Cash Register (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Carrot - full transcript
Inspired by Steve Jobs Shira manages to convince Avichai to recruit a delivery-boy for the supermarket. Meanwhile all of the other employees put in some money to purchase a new comfy chair for themselves. All except Kochava that is.
Kan 11 presents
Wanna bite?
-Yes, Shira, you good?
Sefi, I just got a phone call
from Mrs. Peperni
who said that there was
an open pack of cheese
and half a bun in her delivery.
Is that the old lady
that smells like cumin?
-Here, give it back to her.
Tell her to cut off the tip
'coz I have a cold sore.
Our supermarket has always had
one very distinct Achilles heel.
The rat infestation.
-Two Achilles heels.
Oh, the smell in back. -Three.
-The leak in the bathroom?
I'm talking about our deliveries, okay?
Each time we get some guy
who either gets arrested
or disappears or is taken in
by a cheese commercial
and makes himself a sandwich.
The incident with Sefi
made me realize
that if I want to make
outstanding manager, and I do,
I have to buckle down
and hire the next delivery guy myself.
Job placement
according to Steve Jobs,
delivery men assessment center,
group dynamics, in-depth interviews.
Project cost: only NIS 4,000.
-Nice, no? -Nice?
Hiring someone's
whose not afraid of elevators for NIS 4,000?
You could say that
about every profession.
A cardiologist opens the chest
and puts a battery in.
And maybe your demands are too high?
What about that tall delivery guy
without the eyebrows? -Moti?
Yes, Moti, a great guy.
-He had a fear of elevators
and stairwells and he left the boxes outside.
-Oh, right.
And the short, fat, balding guy
with the ponytail? -Shiomi?
Why did you fire him?
-He used to transport dead bodies
in the van between deliveries.
Is that good money?
Let's just say it took me time
to convince Avihai of the need
for Steve Jobs' hiring method.
After healthy negotiations
he finally got my drift.
What's 4,000 shekels
to get her off my case?
I swear, I'd pay double.
Save breath, Nissim, breath.
Exude energy.
Feels nice?
-Sure it is.
Can I get some service?
-Friend, be patient,
we're working, not playing.
I'm pounding schnitzels.
Nissim has had back pain for years.
Today we had some time,
I gave him the "Spanatoly."
Really, I recommend it.
Davai, Nissim... turn over,
enough, it's rump steak.
No, no, no, enough.
You said it's nice. -"Nice..."
A massage is root canal compared to you.
I don't want to get used
to all this pampering, you know?
Get used, I'll do it every day.
I think he moved a disc,
that Soviet tyrant.
But with Anatoly or without,
my back's been bad for a long time.
My father had a moving company,
"Israel and Son."
No matter how much I begged,
he forced me to work with him.
So you must have lugged
many heavy things. -No.
I was the secretary.
My sister did the lugging.
Shenkin, prolonged sitting at the computer
messes up all your discs.
Here. But next time,
no less than 200 grams.
No problem. -"No problem."
Every day the same.
The plastic wrap costs more...
What, your back?
-Yes. No big deal.
What's a back?
It just connects the head to the ass.
Have you ever tried treatment?
-I tried, nothing doing.
Let me show you something.
Ever heard of the "Relaxer Cruiser"?
The no. 1 massage chair in the world
and I just happen to be
the only distributor in Israel.
"Relaxer Cruiser, like sitting on a cloud.
"Ask the only distributor in Israel."
How can a cloud hold up a person?
-It's an expression, idiot.
Since I'm a regular,
I'll let you have it at cost.
Only NIS 3,200.
Dude, you crack me up.
My car didn't cost 3,200.
My wedding didn't cost 3,200.
-Including a crow flier.
You need a purchasing group
to buy this chair.
I don't have enough money
for a massage chair. -Right.
Anatoly doesn't have enough money
for a nectarine. -Right.
What? -So we're ten people,
each pays 320, we have a massage chair
for all the supermarket employees.
"Issachar Bounty"
The delivery guy hiring train
is on its way!
Yesterday I conducted in-depth interviews
with a variety of candidates.
I found people... to die for.
"Wage expectations: A lot.
Recommendations: None."
That's okay. No, no, give me...
Be with me a sec.
Give me one negative trait.
Big forehead? -No, not...
not me, not my traits. -Ah.
One negative trait of yours
that will prevent me from hiring you.
I don't know... you tell me.
-Never mind.
The "Relaxer Cruiser"
isn't just another armchair,
it's like sitting on a cloud.
You're tired of working,
you want peace and quiet,
you sit in the armchair,
put it on vibrate, it shakes.
Then why does Chibotero need it?
Any chair he sits on shakes.
Yes, Ramzi.
Personally, I don't rest at work.
Can I work from the armchair?
Yes, I think so. -Sure!
-A weight has been lifted.
Okay, it sounds nice, but... how much?
-Great question, Esti. -Douze points.
After a final calculation,
it's 320 per person.
Anatoly and I are in, that's two.
We need another eight at least.
No one?
-Why not?
I'll peel onions from the chair.
-Way to go, Ramzul. -I'm in.
Chibotero, douze points.
Come on, everyone.
Are we a team or what?
Oh! -Nice.
Kohava? -Huh?
-What about you?
What about me? -Are you in?
-The shaking stool? No, thanks.
Kohava, what do you care?
Everyone's in.
If everyone jumps off the roof,
I'll jump too? No.
But I'll watch from below
and score the jumps.
Go, Anatoly, jump! Anatoly,
do a screwdriver! Gimme a Tsukahara!
Kohava, if you're not in,
you don't touch the armchair!
Never! -Oy oy oy, I won't get to sit
on your shaking bench.
You denying me the right
of getting lice from Anatoly?
I don't have lice, Masha had lice.
I just had... one egg.
You don't touch the armchair.
-Got it.
Of the dozens of candidates I met,
I picked the choicest five
that will be here today
for the first tryout
in the history of "Issachar Bounty."
"Remember, Mr.... or Ms...
"sell, Mr... or Ms...
that which is most precious to you
"in the world - yourself.
Mr. or Ms."
Steve Jobs.
Ramzi, hand them out. -Here.
-And before we move on,
I'd like to conduct a brief introduction.
Say your name
and something we don't know about you,
some detail. Alright?
Let's begin.
Go ahead. -Okay, I'm Carrot, 33...
-Sorry for interrupting,
but Carrot, is that your real name?
-Carrot. -Carrot, I heard you.
Is that the name in your ID?
Yaniv. But everyone calls me Carrot.
-Fine. Thank you.
Is there anything you'd like to add?
Something we don't know about you...
I hate horses. -Excuse me?
-Horses, horses.
Horses and I don't go together,
they're the devil's creature.
If I get the job,
no deliveries to ranches and the like.
No deliveries to ranches.
-Let's continue.
-Arye. 49.
A positive person, energetic,
I hunger for work.
That sounds very good.
-My shrink told me to say that.
He said I must find a job
before the thoughts seep in.
I can relate.
I know what you're thinking,
they don't look like the ultimate employees,
but I'm not worried at all.
This placement method proved itself
at "Apple" and if it's good for "Apple,"
then it's good for "Issachar Bounty"
and vice versa, I'm sure.
A bird just whispered to me
that we completed the introductions
with great success!
Let's give ourselves a hand!
-You deserve it.
You deserve it too.
Arye, give yourself a hand.
Arye. -Ramzi, I'm running the show.
Stop addressing Arye.
You're right, I always do this.
-It's okay.
Okay, as I said, we're done
v^ith this phase, now it's on to the tests.
We'll test cognitive skills,
spatial orientation and analytical skills.
The test will take three hours,
so if anyone has to go to the restroom,
this is the time to do it.
Excuse me? -Yes.
-What do you mean by "restroom"?
if you want to go to the bathroom.
Restroom is the toilet.
-Yes. Toilet.
At first glance he doesn't seem
like the most moist wet wipe in the pack,
but I'm not looking for a wet wipe,
I'm looking for a delivery guy.
Blessed is this day we are at.
At long last the day has come,
the massage armchair is here.
Anatoly, what are you doing?
-Filming. This is an historic moment.
You already filmed the historic moment.
-But now you're talking about it,
it's an historic moment too.
Ready? -Davai, Davai.
-Three... Two...
Nissim, there's even room
for a pricing gun. -What a doll.
Besides Kohava,
whose not touching the armchair
even if she jumps off the roof
and needs something soft to land on.
Now me. -Hold on there, Chibotero.
Ladies first.
Go ahead, Anatoly.
You chunk of mortadella.
-Go ahead. -Bless you.
Oh! -Ah?
Wow. -Well?
-Well, what do you feel?
Like sitting on a cloud, huh?
-Enjoy. -Thanks. -Thanks.
Well, Kohava?
Don't you regret not pitching in?
If I wanted a massage,
I'd go for a colonoscopy, fulllbody.
Dude, get up... -Okay...
-Don't dirty my chair.
It's my turn, Anatoly!
-Get up. -Nirvana.
No, I'm first. -Alright already.
Cry baby. -No, hey. Chibotero...
Can I have some quiet in here?
I'm reading. -Sure. -Chibotero.
Chibotero, Davai. -Hold him.
Chibotero, you ready?
I repeat.
-No, the mechanism, Ramzi.
I repeat!
Can I have some quiet?!
I am reading here!
You having fun, Chitootero?
-Does it feel good?
Oh, please, what's the fuss?
Some measly chair in an earthquake,
gimme a break, I swear...
Nice toy...
Yes, yes, yes,
like this, like this... Ah...
Bless your heart.
How do you know?
No, lower.
Lower, lower, lower...
close, close, close...
"Issachar Bounty"
Dear finalists,
what do you see here?
An exotic manager
looking for a dominant partner.
There are no wrong answers.
Thank you.
A blotch. -A blotch.
Yes, but what does it look like?
A blotch. -A blotch.
-I get that you see a blotch,
but what does it look like to you?
-What does it look like?
Look at it and tell me.
-Do you feel anything?
I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
Good answer.
There is no right or wrong.
Arye, your turn.
What do you see here?
Would you like to elaborate or...
-What's the point?
Batia. -It's a horse!
-What? -You brought a horse?!
No, Batia... -No.
-A horse?! -No, no, no!
The delivery guy evaluation day
went very well.
I weighed the grades of the candidates
based on a special scoring method.
Couldn't you tell who was right
and who wasn't? -No, that's the catch,
that's why Steve Jobs' method
is so good,
it can detect the fantastic employees
that a first impression can miss.
I am extremely excited
to introduce our new delivery guy.
Carrot. -Carrot?
Nice to meet you, Carrot.
Shira, get over here!
What's with this scum?!
I gave you 4,000 shekels!
This is what you bring me, Carrot?
-He can hear you.
I don't care if he hears me!
Okay, Avihai, I get the point,
but based on Steve Jobs' placement method
this man is a genius.
Carrot has learning abilities
that even he is unaware of.
Oh, yeah? Then who is?
-I promise you,
once I know how to activate him,
it will pay off for the supermarket.
Did you know that restroom
is another word for toilet?
Listen to me. I hope that the 4,000 I gave you
will justify this, you hear me?
I taught him that yesterday
and he already knows.
Carrot, put that down.
What's this?
Genius, genius.
What's with you?
That agent gave it to me for...
And it's so... soft.
-One, two, three, four, five...
-Wait, I'm counting here.
Did you know there's this pile of boxes?
Never mind.
What? -What are you doing here?
-Existing, whaUs t-he problem?
Kohava. -Nissim.
Kohava. -"Kohava, Kohava,"
like some broken YouTube.
What do you want?
-Don't you dare sit on the armchair.
Armchair, right... Who needs...
I'd rather sit on a hot plate all night
with a towel over my head and simmer.
Okay, I...
I'll finish counting later.
Alright. I'll go around.
She sat.
Last week, you saw it.
I brought tissues from horfie,
he blew his nose with my tissues.
Did I ask him to pay?! No! Why?
Because I'm a giving person.
Who cares whose it is?!
Yours is mine, mine is mine.
So what are you going to do?
-About what? -The armchair.
Sit on it. What else? Put it on my head?
Sail it down the river?
What kind of question is that?
-But they warned you not to sit.
Tell me, do you know who I am?
"Issachar Bounty"
Carrot? -Ah?
I need you for a delivery to 9 Queen St.
-Already delivered, Ms. Shira.
I'm working on 58 Pinsker now.
I got bubble wrap so nothing breaks.
Well? Did you doubt it?
Steve Jobs is never wrong.
There's a reason he got to where he is.
I don't mean, he is... I mean...
before the... that he...
Did you see that?!
Did you just see that?!
Thanks to Carrot I'll make
outstanding supermarket manager.
Finally. Not only did I find
a delivery guy for years,
it's more than that,
I found a friend.
Where are you? Sshhh...
Take a walk.
Don't tell.
Fine. That's enough!
What's the big deal?
Stop barking, I was going to pay.
-When were you going to pay?
Today, before you ruined my nap.
-Now it's our fault. -Unbelievable.
You rascal.
-How much is it?
You just look like idiots on TV.
You have to pay us each 40 shekels.
-What?! 40 shekels?
You're arguing with me over 40 shekels?
-40, 40. -That's what the ruckus is about?
40 shekels. Fine,
for all your creams.
Oh no, awkward. Oops.
My old wallet.
-The old wallet again?
Miserly miser. -You'll get your money
tomorrow morning. I swear on Shira's eyes.
Go on, gegangen.
-Don't you "gegangen" me.
I'll say it as much as I want!
-Fine, say it. Excuse me.
She's lucky.
I threw my back out last night.
What now? -Problem?
Argh! -What, Nissim?
-It's boiling hot!
What's wrong?
-"What's wrong?" It doesn't work!
The armchair doesn't work!
-But it's new!
Kohava! -Kohava!
-Kohava! -Kohava!
Its limit is one hour straight.
It says so down here.
How long was it used?
-At least three.
She was in here for three hours?
-The repair is 1,000, not including VAT.
A new engine is 1,400.
-1,4'00? That's a mortgage.
Good morning, good morning.
What's going on here?
-The armchair is shot.
-No way.
Someone used it for three hours straight.
-What? Three hours? Chibotero...
It's a chair, not a bed.
No, I... What's with the look?
I'm shocked!
That's my fault too?
Sure, always Kohava, why not?
Like you accused me
about Esti's birthday muffins
and then you apologized.
-You ate them. -And we didn't apologize.
I only ate two,
why don't you ask who ate the rest?
There were only two.
-Okay, guys,
tell me what you want to do,
I gotta go. -Sure. -What can we do?
It has to be repaired.
Dig into your pockets.
H ovty much?
-100 teach, Brandon will pay 500.
Davai, let's go.
What? -The money!
-What for? -The repair!
Why me? -Shame on you!
-Seriously? What do you think?
Kohava, you ruined the chair
and you ask "why me?" Please!
You sat on it for three hours!
-Excuse me?!
Do you hear yourselves?
Do you even make sense?
Is it my chair or yours?
Did I pay for it?
First fix it then I'll decide
if I want to pay for it.
You're beyond repair.
Zero, zilch.
You offer a partnership in a chair,
now I discover that it's broken.
Why should I pay
to repair a chair
that I haven't bought yet?!
You pay or...
-You're unreal, Kohava!
You ruined it!
-Says who?! Makes no sense.
"To Shira, the devoted manager,
to you I say thank you
"for bringing Carrot to us,
the accomplished delivery guy.
"We shall never forget it.
Yours, Mrs. Peperni."
What can I say to a text like this?
And Avihai said he wants to talk to me
about Carrot, but not over the phone.
I don't know what to think,
but did I hear... outstanding manager?
Hi, Avihai.
You wanted to talk about our Carrot?
Why talk if we can see?
Here, take a look.
First a letter, now a video. I don't...
-Here, take a look.
I'm looking. -Good.
I see our storeroom.
-Right, you recognize him?
The guy emptying out
the packets of cigarettes?
You see?
Who is that?
Carrot! Carrot!
-Carrot the delivery guy?
No, Carrot the military analyst!
The Steve Jobs method! "Apple"
Of all the delivery guys in the world
you hired the thief?!
Are you sure it's not for a delivery?
-700 packets of cigarettes?!
For who? Natan Zehavi?!
-Did you call the police?
I did, and guess what?
For three years he's been playing
stupid managers like you
and going off the grid.
Oh, that Carrot really gave us the shaft!
Yes, because of my placement
method we were duped by a con,
but it does prove
that the method can find geniuses.
And I think, I do deserve some points
for outstanding manager.
Even one point.
Translation: Tammy King
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.
Wanna bite?
-Yes, Shira, you good?
Sefi, I just got a phone call
from Mrs. Peperni
who said that there was
an open pack of cheese
and half a bun in her delivery.
Is that the old lady
that smells like cumin?
-Here, give it back to her.
Tell her to cut off the tip
'coz I have a cold sore.
Our supermarket has always had
one very distinct Achilles heel.
The rat infestation.
-Two Achilles heels.
Oh, the smell in back. -Three.
-The leak in the bathroom?
I'm talking about our deliveries, okay?
Each time we get some guy
who either gets arrested
or disappears or is taken in
by a cheese commercial
and makes himself a sandwich.
The incident with Sefi
made me realize
that if I want to make
outstanding manager, and I do,
I have to buckle down
and hire the next delivery guy myself.
Job placement
according to Steve Jobs,
delivery men assessment center,
group dynamics, in-depth interviews.
Project cost: only NIS 4,000.
-Nice, no? -Nice?
Hiring someone's
whose not afraid of elevators for NIS 4,000?
You could say that
about every profession.
A cardiologist opens the chest
and puts a battery in.
And maybe your demands are too high?
What about that tall delivery guy
without the eyebrows? -Moti?
Yes, Moti, a great guy.
-He had a fear of elevators
and stairwells and he left the boxes outside.
-Oh, right.
And the short, fat, balding guy
with the ponytail? -Shiomi?
Why did you fire him?
-He used to transport dead bodies
in the van between deliveries.
Is that good money?
Let's just say it took me time
to convince Avihai of the need
for Steve Jobs' hiring method.
After healthy negotiations
he finally got my drift.
What's 4,000 shekels
to get her off my case?
I swear, I'd pay double.
Save breath, Nissim, breath.
Exude energy.
Feels nice?
-Sure it is.
Can I get some service?
-Friend, be patient,
we're working, not playing.
I'm pounding schnitzels.
Nissim has had back pain for years.
Today we had some time,
I gave him the "Spanatoly."
Really, I recommend it.
Davai, Nissim... turn over,
enough, it's rump steak.
No, no, no, enough.
You said it's nice. -"Nice..."
A massage is root canal compared to you.
I don't want to get used
to all this pampering, you know?
Get used, I'll do it every day.
I think he moved a disc,
that Soviet tyrant.
But with Anatoly or without,
my back's been bad for a long time.
My father had a moving company,
"Israel and Son."
No matter how much I begged,
he forced me to work with him.
So you must have lugged
many heavy things. -No.
I was the secretary.
My sister did the lugging.
Shenkin, prolonged sitting at the computer
messes up all your discs.
Here. But next time,
no less than 200 grams.
No problem. -"No problem."
Every day the same.
The plastic wrap costs more...
What, your back?
-Yes. No big deal.
What's a back?
It just connects the head to the ass.
Have you ever tried treatment?
-I tried, nothing doing.
Let me show you something.
Ever heard of the "Relaxer Cruiser"?
The no. 1 massage chair in the world
and I just happen to be
the only distributor in Israel.
"Relaxer Cruiser, like sitting on a cloud.
"Ask the only distributor in Israel."
How can a cloud hold up a person?
-It's an expression, idiot.
Since I'm a regular,
I'll let you have it at cost.
Only NIS 3,200.
Dude, you crack me up.
My car didn't cost 3,200.
My wedding didn't cost 3,200.
-Including a crow flier.
You need a purchasing group
to buy this chair.
I don't have enough money
for a massage chair. -Right.
Anatoly doesn't have enough money
for a nectarine. -Right.
What? -So we're ten people,
each pays 320, we have a massage chair
for all the supermarket employees.
"Issachar Bounty"
The delivery guy hiring train
is on its way!
Yesterday I conducted in-depth interviews
with a variety of candidates.
I found people... to die for.
"Wage expectations: A lot.
Recommendations: None."
That's okay. No, no, give me...
Be with me a sec.
Give me one negative trait.
Big forehead? -No, not...
not me, not my traits. -Ah.
One negative trait of yours
that will prevent me from hiring you.
I don't know... you tell me.
-Never mind.
The "Relaxer Cruiser"
isn't just another armchair,
it's like sitting on a cloud.
You're tired of working,
you want peace and quiet,
you sit in the armchair,
put it on vibrate, it shakes.
Then why does Chibotero need it?
Any chair he sits on shakes.
Yes, Ramzi.
Personally, I don't rest at work.
Can I work from the armchair?
Yes, I think so. -Sure!
-A weight has been lifted.
Okay, it sounds nice, but... how much?
-Great question, Esti. -Douze points.
After a final calculation,
it's 320 per person.
Anatoly and I are in, that's two.
We need another eight at least.
No one?
-Why not?
I'll peel onions from the chair.
-Way to go, Ramzul. -I'm in.
Chibotero, douze points.
Come on, everyone.
Are we a team or what?
Oh! -Nice.
Kohava? -Huh?
-What about you?
What about me? -Are you in?
-The shaking stool? No, thanks.
Kohava, what do you care?
Everyone's in.
If everyone jumps off the roof,
I'll jump too? No.
But I'll watch from below
and score the jumps.
Go, Anatoly, jump! Anatoly,
do a screwdriver! Gimme a Tsukahara!
Kohava, if you're not in,
you don't touch the armchair!
Never! -Oy oy oy, I won't get to sit
on your shaking bench.
You denying me the right
of getting lice from Anatoly?
I don't have lice, Masha had lice.
I just had... one egg.
You don't touch the armchair.
-Got it.
Of the dozens of candidates I met,
I picked the choicest five
that will be here today
for the first tryout
in the history of "Issachar Bounty."
"Remember, Mr.... or Ms...
"sell, Mr... or Ms...
that which is most precious to you
"in the world - yourself.
Mr. or Ms."
Steve Jobs.
Ramzi, hand them out. -Here.
-And before we move on,
I'd like to conduct a brief introduction.
Say your name
and something we don't know about you,
some detail. Alright?
Let's begin.
Go ahead. -Okay, I'm Carrot, 33...
-Sorry for interrupting,
but Carrot, is that your real name?
-Carrot. -Carrot, I heard you.
Is that the name in your ID?
Yaniv. But everyone calls me Carrot.
-Fine. Thank you.
Is there anything you'd like to add?
Something we don't know about you...
I hate horses. -Excuse me?
-Horses, horses.
Horses and I don't go together,
they're the devil's creature.
If I get the job,
no deliveries to ranches and the like.
No deliveries to ranches.
-Let's continue.
-Arye. 49.
A positive person, energetic,
I hunger for work.
That sounds very good.
-My shrink told me to say that.
He said I must find a job
before the thoughts seep in.
I can relate.
I know what you're thinking,
they don't look like the ultimate employees,
but I'm not worried at all.
This placement method proved itself
at "Apple" and if it's good for "Apple,"
then it's good for "Issachar Bounty"
and vice versa, I'm sure.
A bird just whispered to me
that we completed the introductions
with great success!
Let's give ourselves a hand!
-You deserve it.
You deserve it too.
Arye, give yourself a hand.
Arye. -Ramzi, I'm running the show.
Stop addressing Arye.
You're right, I always do this.
-It's okay.
Okay, as I said, we're done
v^ith this phase, now it's on to the tests.
We'll test cognitive skills,
spatial orientation and analytical skills.
The test will take three hours,
so if anyone has to go to the restroom,
this is the time to do it.
Excuse me? -Yes.
-What do you mean by "restroom"?
if you want to go to the bathroom.
Restroom is the toilet.
-Yes. Toilet.
At first glance he doesn't seem
like the most moist wet wipe in the pack,
but I'm not looking for a wet wipe,
I'm looking for a delivery guy.
Blessed is this day we are at.
At long last the day has come,
the massage armchair is here.
Anatoly, what are you doing?
-Filming. This is an historic moment.
You already filmed the historic moment.
-But now you're talking about it,
it's an historic moment too.
Ready? -Davai, Davai.
-Three... Two...
Nissim, there's even room
for a pricing gun. -What a doll.
Besides Kohava,
whose not touching the armchair
even if she jumps off the roof
and needs something soft to land on.
Now me. -Hold on there, Chibotero.
Ladies first.
Go ahead, Anatoly.
You chunk of mortadella.
-Go ahead. -Bless you.
Oh! -Ah?
Wow. -Well?
-Well, what do you feel?
Like sitting on a cloud, huh?
-Enjoy. -Thanks. -Thanks.
Well, Kohava?
Don't you regret not pitching in?
If I wanted a massage,
I'd go for a colonoscopy, fulllbody.
Dude, get up... -Okay...
-Don't dirty my chair.
It's my turn, Anatoly!
-Get up. -Nirvana.
No, I'm first. -Alright already.
Cry baby. -No, hey. Chibotero...
Can I have some quiet in here?
I'm reading. -Sure. -Chibotero.
Chibotero, Davai. -Hold him.
Chibotero, you ready?
I repeat.
-No, the mechanism, Ramzi.
I repeat!
Can I have some quiet?!
I am reading here!
You having fun, Chitootero?
-Does it feel good?
Oh, please, what's the fuss?
Some measly chair in an earthquake,
gimme a break, I swear...
Nice toy...
Yes, yes, yes,
like this, like this... Ah...
Bless your heart.
How do you know?
No, lower.
Lower, lower, lower...
close, close, close...
"Issachar Bounty"
Dear finalists,
what do you see here?
An exotic manager
looking for a dominant partner.
There are no wrong answers.
Thank you.
A blotch. -A blotch.
Yes, but what does it look like?
A blotch. -A blotch.
-I get that you see a blotch,
but what does it look like to you?
-What does it look like?
Look at it and tell me.
-Do you feel anything?
I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
Good answer.
There is no right or wrong.
Arye, your turn.
What do you see here?
Would you like to elaborate or...
-What's the point?
Batia. -It's a horse!
-What? -You brought a horse?!
No, Batia... -No.
-A horse?! -No, no, no!
The delivery guy evaluation day
went very well.
I weighed the grades of the candidates
based on a special scoring method.
Couldn't you tell who was right
and who wasn't? -No, that's the catch,
that's why Steve Jobs' method
is so good,
it can detect the fantastic employees
that a first impression can miss.
I am extremely excited
to introduce our new delivery guy.
Carrot. -Carrot?
Nice to meet you, Carrot.
Shira, get over here!
What's with this scum?!
I gave you 4,000 shekels!
This is what you bring me, Carrot?
-He can hear you.
I don't care if he hears me!
Okay, Avihai, I get the point,
but based on Steve Jobs' placement method
this man is a genius.
Carrot has learning abilities
that even he is unaware of.
Oh, yeah? Then who is?
-I promise you,
once I know how to activate him,
it will pay off for the supermarket.
Did you know that restroom
is another word for toilet?
Listen to me. I hope that the 4,000 I gave you
will justify this, you hear me?
I taught him that yesterday
and he already knows.
Carrot, put that down.
What's this?
Genius, genius.
What's with you?
That agent gave it to me for...
And it's so... soft.
-One, two, three, four, five...
-Wait, I'm counting here.
Did you know there's this pile of boxes?
Never mind.
What? -What are you doing here?
-Existing, whaUs t-he problem?
Kohava. -Nissim.
Kohava. -"Kohava, Kohava,"
like some broken YouTube.
What do you want?
-Don't you dare sit on the armchair.
Armchair, right... Who needs...
I'd rather sit on a hot plate all night
with a towel over my head and simmer.
Okay, I...
I'll finish counting later.
Alright. I'll go around.
She sat.
Last week, you saw it.
I brought tissues from horfie,
he blew his nose with my tissues.
Did I ask him to pay?! No! Why?
Because I'm a giving person.
Who cares whose it is?!
Yours is mine, mine is mine.
So what are you going to do?
-About what? -The armchair.
Sit on it. What else? Put it on my head?
Sail it down the river?
What kind of question is that?
-But they warned you not to sit.
Tell me, do you know who I am?
"Issachar Bounty"
Carrot? -Ah?
I need you for a delivery to 9 Queen St.
-Already delivered, Ms. Shira.
I'm working on 58 Pinsker now.
I got bubble wrap so nothing breaks.
Well? Did you doubt it?
Steve Jobs is never wrong.
There's a reason he got to where he is.
I don't mean, he is... I mean...
before the... that he...
Did you see that?!
Did you just see that?!
Thanks to Carrot I'll make
outstanding supermarket manager.
Finally. Not only did I find
a delivery guy for years,
it's more than that,
I found a friend.
Where are you? Sshhh...
Take a walk.
Don't tell.
Fine. That's enough!
What's the big deal?
Stop barking, I was going to pay.
-When were you going to pay?
Today, before you ruined my nap.
-Now it's our fault. -Unbelievable.
You rascal.
-How much is it?
You just look like idiots on TV.
You have to pay us each 40 shekels.
-What?! 40 shekels?
You're arguing with me over 40 shekels?
-40, 40. -That's what the ruckus is about?
40 shekels. Fine,
for all your creams.
Oh no, awkward. Oops.
My old wallet.
-The old wallet again?
Miserly miser. -You'll get your money
tomorrow morning. I swear on Shira's eyes.
Go on, gegangen.
-Don't you "gegangen" me.
I'll say it as much as I want!
-Fine, say it. Excuse me.
She's lucky.
I threw my back out last night.
What now? -Problem?
Argh! -What, Nissim?
-It's boiling hot!
What's wrong?
-"What's wrong?" It doesn't work!
The armchair doesn't work!
-But it's new!
Kohava! -Kohava!
-Kohava! -Kohava!
Its limit is one hour straight.
It says so down here.
How long was it used?
-At least three.
She was in here for three hours?
-The repair is 1,000, not including VAT.
A new engine is 1,400.
-1,4'00? That's a mortgage.
Good morning, good morning.
What's going on here?
-The armchair is shot.
-No way.
Someone used it for three hours straight.
-What? Three hours? Chibotero...
It's a chair, not a bed.
No, I... What's with the look?
I'm shocked!
That's my fault too?
Sure, always Kohava, why not?
Like you accused me
about Esti's birthday muffins
and then you apologized.
-You ate them. -And we didn't apologize.
I only ate two,
why don't you ask who ate the rest?
There were only two.
-Okay, guys,
tell me what you want to do,
I gotta go. -Sure. -What can we do?
It has to be repaired.
Dig into your pockets.
H ovty much?
-100 teach, Brandon will pay 500.
Davai, let's go.
What? -The money!
-What for? -The repair!
Why me? -Shame on you!
-Seriously? What do you think?
Kohava, you ruined the chair
and you ask "why me?" Please!
You sat on it for three hours!
-Excuse me?!
Do you hear yourselves?
Do you even make sense?
Is it my chair or yours?
Did I pay for it?
First fix it then I'll decide
if I want to pay for it.
You're beyond repair.
Zero, zilch.
You offer a partnership in a chair,
now I discover that it's broken.
Why should I pay
to repair a chair
that I haven't bought yet?!
You pay or...
-You're unreal, Kohava!
You ruined it!
-Says who?! Makes no sense.
"To Shira, the devoted manager,
to you I say thank you
"for bringing Carrot to us,
the accomplished delivery guy.
"We shall never forget it.
Yours, Mrs. Peperni."
What can I say to a text like this?
And Avihai said he wants to talk to me
about Carrot, but not over the phone.
I don't know what to think,
but did I hear... outstanding manager?
Hi, Avihai.
You wanted to talk about our Carrot?
Why talk if we can see?
Here, take a look.
First a letter, now a video. I don't...
-Here, take a look.
I'm looking. -Good.
I see our storeroom.
-Right, you recognize him?
The guy emptying out
the packets of cigarettes?
You see?
Who is that?
Carrot! Carrot!
-Carrot the delivery guy?
No, Carrot the military analyst!
The Steve Jobs method! "Apple"
Of all the delivery guys in the world
you hired the thief?!
Are you sure it's not for a delivery?
-700 packets of cigarettes?!
For who? Natan Zehavi?!
-Did you call the police?
I did, and guess what?
For three years he's been playing
stupid managers like you
and going off the grid.
Oh, that Carrot really gave us the shaft!
Yes, because of my placement
method we were duped by a con,
but it does prove
that the method can find geniuses.
And I think, I do deserve some points
for outstanding manager.
Even one point.
Translation: Tammy King
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.