Bones (2005–2017): Season 8, Episode 24 - The Secret in the Siege - full transcript

When evil tech genius Christopher Pelant returns to toy with the Jeffersonian team in their newest investigation, they discover that the string of murders that have been occurring are tied ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously.
- [Angela Screams]

3 I m not a criminal.
I'm a “hacktivist.”

Christopher Pelant-
socially marginalized,

I.Q. off the charts.

He's not a hacker anymore.
Now he's a murderer.

[ Booth ]
First victim was Carol Morissey.

Next, there was Inger Johannsen
and Ezra Krane.

- Then we have Ethan Sawyer.
- He's escalating.

Pelant is targeting us. We have to hit
him back now before one of us is dead.

That big brain of yours
isn't much help now, hmm?

- [ Grunts ]
- [Glass Shatters]

- [Tires Screeching ]
- [ Gunshot]

Pelant is still out there. We're still
waiting for him to make the next move.

[ Computer Beeps ]

[ Beeping ]

Well, they were
out of jerky.

How come they're only out of
jerky when you go shopping?


You do realize
I know that you're lying.

I know.

Oh! Look at this!
Come on. Sweet.

Kalo the hula goddess,

Mom and Reggie got this for us on their
trip from Hawaii on their honeymoon.

There's no goddess Kalo in
the Hawaiian pantheon of gods.

Kalo the hula goddess.

It says so right here
on the lamp.

Don't look at her
like that, okay?

You can have my jerky, but you're not getting Kalo.
Mmm. They sent a picture.

They look really happy.

Marriage is starting
to look good on you.

No, I am not going to propose to
you, if that's what you're thinking.

that moment looks good,

but nobody can guarantee how they're gonna
feel about someone 1 O years from now.

Oh. So you don't know how you're going
to feel about me in 1O years? Really?

Recent research suggests...

that cycles of attraction
might run as few as four years-

just long enough to raise
a child through infancy.

Then why did you catch the
bouquet at my mother's wedding?

It was reflexive. You know
what Sweets would say?

He would say that it proves that there's
an unconscious desire to get married.


I love you, Booth.

All right.
Isn't that enough?

Yeah, it's enough.

But you know what? You never
were good at catch before.

- [Cell Phone Rings]
- What? What?

You didn't warn me!
I'm usually good at that.

All right, hold on.

Yeah, she's right here.

Okay. We're on our way. Rangers found
a body at Hamilton State Park.

You try catching that.

That's 'cause I-
I gave you a good throw.

[ Insects Buzzing ]

Face it. Normally, you can't
catch to save your life.

No, that is not true.
Thank you.

I have excellent
hand-eye coordination.

If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to
reassemble human skeletons. Come on.

Bones always go back in the same place.
Well, just try me again.

I'll show you. Well, there's
no bouquets around here.

Very funny.

[ Booth ]
So, what do we got?

[Saroyan ] The trail's been
closed for two months.

It just reopened today. That's
when the rangers saw the remains.

[ Booth ] Wow. Looks like
he's been here for a while.

Animal scavenging is the reason
why most of the tissue is gone.

Based on the size of the blowfly larvae, I'd say
our victim's only been dead about five days.

Projectile trauma to
the base of the occipital.

- His face was blown off.
- Multiple gunshots.

Okay, I think we're safe
calling this one a murder.

Gonial angle of the mandible
indicates the victim was male.

The wear on his teeth shows
that he was in his mid-50s.

Caucasian, from
the shape of the palate.

At least one shot was taken
at the picnic table.

Blood soaked into the wood,
and we found a slug.

That makes me rethink the picnic
Ange and I were planning.

Okay, the gunman approaches
the victim, he takes a shot,

the victim runs away, the gunman
keeps shooting until the guy's dead.

- It's real simple, guys.
- I'm not sure how necessary all these other shots were.

He would have died instantly
from this one.

Whoever did this
knew what they were doing.

I hate dealing with hit men.

Got another one.

That brings us
up to seven so far.

You think there was more
than one shooter?

Idle speculation
until the bones are clean.

There's another entry point
on the left iliac crest.

His pelvis and the right fourth rib
show other gunshot injuries,

remodeled, probably
eight to 1O years old.

So this isn't the first time he's
been used for target practice.

Maybe someone's just finishing off
what they started 1 O years ago.

Talk about a grudge.

I'm gonna start
a facial reconstruction.


He was shot 12 times. Ballistics said the
killer used a U.S.P. nine-millimeter.

That's a weapon of choice
for a pro.

There's no evidence the victim
was eating at the picnic table,

which means he was probably
lured there somehow.

It's just-


Okay, Dr. Brennan said the kill shot was
delivered at the picnic table, right?

So the victim didn't run.

So you're saying that he was left there
knowing that we would find him.


I did a paper on pathological
narcissism for my doctorate.

Now, it focused on the killer's
need to display his handiwork.

It's-it's a mixture of pride
and a need for attention.

Pelant. It's been a
while since I read it,

so I need to take a look,

but some of the details
of this body find seem very familiar.

Come on, Sweets.
Do I have to say this again?

I can't be sure,
but it's possible.

[ Ringing ]


I got a hit off my facial reconstruction
from the F.B.I. database.

- Turns out, he's a retired-
- Yeah, I know.

Yeah. That's
Alan Friedlander.

You knew him ?

Alan and I were, uh-
we were partners...

when I first started out.

When was the last time you saw him?
It was at his retirement party.

You know what?
Alan was a good man.

All right? Pelant doesn't do something
like this and get away with it.

It never feels good
to lose one of our own.

The best way
to honor Friedlander...

is to apprehend the person
who did this to him.

And you think it could be Pelant?

But it could be someone else.
We don't want to rule out anything.

And the U.S. Attorney's
office- meaning me-

will be here to clear warrants,
dig up documents,

do your laundry if need be.

Whatever it takes
to help you out.

Look, Friedlander
wasn't married.

He didn't have any
living relatives.

So we got to start by looking
through his case files.

I'm putting together a list of every
miscreant Friedlander put away...

who's now back
out on the street.

Wouldn't be the first time
some degenerate wanted revenge.

Great. Any questions?

Group one covers the park. Group
two, arrests and convictions.

Group three, personal life. Agent Walters, I
want you here to set up the command station.

Let's do this, people.

I want to be in the field,

I need you here to
coordinate everything.

Alan was a friend.

And you could help him best from here.
You don't trust me out there?

If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't
be working this case at all.

Stay here and set up the command station.
I need you here.

After I cleaned the desiccated
tissue from the ulna, I saw these.

Puncture marks.

There was no I.D. on him
of any kind.

But everything else is intact.

I mean, watch, ring, money.

I'm telling you, if Pelant did this,
he wanted us to find the remains.

There are similar puncture wounds
on the tibia and humerus.

Animal scavenging?

The Harris lines suggest that
these are all 1O years old.

Around the last time
he was shot.

Have his medical records
been sent over yet?

[ Saroyan ] They
should be here by now.

This looks like
an attack by a dog.

There's no dog attack
in his records,

and nothing about the shooting
injuries from 1O years ago.

You think Pelant changed
his medical records?


I went back to look at the doctoral paper I wrote.
Something was bothering me.

Look at the example I used to explore
compensatory narcissistic disorder.

It was-
Yeah, it was similar.

You already said that.
Just cut to the chase.

More than just similar. I
highlighted the section. Look.

- You wrote this?
- Yeah.

“The assailant dragged the remains
onto a hiking trail...

that was reopening
from a picnic area.”

That's more than
a coincidence, cher.

This wasn't published. I think Pelant
hacked into my files or something.

[Cell Phone Rings]

Yeah. I'm on my way.

- Another agent's down.
- [ Sighs ]

[Siren Blares]

It's Jeff Stone.
He's dead.

What the hell
are you doing here?

I was having lunch a couple of
blocks away when the call came in.

You think I should have stayed
there to finish my sandwich?

Just give me a hard perimeter
five blocks out.

Secure every metro
entrance and on-ramp.

All right.

Agent Booth.
There's a witness.

All right.

[ Man ] There you go.
I'll get the gurney.

Are you okay?

Is there someone
we can call?

No, I'm okay.

But he knocked me down
when he ran away.

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

That man back there-

What happened? That's why
we need your help, okay?

The person who knocked you down-
what did he look like? [ Exhales]

I remember, um, a hat.

And he had a tattoo on his arm.
It was, uh-

It was like, uh, a knife
or a dagger or something.

All right.
I don't know.

- [Walters] Booth.
- Yeah?

You should have a look.

All right, listen, um-

Agent Kenney here is gonna take
the rest of your statement, okay?

If there's anything you can
think of in the future, call me.

That's my card.
All right?

We found this ski hat
in the trash.

It could belong to our shooter.

[Cell Phone Rings]
All right. Hold on.


[ Pelant ] You're not going
to find him, Agent Booth.

Where are you?

Well, pretty much
anywhere I want to be.

With that tour group.

Camera on top of the museum.

The cell phone that woman
in the green sweater is using.

What do you want this time?

You, uh- You crossed a line
when you shot me, Agent Booth.

I thought- lthough! we were
working so well together.

I never did anything
to hurt you guys.

You think this is some kind of a game?
of course.

Now the rules have changed.

[ Line Disconnects]

[ Brennan ] Shot to the base of the
occipital, just like the previous victim.

And multiple shots
to the rest of the body.

Well, Pelant doesn't
do anything randomly.

I'll upload these photos and see if
the wounds match the previous set.

just like the other victim.

Probably from the same U.S.P.

Booth should know about this. Can
you call him on a burner cell?

I told Booth we should stay on the
grid- computers, phones, everything.

But Pelant will find a way in.
[Angela ] I know.

And when he does,
I'll be able to track him.

Maybe you should ask Booth
to remove himself from the case.

I couldn't.
That's his decision.

It's Pelant, and he's
targeting F.B.l.- No.

We need Booth to get Pelant. There's
no one better. You both know that.

Please tell Booth about the bullets.

There are remodeled injuries
to the right tibia.

Oh, I-l should do that.

I already am.

Okay, well,
then I'll help.

[ Brennan ]
Bites from a dog.

Same Harris lines.

This injury is from 1O years
ago, just like Friedlander's.

And his records from
that time are missing too.

Crystal Creek? That was in
West Virginia 1 O years ago.

Friedlander and Stone were
attacked by their guard dogs...

the day that we stormed the compound.
Why wasn't that in his files?

Or the gunshot wounds?

The files of the agents that were injured
that day were moved to a secure location.

Does that sweet doctor of yours know
you were at Crystal Creek too?

That's something you don't talk
about if you don't have to.

All right, so what,
is Pelant getting political?

So you think Pelant is getting
political, killing agents for revenge?

No, Pelant's
not killing anyone.

He's working through
a surrogate.

A few years ago,
I wrote an analysis...

involving the pathology of
manipulation and victim vulnerability.

Okay, just speak so we don't need an interpreter.
It's pretty simple.

There were survivors
at the compound.

Children who saw their
parents and siblings die.

That's a wound
that never heals.

Any one of them's a perfect target for Pelant.
He guarantees revenge.

I'm sure Pelant says

Because that's what
you say in your paper?


Pelant's using my work
against us.

Fortunately, I'm more
familiar with it than he is.

You hope, cher.


I tried to retrieve surveillance
video from the crime scene,

but all the cameras feed into central
servers that were wiped clean.

So Pelant can access
any security camera?

Yeah, any one with
an Internet connection.

How about you?
Yeah, yeah.

Yellow Poplar pollen places the hat in the Blue
Ridge mountain range near the Quirauk Peak.

That's an area that covers
about 10,000 square miles.

Pelant's laughing at us
right now.

Hey, we're gonna get him, Hodgins.
You know that we will.

I should've killed him
when I had the chance.

These men, the new victims-
they're my fault.

No, honey, they're not.

Just- I-l got to sort
through this garbage.

Listen, if you need anything,
just ask me, okay?


[ Sighs ]

You should've told me.

I did. As soon as it mattered.
You could be the next target.

Come on, Bones. You're the logical one.
That's too easy for Pelant.

I just know that men are dying.
Men like you.

I am not going to die.

Sweets says that Pelant sees this as a game.
That is why he called me.

He called to say that
the rules were changing.

Yeah, okay. If I'm gone and you're
gone, then the game is over.

We have to focus on winning. He's
just trying to throw us off.

We're smarter than he is.
Well, you're smarter.

Look, you're the smartest
person in the world.

Ever. I mean, since
the beginning of time.

It's true.

Except for that one guy- Gary from old-time Greece.
He was smarter than you.

[ Chuckles ]

You are not allowed to die.

Do you understand?

I understand.


[ Sighs ]

Has the F.B.l. kept track of
the Crystal Creek survivors?

No. Most were kids,
so they had no cause.

Plus, with all the lawsuits
and conspiracy theories,

they don't want the public to
think they were spying, you know?

Yeah, and Pelant knew all that, so
his surrogate wouldn't be traceable.

But I have indicators and key words we can
use to screen for potential candidates.

Well, I imagine we'd start with “Crystal
Creek,” “cover-up” and “F.B.l.”

And “violation of rights.”

This person is terrified that their
parents' fate might be theirs.

Wasn't Crystal Creek
a religious cult?

That's next.
Input “sin” and “wicked.”

Yeah, I'll try
“Judas” and “wrath.”


No, that's not how he'll see it.
He's seeking justice.

If he's using my research,

Pelant has made the surrogate
the hero of his own story.

Okay, “justice” it is.

He's in
the Blue Ridge Mountains.

That's where the particulates
on the hat came from.

And look at his tattoo.

[ Sweets ]
That's him.

Surveillance has him.

He's leaving his cabin and
getting into an old truck.

- And he's armed, Booth.
- No surprise. What kind of weapon?

I can't tell.
Could be a rifle or a shotgun.

Also, he's wearing a vest, so he could
have grenades or other firearms.

Look, Reynolds is armed
and he's on his way.

Suspect is approaching.

200 yards, due east now.

[ Booth ]
Got him.

No one takes any shots
till you get my signal.

I repeat,
no one takes any shots.

We need him alive
in order to get to Pelant.

[ Brakes Screeching ]

[Chattering ]

I'm gonna tell you once and only
once- get the hell off my land.

Oh, now, I don't want
any trouble here, sir.

You see, we have a work order, and, uh, I got
a road that's coming right through here.

So you sure this is your land? My grandfather
left it to me, so, yeah, I'm sure.

- Now head out.
- There's no need to point the weapon at me.

This will stay pointed
until you all leave.

Okay, great.

If you could point out
on the map where you are-

[Gun Cocks] You are a special
kind of stupid, aren't you?

Don't you see
what I'm holding?

Don't want any trouble
here, Zane.

What the hell is this?

- Move.
- Move? This is my land!

[Man ] Go! Go, go! [ Man On
Radio ] All teams go. Go.

- G o, g o!
- [ Rad/o Transmission, Ind/s t/ncz' ]

[ Man On Radio]
Copy. We have a visual.

[ Booth ]
Just relax.

Just want to talk.
That's all.

You know,
I'm willing to die.

Haven't enough people
died already?

[ Gunshot]

Not yet. Not before you
tell us about Pelant.

Look, we got a witness who saw your tattoo.
I hope he liked it.

You got the blood of two F.B.l.
agents on your hands. Two of 'em!

You're the one with blood on his hands- the
blood of 94 of my brothers and sisters.

Mr. Reynolds, I understand
the rage you must feel.

- You suffered a great loss at the hands of the federal-
- Save it!

Only God himself understands me, and
he is the only authority I answer to.

Did Pelant contact you
through a church?

Maybe you share
a religious conviction?

My relationship with the
Almighty is between me and him.

- I don't need any church.
- Look, listen to me.

I don't know what Pelant has told you,
but seven people have been killed.

You lost your parents
at Crystal Creek, Zane.

That shouldn't
have happened, okay?

But now you can do the right thing, make
sure that no other innocent people die.

Pelant is using you.
You're better than that.

You said those two F.B.l. agents
were at Crystal Creek?

That means the Lord himself
condemned them.

I only wish I was the guy
he used to pull the trigger.

Hey, kiddo.

I understand how difficult it must
be to keep seeing me like this.

Just know that I love you.

And the person sending
these videos to you-

[Altered Voice] is a good
and trusted fi/'eno'.

If you want to show
your love for me,

honor me and my work,
you '// keep doing what' he asks.

[ Normal Voice ]
Proud of you, kiddo.

Reynolds has an alibi that checks out, all right?
He was at a gun show.

Whoever the killer is has to have
a connection to Crystal Creek.

I hate to say it, but we should look
into the other agents that were there.

So you think Pelant has his
claws into one of our own?

Well, evidence suggests that the
victims knew their assailant.

That's how he was able
to get so close.

I'm getting all the F.B.l.
files unsealed, all right?

Get them to you and the squints
in less than an hour. Thank you.

Um, I don't want you
to worry, Agent Booth.

About what? You just
saying that got me worried.

I don't believe Pelant
wants to kill you.

He didn't sound like that
on the phone.

He has no one else
in his life except us.

That's why the victims are
always outside of the group.

Right. Was that in
one of your papers too?

You don't think I feel
bad enough about this?

About the fact that Pelant's
using my work against us?

I'm doing the best I can to
stay ahead of him, all right?

Right, relax. We're all just wound up
a little tight. All right? I'm sorry.

[Cell Phone Rings]


Bones! Hey. Whoa.
Are you okay?

I wanted
to give you this.

Jerky? I should have
bought it for you before.

If you like it, I-
I want you to have it.

I want you to be happy.
That's all I want.

What's this about?
Okay, look, I'm gonna be fine.

I know.
I mean, I don't know.

And neither of us know.
We hope.

I mean, I could be the target, or
you could die of a heart attack,

or I could get hit by a bus.

Just slow down for a second.
Just- Will you just slow down?

The point is...

I want to marry you.

Will you marry me, Booth?

Are you serious?


I've been afraid.

I've been stubborn.

And I've been in love.

And marriage would
make you so happy.

Are you sure?

You're not just saying this because of
Pelant and everything that's going on here?


All this just made me
see things more clearly.

I love you.

I want you to be my husband.
I want to-

I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.

Say something.


Of course. Yes.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Brennan, Distorted ] I want
you to be my husband. I-

I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.

[ Booth, Distorted ]
Yes. Of course. Yes.

I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.

Yes. Of course. Yes.

[ Brennan] I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.

[ Booth ]
Yes. Of course. Yes.

I was reexamining the bullet wounds to see
if there's any pattern to the injuries.

Angela and Hodgins are looking for any
kind of code using cryptological analysis.

I don't think that's necessary.
But you just said-

I believe Pelant wants us to believe it is a
complex code, but it's actually quite simple.

What kind of bullets were the victims shot with?
Copperjacket, lead core.

You see these two slit-like
exit wounds in the scapula?

I originally believed they came
from two different shots,

but they have
no marginal abrasions.

So the copper jacket separated from the lead
core after the bullet entered the body.

One bullet,
two exit wounds.

Agent Friedlander
wasn't shot 12 times.

Which means both victims
were shot 11 times.

And with Pelant involved,
that can't be a coincidence.

Hey, where have you been? I was worried about you.
I've been here, working.

Not an hour ago, I-l was looking for you.
I- Oh, I was with Booth.

Oh. I thought that Pelant
had taken you or something.

I was asking him
to marry me.


- I was asking Booth to marry me.
- Oh, my God.

Sweetie. Congratulations.
That- That's wonderful news.

Odd timing,
but w-wonderful.

Yeah. Wait a minute.
Why now?

What happened?
And this is crazy and great.

I used simple
evidence-based logic.

When I thought about living with
Booth for the rest of my life,

my phenylethylamine and ghrelin levels
were clearly elevated, but-

You can just say
it felt right.

It did. it does.

It's clearly irrational,

but I feel I could never find a
better man to spend my life with.

And I'm-
[ Chuckles ]


[ Chuckles ]

And I thought that should be
recorded for the world to know.

I also discovered what ties
these murders together.

- Wait, that's it for the-the marriage thing?
- You expected more?

Both victims were shot
11 times, deliberately.

What we thought was a 12th shot
was a bullet separating in the body.

A simple numerical repetition.
It's-it's too simple for Pelant.

Which is why
we overlooked it.

So what ties the F.B.l., Crystal Creek
and the number 11 together then?

That's what
we need to find out.

Perhaps first you can see if Booth
has any link to the number 11.


I don't believe Pelant's
surrogates an agent.

You realize you've been changing your
mind about this every two seconds.

I know, I know. But he's using bits and
pieces from over 1O papers I've written.

He wants me to be disoriented,
but I'm positive about this.

You're positive? I didn't think shrinks
could be positive about anything.

Another paper of mine
he's referencing...

focuses on the indices of abnormal
adolescent and postadolescent behavior.

Wait a second.

Kid again? That's what
led us to Zane Reynolds.

Right. But Reynolds had the
ability to channel his rage.

He-He built a new identity for
himself so that he could-

You're smiling.

Why are you smiling?

This is not appropriate.

Bones just asked me
to marry her.

What? Really?

Yes, and she did it
with jerky.

I'm not gonna ask.

No, beef jerky. Come on.
Who does that? She's amazing.

I don't know what that means
still, but congratulations.

I know.
That's- Oh, man.

One thing to keep in mind.


The two of you getting engaged
with Pelant active-

he needs to feel
he's the most important.

Okay, well, that's his
problem, not mine. Right.

I'm just saying, psychologically,
he can't accept being replaced-

it could cause him
to escalate.

It could cause him to slip up too.
Let me just tell you something, Sweets.

I've been waiting for this moment for a
long, long time, and it's finally here.

There's no way that Pelant's
gonna take that away from me.

We've been looking
in the wrong place.

It wasn't someone avenging the deaths of the
people in that compound in Crystal Creek.

Well, who else would want
to murder those agents?

A child of one of the agents
who was killed there.

Three of the agents
were killed that day.

One of them was shot 11 times, including
once to the back of the head,

just like our two victims.

His name is Harris Samuels.

I got his F.B.l. file, and there are a ton
of details about his family in there.

They do that in case the family wants protection.
He's a single father.

His daughter, Anna, was orphaned after
he was killed at Crystal Creek.

Yeah, he used to take her hunting, right?
Taught her to shoot.

She was a marksman first-class
by the time she was 10.

And she blames the F.B.l.
for his death?

The files were sealed...

because there was so much controversy
surrounding the assault.

Conspiracy groups think that the
agents died from friendly fire,

eventhough hwoindependent

Proved that they died because
of shots from the compound.

It might not matter to Anna.

Three years after
her father was killed,

she was institutionalized
for over a year.

Something called
“complex grief disorder.”

Sweets said that if Pelant
gets ahold of these files,

he could make her do anything if she
thought it would avenge her father.

Since she's so sweet-looking, no
one would suspect she's a killer.

If you're seeing this video,
sweetheart, it's almost over.

[Altered Voice] The contact should
have already given you instructions.

I love you more than
I can say for doing this.

Even though I'm gone,

I know I am the luckiest man in the
world to have a daughter like you.

I'm proud of you, kiddo.

[ Beeping ]

Agent Booth. This is Allison
Taylor from the murder scene.

I need to talk to you,
right away.

We found the surrogate
Pelant is using.

It's the daughter of an agent
who was killed at Crystal Creek.

Harris Samuels.

Walters, look up
Agent Harris Samuels.

See what you have
on his daughter.

Apparently, she's the shooter.
You got it.

[ Brennan ]
Can I speak to Booth?

Booth isn't here, chér/e.
He went to meet a witness.

- Where?
- He didn't say.

- Well, is Sweets there?
- He went to meet Booth, help with the questioning.

Oh, my God.
Anna Samuels.

She's the witness.
That's who Booth went to meet.

She's calling herself
Allison Taylor.

Call Booth, Caroline,
warn him.

I couldn't get through
to Sweets either.

Don't you worry, chér/e.
We're on it.

Get to that girl's place. See if there's
anything there to lead us to Booth.

And keep a line open
to the squints.

They might need something
in there too.

Excuse me, sir.
You got any phone service?

Nah, it's weird.
It's usually pretty good here.

[Angela ]
Find and secure her computer.

The information that we need
is going to be on her computer.

Got it, ma'am.

Now send me an e-mail so I can get her I.P.
address and hack in.

And don't ever
call me “ma'am” again.

I'm in.

You guys,
tear this place apart.

- Let's go!
- [ Chattering 1

[ Beeping ]

[ Horns Honking ]

Ah, come on.
[ Horns Honking ]

[ People Muttering ]
[ Horns Honking ]

Hey, sweetheart,
if you're watching this-

That's her father. I can't reach Sweets.
He must be stuck in traffic.

Metro said it's gridlocked downtown
and cell service is knocked out.

That's... Samuels.

Yeah. He must have made this
before he was killed.

It's important for you to know
Crystal Creek was a setup.

They massacred those people to prove the
government's power and to stifle dissent.

And the fact that you're watching
this means I wasn't able to stop it.

Well, the conspiracy theories
were right.

Booth would never cover up anything.
[ Hodgins ] Of course not.

'Cause this is not her father.

What are you talking about?
We have pictures, video footage.

Look outside.
All right, on the swing set.

Angie, can you zoom in
on that bird?

That is a Eurasian collared dove.

That bird didn't even migrate to the tristate
area until 2008. Harris died in 2003.

[Angela ] Hodgins is right.
The pixels don't match.

[ Saroyan ] Pelant is sending
these videos to her.

[ Hodgins] And she thinks
they're really from her father.

Search her drive to see
how she gets instructions.

It's the only way to find out where Booth
is and what she's planning to do next.

[ Horns Honking ]

[Angela ] Hey, I've got something.
It's decrypting.

If I know Pelant, this
is gonna get his attention.

Oh, God.

[ Saroyan ]


- Sweets.
- Booth isn't the target. Pelant's going after Sweets.

That's why Pelant has
Sweets stuck in traffic.

It makes him an easy target.
[ Hodgins] Hold on. Hold on.

How do we know this isn't
just another elaborate decoy?

[ Beeping ] [Angela
] No, it's not.

This is why I wanted to stay
online. I lured him in.

He is infiltrating
the system now,

reversing the decryption to make
it look like Booth is the target.

[ Muttering ]

[ Horns Honking ]

[Tapping Number Pad ]

What's going on, Bones?

You're all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,
but Sweets never showed up.

Traffic. Angela said that Pelant
hacked the lights.

You were supposed to meet the
shooter, but' you're just' a decoy.

- The target is Sweets.
- Where's Sweets?

[Angela ] I'm doing a recognition
search for his car now.

[ Beeping ]

[Angela ] Got him. He's
at Harding and Avenue H.

The witness you were going
to meet- she's the shooter.

All right, look, send a chopper in.
[Angela ] Can 't.

Pelant scrambled
the guidance systems.

He's knocked out radio
communications, cell service.

Look, I'm close. I can get there.
Sweets does not die today.

I have to go.
You can't.

No, he is out there alone.

There's a shooter.
I'm his partner.

Watch out, buddy!

[ Man ] What the hell, lady?
[ Horns Honking ]

[Whistle Blows]
[ Man Shouting ]

[ Horns Honking ]

[ Horns Honking ]

[ Man ]

[ Man ]
Get off of there!

- [ Man ] Idiot! - My car!

[Woman ]
Watch it!

[ Man ]
Hey, heY!

[ Horns Honking ]

[Woman ]
What is he doing?

Sweets! Sweets!


- [ Gunshot]
- [ People Screaming ]


Got her.
[Gun Cocks]

[ Brennan ]


You Okay?

I'm okay.

[ Caroline ]
Pelant is worse than ever.

Preying on a wounded child
like that.

All right. Angela said Pelant shut down
his entire network. He's off the grid.

For now.
We'll take what we can get.

- What about the girl? She talking?
- It's gonna take some time.

Well, you know what? If anyone can get her
to lead us to Pelant, it's our shrink.

You hear that, sweetie bird?
You're the man. Don't blow it.

I hate to cut short a meeting with
my sixth and eighth favorite people,

but I got a date
with my first favorite.

Damn right you do. You two got to
go practice the marriage dance.


What's the marriage dance?

Oh, I get it.

I thought you'd want
some weird tribal wedding,

and I'd have to pay for you
in giraffes.

No. No one offers giraffes.

The archaic Catholic wedding ritual
is important to you.

And even as an atheist, I can see the beauty in it.
Plus, I speak Latin.

[Speaking Latin ]

I don't think they use Latin anymore, Bones.
[Cell Phone Rings]

That's an old language,

- I'm not sure she understood me.
- It's an old language. She doesn't get it.

Hold on.

[ Pelant] You won't
marry her, Agent Booth.

It's Mom.
Say hi.

You don't get
to decide that.

But I do.
I always make the decisions.

And Dr. Brennan can't know the
reason why you're turning her down.

- If you tell her, I'll know.
- We're done here.

If you ignore me, you'll be responsible
for the deaths of five innocent people-

the teenager with
the green shin' and headphones,

couple on the bench,

the old man playing chess
by himself.

You know, I'm gonna find you
and I'm gonna kill you.

You've already tried. See, I-l
really do decide what happens next.

And this will happen too,

maybe because
I've read everything...

Dr. Sweets has written
about you and Dr. Brennan.

I know you could never trade five
innocent lives for your own happiness.

Don't be upset,
Agent Booth, please.

L-it's- I feel all of us
are closer than ever now.

I will kill you.

[ Man: Ballad ]
♪ Oh, if! had my way ♪

♪ I would ♪

♪ Never let you down ♪

♪ I 'II take the long way ♪

♪ If it's a long way ♪

♪ A long way down ♪

♪ Oh, OIL/U'

[ Brennan ] ls Christine asleep?

Angela gave me
this magazine. I-

I don't understand why all these
women are wearing white dresses.

There's no way
they're all virgins.


Something the matter?

Yeah. We need to talk.


About the wedding.
About us getting married.

Oh, the ceremony. That doesn't matter to me.
And I won't be wearing white.

I don't think
we should do it.

I should've thought
this through before.

But this is what you wanted.

But you didn't.

But I do now.

I love you and-
and want to marry you.

Because we've been
under so much pressure.

I mean, that's... really
what's going on here.

I mean, like you said, it's-
it's just a piece of paper.

What we have already
is enough.

You're right.
You're right.

And it's been
a stressful time.

And, urn,

I'm impressed that you're finally
seeing things from my perspective.


Do you, uh-
Do you want to order in?

I can make some sauce.
I'm not really hungry.

I'm just gonna go upstairs
and read for a bit.

I'm not hungry either.

But, Bones.


We're okay, right?

[ Sighs ]

Of course.


[ Sighs ]

What's that mean?