Catfish: The TV Show (2012–…): Season 8, Episode 49 - Diamond & Steve - full transcript

When Instagramer Diamond laid eyes on YouTube star Steve, she knew they were a match made in influencer heaven. Now a year into a steamy romance with Steve, Diamond turns to Nev and Kamie for help to uncover why Steve won't meet up.

- ♪ MTV ♪

- We've got
an Instagram model, Diamond.

She comes across Steve
also big on social media.

She starts doing
whatever she can

to get his attention
- Titty pics.

- I'm like,
"Wow, this is my soul mate."

But every time I would say,
"Hey, let's meet,"

He would come up
with some excuse.

- Oh!
They know each other.

Oh, man.
Are we getting [bleep] with?

- I wasn't seeing
that coming whatsoever.

- Oh, he said, "I've been
waiting for this time to talk."

- This is about to be dramatic.
- Shut the [bleep] up.

[dramatic music sting]

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- What type of nondairy milk
is this, almonds?

- That's almond no sugar.

- I love that you preface
that nondairy

'cause it--like, it better be.
- [chuckles]

- This is the life.

I feel like we're
in a vacation commercial.

- This feels
like a hotel breakfast.

- It feels like
a really nice vacation.

Like, I feel like there should
be sand and beaches behind us,

someone's feeding me grapes.


- All right.
Guess we should get to work.

- Yeah.
Let's go, Biggie.

- All right.

Let's see
what's in the old inbox.

Here's an email.

Is he lying
or just afraid of commitment?

Dear Nev and Kamie,
hi, I'm Diamond.

I'm a 23-year-old
Instagram model

living in Miami.

A year ago,
I started talking with Steve.

Steve is a big YouTuber.

♪ ♪

- An Instagram model
and a YouTuber.

- It sounds like
the beginning of joke.

An Instagram model
and a YouTuber walk into a bar.

- Can I get this drink
for free if I post?

- Yeah.


A year and a half ago,
he posted on Instagram that he

wanted people to text him.
- Thirsty.

- I was a huge fan,
so I jumped at the chance,

and I sent him
a slightly scandalous picture.

He didn't respond
to my message that day,

but six months later,

he was blowing up my phone.

We've been hot
and heavy ever since.

He's super hot,

super manly, and everything
I've been looking for.

I love how sexy
and fun we are together,

but I don't love that Steve
always seems too busy for me.

- ♪ Our love
needs some reviving ♪

♪ And you ever
need reminding ♪

- Never video chats,
and when he's been in my area,

he's too busy to meet.

- ♪ All you need
is one sip to remember ♪

- Have I been tricked?

- ♪ That you said our love,
it would last forever ♪

- Or is Steve just being true

to his
commitment-phobic nature?

Hoping you two can
finally get him

to see me face-to-face.

♪ ♪

All right, let's text her.

Hey, Diamond.
It's Nev and Kamie.

We are super hot

social media influencers.

Jump in our Zoom.

We're talking about
an Instagram model

and a YouTuber
who haven't video chatted.

What possible explanation
could there be

for the two of them
to not have communicated?

- Right.
That doesn't make sense.

- No, it doesn't.
- Oh, she said yes.

Heart eyes.
We have to take our selfies.

We have to be,
like, influencing.

♪ ♪

[phone chimes]

- Hey!
- Diamond!

- Hi, y'all

- Wow, look at those claws.

- Yes, let me see.
Nail check.

- Whoa--oh, wait, butterflies?
- Oh, my God.

- Yeah.
- Ooh, cute.

- What's up?
Are you in Miami?

- Yes, I live
in Miami, Florida,

but I'm from Ohio.

- Tell us a little bit
more about you.

I want to know everything.

- I'm an Instagram model,
TikToker, and pop star,

so that's, like, my income.
- Whoa.

- Who are your
pop star inspirations?

- Britney Spears for sure.

I was at the front lines of
all the Free Britney protests.

I'm bringing back the old era.
I do have an album coming out.

It's amazing.
- Really?

That's my pop name.

- EBT baby is your stage name?
- Yeah.

- Is that because
you personally

were on food stamps as a kid?

- Yeah, growing up.
I grew up very, very poor.

It's like, you know, kind of
saying look at me now.

My first hit single
was "EBT Baby,"

and the lyrics,
it's like, "EBT baby, GED lady,

coochie so good like gravy."

Kind of saying, like,

"Hey, I went from EBT to GED.

I own two businesses, you know.
I do everything myself.

- Wow.

- You know,
I try to be an inspiration

for everyone that, you know,
you could grow up with nothing.

You can grow up
in a [bleep] environment,

and you can make something
out of yourself.

- okay, so you have
a lot going on

and somehow, someway,

you're still finding time
to talk to Steve.

- Yes, basically,
he's in, like,

a group on YouTube, right?

- Who is he?
What group is this?

- Nelk Boys.
- Nelk Boys.

- Yeah, they do a bunch of,

like, pranks
and stuff like that.

- Got it, okay, so let's go
to their YouTube channel.

They're verified.
- Oh, 6.6 million?

- Yeah, they're celebrities.

I've watched their videos
here and there.

They're really funny.

I've just always
been a fan of them,

and then Steve got introduced,
and it was love at first sight.

- Wait, SteveWillDoIt?
- Steve!

- Yeah, he's very sexy.

You'll know it's him
because the muscles.

- 3.3 million subscribers?

- Yeah, just from,
like, the YouTube videos,

me and Steve
have so much in common.

I'm like,
"Wow, this is my soulmate."

One day,
they said that they come out

with this fan club.
All you gotta do is text it.

So I texted it.

I sent, you know,
little titty pics,

you know, and I said
give this to Steve, and then--

- [laughs]

- You just sent a titty pic
to a group text number?

- She said, "Send it to Steve."
This is for Steve.

- But you can't
forward a titty pic.

- How else was I supposed
to reach him, you know?

But then, like,
I didn't get a response,

so I was like, "Whatever."

Couple months go by,
and, all of a sudden,

I get a text saying,
"Hey, this is Steve."

And he started talking to me,
texting me.

Everything that he was saying
sounded like something

SteveWillDoIt would say
to be honest.

And I was still skeptical
for a little while.

But one day he said,
I'm with the president

and I was like, "Just shut up."

I literally look on

and he's on Air Force One
with Donald Trump,

and he texted me before that
was even posted on Instagram.

- Right.
- Hmm.

- And mind you,
I follow Steve on all fronts.

- Right.

- There was so many things
that he would say

in the text messages
that would add up.

- What do you guys talk about

when you're
not just talking about

all the cool stuff he's doing?

- Steve's a freak.
It gets real sexual.

- Okay, but you guys
don't just talk

about getting freaky, right?

- No, we have this,
like, kind of, like,

lighthearted conversations

and, like,
he has done a lot for me.

Like, my brother,
he was in prison.

He wrote to my brother,
and he sent him commissary

and everything,
and, like, he's done

really sweet things that he
didn't have to do, you know?

And it's like, "Why would
some random person do this

if it wasn't SteveWillDoIt,
you know?

- Has he sent you money?

- No, but he asked if he
could send me money once.

I was like, "No, I'm not
a gold digger," you know?

But he has sent me lingerie.
He sent me a signed T shirt.

He sent me Uber Eats too
a couple of times.

- Huh.

- And the thing is,
on the T shirts,

on the lingerie, it came
from a PO box in California.

- So he lives in California?

- He lives in L.A.,
but he is always in Miami.


There's been times where,

according to
Steve's Instagram story,

we're five minutes
away from each other.

But every time I would say,
"Hey, let's meet."

He would come up
with some excuse.

And another thing is
that I consistently message him

on Instagram, but he said

he can't interact
with me on social media

because of his management.

- That whole thing about
I can't interact with you

on social media
'cause my management

is [bleep].

- He said it's contracts.
- But wait a second.

That doesn't explain
why he can't just FaceTime

with you on his phone.

- Right.
- His personal phone.

Have you guys even talked
on the phone?

- Two weeks ago when I was
getting very sassy with him

and I let him know I'm going
to write into "Catfish,"

I told him, "I am going
to tell them all about you.

"They're experts.
They know how to spot lies.

They are going
to figure this out."

And he called me on the phone
for about 30 seconds

and it definitely
was SteveWillDoIt's voice.

It was definitely
Steve's voice.

- What did he say?

- He was like,
"Hey, sexy,"

like, and stuff like that,
and then he just hung up,

and then he said
that the boys came in the room.

Like, his homeys.

- But has Steve ever said,
"I love you.

I want to be with you.
I want to be together?"

- Yeah, all the time.

Like, "I love you, baby,"
but we fight a lot too.

But it always ends up, like,
kisses and hugs virtually.

- What are you fighting about?

- He's always
with other females.

- Are you seeing things
on his Instagram

and then being like,

"Who the [bleep] is that
that you're with?"

- Yeah, I'm just aggravated,
and he says, "It's a joke.

It's a troll."

He has an excuse
for everything.

I'm so confused,
and I'm so torn.

- Whether it's
the real Steve or not,

wouldn't you consider
their sort of behavior

and the way
that they've treated you

to somewhat warrant

not wanting to pursue them
anymore anyway?

- Well, I kind of
like assholes,

so, like, I don't know.

Like, I don't mind that,
you know?

- So you said
that the conversations

have gotten freaky-deaky.
- Yeah.

- Oh.

- Well, bring us up--
bring up your phone.

I want to see their convos.
- Not the pics!

- Okay,
let me connect my phone.

- Oh, there you go.

- Our everyday convos
are sweet.

"How's your parents' house?"

"Man, it's lit.
I love my parents."

And then--oh.
- Oh, that's it?

That's what you're worried
about showing us?

- No, there's other stuff.
- Oh.

- Oh, this is the one.
- Ah!

- Oh!
- This one really sold me.

- Why does he not
have pants on in his car?

Why is he fully nude
in his car?

- [laughs]
I don't know.

- He pulled his pants all
the way down to his ankles?

- Your response was hilarious.

"It'd look better
in your Tesla."

- 'Cause it's a Ford.

- I'm taking it off.
It's too embarrassing.

- Jesus Christ.
- You live in Miami.

There must be lots of guys
trying to date you.

Have you just not talked

to any guys since you
started talking to Steve?

- My heart's not open to,
like, kind of, you know,

really getting in, like,

an intimate relationship
with somebody.

This is taking a toll
on my life emotionally

because it's like
I'm looking to settle down.

I'm looking to find the one.

And it's like, you know,
I think I found him,

but it's also like
I don't even know

who I'm really talking to
at the end of the day.

Is it someone on his team
who knows so much about him?

Is it him?
I don't know.

- I'ma be honest with you,

I'm not seeing Steve
at the end of the tunnel.

- But here's the thing.

Steve obviously has

a verified Instagram account.
- Mm-hmm.

- We have verified
Instagram accounts.

If it's cool with you
as part of our investigation

for us
to just reach out to Steve.

Is that okay if we do that?

- That's fine
'cause maybe since

you're verified, he'll see it.

- Send us another email

with all the info
you have for Steve.

we'll have some answers.

- All right.
Thank you.

- Later, D.
- Bye.

- Bye.
EBT Baby out.

- It's easy to come up
with a million scenarios

where this is not Steve.
- Mm-hmm.

- But, to be fair,

there are some things about it
that are interesting.

The fact that he's
getting inside information

before it seems
to be posted anywhere.

The contact started because
of a number that they posted.

There's clearly a connection
to the real guy.

Could this be,
like, a prank video

that they've been
teeing up for months?

- [gasps]

- I do think it could be

someone close
to SteveWillDoIt.

- All right,
we've got a girl, Diamond.

Very ambitious young lady.

She comes across the Nelk Boys,
sees one, and immediately says,

like, "Oh, my God,
this guy Steve is so cute."

Apparently, she follows him
on YouTube, Instagram,

really likes his personality
and essentially starts

doing whatever she can
to get his attention.

- She sent titty pics.
- Doesn't hear anything back.

Months go by, and she gets
a message from a new number

that says, "Hey, it's Steve."

They start texting,
talking quickly,

gets very flirtatious
and sexual.

- Mm-hmm.

- She says she talked
to this guy on the phone

just once for a minute.

Anyway, so they've now
been talking over a year.

There are things that have
happened that do suggest

that it potentially either him
or someone very close to him

because he'll tell her things
before they go online

about what he's doing
like being on Air Force One.

You know,
how did he know that?

- The fact that he
can actually corroborate

what the actual Steve is doing

in his real life
on his account,

it has to be someone
within the real Steve's team.

- Right.
All right.

Well, let's see here.
We got an email from Diamond.

"Hey, guys, I think this
is everything you asked for."

- I love this email.
Very structured.

- So here's Steve's socials.
His Instagram.

His Snapchat, TikTok,
Twitter, YouTube, Twitch.

"And then the first number
that I messaged Steve on

was the text group thing."

- That's an L.A. number.
- Right.

- "And the current number
he's hitting me up from"

is this,
and the iPhone he messaged me

for the first couple
of weeks was this.

- That's a Florida area code.

- I've also
attached screenshots.

So he sent a picture
of himself in a car.

- In a Tesla.

Look at the [bleep] logo.
That's a Tesla.

- Oh, my God, you're right.

- And the other one
he said, "Wrong way."

- Right, and then said,
"Wrong way, oops."

And then he sent [bleep] pic,
and it's a Ford.

- That is a random [bleep].
- Right.

- From Google.
- Obviously.

I think we should
search the [bleep].

- Search the [bleep].

- Searching the [bleep] pic.

[dramatic music]

No hits on that pic.

Look, for sure,

we should be able
to get in touch with Steve.

- Yeah.
- Let's find his page.

All right,
let's message this guy.

Hey, Steve.

- It's Neve.
- It's Neve.

Need your help
with a catfish case.

Hope you will do it, ha ha.
Hit me back ASAP, thanks.

All right.
So that's sent.

- Mm-hmm, I just wonder
if their social media manager

or somebody would be--
like, who is their management?

- Here,
let's do SteveWillDoIt.

here we go--Deleornadis

better known by his social
media handle SteveWillDoIt

is an American YouTuber
and entertainer.

- Steve is managed
by John Shahidi.

- I know that guy.
I know who that is.

- How do you know him?
- I met him years ago.

- So hit him up.

- Okay, I guess
I gotta text him.

- Wow, it's so great
to be connected.

[soft dramatic music]

- So I just filled him in
on the story.

Hopefully, he gets back to us.

Should we look up
the numbers, I guess,

while we're waiting?
- Yes.

- Let's just search
the current number.

♪ ♪

- Let's do the number
that first responded to her

like, "Hey, it's Steve."
- A Florida number.

♪ ♪

- Hm, Myles [bleep].

Let's go
to Diamond's Instagram.

All right, all right, I'm in.

So let's go to her followers,
and let's search for Miles.

Ugh, nothing.

Hold on a second,
we've definitely got

a lead here with this
Myles [bleep] character.

- Mm-hmm.

- Let's look this up
on Facebook.

Okay, there are
some people who come up.

Unfortunately, we don't
have a specific lead here.

- Cash App
always brings us luck.

- I always forget.
Yes, Cash App.

- If we run the phone number.

- Oh, oh!

- Heather Grayson.
- Heather.

- Who is that?

- This is the number
she got the first message from.

- Mm-hmm.

- I wonder if Diamond
is friends

with Heather on Instagram.

Oh, oh!
She's--she follows her.

- But does Heather
follow her back?

- Smokingcigs,
does she follow?

- It says "followed by
Heather Grayson."

- She does, right.

Oh, my God,
they know each other.

- Wait a minute.
I recognize her.

This person
is a famous TikToker.

- Doesn't say she has
a TikTok on her Linktree.

- There, yes.
- Oh.

- There is a Heather Grayson.

- Oh, [bleep], what?
With a lot of people.

- She her.
- A lot of views.

- I told you.

- Okay, what's this girl doing
messing around with Diamond?

- Right, that is the question.

Maybe this is some sort of

TikTok clout chasing

- There's too many coincidences
linked together

for us not to hit up Heather.
- Right.

- My instinct is that
maybe the phone number

is linked
to Heather's dead name

because I can see in her bio

she's trans and like--
- Oh, really?

- Yeah, so perhaps the number
is linked to her dead name

or maybe her parents name
or something.

- Which could have been
that name that we found.

- Myles whatever,
it may be--[bleep]--yeah.

- All right,
let's call the number

because obviously we have
to get to the bottom of this.

All right.

[line trilling]

- Hey, this is Nev
from the show "Catfish."

Is this Heather?


- Hey there.

We are doing
an episode right now.

Do you know a girl
named Diamond or EBT Baby?

♪ ♪

- But you do follow her
on Instagram.

- Oh, interesting, okay,
because here's what's up.

So she reached out to us

because she has been talking
to this guy for a while now.

When she first started
talking to him

a little over a year ago,

he had a phone number
on Cash App...

- Mm-hmm.
- Came back to you.

- Okay, so I'm just trying to--

maybe you can help us
understand how could it be

that Diamond
would give us your number

and say this was the number
I talk to this guy on.

Do you guys have beef?

Is there--would there be
some reason for her to want to,

like, mess with you?

Do you know the Nelk Boys?
Do you know those guys?

- Or do you know anyone
that works with them

or who, like, is good--
maybe good friends with them?

- So the other thing is,
when we search this number,

the number comes back
to a Myles.

- Right.
- Okay, that makes sense.

- No, we figured that.

- And you pinky swear,
cross your heart, hope to die

stick a finger in your eye
that you're not lying to us?

- All right, well, look,
you come across any information

that you think
could be helpful,

don't hesitate to reach out.

- All right.
- Thanks, Heather.

- Bye.

Do you believe her?

- I do.
- I want to believe her.

- I do.

- But there is
such an undeniable,

crystal-clear connection.
- Yeah.

- This has been
my number for five years.

Oh, well, then how come
a year and a half ago,

according to Diamond,
she got a message for you.

So if that's true,

we now have to assume
that Diamond's lying to us.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, man.
Are we getting [bleep] with?

- They think
we're [bleep] stupid?

♪ ♪

[phone ringing]

- Oh, Steve's manager
is calling me.

Yo, Johnny.

What's up, man?
How are you?

- Are you part
of the Nelk guys?

- Cool.
So here's what's up.

Like I explained in my message,

we're doing
an episode of "Catfish,"

and this girl, Diamond,
is a fan of the Nelk Boys

and has now for a year or so

been thinking
she's talking to Steve.

- She probably isn't.

- Could it be, like,
a really long lead thing

that you guys are doing to,
like, sort of prank some girl?

- Right, and does anybody
have access to the messages

that you guys get
that works for you

that would like
potentially respond?

- And does Steve
have a girlfriend?

- Not anymore.

You guys have never heard
of a girl who goes

by Diamond or EBT Baby?

- Okay, I mean, obviously,
we would love

to be able to get Steve
to FaceTime with us,

so if you do talk to him
and there's any chance

that he would be willing
to jump on,

like, a five-minute FaceTime,
that would be huge.

- 'Cause I think
it would mean a lot

for her coming from him to know

for sure that,
like, it's not him.

- Perfect.
Nice to meet you, Kyle.

- Later.

I guess I should text Kamie.

I gotta text Kamie now.
I'll just FaceTime her.

[line trilling]

- Hey.
- So check this out.

Johnny FaceTimed me,
and he was sitting with Kyle,

one of the other Nelk Boys.

I was like,
"Okay, here's the story.

"This girl thinks
she's talking to Steve.

They met through
the text thing."

And they both sort of laughed
and, like, it was very unlikely

that she's actually
talking to Steve,

which is obviously
what we already all thought.

But I said, is there any chance

you can get Steve
to, like, call

and FaceTime us tomorrow...
- Yeah.

- So that we
can confirm with her?

He said he thinks,
you know, he said,

"Text me what time, and, like,
I'll try to make it happen."

I mean, Diamond had her doubts,

but I still think she's
going to be heartbroken.

Got to find out who this is.

- Then we confront them.
- Yeah.

- Good morning.
What's the tea today?

- There she is.
- I'm here.

- Finally.
- I'm not late.

- You're a little late.

- Not that late.
- That's okay.

It's not like
a lot happened last night,

and we have
a ton to talk about.

- Do we?

- Well, last night,
I was ready to go to bed.

Diamond starts calling me.

I've got, like, three
missed calls from Diamond.

Call her back.

She tells me apparently after
I spoke to Johnny and Kyle,

they obviously called Steve
and said, "Hey, you know,

wants to talk to you."

- And it got back to her.

- He went online
and said, "Hey, guys."

Let me show you.
Let me show you.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, man, okay.

- Manager called me,
and he said,

"Yo, you know
this show 'Catfish?'

I'm like, "[bleep], yeah,
I know the show 'Catfish.'"

He's like,
"There's a girl on 'Catfish'

"who thinks that they've
been dating me

and is in love with me.
Been dating me for a year."

Some dude
is posting as SteveWillDoIt.

To the guy that's
impersonating SteveWillDoIt,

I'm gonna
have him come to me

and I'm gonna help him
catfish a million people.

- Okay, 'cause now
I wanna fight.

Let me tell you something
about these kids, okay?

They clearly
did not get spanked.

- I think he's just living
in his prankster world

and not thinking much
about the people

who get hurt by all this,

but clearly,
we know who he is now.

So I, immediately
after seeing that

and calming Diamond down.
- Is she okay?

- She was
very upset obviously

because even though
she had a hunch

that maybe it wasn't Steve,
to find out like that,

it's so mean spirited, right?

She calmed down,
and I explained to her

that it's still important

that we find out
who she is talking to,

and that we have some things
we want to discuss.

We got to figure out
this Heather business.

- Oh, yeah.

- Because the phone number
comes back to her.

So let's update Diamond
on the whole Heather of it all.

We got to figure this out
before it gets any uglier.

- All right,
I'm gonna text her.

- Poor Diamond.

[soft dramatic music]

[computer chimes]

- Hello.
- Hey, girl.

- Hey, Diamond.

I can tell you are a little bit
less enthusiastic today.

- Last night,
I was very distraught.

You know, I was really shocked
that he posted

that video he made and, like,

I wasn't seeing
that coming whatsoever.

Now I know for sure
I'm not talking to Steve.

I'm talking to an imposter.
It was very, very upsetting.

I was hysterical.

I was crying,
but that's just because

now it's like I really
don't know who I'm talking to.

- Right.

- The Steve
that you're talking to

didn't make any mention

about the video
from last night.

- No,
and I texted him yesterday

and he is not texting back

- All right,
well, let's take a look

'cause we also
still have some questions so...

- So here's what we found.

When we ran
the first phone number

that you got that message from

when you first, first
got a message from Steve,

that number came back to
someone named Myles [bleep].

You know who this person is?
- I don't.

- Okay, so we
put it into Cash App,

and it came up
with an account right now

currently for someone
named Heather Grayson,

and we saw that you
were following each other

on Instagram.
How do you know Heather?

- Parties?
- Okay.

- Well, we found out Myles,

the name that came back
for the phone number

is Heather's dead name.

Since it's her dead name,

we're not gonna use it
again after this.

- Call Heather.
Call Heather.

- But we did call Heather.
- Mm-hmm.

- And we spoke to her yesterday
and explained

why we were reaching out,

and she said
that she knows you,

but very casually,
that you guys have met

at parties like you said

and that she's had the number
for a long time,

but has no idea
why you would have that number,

so it was very confusing to us

'cause it sounded
kind of impossible

that her number
would come up in Cash App,

also on
the reverse phone search,

and that you guys
would know each other.

- We have never
been kiki like that.

That's why I want to call her.

I met her through
my former makeup artist,


Heather came
to my Free Britney protest.

There is no beef.

I've always been
so nice to her.

- She said the same thing.
- Right.

Is there any way
she would have known

about your attraction to
and crush on Steve?

- No, it's not like I go around
saying "I love SteveWillDoIt."

Like, no.

- I mean, at this point,
it seemed to us

that there were two
very distinct possibilities.

One, that because you
and Heather have some history,

could it be that at some point
she thought it would be funny

to mess with you, and she knew
you had a crush on Steve,

so she thought,
"Oh, I'm going to mess with her

and maybe it'll be
for a funny TikTok."

Who knows, right?
That's one version.

The other possibility
is that you came up

with this idea in an effort to,

you know, make a fun story,
get on the show and...

- No, I have way
too much to lose

to go do something like that.
No, I came here for help.

I don't wanna look
like a [bleep] idiot on TV,

and that's what I look like,

so this would be
the worst place

to do a TV debut.
No offense.

- You know, it has happened.

Unfortunately, in the past,

we have had people
who have, you know, lied to us.

We have to always kind of keep
that in the back of our heads

that it could be
that we're getting played,

and when we saw that you
and Heather know each other,

we're trying to understand,

well, what's
the connection to Heather.

- I don't think Heather
is clever enough to do this.

She's not--not saying
she's not smart enough.

I don't even think
she knows who he is.

- Is it possible that Heather
actually likes you?

And I--does Heather--
- I don't think so.

- Do you know if she
dates guys or girls or?

- I don't know,
but I'm strictly dickly

so Heather is gonna, you know?
- [laughs]

- Right now,
we have to assume

that Heather is the person
you've been talking to.

- I agree.

- If it's not Heather,
she must know.

- She [bleep] knows something.

- So let me text Heather
right now and just say,

"Hey, we'd love to chat
again with Diamond.

If you could jump on a Zoom,
that would be a great."

- Dig into it.

- All right, I texted Heather
asking her to join the Zoom.

- I just looked up
that mutual friend with Heather

you mentioned, Whiteplastiic.
Whiteplastiic follows Steve.

- Interesting.
Did you know that?

- No.

- Should we reach out
to Whiteplastiic?

- I talk to Whiteplastiic.

He's friends with Mark,
my roommate.

He comes over to my house.

He wouldn't
do something like that.

What was the motive?
Uber Eats, gifts.

Why would Plastiic or Heather,

why would any of them spend
their own money to do that?

Like, what do they gain
out of this?

- I don't know.
Don't know.

- I feel like I just don't want
to keep, like, the speculation.

I just want
to contact fake Steve.

I just want
this to be done with.

All right, let's text Steve,
the fake Steve,

I guess we'll call him.
"Hey, Steve.

"We are helping Diamond to try
and get in touch with you.

We're in a Zoom now
and would love if you join."

- And we sent the link.

How are you feeling overall?

- I was just like
kind of getting [bleep] with

for a year,
so that's very weird.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, he wrote back and said,

"I've been waiting
for this time to talk.

I'll hop on the Zoom."

- I've been waiting
for this time?

- okay, whoever it is

obviously wants
to present themselves.

- I'm just, like, flustered.
- This is about to be dramatic.

- I'm going to text back

and just say,
"okay, come on in."

[dramatic music]

- I don't know
what this is gonna be,

but I feel like it's
gonna be some [bleep].

- Mm-hmm.

[computer chimes]

- Oh, there we go.
- What's going on?

- Shut the [bleep] up.

- I don't know
what this is gonna be,

but I feel like it's
gonna be some [bleep].

- Mm-hmm.
[computer chimes]

- Oh, there we go.

- What's going on?
- Shut the [bleep] up.

- Hi, Nev,
hi, Kamie, hi, Diamond.

- Who are you?

- My name is Vincent.
I go by Whiteplastiic online.

- Hi, Vincent.
- How did this happen?

- Listen, I'm upset
just as much--

- Why?
- Listen.

- Upset for what?
Upset for what?

I've been nothing but [bleep]
nice to you, nothing!

- Okay, can I talk?
- Okay, [bleep] talk.

- okay, thank you.

So I met Diamond
probably about, I don't know,

like two years ago maybe.
I was her makeup artist.

And let's just say
Miss Diamond over here

isn't like--I don't know

if she's been
all nice to you guys,

but she isn't exactly
what she says she is.

So I started talking
to this boy

about a month and a half or so,

so then Dimond's roommate,
Mark, told me

that Diamond actually had sex
with the guy I was talking to.

- Who is this guy?
Who is he?

- [bleep].
You remember [bleep]?

- Yes, I know [bleep].
- Yeah, it seems--You see?

She knows exactly
who I'm talking about.

She knows exactly
what went down.

- That did not even happen.
- So I was pissed.

- Cut the [bleep] [bleep].
Shut the [bleep] up.

Cut the [bleep].

I would not ever in my life
[bleep] with somebody

who touched Plastiic, like,
not even with a 10-foot pole.

- Okay, so now
you're gonna degrade me?

- No, I'm not degrading you.
I'm just being honest.

- Okay.
- So wait, I'm sorry.

So you're saying know who--

- I know, I know, I know.
This is so stupid.

- Nothing happened
between you and [bleep]?

- Nothing has happened
between me and him sexually.

No kissing,
no nothing, no flirting.

Maybe he rejected you,
Plastiic, and then so you try

to put the blame on me
or something

but, like, nothing.

- So why would Mark say that?
So why would Mark tell me?

- I don't know.
To maybe [bleep] with you?

- Right.
- Where is Mark?

'Cause you guys are roommates
- Mark's at a friend's house.

- Okay.
- This is so just crazy.

And I wanna know why
and how Heather is involved.

Where is Heather involved
in this?

- I used Heather's phone
'cause she had a separate phone

'cause my phone was in--
out of commission at the time.

So, you know,

start the initiation
of talking to Diamond,

you know, to get my revenge

'cause I knew
Diamond was obsessed,

obsessed with this guy
named SteveWillDoIt.

Like, she would post
on her stories.

She would tell
all her friends.

So I was like, "Okay, cool."

- Wait a second,
so Heather knew

that it was you
behind the Steve profile

this whole time?
- No.

Last night, I get a call
from Heather pissed off

saying I just got a call
from Nev from "Catfish."

They said they linked
my number to a situation.

You're the only one
that I let borrow my phone.

Like what--what the [bleep]?

She immediately
wanted to go to you guys,

so I explained to her,
"No, like, calm down.

Like, I'm gonna be the one
that tells you guys."

- Well, okay.

Over the last year, at least
from what she's told us,

you, Plastiic as Steve,
have been pretty generous.

You sent her food and lingerie,
so it's confusing.

If you were trying to get
back at her and get revenge,

why were you also seemingly
so generous and kind?

- Well, I had to make it
somehow believable that,

you know, I was actually Steve.

You know Steve
has, like, a lot of clout.

He has a lot of money.

I know I wasn't able
to talk to her on the phone so,

of course, you know,
I had to add things in there

that would make it
more believable.

- But then she also got
a merch thing from California.

- Yeah, so I just had,
like, one of my friends

that I was cool with
at the time,

he lives in California,
so I was just like,

"Hey, like, can you send this
from your address

"so it looks like you came
from California?

"and just, like,
write a little note in it,

and like, you know,
send it on its way."

- Well,
what about the phone call

that Steve made to Diamond?
Who was on that phone call?

- I just found,
like, a YouTube video

and just played,
like, a couple of like--

a couple of words
off the YouTube video,

like, as Steve
and then just hung up.

- I can't.
I can't.

- Diamond told us that
the Steve she was talking to

in this case,
we now know

it was you told her things
about the real SteveWillDoIt

that she doesn't know
how anyone could have known

other than
the real SteveWillDoIt.

So how did you have,
like, insider information?

- Well, I would just--you know,

I was very adamant about
looking at Steve's stories,

looking at Steve's posts,

looking at
all the Nelk Boys' post.

I would see posts
the second they would post it,

and then I would
just reciprocate it to Diamond.

- I mean, that's a lot of work
to be, like,

following all
of those accounts so closely.

- Yeah, it was a lot.
It was a lot.

But I enjoyed being Steve.

You know, like, it was
hilarious to me to see you,

like, be, like,
so attached to this guy

and, like, so kiki
when you took a guy

right under my feet,
you know what I mean?

- You're a [bleep] psychopath.
You are a psychopath.

- Okay, keep yelling.

- You have something
wrong with you

to keep that up for so long.
You're weird as [bleep].

- Okay.

- When were you gonna
tell Diamond that it was you?

- Honestly, well,
if the show didn't happen,

I was honestly
just gonna ghost her

and never tell her,
like, that was me

to be honest.
- Okay, okay.

- But still be around her
and, like,

be in her presence
with this animosity?

- Yeah, probably.

The thing about Diamond
is she has such good, like,

business opportunities
and stuff

that, like, I could
have like achieved off of.

It would have been more easy
if I just ghosted her.

- I love that you love
this publicity right now, so...

- Okay, I love it.
I love it, Diamond.

- You're welcome.
- I love it, Diamond.

- You know what?
You're welcome.

- No, you're welcome, baby.
- Shut the [bleep] up.

- [bleep] you.
- [bleep] you.

- Hold on a second.

Let us talk
to Diamond for a minute,

and then we'll
bring you back in

to hopefully come to
some kind of resolution.

- Okay.

- That's a lot, obviously.

- I just feel like
there's some other reason

that he's not really saying.

It can't just be
because of [bleep].

Because, like,
[bleep] so irrelevant.

He's not a part of my life.

That is a very bold accusation
of him to make of me.

- Why would Mark say you
were sleeping with him?

- I don't know.

- I feel like
we should call him.

- okay, I'm gonna text him.

- Do you want--or maybe
that he could jump on the zoom.

We've got to figure this out.

♪ ♪

- I just texted him.

♪ ♪

- Somebody is lying
about you dating [bleep].

This is messy.

- Why would Mark say
you were sleeping with [bleep]?

- I don't know.

- Somebody is lying
about you dating [bleep].

Tell Mark to get in the Zoom
because this is messy.

♪ ♪

- I just texted him.

- We just need him to answer
some simple questions.

Hopefully, he doesn't
have anything to hide.

[computer chimes]

♪ ♪

Hey, Mark.
- Hey, what's up?

How are you?
- Hey.

- All right.
- Good to meet you.

- So essentially what
we understand happened here

was Diamond
has been getting catfished.

She actually has been talking
to Plastiic for the last year.

- This is crazy.
- Yeah.

- We're just trying
to clear this up.

Plastiic apparently
was talking to this guy

named [bleep] about a year ago,

and Plastiic says that you guys
were talking, and that you

told Plastiic that Diamond
had slept with [bleep].

- For me,
I'll just start off by saying

Plastiic is so delusional.
This guy is all over the place.

I don't know
what he's talking about.

I don't know what
his intentions are

to catfish Diamond like that.

- Well, his intentions
this whole time have been

to get back at Diamond
for what he says

was you telling him

that Diamond
and [bleep] hooked up.

- So is that just a total lie?
- That's a total lie.

I would never--those words
would never come

out of my mouth.
This is crazy.

- But why
would Plastiic do this?

- It's kind of mind-blowing.
It's very weird.

Like, I never thought
this would happen

to somebody I know.

- I've never done anything
to him besides, you know,

help him out, get him money.
You know what I mean, like--?

- Maybe this is just a stunt
to get on TV.

Should we bring in Plastiic
just so we can all make sure

we're all on the same page
and clear this up?

- If Mark is comfortable
with that.

- I mean, you can
bring him on if you want to.

I just want to know why
he would even say such a thing.

- All right, So let me
bring Plastiic back in

and give him one last chance
to tell the truth.

Let's just try
to end it cordially

where you guys can both
go your separate ways.

- Right.
- Okay.

[computer chimes]

- Hey.
- Hi.

- So I hope you don't mind,
in an effort to clear this up

and make sure we're all
on the same page and understand

what did and did not happen,
we asked Mark to join us.

Because we were very curious.

At the root of all this is
obviously this [bleep] figure,

and we want to just make sure

everyone spoke
for themselves.

- Well, Plastiic,
I just want to start off

by saying I never said
that about [bleep].

I don't--I don't know
why you would do this.

We're supposed to be cool.

Like I've known you
for a while but--

- Yeah, I thought
we were cool too,

so, like,
why are you being fake?

- How would you go so far

as to catfish Diamond
for so long?

- Because I thought
she [bleep] my man!

'Cause you told me that--
- There is no man!

- Shut up, Diamond!
Diamond, shut up!

Shut up, Diamond!

- You have never had
sexual relations with him.

Give it up.

What is
the real reasoning, Plastiic?

- Yeah, but you have.
But you have.

- No, I haven't.
- No, she has not.

- Okay, then why
would you say that?

- I never said that.

- Shut up.
Shut up, Mark.

You're just like--
I just can't talk to you.

- Okay, okay, okay.
[bleep] you.

- All right, well,
Mark left, which is fine.

I was hoping
that having Mark on here

might help resolve this.

it escalated things

a little bit.

Let's bring it back down
for a second.

- You need to give me
a real reason

on why you did this.

If it was just because

you thought it was funny,
just say it.

- I thought
it was [bleep] hilarious,

and you know that.

You know that that
was [bleep] hilarious,

but that wasn't
the underlying reason.

You know the underlying reason
and, you know,

I'm not--we're not gonna
keep going in circles

with this.
It's, like, [bleep] pointless.

I'm done.
I'm done.

- From where we're sitting,
I see you guys.

You live in the same city.

I would hate for this
to completely explode

and create problems
for both of you moving forward.

I want to make sure
it's very clear

that your lives moving forward
should not interact.

Both of you should be done.

But if there's one thing
we can agree on...

Free Britney.

- Period.
Free Britney.

- Free Britney.
- Okay.

- Oh, I'm showing up.
I'm coming.

- Well, you're gonna see
each other tonight,

so let's just--
when you guys see each other,

can you guys just not?

- Don't talk to me
like I'm just gonna act

like you're not there
like a fly on the wall

because we're
doing this for Britney.

I'm not going for you.
I'm not--

- I'm going for Britney,
not you.

- Okay, so, yeah.

- Okay, so let's--
that's good.

Let's just set
a very clear boundary

that in the likely event

that you guys
see each other tonight,

you're not gonna, like,
try to start some [bleep].

- Definitely.

- I'm not even gonna,
like, pay attention to you.

- Right, well, Plastiic,
lovely to meet you.

Good luck with everything.
- Thank you.

- Bye, Plastiic.
- Bye, Kamie.

- Diamond, what a mess.

- I wish we could have come

to a more peaceful resolution
on this,

but at least you know
who you were talking to

and at least you know
who you were not talking to.

I just would hope that
whoever you end up dating

and falling in love with
treats you with respect

and speaks to you
in a way that is appropriate.

- Don't worry.

No more SteveWillDoIt 'cause
I'm traumatized after all this.

- Then our job here is done.
- That's--

if one good thing came of it,

it's that you
no longer want SteveWillDoIt.

- Yeah.

- Free Diamond,
free Britney.

- I feel a weight lifted off.
Well, thank you guys so much.

- Thank you, Diamond.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- It was so great meeting you.
- You too.

- Good to meet you.

- ♪ Fake sorry ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no ♪

♪ Can't deal with fake sorry ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Can't deal with fake sorry ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Can't deal with ♪

♪ Can't deal with,
no, no ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- One time,
I just sent him $275.

- Why?
- Because I'm in love.

- Bonnie.
- Oh, we got a hit.

- Stay away from this person.
Straight up scammer.

- Wow.
- #Catfish.

- I don't know if I'm cold
or I'm just nervous.

[computer chimes]

- Oh, who is this?
