Catfish: The TV Show (2012–…): Season 8, Episode 46 - Brittany & Mark - full transcript

Brittany's reeling from such a bad breakup that she hopes she's being catfished by her ex wanting to get back together with her. Nev and Kamie hope to free Brittany from heartache and find out who's behind the mystery profile.

- ♪ MTV ♪
- You've got Brittany.
And she's in a crazy situation.
- It's a [bleep]-tuation, Brittany?
- It's a [bleep]-tuationship.
- A [bleep]-tuationship.
- I've been in love with him for years.
Like, I grew as a person because of him.
- He sent you money? - Um, no.
He's had me go to his house to pick up like a care package
that had like alcohol, weed.
- It's madness. - Ooh.
She said all caps, "BE CAREFUL IS ALL!" What?
- What in the backyard bull[bleep] is going on?
- My heart is racing.
[computer dings]
- Oh. Hi.
[dramatic musical sting]
- We're rolling. - Okay.
Kamie, need you to help me with something.
- What is it?
- You know, when I'm out in LA,
I don't have anybody to help me with stuff.
Laura is in New York. Can you just clean up my neckline?
- Are you insane? Oh, my God! Where do I start?
- I'm trusting your hair grooming judgment.
- This is a level of intimacy I never thought we would reach.
I feel like I have to get an angle.
Oh, wow. I'm a [bleep] pro. That looks nice.
- I knew you had it in you.
- You learn new talents about yourself every day.
- All right, got an email here. Subject says...
- "Who can I trust?" Nobody. That's the truth.
- "Hi, Nev and Kamie. My name is Brittany.
I'm 25. I live in Ontario."
- Another Canadian catfish.
- "And I could really use your help.
Three years ago, I got a message from Mark.
"We chatted a bit, but I wasn't feeling him.
"So the conversation died off.
"This past March though, we started talking again.
"And while he's a fun, nice guy, something feels off.
"Mark lives nearby. But he still won't meet.
"How can he live so close and never be able to see me?
"But I was okay getting to know him.
"Mark is a good guy. And we actually have
"a mutual friend who says he's the real deal.
"I trust my friend
"but starting to really question what's up with Mark.
"If he's legit, why can't we meet or FaceTime?
"Nothing's lining up. And there's a whole situation
with my ex, which makes this more complicated."
- How is her ex involved? That doesn't make sense.
- No, it doesn't.
"I need to figure out who I'm really talking to
"and whether or not there could be a relationship here
or I'm being played for a fool. Brittany."
- It's the friend.
- That is the sort of easiest conclusion.
- It's obviously the friend. - Right.
I'm gonna text Brittany.
- We have to free this Brittany and the other Britney,
'cause [bleep] is getting crazy.
[computer dings]
- Hey. - Hi, guys.
- Wow. Nice exposed brick.
- I know. - Is that real?
- Yeah, it is real. - Wow.
- Yeah.
- Tell us a little bit more about yourself.
- So I'm actually a welder.
That's what I do as my profession.
- MIG or TIG? - I do MIG and stick welding.
- I have no idea what that means.
- So yeah. I've been doing that for five years now.
- Wow. Tell us about this mystery Mark.
- So three years ago, he messaged me on Facebook.
But the weird part, is we have no mutual friends on Facebook.
And he said, "Hey, I seen a nude picture of you.
I think you're hot. Message me back."
And I said, "What are you talking about?"
And he's like, "Oh, it was up on this revenge site."
- That's creepy. - Oh, my God.
- Wow.
- Yeah. If Mark hadn't have told me, I wouldn't have known.
So that's pretty much how we started talking.
I was just inquiring about,
like, how he would even know about that.
- How can a revenge porn website even exist?
- It's sick. Yeah.
- Does anyone have access to nude photos of you?
- So this is the thing. So my last relationship
was actually with my supervisor from work, Billy.
There was something that attracted me to him instantly.
And I fell in love.
And I was in love with him for a couple years
before finding out that he was married.
We did have a relationship,
but it pretty much ended as fast as it started.
- So he had an affair with you? - Yeah.
- And did Billy have nude photos of you?
- Yeah. And it ended up ending pretty bad.
His wife found out. So he went to try
to work things out for the sake of his daughter.
He ended up losing his job. He almost lost his house.
Everything just was up in flames.
So that was in the back of my head
too that Billy's wife had possibly posted the picture
because it was right after me and Billy, we had broken up,
that Mark told me about this nude picture.
He said that he just came across it.
- But didn't you find that [bleep] weird as hell?
- Yes, yes, I did. - Like first of all,
why are you on this revenge porn website...
- Yeah. - Yes.
- Even looking at anything on there?
And then you hit me up to tell me that you think I'm hot?
- It was so creepy to me.
I didn't know who the heck this guy was.
I told him about the whole supervisor affair.
And he wanted to know all about it.
And I was weirded out. So I didn't message him
for the last two years up until this past March.
And then Mark reached out to me.
He just messages me and goes, "Oh, yeah.
There's this Bill guy at my house."
It was so weird how he said it, how he even brought it up.
It was bizarre.
- Yeah. - And then he was like,
"Oh, I'll describe him. He's tall.
He's always wearing a hat. He's like a conspiracist,"
which describes Billy. So then I'm like,
"His last name is not [bleep], is it?"
And he's like, "Actually, yeah, it is."
So he said,
"Yeah, this Bill guy stays at my house often."
- Billy stays at Mark's house? - That's what he said.
- Come on! - Because the call is coming
from inside the house, because Billy is Mark.
- Well wait, Brittany, obviously,
you've considered that Mark could be Billy.
- So I didn't.
I kind of was blind to it at first.
I didn't really realize that it could be Billy
until just recently when Mark had messaged me saying,
"Oh, maybe your supervisor still thinks about you.
Maybe this whole time he's been thinking he chose wrong."
- Oh, my God. - "You know, maybe him
and his wife aren't together."
And he ended up giving me Billy's new number.
- Now that I've read the messages over again
with the mindset of it could be Billy,
it all just makes sense to me now.
- I'm starting to get this.
So you're hoping it's Billy behind all this?
- Yeah. - Right.
- So have you started talking to Billy again
on that new number that Mark gave you?
- Yeah. - Well, on the other hand,
how do you know that that number
that Mark gave you is actually Billy's new number?
Have you talked to Billy on the phone?
- I have once, but it was-- it was phone sex,
and it was late at night and quiet.
- Recently?
- Yeah, like, a month ago maybe.
- Wait a second, so you and Billy are sort of back on?
- Yeah. - What's up with his wife?
- He tells me that he's leaving her,
that they're getting divorced.
But then Mark tells me that they're not even together.
- Brittany, you know they never leave the wife.
- On your phone call with him,
was it undeniably clear that it was him?
Are you certain you were talking to Billy?
- No. No. Because it was quiet. - It was juicy.
- If it's Billy, then it shouldn't be hard
for you to just, like, FaceTime him.
- He says that he will see me once he leaves his wife.
And I say, "What's the difference
"when you're already texting me,
receiving pictures from me, sending pictures to me?"
- What kind of pictures is he sending?
- Like, the lower half. No face.
- Is it definitely his body? - Yes.
- So to some degree Mark doesn't even really matter...
- Right.
- Because you're just talking to Billy now.
And you're not interested in Mark, right?
- No. I thought I was. He actually cared about like,
"How was my day? Did you eat today?"
"Oh, you need $20 for gas for your car? Here, I got you."
- He sent you money? - It wasn't actually Mark.
It was his cousin Joanne.
- Why did Joanne send you money for Mark?
- I asked Mark to send me $20 so I could get gas for my car.
- And what about Billy? Has he sent you any money?
- No. But Billy had me go to his house to pick up
like a care package that had like alcohol, weed.
- Wait. - I've done--I've done
that several times.
- So recently, since you started talking to Billy again,
he said, "Hey, I've got--I left you
a care package at my house. Come pick it up."
- Yeah. - And what, like, sitting out
in the backyard under a bush or something?
- No. - An Easter egg hunt.
- No, so it was right
beside his wife's car because apparently--
- Brittany, you are trying to get slapped up.
- Yeah.
- Why would he put you in a scenario
where you would go to the house where his wife lives,
be next to her car, property in any kind of way?
- I said, like, you know, "I don't feel right
going there." And I had let him know that.
And he's like, "Oh, no, don't worry.
She's downstairs in the basement."
- What? But why would you even risk it?
This is super weird.
- We need to pray. - I mean, what is going on?
You are an attractive young lady...
- Young! - With a job chasing
after this [bleep] scoundrel.
- It's crazy. The anxiety that I feel,
I need Billy to send me a care package.
- Don't you want to just leave these people behind
and start fresh?
- I'm invested in Billy though.
I've been in love with him for years.
Like, I have literally spent the last three years
missing--missing Billy every day.
He taught me a lot of things.
He is the person who helped me get my welding certificates.
Like, I grew as a person because of him.
And even if there's like a slight percentage of me
being with Billy and being happy,
I have to explore it because I would always be like,
"what if" for the rest of my life.
- Can we see a picture of Billy?
- So this is the thing with Billy is, he hates photos.
He doesn't take photos.
- You're saying you don't have a photo
of the guy that you dated? - I don't have one.
- Wow. - No face, no trace, Nev.
- That's what he says.
He said it's incriminating to have photos.
- All right.
I'm gonna be talking about this in therapy on Tuesday.
This is complicated.
- It's not our place to tell you who to love and not love.
But I think it's clear from our reaction to hearing your story,
it's like alarm bells just going off.
Well, look, okay, send us an email
with whatever Facebook page or phone numbers you have.
- Okay. - Let us do some research.
And we'll see where we're at.
- Okay. - We'll talk soon, Brittany.
- Okay. Bye, guys. Thank you. - Bye.
- I think we're just in over our heads with this one.
- Yes, very much.
- I mean, look, there's a version of this
where it's just a catfish.
Somebody who knew about their affair,
who became aware of the revenge porn maybe liked her.
- Someone who knows Brittany is behind this for sure.
- Right. She's just as much at fault here.
- She's fully at fault here. - Right.
- It's like I want to hug her.
And I want to shake her at the same time...
- Right.
- Because what the [bleep] are you doing?
- There is no version of this story ending well for Brittany.
- We're dealing with a very interesting,
unique situation here.
- That's what you want to call it?
- So we've got Brittany and Billy.
Brittany and Billy had an affair.
Billy's wife finds out, he stopped talking to Brittany.
He went back to his wife. Shortly after that,
Brittany gets a random message from some guy on Facebook.
Just, "Hey, there's a naked picture of you
on this revenge porn website." She knows that, of course,
it was a photo that she sent Billy.
And Mark, this mysterious informant,
somehow brings up that he's got this friend named Bill.
And very quickly Brittany realizes
that it's actually Billy. Long story short,
Brittany believes that she's now talking to Billy again.
- It's crazy. - Crazy. Right,
so there are a few things that could be happening here.
Mark could be Billy, right?
Maybe Billy, in an effort to help Brittany,
who he did have feelings for her,
made this fake account to tell her,
"Hey, there's this picture you should know about."
- Right.
- Or they're not the same person,
but they obviously know each other.
- Mm-hmm.
- Which also doesn't make sense.
- Mm-mm.
- Nothing can explain Mark or Billy's actions.
- No.
- Whether they're two different people or the same person,
they're both wildly unreliable weirdos.
- Creepy. - Yeah, creepy weirdos.
- I mean, could it be Billy's wife?
But it still doesn't make sense
'cause why are you drawing this woman closer into your husband?
- Right.
- And let's talk about Brittany here.
I know that someone is going to be watching this and be like,
"Why are you helping this girl?"
I don't want Brittany to be with Billy.
- The only right thing to do here is
to tell Brittany, "Let it go." - Mm-hmm.
- "There's no version of you and Billy ending up together
that actually ends well for you."
- No. - Let's get to it.
All right, we got a new email from Brittany.
"Hey, guys. Here's all the information
"I have on Mark and Billy.
"Mark uses the name Markie Skye on Facebook.
"And here's a link to his Facebook page.
"I was just looking at the messages Mark sent.
"And he did give me a phone number when we first met,
"but I never used it. Here's the number.
"Mark's cousin who sent the money to me is Joanne [bleep].
"In terms of Billy, his new phone number is this.
"His old phone number was that.
"I'm including the two photos that Mark sent me.
"I want to say thank you for helping me with this.
"I know it's a crazy situation.
And I appreciate your concern and your kindness to me."
- It's a [bleep]-tuation, Brittany.
- It is. It's a [bleep]-tuationship.
- It's a [bleep]-tuationship for sure.
- So this is unusual, because she can't give us
a single photo of Billy.
Here's the photo she sent us of Mark.
- So first, let's just do an image search.
Not a hit. Try this next picture.
Hmm. Not a hit.
Okay, so no hits. Should we start with the number
that Mark sent her that she forgot and never used?
- Sure. - Search the old
phone number here.
Mark's number. Says it's a landline.
- Brantford, Ontario. Okay.
- Nothing comes up for the old Mark phone number.
All right. So let's go to Mark's Facebook page
and see what that looks like.
- Markie Skye.
- Last post was three years ago.
"Heading to the States. Be back later tonight."
- 15 friends. He has two actual posts with him
talking about places that he's going
and no one's commented on them, no one's liked them.
- Right. Well, wait a second. So this is interesting
'cause this account does go back.
First one was from 2012, okay? So that predates
the affair of Billy and Brittany by six years.
- Mm-hmm. - So to me, that makes it feel
a lot less likely that this is Billy,
'cause he didn't, like, make this account to talk to her.
- Right, right. - This account existed.
- But does it point suspicion off the wife though
because maybe she made an account a long time ago
to be able to snoop and see what you need to see
'cause maybe she had already...
- Right. - Thought that he was cheating.
- Let's ask Brittany what Billy's wife's name is.
- Okay, let's just go to Mark's friends for a second here.
- These random-ass friends. Look, Joanne. Joanne [bleep].
The one who sent the money. The cousin.
- Right. - Bobbi is Billy's wife's name.
- Hmm. So this is supposed to be Mark's cousin.
- Right. - Hmm. Her profile's private.
So should we reach out to her?
- She's the one who's been sending the money to...
- Right, she's involved.
- Brittany. - Right.
She knows about Brittany. We should message her.
- "Hey, Joanne. This is Nev."
All right, sent. All right, let's just see
if Billy's new phone number is really his.
- Bobbi [bleep]. - Bobbi.
- The wife!
- What in the backyard Billy goat bull[bleep] is going on?
Why would she send her money?
She doesn't want to give this girl any money.
- Right. I also don't know why I would then turn Mark
into the biggest advocate
for Brittany and Billy getting back together.
So that doesn't make sense. So the only explanation
then for Billy's phone number coming up registered to Bobbi
is that they are under the same phone plan, which is hers.
- Mm-hmm.
- And it's just been Billy this whole time.
- Let's search the other number.
- His new number comes up to Bobbi.
His old number comes up...
- No one. - Well, it's old.
Look, the only thing we actually do know
is that Joanne sent a money order.
- Mm-hmm.
- So the only actual piece of information linking
a real person out of this mess to Brittany is Joanne [bleep].
So that's where we should start.
- Well, we tried. - I know.
We messaged her, and maybe she'll get back to us.
But, like, everything else is likely fictional.
- This doesn't stress you out? - Nothing makes sense.
I'm done for the day. It's madness.
- This is--yeah. - How is it going to end?
- I'm having dinner with my parents right now.
And I told them about this crazy story with Brittany
and the whole thing. And as we're having dinner,
I just got a message back from Joanne.
"Hey, sorry. I just got home. Seen your message. What's up?"
So let me just write back to Joanne.
"Can you talk/FaceTime?"
- Do you think she'll answer? - I don't know. She's seen it.
Oh, she's writing. She's writing. She's writing.
- Oh, wow. - Really, really, really?
Show me. - This is exciting.
- You can see that she's typing.
- Yeah, dot, dot, dot. - Oh, my God.
- Yeah, the little dots. - Oh, she said,
"I can't FaceTime, but I can do a phone call."
- Of course. - Let's call her.
- Oh, my God. - Should I call her?
- Yeah. - Yes.
- Okay. Maybe I can just Facebook call her.
- Hello. - Hey, Joanne. How you doing?
- I'm good. How are you? - I'm great.
Thank you so much for getting back to me.
We're doing an episode, and we had a young woman,
Brittany, who got a $20 e-transfer from you.
What's your connection or why you sent her that $20?
You still there?
- Sounds like you're--you're--
this is a sort of sensitive subject.
- Okay, so you're friends
with someone who goes by Mark or Markie.
- Oh, okay. So he is a relative?
- So--got it. Right.
- It was for Brittany.
- Right. Okay. So you know about
the whole thing with Bobbi and Billy.
- Got it. Do you have a relationship with Billy?
- Wait, so your husband also worked with Billy.
- Interesting. But Mark is your cousin, right?
- I'd love to just talk to him.
- Okay. Well, that would be very helpful.
I'd also love to get in touch with Billy
if you think that your husband might be willing
to let him know
that we'd like to help clear this whole mess up.
- Yeah. As soon as we're off the phone, I'll message you.
- Okay. Well, have a good night and we'll speak soon.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Jeez.
- She knows more than she was revealing.
I had a sense that she was hiding something.
- Yeah. There's always a chance that could be a cover up
and she's trying to convince us that Markie
is a real person when it's really not.
- Yeah.
- Correct. - She could be Markie.
- I think there's a lot more she hasn't said...
- Mm-hmm. - And that she was withholding.
- All right, well, that was pretty intense.
- ♪ Dun-da-da-da ♪
The king has arrived.
Biggie, you're stunning. Perfect angle.
- After you clocked out last night...
- Mm-hmm. - Work for me continued.
- It's nice for you to do some overtime around here.
- I went over to my parents' house to have dinner.
And the phone dings with a response from...
- Joanne? - Joanne.
And it was very interesting. - Oh, God.
- She's like, "Oh, yeah. That's my cousin Mark.
He wanted to send money to some friend."
So I said, "Sure." And then she asked, "Who's this for?"
And he said, "It's for Brittany."
At which point, Joanne says, "She didn't want anything
to do with it anymore because she knew about the affair."
- Okay. - She also said her husband
is friends with Billy.
But essentially, what I left it with her was, "Okay.
Look, we would like to talk to Mark."
And then I said, "But we also separately really
want to talk to Billy..."
- Yeah. - "Just to see
if he has any idea that any of this is happening."
- Yes. Would you think it's cool--
[phone chimes] Ooh. - Oh, that's Joanne.
- "Hey, can I ask you a question?"
- What is the question?
- I'm asking her, "What's the question?"
- Oh, God. It's gonna be bad.
- Oh, she wrote back. - "Is she actually interested
in Mark or wants to get back with Billy?"
- How do we know that this is Joanne?
- Let's run this number before we answer
any of their questions.
[tense music]
♪ ♪
- Joanne [bleep].
- Joanne [bleep]. - Okay.
- It's her. All right, "So is she actually interested in Mark
or wants to get back with Billy?"
- I'm gonna say, "Depends." - Mmm.
- Dot, dot, dot.
- She said, "Okay, I just don't trust Brittany.
Thank you for your time."
- Does she have something she wants to share?
Oh, she said, all caps, "BE CAREFUL IS ALL!"
- I thought Joanne was the shady one.
But Brittany could be the shady one.
Brittany could have made up this whole [bleep] plot--
- To get Billy's attention.
- And to get us to connect them.
I'm heeding Joanne's warning. We need to talk to Brittany.
I don't trust her.
- Brittany could have made up this whole [bleep] plot--
- To get Billy's attention.
- And to get us to connect them.
I'm heeding Joanne's warning.
- Oh. "Brittany just sounds like a girl
who will say or do anything to get what she wants."
- Who she wants. Billy. We need to talk to Brittany.
- Let's get Brittany back in here.
- I don't trust her.
- Hey. - Hi.
- What's up? - Hello.
- I feel so anxious. - Why?
- Today is the day that I find out
what I need to find out.
And I feel like I tried to mentally prepare for the worst.
But I don't know how you can do that.
- Well, what is the worst? - Like, what is--what have you
imagined to be the worst thing that could happen?
- It not be Billy.
- We've been trying to think what could be going on, right,
who could this be?
And every time we drop someone into that sort of
who could it be slot, nothing makes sense, right,
'cause our first instinct was,
maybe it just has been Billy the whole time.
But if that's the case, why so mysterious?
That doesn't make sense. But it seems like
your communications with the new Billy
feel very similar to they did before.
- Mm-hmm. - So then it's hard to sort of
have an argument against it being Billy.
- Do you have those messages still?
- Of me and Billy? Yeah.
- Is there any way to see those?
- Like old messages from him?
- In the last few months, right,
since you guys started talking again.
- Um, I don't know if I--I would have to ask him
permission before I would show them
just because they're really personal.
- Obviously, we've been trying to find some piece
of information that helps.
And to be honest, you're one of those pieces too.
We have to consider that you might be also
potentially misleading us to some degree.
- See, I have no reason to lie.
And I've put all my cards out there.
Mark reached out to me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have ever
thought that I was ever gonna text Billy again.
I almost thought I was gonna stay being ignored.
- Right. - We just always have
to be skeptical, because that's our job.
- It's crazy to me. What do I have to hide?
Why would I put myself on TV to be made out to be a liar?
- This situation has us kind of questioning everything.
- I've literally been
losing sleep over this for four months.
- So let's just show you what we found.
And maybe some of it might make sense to you, maybe not.
If it does, holler it out and let us know.
- All right. So I'm gonna share my screen.
All right, so the first thing we did was,
we searched Mark's old number.
And it doesn't come back with any information.
We went to Mark's Facebook page.
First post is back from 2012. So nine years ago,
way before there was any drama between you and Billy.
- Mm-hmm. - It is so weird.
- Then we found Joanne's page. - Who sent you the money.
- We messaged Joanne.
And I actually ended up talking to her on the phone last night,
and I tried to just sort of explain
that we'd like to know about her relationship with Mark.
She's like, "Oh, yeah, that's my cousin."
And I said, "Oh, what can you tell me about that time
he asked you to send money to this girl?"
I guess she asked, "Who is this for?"
And he said, "Oh, it's for a girl named Brittany."
At which point, Joanne told him she didn't want anything
to do with it anymore, because she knows who you are.
In her words, she called you, you know, like a homewrecker,
let's just say.
She also said her husband is friends with Billy.
I was like, "Well, can you maybe try
and connect me to Mark
and potentially ask your husband
to put me in touch with Billy?"
- Yeah. - She said, "Okay,
I'll see what I can do." And I sent her my phone number.
And then today I got a text from Joanne.
And then she asked, "Is she actually interested in Mark
or wants to get back with Billy?"
You obviously would like to get back with Billy, but--
- We also don't know why she wants to know.
- Right. - Yeah.
- So we're not trying to tell her everything.
- So then she wrote back, "Okay, I just
don't trust Brittany. Thank you for your time."
- ♪ Take it off now boy ♪
♪ You say you love me ♪
- When me and Billy had our, like, falling out,
Billy's wife has a lot of friends, a lot of family,
and they did nothing but slander my name.
- Right. - Well, so then I said,
"Is there something else you want to tell us
about Brittany?"
- And she said, "BE CAREFUL IS ALL!"
- In all caps.
- And then she said, "Brittany just sounds like a girl
who will say or do anything to get what she wants."
♪ ♪
- I don't know what to say.
- You okay?
- ♪ And oh love don't come back again ♪
- I just--everything was just kind of bringing back
really bad memories for me. There's a lot of pain
in the past from, you know, what happened with Billy,
I felt like my reputation was ruined.
So it was just like kind of rehashing that
for me in my head.
And then there was the part where you--earlier
you were saying you wanted everything to be honest.
And as soon as you said that, for me,
I felt like there's a part that wasn't truthful.
[tense music]
Uh, I didn't want to write into the show
till I was ambushed with it.
- Ambushed?
- You wanted everything to be honest.
And as soon as you said that, for me,
I felt like there's a part that wasn't truthful.
Uh, I didn't want to write into the show
until I was ambushed with it.
- Ambushed?
- I had--had no intention on,
like, wanting to be on the show
until Mark and Billy approached me with it.
And at first, I didn't want to be on it.
But they, you know, would say, like, me and Billy
could be together after all of this is over.
I could finally be with him,
that all the secrets are gonna come out in the open.
And any opportunity for me to--to be with Billy again,
I would want to--I would want to take it.
- Wow. So Mark and Billy said to you,
"Hey, we should go on 'Catfish.'"
- Yeah.
- "This is how you'll end up being with Billy."
- Yeah. - And you initially were like,
"I don't think I want to do that."
- Yeah. My reason was, "Why do I need a TV show to meet Billy?
"I've already met him before.
I don't need a show to do that."
- But so even Billy was saying, "Just write in to the show,
do this, do this. And then we can be together."
- Yeah. He said he wanted to be honest about it
with his wife this time,
because he was so dishonest last time.
So he wanted to do this show,
so that way there's no more secrets.
- That's like a whole nother level of [bleep] up
that they would bully you into doing this
when you didn't want to under this sort of "promise" that
at the end of this rainbow
is going to be the love of your life.
When if he was there and he did love you,
you wouldn't need this show.
- I feel like I'm so gullible for some--all the--
all the lies that he feeds me,
because even if it's like a slight possibility
that I would get to be with him again, I dream about that.
- Whoever is behind this, whoever it is
that you're talking to knows
what lengths you will go to to be able to be with Billy
and is using that to manipulate you into coming on here
so that they can embarrass you at the end of this.
I mean, could it be Bobbi?
When we ran the new Billy number,
it came back to Bobbi. It could be a family plan.
But either way, it's either Bobbi or Billy.
- It could be anybody.
There's obviously a handful of people
who would make sense that it would be.
And if it's not Billy, then Bobbi, Joanne...
- She's complicit. - Is somehow involved in this.
- Yeah. - Or the other option is that
it's just some secret admirer
who knows all about all your drama
and wants to get you on the show to meet them.
- These are the things I think about in the back of my mind.
But he's so convincing when I confront him about my feelings,
that just keeps pulling me in.
- It's called manipulation.
- I don't know.
- All right, well, look,
now that we know... - He knows.
- Billy was the one who wanted you to come on the show.
- Right.
- Let me just try texting Billy.
"Hey, Billy. This is Nev.
Really need to speak with you."
Let's see if he writes back.
- I'm not holding my breath. Oh, he texted.
- He just wrote back. He said, "Okay, I'm ready."
- I wasn't expecting that. Send the Zoom.
- Oh, I'm nervous. - Brittany, listen,
I'm gonna give you some big sister advice.
Regardless of what happens at the end of this,
whether Billy pops up on the screen or not,
I think it is time for you to wash your hands
of this entire situation.
And I'm not saying it's gonna be easy.
I understand that you're in love with him.
But it's already ruined your reputation.
You don't deserve to have your entire life defined
by one moment when you were 22 years old.
- Yeah. - So whatever happens
with this,
I just want you to think about that.
- I mean, I do feel like I've gained a new perspective.
If it's him, I definitely would want answers as to why
he had to do it this way, because it hurts.
I feel nauseous, though. I'm so nervous.
My heart is racing.
[computer dings]
- Oh. Hi.
- I'm so nervous.
My heart is racing.
- Oh. [computer chimes]
- Hi. - Hi.
- Bobbi? - Yes.
- Uh-huh. Hello.
- Hi.
- How are you? - I'm good. How are you guys?
- Well, not sure, because this whole situation
has us pretty confused, so...
- Well, I can explain it to you.
- Well, then I guess the floor is yours.
- All right. Well, three years ago,
this girl Brittany had an affair with my husband,
which I had found out, okay? And I shut it down.
Now, for the last three more years,
she's been trying to contact him and get back with them.
- So the Markie profile, is that you?
- Yes.
- So you had that profile, obviously,
before all this started. - Yeah, I had it.
But I didn't talk to her till 2018.
- Right. So hold on a second. So were you also the person
behind the new Billy phone number?
- Yes.
- So you used the Markie profile
to reach out to Brittany.
- Yes.
- Brittany told us that you told her
about the pictures on the internet of her.
- Right. That's how I started it.
Yeah. But that wasn't even true.
There was no pictures put up of her anywhere.
- Why did you do that? - Just to see what she'd say,
'cause I didn't know if my husband was still talking
secretly behind my back, but that proved it. He wasn't.
- If you're doing this now, what makes me think
that you didn't post a picture? - I didn't.
That wouldn't be enough revenge for me.
But I think that you look stupid.
- Oh, you would think so.
But you're the one who sent all your nude pictures
and you masturbating to my telephone
thinking it was Billy. I have all that.
All them nude pictures, 47-something,
those are all on my phone, sweetheart.
Okay? I have all that for you. So yeah, who's the dumb one?
- It just sounds like you're proud of yourself
for getting naked photos from Brittany.
- No, I'm not proud.
I'm just saying that, who's the dumb one?
I would never send a nude photo of myself to anybody.
- Well, were you propositioning her for the pictures?
- No. Nope. And I have the messages
to prove she was chasing my husband.
- Why have you spent the last three years
trying to get back at her for a mistake that she made
that wasn't even half as bad as the one your husband made?
- Because she's making the mistake of still
trying to pursue a married man.
- You're the one that brought up Billy. You.
- But you jumped right on it. - Of course I did...
- You're like, "Oh!" - 'Cause you dangled a carrot
in front of my face. Of course.
- Well, if that's what's gonna happen every time you get
a carrot in front of your face, then you got problems.
- And so do you. Likewise. - Because you know what,
the next wife might not be so nice as me.
- I don't think this is very nice.
- Yes, it is. - I don't think it's mature.
- You weren't getting the hint.
- Listen, I have never actually been approached by you.
If you were to approach me and had a conversation like this,
it would have been done a long time ago.
- Honestly, I was scared I was gonna beat the [bleep]
out of you, 'cause I got no self-control.
- Okay, and then the phone sex?
That was your voice on the phone?
- Yes. Correct.
- Where in your thought process did you think
this was somehow getting you closer to what you want,
which is to have a happy life without Brittany when now
you're texting and having [bleep] phone sex with her?
I have to say, Bobbi, it makes me think
you have a crush and are having an affair with her.
- Not in a million years. - Well, if I were your husband,
I'd say, "Wait a second, you've been having an affair
with my ex-girlfriend?" - He knows.
- Who's cheating on who? - He knows.
- He knows?
- He knows what I've been doing.
- Yes. - Wow. Okay.
So what's your relationship with Billy? Are you guys happy?
- Yeah, we're happy now. - He's not there, is he?
- No, he doesn't want nothing to do with her at all.
- When did Joanne get roped into all of this?
- When I needed to send money, because if I would have sent
an e-transfer, it would have said my name.
- So when I spoke to her yesterday,
and I asked her about Markie, she lied; she covered for you.
- Yes.
- 'Cause she knows that's your profile.
- Yes. - And the gift baskets, what--
- Yeah. The money? You got her weed?
- Well, it's legal here, right? - Yeah, but I'm not buying
somebody I don't [bleep] with weed.
- I didn't buy it. I grew it. - Oh.
- It was free weed. - It was good too, though.
- Good. Glad you enjoyed it.
- But if this is my husband's mistress,
and she tells me she wants money and booze,
and I know it's me that she's talking to,
"I'm gonna tell her to go [bleep] herself."
- No, I wanted to keep it going.
- To coax me to get me to do this show.
- And you knew she was gonna do it,
because she wanted to be with Billy.
- Correct. This is exactly why I did everything,
because she's not learning to back off.
- Was the idea that by getting her on the show
it would be this sort of stage to finally--
- Embarrass her? - I had "Catfish" on the brain,
and I wanted to go through with it.
- Bobbi, Brittany should not be
pursuing your husband.
- 1,000%. - But what you did here
was wrong. You manipulated her and you manipulated us.
I don't like putting people on TV to have their heart
broken or to find out that they've been tricked.
This show is not a tool for people to use to get revenge.
But you're an adult woman.
If you had a problem with her, why didn't you just say,
"Hey, stop trying to contact my husband."
It makes you look very immature.
- I'm okay with that. - And a little crazy.
- And a little crazy. - I'm okay with that.
- I'm telling you, after this, she will try to contact Billy.
I guarantee you. I'm hoping that she won't because of this.
But it's a gamble.
- Wow. Some people go-- go through some extent.
- Well, I don't know. Brittany, are you ready to move on?
- I have no choice to. - That's not an answer.
- I still love him, because I still think
about him all the time. I had no closure.
- Well, here's your closure.
Billy and Bobbi are married, they're together,
they worked it out. It's over.
I want to make sure
it's very clear that your lives moving forward
should not interact, right? That's--
- From this moment on, that's how I'm hoping it turns out.
- I have nothing to say.
- Okay. So if we're gonna be done,
you now have a lot of photos of Brittany.
And how can it be deleted forever?
- It's all gonna be deleted.
I will be on my own Facebook, and that's it.
- You will stop messing with Brittany, just leave her alone.
And, Brittany, stop pursuing Billy.
Both of you should be done.
Move on. Live your lives.
- Agreed. - All right.
I think that's that then, I guess.
- That's a wrap. - Bobbi...
- Nice meeting youse. - Good luck with everything.
- Delete those things. - Yep.
- I will. - And yeah, best of luck.
- Thank you. - Thanks, Bobbi.
- Brittany. - Oh, man.
- How are you feeling?
- ♪ So was it all pretend ♪
- I feel good. That was needed, I guess.
- ♪ Is this how it ends? ♪
- Gives you closure, so...
- You deserve to meet someone that's just for you
and see what that's like
and find real true love that exists only for you.
- Yeah. - It's time.
- That's true.
- And hopefully, there'll be welding bells in your future.
- It was nice to meet both of you.
- All right, so long for now, Brittany.
- So long. - Bye.
- ♪ So I can let you go ♪
♪ Just tell it to me straight 'cause I just want to know ♪
♪ What's in your heart so I can let you go ♪
♪ Just tell it to me real 'cause I deserve to hear ♪
♪ Just how you feel so I can start to heal ♪
- Dey found Cody when she was 14.
- And it's more than, "Oh, I have a crush on him."
We have a really deep connection.
- Dey has been waiting for this moment for 13 years.
Let's run his phone number.
What? - Oh! Oh!
- Oh, oh, oh, oh. - Oh, I'm so nervous.