Backstrom (2015): Season 1, Episode 9 - Inescapable Truth - full transcript

The team investigates when a witness in a drug investigation escapes from rehab and ends up dead.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[ sighs ] come on.

[ sighs ]


[ groans ]

What is all this crap?

Outgoing inventory.

[ sighs ]


[ grunts ]

Helpful hint --



I know, right?
Beyond reproach.

I call it a "boyzilian."

You are not ready
for that.

Baby steps.

♪ into the light... ♪

Behold, the inescapable truth

Onstage three weeks ago.

May I have
your attention, please?

I have a very important

It's about penises.

Yeah, I think
that can wait.

We have an urgent
missing-musician case.

Missing musicians?

They're never urgent.

Ugh, sounds like noise to me.
I hate music.

Amusia, possibly due to damage
to the frontal lobe

When your father smacked you
on the head with his gun.

I'd like to smack you
in the head with a gun.

Sebastian serafian,
age 26,

from court-mandated rehab.

This comes straight
from the chief.

This comes
from the chief.

you know what that means.


Yeah, politics.

Oh, god, look at him.

Bunch of failed baristas
staring at their navels

And sticking their parents
with the bill.

Musicians are adorable.

They deserve
special artist freedoms.

Your attitude
disgusts me.

No special dispensation
for artists.

Okay, here's what
we're gonna do today, kids.

We're gonna find
this politically
connected noisemaker.

We're gonna slam him back
into rehab, where he belongs.

You and me,
we're gonna take the rehab.

Niedermayer, you and almond
talk to that...Band,

Find out who's hiding him.

Chapin: Okay, this is where
we hold group therapy.

The place
is court-mandated?

Where's the puke-green walls
and the violent orderlies?

You know, the hostility
you've displayed over
the past 10 minutes

Suggests that you're conflicted
with yourself

Over addiction issues.

Lieutenant backstrom
is conflicted

With everyone
about everything.

What can you tell us
about sebastian serafian?

I'm uncomfortable
even confirming

That sebastian
was a guest here.

We guarantee

Did he have
any visitors?

Again, I must put
the right to privacy

Of our guests before --
just put your finger
on your nose

If any of his bandmates
smuggled in drugs.

Okay, fella.

So, what's your poison?

Drugs, alcohol?

Keep going?

Oh, you're
an "all of the above" man.

[ chuckles ]
mr. "all of the above,"

Try closing your mouth
and opening your heart.

Try opening your mouth
and closing your eyes.
Excuse me?

Without confirming
that sebastian

Was ever a patient here,

Can you tell us exactly
what time he went missing?

Yeah, I can do that.

[ keys clacking ]

30th. See?

That's sebastian serafian.
Did he leave a data trail?

No. Guests forgo all phone
and computer privileges.

Yeah? How do the guests
keep in touch

With their dealers
and their bookies?

Addiction is not a joke.
It is a disease.

You know what's a disease?

You know what's fun?
Drugs and alcohol.

You don't believe me,

Look at him jumping
over that wall.

You're a fraud.
This place is bogus.

When I catch him,

He's not coming back
to this shangri-la.

No, he's going to jail,
where he can get some real help.

The whole band operates
as a creative commune.

Most of them live right here,
where they practice.

Hey, special crimes unit!

[ rock music playing ]
that means stop playing.

[ music stops ]

Thank you.

Uh, we are looking
for sebastian serafian.

He's not here.

You mind?

Does anybody know
his whereabouts?

Yeah, he's in rehab.

Hausberg: What?

Sebastian left rehab?

He's gonna die
if he doesn't get off drugs.

We can all see it coming.

I have total faith
in sebastian.

Almond: Maybe it's best
if you help us find him.

Mind if we look around?

Sebastian's not here.
Total waste of time.

Lara's not the only one
that wants sebastian to live.

Sebastian wrote the music
and words,

And he was the front man
of the band.

Would it be fair to say that
he was the leader of the band?

We don't have a leader.
We're an artistic collective.


Thus the spirit-guide heads.

It's an ironic comment
on the ego.

Anyone that wants to let
the cops look around,

Raise your hand.

It's unanimous.
Thank you.

If I escaped rehab on foot,
I head to the nearest place

I can get blasted
out of my junkie skull.

Well, this is the nearest bar.

Sebastian serafian --
do you recognize him?

Never saw him
in my life.

You didn't
even look.

Are there any cameras
in here?

You see any cameras
in here?

Ms. Mcmurray, are you the owner
of this establishment?

Me, an ex-husband,
and the bank.

Gravely, go see
if he's in the bathroom.

He might be
shooting up.

Your hostility suggests
you're in conflict with yourself

Over addiction issues.

No, I am not.

Addiction is what keeps
this place afloat.

Yeah, and the rehab
up the street.

I guess you guys
keep each other afloat

Swapping customers.

[ both chuckle ]

[ sighs ]

Your daughter asked
the wrong question.

[ chuckles ]
you want to try?

Are there cameras
on the outside of this place?


Why have a camera
outside of the bar?

So cops can't see
what goes on inside the bar.

And to make sure all the really
bad stuff happens outside.

Where it's not your fault.

That your boy?

That's him.

11:28 p.M.

And that's her
license-plate number.

Let's track down
the junkie messiah,

Throw him in jail,

And come back and enjoy
a couple of cold ones.

Excuse me.

Is this your van?

Yeah, that's my van.

It used to be, anyway.

A few weeks ago, I donated it
to one of my patients.

My client
is a well-respected orthopedist.

What is the name
of your patient, dr. Kobrine?

Sebastian serafian,
a local musician.

Had three broken metacarpals
in his right hand.

Your patient
is an escaped junkie,

And you brought your lawyer
with you.

What's wrong
with this picture?

Anyone called in for a police
interview should be represented.

Especially if they're guilty
of something.

[ knock on door ]

You're gonna love this.

Apparently, the good doctor's
under investigation

As portland's biggest
pill pusher.

Son of a bitch.

Oh, nice to see you, too,

This is assistant
district attorney steve kines.

I hate him.

Love affair gone bad?
Both: No.

My theory
is our missing musician

Is a material witness
in your case against the doctor.

Rehab was a last-ditch effort
to get him clean

Before propping him up
in front of a grand jury.

We understand one another.

What if the doctor
killed him?

He didn't.


And wiretapped and bugged,

So we know
he didn't hire someone

To kill
sebastian serafian.

So will you please quit
wasting time with my target,

Let him go,

And find
my missing witness.

Tell me
you hate him, too.

I hate everybody.

Our apologies.

We were meeting
with the prosecutor,

Who said you killed
sebastian serafian

Because he was
the prime witness

Against you
in a narcotics case.

We're out of here, alan.
You've cooperated enough.

Good luck
finding sebastian.

He's very talented.

That would be awesome
if we could get him for murder

Before kines gets him
for trafficking.


because everything we do

Is to get revenge
on your ex-boyfriends.

[ "black stone" playing ]
this sucks.

Why are we listening
to this hooey?

We're analyzing
sebastian's songs

Through the filter
of forensic linguistics.

"black water, black chains.

Black visions
runs through my veins."

See, this song in particular,
"black stone,"

Could be about suicide

Or surrendering
to a greater power

That he doesn't trust.

And this song
might give us insight

Into his definition
of a sanctuary.

[ music stops ]

Can I ask you something?

Yes, forensic linguistics
is a real thing.

No, no.


Are they more like snowflakes
or buttons?

You mean unique
versus mass-produced?

You've seen lots of them.

You mean in autopsies?

Yeah, sure.
That's -- that's how I mean it.

[ laughs ]

All right, well,
perhaps if you provide context.

Valentine's penis...

Looks exactly like mine.

Your noses
are also identical.

Which led me to assume
that valentine was your son.

Get out of here.

Is it not
a physical possibility?

Sir, you're doing the math
in your head,

Which means
that you have, in fact,

Had sex
with valentine's mother.

Math in my head makes him
not my kid by about two years.

Well, but your noses
indicate otherwise.

Sir, not only does
cigar smoking

Cause malignancies
in the larynx and esophagus,

But it also can contribute
to pancreatic cancers.

The van turned east out of
the roadhouse parking lot.


there's nothing there.

I mean, it's the rehab and a
million miles of logging roads.

Is there anything
in those lyrics

About a sanctuary
out in the middle of nowhere?

Hey, nadia,

Would you pull up a map
of the area

East of the roadhouse?


So, this is a satellite view
of the area.

Oh, wow.
That was fast.

Uh, okay.

In one of
sebastian's songs,

He refers to a place
called black stone.

Now, I-it could be the name
of a mountain, uh,

Or a river.


Blackstone quarry.

Now filled
with black water.

Have you guys noticed
that the victim's van

Is a mirror
of the special crimes unit?

Backstrom: No, no.

What do you mean, "mirror"?

We have a definite leader
with an addictive personality.

Oh, shut up,

Okay, think of his spirit guide.
It's a mountain lion, right?

Top of the food chain,
king of all he surveys.

You're on to something
with that "king" stuff.

All right, look at this.

The bassist
and the drummer

Are detectives gravely
and almond respectively.

Oh, yeah,
so it's the rhythm section

That's keeping the beat

And driving
everything forward.

Yeah, you got it.
All right, so, lookit.

Almond's spirit animal
is the mountain ram --

Farseeing, surefooted.

And, of course,
gravely is the bear.

Stinks of raw fish?

Brave but nurturing.

Okay, w-what about
the hot raccoon with the cello?

[ laughs ]

She's charming,
intelligent, mischievous.

She's an enigmatic bandit
who will steal your heart.

There's nothing here.

And I was hoping that we'd find
sebastian out here

Getting high in a tent
with a groupie.

[ laughs ]
yeah, that's a nice thought.

is such an imbecile,

Dragging us out here
over some stupid song.


A vehicle
was parked here.

I have an oil stain.

And a drop pattern
leading toward these tire marks.

You think the van
went over here?

[ police radio chatter ]

[ indistinct shouting ]

Is that our musician?

Niedermayer: Sebastian serafian,
in the flesh.

It could be suicide,
except what happened

To whoever brought him
all the way out here?

It's not suicide.

Note the amplifier
jammed against the gas pedal.

You know, you've got to hand it
to backstrom --

Actually, if I may,

It was solid forensic
linguistics and logic that --

Hey, guys?

[ crash ]

Oops! Sorry.

Now that you're awake,
feel like helping me?

I'm a cop.

I can't help you
transport stolen goods.

I got to ship
all this stuff to seattle.

If the guy who, let's say,
deals in discount electronics

Finds out
I'm underselling him,

You'll be investigating
my murder.

Hey, hey.


Did you talk
to your mom recently?

[ laughs ]


Ever since lou became a nun,
we don't talk much.

She didn't become a nun.

She ever tell you anything
about your father?

My mother was a hooker.

I doubt she'd ever be able to
finger the guilty party.

So to speak.
All she ever said

Was that my father
was a client

And some kind of genius.


Oh, and, uh --
and a total dick.

[ chuckles ]

So, at least I know
where I got my genius.

And your nose.

And your penis.

Prelim tox screens show alcohol,
thc, oxycodone, and heroin.

Also, he was garroted

To the point
where he lost consciousness.

His head hit the steering wheel
when the van hit the water.

But still,
he died of drowning.

are hard to kill.

Garroted how?

Some sort of string,

Possibly piano,
perhaps guitar.

Look for lacerations
on the hands.

Did you find
the garrote?

Yeah, there were
a ton of strings

In the back of the van,
but none bloody, as expected.

So perhaps the killer
took it with him,

Or it got washed clean
in the quarry.

Got drugged,
strangled from behind

By someone
who he thought was his friend,

And then dumped
in a rock quarry.

I mean,
it's a wonder we found him.

It's a backstrom
we found him.

Listen, I don't want to toot
my own horn --

The van had
dozens of parking tickets

Going back eight weeks
outside places the band played.

Well, look,
the -- the whole band

Had access
to the van.

Oh, that's not so bad.
What is that, a dozen people?
Oh, dear.

The inescapable truth,

Along with spin-cycle bands
and side projects.

That's a lot of people.

This guy left to form
moo shoo wharf.

Then he teamed up
with this guy and this guy

To form cash-bar wedding
as a side project.

And then these four guys,
they make recordings

As, uh,
the days of wine and neurosis.

But these guys
actually also produce,

Uh, the inescapable truth
cassette-only release.

Oh, and sometimes
all these 13,

They play shows together
as holy meat parade.

Oh, and, uh, the bass player
of holy meat is actually

The singer
of phantom thomas paine.

While the horn player --

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

How many people in total
have access to this van?


[ groans ]
[ whistles ]

Bet it was the guy
who plays the stupid flugelhorn.

Oh, the flugelhorn player --

He moved to brooklyn
two months ago with --

All right, then it was the guy
who played the stupid accordion.

Moto: Coyote man!

[ laughs ]
that's me.

Matt english.
Why him?

Accordion player --

Evil, angry, bitter,
and pointless,

of real musicians.

Okay, not actually sure that
that is a motive, but that's --

What "oh"?

Well, matt english
is actually the guy

That broke sebastian's hand
six months ago

And was kicked
out of the band.

Accordion players, people.

Satan's squeeze-box.

Almond: Tell us
about the altercation.

Sebastian broke
his own hand

By punching me in the head
when he was high.

It served him right
he broke his hand.

Why did he punch you?

I quit his band.

You weren't
kicked out?

You think
I killed sebastian

For kicking me out
of the inescapable truth?


I quit because lara
fell in love with him

And broke my heart.

Lara hausberg,
the cello player?

Yeah, now I'm a suspect
because my girlfriend left me.

It's what we call
a classic motive, son.

This is my daughter,

The only thing that delilah
finds cool about me

Is that I was
in sebastian's band.

Five days ago,
sebastian asked me to come back.

Why would I ruin that
by killing him?

Five days ago?

Asked you how?

On the telephone.

Well, there are no phone calls
allowed in rehab.

Almond: One of you gave
sebastian unauthorized access

To the office phone.

We have phone records,

Someone was helping him
make contact

With the outside world,

with a set of office keys.


Everyone that works here
cares very deeply

About our sacred mission
and our rules,

So sebastian must have found
another way into the office.

What's this hooey?

Those are handwritten
healing milestones

Of past seasons'

It's a --
it's a sacred repository

Of our good work
going back like 14 years.

Ah, interesting.

[ gasps ] ah!

It's him,

The leaning tower
of "I don't care."

He doesn't give a rat's ass
about your sacred repository.

[ crowd murmuring ]

Woody: I didn't kill
sebastian serafian.

Okay, okay,
so you let him into the office,

And you stood watch
at the door.

You listened
to his conversations.

What did he say?

One guy wanted to come back
in the van.

All the other calls,

Sebastian was begging people
to help him escape.

To go get high?

I'm pretty sure.

You ever see
who picked him up?

Once. A girl.





Yeah. That's her.

Oh, the bear.
That's you, detective gravely.

Let's go pick up
the bear.

You're grinding your teeth,

It's a sign of anxiety.

Yeah, well,
your son is still queer,

If that's what
you wanted to ask.

Father hall
says god loves homosexuals

But abhors sodomy.

Yeah, well,
valentine loves sodomy.

[ thud ]

He's not gonna change, lou.

God forgave me for
my former sexual depravities.

He'll forgive val, too,
if he asks for forgiveness.

I want to thank god for
your former sexual depravities.

[ both laugh ]

You were
such a sweet kid.


18-year-old virgin
standing there

With your wadded cash.

[ laughs ]

Oh, we had such a good time,
you and me.

We sure did.
[ chuckles ]

You know, I saw valentine's
twig and berries the other day.

It was like looking
in a mirror.

Take it
from an ex-hooker.

are like roosters.

They all look alike
when they aren't crowing.

What about noses?

What do you
want to ask me?

When valentine needed
a place to stay and a job,

You brought him to me,

Even though you hadn't seen me
in years.

Because I knew
you'd do me a favor.

So it wasn't because...

...I was his father?

I wish
you were val's father.

But do the math.

I know.
I've done the math.

All those times
I drunk-dialed you,

We never...
Did anything?

You're not val's father.

You're a good friend

Who did me a favor
that I can never repay.

So you didn't pick up sebastian
on the day he disappeared?


But you did
other times?

Why did you lie
about that?

If the others knew,
they'd freak out.

Because of lara?

Yeah. Lara.

Plus, if the others knew

Sebastian and I were writing
songs together...

What do you think?

I think sebastian used her
to get drugs.

Mindi figured it out
and kills him?

Searching the band space
didn't come up with anything

We could hold her on,
did it?

Found some weed
and these.

Dr. Kobrine's specialty.


Found it in a common area,
so no good for leverage.

Well, I'll hold her on lying
during a homicide investigation.

There is one more avenue
we can explore.

You say that like
it's a bad avenue.

The lieutenant can try
his double-feint bolo.

What's that, now?

A double-feint bolo?
What the hell's that?

[ scoffs ]
you call yourself a prosecutor?

Two crooks,
different offenses.

We get them
to implicate each other.

Sounds crazy.

Your material witness is dead.
Your case is dead.

Mr. Kines,
what have you got to lose?

Our lieutenant invented
the double-feint bolo.

Backstrom --
that bag of disaster?

He'll blow my case and yours.

Cut a brother a break
and walk away.

A brother?

One year ago,
you shut down a whole operation,

And you blamed it on me,

So don't talk to me
about cutting a brother a break.


[ door slams ]

You're that guy.


Kobrine is on the back nine
at the oregonian country club.

What you do with that
information is your business.

Coming through.

Move it or lose it.

There he is.

we need to talk.

Not without
my lawyer.

The second you call
your lawyer,

We are going to offer
the buyer of these drugs a deal

In which we drop
possession charges

In exchange for identifying you
as his seller.

What buyer? Sebastian?
He's dead!

Why do you want a name?

So that you can drop
another customer in the quarry?

I had nothing to do
with sebastian's death!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[ sighs ]

That was
police endangerment.

[ parking brake engages ]

drive the cart back.

I need to talk
to kobrine alone.


[ parking brake disengages ]

Someone bought these
from you.

We don't know who.

You need to tell us.

Why would I incriminate

Sebastian was killed by someone
he thought was a friend.

That friend bought these
from you to give to him.

That's who we want.

I hope you get him.

was a major talent.


See what I'm doing
right now?

That is highly illegal.

Look at me.
I'm breaking the law.


So, what were to happen

If I were to make
this bag disappear, huh,

Eat all these pills?

You'd have no way
to link me.




But you want
a name first.

I don't even need a name,
just an indication.

It won't even hold up
in court.

What if I refuse?

Then I'm gonna tell
district attorney kines,

Who hates you,
that you sold these to me.

That would be perjury
and blackmail.

Man: Fore!

Yeah, it would.

Why do you think
I sent my partner away?

[ laughs ]

I know an addict
when I see one.

You sent your partner away
so you can swallow these pills.

You should get help.


[ crunching ]

Kobrine sold the pills
to the drummer.

He admitted that?

He did this.

Stand back.
Coming through.

Go arrest the drummer.

Some of these pills
are missing.

Yeah, yeah.

We have a sworn statement
from dr. Alan kobrine

Implicating you
in the sale of this oxycodone.

I don't do drugs.

What are we
hoping for here?

If this boy admits
to buying drugs from kobrine,

You will have your new
material witness.

Dr. Kobrine said
you bought a hundred pills

At $1 per milligram.

Duly sworn statement.

Dr. Kobrine.

I don't do drugs.

Take my blood.

And take my urine
and my bone marrow,

And then do the same
with mindi,

And then see
who uses drugs.

[ tapping rhythmically ]

All drummers
do drugs.

How else can they
make it look like

Their arms and their legs
belong to different people?

Is backstrom drunk?

I promise you...
He is not drunk.

I'm you.

I don't do drugs.
I'm reformed.

Who am I again?

Him. You're him.

I'm mindi.

Now I'm mindi.

I'm mindi.

I think that sebastian wants me
to write songs with him.

But, no, he just wants me
to bring him drugs into rehab.


That's got nothing to do
with me.

I'm mindi.

The drugs I gave sebastian
I got from you.


He's pretending
to be mindi

Selling you drugs.

I don't do drugs.

I don't do drugs.

Seems like
he might be on drugs.

The lieutenant likes to pretend
he's a lot of things

to get the answers he needs.


I'm you.

I pick up sebastian
in my van...

And I drive him
to the quarry...

Where I kill him,

'cause I don't want him
to tell me --

Me, the cops --

That I -- you --

Am her --

Mindi's -- drug supplier,

Supplier of drugs.

No way in the world
the jury follows that.

I picked him up
in the van?

I can't even drive.

I can't drive,
or I won't drive?

I can't drive.

Or I won't drive?

I can't drive!
I have a driving phobia!


I can't get behind
the wheel!

I-I can't breathe.
I feel like I'm dying.

To even get the pills
from dr. Kobrine,

I had to take the bus.

What did he just say?

What he just said
is we do not have our murderer.

He just named kobrine.
I got my material witness.

High five.

Yeah, okay.

Is that what you call
a single-feint bolo?

[ knock on door ]

[ door opens ]


I just got a call from
one of my buddies on patrol.

Gregory valentine
got beat up pretty bad.

Nobody's making
a statement,

But it's obvious that the boys
got a jump on valentine.

He fought back, but...

The guy he got a piece of
was dante trippi.

Give the lieutenant
a minute, please.

What happened?

What I said.
I got schooled.

I got caught poaching
on trippi's turf.

Worst part
is I fought back.

I kicked dante trippi
in the jaw and busted it,

Made him bite through
his tongue.

So I guess
I have to change my name

And move to canada now,

I'm a dead man.

It's not even gonna be
nice canada,

You know, like vancouver.

It's gonna be probably
some hellhole

That justin bieber
crawled out of.

I'm crying
out of shock,

Not 'cause I'm a wimp,

I need a moment.

I know who you are,
mr. Trippi.

I know you're kind of a big deal
on the streets.

You may not know
who I am.

My name is
lieutenant everett backstrom.

Gregory valentine,
the kid you beat up --

He's family.

[ screams ]

Anything happens to him,
you're dead.

I know you have people.

I have people, too!

[ screams ]

Do you understand
every word I've just said?!

[ groans ]

[ muffled ] yeah.

[ sobs ]

[ breathing heavily ]

You're not usually that brave,
no offense.

I'm coming down
off oxycodone.

Which is why,
when it comes to drugs,

I always say...
Just say no.

I heard you say
valentine was family.

You've been wondering
if maybe he's your son?

I got a son -- darius,
10 years old.

He lives up with his mom
in wenatchee.

I'd kill for him.

is the main reason

I want to be out of uniform
and in the plainclothes,

To let him know that motos
got what it takes to succeed,

Prove to him that he can be
proud of his daddy.

Valentine is my roommate.
That's it.

Stop talking to me.

Yes, sir,
but if he's not your son,

You got to cut him loose.


Valentine's a crook.

He dragged you in this mess
with dante trippi.

Now, if he's family,
that's one thing,

But if he's not,

Then you're giving this boy
a false sense of security

That's going to kill him
or ruin you,

Whichever one
comes first.

It's better for everybody
if you cut him loose.

[ door closes ]

[ gasps ] maybe the murder
was a group effort.

everybody's alibis.

where one band member

Is another
band member's alibi.


How's valentine?

He got what he deserved.

Why are you
rechecking alibis?

Because as it turns out,

Everyone in the band
hated sebastian.

Only lara hausberg was
personally sorry that he's gone.

What's this?

Oh, that's just
niedermayer's little game,

Not to be taken serious.

No, this is good.

Everyone in the band
hated sebastian,

Just like all of you
hate me.

I like you, sir.
Shut up, niedermayer.

Yeah, niedermayer's
stupid little experiment

Just might be the answer.

One of you killed me.

Which one?

Get the band together.
Let's go.

We all go?

No one is above suspicion,

None of you liked
sebastian serafian,

But you all needed him.

I'm you.

I'm the glue
that holds the band together

While sebastian
pulls everything apart.

I'd never
call myself glue.

I'm you.

I love sebastian.

That didn't stop me
from being jealous

That his raw talent
trumps my brains.

To be clear,
"no" on the love,

"maybe" on the jealousy.
[ chuckles ]

I'm you.

I just can't understand
why sebastian can't do his work

Without being so awful
to everybody.

I'm totally on board
with that.

I'm you.

I resent sebastian.

I'm gonna suck up to him
in order to impress my kid.

Nothing wrong with wanting to be
something to your kid.

Borden: Anyone who thinks
we need a lawyer,

Raise your hand.

Yeah. Amendment
to the forgoing,

Who thinks we should say nothing
until we have that lawyer?



How much do eagles hate being
bossed around by mountain lions?

Eagles are
visionary creators.

Everybody knows
I liked sebastian.

I told him.

I told everyone.


Backstrom: I'm you.

I'm a visionary.
I'm a creator.

But with sebastian
out of the way,

I'm next in line
to be the leader.

We don't have a leader.

We're a collective.

I'm you.

I'm not as tall as sebastian
or as charismatic.

You must really resent me.

But I know what to do
when he calls.

I drive him up to the quarry.

I ply him with the drugs

He loves
more than anything else.

Somehow, he stays conscious.

So I use a guitar string...

...To choke him.

When he's unconscious,
I dump him in the quarry.

Do you have pictures
to go along with that story?

Niedermayer: Lieutenant.


on the killer's hands.

Man: Show him --
show him your hands, drew.

Man #2: Show him your hands!

Show him your hands.
It's a collective.

Show him your hands,

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Back up, back up!

Almond: Relax.

Let's go.

[ handcuffs click ]

Hey, that, uh, witness
you gave me turned on kobrine.

Can I say thanks,
buy you a drink?

Not in a million years.

You're mad
at the wrong guy.

I was undercover
as a call girl.

I busted 24 johns.

On the 25th john,
the cameras went dark,

And the microphones went off,
and you blamed me.

That's not true.

Okay, well,
then, who was it?

Who was it who realized
that we had a fish in our net

That we didn't want?

Who really
pulled the plug?

Not me.

You know,
if it wasn't you,

Then you stayed quiet
and let the rumor spread.

24 indictments were dropped,
and you let me take the blame.

That part is true,

But maybe I stopped
something worse from happening.

You should have a drink
with me sometime.

I deserve it.

Honey, I'm home.

Doctor says
that [sniffs]

You're gonna have to wait on me
hand and foot unti--

What the hell?

Hi, val.

My name
is gregory valentine.

What is happening?

Your mother's here
to take you home.

You're kicking me out?


Hey, if this is about what
happened with you and trippi,

I didn't ask you
to go medieval on him.

No. You're a crook,
I'm a cop.

You're gay,
I'm straight.

It's not gonna work.
Yeah, right.

That's funny, 'cause it worked
for seven years.

Everett's kicking you out
because he's disappointed

That you're not his son.

Disappointed? No.

Come on.
I'm ecstatic.

You thought
I was your son?

No --

Well, your penis.

You can come live with me
until you find a place.

[ sighs ]

No, no.
I wouldn't do that to you.

What would your priest say

About a sodomite
moving in with you?

Who cares what he says?

All our problems are because
I hate that you're a thief.

That's right.
I am.

And everything nice
in this place is stolen,

So I goes, it goes,
including your precious chair!

I'll buy the chair
off you.

You can't afford
that chair.

I can't afford the chair?
No. With what,
your hooker and cigar money?

I can't afford a $300 --
you have no idea!


You're brothers.

Half brothers.

[ clears throat ]

Um, I'm assuming...

Same father,
different mother.

Everett and I are practically
the same age.


You had sex
with my father.

You had sex
with my mother.

She was really hot.

She still is.
Shut up.

This is really weird.



My dad hates me,
and I'm a straight cop.

Imagine how he's gonna feel
about you --

Gay goth crime wizard.

There's no reason
for val to --

Gregory to have blue
in his life.

[ breathes deeply ]

You're serious?

Backstrom's my brother?

I will tell you
one thing --

This does explain
why you have never been

Sexually attracted
to me.


That explains it.

That must be it.
Mystery of the ages solved.

[ sighs ]

You've always been good
for each other.

Now you know why.

[ joseph's "come in close"
plays ]

♪ my, I'm cold

♪ so cold I feel

♪ see the breath from my lungs

♪ there it is, blue

[ door opens, closes ]

Well, you can stay here
until you find

Someplace permanent,
I guess.

[ sighs ]

♪ the night is dark

♪ my skin is doomed

Hey, uh,
I don't have to pay rent now,

You know,
that we're brothers, right?

Half brothers.

Half brothers,
half the rent.


♪ here, come in close

♪ wear me
like a winter jacket ♪

♪ what do we know
but this, this? ♪

♪ hold out your hands

♪ I'll breathe on them
and place mine over ♪

♪ what do we have but this?

What's that mean?