Baby Daddy (2012–2017): Season 6, Episode 1 - To Elle and Back - full transcript

Ben is still desperately searching for the mysterious Elle. Danny and Riley hunt for a good doctor to help with the pregnancy and Bonnie desperately wants to be involved.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
On 14 August 1979
Mullah Latif Serani from Viransehir...

... discovered in a village in Anatolia...

... the scariest thing ever

What the Mullah behind when he disappeared...

... were some magical amulets...

... secret notes and audio recordings.

"Creepy allegations of Mullah Latif."

Today is 14 August.
It's 3:43 at night.

I, Mullah Latif Serani
from Viransehir.

My Allah, you are forgiving.
Have grace for me.

I will not tell but...

... because I know
this ultimate nightmare...

... I will still consider olgen
I will tell it anyway.

"To do magic is the same as worshiping the devil
" she said ...

... but they did not listen to me.

My Allah, you are my witness,
they did not listen to me.

And thanks to you, I understand
that things exist narrower than magic.

I will tell my story
with Allah's help...

... that hopefully will protect me from all evil
van de ven / loekte djinns.

My Allah, forgive me.

- Come on! Come on!
- Come on, help.

- Come on, he comes.
- Come on help.

- Come on.
- Come on!

- Come on, help.
- Baby Come, come on.

Come on! Come on!

- The baby comes.
- Come on!

The baby is coming, the baby comes.
The baby is coming!

The baby is coming!
The baby comes.

The baby is coming!

- Ok, a little.
- Okay, he's there.

- The baby is here!
- The baby is there, come on.

The baby is here!

Bring the baby here.

Come on, fast!
They wait for hours.

Who is this man?

Get him back! Get him back!
Who is this man?

Where are you taking my child to?
- Walk!

Where he brings my baby go?

Do not let him go, please.
- Lie down, lie down.

Where are you taking my child to?

Help me!

Release! My baby!

Help me!

Dabbe : Zehr i Cin


Omer, wake up!

Sounds come from below.


My baby, have not sleep well?

Will you,
I have a little headache.

I do not know but,
you do a little weird.

- Nope.
- Ok.

-I Have not the bread toasted the bread.
- Never mind, I'm going.

You later.

Come this once before, okay?


Seda! Seda, there's someone here!
Seda, there is someone here!

- Who?
- I Do not know.

Someone came in when I slept
and did close the door.

Wait, take it easy.
The door is open.

Seda, wait.

Who's there?

So it was a dog.

What now a dog?
Do not talk nonsense!

- Why?
- Seda, there was someone!

He opened the door and closed,
and this footprint?

Yeah look, these tracks.
Are they humans tracks?

The dog's tracks.
- Dog Tracks?

Are the kitchen doors also opened by the dog?

If it was a thief, why
he would just go into the kitchen?

how can i know?

I do not know.

Please calm down.
- Do not talk!

don't tell me to calm down
but just makes me angry!

You should only install a camera!

You're right.
Tell that to my husband.

I've said it a thousand times!

He remains the only delay.
And look what has happened now.

- Do not overdo it.
- You talk easily.

I live in this house Seda, I!


Come on, let's clean,
these can create even smell.

Come on.


Honey, I'm home.

Is it seeing 0og, that attention was drawn by Akhenaton...

... a fearless Egyptian Pharaoh...

... that a war had begun
against evil .. .

... and defended monotheTsme,
still on top of the pyramid?

A Bedouin nations alchemist named Duceyye Al Arabi...

... told 1400 years ago about
a creature that will surround the world...

... like a spider web.

He claims that as the world
under the influence of evil...

... this creature in every home will come
and the human spirit will poison.

The essence is in the Koran...

... called by the Arabs Alchemical
"Beast of the Earth."

And the world,
has not understood until now...

... what this was terrible

But the answer consisted of three letters:

so "World Wide Web"

A spider that dominates the world.

And this web
is now in every home.

This creature is called "Internet".

What is the prediction if this
being the Internet?

The answer is in the holy
storage, of the people: DNA.

- Good morning.
- Do not tease me.

- What is it?
-I Have cramps.

Wait, wait. Lean back.
Sit, sit.

Rack foot only.
Ok, relax.

Span not in yourself.
Not efforts, relax.

We have to stretch it.

Why did you phone?

Dilek, I swear,
you're worse than my mother.


Today has been burgled!
- Burgled?

There could happen something bad, I said. Ask
I would encounter the burglar?

We are not sure whether it was a burglar,

Oh, Omer.

Let's not start again from the beginning!

nothing stolen.

Omer! I swear, if you do not have one installed
camera, I will go!

The first thing I'm going to do tomorrow is
install a security camera.



Is the problem resolved?

- Sleep tight.

Come on, fast!
They wait for hours.

Get him back! Get him back!
Who is this man?

Give my child!
Give my child!

Where you take my child to?



- What Dilek?
-I Have not been able to sleep.

Dilek, again?
Come on, let's sleep treasure.

The jinn Haris.

The jinn Haris.

The jinn Haris.

The jinn Haris.

The jinn Haris.


What happened?
Oh, you're bleeding nose.

Honey, what do you have?

- You...
- What?


Dilek! Where are you going?


What is it? What is wealth?
There there.

Ok, ok.
It's over. It's over.

Ok, it's over. Ok.

Ok, it's over. Ok.

You have to dream, that's all.

What did you dream?

I was awakened by a noise.

I did not understand that I was dreaming.

and there were others in the house.

I could not see them.

But they surrounded me.

Whispers, screams...

A baby who cries...

When I entered this room.

I saw the mirror.

There was something written on.

And the number 7730.

I remember.

In this corner happened.

I had a knife in my hands.

I walked into the bedroom.

And then murdered you.
- You've killed me!


Then I walked into this room.

A man dead...

After blood... Milk.

Scary faces...

They whispered.

What they whispered?

The jinn Haris.

The jinn Haris.


Was this it?

This is it.

Ok, honey, okay.

It's over.

It was a terrible nightmare, it's over.
OK honey?

You have nothing to be afraid of.
I'm here.

You know what I think it is?
It's all in your subconscious.

Do you know the story of Omer Seyfettin called "Ant"?

A mad dog is children and so on.

In that story was called one of the children Omer.

I've read that story as a child and then...

... I always dreamed that I was
attacked by a dog.

I fought with the dogs.


So the thief has first been
in our house and then in your dreams.

Is this your analysis after this whole conversation?

Yes, because that is the situation.

My hands still vibrate,
can not you see?

You want my interpretation of your dream?

What do you understand by now
an interpretation of a dream?

Who? I?
I know them so much!

Well actually, my grandmother gave me...

... the gift to interpret dreams,
you know?

'Cause a dream is the mirror of truth.

So, that sounds good.

If you want to understand a dream,
you should not look at the content...

... you have to look at what
reflected on the mirror.

So, you killed me
in your dream, right?

And what is the mirror image of the dead?

- Life.
- Right.

We will both live long.

Oh, no!
- What is it?

you have seen blood in your dream,

- Yes.
- That is not good.

- What? What is not good?
- Blood can not interpret.

- Why?
- Forget what little I've been told.

This means that nothing will come out.

What now? Truth, mirror, mirror...
ls all nonsense now?

Everything is nonsense.

What is happening?

Why look so?

-I'm Excited hence.
- You will be excited.


Blood, milk, knife.
And a gorgeous girl.

- Pervert!
- huh! Come here!

Omer want a baby.
Come here.

1. Camera

Yes, this is good.

Camera 2.

This is also good.

Camera 3.

Yes. This is also ok.

And... Camera 4.

- Is there a problem?
- No. It works like a charm.

Oh, that's good.
- Perfect.

How do I look?
- You look great, honey.

- And then my hair?
- Looks super out.

Tell the truth.

You are very beautiful!

My girlfriend looks like a movie star.

Let's go, come on.
We can not be late.

Where did I leave my car keys?

I do not know.

- Do you sweetie seen them?
- No.

Oh, Allah!

Oh, here they are.

Come on baby, come on.
We arrive late.

I come.

My bag... Where's my bag?


Dilek, come on!
Otherwise we'll be late!

I can't recognize my wife anymore.

- Well, shut up!
- I Tell the truth.

Well ladies,
you guys believe what those stupid saying?

- No comment.
- I Believe so.

How could you?

"The serpent enjoys
of the woman's skin," he said...

... and you believe him, it is true?

- Why not?
- Let Allah's sake!

These hormones, ok?

- What?
- These hormones.

If you same hose down puts on the skin of a
man, he is aggressive.

All the skin of a woman, he is

- You're kidding!
- Really!

There is a scent that only comes from
the skin of a woman...

... I think that's the reason.

Al Pacino plays in a movie with the title
"Scent of a Woman"...

... a ignorant man will not know this fixed.

Fuck out now! All Knower!

- Men, today is her birthday.
- All right.

- Come on!
- Yes.

- Happy you have come.
- I Wish you many fun years.

Congratulations, my dear.

So she dances enthusiastically.

- This suit.
- Thank You.

Stand aside.

Why buy illegal DVD ?
Give more and buy original DVD.

"Mar Adentro".

What is that?

"The sea inside".
Is a Spanish film.

State there for a year,
we have not seen him yet.

Remember this film.
Do not have a Hollywood action movies?

There they are.
Look these are all new.

You have cameras let
hang in the house.

Cameras and an alarm system.
Safety at top.

Now you about the cameras have,
I remember something.

Dilek, you were still dreaming scary?

I got there things picked over.
Shall we talk about?

That's good.

You're too late,
I have that dream already analyzed.

- That you think!
- He has told some nonsense.

Are we not watch the movie?

Let the film well,
let him tell it.

Man, you huh...
You're bad.

Come on.

Tell me. I listen.

Well you had in your dream
7730 saw the number, right?

I have not found out what that is...

... but I've asked someone
and wait for a response.


And you talked about
"The jinn Haris", right?

They repeated it today.

Haris, the first name of the devil
that ancestor of the jinn is.

Before he was called

Yes, when he was an angel.

In ancient Egypt they called Haris "Horus".

That's it.

He has the power to
with an eye to change the world.

Also, this Egyptian devil
also the ancestor of the evil eye.

So the evil eye is
the eye of the devil?


Do you know what the other name of Horus?

- What?
- Angry.

"Evil eye."

So people use the eye of the devil...

... to protect themselves
against evil?

They are being framed,
or they do not know.

Let's go back to the dream.

So, as a conclusion,
also Haris have seen in your dream...

... means that the angry eyes of
jinns follow you.

Fuck man!

Ok, before I told this,
Dilek knew who was Haris?

I did not know.

How can anyone see anything
his dream without knowing it?

Harun! ls your
intention to make her crazy?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
I want to hear his story.

What is this?
- A coral stone.

Imagine what is this?

Another name for this stone is
Stone of jinn.

Stone of jinn?
What is that?

According to the ancient Egyptians and Baby Wages...

jinns ... are the cause of all diseases.

And they came up with this stone...

... if a man was harassed by a jinn.


Through the third eye in hand to use.

Third Eye?

They pull the jinn
in the body of man...

... and uses the eye in the palm
to see that.

that has something to do with it?

Sure. This also.
Reading coffee, palm reading, tarot...

Everything has to do with the third eye in the palm.

Even those who have the disease with their hand when people can see?

Sure. Bioenergy,
chakras, quantum, this and that...

Everything has to do with it.


It is said that comes
Illuminati Has Come From.


It is enough now.
You make a mess of it.

- Omer!
- What? Am I right?

He even your dream
associated with the Illuminati.

Ok, I meddle not care.

They call these jinns that invade the body

So say.
Lot djinns?


Because this jinns...

... The strength to whisper things
against man ..

... and change their lives.

- Continue.
- Now...

If you have seen in your dream,
Haris is a jinn who follows you.


But we still do not know
Either your body is attacked or not.

- How do we determine that?
- This coral stone.

If you close your eyes...

... and through the third eye in your palm
remains show...

... then there will be a jinn inside you.

Ok, I want to find out.
What are we going to do?

First we turn off the lights.

Put your hands as on the stone.

Close your eyes.


Think of an eye in your palm.


Now with that eye to the stone.

You other eyes are not there.
You're blind.

Ok. I'll try.

You are in a dark place.


Everywhere it is dark.

You're in this room only.
We are not there.


I'm in the room.

No one is there.

Your eyes are stuck.


Get your hand up...

... and turn your palm to me.

I lifted him.



I do not know.

I heard a voice.
I can not see it.

Is there an eye
in your palm Dilek?


There is an eye on my palm.

What do you see with that eye?

Dilek! Dilek!

If you come here,
You'll die!

Dilek! Dilek!

If you come here,
You'll die!


Dilek, eyes open!

Open your eyes.

What did you see?

Well, Harun? What is this?
Do you understand anything?

Well, as always, is the number 7730,
with a reversed cross.

I can not make a connection between.

What are we going to do?

Yes, I have well
some knowledge about it but...

... I'm no expert on this.
This is beyond me.

If it still beats you,
why you complicate with this?

Look, everyone is confused.

Well, I had told someone about the dream of Dilek.

She gave me this coral stone.

Then She said what to do.

Who is the person?
Is it a healer or something?

No, not thats person...

She is a woman who knows a lot.

Wife? Who is that woman Harun?
I know her?

Last a few foreigners
still recorded a documentary?

- So?
- I had that organized.

As we got to know each other.
Mrs. Belkis.

And now?
What will happen to me?

"when you have done all this, call me"
she said.

Call now.

Hello, Mrs. Belkis.
I am Harun.

Say it, Harun.

I had told you yet
about the dream of Dilek?

What happened?

We have done with the stone
what you are told.

She saw an eye on her palm.


Say it.

Wednesday Bring her to me.

Ok, thank you.

Thanks, you too.
Allah will help you.

Are you there?

Come on.

Come on.

Show yourself.

What are you doing?
Are you nuts?

-I Called the devil and you came.
- So, ironically so.

You're not the only one who can draw conclusions.

If you've had enough,
I can do other things.

That is a bit difficult!

Why difficult?
Will you be here!

It's good, right?
Can I change the topic?

I'm super. We can talk about everything

Guess what happened today.

What happened?

Do you remember that one boy named Ozan?


Your old classmate?

Yes, he did.
I am come against him today.


Omer is not he there?

No, but he can come at any time.
Tell me.

He asked me out to dinner.

did you go?

I've had fun.

Hey, it may be better not to know.

Wait, I'm not done yet.

During dinner he was apparently...

... invited me to his house,
the bastard.

Do not say that you went!

Am I stupid or something?
"I'm getting married, Ozan" I said.

You should have seen his face!

He settled right away and immediately left.

It was an adventure girl,
what more could you want?

What kind of adventure, Dilek?
I have just had my time.

If Harun hears this he will not like it.

Tell me about it.
He whines so much lately.

Seda, no...

Do not say that you have postponed the marriage.




Seda! Seda, please stay!
Seda, stay please!

Take your phone!

Yes, that's it.

Honey, tell it from the beginning.
What happened?

-I just told you.
- You've told me nothing.

The last thing you said was
conversation with Seda on Skype...

... and that the connection was broken.

Then you said that you had seen someone.

I did not say "I saw someone."

I got here.
Suddenly the electricity went out.

I first heard a breath.

A voice of noise.

Then I felt something touch my neck.

A voice of noise.
Something has touched your neck.


Who is that stupid voice with noise?

I do not know! I do not know!
I really do not know.

I did not see.

But it was close.

First, it touched my neck,
then it pushed me.

- It has pushed.
- Yes!

It made me fall to the ground.

If the electricity had not fallen...

... you had it on cameras.
we can see.

What? What look now?

What do you want? Need I say that
"the house is occupied by jinn?"

you believe this?

If you wish you may say
"she has gone mad."

"Latvian totally not what is visible,
has touched me"...

... that you say Dilek,
i am aware of what you're saying?

Should I lie?

Would not it be better to go to a psychiatrist?



Bravo Omer.

Why are you angry?
What is it bad?

Everyone can do to the psychiatrist.

If you've been once,
no one will make you crazy.

I can not.

I will go to that woman go where Harun was talking about.

help of these charlatans?

Stop this.
You studied.

You are going advice to an old woman!

Three Shadows Village.


- What is it? What is it?

- There's a woman inside.
- Okay, stay calm.

- Woman...
- Quiet.

Honey, I'm here.
Ok, be quiet. Be quiet!


It will......

Do not talk nonsense Dilek,
what this has to do with the house?

- What to do then?
- It has to do with you.

You see things that do not exist.
- What?

What do you mean "what"?

We have seen the images,
there is nothing.

Nobody's been in or out.

- Do not shout.
- I Do not cry!

"There was someone" I say!
There was someone!

Who was Dilek?
What was there? Was there a jinn?


What djinn was that?

The camera does not see it,
I do not see it, only you see it!

What happens now?

Ok. Ok.
Be quiet. Be quiet.

Be quiet!
Be quiet.

Ok, be quiet.

Someone has broken into.
Stay here.

I'm afraid.







Ok, ok.
- They're here.

- Okay, okay.
- They're here.

They're here!
I have seen them. They are here.

It's over, it's over.
Ok, there is none.

It's okay, okay.

Who are you?
- Omer! Omer, stop. Stop!

Omer, stop.

Omer! Omer!

What is this?
Who has this down here?

What do you want from us?
Who are you?




What do you want from us?

Who are you?

- Where is that woman?
- Do not cry, it will come as well.

It all comes to you.
What are we doing here?

Do not bother.
You know why we have come.

What is happening?


Mom! Mom!

Dilek where gaje go?


Mom! Mom!

My Allah,
remove all jinns from this child...

... and destroy all the evil...

... Let the innocent child
not come under the eyes of the devil!

How old are you, Dilek?

- Name of your father?
- Huseyin.


- Rahime.


They both died in a traffic accident, right?


- You have no brothers or sisters.
- No.

Look into my eyes.

How do you sleep?

I'm a deep sleeper but...

That's lately become worse.

If I start to sleep, I stay asleep.

- And?
- There's something bothering me too.

what do you worry about?

I feel that going to happen ever
bad things.

For three days I feel his presence in my area

Especially at night and when I'm alone.

Close your eyes.

Touch it.

Do everything well.

Choose from there.

Open your eyes.

Why have you chosen?

I do not know.

Do not lie, offspring of the devil!
Answer my question!



- Aren't you afraid of Allah?
- No.

Why do you bother this girl?
What do you want? Say it!

Who sent you?

Do you know me?

Ask your friends...

... let them tell you,
who Belkis from Bitlis!

I will squeez your throat so hard,
your toung will come out of mouth!

That haunted eyes of you will jump
out of their orbit.

Your corpse will stink like shit!

Ma'am! Are you okay?
Ma'am! Are you okay?

In the name of Allah...

Where have you found it exactly?




They have been in our room Omer.

Have a little patience,
we will understand it so.

Look, here is your name.

Get out!

Get out!
Have you come to spy?

Go away!
Jinn Infidel! Get lost!

You who is not afraid of Allah!


Do not come inside.


Once you are there, let yourself see.

That closet... Where does that come from cabinet?

From my family inherited.

It is not one jinn diejou
and this house bombarded girl.

There are a lot.

Angry, vengeful,
bad spirits.

Probably has to do the family retainer.

With my family?


What were those amulets
on my pillow?

Those were not talismans.

Toxic magic.

The poison of the soul.

3000 years ago in Babylon...

... devils and jinns were so strong...

... that they have almost all the people together
ate like wild and cruel beasts.

Massacres, pests, rape,
the children buried alive...

Allah had mercy on mankind.

He sent two angels "Harut and Marut"...

... to earth in human form.

These two angels were for the betterment of mankind...

... who became a slave of the devil.

They have taught people white magic.

There was a rule:

Never but never would they
use this magic for anger.

And unfortunately, as usual,
some ungrateful people played...

... the game of ego and arrogance .

The information they got from the Angels...

... they sold to the devil.

They tortured Harut and Marut in terrible ways.

They have them tied to their feet
upside down and thrown into a pit.

After that the jinn...

... this white magic
combined with their own knowledge...

... and created a poisonous magic there.


No one of mankind can match the jinn.

And what happens now?

To break it,
we must ask for help from the spirits.

- Ma'am, let's do what is needed.
- Wait, Harun.

Let's first think about
before making your decision for us.

Time is running out.
That's why I say it.

I am now totally confused.
I can not even think.

I think Dilek first should go to a psychiatrist.

What are you talking about?

There are many magical stuff
found in the house.

Where did this stuff come from?

Someone has brought here this disgusting stuff.

- Who?
- How can i know?

If I knew, I'd cut its head cut off there!


- At this stage, a doctor can do nothing.
- She is not mentally well.

Let's go to a psychiatrist...

... and then we can do what we need to do



If you look at my clothes, appearance and pronunciation...

... You think I'm an ignorant?

I did not say that.

Listen to me.
I am definitely not against a doctor.

Fact is,
the patients who come to me...

... I usually get myself about to go to a psychiatrist.

That did not work,
then I brought them to it with my own hands.

Because not every case is
a jinn case.

So is it illogical
to first go to the doctor?


Logic is sometimes our friend,
and sometimes our greatest enemy.

The corpse of a bee.

On the one hand it gives honey,
and on the other hand poison.

Look, Omer...

Currently there are...

... the most hateful and vicious jinns
in the blood of Dilek!

Do not think they keep quiet.

At the first opportunity
they are one hell of it.

My goal is to help you,
but the decision is yours.

- Omer, let it.
- Dilek!

Do not interrupt me.

Let Mrs. Belkis do what she wants.

Then I will go to a doctor, I promise.

Ok. Whatever you do, do it quickly.

Okay, ma'am,
what should we do?

you get the rest of the stuff on the car.
Hurry up.

With the help of Allah,
everything will come right.

Do not be afraid, do not be afraid.

Later, with the help of Allah...

... I'm calling a jinn
that can help us.

Whatever happens...

... before the jinn we call will go...

... you may, you can not open your eyes,
do not talk, and do not you go instead.

Come here.

Here, sit down.

In the name of Allah.

Oh Jinn!

What tribe are you?

What is your name?

Oh, Aluzak,
Are you Muslim?


Of what religion are you?



Jesus, son of Mary.
Peace be upon him.

He who is with the innocent
and suffering people.

If you are gone follows
help this innocent girl then.

"Go away from this house"

I will not leave .

In the name of Jesus,
you gave your heaven...

... tell me who the devils!

Yakaza tribe.

Oh Aluzak,
time is running out.

What should we do to save
this girl from the tribe of Yakaza?

Say it!

In hoc signo vinces.


Ok, quiet.
The jinn is gone.

We are now know that...

... the magic that is performed on Dilek,
is the toxic jinn.

the jinns who follow you,
have come from the tribe Yakaza.

Yakaza? What is that?

Yakaza, the entrance is
to the world of sleep.

And the jinn who live behind that door...

... Yakaza of the world.

when you sleep at night...

... are these genies lurking
in the dark.

And the jinn,
worship a Allah called Agni.

Agni means "fire" in Sanskrit.

These are the jinns that have the greatest hatred towards people.

Between sleep and wakefulness,
they can invade...

... in the blood of people

But one person in history
could rule over this jinn.

- Who?
- Solomon.

He was also the only person...

... who knew about the toxic

What is this?

"In hoc signo vinces."

I do not know.

The jinn which I asked how
you must rescue...

... has let me write this.

This resembles Latin.

The jinn who came was Christian.
One of the first Christians.

Because maybe he's afraid...

... to be attacked by other
jinns can be...

... that he gave a cryptic answer

I know someone who can help us decipher it.

If you want I can call him right away.
- Ok, call me.

And what do we do?

This is the situation:

Someone has released the curse of the toxic
jinn over you.

The Yakaza has sent the most dangerous
jinns to you.

Who and why would such a thing?

Dilek is someone who never harasses anyone.

jinns began to rule this house.

I found out what this is.

In 312, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great...

... saw in his dream a
very large cross hanging in the air.

And then he heard those words.

"In hoc signo vinces."

And the meaning is:

If you deciphers
you can win the war.

If you deciphers
you can win.

But those figures?

About these figures that I see everywhere.
What else could it be?

What do you think?


The reason you do this
Yakaza jinn will have to make this.

And if we want to free Dilek
we must decipher this code.

jinns use symbols and figures
out of their own world...

... to make them reflect
in our world.


To determine the significance of 7730,
you should go to the Yakaza world.

How to go there?
And who's going?

- You.
- I?

You will be doing the "Azrael sleep."

Azrael sleep?
What is that?

Anyone who sleeps is actually dead.

Because while you sleep your soul leaves your body.

Now think exactly the opposite.

Your soul remains here but body
goes to the dream world.

And this is called "Azrael sleep."

So Dilek will do the Azrael sleep.

Her body will go to the jinn dimension.

There they will learn
What is the meaning of 7730...

... and then come back, right?
- Yes.

And this is dangerous?
Are there risks?

off Course.
But no more dangerous than the situation She is now.

now I need a bowl of pig milk,
and a bowl of pig's blood.

Dilek! What is it?

Come on. We must be quick.
They are stronger.

The world of the jinn
hidden behind mirrors.

Now look at the mirror
on your right.

See all the faces in the
reflection from right to left.

Look into the eyes of one of them.

Repeat what I say.

put your right hand quietly in the milk and
your left hand in the blood.

Look at the television.

Stay focused look at the screen.

Keep Looking.

Keep Watching.

Sluitje eyes.

For now it is just dark.

You're all alone in the darkness.

Listen to your heartbeat.



What do you see?


There is none.

Now sitting in a dream.

You are now in the world where the Yakaza jinns life.

Your soul is here
your body in the jinn world.

Strekje right.

Look to your palm.



I'm afraid.

Do not be afraid.

jinns are fueled by fear.

How afraid you are, the stronger they will be.

There is someone who sees me.

Can you see who?

I can not see it.


Behind the door.

It looks to me.

If you come here, you will be dead!

Dilek! Dilek!

Are you okay?
Are you okay?

I'm 0k, I'm ok.
I'm 0k, I have nothing.

Go, Dilek find.

The devil is sinless.

Man is the main evil.

In Allahs name.

did you find him when you were in the Yakaza world?

No, I do not remember it.

But it was really scary.


Devils and jinns
talking from their abdomen.

Have you heard a voice or a sound
of those who have done this?


Kitab al-ehir.

Kitab al-ehir.

Kitab al-ehir.

Kitab al-ehir.

- Arabic?
- Yes.

Does "last book".

Last book...

If Muhammad is the last prophet,
then the Qur'an is the last book.


Yakaza jinns say...

... we need to look at Quran
for the significance of 7730.

- Say.
- In the name of Allah.

7730. 77-30.

The 77th Sura, the 30th verse.

"Go to the shadow with three arms."

"Go to the shadow with three arms."
So... What do they mean?

I remember this.

"Shadow of the three arms."

Here is
"Three Shadows Village".

What do these three shades?

Elderly called the cross of Christians
"shadow with three arms."

Because it is divided into three.

And in Christianity...

... you have the trilogy the Father
Son and Holy Spirit.

but what has this to do with me?

As it is said in the verse of 77/30

... "Go to the shadow
with the three arms"...

... then prompted
to go there.

However, ma'am?

Is this village of Christians?

I do not know,
I have never heard about it.

And this box and photo s,
where do they come from?

I found these between
the stuff my mother...

And your mother and father?

Have they told you anything about the
Three Shadows Village?

I do not know whether there was a village exists.

The internet says so.
In Bursa.

In Bursa?

We come from Bursa.

You need to go straight there.

Wait, calm down.
What is now "right"?

We have little time.
Life Dilek is in danger.

How can you be so sure of that?

How do you mean
"her life is in danger?"

You saw what happened.

The jinns who Dilek says ...

... "go to the Three Shadows Village"

The secret is there revealed.

Otherwise, they will all her attacks.

I'm not saying that we should not go to the village.

Let's wait a few days to rest...

... Dilek lets go to a doctor.

My foot will therefore be better
and then we'll all go.

Why are you in a hurry?

- Omer, why are you being so difficult?
- What is that to you?

This is my wife.
Why do you complicate it?

You are so rude.

Yes, maybe I am indeed!
Do not make me angry!

What is it? Why so?
will you attack me?

Fuck out of my house!
- Enough! Stop now with this hassle!


Look, I have no interest in.
I have arthritis and diabetes.

I can not even stand.

Now if you say "Let's go to the village"...

... I can not agree.

The situation is clear.

Do what you want.
Good Allah!

A standard reaction of charlatans!

You make a mess of
and disappear.

I can not stay in this house.

- What do you mean you can not stay?
- Do not shout!

- What does "do not Shout"?
- Omer!

Have you not promised...

when all this is over,
that you go to a doctor?

Yes, but it is not over.

I'm exhausted Dilek!
Look what I have to listen for hours!

jinns, magic, amulets,
mirrors, pig's blood and I know what!

Ok then.
I'm going, you can stay.


Dilek tonight stays with us.

We can not let you to go to Bursa.

When we go,
we go tomorrow. Ok?

Do whatever you want.

Today I'm going to ask leave
and I go to Omer.

I hope he's sorry.
What a jerk.

Then we can work with the car to go to Mrs. Belkis.

We can pick her up and then go right.

We will see each other in the village, right?
- Ok.

- How can i thank you?
- As long as you get better.

Call me

Ok. You drive ccarefully.
Do not drive too fast, okay?

Ok. We're going.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

Drive safely.

Are we there yet?

According to the route that I have received,
we are on the right track.



Sorry. The door was open,
we walked inside.

Does not matter.

We are looking for a place called
Three Shadow.

Is not that the Three Shadows Village?

as it was on the internet.

Christians called it the village
Three armed Shadows Village.

Muslims called it the Three Shadows Village.

Is that a village of
and Muslims and Christians?

We have some haste.
Where is the village?

- There's no one there.
- You're kidding.

there are a few houses, but
who had to make way for the reservoir.

The Alacati Dam.

Why are you looking for it?

There's something there.
Is there someone from that village here?

Only the Mad chained Yasin
there. He does have problems.

- What do you mean by "trouble"?
- All villagers are afraid of him.

Why are they afraid?

He binds fixed overnight with chains
and talk to spirits.

Hey! Don't i say you not to play there?

Go away!

Did you say "he's talking to the jinn?"


Even with those who practice divination.

Who goes to him, they make
always something with him only.

Why I say that you also should not go.

Can you take us to him?

Never! Never!
I never go to that damn man!

If you really wish,
i can point the way.

- Ok, shows the way.
- Come on.

This is number 97.

Any survived man here?

I do not know.



There's someone here.


The devil will not die,
before the last man will servive and.....

Yasin, we have come from Istanbul.
do you have just five minutes for us?

Get out of here.
They suffer from you.

Who does affect us?

The jinns.


They smell blood from you.

- Do they know why we have come?
-3 Shadows, 3 services, three evils.

Man, jinn and devil.

Listen Yasin
jinns are troubling with this woman.

A woman who helps us says...

... it has to do with the
Three Shadows Village.

Don't Mention the name of that
cursed village!

Get out of here! Get lost!

The Yakaza djinns.

- What did you say?
- "The Yakaza jinns."

Come here.

Come closer!


Where are you taking my child to?

You're it.


You are the Soul Eater in the cradle.

What does that mean?

I have to take you straight there.

- Where?
- Fast, very fast.

Otherwise you take them to their world.

You smell very well.

Désir Francais.

Did you call Dilek?

I have called them both.
They do not reach.

Have they not reach?

I wish I had called earlier.
He is definitely worry about me.

You think they suspect us?

I think not.

I have given them no clues.
I do not know how this works for you.

Lets you need right away.

Are you scared?

Do I look like that?

- Where are we going?
- Follow me.

No one would think to come here.

What are these?

This is a secret cemetery
of children...

... murdered on their birthday.

What are these forms?

They show the strain of jinns
that the babys have been poisoned.

What do you say that?
Be clear.

One of these tombs is
related to you.


Dilek, 30years ago,
41 days after birth...

... An unknown disease invaded your body.

Doctors said that you would die.

Someone has told your parents...

... told about Deyr-i Haris
in the Three Shadows Village.

Deyr-i Haris?

If a fatal disease of the
one body to another body...

... We call that is transferred
the "diabolical pit" so Deyr-i Haris.


Another baby who was born in
Three Shadows Village...

... was taken away from his mother and was filed to you.

And the deadly disease... through the Yakaza jinns

... as poison
transferred to another child.

You lived through,
that child died.

The dead baby is given to the jinns.

And how do you know all these things?

The villagers used to call me

- Why the villagers would do that?
- For money.

The rich families murdered
children from poor families...

... to let their child's life.

There were even people from Germany, France and lsrael.

This can not be true.

All the villagers who had anything to do with it...

... were died and slain.

Diseases, fires, insanity...

What should I do now?

Someone has told the jinn who you are.

The life that they have given
to you, they will take back.

What should I do?

Look at these graves.

In one of these tombs is
the child who has died because of you.


You must find it.

Remember what you've been through.


If that is right, we will take out the bones...

... and they buried in a common grave.

So jinns will leave you.
Then you will be there from.

Why are you helping me?

You were innocent.
The villagers were cruel.

They only have me but to kill.

This time I'm here to save a life.


The Yakaza jinns.

They are gone.

You're from Dilek.

They will be able to do anything to you.

Harun, do not!

Harun, do not!




Phone. Phone!

Hello, Harun?

Bye Seda.



Your life is doomed to fail.


To keep you alive,
they killed my baby.

Where are you taking my child to?
- Walk on, walk!

For 30 years, I live with this mess.

-I Have done nothing.
- Right, you were innocent.

That damned villagers and your parents
have done this.

They were the devils among us.
Egoistisch, omniscient and rich.

Remember, you are infected with
a descendant of them!

That's not my fault.

Fact Dilek, the dead
keep the link with the world...

... through their children.

So... They suffer pain.

So the pain will get
they get sympathize.

You look at me like I'm the devil.

But all I wanted was a...

... quiet life with my husband and child.

When I was pregnant...

... they killed my first husband.

Then they took away my child,
immediately after she was born, Dilek.

who, Dilek?

Who is in charge here,

You can call this "revenge."

Blood for blood, life for life, Dilek!

What I learned 30 years ago
about genies and magic...

... was all for today, Dilek.

you had the Koran in your hands.

In all three religions
is said...

... when the end of the world... We approach

... there will be more unbelievers
with a holy book in their hand...

... and prayers in their mouth!

Just tell me...

... I am an unbeliever?

Please let me, let me!

My Allah, help me.
- Do not say "Allah" to me!

When Allah took away my child,
I sold him to devil!


One who has agreed with the devil...

... can not seek forgiveness to Allah.

For he will not help the helpless.

If he would help the helpless,
he would help me Dilek!

But he has not done.


Is everything ready for my son?
- Yes, Mom.

Help me! Rescue Me!

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Please... let me.

No. No.

No. No.

Harun! Harun, what are you doing?
Harun, do not do this.

what have you done?

Harun, please stop.
Do not do this.



Did you say "Omer"?

Your best friend is going
retainer husband to bed, Dilek.

No. You're lying.

Seda and Omer...

We have searching you for years, Dilek.

After we found you,
we had to get in your house.

Look, if you know the weaknesses of someone...

... you can easily get them at home.

I found out that your husband is cheating.

Then I met Seda.

But Seda is obviously innocent,
She do not know who I am.

But We used her to
dispel your suspicions...

... and I used her to get inside your house

Did you put all the strange stuff
in my home?

Weaknesses, Dilek...

Weaknesses are like worms
slowly devour life.

Why did you not kill me

Because only you could find my sister's grave, Dilek.

Everything was done to her,
must also go through you.

so does the devil.

By the way, do you know how
Seda and your man has adorned?

With a love magic.

But Seda is not so bad.
It is a bit silly.

She does not know anything
magic ultimately ends badly.

- Seda, turn it off.
- No!

-I Do not like it.
- What? Are you afraid?

- Am I afraid?
- Yes.

Ok. Look, look here.

Was I scared?
- Good as my favorite grumpy.

Ok, it's ok.
Turn it off.

Ok, laugh once.
Please! Laugh!


Do not be sad for Omer

The magic in your pillow was for you,
but the other was for him.


I have given you paintings as a gift?

You thought they were so beautiful.

These are the paintings that bring
insanity above water.

Wickedness can be changed only with

Dark things have come to move...

... there is no turning back.

Now it's your turn!

They come, Mom.
We must hurry!

There is no turning back!

So immediately
evil things will be born...

... from the womb of the dark!

What went through my child,
You will also experience!

Mama, quickly!

my daughter have been fallen into the pit,
there you will come true!

Mama quickly!

Do you hear it?
They come and get you, Dilek!

Mama quickly!

Belkis A. and her son Harun A:

After a fire in a house near Tokat
Two bodies were found...

... the cause of the fire is unknown.

It is confirmed that these corpses
Mrs. Belkis and her son.

The forensic report contains missing facts.

Witnesses who have experienced this
still claim...

... that the woman and her son
still be alive.

Dilek Y:

She is covered in blood on a
field in the direction of Bursa Mezidkoy...

... found comatose state.
She is healed.

What happens next,
is in secret police reports.

Dilek Y. is still protected by the police.

Omer Y:
ls found dead in his home.

The police reports state that...

... he cut his throat
after he murdered his girlfriend.

Seda F:
ls found dead in the house of Omer Y.

In the police reports the murder
described as "crime of passion".

Crazy chained Yasin:

Because nobody wanted to come get his corpse...

... he is buried at
a municipal cemetery.