Better Call Saul (2015–…): Season 5, Episode 3 - The Guy for This - full transcript
Jimmy's business enters uncharted territory. Kim's confidence is tested when she's faced with a legal problem only she can solve. Nacho navigates increased pressure from Gus. Mike continues to spiral.
Can I talk?
I... I'll talk.
I have a feeling I know what this is about.
Just to get the ball rolling, heh,
please keep in mind that whatever happened
between Mr. Varga and myself,
I'm hoping it's just
water under the bridge.
Because after all was said and done,
you did walk out a free man.
I mean, you weren't even in custody
for a full day.
And I admit it was a
tad bumpy getting there,
but the path to justice is rarely smooth.
So I'm hoping that, in the end, you know,
the final result speaks for itself.
You had business with my cousin, Tuco.
Oh, sure, sure, yeah.
And I see the family resemblance.
Your cousin makes quite an impression.
You know, he has a huge heart, and a...
A serious passion for justice.
He's got a temper, huh?
I hadn't noticed.
Uh, ahem, how is your lovely abuelita?
You know, Tuco told me about you.
You're the guy with the mouth.
Those guys at the house...
what'd they call her?
Biznatch, yeah.
You know, the Tuco I know, pff,
he would've skinned them alive
and let the buzzards eat their eyeballs.
But there you were.
You go, "Blah, blah, blah,"
and they walk out of there.
I mean, it's amazing, really.
They wheeled out, actually.
So Ignacio and I...
we got something you can do for us.
Yeah, we got a legal problem.
A le... A legal problem?
All right, fantastic. I'm so...
It's just that, for a minute
there, I thought I was
gonna be swallowing
condoms filled with heroin.
Maybe later.
We have a guy sitting in MDC.
Picked up two days ago.
-Picked up for what?
-Yeah, we'll get to that.
We need our friend to
tell the cops some things.
Some important things.
Important things. Gotcha.
We want him to say
exactly what we tell him.
No more, no less.
But the cops can't know
it's coming from us.
So we send you in there,
you tell him how to do it,
and they can't listen.
Attorney-client confidentiality.
Yeah, that.
Uh, that's flattering.
Can I offer this?
Listen, I guarantee there are five of these
in MDC right now.
You know, drop phones
inside someone's prison wallet,
if you know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, you talk directly to your guy,
cut out the middleman.
It works better if
you're in there with him.
You're the guy for this.
That's just... That's...
Terrific. That's the only word for it.
In good conscience, I think I have to
warn you that my rates have gone up,
so going this way could be expensive.
Like how expensive?
Expensive. It's...
-I mean... -Yeah?
Yeah. Um...
Oh, gee, well, it's a full day of my time
and prep work, transportation,
rush fees. Um...
Do the math,
it's like, 7000, eight... 900, uh,
25 dollars.
Yeah. Mm-hm.
Seven thousand,
nine hundred and twenty-five?
It's the going rate, so...
For your trouble, let's make it 8.
Well, okay, then.
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪
I don't know, Mike.
How about you call it a night?
-And I'll get you a cab.
Put them in the register
and pour me another.
♪ You can turn the world upside down ♪
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪
♪ I don't care, I don't care ♪
You see that?
You wanna do something for me?
Take it down.
Right there. The third from the bottom.
I don't know, Mike.
Customers send these in.
It's a tradition.
Take it down.
Sorry, Mike.
Take it down.
I think you've had enough.
Take it down now.
♪ You can turn the world upside down ♪
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪♪
MAN 1: Oh, my God.
You know that's my sister, y'all. Ha-ha-ha!
MAN 2: Hey, she is spicy, yo.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm trying to holla at her.
-Check this fool out.
All right, y'all, let's play.
Hey, gramps, where you going?
Yo, got 20 bucks you could lend me?
Ah... Don't be scared.
I ain't gonna bite.
I got a lot more than 20 bucks, asshole.
Hey, yo,
gramps can throw down, okay.
You'll let old cue ball
talk to you like that?
Hold up, gramps.
You done?
Just about.
Everything good?
I'm sort of celebrating, actually.
Celebrating what?
I just realized I have all pro bono clients
tomorrow, all day.
No Mesa Verde.
Well, all right.
-To justice.
What about you?
I met...
some interesting people.
And had a few...
ups and downs.
But you know what?
Financially speaking,
Saul Goodman just had his best day yet.
Good for Saul.
I'd better prep for tomorrow.
Right. Go get them, tiger.
MAN: Numilifor is not for everyone.
Call your doctor if you have...
What are you doing?
I have to take it apart to clean it.
Hey. Leave this alone.
Leave it alone.
Check this out.
Did you order food?
I want to see Ignacio.
Who is this?
His father.
Is everything okay?
Yes. Of course.
Can I come in?
Um... It's okay?
It's fine.
Amber, this is my father.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, yeah, me too.
Um, excuse me.
[IN SPANISH] Can I get you anything?
Want a coffee?
So big.
And new.
How are you, Papa?
Gutierrez made me an offer.
He wants to buy the shop.
Don't tell me.
Does he want to turn it
into another tire shop?
He wants to keep it as is.
he offered more than it's worth
even with the land.
What are you going to do?
I always thought I was
keeping the shop for you.
Are you going to work 11 hours a day
for the rest of your life?
What do you think?
It sounds like a good deal.
Could be...
your chance to retire.
This is you, isn't it?
I don't know what you mean.
You put Gutierrez up to this.
This is your money he's offering me.
Papa, no.
This is you trying to get me to leave town.
You want to run.
You want me to run too.
Deny it.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Look me in the eyes.
I've told you what you should do.
Give this up.
Go to the police.
Face what you've done.
If you want to run, run.
But me?
No way, I will not run away.
[IN ENGLISH] Nice to meet you, young lady.
-Kim, something's come up with Tucumcari.
-Not now, Stef.
-I wouldn't bother you, but...
-I asked you to handle it.
-We are, but there's...
-Stef, this is not the time, all right?
Miss Wexler, I've reviewed
your motion to dismiss
and the state's one-page response.
Your argument is well-reasoned.
However, I'm denying the motion.
Your Honor,
I'd like to remind you that this
was nothing more than
a family dispute.
-My client was...
-Yeah, I'll stop you there.
This is not your client's
first negative interaction
with the victim,
which shows pattern of behavior.
And as such, I still agree with the state
that this matter is worth the court's time.
-Your Honor...
-Jury selection begins June 16th.
I'm sorry this didn't go our way.
Going in, we all knew getting the
case dismissed would be a long shot.
The judge seemed kind of mad.
Yeah, she can come off that way,
but she is actually very fair.
So now, the prosecution will come back
to us with a more realistic plea bargain,
but if we don't like what they have to
offer, I believe we'll win at trial.
What does that mean?
We'll have a chance to
explain what happened,
in front of a jury
of regular people.
Look, you were trying to do a good thing,
and I think they'll see that.
Just keep the faith, okay?
-I'm sorry. I'll be right back.
It's Rich.
This is the second time he's called.
Hey, Rich.
RICH: I'm confused. I thought you'd be
on your way to Tucumcari by now.
-Uh, Rich...
-I just got off with Kevin Wachtell.
He wants you there now
to straighten this out, hands on.
Well, I'm flattered,
but my clients need me.
I have a full day of appearances here.
Well, all I can tell you,
he's called twice in 40 minutes.
I promise you, Tucumcari's under control.
The associates are more than capable.
Help me understand. It's not like
you're in the middle of a murder trial.
Rich, this is just Kevin being Kevin.
Don't get me wrong, I respect your
devotion to your pro bono clients,
but Mesa Verde keeps the lights on.
Can we agree on that?
Of course.
We've all been here.
Once in a while, you have to give
a little to get a little, you know?
Viola's already briefed Stef and Gary.
They'll take your afternoon cases
and get continuances if necessary,
so get yourself down there, stat.
All right. I'm on my way.
-Who the hell are you?
Now, thank you, officer.
We'll let you know when we're done.
Who are you?
I'm your new lawyer.
-I didn't call no lawyer.
-No, you didn't.
Lalo did.
I didn't say anything to no one.
I kept my mouth shut.
I know, I know. Don't worry, kid.
I'm nothing but good news for you.
All right, we got a lot to go over here.
How are you at memorization?
Excuse me.
Hey, Myrna. How's the boy?
MYRNA: He's good, Hank.
-He's, what, third base?
-Catcher. Tsk.
-Hey, Steve.
-Looking good, Myrna.
Let me ask you something.
Does Blanca throw stuff out
on the exact day it expires?
Like what?
Anything. Milk, ketchup, soy sauce.
As the clock literally strikes midnight,
Marie hands me a full Hefty bag
and pushes me out to the trash cans.
I mean, you know, most of it's still good.
What the hell?
Food banks don't take expired food.
Oh, thanks for that, Ann Landers.
Once I found an old can of vanilla
frosting. I ate that. I'm still here.
You what?
Hey, we were talking about expired food.
I thought it was relevant.
Let's get this circle jerk over with.
Domingo Molina.
Picked up for possession
of half ounce of street grade gak.
That's dealing weight.
Keeps his mouth shut
for the first two nights he's in here,
and now has an epiphany and wants to talk.
Wow me.
Make my tiny eyes grow wide with delight.
What if I know
where there's half a million in drug money?
What if?
What if?
If that's true,
things could go well for you.
My partner's right. That kind of
information can lead to good things.
Give me the deets.
Where the drugs come from,
who the money goes to,
the name of your boss
and who you report to.
For starters.
The dealers kick up the cash, right?
But they don't go face to face with the big
guys, so they leave it in different spots.
-Dead drops?
Sounds like a big operation.
Hello! Hey.
Were you talking to them?
Were you talking to my client
without his lawyer present?
And you are?
Saul Goodman. I'm Mr. Molina's attorney.
And you're in violation
of his constitutional rights.
Saul. It's all good, man.
-Really? Come on. That's your name?
-Listen, officer...
Uh, special agent.
Oh, the DEA?
Oh, I see, okay. The feds.
Well, what, they don't teach the
Constitution at Quantico these days?
Yeah. Quantico is FBI.
I don't care.
DEA, FBI, Department of Sanitation.
It's time for you two gentlemen to vacate
the premises. There's the door. Shoo, shoo.
Go away.
Uh, your client waived
his right to an attorney.
Whoa, he most certainly did not.
-Yeah, I did.
-Zip it, okay? Nobody's talking to you.
-Uh, well, he wants to talk to us.
-He... He's confused, okay?
-He was dropped on his head as a child.
-I wanna talk.
-No, you don't!
-Yeah, I do.
Sounds like he does. Heh.
You just... One... One moment.
Come... Come here.
Just come here.
[WHISPERING] Do you know...?
And we just discussed this, okay?
You don't talk to...
I'm doing my job.
Which is protecting you from you!
-I'm talking whether you like it or not.
-You're killing me here, man.
Okay, look.
My client is making
what I believe to be a grave error.
Also showing a heartbreaking
lack of faith in his attorney.
And I'm not gonna lie, it hurts.
He insists on dealing,
so let's talk turkey.
You know what?
We're not interested.
I feel like my chain is being
jerked, and not
in a good way,
if you know what I'm saying.
-There's no half mil. Never was.
-Bullshit. I called it, Gomey, remember?
-You did.
-Hold on.
HANK: I'm gonna blow this popsicle...
SAUL: Wait a second.
-Have a great afternoon.
-Hold up, guys, one second.
HANK: Hey, have a good day.
-We're done in here.
SAUL: Guys, um...
What if we say it's contingent?
On what?
Mr. Molina will stay in custody
while you verify his very specific,
limited information.
And what if what he
tells us doesn't pan out?
Oh, well, then he just stays here.
I mean, we're back where we started.
-But if his information
leads to something...
If his information leads to arrests.
Well, yeah.
Well, if his information leads to arrests,
then the charges go away.
Okay? Now, how can you say no to that?
That is a win-win for you guys.
Give us another minute.
Okay, Domingo.
Start talking.
Go ahead.
Like I said, the dealers kick up the cash.
I don't know who picks it up.
All I know is that there are
these three dead drops on Thursday nights...
-Hold on.
-What... What?
Look, I know how this goes, all right?
My guy talks to you,
you squeeze him out like a sponge,
then you dump him back on the street.
Word gets out that he's a fink, he ends
up bleeding out at his mother's house.
-No. It's not gonna happen, okay?
Do you hear what I'm saying? My client is
not leaving here with a target on his back.
Fine. We'll take care of him.
Assuming this isn't one big jag-off.
It'll look like he got out
because his lawyer's a genius.
Okay. And he's... He's not just anyone's
CI, either, all right?
You don't pass him around
like a venereal disease.
He's your personal CI.
So he gets picked up, he calls me,
I call you, gets taken care of.
No questions asked.
But it's contingent.
-And this better be worth it.
So, like I said,
there are these three dead drops.
The first one's under a bridge
up by Chavez Road, over Hillsdale Street.
The second one's in an empty rail yard
off Waldren in a train shed. There's a...
Oh, thank God.
Is he home?
Yeah, he never seems to leave.
-A word of warning, he's very unpleasant.
-Got it.
Mr. Acker, I think you're home!
My name is Kim Wexler,
and I'd really like to talk to you!
Mr. Acker, hello.
Thanks for speaking with me.
There's been a misunderstanding,
and it's in everyone's best interest
if we straighten it out.
-May I come in?
-Stay right where you're at.
As I understand it, you and your family
have been here since 1974.
You built this lovely house, but you
never actually owned the land it was on.
It was leased to you by a local company,
Deerview Investment Properties.
For a hundred years.
I got 70 left.
That's correct. However, and I know this
may be difficult to wrap your head around,
your lease stipulates that the property
owner can buy you out at any time
for fair market value plus $5000.
I know $5000 isn't nearly as much
as it used to be back in 1974, and...
And we do understand how...
inconvenient this must be.
So, as a gesture of goodwill,
Mesa Verde has just increased
your buy-out to $18,000.
Eighteen thousand dollars?
That's right.
Well, nobody's ever explained it to me
like that before.
Eighteen thousand dollars,
that's a lot of money.
I bet you, with that, I could buy
a big old mansion and a swimming pool.
-Mr. Acker, we know it's not enough...
-Do me a favor, will you?
I'm gonna spread my legs out like this,
and just to finish it off, why don't
you give me a swift kick in the balls?
That's not necessary.
You people are all the same.
You're soulless money grubbers.
Please, Mr. Acker, how about
we just discuss this, civil?
Adverse possession means this is my land.
You made that argument in court,
and the judge ruled against you.
Yeah, and nobody could change my mind,
so they sent you out.
You're the big gun,
with a ponytail.
Oh, you're just like all the rest of them,
coming out here in your fancy suit,
bring your minions with you,
driving them black, shiny German cars.
And you think you can talk to me
like I'm brain damaged?
N, O.
That big bank
thinks it's gonna build a call center.
you go around throwing people
out of their homes.
Well, not this house, sweetheart!
All right.
I can see you've made up your mind.
-Have a good day.
-And I can see you.
You're one of those people that give
a little money to charity every month,
so you can make up
for all the bad that you've done.
You go to a soup kitchen
once a year on Thanksgiving.
That makes you feel
a whole lot better about yourself.
Makes you feel like one
of the best rich people.
Oh, I don't know how in the world
you sleep at night.
Listen to me.
You do not get to make up your own rules.
Put on your big boy pants and face reality.
No one is mistreating you here.
We were trying to meet you halfway.
Well, that's over.
The $18,000, guess what?
It's off the table.
Tomorrow you come to your senses?
You'll get 10.
And you know what happens after that?
The sheriff comes out and
kicks you out of here.
And you get nothing.
Why should you get to drag this out for
seven months while all of your neighbors,
every single one of them,
played by the rules?
And do you...? Do you...?
Do you think you're special?
A contract means something.
It's the law, and it's enforceable.
Deal with it.
-That was amazing. Great job.
-I didn't solve anything.
Mm. You ended it. That's what we needed.
You hear that?
I replaced the carburetor.
She's running like a racehorse, man.
It's a fine vehicle.
That's a thing of beauty.
Yeah? What do you drive?
An Esteem.
A what?
A Suzuki Esteem, it's an import.
-Yeah, so it went just like you wanted.
Assuming the dead drops are a real thing,
the feds are gonna be on them.
-The feds?
-Yeah. DEA.
There's a pair of them,
and they're into this with a vengeance.
I mean, think feeding
time in the lion cage.
And, um, they're gunning for arrests.
Oh, and...
your guy is now a confidential informant.
-What do you mean, like a rat?
-No, he's not a rat. No.
I mean. Well, if he's a
rat, he's your rat, so...
Uh, put it this way,
you now have a hotline to the DEA.
And not just now, anytime.
So that's a good thing, right?
But the deal is, at some point,
you might hear that Domingo is a snitch.
You... You gotta know he's not.
And what do you care?
Well, all due respect,
you're paying me, but he's my client.
I'd like to keep him alive.
This dude. Good idea.
And one more thing. Um...
You have to find a different attorney
for future endeavors,
because my schedule is just
very, very tight.
You'll make time.
Who exactly did I just set up?
You don't wanna know.
I mean, if there's gonna be blowback,
I don't want to be in the middle of it.
It's not about what you want.
When you're in...
you're in.
And Martinez?
We got a continuance.
Good. Davenport?
-The judge read your motion and dismissed.
Oh, and I got a continuance on Russo.
-His hearing's scheduled
for Thursday morning?
Viola put it in your calendar.
Good. What about Ingram?
He didn't show.
Did you call all three numbers?
I called the first one.
Call all three.
The bottom number is his aunt.
-She usually knows where he is.
-I'm sorry.
-I got a continuance.
-That's okay.
Call his aunt and make
sure he's all right, and
ask how I can get in
touch before his hearing.
If she doesn't,
call the Rescue Mission Shelter on 2nd.
That's his backup.
Will do.
-All right. Good job, Stef.
-Thanks, Kim.
-Get home safe.
-Yep. Have a good evening.
Mr. Acker?
It's Kim Wexler again.
I'd really like another word with you.
Mr. Acker?
Mr. Acker?
I'm sorry, I... I entered your property.
I'd really like to talk to you.
Can we start over?
-Say what you came to say.
-I went to a real estate office.
I found some houses I think you might like.
There are some really nice options
in your price range.
This one's on half an acre.
And, uh, this one is older,
but it has a really good view.
And the neighborhood's pretty.
I know moving's a big deal.
I'd like to help you out with that myself,
if that's all right with you.
I can take off any day this week,
and I'll pay for it out of my own pocket.
Uh, oh. This one has three bedrooms.
I know you don't wanna move, but
whatever house you choose will be yours.
You'll own it, and the land, forever.
You're right. I can't pretend to understand
what you're going through.
I've never owned a house.
My family never owned one, either.
We never owned anything.
When I was little, my mother
used to shake me awake in the night,
yelling it was time to go.
She was always one step
ahead of the landlord.
I'd throw my things in a cardboard box and
run outside in my pajamas and bare feet.
it was so cold...
my to... My toes turned blue.
If we'd had a house,
I never would've wanted to leave.
You'll say anything...
to get what you want, won't you?
When was this?
Do you have the agents' names?
The lawyer's got them.
What are you doing?
Shutting it down.
Put it away.
You wanna leave the money for the feds?
If there's no money in those dead drops...
Lalo will know someone talked.
The dead drops remain.
Can I talk?
I... I'll talk.
I have a feeling I know what this is about.
Just to get the ball rolling, heh,
please keep in mind that whatever happened
between Mr. Varga and myself,
I'm hoping it's just
water under the bridge.
Because after all was said and done,
you did walk out a free man.
I mean, you weren't even in custody
for a full day.
And I admit it was a
tad bumpy getting there,
but the path to justice is rarely smooth.
So I'm hoping that, in the end, you know,
the final result speaks for itself.
You had business with my cousin, Tuco.
Oh, sure, sure, yeah.
And I see the family resemblance.
Your cousin makes quite an impression.
You know, he has a huge heart, and a...
A serious passion for justice.
He's got a temper, huh?
I hadn't noticed.
Uh, ahem, how is your lovely abuelita?
You know, Tuco told me about you.
You're the guy with the mouth.
Those guys at the house...
what'd they call her?
Biznatch, yeah.
You know, the Tuco I know, pff,
he would've skinned them alive
and let the buzzards eat their eyeballs.
But there you were.
You go, "Blah, blah, blah,"
and they walk out of there.
I mean, it's amazing, really.
They wheeled out, actually.
So Ignacio and I...
we got something you can do for us.
Yeah, we got a legal problem.
A le... A legal problem?
All right, fantastic. I'm so...
It's just that, for a minute
there, I thought I was
gonna be swallowing
condoms filled with heroin.
Maybe later.
We have a guy sitting in MDC.
Picked up two days ago.
-Picked up for what?
-Yeah, we'll get to that.
We need our friend to
tell the cops some things.
Some important things.
Important things. Gotcha.
We want him to say
exactly what we tell him.
No more, no less.
But the cops can't know
it's coming from us.
So we send you in there,
you tell him how to do it,
and they can't listen.
Attorney-client confidentiality.
Yeah, that.
Uh, that's flattering.
Can I offer this?
Listen, I guarantee there are five of these
in MDC right now.
You know, drop phones
inside someone's prison wallet,
if you know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, you talk directly to your guy,
cut out the middleman.
It works better if
you're in there with him.
You're the guy for this.
That's just... That's...
Terrific. That's the only word for it.
In good conscience, I think I have to
warn you that my rates have gone up,
so going this way could be expensive.
Like how expensive?
Expensive. It's...
-I mean... -Yeah?
Yeah. Um...
Oh, gee, well, it's a full day of my time
and prep work, transportation,
rush fees. Um...
Do the math,
it's like, 7000, eight... 900, uh,
25 dollars.
Yeah. Mm-hm.
Seven thousand,
nine hundred and twenty-five?
It's the going rate, so...
For your trouble, let's make it 8.
Well, okay, then.
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪
I don't know, Mike.
How about you call it a night?
-And I'll get you a cab.
Put them in the register
and pour me another.
♪ You can turn the world upside down ♪
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪
♪ I don't care, I don't care ♪
You see that?
You wanna do something for me?
Take it down.
Right there. The third from the bottom.
I don't know, Mike.
Customers send these in.
It's a tradition.
Take it down.
Sorry, Mike.
Take it down.
I think you've had enough.
Take it down now.
♪ You can turn the world upside down ♪
♪ Change the colors and do well ♪
♪ You can paint the sky, the sky is mine ♪♪
MAN 1: Oh, my God.
You know that's my sister, y'all. Ha-ha-ha!
MAN 2: Hey, she is spicy, yo.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm trying to holla at her.
-Check this fool out.
All right, y'all, let's play.
Hey, gramps, where you going?
Yo, got 20 bucks you could lend me?
Ah... Don't be scared.
I ain't gonna bite.
I got a lot more than 20 bucks, asshole.
Hey, yo,
gramps can throw down, okay.
You'll let old cue ball
talk to you like that?
Hold up, gramps.
You done?
Just about.
Everything good?
I'm sort of celebrating, actually.
Celebrating what?
I just realized I have all pro bono clients
tomorrow, all day.
No Mesa Verde.
Well, all right.
-To justice.
What about you?
I met...
some interesting people.
And had a few...
ups and downs.
But you know what?
Financially speaking,
Saul Goodman just had his best day yet.
Good for Saul.
I'd better prep for tomorrow.
Right. Go get them, tiger.
MAN: Numilifor is not for everyone.
Call your doctor if you have...
What are you doing?
I have to take it apart to clean it.
Hey. Leave this alone.
Leave it alone.
Check this out.
Did you order food?
I want to see Ignacio.
Who is this?
His father.
Is everything okay?
Yes. Of course.
Can I come in?
Um... It's okay?
It's fine.
Amber, this is my father.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, yeah, me too.
Um, excuse me.
[IN SPANISH] Can I get you anything?
Want a coffee?
So big.
And new.
How are you, Papa?
Gutierrez made me an offer.
He wants to buy the shop.
Don't tell me.
Does he want to turn it
into another tire shop?
He wants to keep it as is.
he offered more than it's worth
even with the land.
What are you going to do?
I always thought I was
keeping the shop for you.
Are you going to work 11 hours a day
for the rest of your life?
What do you think?
It sounds like a good deal.
Could be...
your chance to retire.
This is you, isn't it?
I don't know what you mean.
You put Gutierrez up to this.
This is your money he's offering me.
Papa, no.
This is you trying to get me to leave town.
You want to run.
You want me to run too.
Deny it.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Look me in the eyes.
I've told you what you should do.
Give this up.
Go to the police.
Face what you've done.
If you want to run, run.
But me?
No way, I will not run away.
[IN ENGLISH] Nice to meet you, young lady.
-Kim, something's come up with Tucumcari.
-Not now, Stef.
-I wouldn't bother you, but...
-I asked you to handle it.
-We are, but there's...
-Stef, this is not the time, all right?
Miss Wexler, I've reviewed
your motion to dismiss
and the state's one-page response.
Your argument is well-reasoned.
However, I'm denying the motion.
Your Honor,
I'd like to remind you that this
was nothing more than
a family dispute.
-My client was...
-Yeah, I'll stop you there.
This is not your client's
first negative interaction
with the victim,
which shows pattern of behavior.
And as such, I still agree with the state
that this matter is worth the court's time.
-Your Honor...
-Jury selection begins June 16th.
I'm sorry this didn't go our way.
Going in, we all knew getting the
case dismissed would be a long shot.
The judge seemed kind of mad.
Yeah, she can come off that way,
but she is actually very fair.
So now, the prosecution will come back
to us with a more realistic plea bargain,
but if we don't like what they have to
offer, I believe we'll win at trial.
What does that mean?
We'll have a chance to
explain what happened,
in front of a jury
of regular people.
Look, you were trying to do a good thing,
and I think they'll see that.
Just keep the faith, okay?
-I'm sorry. I'll be right back.
It's Rich.
This is the second time he's called.
Hey, Rich.
RICH: I'm confused. I thought you'd be
on your way to Tucumcari by now.
-Uh, Rich...
-I just got off with Kevin Wachtell.
He wants you there now
to straighten this out, hands on.
Well, I'm flattered,
but my clients need me.
I have a full day of appearances here.
Well, all I can tell you,
he's called twice in 40 minutes.
I promise you, Tucumcari's under control.
The associates are more than capable.
Help me understand. It's not like
you're in the middle of a murder trial.
Rich, this is just Kevin being Kevin.
Don't get me wrong, I respect your
devotion to your pro bono clients,
but Mesa Verde keeps the lights on.
Can we agree on that?
Of course.
We've all been here.
Once in a while, you have to give
a little to get a little, you know?
Viola's already briefed Stef and Gary.
They'll take your afternoon cases
and get continuances if necessary,
so get yourself down there, stat.
All right. I'm on my way.
-Who the hell are you?
Now, thank you, officer.
We'll let you know when we're done.
Who are you?
I'm your new lawyer.
-I didn't call no lawyer.
-No, you didn't.
Lalo did.
I didn't say anything to no one.
I kept my mouth shut.
I know, I know. Don't worry, kid.
I'm nothing but good news for you.
All right, we got a lot to go over here.
How are you at memorization?
Excuse me.
Hey, Myrna. How's the boy?
MYRNA: He's good, Hank.
-He's, what, third base?
-Catcher. Tsk.
-Hey, Steve.
-Looking good, Myrna.
Let me ask you something.
Does Blanca throw stuff out
on the exact day it expires?
Like what?
Anything. Milk, ketchup, soy sauce.
As the clock literally strikes midnight,
Marie hands me a full Hefty bag
and pushes me out to the trash cans.
I mean, you know, most of it's still good.
What the hell?
Food banks don't take expired food.
Oh, thanks for that, Ann Landers.
Once I found an old can of vanilla
frosting. I ate that. I'm still here.
You what?
Hey, we were talking about expired food.
I thought it was relevant.
Let's get this circle jerk over with.
Domingo Molina.
Picked up for possession
of half ounce of street grade gak.
That's dealing weight.
Keeps his mouth shut
for the first two nights he's in here,
and now has an epiphany and wants to talk.
Wow me.
Make my tiny eyes grow wide with delight.
What if I know
where there's half a million in drug money?
What if?
What if?
If that's true,
things could go well for you.
My partner's right. That kind of
information can lead to good things.
Give me the deets.
Where the drugs come from,
who the money goes to,
the name of your boss
and who you report to.
For starters.
The dealers kick up the cash, right?
But they don't go face to face with the big
guys, so they leave it in different spots.
-Dead drops?
Sounds like a big operation.
Hello! Hey.
Were you talking to them?
Were you talking to my client
without his lawyer present?
And you are?
Saul Goodman. I'm Mr. Molina's attorney.
And you're in violation
of his constitutional rights.
Saul. It's all good, man.
-Really? Come on. That's your name?
-Listen, officer...
Uh, special agent.
Oh, the DEA?
Oh, I see, okay. The feds.
Well, what, they don't teach the
Constitution at Quantico these days?
Yeah. Quantico is FBI.
I don't care.
DEA, FBI, Department of Sanitation.
It's time for you two gentlemen to vacate
the premises. There's the door. Shoo, shoo.
Go away.
Uh, your client waived
his right to an attorney.
Whoa, he most certainly did not.
-Yeah, I did.
-Zip it, okay? Nobody's talking to you.
-Uh, well, he wants to talk to us.
-He... He's confused, okay?
-He was dropped on his head as a child.
-I wanna talk.
-No, you don't!
-Yeah, I do.
Sounds like he does. Heh.
You just... One... One moment.
Come... Come here.
Just come here.
[WHISPERING] Do you know...?
And we just discussed this, okay?
You don't talk to...
I'm doing my job.
Which is protecting you from you!
-I'm talking whether you like it or not.
-You're killing me here, man.
Okay, look.
My client is making
what I believe to be a grave error.
Also showing a heartbreaking
lack of faith in his attorney.
And I'm not gonna lie, it hurts.
He insists on dealing,
so let's talk turkey.
You know what?
We're not interested.
I feel like my chain is being
jerked, and not
in a good way,
if you know what I'm saying.
-There's no half mil. Never was.
-Bullshit. I called it, Gomey, remember?
-You did.
-Hold on.
HANK: I'm gonna blow this popsicle...
SAUL: Wait a second.
-Have a great afternoon.
-Hold up, guys, one second.
HANK: Hey, have a good day.
-We're done in here.
SAUL: Guys, um...
What if we say it's contingent?
On what?
Mr. Molina will stay in custody
while you verify his very specific,
limited information.
And what if what he
tells us doesn't pan out?
Oh, well, then he just stays here.
I mean, we're back where we started.
-But if his information
leads to something...
If his information leads to arrests.
Well, yeah.
Well, if his information leads to arrests,
then the charges go away.
Okay? Now, how can you say no to that?
That is a win-win for you guys.
Give us another minute.
Okay, Domingo.
Start talking.
Go ahead.
Like I said, the dealers kick up the cash.
I don't know who picks it up.
All I know is that there are
these three dead drops on Thursday nights...
-Hold on.
-What... What?
Look, I know how this goes, all right?
My guy talks to you,
you squeeze him out like a sponge,
then you dump him back on the street.
Word gets out that he's a fink, he ends
up bleeding out at his mother's house.
-No. It's not gonna happen, okay?
Do you hear what I'm saying? My client is
not leaving here with a target on his back.
Fine. We'll take care of him.
Assuming this isn't one big jag-off.
It'll look like he got out
because his lawyer's a genius.
Okay. And he's... He's not just anyone's
CI, either, all right?
You don't pass him around
like a venereal disease.
He's your personal CI.
So he gets picked up, he calls me,
I call you, gets taken care of.
No questions asked.
But it's contingent.
-And this better be worth it.
So, like I said,
there are these three dead drops.
The first one's under a bridge
up by Chavez Road, over Hillsdale Street.
The second one's in an empty rail yard
off Waldren in a train shed. There's a...
Oh, thank God.
Is he home?
Yeah, he never seems to leave.
-A word of warning, he's very unpleasant.
-Got it.
Mr. Acker, I think you're home!
My name is Kim Wexler,
and I'd really like to talk to you!
Mr. Acker, hello.
Thanks for speaking with me.
There's been a misunderstanding,
and it's in everyone's best interest
if we straighten it out.
-May I come in?
-Stay right where you're at.
As I understand it, you and your family
have been here since 1974.
You built this lovely house, but you
never actually owned the land it was on.
It was leased to you by a local company,
Deerview Investment Properties.
For a hundred years.
I got 70 left.
That's correct. However, and I know this
may be difficult to wrap your head around,
your lease stipulates that the property
owner can buy you out at any time
for fair market value plus $5000.
I know $5000 isn't nearly as much
as it used to be back in 1974, and...
And we do understand how...
inconvenient this must be.
So, as a gesture of goodwill,
Mesa Verde has just increased
your buy-out to $18,000.
Eighteen thousand dollars?
That's right.
Well, nobody's ever explained it to me
like that before.
Eighteen thousand dollars,
that's a lot of money.
I bet you, with that, I could buy
a big old mansion and a swimming pool.
-Mr. Acker, we know it's not enough...
-Do me a favor, will you?
I'm gonna spread my legs out like this,
and just to finish it off, why don't
you give me a swift kick in the balls?
That's not necessary.
You people are all the same.
You're soulless money grubbers.
Please, Mr. Acker, how about
we just discuss this, civil?
Adverse possession means this is my land.
You made that argument in court,
and the judge ruled against you.
Yeah, and nobody could change my mind,
so they sent you out.
You're the big gun,
with a ponytail.
Oh, you're just like all the rest of them,
coming out here in your fancy suit,
bring your minions with you,
driving them black, shiny German cars.
And you think you can talk to me
like I'm brain damaged?
N, O.
That big bank
thinks it's gonna build a call center.
you go around throwing people
out of their homes.
Well, not this house, sweetheart!
All right.
I can see you've made up your mind.
-Have a good day.
-And I can see you.
You're one of those people that give
a little money to charity every month,
so you can make up
for all the bad that you've done.
You go to a soup kitchen
once a year on Thanksgiving.
That makes you feel
a whole lot better about yourself.
Makes you feel like one
of the best rich people.
Oh, I don't know how in the world
you sleep at night.
Listen to me.
You do not get to make up your own rules.
Put on your big boy pants and face reality.
No one is mistreating you here.
We were trying to meet you halfway.
Well, that's over.
The $18,000, guess what?
It's off the table.
Tomorrow you come to your senses?
You'll get 10.
And you know what happens after that?
The sheriff comes out and
kicks you out of here.
And you get nothing.
Why should you get to drag this out for
seven months while all of your neighbors,
every single one of them,
played by the rules?
And do you...? Do you...?
Do you think you're special?
A contract means something.
It's the law, and it's enforceable.
Deal with it.
-That was amazing. Great job.
-I didn't solve anything.
Mm. You ended it. That's what we needed.
You hear that?
I replaced the carburetor.
She's running like a racehorse, man.
It's a fine vehicle.
That's a thing of beauty.
Yeah? What do you drive?
An Esteem.
A what?
A Suzuki Esteem, it's an import.
-Yeah, so it went just like you wanted.
Assuming the dead drops are a real thing,
the feds are gonna be on them.
-The feds?
-Yeah. DEA.
There's a pair of them,
and they're into this with a vengeance.
I mean, think feeding
time in the lion cage.
And, um, they're gunning for arrests.
Oh, and...
your guy is now a confidential informant.
-What do you mean, like a rat?
-No, he's not a rat. No.
I mean. Well, if he's a
rat, he's your rat, so...
Uh, put it this way,
you now have a hotline to the DEA.
And not just now, anytime.
So that's a good thing, right?
But the deal is, at some point,
you might hear that Domingo is a snitch.
You... You gotta know he's not.
And what do you care?
Well, all due respect,
you're paying me, but he's my client.
I'd like to keep him alive.
This dude. Good idea.
And one more thing. Um...
You have to find a different attorney
for future endeavors,
because my schedule is just
very, very tight.
You'll make time.
Who exactly did I just set up?
You don't wanna know.
I mean, if there's gonna be blowback,
I don't want to be in the middle of it.
It's not about what you want.
When you're in...
you're in.
And Martinez?
We got a continuance.
Good. Davenport?
-The judge read your motion and dismissed.
Oh, and I got a continuance on Russo.
-His hearing's scheduled
for Thursday morning?
Viola put it in your calendar.
Good. What about Ingram?
He didn't show.
Did you call all three numbers?
I called the first one.
Call all three.
The bottom number is his aunt.
-She usually knows where he is.
-I'm sorry.
-I got a continuance.
-That's okay.
Call his aunt and make
sure he's all right, and
ask how I can get in
touch before his hearing.
If she doesn't,
call the Rescue Mission Shelter on 2nd.
That's his backup.
Will do.
-All right. Good job, Stef.
-Thanks, Kim.
-Get home safe.
-Yep. Have a good evening.
Mr. Acker?
It's Kim Wexler again.
I'd really like another word with you.
Mr. Acker?
Mr. Acker?
I'm sorry, I... I entered your property.
I'd really like to talk to you.
Can we start over?
-Say what you came to say.
-I went to a real estate office.
I found some houses I think you might like.
There are some really nice options
in your price range.
This one's on half an acre.
And, uh, this one is older,
but it has a really good view.
And the neighborhood's pretty.
I know moving's a big deal.
I'd like to help you out with that myself,
if that's all right with you.
I can take off any day this week,
and I'll pay for it out of my own pocket.
Uh, oh. This one has three bedrooms.
I know you don't wanna move, but
whatever house you choose will be yours.
You'll own it, and the land, forever.
You're right. I can't pretend to understand
what you're going through.
I've never owned a house.
My family never owned one, either.
We never owned anything.
When I was little, my mother
used to shake me awake in the night,
yelling it was time to go.
She was always one step
ahead of the landlord.
I'd throw my things in a cardboard box and
run outside in my pajamas and bare feet.
it was so cold...
my to... My toes turned blue.
If we'd had a house,
I never would've wanted to leave.
You'll say anything...
to get what you want, won't you?
When was this?
Do you have the agents' names?
The lawyer's got them.
What are you doing?
Shutting it down.
Put it away.
You wanna leave the money for the feds?
If there's no money in those dead drops...
Lalo will know someone talked.
The dead drops remain.