I told them.
- Too much, apparently.
We don't need your help.
Just leave now.
Bo, my sister gets visions too.
And she had one of you getting shot,
all right? We're here to help you.
And help her.
It's a trick. Sutter sent you.
I know he did.
No. They stood up to Sutter.
You should have seen it.
Just get out of here.
We're not going anywhere.
I know that look. Sutter's got it too.
You're evil. I can sense it.
All right, then just look at me.
You can't say the same thing
about me, can you?
Bo, this isn't just about you, all right?
My sister will die too.
This whole town will
if you don't let us help you.
They think that something Sutter is
going to do to you will trigger a curse.
The kind that Father
used to speak about.
If we show you
that we have gifts too,
will you trust us then?
- Show him.
- Show him what?
Your gift. Show him your gift.
This better be good.
We couldn't find him, boss.
Now, you listen to me,
and you listen real good.
Bo's giving the townsfolk ideas,
and I don't want them getting ideas.
No one knows where he's at.
And if they do, they ain't talking.
Well, you make them talk!
This town is mine,
and it's gonna stay mine.
When that railroad comes through...
Mark my words, it will.
- when I'm selling this land,
that land is gonna be worth more
than any of you three are capable
of imagining.
You better have something useful
to tell me, Cal.
I know where Bo is hiding.
...someone knows
what's good for him.
All right.
The first thing that we need to do
is get that bullet out of you.
This is gonna hurt.
I'm warning you, half-breed.
I believe you.
It's okay. You're okay.
Take a deep breath.
I saw what they're gonna do to Bo.
It was horrible.
- Do you think he saw it too?
- I know he did.
I felt it. And when he did anything,
they didn't help him.
Nobody did anything.
So, what do we do now?
There's nothing else we can do
but wait. It's up to Prue and Cole.
And you call yourself
their guardian angel?
What good is a whitelighter
if all you can do is stand there
- and watch my daughter die?
- Dad, please don't.
- You're not helping.
- And he is?
Why don't you do something?
Isn't that your job?
You know, I am doing something. I am
trusting your other daughter, Prue.
You know, I know that you
feel helpless. We all do.
But Prue is not gonna let Phoebe die,
and neither is Cole.
So now I'm supposed to trust
a demon?
As much as I hate to say this,
Cole loves Phoebe.
He took a huge risk to come here
and try and prove himself to her,
and he will do whatever it takes
to save her life.
- He's right.
- How can you be so sure?
Because he loves me
as much as I love him.
- You learn fast.
- Thanks. I have a few gifts too.
Sutter's men just showed up.
We better get Bo out of here.
- What? How did they find us?
- We must have been followed.
I'll shimmer him back to Leo
then come back for you two.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
He dies, Phoebe dies.
Taking Bo out of here
will not break the time loop.
It will save Phoebe.
Yeah, well, there's more than just
Phoebe's life on the line here, Cole.
We have to break the curse
by sundown,
otherwise this entire town is doomed
to repeat the same day
over and over again.
Are you seriously telling me
you're willing
to sacrifice your sister's life
for a town full of cowards?
What I'm saying to you is that
there's a greater good at stake here.
One that I can't just walk away from,
and one that you shouldn't
walk away from
if you truly expect to be good.
We know you're in there, Bo.
Come on out with your hands up,
and nobody gets hurt.
What's it gonna be, Bo?
All right,
how do we break the curse?
I don't know, but I do know
that it hinges on keeping Bo alive.
No, it doesn't.
The curse isn't about me,
or about Sutter.
It's about them. Townspeople
who stood there and watched me die.
The only way is
for me to give myself up.
- No.
- It's okay, Isabel. Have faith.
They'll kill you.
This curse came
from my father's people.
I understand that now.
It's meant to heal,
to teach the townspeople
to act without shame.
- I have to give them that chance.
- Helping them to save you...
...saves themselves.
I want you all to see what happens
when people cross me.
No. No.
Don't. He knows what he's doing.
What's the matter, boy?
You too stupid to scream?
I want you to beg for mercy.
What are you people doing?
Look at him.
He has the courage
to fight Sutter for all of you.
You can't just stand there
and watch him die.
You have to do something.
You can take him down.
Sutter can't take all of you out.
You need to do what's right.
You cannot just stand by
and let this happen.
Stand up to him. Don't be scared.
Nobody crosses me.
I think you just ought to
leave Bo alone, Sutter.
You just signed
your own death certificate.
You wanna kill Bo,
you're gonna have to kill me too.
We're with you, Cal.
- You heard him, Sutter.
- Yeah, okay.
We got you now.
- Are you okay?
- Let her go, Sutter.
- Leave her alone.
- Anybody comes after me
and she's dead.
- Now can we do something?
- Oh, yeah.
Bo. Bo.
I don't think Sutter's gonna be
a problem anymore.
What about the curse?
It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it?
I don't think there's been one
quite like it in 128 years.
Looks like you're out of bullets.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
- See you in hell.
- Been there, done that.
Like I said, once a demon,
always a demon.
So where are they?
I don't know,
unless they didn't make it out.
Don't even say it.
Don't even think it.
- Finally.
- What took you so long?
We've been worried sick.
Sorry, we had a few loose ends
to tie up.
- Are you okay?
- I'm great.
Thank you. Both of you.
- And the time loop?
- Broken.
They will never have to live
that horror again.
So then, where are they?
I don't know,
probably living out their lives
on a parallel plane, I guess.
You don't think about it too much,
Victor. It'll just give you a headache.
Okay, anybody up
for a rehearsal dinner?
Absolutely. I'm starving.
Well, I guess I should be going.
Yeah, that would probably be
a good idea.
You're not going anywhere.
Phoebe, I don't wanna
cause any trouble.
You're staying.
And that's that.
All right, then, shall we?