Big Sky (1997–1999): Season 1, Episode 14 - Mortal Stakes - full transcript

Jimbo and Lexie take shots of a waterfront mansion. Next door, a politically sensitive meeting is taking place. Later, the Big Sky office, Lexie's and Jimbo's flats are all ransacked, and the photos stolen. Fortunately Lexie has made copies, and she and Jimbo study them to see what makes them so hot.

(Gentle music)

- [Lexie] Beautiful, isn't it?

- No matter how many times I go away,

I always come back, and it's beautiful.

Does that make sense?

- No, but I know what you mean, anyway.

Sydney center, Juliet Oscar
Charlie, maintaining 1,000

with runway in sight.

- [Controller] Juliet Oscar
Charlie, you are number one

for runway 07.

- If you discovered your
girlfriend's budgie had died,

would you, a, tell her, and
offer her a shoulder to cry on.

B, let her discover it herself

and steer clear for a few days.

C, buy a replacement and
hope she doesn't notice.

Well, b, obviously.

- What, let her find out for herself?

Yeah, you would.

- Well, I didn't kill it.

- Well, if you choose b,
you may as well have.

- This is bizarre, why
do you read this?

- I promise you, stealing
sunglasses isn't my style.

- You can have them if
you really want them.

- No, they don't suit me.

- Are you sure?

I can offer nothing, anyway.


Well, thanks, guys, I believe I owe.

- How was your flight?

- Terrific.

Your pilots are a nice change
from fat guys with epaulets.

- Well, I'm the only one,
but we're working on it,

aren't we, Shay?

- [Shay] We are.

- Are you a pilot, mate?

So how many more of you are there?

- Eight.

- Well, if you include
Ando, which I don't.

- Have you got a guy
called Gibbs, Scott Gibbs?

(Suspenseful music)

- What are you doing here?

- I booked a flight.

Thought you might be the
pilot, I'd surprise you.

- Okay, I'm surprised, now get out.

- Hey, Scott, it's water
under the fridge.

Come on, mate.

- Piss off, Dennis.

- Scott.

I'd better sign for my flight, huh?


It was a nice flight.

- Any time.

- So, uh.

Who is he?

- He's my father.

(Haunting music)

(Phone ringing)

- Mrs. masters?

- Yes, that's right.

- Yeah, hi, Lauren Allen,
we spoke on the phone.

- Oh, yes, hi.

- Chris?

Uh, this is Chris
manning, our chief pilot.

Gillian masters.

- Hi.

- Hello.

- [Lauren] Chris is gonna take
you for your first lesson.

- Oh, well, I'm not quite
ready yet, I've...

- It's okay, I explained.

He'll wrap you in cotton wool.

- You'll be fine once
you're in the air.

- Well, here goes.

- I'm just saying, he seemed
like such a nice guy.

- And I'm just saying
you wouldn't know.

Anyways, it's none of your business.

- Yeah, okay, sorry.

- Anyway, he's gone now,
let's just forget it.

- He's coming back.

He's booked a flight for
two, and he's asked for you.

- No way.

You drive him, I won't.

- Okay, let's run through
the checklist first.

- All right.

- It's in there.

- Oh, sorry.

- [Chris] Okay, let's go from the top.

Switches off?

- Yes.

- Throttle closed?

- It is.
- Handbrake on?

- Sorry, what did you say?

- The handbrake, is it on?

- Oh, right, um, yes.

- Okay, set the mix to rich,
and crank the throttle.

You sure that's the mixture?

- Sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous
I can barely think straight.

- It's okay.

I know you're nervous,
but it's all right.

- Well, maybe this is
not such a good idea.

Maybe I should just go home.

- No backing out now.

You sure you wanna do
it in a twin engine?

- Yeah, yeah, this is
what I started on,

but I haven't done a proper
landing yet, I'm really sorry.

- Stop apologizing.

How long since you've flown?

- 19 years.

- Wow.

That's a while between takeoffs.

What happened?

- Oh.

Kids, marriage, mortgage, you know.

- Oh, life, you mean.

- Yeah.

And now it's time to
do something for me.

- [Dennis] And is he a good pilot?

- [Lexie] He's terrific.

- [Dennis] He's a lot more
together than I was at his age.

Hell, I had a five-year-old, no job,

and about three cents in the bank.

- Scotty!

- Scott, hi.

Speak of the devil.

Come on, come and join us.

- She's not your type, Dennis.

(Tense music)

- Sorry about that.

- I've never seen him like this.

- He's a lot like his mother.

(Energetic music)


That is one very nice
piece of real estate.

- Is that what you're into?

- That's what this is all about.

- Well, why don't we land so
you can really check it out?

- Oh, no no, this is great.

Tell me, how far do you think it is

from the front door of the
resort to the landing strip?

- Four k's, maybe just under.

Do you mind if I ask you something?

- No, not at all.

- What's the problem
between you and Scotty?

- Why do you ask?

- He's my friend.

- [Chris] Okay, you're doing fine.

Just ease off on the mixture.

- [Gillian] Enough?

- Ah, a bit more.

- Sorry.

- Eh, perfect.

(Breathing deeply)

This is life.

- How can you look so relaxed?

- Because you're doing great.

- I feel sick.

- Well, it would help if you breathe.

- Sorry.

- And just loosen your
grip a little bit.

- [Gillian] All right.

- We'll head out to the training area.

Have a go at climbing,
turning, stalling,

all that stuff.

- Okay.

- And, Gillian.

- What?

- Breathe.

(Breathing heavily)

- Hey, Lex!


I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to embarrass you today.

- Scotty, you might like to know

why your dad wanted
to see the rec room.

It's because he thought
you might be there.

- Yeah, so what?

- Look, I know it's
none of my business,

but don't you think you're
being a bit hard on him?

Why don't you give him a chance?

- He has had a long
time to get to know me.

Why now?

- Why don't you ask him, Scotty?

- You can do it.

Just ease along the strip,
and set down, like a chook.

- Please.

- Well, uh, like an
eagle, or an albatross.

The plane'll land, it's not that hard.

- I'm just not ready yet, Chris.

- Why not?

- It's got a lot to do with

flying towards the
ground at a high speed.

- You sure?

All right, next time.

- Maybe.

Sydney center, echo whiskey
Victor is zero one miles,

maintaining 9,000, request clearance.

- Echo whiskey Victor,
you are identified

at zero one miles.

Cancel sky trek, direct
Sydney, maintain 9,000.

Contact approach at four five dma.

- Are you sure you don't want a drink?

- Look, I didn't come here
to make friends, okay,

so don't get any ideas.

You can't just walk into
my life after 15 years,

it doesn't work like that.

- It hasn't been 15 years, I was...

- You walked out when I was eight!

- Look, we've been through all that.

I've said I'm sorry, how many
times do I have to apologize?

- You walk out on me and mum,
and you say you're sorry

as if you bumped
somebody in the street.

I can't believe that.

- I'm here on business.

I wanted to see you.

I'm sorry, but I did.

- So you expect me to ignore everything

and just carry on as if
nothing had happened?

- Look.

I'm saying that I'm here, and
I want us to be friends.

What is wrong with that?

- Well, there's only one
thing left to conquer

after a landing.

- What's that?

- The crowd at the safari bar.

- I thought that was just for pilots.

- Well, and what are you?

- Allan, hi!

- Hi, darling.

- Allan, this is Chris
manning, he's my instructor.

This is Allan, my husband.

- Chris.
- G'day.

- [Gillian] What are you doing here?

- Oh, you'd never believe it.

Michael marsden was getting a flight,

and he saw you two heading out.

He called me at the office.

- Oh, small world.

- Isn't it just?

Oh, hope I didn't ruin any surprise.

- No, no, darling, I'm
glad you're here.

- [Allan] How's she going, can she fly?

- Well, she will be able to,

once she learns to breathe by herself.

- Nerves.

- Well, thanks again.

- No wozzas.

See ya later.

- Thanks, bye.

Allan, I'm really glad you're here.

I was gonna tell you. - Get going.

- No, you said you would
meet me, you said,

so I got there early just in case.

- Scott...

- I waited for you!

I mean, I waited 'til
it got dark, Dennis,

and then I kept waiting,
this stupid little kid

on a street corner waiting for
his dad to keep a promise.

I'm still waiting.

- I'm sorry.

- How could you do that, what happened,

did you just forget, or what?

- I got caught up.

I kept calling 'til
about eight that night,

there's no answer, then
I had to be on a plane.

- Yeah, well, I learn, okay?

It was very hard for
me, dad, but I learn,

and I didn't need you any more.

- Scott, I'm saying it's different now.

Things have changed, I'm
asking for a chance.

- Nah, just forget it, okay?

You go to hell, that's what
I came here to tell you.

You stay out of my life.

(Tense music)

- One more, thanks, mate.

(Muffled rock music)

- Hi.

- Hi, pilot.

What are you doing here?

- I wanted to tell you in person,

I'm not doing any more lessons.

- What?

You can't quit now,
you're carving it up.

- I've just got too much on.

- Well, give something else a flick.

I thought you said you
were doing it for you.

- I am. I was.

- Well, there you go.

- Look, I am sorry for
the inconvenience,

but it's just not possible.

- Okay.

- Thanks for your support, Chris.

I really appreciate it.

- Do I have to watch your every move?

- What?

- You're 40, Gillian, not 14.

You're carrying on like
a bloody schoolgirl.

- Don't, Allan, I came here
to cancel the lessons.

- Oh, is that right?

In a pub with our pilot?

God, you look ridiculous.

- Stop it, Allan, please.

He is a nice man.

- Ah, nice, so it's nice now, is it?

Is this some sort of a midlife crisis?

You've got three children, Gillian.

And look at your hair,
how long have you

been wearing it like that?

- For god's sake, Allan.

I have canceled the flying.

- Come on.

- A, stop and change the
tire for her, as if.

B, accelerate and look the other way,

or c, drive straight past her

with a comment to your
passenger about feminism.

Scotty, give us a hand,
they're picking on me.

- I'd stop and help her, I hope.

- Yeah, but you're a girl,
that doesn't count.

- Yeah, jimbo, it's only for men.

- And what are the options again?

- But if it's only for men, why
is it in a women's magazine?

- Because men read it.

- Tell Lauren what you got.
- No.

- He got, like, gross caveman.


- [Gillian] Hi!

- [Chris] Hi.

- Are you just about to head off?

- Yeah, I've got a run to gilgandra.

- Can I uncancel my lessons?

- Of course you can.

- Good.

Can we go now?

I really wanna do this.

- Um, are you all right?

Maybe we should leave it 'til tomorrow.

- No, I don't, I wanna do it now.

I wanna do it right now.

- Okay, let's go.

(Dramatic music) (Thunder rumbling)

It's okay, just relax.

It's okay, I've got this.

Big sky, this is echo whiskey Victor.

- Big sky, Chris, how's
that stormfront?

- Say, we're smack bang in,

we've got a 12,000 foot ceiling.

For now, we're putting
down, we'll sit it out.

- Gotcha, Chris, big sky.

- [Chris] Echo whiskey Victor.

- What if lightning hits the plane?

- It already has.

Don't worry, it'll bother the
instruments more than us.

- No it won't.

- Just hang on, this'll be a tad rough.

- B, tell her straight out
how much they cost, or c,

leave the receipt in a place
where you know she'll find it.

- I wouldn't buy pearls
in the first place.

- That's not the point.

- And I wouldn't spend
that much on her anyway.

- Yeah, but if you did.

- Shay, that weather warning
on the central west,

can you check with Chris and
see if he'll be delayed?

- I already did.

- And?

- Chris.

I have to get back, it's critical.

- I'm sorry.

- But the storm's passed.

- Yeah, I know.

But there's no way I can take off

from this paddock in this light.

I'm sorry.

- But we have to!

- Well, we can call the base and

notify your husband, if that's...

- No, no, I don't want
him to know where I am.

- Where's my wife?

- Excuse me?

- Is she with him?

- I'm sorry, I don't know
what you're talking about.

- Gillian masters, she's
having flying instructions.

Now, where is she?

- Gillian, um.

Well she's not here, if
that's what you mean.

I haven't seen her since before lunch.


- Go home, Scotty.

You're making the place look untidy.

Do you want to come up to the
safari bar and get legless?

- No.

- Hey, look, I'm taking your old man

up north tomorrow, why don't you come?

- Look at you, Mr. fix-it.

- Why not?

Cut it out with the
self-indulgence, Scotty.

What've you got to lose?

- I don't like to think about it.

- Would you think I was interfering

if I told you you were
acting like a dickhead?

- Yep.

- Yeah, well, you're
acting like a dickhead.

- He's not what he seems, jimbo.

He's a con man, you know,
he's always got an angle.

He doesn't care who he. (Groaning)

I mean, he can be whatever
he wants, it's his life.

I tried to get to know
him before, believe me.

And he just lies to me, always has.

- I'll radio the pilot and find out.

Just settle down.

- Well, you can call whoever you like.

I'm not leaving here until that
bastard brings my wife back.

- Mr. masters, I run this company.

If your wife was with Chris
manning, I'd know about it.

- [Chris] Echo whiskey Victor.

- Uh, yeah, go ahead, Chris.

- The storm has passed,
but I've had to land in

a fairly rough paddock, and I'm
gonna hang here overnight.

- Ask him.

- Yeah, okay.

- Uh, listen, Chris, this
might sound a little weird.

I don't suppose you've
got Gillian masters

out there with you?

- Why do you ask?

- I have her husband here,

and he seems to think you
might know where she is.

- Sorry, no idea.

(Somber music)


- Don't kick me out, Scott.

- How did you find me?

- Lexie gave me your address.

And so did your mate jimbo.

- Yeah, well, I told them not to.

- Well, it wouldn't have done any good.

Your boss told me too.

You've finally done it, Scott.

You've picked yourself a
family without realizing it.

They all really like you.

Hey, this is good!

Did you set all this up yourself?

- You still don't understand, do you?

You don't get it.

- No, I'm sorry, mate, I don't.

- Couldn't even turn up
at my mother's funeral.

You spent 12 years of
your life with her,

and you couldn't even
be bothered doing that.

- I told you, I could not get away.

- Oh, listen, can you hear yourself?

You're always trying to sound like

you're some kind of
businessman, you know?

I had a prior engagement,
I couldn't make it.

Can you hear how ridiculous...

- Scott, will you listen to me?

- Look, she was dead, okay,
and I needed you there!

- Surely they couldn't have found it.

- It's okay, I'm not that hungry.

- Aha.

Well, gotta have
something to keep warm.

- If you're so sure he's lying,

I suggest you come back in the morning.

- Oh, you bet I will.

And if he's been anywhere near my wife,

I'll come down on this place like...

- Will you stop bullying me?

Are you making threats, Mr. masters?

I hope that wasn't a threat.

I don't tend to like them,
they get my back up.

- I'll see you in the morning.

- Yeah, you do that.


- How can you say that?
- Just a minute, will you?

I didn't realize how much
until it was all over,

and that's the truth.

- Oh, yeah, but you hurt
her her whole life.

- I know.

- And you insult her, too!

I mean, she's your wife, Dennis,

and you couldn't be bothered
turning up to her burial.

- Scott, look at me.

I was in prison.

I did a deal with some guys and
it went wrong, I was stupid.

I couldn't tell you because
believe me, I was too ashamed.

- In prison?
- For 18 months.

I knew that if I told you,
you'd wanna come and see me,

and I could not stand that.

I didn't want you seeing
that your old man

was nothing but a jailbird.

- You should've told me.

- I couldn't.

I've been to her gravestone.

I've said my goodbyes.

Now I'm saying forgive me, please.

- All I ever...

Wanted was a father.

Like everyone else.

- Well, you've got one, mate.

I'm here.

- [Gillian] And my dad, he was the one

who encouraged me to get my license.

- [Chris] Oh yeah?

- Yeah, the three boys
already had theirs,

so it just seemed like
the logical thing to do.

I always tried to do what they did.

- And I thought all
country kids rode horses.

- Oh, that is disgusting.

- So then you met bugalugs.

- Bugalugs?

Oh, he was everything my mother wanted.

Sophisticated, wealthy, educated.

- Boring.

- Conservative.

- Oh, that's a good
reason to get married.

- No!

I loved him.

It all happened so fast,
suddenly there I was,

I had a big house, a
husband, three kids.

Then one day, last year,
I looked in the mirror,

and I realized I was 40 years old.

There I was, I was a wife,
a mother, a friend,

a customer, I was defined
by everybody else.

I didn't know who I was any more.

- So did you tell him?

- Yeah, I tried to.

And, um, he just saw it as some sort of

embarrassing female crisis.

- Let me tell you something.

Flying ain't no
embarrassing female crisis.

- You're just saying that
because you're my instructor.

- Mm, and you should
listen to your instructor,

not your hubby.

- Thank you, Mr. instructor.

- Morning.

- Hey, look at you.

Nice threads.

- Don't encourage him.

- Look, um.

You take him, I'll stay here.

- Okay, I'll drive.

Why don't you come anyway, mate?

- Yeah, why not?

- After you, Dennis.

- Thanks, mate.

- Oh, that's not fair.

A girl wouldn't do that for a bloke.

- Exactly, and why does that
make us the insensitive ones?

- Are you guys this
backlash I've heard about?

- Yeah.
- Nah.

- Yes we are.

- Well, maybe you are.

- Number eight.

Your girlfriend is feeling
sick and asks you

to go out and buy tampons
at the chemist, ooh.

Do you, a, refuse, and tell
her that's women's business.

- That's a good option.

- True.

B, reluctantly agree and
come back with toothpaste,

a bottle of shampoo, sunscreen,
and cough lollies as well.

- Well, maybe you need
all those things.

- Or c, give her a lecture on the value

of organization and forethought.

- Is there a d, where you
just go out and buy 'em?

- Can I help you?

Sir, sir?

- Okay, where's my wife?

- It's all right, Shay.

- Well, is he back yet?

- [Lauren] No.

- Well, how long is he gonna be?

- I don't understand all this.

Why are you so sure Chris
is with your wife?

- Because they're having an affair.

Believe me, I do know.

- There's no way Chris would
take a passenger on board

without letting me know, it
just doesn't work like that.

- Oh, we'll see.

- What, can't I ring you
at home or something?

- I'm waiting right here,

'cause I wanna talk to that bastard.

- Okay.

(Suspenseful music)

- Not with him, eh?

- Gillian.

- Mr. masters!

- Get out!

Get outta there!

Gillian, you are coming home with me!

- Allan, what are you doing?

- I've never been so insulted!

- No I'm not!
- Get off!

Who do you think you are?

- Take it easy!
- That is my wife!

- Chris?

Come on, that's enough!


- Let go of me!

- Gillian, no!
- Gillian!

- [Lauren] Can she fly it?

- Yeah, she can fly it.

But sooner or later, she's
gonna have to come down.

Come on, call the tower,
tell 'em I'm coming over.

I'll try and talk her down.

- If anything happens to my wife...

- Yeah?

It'll be your fault.

(Lively music)

- [Dennis] Here we are,
gentlemen, it's showtime.

- [Jimbo] What sort of
business are you in?

- Oh, it's, uh, I've got
to talk to some guys about

an import/export deal.

- Lexie said it was something
about real estate.

- Oh yeah, there's a real
property component in it,

but that's not the deal.

- [Scotty] What do you mean
by import/export, exactly?

- [Dennis] What does it sound like?

- [Scotty] Dad, it sounds like
a euphemism for something.

- Look, I've told you.

From now on, I'm going straight.

Now don't mess up my big chance.

- [Scotty] Okay, what do I do?

- Jimbo, you stick by the plane.

I'll be back.

Scott, come here for a second.

Now, I want you to stay by
the plane for 15 minutes.

Then I want you to take that car

and pick me up by the
front door of the resort.

- What are you up to?

- All I'm asking you to
do is to pick me up.

Remember, exactly 15 minutes.

- Mr. Sullivan?

- That's right.
- This is my partner.

- Hey!

- Hey, it's okay, it's okay.

- This way, thanks.

(Engine starting)

- Interesting.
- I knew it, let's go.

- What do you mean let's go?

- We're going back.

- But he said to wait.

- He's up to it again,
what did I tell ya?

- Scotty, you can't abandon him.

Not with blokes like that.

- He can stew in his own
juice, I don't give a damn.

- Scotty, you can't.

(Siren blaring)

- I've got her on a long approach.

She wants to talk to you.

- Echo whiskey Victor,

this is Chris manning
at flight control.

Gillian, can you hear me?

(Melancholy music)

- Chris?

Can you help?

- What are you up to?

I thought we were a team.

- I know, I'm sorry.

I don't know what happened,
I just, I just had to...

- Don't apologize, it's okay.

Just take it easy.

- Chris, Chris, I can't land.

I don't know what to do. - Yes you do.

- I don't know how I'm...
- You can do this, Gillian.

- I can't.
- Yes you can.

You're in control of the
plane, you can do it.

- [Gillian] I can't.

- Gillian, it's just
like I'm beside you.

And I'll talk you through
it one step at a time.

All you gotta do is calm
down and listen, all right?


- Yes, okay.

- Three minutes to go.

- We shouldn't be doing this.

- Are you kidding?

This is great fun, you're lucky.

My dad's a dentist.

- I'll kill him.


(Lively music)

- Whoop.

Check out what he's wearing.

I think we'd better head
him off at the pass.

- [Scotty] This has got
nothing to do with me.

- Your old man's in trouble, Scotty.


- [Scotty] Mr. Sullivan!

- [Sullivan] Yeah?

- Uh, sorry, but.

- Of course.

Where's Alex?

- This way, please.

(Alarms ringing) (Sirens blaring)

- Gillian, I can see you,
you're looking good.

Are you tracking exactly parallel?

- Yes, I think so.

- [Chris] Good.

That's runway three four ahead of you.

Wind is three zero degrees at 15 knots.

That's about 10 knots of crosswind.

- Meaning?

- Meaning you just have
to allow for drift

as you turn onto base.

It's okay, Gillian, you've done this.

We went through it all, remember?

- Yes, I know, I know, I just don't.

- It's okay, just listen closely.

You'll be back here in no time.

Now, do your final checks.

Brakes, undercarriage, and the mix.

- All right.

- [Chris] Now reduce
your power to 7800 rpm

and hold the nose open.

You're gonna have to
wait 'til your speed

comes back into flap extension range.

That's the white area.

- Right.

It's there.

- Good.

Now I want you to put
out 10 degrees of flap,

reduce speed to 120 knots.

- It's at 120.
- That's good.

You're doing great.

How high are you?

- [Gillian] 800 feet.

- 800, okay.

I want you to put out
20 degrees of flap,

reduce speed to 95 knots.

- [Gillian] Okay.

- [Chris] How are you looking?

- Um, I think I'm a bit low.

- Okay, that's all right.

Just increase your power, but
keep your speed at 95 knots.

- Okay.

- Good.

You're ready to turn, and remember,

turn a little bit early to
allow for the crosswind.

(Suspenseful music)

- I can't do it, Chris.

- Come on, Gillian, of course you can.

I can see you, you're doing fine.

Just track a moment, your
standings will align.

And remember to turn
slightly into the wind.

- God, how did this happen?

Why would she do it,
I don't understand.

- Mr. masters, if you're
half as intimidating

with your wife as you
have been with me,

I think your answer's pretty obvious.

(Suspenseful music)

- You wouldn't be, uh, any relation to

Paulie Sullivan, would you,
the bouncer down at the tav?

It's just that he's a big
bloke, he's got your ears.

I thought not.

- Did Alex hire you guys?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, he did.

- Pick it up a bit, I'm in a hurry.

- Yes, sir.

- Now.

I want you to bring the power
back, put out full flap,

and keep your speed at 95 knots, okay?

And focus on the
threshold of the runway

and fly directly to it.

- Okay, I'm doing, god,
what are those trucks for?

You think I'm gonna crash, don't you?

- No, Gillian, listen, no.

You're doing fine.

The trucks are only procedure,

don't let them put you off.

- I can't do it, Chris,
I'm blowing off course.

- No, you'll be fine.

Use the right rudder
to point the aircraft

straight along the runway.

- I can't, I'm pulling off course.

I'm too high, Chris, I can't do it.

I can't do it, I'm losing it, Chris,

I'm too high, I can't do it.

- Okay, okay, okay, that's all right.

Abort the landing, just go around.

It's okay, Gillian.

We can see you, you're okay.

Just breathe and try to relax.

You'll be all right.

We'll just try again.

We'll just call that a dress rehearsal.

It's gotta be this time.

- How come?

- She hasn't got enough
fuel for another run.

- You two wait right here.

- Yes sir.

- [Dennis] Go, go, go!

(Tires squealing)

- Come on, I got you.

Now bring the power back,
put out full flap,

bring the speed back to 60 knots.

Keep focusing on the
threshold of the runway,

and aim to fly to it.

You over the threshold?

- I am.

- Good.

Don't look down.

Look ahead to the end of the
runway, and close the throttle.

- Okay.

- That's great, Gillian, nearly there.

Now use the right rudder
to point the aircraft

along the runway.

- I'm blowing off course again.

- No you're not, no you're not.

That's the crossbreeze.

Just stay calm.

I want you to lower your left wing

to stop the plane drifting
and start to hold off.

Then touch the left wheel, then right,

then the nose wheel.

- I'm down.

- Thank god.

- Okay.

How you doing, pilot?

Still breathing?

- Yeah, just.

- Echo whiskey Victor.

Welcome back.

- Thank you, Chris.

- [Dennis] Come on, come on, let's go!

(Lively music)

- [Scotty] What the hell's going on?

- [Dennis] I'll tell you later.

Get this thing off the ground, now!

- Okay, okay.

Oh no.

- Yes, well done, Scott, thanks mate!

- What the hell is the matter with you?

I thought you said you're
finished with that stuff!

- I am, nearly.

- Who were those guys, then?

- Look, I know it doesn't look good.

- [Scotty] Damn right!

- All I've done is
relieved some bad eggs

of filthy money.

No one innocent's been hurt,
nothing bad's happened.

- So now you're Robin hood, are ya?

Next you'll be telling me you're gonna

set up an orphanage for
abandoned children, huh?

- Not quite, but I...

- You just don't stop, do you?

- Look, Scott, I was gonna tell you...

- Just shut up, okay, just shut up!

I don't wanna hear it.

One more word outta you, and I'll land

and put you out now.

- Oh, what got into you?

Oh, thank god you're safe.

Come on, I'll take you home.

- Could you, could you
let me go please, Allan?


Thanks for everything.


- No, you keep it.

You're a flyer now.

- Yes, I am.


Are you coming, Allan?

- How long do you reckon that'll last?

- As long as she wants.

- Look, that's it.

I'm just saying no more, from now on.

- Scott, listen to me.

- No, for the last time,
get out of my life!

- Scott...
- No, listen to this!

Look, forget mum, okay, forget
everything I've told you.

I don't want you around
'cause you're a loser.

You're a nothing.

You got that?

(Melancholy music)


- Bye, Lex.


We tried.

- What have you done to him?

- What have I done?

- This isn't fair,
Scotty, he needs you.

- Oh, he needs me, that's a laugh.

- Scotty, he's got big problems.

- Oh yeah, you bet he has.

You know what's gonna happen to him?

He's gonna go to jail again, Lex.

- Do you know why he's
been so desperate

to make things up to you?

He's dying.


- Oh, he told you this?

I don't believe this.

- It's true, he's got cancer.

- He's made it up,
okay, he's conned you.

- He wanted to get to know you,

but he didn't want you
feeling sorry for him.

- Nah, that's just him.

It has to be.

- It's true, Scotty.


(Suspenseful music)

- Dad?

- Scotty.

- [Dennis] Dear Scott.

Sorry I stuffed up again.

I know now I shouldn't have
involved you in that job.

When I saw how hurt
you were, I realized

that's all I've ever done.

For what it's worth,
I'm very proud of you.

I would've liked to
have known you better.

Anyway, this money is for you.

Please accept it.

With love, your dad.

P.S. Of course, I've had
to take out some expenses.

(Haunting music)