C-16: FBI (1997–1998): Season 1, Episode 7 - Russian Winter - full transcript

the suspect was apprehended wearing a

following milk cat follow me coach

I'm losing it this whole three months

review thing it watch Toronto take off

her penmanship well I think you got more

to worry about the penmanship what are

you talking about it

why did you hear something no no no it's

just that Rooney was telling me how they

write those things up we'll be lucky if

we get fully successful yeah fully

successful means you pass minimally

successful means I should have gone to

business school like my parents wanted

me to in the first place what else did

she say

actually she was pretty positive she

said that I I've had all my cases well

I've done my wiretaps my search warrants

says I'm doing okay what hasn't around

say anything you know he sits there and

smiles that sounds bad doesn't it no no

he's probably just playing you you got a

great job so far

really you know what maybe we'll give

you all exceptional very you're gonna

have to do this again what you do right

on with your feet

how could you be late when I did my

bagels good morning ladies morning got a

garlic one in there yeah what do you

name on it so guys um I think I'm

finally finished with the Bureau

checklist everything's in order

gonna miss your morning visits um Andy

I'm like part of the family besides

who's gonna bring the bagels yeah no not

yet I've gotta go and have my morning

non-smoker he just sits out there and

stares at his ashtray it's kind of

pitiful really you say the word never

come a three pack a day man yeah oh no

no no I like you better this way you

don't think you're a poet

cheers Cheers

hmm so what you're a Capricorn right leo

rotational and spiced pleasure

yeah I'll hold your breath where's Dan

he said he was gonna throw me some

wiffle balls before school he's outside

but you are doing the Vega first I don't

have all day


and so that personality division guy it


did you ever find out what's I mean you

you know I don't think I've invented a

sign for him yet


so call some help come on what could I

get for you baby

as weird to have anything think so she's

pretty shook up cause this we're clear

should he keep no spine yeah they're all

back this all pretty rough Michael if

you need anything I'm right here

besides Twiggy swing in there looks like

about a 28 inch 21 ounces 20 ounces I


want us to do that we could pick her up

for you I don't know I mean maybe that's


hey John

I should have came over the back wall he

was wearing gloves you know T's check it

out see if he left any evidence

any water

drink we'll go over everything later

what can you tell me right now

you get a good look at the shooter uh

about six feet tall Caucasian it was so

fast what was he wearing

dark clothing jeans maybe gloves cap

sunglasses it's got a good look at the


Mustang black or navy I got some of the

license plate to a sure

I want you to go home Amanda go home

I'll send somebody with you get out of

those clothes now take her home okay

telly was said to testify against lotion

we've got lotion locked up but I wanted

media surveillance on the rest of his

syndicate their honor I want a hotline

number set up I won't remember their

money off again we're right on top of it

come here

this shouldn't have happened Dennis

because you're too close because of the

legal implications that's why I asked me

to take him on my squad John we cannot

risk this investigation being hit by

charges of tampering or a personal

vendetta its Bureau policy then get me

an interview room and lusion what do

think he's gonna do stand up and bark

out I had Tully killed John we all want

the same thing but you cannot head up

this investigation officially it's gone

to Pritchett a three squad task force

which can include your squad but you

really have to back off on this one have

androoni or anybody run things by

Pritchard that's the best I can do

Anatoli illusion and four of his

subordinates are in jail currently under

indictment charges include running a

continuing criminal enterprise

racketeering and extortion what's gonna

happen to the case well it depends how

fast we find this face Raja zametov was

nicked Ali's informant Perez deal who's

picked up in the sweep and then release

he hasn't been seen since I think maybe

he was the shooter no so he thinks

illusion knows he was the CI maybe he

turns illusions perception around if he

hits Nick that's immaterial because even

if you did do it to get back in the

loser's good graces it still makes him

the only thing standing between losing

in a walk see rhodes is the only one who

corroborate tell his evidence without

him the tapes are worthless so it's a

race to find this guy yeah illusions

people probably have a better idea where

he might be right now than we do run

down the ones who didn't get picked up

on indictments they'll be who's looking

for Road yeah

we're coordinating with c6 and c12 okay

I want immediate turnaround on every

hotline tip I'm gonna sign to an

organized-crime computer analyst to do

links looking for patterns that's it

thanks jack

Rossi want to his ribs pierced shooting

counselor can you find somebody else to

do it I really want to get started on

just come on come on please as a favor

for me and keep me apprised on this

another thing

this is Brian Norman and Peter Willcox

OPR John ollansky Brian Peter will be

reviewing the files in the Chechen

investigation well understand Kelly had

been working on your team for a few


unlimited duty his last case his

supervisor was Frank remark we spoken

with Frank look take a look at the psych

reports in Chicago they seem to check

out fine and they're pretty thorough in

Chicago you'd agree with that assessment

when you job you'll be coordinating this

investigation with OPR Andrew we know

you'll help us out in any way you can

because the bureau can't be culpable

until he's death isn't that right I

understand you and Nick Tully go back a

long time

my condolences I'll be in my office

the kids are at their uncle dance thank

God and I really need to figure out what

to do with the rest of this food before

the next wave of sympathy callers turns

up Valerie oh hey what do you think of

my babysitter's huh

hi guys a little bit like closing the

barn door after the horses gone Valerie

what's that all right

don't I get like a chuck or something

from the FBI right this is your check

it's from the agents it's a fun we have

for this sort of thing you were supposed

to protect him John you didn't want ages

at the house we offered you know that

Valerie is there anything I can do yeah

that's exactly what you said to Nikki

well okay John actually

bring my husband back

can you do that


so Brodsky FBI would like to ask you a

few questions

but in cqu today not even in the mirror

when you were shaving this morning cuz

she's boss over there he pointed out to

us kid he'll hey we know you work for

losing alright and we're investigating

the murder of somebody else who worked

for him I don't know Gary roses murder

we have people who saw you together Oh

Gary's death that's too bad

she was a great fellow you know who

killed him

how should I know I only drove a truck

for those guys I think you know a little

bit more than that once you come with us

maybe you remember a little better away

from all these noxious fumes I don't

know anything I told you they will tell

illusion with a loyal guy you are sure

lusion Rewards loyalty I know Gary was

one of you guys but he wasn't any poster

boy for the yeah you know he took money

from Lucien

his job handled a lot of them only one

day I guess you got a little careless

cuz it's disappeared

fifty thousand never turns up on our end

bed share it never turns up on your end

either that's just a lot class going

after a dead guy Brodsky I just gave you

information that for active world a

dirty FBI agent am I right or am i right

so orderly fella Lansky Chris we got a

polygraph on q-ball Trotsky say anything

static jail then we have to report it

Attorney General's certification state

that he can report it after we know it's


what about Pritchett not confirmed yet

but if it is telly was under a long time

he took money he was probably part of

his cover well maybe he just took it one

of those guys the glass is always

half-empty hi Robinson Tully's not just

any agent yeah but if he screwed up

let's just get a polygraph from Brodsky

soon as possible

and this Roy get guys mi a there's no

activity on his credit cards and his

cell phones gone dormant surveillance on

the home still trying to suss that one

out what

just check Romar's files guess what

Ramar doesn't have tele CI address and

his files oh man no PR is gonna show him

a new one

I'm gonna call tell his cell phone stuck

maybe it called right e at home a few


I thought you were at home yeah I was I

just wanna stop by see if I can help out

don't look at me

you know these tapes from till he's

undercover op I've seen this girl before

she was at Tully's house yeah hi this is

Mel Robinson down with c16 yeah I need a

favor fast and I nicked all you think

yeah pie graph Robbins are you ordering

up a polygraph you can you just have to

get back to me thanks

yeah yes sir that's what I was doing a

polygraph on Cyril Brodsky one of the

Chechens so you found something what

we're not sure you know I haven't seen

any paperwork on this polygraph you did

look in my AAG to see how to handle it

so you know I've got a sign-off I'm away

that said I just thought that I might

run the information about Lansky first

no Lansky's not the lead on this

I'm the ASAC and I'm coordinating the

OPR investigation so what have you found

out she showed up at Ali's house looked

like they were fighting they were

outside Valerie and I were inside and

you didn't hear anything no Valerie told

me she thought she was Tully's

girlfriend while I was under this isn't

in your report totally told me she'd

found him how he didn't say he told me

he would take care of everything and

that she had nothing to do with the case

her name's Laura you should have told me

there might've been something we could

have done sir Tony said Holly was not

your boss we need to find Laura

I could help hunt for boar out of Jack

I've got something for you this girl

Laura see if you can find her she might

look different with her clothes on

I'm gonna be your peer shooting

counselor no none of your core

we gotta get a look at nicked all these

bank records cuz I don't think that

money is ever gonna show up this guy

frosty was way too common I think he

knows that it would be the Polyjuice how

much confirmation do you need we have

insurance boom whoa boys where's fire

thanks for the tip problems what's going

on Andrew I've been hearing some

rumblings about Telly's performance on

this case now I got confirmation on what

Tully was dirty

hey Nick Kelly was not dirty I just got

a call from the polygamy report you have

on Cyril Brodsky implicating one Gary

rose aka Nick

Tully boss this report is moving ahead

on this his reputations the stake here

he should have thought of that before I

know how you OPR guys work we're not

gonna sacrifice a good ages you can work

your way up the FBI food chain Tully is

gonna show us the money John now are you

gonna be there or wait and read about it

in the paper

check the cereal box hey put that down

this is the man's home and it's okay go


there's nothing here

I'm sorry Valerie

they're not gonna find anything you know

they're not gonna find anything is that

a question what do you think you're


wait a minute no no I will not let you

search my son's room I'm sorry ma'am I'm

gonna have to ask you to step back

you're gonna ask me - what is her

syndrome get ready to break yeah okay

John that's out of line am I gonna have

to ask you to leave I think we got


the investigation ended a month ago are

you suggesting Tully forgot look I knew

this man it's not in his character there

has to be more than one possibility the

best one is Tully stole money from the

Chechens it didn't turn it over the

money came from the churches Lucien

might have planted it in order to

discredit tell his testimony based on

mr. broadsky's testimony the money came

right from Johnson he is hardly reliable

the entire case is compromised its

compromised because somebody killed

Tully now we need to concentrate on who

that person might be instead of trying

to destroy a man's reputation he did

that himself don't turn him into a


John Hey look I know you and tell you

were friends do you seems to me you're

trying make the facts fit we want him to

go blame everything on a dead man John

you've been in long enough you know how

it works I do you want Andrew if Nick

Tully took to money he took it for a

reason that simple no hits on the APB

for Rogers car

shut the door

what were you thinking you talked to

Bridget why didn't you talk to me

well because Stoddard wanted to wait

until we had confirmation from the

progress say you told OPR good god no no

I told Pritchard Pritchard he stopped me

he knew about the polygraph I tried to

wait but he was the ASA I got caught

with my pants down I'm sorry sir I was

just trying to change a man can disobey

Pritchard you should have come to me

first I want a certain kind of agent on

my squad now you have to decide if you

are that kind of agent

what do you got huh we finally found

Rogers apartment no sign of him with a

car two days worth of messages on his

answering machine

I think Lucian's people may have gotten

to him first BAM okay what about Laura

lastname sand of all we put an alert on

her credit cards got her in the computer

for border stops material witness


The Jackal find her it looks pretty bad

for Tully doesn't it why would he have

that money you knew him better than I

did he wasn't all right well the psych

evaluation said he might be he played

him in Chicago he told him exactly what

they wanted to hear Richard told us how

you helped us out I was just on my job

you like your job from what we've heard

you're doing well Troy we like to keep

our eyes open for young agents thank you

you've thought about your advancement

yes sir

good ambitions what it's all about

ambition and good sense you'll keep me

posted on how you're doing yeah good

you know where Scotch comes from

originally this is what a peer shooting

counselor does he sits around and talks

about the history of scotch

a peer shooting counselor takes an agent

recently involved in a shooting to a non

FBI location in the hopes that that

person might be able to talk about how

they feel I'm willing to bet and not

able to get to sleep at night you have a

hard time focusing any of this sound

familiar you're just doing this because

I'm a first office agent right I'd do

this for anyone who went through what

you went through I think you should talk

about it okay I'll talk about it I saw

totally get shot right in front of me I

chased the guy who did it but he got

away that's what happened and how do you

feel how do you think I feel I've never

seen anything like that happened before

yes I'm an FBI agent

no I didn't think it was gonna be sunny

and rosy all the time I knew this man

I had dinner with him and his family man

what are you trying to do jack you think

you're gonna get me to cry is that part

of the plan maybe Jason I don't cry

I am NOT gonna let this thing take over

I'm stronger than that and I'm good at

this you really think you're good yeah

besides the other night maybe

it's part of all that crap that you give


maybe I was so good

if you were so good maybe if somebody

was there maybe if you were there

wouldn't have happened huh nice UPS


you know why they asked me to be your

peer shooting counselor five years ago I

had this pal named Ames Ames was 10

years on good agent great guy two of us

pulled surveillance on this Chop Shop

we used to bet on anything car come down

the road read next song on a radio


I'd always lose I was walking back to

the car big loser coffee Red Vines and

then I saw this kid damn he had Ames

made James was pulling for his gun too

late kid shot him down he went both dead

boom wife kids

I dropped my coffee I dropped the candy

too late

I should have done something right what

should I have done this is why you got


I can't sleep

did you know the home shopping network

is on 24 hours a day yeah why do you

think I got my computer

I'll promise everything legit we're

looking for Angel San Gabriel Angeles

working now she's giving him character

dining room hold on

next up five minutes everybody I met you

before didn't you come to see Gary can

we go somewhere

angel angel is just my working name

Gary's dead yeah I know it's not a

minutes and I know his name wasn't Gary

it was Nick Tully you know who killed

him no Nick telly and I were good

friends now somebody's killed him and I

have to find out who I think you can

help me you went to his house in a week

later he's dead how'd you find him we

have witnesses we know you were there

they found 50 grand in his son's

mattress everybody thinks he's dirty do

you think Nick would have taken money

maybe Laura I don't think you want to

tell he killed I don't think you want

his family to suffer for something he

might not have done I think he hurt you

I don't think he meant to you should

have lied to me

everybody everybody lies to me probably

lying to me right now it just so happens

that I'm not

now why don't we go somewhere we can

talk some more this is Special Agent run

these names aren't doing it city good

what do you say we bring Brosky back in

we shake him up a little bit and see

what else he's got once just get mopey

ours number they can talk with him

direct I don't have a pH number hey what

was I supposed to do huh

pretty he intercepts me he all right so

Lasky so I didn't know what else to do

okay how would you have handled it would

have handled it better look you're an

ambitious guy that's cool but if you

want to sign on with OPR get used to

people not talking to you

cuz you'd be a creep so get used to it

being a creep Valerie hey you want some

post no and talk about a nickel but I've

been acting he had been acting more like

than Nicky I married the past couple of

weeks he was cooking he was taking out

the trash he was playing with the kids

he took Aaron to ballet twice and that

didn't worry you you're spending to try

to please me some I got for being such a

bastard but he wasn't acting like Nick

no he wasn't acting like the wreck he

was when he came off that case he was

acting more like the husband I wanted

him to be and maybe it was just acting

but he was back and you know what it was

enough okay did the two of you ever talk

about money I spent two hours with those

OPR guys telling them no Nicky did not

have a drug habit no he did not have

plans to take worldcruise or anything

like that

breathe pills weed Rachel yeah that's

the money in Michaels Mac okay so he

slept with that woman and I hate him for

it and believe you mean like this you

know how much I hate him

maybe as much as I hate

right now because you knew what was

going on all the time didn't you and you

could have done something about it

couldn't you

but do I think Nikki took that money

you can think whatever you want

you have a girl named Laura

Sandoval down the hall what's she saying

I don't know Andrew I'm not in there am

i Robinson have we taken a good look

through all Telly's stuff yet I want it

good thank you

okay no road you lure as a regular

Stonewall Lujan's gonna get to ride you

before we do come back to Laura yeah you

go back to him you chained her to a damn

chef you have to you threatened her with

accessory to murder of a federal officer

she knows well did she's saying that

she's the only thing we've got Hey

Richard's been in my face said we're

keeping him out of the loop send him to

me blame everything on me I want that

girl to talk


I thought you gave that up one I'm

smoking that's one it wasn't alright

they had no business clearing him in

Chicago why not he was playing at being

nicked Oh II can't even make peace with

himself a man is a piece of himself does

not take 50 grand

his family has got to get to full

pension Dennis the bureau is firm on

pensions reemerged a wife to more

classified Johnny he could have ordered

protection John we're not blind to

reamers involvement in this but the guy

who screwed up here was telling I'm the

one who started this whole thing I'm the

one who insisted on pulling him Alan

maybe we did everything that could have

been done

did identity

hey doctor still Aleve how you doing you

doing okay

better what's new with you you know to

step for 10 steps back that tell you

stuff yeah yeah you know it's kind of

weird going to all this memo's nicotine

gum here they found the money at his

house right

yeah you get a chance to think over what

I said

yeah yeah I didn't I think that um I

think that I'm pretty happy where I am

right now you ever change your mind

you know Nikki wanted to be a magician

when he was a kid we will hold out of

card tricks he ever teach you any new

whole bunch of it only teach his friends

which one to teach you jumping aces it's

what he taught me you told me that

backflip kind of place the top card in

the deck

a few minutes back he was in the shower

and I thought he was cheating on me so I

hit the redial or the cell phone and

this kid answered and I told me what a

prize and I needed his address to

deliver it so that's how I found out he

was married did you tell anybody whose

address no god no way

what about rug you do I dunno know did

you tell him I would add tub rug is

missing we think he's playing dead

I just got this girl this actress I know

he could be with her maybe but don't

think I had anything to do with this

because I did it

maybe not purposely Laura but you went

to his house anyone could have followed


no no they couldn't have because that

that would mean well that it was like my

fault and I really

I really don't want to be my fault

do you think that

I don't think this Raja guys gonna show

a bluff OPR today

you did that's a big black mark in your

career file

called the anti creep badge of honor

I suddenly got a bad feeling

missing the form is no longer missing

rod is dead

I'm no closer to Charlie's killer they

won't restart illusion

he may get his wish may get a pass on

this whole thing so I've got something

else just take a look at it later

it's practically got it now tell his

personal papers from his desk that's a

cliff door

let's go mouth

only for the FBI would I get myself out

of bed at such an ungodly hour so do you

remember this man his name's on your


Nick Tully oh sure I remember him pay me

$1500 for a watch

cash then he calls me up tells me he

changed his mind

nice huh 18 karat gold handcrafted

automatic movement one of my best pieces

he changed his mind it called me up the

other day tells me you can't pick it up

I told him I can't give him his money

back because of the engraving in gravy

Valarie all my love Nicky pretty huh so

there's Valerie she's bound to be real

disappointed because this is a fine

piece of jewelry

so this Niki they'll call me again

change his mind again no I don't think


didn't pick it up he changed his mind

because he couldn't go through with it

he took $50,000 John and he didn't pay

off his gambling debts he didn't pay his

house bills his kids dental work

he took $1,500 to a jewelry store to buy

his wife a watch and he changed his mind

you can't prove that you can't prove he

was gonna spend it he didn't tell

Valerie where to find it I can prove he

took it he was one of us guys can't you

respect that he got in too deep the head

shrinkers in Chicago saw exactly what he

needed him to see but you saw something

different I saw a man who was trying to

figure out who he was was he Nick Tully

was he Gary rose look do you think it

like being better you know what you

don't know because you've never been

under to deny his family this pension

after job he's done after what he's done

for this agency you'd be killing him


all right

we're gonna talk it over John will let

you know Thank You Dennis

Nikki thought the backyard needed more


he liked impatience

hey Mikey Michael Aaron you guys want to

head back into that okay

so what have you got for me this time

Nicky do something else he was a good

agent Valery tell that to Michael

inherit the FBI will recommend that his

pension proceed unchallenged the FBI

feels they should have watched him more

closely they're going to assume some of

the blame Nick was in a bad way Valerie

given out I think the only place he felt

safe the only person he cared about was

you you and the kids

oh my god

he got lost Val there wasn't anything

heroes could do how he tried you know we


ah I miss him so much

I'm missing two

he wanted you to have this

you want me to get you anything

more tough cases and tangled private

lives at the same time 950 next Friday

night and if you enjoyed that you'll

doubtless enjoy our film after the break

copper lode of the details in a few
