C-16: FBI (1997–1998): Season 1, Episode 4 - The Sandman - full transcript

okay sweetie i want you to eat all your

lunch and not just the cookies all right

miss patty you listen to her during

story time hi patty

hey pick up their barney face

no okay

no burp noises okay and don't pee

in the vegetable garden okay have a good

day i miss you i love you

you have a good day i love you bye

manny's pizza over on pico you can sound

old-fashioned but you don't hire 22 year

old girls and little kids in this part

of town

still got a lot of cash in front pocket

no sign of sexual assault

scene doesn't exactly shout lover's fat

what's the cause of death

somebody snapped her neck

suffered serious red eye actually no

furnishings this place is clean

you guys bag anything nope we understand

this mo matches the circular you put out

a couple weeks ago

attractive victims no sexual assault

eugene pinsky

pesky's in san antonio this isn't pesky

yeah well something's up with this

what does the landlord say the name on

the police is

gabor cardosa moved in four months ago

slept on that path hold on cardoza

through our system

what he was a recycler i don't think so

he read these papers saving for weeks

stacked by date he didn't need a view

can we get photocopies of all this sure

so who runs the place has nothing and

leaves nothing behind

somebody wants to be invisible yeah i

would want that

some days it has an appeal just waited

four months right here yay

he killed her 98.

well she didn't know him it happened so

quick she didn't even put up a fight

and he did it with his hands not easy to


he knew how




got something else robinson your garbage

so far as garbage um how about the phone

bills and the electric bills

and uh the love letter the strange love

whatever i actually got a bus transfer

that was dated last week

actually was a man who found it it was

stuck to a letter marked resident 10a

which is his apartment uh possibly he

threw them away together

they became stuck by some orange juice

or some kind of citrus juice get cleaned


boss wants a forensics report too okay

see my training agent thinks i talk too


do i i do

look really just just hanging there

right he's handful for everyone

maybe this is as much a training

experience for jack dorado as it is a

training experience for me

who are the two most incompatible

personality types that you can hook up

besides me and dorado

okay alaska wants to rehabilitate dorado

bring him into the new century um female


computers drinkable coffee


i'm right

what do you think i'm right yeah

jody hart was just out of college

working two jobs she liked horses

the enemy says her spine was severed in

the c6 vertebrae larynx is crushed

by a thumb no skin principle my best bet

for target's probably the newspapers he

kept he was marking names evidence teams


they all seem very high profile secret

service says there's nobody there

protecting in la right now and i'm

checking with interpol

if you want to shoot dennis rodman he's

doing a book signing but i doubt it he's

kind of over if you ask me

jack does a bus transfer what what are

these code numbers mean

bust the route the time transfer was

good for three hours

didn't use it maybe he got delayed

didn't own a car space in the apartment

garage was always empty he owns nothing

he was intentionally lean and clean i

sent some expertise from agent rooney


this guy came into town he slept on a

rubber mat

he ate junk food nobody can remember

what he looks like

he just waited four months i can tell

you right now if it's a profile of

several terrorist assassins of course

i'm poor slav running away from hilga

the uber wife

jack you've got what pizza parlor okay

i agree miss heart was an unintended

victim so scott

i'll speak with counterterrorism but you

make sure we go to cia on

all known terrorist movement all right i

agree with annie

it's a hitter and the target is


meeting's over you guys can step away

from the door before you get trampled

reardon yes

now did you get the evidence left uh yes

sir the guys took with all kinds of


president clinton uh jimmy carter george

stephanopoulos henry kissinger stuff

like that good mouth keep them on i'll

do it

oh probationary agent robinson did you

hear about the guy that got cut

completely in half

no i didn't he's all right now

what it was his left side so now he's

all right

you're gonna go real far

okay buddy i'm gonna see you when i get

home tonight all right

okay listen i gotta go i'll call you

later okay

bye annie

we owe you how much annual leave 200

hours and you know it's used to lose it

i'll use it don't worry this uh

custody shoot over your child you have

depositions to give

i know what's on your mind beyond mine

and this thing we're looking at here is

24 hours a day i get up early already

i know you do that's why you're here

they give me in service on counter

terrorism profile training i'm available

i'm recommending myself

so no problem sending me these there are

no problems any only options

okay then i want the assignment

okay then you've got it

thank you you're welcome hey

oh man what am i watching here

particular friend of yours

nick tully lapd squad car camera 3 am

last night

he was arrested and booked for

assaulting an officer

have any of our people seen this not


give me the name of that officer morning

good morning

steve and when i joined the fbi back in

1861 there were no women

guys were just getting over having to

change for fedora's destroy hats on may

30th of every year which

came from a memorable hoover oh is that

true because i've always wondered about

that i had a training agent myself a guy


don wilson hit the beach at ewo never

let you forget it

me treated like something he stepped on

by accident couldn't get off his shoe

you know you wish someone dead long

enough that's a wish that always comes


all right um i'm a little assertive it's

my good point and my bad point so

how about if i just don't talk and you

say everything thank you ten years to

figure out whether i was a good agent

for you or not

realize that good then in ten years i'll

let you know how you did

oh you still with the bureau in ten

years if you haven't dropped out to have

a baby or

open a dress shop or something

who are you you have to leave this room

is sealed obviously not sealed well

since both of us are inside

you're technical people did they find

anything i know you don't i where do i

know you're from television

i'm not so more fully i should be

flattered that i'm recognized by an

agent of the fbi

you are fbi aren't you you're too pretty

for lapd

the lapd let you in here didn't they

so what did they tell you mr marpleus

and uh

if the fbi is here this must be a very

important crime scene

the work of a professional assassin do

you know louis free

his wife is lovely you know she collects

bone china

you know i don't think you know director

free's wifey five sons i'd say she's

more to do than collect china now what

are you doing here

good i think we should share information

i'm here to cover the american land use

conference at the american century hotel

now your turn why did they kill the girl

it was clearly a mistake don't you think

time to go oh come on are you married

let me guess he's an fbi agent too two

children pretty house near the airport

lots of noise but close to the ocean am

i right

that is a great color on you it brings

out your eyes

i'm at the hotel call me when you're

ready for help

sergeant engel mm-hmm john lansky how

you doing

my mouse wired shut uh sergeant

help me out i'm working the other side

of this

it's uh three o'clock in the morning and

you get out of your patrol car and some

guy just started swinging

listen john this is john right

i just want to get in the tub and let

the water work its wonders okay

i can understand that yeah what's my

health no no

i got it all right thanks for watching

took a real beating

yeah i did a real cycle

and if he's a friend of yours oscar he's

on the job like you and me

he's been undercover a long time

but you still want to hurt him back

right legal maybe file a criminal


make it so this guy never wears a

credential again right

well i'm asking not to do that

i want to get him safe into rehab

homie into his family he's got a wife

two kids

can you think about it can you give me a

call at home

sorry you do me that favor

girl guys get your act together

excuse me it's been taken care of all


this guy's a colombian mostly a

trafficker cia's identified several

others who may have entered the country

about four months ago

jack we're spitballing on targets and

venues anything for the pizza place

hey you ready yeah tell them what the

pizza guy told you

uh well um he thinks that he sent jodie

hart to the wrong address

the guy in 10a actually did not order a

pizza but judy didn't know that

she was trained to make a big fuss bang

on the doors

talk to the neighbors uh their motto is

never give up because if they don't

deliver the pizzas

they got to pay for it themselves so

she made so much noise that he had to

open the door

she saw his face and he killed her that

makes sense

well what do you know look at that

can't even see him not him her

that's hannah thermopolis she was

snooping around the crime scene

says here she was the only reporter who

interviewed the sandman

sammy is not active anymore annie check

her out

josh mal

what'd you get off those newspapers oh

yeah the guys circled all kinds of

locations um fundraisers football games

gay rally

i said there's about probably about four

when you might get a good shot at

someone who matters

what about the third annual land use

conference what about it's not on the

list what are you thinking

well that's why thermopolis is here

she's covering it

you know i remember this guy we studied

him he's actually a very educated man

remember those children that were shot

in paris in front of the synagogue steps

that was him he works for different

people but the reasoning is always the


kill so brutally the world asks why and

then they'll listen to your answers

when is their conference day after

tomorrow across from the american

century hotel

that's approximate at least stoddard

that makes

five locations check them all

okay scott's with me malinani jack and

ridden works buck transfer

our guy made a mistake if he hasn't run

he'll act fast

let's be faster

before the delegates head into the hotel

for a pre-conference reception there'll

be a five-minute press meet and greet at

the drop-off over there

this is my personal nightmare uh miss


as i said on the phone this event

presents us with potential security


uh professor emir won't give up the

photo op we have delegates in five

countries and they're used to this

last year it was kyle when professor's

own car responded that's david amir's


yes our chairman do you know them

tomorrow you look at our list david i'm


yeah are we in danger i mean this isn't

downtown cairo this is america right

sandy right scott you ever been to cairo

it's nice they have this uh island nile

tennis court swimming pool

sunset on the river human but sexy

sounds dangerous actually be safer then

here with the security problem howard

dinner uh

i have this uh pre-conference

run-through thing i have to do

so after that it probably won't be over

until 11 o'clock

it's hardly an idle threat professor

amir you know who the sandman is we

think he's here in los angeles

and he circled your name in the paper

sir can you hold please thank you though

i used

to didn't make the paper today and the

reason why he didn't circle the

conference is because it wasn't in the

paper yet

sir does your wife realize she may be a


i i can respect that yes thank you we'll

talk again

boss want you at the hotel we're

committing there

yeah pass to a rooney brown

god she's here already yes thank you

dolores that's my lawyer can you have

someone escort her through please

right over here it's harder to get in

your office than dick riordan's but then

he's only the mayor

oh your custody depositions we're

overdue dana hi how you doing

uh we have five minutes okay

yeah it's official come on we'll talk in

the break room all right well uh


your husband is saying you're not a fit

mother because you're not home enough oh

yeah well we see at 6 30 this morning

when i'm making danny's lunch and danny

won't eat except for the cookies

so you work full-time and then some not

that that's a bad thing let's go in here

how you doing susie interview room wendy

sorry can i sign those

yes thank you we just need some spin


now who looks after daniel when you're

working on case at night uh my mother

babysitters but what are their names it

varies you know what i mean the

neighborhood kids

kids how old sixteen-year-olds twin


although they just started dating that's

utterly unreliable that's the wrong

answer isn't it

okay look i can handle this really you

know just just throw anything at me and

i'll hit it right out of the park

that's a joke right agent rooney what

i have mrs hard jody hart's mother

the pizza girl victim thank you dolores

you know amy this isn't a good time i'll

call you we'll do this upper bottom line

appreciate it thanks


i'll get the next one i know timelines

are present

you know i said it before john mickey

tully's on my squad he may be your

friend but he's not your problem

you reached out to the cop didn't you he

withdrew his complaint

would you offer him sergeant hinkle

wants to be part of the bureau i just

told him that i was a beat cop myself


that's a band-aid frank it is not from

tully's interest

you go ahead john you're going down

anyway i'm on my way up

of course books are dying it is easier

to watch

faces and hear the words come out that

is why i'm now on tv

hannah herself what rick

you call them back tell them they cannot

quit they are inconveniencing me greatly

my camera crew is defecting whatever

happened to responsibility annie

i may call you there can i and how was

your day

any interesting leads on your new king

you interviewed andre divas the sandman

oh i have interviewed a great many


but he was my triumph did you know he

was here in los angeles

was andre staying in that apartment you

spent three days with him in the eugene

it was the only interview he's ever


was it andre yes or no my dear why

not say it was please

and you want to understand him so did i

the first two days he spoke only of the

climate and his garden

i was beginning to sense a big failure

it was only due to my great skills as a

communicator that i was able to get him

to open up

to speak about his work to disrupt the

peace process

his work you mean assassination and

murder you are so american emmy

peace do you mean peace and quiet the

super power dream

andre does not want to be quiet he wants

to be heard

he speaks for anyone who does not have

an aircraft carrier

you disapprove well i'm objective i

don't take sides please eat something

andre divac is a coward who kills


i don't say that i believe what he is

doing is right

i say that you do not yet understand it

why the land news conference

who are his targets you ask me because i

think you know

i think that's why you're here oh then

what would you trade for that annie

is a woman really allowed to know

anything in this man's world

of your fbi this woman is huh

you can compete even with a husband and

a child to occupy

i'm separated no i understand

no no don't understand me so quickly

hannah i get it done i'll get this done

hello i did an interview with golda

meier a few years ago she spoke of this

how a woman must be much more capable

than a man in order to succeed and why

because we have children mrs mayer said

to me

a woman goes to her job she thinks about

her children she's at home she thinks

about the work she has to do

in her words such a struggle breaks out

in you your heart goes to pieces

i chose not to have that struggle and


my heart is fine easy

i congratulate you and i wish you luck

on your chase

what am i supposed to do guys it's on


he beat the patrol officer damn near to

death it took four backup cops to

wrestle him down this guy he's a whack

gallery he's on

he'll be on the red eye tonight to

chicago a full array of psych tests and

john i'm not unaware of his lack of

perspective on this

they booked him under his cover name he

didn't give up he was an agent for hours

lack of respect to dennis he is gone

fine okay

you got every right to say i told you so

does valerie know this

he's being released from lapd holding as

we speak

and i will call her as soon as we're

done here eight arrests

john grand jury indictments pending

perhaps an additional ten

damn it's what i'm just just wait what

i'm saying is it wasn't for naught

and everybody here is pulling from nikki

to come out the other but not dennis

it's a little tough to bureau

rationalization right now okay

i understand but you've got to let us

run it now

we got a ways to go with lapd on this

thing yeah

and who is us if you're asking whether

remar acted on his own and going to talk

to the cop

only partially oh that's comforting

bottom line is it's over john it's over

when nick tully is home

and acting like a human

that transfer is only issued at this


that's right yeah i've been driving this

route for 18 years

you know right here is where i used to

start coughing nail number 21.

back then you didn't you have to leave

the bus to light up everything's going

down the hill since the world quit

as far as i'm concerned look i've been

riding buses all day now i'm just

sitting here



turn around slowly


so what i've got is a list of the

delegates from the conference there's 30

of them and what i need from you

research people is a picture to go with


i know it's late george but i'm going to

be up all night too this is really

inside the fbi that's exactly how i feel

about you

hey thanks for all the stuff on the

conference you've really really been


what's it like to wear firearm all the

time does that bother you

no no it's actually cool

well god bless america amen

anything else you need for me

sandy scott

cindy i'm going to commit suicide now

because the last thing i want to do from

this point on is chase

picture files all night but that's

what's got to happen so i'm

looking in the eye i'm saying sunday

evening seven o'clock

i pick you up at your place we resume

this instant in time

as if nothing has happened between now

and then

i was glad to be of help if there's

anything else i can do just give me a


sunday oh sunday's not good name any day

next week

no plans are far ahead

if there is a god and if this god

truly loves us why did he create such


such different people how could he allow

such pain

then to me god doesn't need to explain

take these roses for instance

they bloom in spite of a sun that is far

too hot

why is that i can't explain

and yet these roses are here and they're


how'd you do the sidelines oh not too


check-in starts at one we only have a

couple hours to clear new guests

tremendous number of people coming and

going maids cleaning crews

hotels almost totally booked how many

empty rooms there's

six with balconies that face this way

all right add them to the reference


a long night huh i'm always in one it's

a good thing we know the shooter

i'd rather have the target

but you draw the line for this love of

feet there can be no

line don't cry sweetie please

don't cry i love you so much i'm gonna

come home soon i promise

i i promise

okay okay let me talk to grandma

mom no it's just he thought that i was

going to be there when he woke up and

and i'm not so

okay yes please tell him i love him

yeah give him give him um um you know

the toy the little car toy that with the

car wash he likes that

and beat me if he doesn't get any better


thanks uh-huh thanks

maybe i took this case for all the wrong


prove something to myself to prove that

uh i was good at something

you want office so i went off it

we think that there's going to be an

assassination in what like seven hours

and you're asking me if i want off it

that's right i wasn't gonna bother to

answer that

filled with enough self-doubt for one


annie don't be foolish enough to think

that i gave you this case strictly

because you asked for it

you're good at what you do here and as

far as i can tell

you're good at what you do at home too

if you change your mind let me know


ah you understand me but

you are also the sportsman

once very much the handsome football


is that me third from the left


hey nicky come on in i i don't want to

come into your office john i just wanted

to look at you see if you're for real

nick you've been another person for two

years plus you better cop into some

serious hurt

oh so uh that's what you do now you're

the goodie two shoes patrol

you know it's been a long time since

you've been under john maybe you lost a

sense of what that's like

i remember what it's like i know what

it's like to come in

feel like you don't belong nick you got

a family who misses you

and you got an organization here who

thinks you just might be disposable

yeah well now i get to go to chicago so

they can shine little lights into my

head and tell me that maybe i'm as

screwed up as you

one favor to ask john anything stay out

of my life

that means here and that means my family

scott have we got all the high wrist

spots covered

i've got tactical right from the east

and west to cover the arrival area it's

those balconies are worrying

i will have a response that stages

through the door or if necessary and

justify defensive fire

okay mal let's go up top and have a look


where'd you get that oh lansky just sent

out a bunch of inside out burgers

hey uh might have found some in the


burden huh let me ask you something you

hear anything going around about how she

thinks that she's being my training


no not me i'm never anything like that

hey you better grab one he's while you


you had an affair with the sandman

didn't you

i watched a tape of your interview 10

years ago i saw the way you two looked

at each other

10 macadamia nuts or i could send down

for some that's why he started to tell

you things because you slept with him

ten years ago in eternity annie he

tipped you off didn't you

that's why you came here you knew there

was going to be an assassination and you

want to get it on camera don't you

that's an exclusive thing the sandman's

career is on the slide he needs a big

headline right now and so do you

who's the target hannah i swear i'll

arrest you right now for conspiracy

you're fbi i'm a journalist i record

history i don't influence it

not even to save a life

you don't know what the target is do you

you just need a big story

and that gold in my ear and took me that

was in you i looked it up

plagiarism you are so scared and i know


if nothing happens at that conference

tomorrow the same man doesn't shoot

somebody down before our eyes

uh the room was logged as vacant but she

reported the card key disabled and

someone was in here

you did see him all right he was in here

maybe 10 minutes ago and he can use any

of these rooms take a look at the


how many banker rooms decide 17 total


get the list to start in robinson okay

come here a minute

yeah let's get one thing straight

i like the century i'm living in

whatever century that happens to be and

as long as i'm your training agent

that's the century you're going to be

living in

do you understand each other yes

on alpha private one by five

blue team position this is blue one

position secure

lapd what's your status this lapd

command had a perimeter in position and


this fbi


talk to us scott this is uh

alonzo decrete he's a newspaper guy from

lima peru and that's his wife with him

okay copy mal what do you say

balcony's clear okay reardon do you copy

nobody in or out lapd is shut off the

back streets we've secured the front


annie what do you think close security's

fine it's just the damn balconies

this is vice council hendrickson from

the uk is an expert in ireland

he's had threats before

i've got movement moving about me 15.

no wait no no wait it's a blouse

some ladies just trying to blouse

it's getting late

we're seeing nothing scanning still


nothing at all whatever you're thinking

annie it doesn't matter if it makes


i want whatever's in my head of yours


hannah needs a shooter maybe she knows

the target maybe she doesn't but the

sandman told her he's coming here i'm


so you want me to pull her out of here

no i'm watching her i just don't get

this i mean

hannah needs publicity right the same

man needs publicity so why do they come

here what is here

thoughts i watch his tape i watch this

videotape over and over

it's all about publicity how to make the


how to use the press uh who can you kill

to get the world's attention

still scanning a position once we're

clear at the hotel

the balconies report balconies

coat middle driveway going for his


check his hands check his hands what are

you doing hey

it's okay it's okay officer

mal wait a minute no i got nothing up


this next car is professor amir he's the

likeliest one

he doesn't move too fast he's got a lamp

heads up everybody

mal no i gotta end up here

hannah's moving in

keep your eyes open

professor amir are you aware that this

conference is being stalked by an

assassin and that you are the target

mal i want a running report sir i can't

see and you can't still scanning

are you really willing to give your life

at the course of peace in troubled


well frankly i was hoping for a better

turnout still scanning seeing nothing

as you can see i'm no longer a very

strong draw the media presence is

confined to you

don't worry i have a satellite hookup my

audience is 10 million people

well then i should be interviewing you


john it's not a mirror because today the

media is the peace process

not one single individual first

i've got a black bass valet parker

hannah get down

where somebody talk to me

that's best



what's the matter miss you bus

get your hands up

we got him oh dorado

she claims you were shooting at her but

it was professor of near wasn't it

hannah's alive yes mr d back she's alive

and she's giving interviews

that you're out of style she says now

it's all bombs and rocket attacks from

afar that you were the last lone


she knows me well several terrorism

experts have said they're surprised to

allow yourself to be taken

what now mr d back no i stand my trial

a lengthy one you say you believe in god

what would your god say about what

you've done

it's not my god i'll be talking to now

it's all of you and this time you'll

listen for it before you would know

hi mom all right honey

and you hey sweet boy what are you doing

up huh

come on let's go oh it's so

good oh goodness

getting heavy

pretty soon you're gonna be carrying me

to bed
