Attack on Titan (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Icon: Battle of Trost District, Part 7 - full transcript

Plans are created to use Eren's Titan powers to seal the hole in the wall in an attempt reclaim Trost. But with the government's bloodstained history and vocal dissenters in the military ...

District. Year 850.

[NARRATOR] Under threat
from his own regiment,

[NARRATOR] Eren Jaeger invokes
his ability to transform,

[NARRATOR] saving Mikasa
and Armin, but striking fear

[NARRATOR] into the hearts
of his fellow soldiers.

[EREN] I've always
been one of you.

I'm human!

[ARMIN] Eren is not
a foe of humanity!

For humanity's glory, in what
little time I have left to live,

I will advocate
his strategic value!

[NARRATOR] That brave
stand went unheeded,

[NARRATOR] but for the
intervention of one man.

[NARRATOR] Dot Pyxis.

highest ranking officer

[NARRATOR] in the
Southern Territory.

Calm yourself.

Surely, sir, we can at
least do these young soldiers

[PYXIS] the favor
of hearing them out.

[EREN] I'll do it! I
don't know if I can, but...

I will. I swear!

Excellently said. You
have the heart of a lion.

[PYXIS] Staff officers, hup!
We have a plan to flesh out!

Wait, we--? We can't
actually be moving forward

with this as our
linchpin strategy.

It was just something
I tossed out there.

[EREN] I was thinking
the same thing.

'Cept, he seems like a guy
who knows what he's doing.

Has it all under control,

like we can't see
the forest for the trees,

but he's got a
bird's eye view.

Y'think so?

[EREN] I do. Either way, though,
we've got a whole other problem

[EREN] to address before we can
get your plan off the ground.

[EREN] And my gut tells me that

[EREN] the Commander's
keenly aware of it.

Which would be?

Titans aren't our only foe.

[PYXIS] Look sharp, soldiers.

[PYXIS] The fate of mankind
rests on your shoulders.

[SOLDIER 1] Retake
Trost, are they kidding?

[SOLDIER 2] Someone up
top's lost their marbles;

[SOLDIER 2] how'd they expect
us to shore up the hole?

[SOLDIER 3] Is the
brass that out of touch?

[SOLDIER 3] It's a
damn suicide mission!

Lost cause, no doubt.

[SOLDIER 4] Defending Wall Rose
is the only real option here.

[SOLDIER 5] Jackasses.
Some bureaucrat's pushing

[SOLDIER 5] this
through for the glory.

I can't-- I can't go back.

We'll die!
We're all gonna die!

[DAZ] I just want
to see my family!

[MARCO] What the
hell, Daz? Calm down!

Stop shrieking
like a sniveling coward!

[ELITE B] Are you tryin'
to give me the impression

[ELITE B] you're a liability?

Sir, please! Look at us.
We're being marched to

an early grave like
lambs to the slaughter!

[ELITE B] You too good
to sacrifice yourself

for the good of
humanity, soldier?

Or do you prefer I
cut you down right now

as an example
to your comrades?

[DAZ] Do what you gotta do.
I'll take it over being fed

to a Titan like
human candy any day!

Get a hold of yourself!

[DAZ] Let go of me! Let go!

[DAZ] I'm not going
back to that nightmare!

[MALE SOLDIER 1] You hear that?

[MALE SOLDIER 2] Not gonna
lie, he's got a point.

So, uh... Who do
you think's going to

have a nervous breakdown next?

I dunno. But Trost
isn't the way I want to go.

[ELITE A] Come again?

Uh. I was only
kidding around, sir!

Speak up!


At the top of your lungs.

Make as much
noise as you can, cadet.

[ELITE A] You think everyone
else doesn't feel the same way

[ELITE A] about this
stupid idea as you do?

Now stir up a damn distraction
so I can get out of here!

And where exactly to
you think "out of here" is?

Look man, I just
want to see my daughter!

[ELITE A] We're all
dead anyway, right?

[PYXIS] It's thought by
many that before the Titans

[PYXIS] held sway,
mankind consisted of scores

[PYXIS] of different
races, different creeds;

[PYXIS] all scratching and
biting at each other for blood.

It's not difficult to
believe that second part.

Some wise man or other
is reputed to have said,

though understand
I'm paraphrasing here,

that humanity
required an enemy

greater than itself
just to survive.

[PYXIS] What do you
suppose he could have meant?

This is the first time
I've ever heard it, sir.

I guess... he thought
we'd all join forces?

[EREN] Some wise man.

[Pyxis laughing]

I like the way your mind works.

You're almost as
twisted and cynical as me.

Well, it's obvious to me
the guy didn't have a clue

what he was talking about.

C'mon. Here we are with an
enemy "greater than ourselves"

bearing down and look at us.

[PYXIS] Exactly. If our species
doesn't pull it together soon,

[PYXIS] Titans will be merely
the instruments of our demise,

[PYXIS] not the cause.

[HANNES] Eren?

Well I'll be damned.

[HANNES] Wait, what? Is he?

[HANNES] That little punk is
telling me to get back to work.

[HANNES] At least I can assume
Mikasa and Armin are alright,

[HANNES] judging by his
attitude. Still, though.

[HANNES] Why in god's name
is he with the Commander?

[PYXIS] Care for a swig?

Uh... yes, sir.

[DAZ] If you're gonna kill me,

[DAZ] just do it
and get it over with!

[ELITE A] Shut up!
Don't think I won't!

[Pyxis clears throat]


Take note. The blueprint of

the Trost Recovery
Operation is this.

[PYXIS] Our primary objective
is to reseal the hole.

[PYXIS] Yes, you heard right.

[PYXIS] What's more,
it will be done manually.

[MARCO] What?

That's impossible. We
just don't have the tech.

As for how the
task will be done,

that's where this
fellow comes in.

Allow me to introduce
Cadet Eren Jaeger.

Wha-- What the hell?

[PYXIS] Don't let
appearances deceive you.

[PYXIS] This young man is
in fact the successful product

[PYXIS] of cutting-edge science.

[PYXIS] Fantastic
as this may sound,

[PYXIS] Cadet Jaeger
possesses the ability to

[PYXIS] fabricate and
control a Titan body, at will.

Uh. Somebody tell me the
Commander's off his rocker,

'cause otherwise I'm just
too thick to get what he means.

Will you just shut up
and pay attention? Idiot.

[PYXIS] Recall the
massive boulder roughly

[PYXIS] a league from the gate.

[PYXIS] Having assumed
Titan form, Cadet Jaeger

[PYXIS] will hoist said
boulder on his back,

[PYXIS] schlep it to
the hole, and voila!

And this is where
you all come in.

Your job will
be to defend him.

Yes. Defend a Titan
against his own kind.

[GUSTAV] What do you
mean we don't actually

[GUSTAV] need to fight them?

There's an easier way.

Sorry, I know it's
not my place to interrupt.

I mean no disrespect.

It's alright. Just go on
with what you were saying.

Right. Thank you, sir.

See, whatever else
is going on around them,

Titans are generally drawn
to large groups of people.

[ARMIN] If enough
of us collected in

[ARMIN] the corner
away from the breach,

[ARMIN] we could lure the
Titans out of Eren's path.

[ARMIN] He could be discrete
about moving the boulder.

[ARMIN] He also won't
have to slow his pace

[ARMIN] while we fight
the others off of him.

[ARMIN] And since the Titans
will all be in one area,

[ARMIN] we can pick
them off via cannon fire

[ARMIN] without incurring
causalities of our own.

[ARMIN] Now I'm not suggesting
we leave Eren defenseless.

[ARMIN] That'd be too risky.
We'll need a modest band

[ARMIN] of Elites to
act as his bodyguards.

There's no way of
knowing how many Titans

might come through the hole

while he's trying
to patch it up.

[ARMIN] His security
detail will need to

[ARMIN] be able to handle them.

Easy enough, I think. We can
retool the plan around that.

The thing is, we're making
a huge assumption here.

Namely that Eren even
in full-on Titan mode

is strong enough
to move the rock.

[ARMIN] I mean,
to be perfectly honest,

[ARMIN] there's very little
reason for us to suppose he can.

[ARMIN] I have my
doubts. Serious ones.

As do I. Sending people
to their doom on a whim

isn't a tactic I'm fond of.

Uncertainty's killed
too many already.

But the Commander's
right. We must do this.

Agreed. We're working
against the clock here.

[ANKA] Titans are
still lumbering into Trost

[ANKA] as we speak.

There already may be more
than we can handle, frankly.

The longer we wait, the worse
our chances of success become.

And it goes without saying,
the better our chances

they'll bust through Wall
Rose and wreak untold havoc.

There's something else, too.

Even the bravest of us can't
indefinitely bottle our fear.

Not before something gives.

[ELITE B] The kid can
lift a rock that big?

Is this real? Is he saying
we finally have an advantage?

They're lying! I'm
not gonna be drawn into

sacrificing myself
for this crap!

We're just disposable
tools to you people!

You expect us
to live and die by

whatever the hell
comes out of your mouth!

[ELITE C] You mean
he's a human weapon?

[ELITE D] C'mon. They're
obviously full of it.

[ELITE E] We're being played.

This is not how I'm goin' out.
Good luck to the rest of ya.

I'm out of here!

[MALE SOLDIER 2] Me too!

screw a bunch of this!

[ELITE B] So help me god,
I'll execute you on the spot!

To hell with you!

My family gets
the time I have left!

This is getting out of hand.

I know. If we don't act now,
the whole thing'll break down.

Traitors! I'll kill
you where you stand!

Desertion is answered by death!

[soldiers panicking]

Anyone wishing to leave
will by my personal order

[PYXIS] not be
charged with treason!

Those who have seen
a Titan first hand

will not be expected to
revisit such horror again.

[PYXIS] Whomever
this applies to,

[PYXIS] you may leave
with my blessing.

[PYXIS] Additionally, anyone
with family or loved ones

[PYXIS] they would spare from
the same trauma may also leave.

[PYXIS] The crown will continue
to recognize your service.

[PYXIS] Thank you
and good luck!

[GIRL] Daddy!

I couldn't live with myself.

My daughter's my all.

[ELITE A] Daddy's coming,
sweetheart. Don't you worry.

Now, think back four years ago.

[PYXIS] Namely, the operation
to retake Wall Maria.

[PYXIS] I bring it up
because you all deserve

[PYXIS] to have your
suspicions confirmed.

[PYXIS] Officially, we
labeled it reconnaissance.

[PYXIS] But in fact, as
most of you probably know,

[PYXIS] it was little
more than a purge;

[PYXIS] a thinly disguised
exercise in population control.

[PYXIS] We knew this in
our hearts, of course we did.

[PYXIS] Yet we
turned a blind eye.

[PYXIS] We supported
the state-sponsored myth

[PYXIS] because the deaths
of our fellow human beings

[PYXIS] allowed us to
survive. Pure and simple.

The guilt is ours. We
share the blame. All of us.

[PYXIS] The citizens of Wall
Maria sustained themselves on

[PYXIS] the wholesale
slaughter of the refugees

[PYXIS] who'd
flown to us for help.

[PYXIS] But turnabout
is fair play, is it not?

[PYXIS] If Wall Maria succumbs,
the population will fall

[PYXIS] by a whole
other order of magnitude!

[PYXIS] The lands comprising
Wall Sina wouldn't support

[PYXIS] half the
people now living.

[PYXIS] If we're wiped
off the face of the earth,

[PYXIS] the culprits will
not have been the Titans,

[PYXIS] let me assure you.

[PYXIS] No, no. We'll
have done it to ourselves.

[PYXIS] If the line isn't drawn
now, it won't be drawn at all.

If we must die...

[PYXIS] let us die here!

[EREN] I don't know if I'll
actually be strong enough

[EREN] in Titan form to lift
that rock in the first place.

[EREN] But, I'm sure
as hell going to try.

[EREN] Maybe this is naïve.

[EREN] Maybe we're
running on false hope,

[EREN] but so what?
I have to power through.

[EREN] For them. For all of us.

[EREN] My role-- No. My duty,
is to make false hope real.

[PYXIS] Good, you're all here.

[PYXIS] You have one
mission and one mission only.

[PYXIS] Protect Eren Jaeger.

[PYXIS] Any risks associated
with this operation

[PYXIS] are yours to eliminate.

[PYXIS] Which, I'm
sure you'll surmise,

[PYXIS] means out of everyone,
your jobs are the worst.

Our success or failure
will depend on you.

In fact, it's safe to say

the fate of mankind
will reflect your own.

[RICO] Sir.
May I ask something?

Of course.

Are you certain about this?

Pinning our hopes
on Jaeger, I mean.

Rico, don't.

I'm sorry. I assume
we all have our doubts.

Sir, please.
With all due respect,

the kid's abilities
are an unknown quantity;

we don't have the first
idea what he will or won't do.

[MITABI] If he
can't lift the rock,

[MITABI] or worse,
he goes rogue,

[MITABI] a lot of lives will
have been lost for nothing.

You make a good point.
Perhaps we ought to just

give ourselves up
to the Titans willingly.

[PYXIS] Personally,
the idea makes me sick.

[PYXIS] I'm a sore loser.

You'd think I'd be used to it.

I've been stuck on the
losing side since day one.

[PYXIS] I'm a stubborn
old fool, though.

[PYXIS] Just once I'd like to
know what victory feels like.

[PYXIS] Even if I have to
resort to extreme measures.

Naturally, sir!

I'm sure we all
feel the same way!

Then I suppose we'll
just have to wait and see.

The boy's abilities may
be an "unknown quantity,"

I'll give you that...

But I'll take it over the
known quantity of our options.

[GUSTAV] Sir. It's time to get
the decoy operation on its feet.

Ian Dietrich.

[PYXIS] Rico Brzenska.

[PYXIS] Mitabi Jarnach.

[PYXIS] You are the Garrison
Regiment's best and brightest.

Win this one for humanity.

[ALL] Sir!

Excellent. Ian, I'm
assigning you squad leader.

On-site contingencies
will be yours to deal with.

Uh. But, sir. That is--

I have no objections.

Neither do I.

Please, sir. I'm
not competent enough.

[PYXIS] Now, now.

You appreciate
alcohol, do you not?


You know a good vintage.

You know a
shoddy one, as well.

So, there it is.


[ARMIN] I'm so sorry, Eren.

[ARMIN] I was just
talking out of my head.

[ARMIN] It wasn't
my intention for you to

[ARMIN] be pulled
into all this.

Stop apologizing. The
fact is you have a gift

for strategy
and you know it.

I believe in you, Armin.

[MIKASA] Eren. I really
think I should--

You're not coming with me.

[EREN] You're on the
decoy squad. Period.

No way! I'm not
leaving you alone!

I won't take another chance--

[EREN] Knock it the hell off!

Get it through your head that
I'm not your responsibility!

You're not my mother!

[IAN] Ackerman.

I want you on the squad that'll
be providing Jaeger with backup.

[IAN] We'll need your skill.

Hop to. Let's get this started.

[EREN] See ya, Armin.
Don't die on me, okay?

[ARMIN] Yeah. You either.

[IAN] Let's get this
straight right now.

[IAN] Whatever you
are, all I care about

[IAN] is you getting
that rock in place.

[IAN] Can we count on you?

[EREN] Yes, sir! I
won't let you down.

You're absolutely sure you're
gonna be alright to do this?

I got it!


How many times
you want me to say it?

You just go do your
job and I'll do mine.

Look, now's not the
time to be playing house.

Come on, it isn't like that.

I'm gonna say what
we're all thinkin' here.

The fact the fate
of mankind depends on

a little brat like you
doesn't make me hopeful.

All of you, stop it, right now!

We're about to be in
range of the giant boulder!

[IAN] I'm not seeing
any Titans nearby.

[IAN] The decoy strategy
must be doing the trick.

[ELITE A] Don't be a hero!

[ELITE A] Just focus
on luring the Titans

[ELITE A] to our
corner of town!

[ELITE A] If you don't
need to, don't engage!

[RICO] Something I want
you to be aware of, Jaeger.

Make no mistake. More
than a few of our comrades

are going to die today
trying to pull this off.

Their blood's on your hands.

[RICO] I'm talking friends.
Captains. Lieutenants. Peons.

[RICO] Yes, they are soldiers.
They are prepared to die.

But remember, every one of them
is a flesh and blood person.

[ELITE A] Steady.

[ELITE A] Hold position.

[ELITE A] Get ready.

[ELITE A] Scatter!

[RICO] Every one of them
has dreams. Hopes. Fears.

[RICO] Every one
of them has a name.

[RICO] Alyosha.
Dominic. Fine. Isabel.

[RICO] Ludwig.
Martina. Guido. Hans.

[RICO] They're not
pawns. They're people.

[RICO] Some have been
living together like family

[RICO] since their cadet years.

This may well
be the end of them.

Whole families
snuffed out in a moment.

[RICO] Whatever you think
your mission is, Jaeger,

[RICO] your first and foremost
concern today is making sure

[RICO] their deaths
mean something.

Whatever happens, you keep
that lodged in your mind.

Take everything that comes
with deadly seriousness.


[EREN] This is happening.
I'm going to do this.

[PYXIS] Not once in
this century of terror

[PYXIS] has mankind
risen above the Titans.

[PYXIS] Their every craven,
bloodthirsty advance has left

[PYXIS] a wake of
inestimable loss for us;

[PYXIS] lives taken,
territory abandoned.

However, should we
succeed, we'll make history!

[PYXIS] Today is the day.

[PYXIS] Lands taken
by our greatest enemy

[PYXIS] will be reclaimed!

[IAN] This is the
place! Let's do it!

[PYXIS] For the first time,

[PYXIS] we will know
what it means not to run,

[PYXIS] but to meet the
Titans head on and win!

[gun shot]

[ANKA] We've got
green smoke, sir.

The Elite Squad has commenced
the operation in earnest.

[PYXIS] Now, it may seem
an insignificant plot of land

[PYXIS] compared
to the vast tracts of

[PYXIS] former glory
long abandoned.

[PYXIS] But as a
symbol. As an idea.

[PYXIS] Trost regained shall
stand as a reclamation of

[PYXIS] pride and
hope beyond measure!

[PYXIS] A leap greater
than we have ever taken!

[soldiers in awe]


[MIKASA] Granted, in
terms of proportion,

[MIKASA] it's not easy to see
how he'll manage to lift it.

[MIKASA] But in terms of
sheer will, he's got this.

[MIKASA] I know he does.

[MIKASA] Eren?

[NARRATOR] The Trost
Recovery Operation has begun.

comrades fall by the dozens,

rampage goes horribly awry.

[NARRATOR] But just as
it seems, the operation

ended in failure...