Barnen på Luna (2000): Season 1, Episode 2 - Avsnitt 2 - full transcript

Torsten, Pärlan and Mercedes have a hard time adapting to life on Glenn's boat.

Four hours ago, I was at a
memorial service in the church.

Now I'm here on board the Luna.
We've left the city behind.

Not there! No! Careful!

I don't know the others:
Pärlan, Mercedes and Glenn.

And now we're runaways together!

I wonder if they miss their
parents as much as I do.

I think about my mother all the time.
And Grandma.

I must be crazy!
I can't leave Grandma!

I got away! Did you see that?

- Glenn?
- What is it?

- I was thinking ...
- Yeah?

- I think I have to get off.
- What!

- This is impossible, I can't leave!

- We've already left.
- But I have to get off.

- What's going on?
- We're arranging things.

- Arranging?
It's time for you to learn.

- Woof-woof.

- You have to remember one thing:
you're on a boat.

- That explains all the water out there!

- On a boat, people become the crew.

And what's important for a crew? Well?

Experience, and trust in each other.

And you have no experience.
Not yet.

We got away on Luna.

That has to mean ...

... we're ready to die for each other.

- Die?

- None of us can let the others down.

That can be dangerous for everyone.

- Don't say that.
- What?

- "Understood".

I'm not a soldier.
Say "Okay?" instead.

Okay. We are a crew and have
to be able to trust each other. Okay?

What did you say?
- Aye, aye captain!

- That doesn't belong down here.
We can't be like that.

- No. What do we do about the beds?

- Not beds. Bunks. Or cots.

- We'll take the front ones.
That can be the girls' club.

- No! Me and Torsten. Come on, Torsten.

- Pärlan!

- Me and Torsten up front.
All right, Torsten?

This one's mine. Okay?

- But ... I don't know you!

- So what?

- It's very close. I think.

My bed, I mean.
- Not bed - bunk, or cot.

- My bunk. It's too close to yours.

- We're on a boat. It's cramped.

- Yes, but ... I want—

- What?
- To be by myself.

- By yourself.

- I shouldn't be here.
- Yes you should.

- Grandma's ill.
- Seriously ill?

- She's in a kind of ... hospital.

- Then she'll be fine.

Won't she, Torsten? She'll be fine there.

- Corned beef, is that all right?
- What else is there?

- Dill meat, white beans, beer sausage.
"Fruit cocktail in syrup".

- Fruit cocktail. I want that.
-I don't like it.

- You'll get used to it.
- No, I mean "frutt".

- I'll have it.
- It's lunchtime.

I want corned beef.
- I want cocktail.

You only want that
because you can pronounce it.

You don't like anything
you can't say properly.

- I can pronounce "corned beef!"
- And I can pronounce "fruit cocktail"!

I can pronounce it!

Fruit cocktail for dinner?

Ahh, that was wonderful!

- So where are we?
- Here.

- Where are we going?
- I don't know.

- Can we go anywhere we want?
- We've got fuel, food and some money.

- We have to decide.
What do you want to do?

- Gambia!
- Gambia?

- It's in Africa.
- I know where Gambia is.

- Very good.
We'll be there tomorrow morning.

You want to go to the Gambia, don't you?
- It's a long way to Africa.

- Can't we just travel around a bit?

There's lots of islands here.
- 24,000.

- What about Paris?
Remember when I got lost there?

I was lost for two days.
- Yes, that was great fun.

- The archipelago is big.

Big enough for us. What do you think?

- No idea.
- Look, then.

- 24,000 islands ...
- It depends how you count.

Is there more fruit cocktail?
Oh, I mean "frit kocktayell".

- Legoland? Or India?

Skåne, then?


Can I use this?
- Are you going to brush your teeth?

- Is that forbidden? Or is it some kind
of rule I still have to learn?

- Do you have to use that one? It's Mum's.
Can you use this instead?

Sorry, Pärlan, but it isn't working out.

You use a lot of water.

- So what?

Good night.
- Good night.

Torsten! Torsten!

He was a traitor. I knew it!
- Don't say that!

- Maybe he hasn't left then? From now on
nobody mentions his stupid name!

Four orphans missing

You have to wear it.
- No!

I don't want to!

- Get it!

- No! - Get it!
- No, I'm not going to!

- Do you want to stay on the boat?

It's cold.
- Hurry up then.

Is she a good swimmer?
- I dont know.


I took a class at school.
- Pretty poor class, right?

- Yes ...

- This won't do.
- What do you mean? She'll have to learn.

This is impossible.
Take the small boat and leave.

Go on.
Do what the other kid did.

- We're not leaving.
- You have new families. Go to them.

- You think you're so special, rdon't you.
But I'm special too! Listen to me!

I have no intention of leaving. if you want
me gone you'll have to kick me off. Clear?

- Are you strong?
- Strong enough.

- Come on then!

Okay, you can stay.
- I'll beat you up soon.

The left and right sides of the boat
are port and starboard.

Say after me: "Port is the left."

Port is the left.
- Sport is the left.

Port, not sport.
Try ag—

- This is completely unnecessary.
We've never said port or starboard.

And we're not going to say
port and starboard.

We're two against one.
And we say left and right.

- We'll do nothing of the kind!

The front and back of the boat
are called the bow and the stern.

The back and the front are better.
- The back and the front? Don't say that.

You sink if you say that.
Never ever say the back and the front!

Remember: bow and stern,
port and starboard. Okay?

- But ... if you turn round, starboard
becomes port.

And port becomes starboard.

Doesn't it?

Grandma, wake up! We have to go home!

- Torsten?

- These are yours, aren't they?
Have you got any shoes?

- Yes, but sit down. You must sit down.

I'm not well enough yet.

- Are you dying?
- No, I 'm not going to die.

I'm feeling much better. And when I
get better still, I'll be coming home.

That'll be good, won't it?

Are they nice to you?
- Who?

- The family you're staying with?

- Oh, yes, very nice.

- Here. this is yours
- Mine?

What is it?
- You'll see.

- You'll get well soon.
- Yes. I will.

Where's the food?
- What?

- Haven't you done any food?
- Me?

- I shouted, didn't you hear me?
- Yes ...

You think I should do the cooking
just because I'm a girl!

- No, I was showing Pärlan the chart.
- But you said, start cooking!

- Not because you're a girl anyway.
I didn't say that at all.

- I'll do it. I'm good at cooking.
- Everyone's good with a can-opener.

Give it to me.
- Can't I even try?

I'll call you when it's done.
- We leave after we eat.

I want to learn to steer.
- No.

- So I can't?

- I do the steering.
- All right ...

What happens if you disappear?
- Disappear?

- Yes.
- Luna will probably disappear, too.

- You might go overboard. Or be ill. Well?

I might even steer better than you.
- Sure.

- Torsten's back!

Stop the boat! Tell him!

- We're not leaving without him?
- He left the boat.

- But he's here!
- He's the one who left!

- Get him!
- No!

Give me that!

- Give it to me!
- Get him!

♪ Great big softy,
you couldn't take it from me!

Look at the paper!
- Get off!

I meant what I said.
I'm not going back.

- Neither am I.
Neither are you.

- They're actually hunting us.
- Yes, they really are.

- With the police and all that.
- Yes, police and military. Really.

We're together.
We have to stick together.

What you said before is
even more important now.

We have to be able to trust each other.

- We could swear an oath.

- Great, Torsten!
You read that somewhere, right?

- We all have to promise
not to long for what we had before.

We all think of something we liked a lot.
Then we write it down.

- You start.

- My moped.

My red velvet dress, my Barbies ...

... my Gameboy ...

... my films: Lion King,
Toy Story and Star Sisters.

- Slow down a bit.
- ... and my pencil case with glitter.

- Maybe that's enough.
- What about you?

- My CD and Walkman.

I'll write my own: my books.

"My books..."

And the most important thing of all ...

We have to promise not to think
or talk about our parents.

Because we have to be free.

Now our names.
Then there's no going back.

Let's get going.

English subtitles by
jeremys and faxeholm1234

TNT 2022