Barry (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Power of No - full transcript
Facing pressure from Noho Hank, Barry struggles to pull off an important hit. After asking the class to mine their personal traumas for an original piece, Gene decides to confront his own past.
Excuse me, sir.
Do you work here?
Barry, it's me.
- It's Hank.
- I know it's Hank!
- In a wig.
- I know you're in a wig!
- Mr. Cousineau.
- Gene is in pain.
He needs time to process
what happened.
Janice was murdered.
I have come to offer you
a proposition.
Sweet baby Jesus!
How can we not want to be
in business with this, huh?
Esther is throwing complete
monkey wrench
into my relationship
with Cristobal.
So you kill her.
Classic crisscross.
That's not a crisscross.
Oh, thank God you're here!
Mr. Fuches...
You got a court order
to take my DNA?
We just got a DNA match
Monroe Fuches. Cleveland.
- Barry.
- What?
Ground Control to Major Barry.
Are you listening, man?
That troll Esther
is pulling fast one.
So Burmese come to America pretending
to be persecuted Buddhist monks.
They ask government
for the religious asylum,
then live here in temple until
they are clear from immigration.
Then, they join Burmese mafia.
Whole monastery is gateway
for soldiers and drugs.
- That's actually kind of a genius plan.
- No. It's not genius.
She is not a genius, okay?
It's an okay plan.
It's fine.
And I guarantee you,
she did not come up with it.
I mean, look at her.
And look at Cristobal's face.
That is a cry for help.
So you get in there,
you shoot her in her
crazy watermelon-sized
head with...
My family sent it
to me as threat.
Now, if it came back
with Esther's blood on it,
phew, massive fumble
turnover for Hank.
Came back with her blood on it?
What do you mean?
I don't know how...
You want me to get the bullet
out of her head,
is that what you're saying?
- Yeah.
- I don't know how I'd do that.
- That's not how bullets work.
- Okay, um...
What if you shoot her
with a thick book behind her?
It'll go through her head,
get stuck in book,
- you open up book, take out bullet, simple.
- No, no. That's not...
It's so simple.
So you're saying is I
need to get her to read
a really thick book,
and then while she's reading,
I shoot her in the back of the
head, is that what you're saying?
- Yeah. I see what you're saying.
- You see what I'm saying?
That's a hat on a hat,
so... right.
Regardless, everyone has to
know this is job done by Hank.
So, come on, take it.
Am I evil?
- Huh?
- Am I like an...
Am I like, like an evil person?
Oh my God!
I mean, absolutely.
Do I not tell you that enough?
You are like the most
evil guy I know, man!
You know I take no pleasure in
killing people. You know that, right?
Man, all this talking
has made me hungry.
You know what I could
really go for?
Yoshinoya beef bowl.
What the fuck?
Hey, Loach.
Ooh, look at that smile!
Is that your ex?
Who is that...
Oh, that's the new guy.
He's cute.
It must be weird, though.
You kind of want them
to end up with a dog, right?
Mae, what did I tell you
about coming in to my office?
To step out.
Um, okay.
Knock, knock.
I'm ready to go on that trip.
- All packed.
- Cool. What trip?
Uh, to Cleveland to go
interview that Fuches guy.
- You're not going to Cleveland.
- What? You can't go alone.
- That would be a breach of protocol.
- Look, Moss was my partner.
This is personal to me,
and you have to respect that.
All right?
I'm doing this alone.
Is that all you're taking, though?
Did your wife take all the luggage?
I'm sorry to tell you,
but one of the twins smothered
the other twin in the womb.
No... Why would God
allow this to happen?
Maybe he only wanted us
to have one child...
- Hey.
- Hey.
...a girl.
What's going on?
Everyone was so jealous
of your performance last class,
that they wanted to share
their own pain.
It's like competitive grief.
We'll name her...
Okay. Got him.
- All right, I know you were just a fetus...
- Right.
...but is this close
to your experience?
From what I remember, yes.
- Okay, who's next?
- Yo, me, Antonio.
Oh, I cannot wait
to eat this taco.
Oh no, I spill hot sauce
on my ankle.
Ay dios mio!
Eric... Eric, stop.
Doctor, will my leg
be all right?
Your pit bull bit through your
lower leg tendon. Achilles.
Your professional soccer career
is over. I'm sorry.
Vroom, vroom,
vroom, vroom, vroom.
Your mother and I want you
to know we're getting a divorce.
It's not your fault.
We've just grown apart.
We'll always
love you, baby Eric.
Now get these
dead bodies out of here,
you fucked up serial killer.
That's not what happened!
Great day! What a journey
you all took us on, huh?
A lot of doctors giving us
a lot of bad news.
I don't know if your work
rose to yesterday's level
from our good friend Barry here.
Well, he was in a war.
So lucky.
Yes, Barry was blessed
with being able to witness the
atrocities of war, absolutely.
I bet you all wish you were
down in the shit with him.
But here's the difference.
Barry, you told your story
with such vulnerability,
such honesty.
Look, I know it is
hard to see yourselves
reflected in the exercises
up here.
What if we challenged ourselves
to discover ourselves?
What if we wrote our own pieces,
using moments from our own lives
that help shape and define us?
What if we didn't elevate
somebody else's character
in somebody else's story
but we finally wrote our own?
What if we made it about
ourselves for a change?
- Yes.
- Now, Barry,
you're gonna tell
that story from Afghanistan.
The rest of you, you're gonna
find your sheep-fucker moments.
And then we'll take them all,
we will mold them into a show
that we will do for a paying
audience and the occasional VIP comp.
Now, this is the new work,
ladies and gentlemen.
Are you with me?
- Well, let's get to it!
- Yes, Gene!
Sally, excuse me. Where are you going?
You haven't gone yet.
Oh, yeah. Shit, sorry.
Can I go next class?
It's just, I have a meeting
to go to at Gersh.
Are you telling me
that that is more important
than sharing your truth
with the class?
It's just my new agents
have put together my reel
of all the jobs
I've been getting,
like clips of them,
like, cut together.
- We know what a reel is.
- I'm really excited.
Sorry. You guys were great, though.
It was really, really good.
You know what?
To the rest of you, take a loose 15.
But, like, I'm not surprised
that she did that.
Hey, Mr. Cousineau?
Hey, Private Pyle.
How you doing?
Oh, let's not call me that.
Your story, just an idea...
There is an embellishment
called the Dennehy Balloon.
Actually, it's a colostomy bag
filled with blood
that Brian Dennehy used
during Death Trap.
When he was shot, he would...
Mr. Cousineau, um,
I don't really have to tell the story
I told yesterday
in front of an audience, do I?
- Of course not.
- Oh, good. Thank you.
- No, that version is just the beginning.
- Shit.
See during rehearsal...
and this is just my instinct...
you're gonna find more
complicated and fucked up details.
Those... we have to hear.
Right, but you know,
you said that this is a story
- that, um, has to define us.
- Mm-hmm.
I just... I don't think
that's the person that I am.
- Barry, you're justifiably nervous.
- Yeah.
But I will not hear a word about
switching it out, one iota,
for something less compelling.
You, sir, are doing Afghanistan.
See, I want to do the
story about meeting you.
Go on.
Yeah, you know, being in this
class and seeing you teach and...
So you wanna tell the story
of meeting me?
- Yeah.
- I'll allow it.
Oh good. That's great.
That's great.
I think it will be way better
than Afghanistan.
I can be as involved
as you need me to be
in order to craft this piece,
or I can stay on the sidelines.
I totally understand.
Either way is fine.
- Okay, I don't think I need...
- But who would know more about me than me?
That's a good point, but I don't think
you need to be involved at all, you know?
- I was there, so I remember.
- I've got scrapbooks.
- Oh cool.
- If you need them.
I've got diaries, I've got
pictures, I've got tapes.
Barry, I have got
a lot of tapes.
- I think I'm good, Mr. Cousineau, thank you.
- Okay.
You know what?
I'm gonna call Natalie
- and send her to the storage unit anyway.
- Okay.
- All right. Okay.
- Just in case.
- For the tapes. Okay.
- Got it.
If anyone calls
or knocks on the door,
- you just ignore them, okay?
- Okay.
You and Emily just sit tight.
And before you know it,
this'll all be over.
There must be something
I can do to help.
There is.
Let me handle this.
You've had to overcome
a lot of misogyny,
adversity, sexism
to get to where you are.
Nothing's been handed to you.
You've earned it.
Congratulations, ladies.
You're my lead prosecutors now.
We won't let you down,
District Attorney McGarrity.
I know you won't. Now...
- Sir, your three o'clock is here.
- Tell them to wait!
I'm talking
to my lead prosecutors.
- Sorry about her.
- How did they not pick this up?
Sar Norff's men have
surrounded our ship.
How are we gonna get home, Dad?
We'll just have to make
a run for it.
Make a run for it?
If we do that, we're dead.
Thanks, Babe.
So great.
You are nailing these scenes.
It's like I forgot
you were acting.
You became the character of...
what was her name?
Oh, the script just said "wife."
Well, you elevated it.
Look, we love it.
But forget how we feel.
How do you feel? Be honest.
It's... so great.
Thank you so much.
I mean, I feel so lucky.
Thank you.
Well, you are booking
like crazy.
You got to come by more.
- All right.
- Yeah.
Sorry to keep this brief,
but Mike and I have to run.
They'll validate you
at the front.
- You know how to get out, right?
- Uh, yeah.
Sally, you stay. You two go
on ahead, I'll walk her out.
So fucking thrilled.
You hate it.
I just, like...
Seeing it all cut together
like that, back-to-back...
Look, these parts are not the best
representation of your talent.
I just feel like I have more to
bring to the table than breakfast.
That's amazing.
I'm crazy about you.
- And I just want you to be happy.
- Okay.
Um, so what do we do?
Here's what we do...
We play the game.
Okay, okay.
Hear me out.
Before Jennifer Lawrence
became "J-Law,"
she was the daughter on the
Bill Engvall sitcom, okay?
Good parts come with time,
but you got to hang in there.
I know it's so frustrating,
but it's the way
this industry works.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Is that the plan?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's the plan.
- Okay.
- Thank you, Lindsay.
- You bet, yeah.
Hey. Monroe Fuches.
Thank you.
Monroe Fuches?
Detective Loach, LAPD.
Just like to ask you
a few questions.
So, Mr. Fuches,
I have your tooth at the scene
of a quadruple homicide.
How does that happen?
You know, that's funny.
I was gonna call
the cops about that.
Uh, my tooth... this one.
I woke up, and it was gone.
I have no idea where it went.
You have no idea where it went?
No idea.
Okay. All right.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I was with a lady.
And I think, maybe,
while I was sleeping...
she extracted it.
Why would she do that?
Who knows what these
foreign prostitutes do?
I mean she might've taken
it as some sort of...
trophy or something?
You know, like an ivory tusk
or a rhino horn.
Maybe she wanted to grind it up
and use it as a potion.
I don't know
what goes on with them.
- in this scenario...
- Uh-huh?
How does it end up
in Pazar's garage?
Hmm, well...
Uh, she might've
taken it with her
- on her route and left it there.
- Uh-huh.
I don't think they have routes.
Well, I mean suit yourself.
But if I'm a cop,
I want to look at all the possibilities.
Hey, do you know this guy?
Is that a guy?
Looks kind of
gender-liquid to me.
Well, his name is Barry Block,
but his real name
is Barry Berkman.
And he's from right here
in Cleveland, like you.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
Yeah, well I've never seen
him before in my life.
- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
So you, you definitely...
you definitely didn't see
him kill Pazar.
I don't know this dipshit,
and I don't give
a fuck about Pazar.
I don't give a fuck
about Pazar, either.
You know what I do care about?
I care about who killed
my partner,
Detective Janice Moss.
And I think this guy might've
had something to do with it.
He might be a cop killer.
And if I find out that
you're even slightly involved
with this fucking guy,
like in any way, shape, or form,
you're going to prison.
You got me?
- No, no, no, no.
- Come on.
Come on! I fucking
pushed the button!
- The game says you didn't.
- Well, that's bullshit,
because I'm obviously
pushing the button.
- Hey guys.
- Hey, roomie. Not now, okay?
I got bread, mac and cheese,
and, Jermaine,
I got your Gatorade.
Thanks, B.
Um, I'm actually a little light.
Can I get you tomorrow?
Sure, yeah.
- Word.
- Aw, goddamn, it's happened again!
Yeah, you really aren't
good at this.
Hi, Dad.
Leo, hi!
Oh, what a lovely coincidence!
I don't know if you know this,
but I've just recently lost
someone very close to me.
Mom told me.
And I thought to myself,
you know, life is so short.
A father should have
a relationship with his son.
Were you planned? No.
But then there you were.
So I did what every great
actor does, I improvised.
You left.
Look, you want to leave
them wanting more, not less.
And then there was
my work, my students.
Your fucking students.
Look, you're jealous, Leo.
It's totally natural.
I don't care about your
students and neither do you.
That whole theater is
just a big shrine to you.
Even this is about you.
We don't have
a relationship, Dad,
and I'm fine with that,
I really am.
No reason to force this.
Barry, you are
worthless and weak.
Do you hear me, Barry,
you cemented head?
Yes, Mr. Cousineau.
Are you aware you are
incapable of playing
a character with a mil...
mildest set of balls?
I think it's because I've never
had an adult male role model,
so I don't have the emotional
tools to advocate for myself.
I know, Barry. I'm going
to give you those tools,
and thus change your life.
It's going to be incredible,
and I'm going to owe it
all to you.
I am Gene. This is my theater.
It's what I do.
Hey, Mr. Cousineau!
Mr. Cousineau.
Yeah, we just put this up on its feet.
It's feeling pretty good.
Yeah, we had a ques... What was
the, um... Balls.
Oh yeah. Did you say
I have no nuts
or that I have no balls?
We just wanna make
sure it's accurate.
Barry, you're gonna do
the story from Afghanistan.
- What?
- Just be your real self.
I don't think he liked
your performance.
He's not wrong.
I mean, thank God Lindsay's
on my team, you know?
Because my other two agents,
Mike and Michael, they just don't get me.
I mean, they keep sending me up
for these shitty little parts.
It hurts that they don't think that
I'm ready for something bigger.
So your burden is
that you're booking work?
Okay, fair.
I'm booking, yeah,
but, you know, nothing
substantial, nothing meaty.
Just like... housewife,
stepmother, assistant.
Nothing I can really bring
my truth to, you know?
Just a bunch of weak women.
Oh, you don't like weak women.
You can't bring
your truth to them.
- No.
- Why?
What do you mean, "Why?"
I'm a very
self-sufficient person.
Well, I, um...
I'm extremely independent.
Um, when I moved out here,
I didn't know a single person,
and I had no money,
and I'm doing just fine, thank you.
Okay, Gene, I think I know
what you're trying to do here,
and I'm just, I'm not
going to fall for it, okay?
I just... I know what you,
you want me to say. I get it, okay? I...
Okay, you want me to say
that I was married
and he was abusive and I stayed
in it for years anyway.
Is that what you want?
That's what you wanted to hear.
Wait, you think that I'm
booking all these weak women
because I was weak
in my marriage?
Well, you're wrong.
You're wrong, I am not weak.
I left, okay?
I... I moved
to LA to live for me,
and now I stand up
for myself and...
and I don't apologize
and... and I am with someone
who respects and accepts me
for who I am, okay?
And I will never, ever be
with a violent man again.
Don't you think that
that might be your story?
I, uh...
Shit! Shit!
Aah! Shit!
Oh shit.
Hey look, I know, I know
that you don't wanna see me,
and I don't wanna see you.
I get it.
What the fuck are
you doing here, man?
I don't... I don't
want to bother you,
but I'm just a bit
freaked out, you know.
You know what I'm saying?
The LAPD, they came to Cleveland
and they were asking
a bunch of questions.
How the fuck did you find me?
Barry, just shut the
fuck up and listen to me.
Did you kill a fucking cop?
That's all.
Huh? Did you?
Because they think I'm involved,
and I've got to fucking know
exactly what happened,
what the fuck you did.
Yeah, you got to go.
- Fuches, you got to go.
- No, I could go to jail.
You don't ambush me like this.
You don't ambush me like this!
- You got to go! I don't care.
- I could go to fucking jail!
- It's not about you, it's about me, man!
- Fuck off. Fuck off!
I can fucking help you!
I don't wanna see you again!
- I can get him.
- Just give me another shot.
Someone is trying to play
with us, Hank.
Esther and her men were attacked
last night.
Wow. What dirtbag would attack
you and fail, thankfully?
Are you struggling
with your piece?
I know better than anybody
how scary it is to confront
the past.
The first time I killed someone
was the best day of my...
No, no, no, no.
So this is how you're earning
a buck now?
Selling sports bras?
I'm really glad you're here.
You start telling the truth,
they are never gonna look at you
the same way again.
Do you work here?
Barry, it's me.
- It's Hank.
- I know it's Hank!
- In a wig.
- I know you're in a wig!
- Mr. Cousineau.
- Gene is in pain.
He needs time to process
what happened.
Janice was murdered.
I have come to offer you
a proposition.
Sweet baby Jesus!
How can we not want to be
in business with this, huh?
Esther is throwing complete
monkey wrench
into my relationship
with Cristobal.
So you kill her.
Classic crisscross.
That's not a crisscross.
Oh, thank God you're here!
Mr. Fuches...
You got a court order
to take my DNA?
We just got a DNA match
Monroe Fuches. Cleveland.
- Barry.
- What?
Ground Control to Major Barry.
Are you listening, man?
That troll Esther
is pulling fast one.
So Burmese come to America pretending
to be persecuted Buddhist monks.
They ask government
for the religious asylum,
then live here in temple until
they are clear from immigration.
Then, they join Burmese mafia.
Whole monastery is gateway
for soldiers and drugs.
- That's actually kind of a genius plan.
- No. It's not genius.
She is not a genius, okay?
It's an okay plan.
It's fine.
And I guarantee you,
she did not come up with it.
I mean, look at her.
And look at Cristobal's face.
That is a cry for help.
So you get in there,
you shoot her in her
crazy watermelon-sized
head with...
My family sent it
to me as threat.
Now, if it came back
with Esther's blood on it,
phew, massive fumble
turnover for Hank.
Came back with her blood on it?
What do you mean?
I don't know how...
You want me to get the bullet
out of her head,
is that what you're saying?
- Yeah.
- I don't know how I'd do that.
- That's not how bullets work.
- Okay, um...
What if you shoot her
with a thick book behind her?
It'll go through her head,
get stuck in book,
- you open up book, take out bullet, simple.
- No, no. That's not...
It's so simple.
So you're saying is I
need to get her to read
a really thick book,
and then while she's reading,
I shoot her in the back of the
head, is that what you're saying?
- Yeah. I see what you're saying.
- You see what I'm saying?
That's a hat on a hat,
so... right.
Regardless, everyone has to
know this is job done by Hank.
So, come on, take it.
Am I evil?
- Huh?
- Am I like an...
Am I like, like an evil person?
Oh my God!
I mean, absolutely.
Do I not tell you that enough?
You are like the most
evil guy I know, man!
You know I take no pleasure in
killing people. You know that, right?
Man, all this talking
has made me hungry.
You know what I could
really go for?
Yoshinoya beef bowl.
What the fuck?
Hey, Loach.
Ooh, look at that smile!
Is that your ex?
Who is that...
Oh, that's the new guy.
He's cute.
It must be weird, though.
You kind of want them
to end up with a dog, right?
Mae, what did I tell you
about coming in to my office?
To step out.
Um, okay.
Knock, knock.
I'm ready to go on that trip.
- All packed.
- Cool. What trip?
Uh, to Cleveland to go
interview that Fuches guy.
- You're not going to Cleveland.
- What? You can't go alone.
- That would be a breach of protocol.
- Look, Moss was my partner.
This is personal to me,
and you have to respect that.
All right?
I'm doing this alone.
Is that all you're taking, though?
Did your wife take all the luggage?
I'm sorry to tell you,
but one of the twins smothered
the other twin in the womb.
No... Why would God
allow this to happen?
Maybe he only wanted us
to have one child...
- Hey.
- Hey.
...a girl.
What's going on?
Everyone was so jealous
of your performance last class,
that they wanted to share
their own pain.
It's like competitive grief.
We'll name her...
Okay. Got him.
- All right, I know you were just a fetus...
- Right.
...but is this close
to your experience?
From what I remember, yes.
- Okay, who's next?
- Yo, me, Antonio.
Oh, I cannot wait
to eat this taco.
Oh no, I spill hot sauce
on my ankle.
Ay dios mio!
Eric... Eric, stop.
Doctor, will my leg
be all right?
Your pit bull bit through your
lower leg tendon. Achilles.
Your professional soccer career
is over. I'm sorry.
Vroom, vroom,
vroom, vroom, vroom.
Your mother and I want you
to know we're getting a divorce.
It's not your fault.
We've just grown apart.
We'll always
love you, baby Eric.
Now get these
dead bodies out of here,
you fucked up serial killer.
That's not what happened!
Great day! What a journey
you all took us on, huh?
A lot of doctors giving us
a lot of bad news.
I don't know if your work
rose to yesterday's level
from our good friend Barry here.
Well, he was in a war.
So lucky.
Yes, Barry was blessed
with being able to witness the
atrocities of war, absolutely.
I bet you all wish you were
down in the shit with him.
But here's the difference.
Barry, you told your story
with such vulnerability,
such honesty.
Look, I know it is
hard to see yourselves
reflected in the exercises
up here.
What if we challenged ourselves
to discover ourselves?
What if we wrote our own pieces,
using moments from our own lives
that help shape and define us?
What if we didn't elevate
somebody else's character
in somebody else's story
but we finally wrote our own?
What if we made it about
ourselves for a change?
- Yes.
- Now, Barry,
you're gonna tell
that story from Afghanistan.
The rest of you, you're gonna
find your sheep-fucker moments.
And then we'll take them all,
we will mold them into a show
that we will do for a paying
audience and the occasional VIP comp.
Now, this is the new work,
ladies and gentlemen.
Are you with me?
- Well, let's get to it!
- Yes, Gene!
Sally, excuse me. Where are you going?
You haven't gone yet.
Oh, yeah. Shit, sorry.
Can I go next class?
It's just, I have a meeting
to go to at Gersh.
Are you telling me
that that is more important
than sharing your truth
with the class?
It's just my new agents
have put together my reel
of all the jobs
I've been getting,
like clips of them,
like, cut together.
- We know what a reel is.
- I'm really excited.
Sorry. You guys were great, though.
It was really, really good.
You know what?
To the rest of you, take a loose 15.
But, like, I'm not surprised
that she did that.
Hey, Mr. Cousineau?
Hey, Private Pyle.
How you doing?
Oh, let's not call me that.
Your story, just an idea...
There is an embellishment
called the Dennehy Balloon.
Actually, it's a colostomy bag
filled with blood
that Brian Dennehy used
during Death Trap.
When he was shot, he would...
Mr. Cousineau, um,
I don't really have to tell the story
I told yesterday
in front of an audience, do I?
- Of course not.
- Oh, good. Thank you.
- No, that version is just the beginning.
- Shit.
See during rehearsal...
and this is just my instinct...
you're gonna find more
complicated and fucked up details.
Those... we have to hear.
Right, but you know,
you said that this is a story
- that, um, has to define us.
- Mm-hmm.
I just... I don't think
that's the person that I am.
- Barry, you're justifiably nervous.
- Yeah.
But I will not hear a word about
switching it out, one iota,
for something less compelling.
You, sir, are doing Afghanistan.
See, I want to do the
story about meeting you.
Go on.
Yeah, you know, being in this
class and seeing you teach and...
So you wanna tell the story
of meeting me?
- Yeah.
- I'll allow it.
Oh good. That's great.
That's great.
I think it will be way better
than Afghanistan.
I can be as involved
as you need me to be
in order to craft this piece,
or I can stay on the sidelines.
I totally understand.
Either way is fine.
- Okay, I don't think I need...
- But who would know more about me than me?
That's a good point, but I don't think
you need to be involved at all, you know?
- I was there, so I remember.
- I've got scrapbooks.
- Oh cool.
- If you need them.
I've got diaries, I've got
pictures, I've got tapes.
Barry, I have got
a lot of tapes.
- I think I'm good, Mr. Cousineau, thank you.
- Okay.
You know what?
I'm gonna call Natalie
- and send her to the storage unit anyway.
- Okay.
- All right. Okay.
- Just in case.
- For the tapes. Okay.
- Got it.
If anyone calls
or knocks on the door,
- you just ignore them, okay?
- Okay.
You and Emily just sit tight.
And before you know it,
this'll all be over.
There must be something
I can do to help.
There is.
Let me handle this.
You've had to overcome
a lot of misogyny,
adversity, sexism
to get to where you are.
Nothing's been handed to you.
You've earned it.
Congratulations, ladies.
You're my lead prosecutors now.
We won't let you down,
District Attorney McGarrity.
I know you won't. Now...
- Sir, your three o'clock is here.
- Tell them to wait!
I'm talking
to my lead prosecutors.
- Sorry about her.
- How did they not pick this up?
Sar Norff's men have
surrounded our ship.
How are we gonna get home, Dad?
We'll just have to make
a run for it.
Make a run for it?
If we do that, we're dead.
Thanks, Babe.
So great.
You are nailing these scenes.
It's like I forgot
you were acting.
You became the character of...
what was her name?
Oh, the script just said "wife."
Well, you elevated it.
Look, we love it.
But forget how we feel.
How do you feel? Be honest.
It's... so great.
Thank you so much.
I mean, I feel so lucky.
Thank you.
Well, you are booking
like crazy.
You got to come by more.
- All right.
- Yeah.
Sorry to keep this brief,
but Mike and I have to run.
They'll validate you
at the front.
- You know how to get out, right?
- Uh, yeah.
Sally, you stay. You two go
on ahead, I'll walk her out.
So fucking thrilled.
You hate it.
I just, like...
Seeing it all cut together
like that, back-to-back...
Look, these parts are not the best
representation of your talent.
I just feel like I have more to
bring to the table than breakfast.
That's amazing.
I'm crazy about you.
- And I just want you to be happy.
- Okay.
Um, so what do we do?
Here's what we do...
We play the game.
Okay, okay.
Hear me out.
Before Jennifer Lawrence
became "J-Law,"
she was the daughter on the
Bill Engvall sitcom, okay?
Good parts come with time,
but you got to hang in there.
I know it's so frustrating,
but it's the way
this industry works.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Is that the plan?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's the plan.
- Okay.
- Thank you, Lindsay.
- You bet, yeah.
Hey. Monroe Fuches.
Thank you.
Monroe Fuches?
Detective Loach, LAPD.
Just like to ask you
a few questions.
So, Mr. Fuches,
I have your tooth at the scene
of a quadruple homicide.
How does that happen?
You know, that's funny.
I was gonna call
the cops about that.
Uh, my tooth... this one.
I woke up, and it was gone.
I have no idea where it went.
You have no idea where it went?
No idea.
Okay. All right.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I was with a lady.
And I think, maybe,
while I was sleeping...
she extracted it.
Why would she do that?
Who knows what these
foreign prostitutes do?
I mean she might've taken
it as some sort of...
trophy or something?
You know, like an ivory tusk
or a rhino horn.
Maybe she wanted to grind it up
and use it as a potion.
I don't know
what goes on with them.
- in this scenario...
- Uh-huh?
How does it end up
in Pazar's garage?
Hmm, well...
Uh, she might've
taken it with her
- on her route and left it there.
- Uh-huh.
I don't think they have routes.
Well, I mean suit yourself.
But if I'm a cop,
I want to look at all the possibilities.
Hey, do you know this guy?
Is that a guy?
Looks kind of
gender-liquid to me.
Well, his name is Barry Block,
but his real name
is Barry Berkman.
And he's from right here
in Cleveland, like you.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
Yeah, well I've never seen
him before in my life.
- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
So you, you definitely...
you definitely didn't see
him kill Pazar.
I don't know this dipshit,
and I don't give
a fuck about Pazar.
I don't give a fuck
about Pazar, either.
You know what I do care about?
I care about who killed
my partner,
Detective Janice Moss.
And I think this guy might've
had something to do with it.
He might be a cop killer.
And if I find out that
you're even slightly involved
with this fucking guy,
like in any way, shape, or form,
you're going to prison.
You got me?
- No, no, no, no.
- Come on.
Come on! I fucking
pushed the button!
- The game says you didn't.
- Well, that's bullshit,
because I'm obviously
pushing the button.
- Hey guys.
- Hey, roomie. Not now, okay?
I got bread, mac and cheese,
and, Jermaine,
I got your Gatorade.
Thanks, B.
Um, I'm actually a little light.
Can I get you tomorrow?
Sure, yeah.
- Word.
- Aw, goddamn, it's happened again!
Yeah, you really aren't
good at this.
Hi, Dad.
Leo, hi!
Oh, what a lovely coincidence!
I don't know if you know this,
but I've just recently lost
someone very close to me.
Mom told me.
And I thought to myself,
you know, life is so short.
A father should have
a relationship with his son.
Were you planned? No.
But then there you were.
So I did what every great
actor does, I improvised.
You left.
Look, you want to leave
them wanting more, not less.
And then there was
my work, my students.
Your fucking students.
Look, you're jealous, Leo.
It's totally natural.
I don't care about your
students and neither do you.
That whole theater is
just a big shrine to you.
Even this is about you.
We don't have
a relationship, Dad,
and I'm fine with that,
I really am.
No reason to force this.
Barry, you are
worthless and weak.
Do you hear me, Barry,
you cemented head?
Yes, Mr. Cousineau.
Are you aware you are
incapable of playing
a character with a mil...
mildest set of balls?
I think it's because I've never
had an adult male role model,
so I don't have the emotional
tools to advocate for myself.
I know, Barry. I'm going
to give you those tools,
and thus change your life.
It's going to be incredible,
and I'm going to owe it
all to you.
I am Gene. This is my theater.
It's what I do.
Hey, Mr. Cousineau!
Mr. Cousineau.
Yeah, we just put this up on its feet.
It's feeling pretty good.
Yeah, we had a ques... What was
the, um... Balls.
Oh yeah. Did you say
I have no nuts
or that I have no balls?
We just wanna make
sure it's accurate.
Barry, you're gonna do
the story from Afghanistan.
- What?
- Just be your real self.
I don't think he liked
your performance.
He's not wrong.
I mean, thank God Lindsay's
on my team, you know?
Because my other two agents,
Mike and Michael, they just don't get me.
I mean, they keep sending me up
for these shitty little parts.
It hurts that they don't think that
I'm ready for something bigger.
So your burden is
that you're booking work?
Okay, fair.
I'm booking, yeah,
but, you know, nothing
substantial, nothing meaty.
Just like... housewife,
stepmother, assistant.
Nothing I can really bring
my truth to, you know?
Just a bunch of weak women.
Oh, you don't like weak women.
You can't bring
your truth to them.
- No.
- Why?
What do you mean, "Why?"
I'm a very
self-sufficient person.
Well, I, um...
I'm extremely independent.
Um, when I moved out here,
I didn't know a single person,
and I had no money,
and I'm doing just fine, thank you.
Okay, Gene, I think I know
what you're trying to do here,
and I'm just, I'm not
going to fall for it, okay?
I just... I know what you,
you want me to say. I get it, okay? I...
Okay, you want me to say
that I was married
and he was abusive and I stayed
in it for years anyway.
Is that what you want?
That's what you wanted to hear.
Wait, you think that I'm
booking all these weak women
because I was weak
in my marriage?
Well, you're wrong.
You're wrong, I am not weak.
I left, okay?
I... I moved
to LA to live for me,
and now I stand up
for myself and...
and I don't apologize
and... and I am with someone
who respects and accepts me
for who I am, okay?
And I will never, ever be
with a violent man again.
Don't you think that
that might be your story?
I, uh...
Shit! Shit!
Aah! Shit!
Oh shit.
Hey look, I know, I know
that you don't wanna see me,
and I don't wanna see you.
I get it.
What the fuck are
you doing here, man?
I don't... I don't
want to bother you,
but I'm just a bit
freaked out, you know.
You know what I'm saying?
The LAPD, they came to Cleveland
and they were asking
a bunch of questions.
How the fuck did you find me?
Barry, just shut the
fuck up and listen to me.
Did you kill a fucking cop?
That's all.
Huh? Did you?
Because they think I'm involved,
and I've got to fucking know
exactly what happened,
what the fuck you did.
Yeah, you got to go.
- Fuches, you got to go.
- No, I could go to jail.
You don't ambush me like this.
You don't ambush me like this!
- You got to go! I don't care.
- I could go to fucking jail!
- It's not about you, it's about me, man!
- Fuck off. Fuck off!
I can fucking help you!
I don't wanna see you again!
- I can get him.
- Just give me another shot.
Someone is trying to play
with us, Hank.
Esther and her men were attacked
last night.
Wow. What dirtbag would attack
you and fail, thankfully?
Are you struggling
with your piece?
I know better than anybody
how scary it is to confront
the past.
The first time I killed someone
was the best day of my...
No, no, no, no.
So this is how you're earning
a buck now?
Selling sports bras?
I'm really glad you're here.
You start telling the truth,
they are never gonna look at you
the same way again.