Attack on Titan (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6 - full transcript

Cadets respond to Eren's terrifying transformation with doubt and fear as he struggles to understand it himself. If Armin can't talk the commander into using Eren's newfound powers for the ...

[NARRATOR] In the year 845,

[NARRATOR] two terrifying
new breeds of Titan appeared:

[NARRATOR] the Colossal
and the Armored,

[NARRATOR] barreling
through the outer walls as if

[NARRATOR] wholesale
destruction was child's play.

[NARRATOR] The territory
couched within the circle

[NARRATOR] of Wall
Maria was abandoned.

[NARRATOR] Twenty percent
of the human race perished.

Titan onslaught advanced,

[NARRATOR] our only choice was
to withdrawal behind Wall Rose.

[NARRATOR] Five years
later, the Colossal Titan

[NARRATOR] reappeared in Trost.

[NARRATOR] Humanity had failed
to stop the Titan onslaught.

[NARRATOR] Cadet Eren Jaeger,
tragically consumed early on

[NARRATOR] in the battle,
later emerged, miraculously,

[NARRATOR] from the
fallen body of an Abnormal.

[WOERMAN] One more time!

[WOERMAN] Are you a
human being or a Titan?

I'm human!

[WOERMAN] So you say.

[WOERMAN] I'm left
with no choice.

[DAZ] Those things,
they just kept coming.

[DAZ] It's a nightmare!

[MARCO] Take it easy!

I watched those
monsters eat my squad.

I saw my friends die,

and I didn't even
really feel anger

or sadness about
the whole thing.

[DAZ] All I could think
was, "better you than me!"

But soon my number'll
be up, too. That'll be it.

The end. Kaput. Game over.

[DAZ] We're s'posed to
fight those Titans until

[DAZ] they eat
every last one of us!

I don't wanna be
eaten. Screw that!

Hey! Come on.
Keep it together, okay?

You're not alone, you know!

We're all fighting
back our fear.

Look at Sasha! Even
after what she's seen,

she remains a proper soldier!

[pained outcry]

Oh. My stomach aches. Please
cart me away with the wounded.

[DAZ] Lemme die!
I just wanna die!

[MARCO] Hold on! Stop it!

Well the order to
keep our mouths shut

makes perfect sense now.

[JEAN] As if the situation
isn't bad enough already.

If they knew about Eren...

[various surprise]

[REINER] Cannon fire?

[JEAN] But why just one shot?

[SOLDIER 1] Look! Smoke!

It's inside the wall!

[various yelps]

[SOLDIER 1] Did it bust
down the water gate?

[SOLDIER 2] Impossible.
It's the sturdiest part

[SOLDIER 3] of the whole wall!

[SOLDIER 4] Maybe they
set off a shell by accident?

[SOLDIER 2] But then why
is there so much smoke?

Not now. Is that Titan steam?


What the hell is that?

[various fright]

[GARRISON] It's-- It's alive!

[RICO] Captain Woerman!

Let's see what it does.
Maintain your distance!

squads remain alert.

[WOERMAN] He could
strike at any time!

[WOERMAN] Artillery Crew!
Get that cannon reloaded!





[EREN] What is that?

I know I heard them fire
their cannon at us, and then--

[ARMIN] Then there
was a tremendous crash

[ARMIN] and a blast of heat.

And apparently we're
now in the innards

of a giant skeleton.

Eren did this for us, Armin.

That's all we need
to understand for now.

[ARMIN] Those flowers weren't
there before. How did they--

[EREN] Armin! Mikasa!

Hey, are you guys alright?

[ARMIN] Eren. How'd you--?

I don't know! But look.

It's already
starting to vaporize,

just like the
corpse of a Titan.

Let's get out of here!

[EREN] Hard to tell if
they're watching and waiting,

[EREN] or just totally dazed.

I suppose it doesn't really
matter much either way.

I'm sure once the smoke clears
they'll resume the attack.

[EREN] After seeing this,
I think we've blown any hope

[EREN] of reasoning with them.

The cellar. I'm
starting to remember.

This key...

[EREN] Our house in Shiganshina!

My father said I'd
have to go back there.

[EREN] Everything hinged on it!

I think it's why he gave
me the power to transform.

If I can make
it to our cellar,

I might learn
the Titans' secrets.

[EREN] Why did he
keep this stuff secret?

[EREN] How many thousands
of Scouts have already died

because my father didn't
share this information?

[EREN] It could be the
last chance humanity has!

And the answer's
been hidden away

under our house
this entire time?

Is he insane? Damn him!

[EREN] Where have you been
these last five years, Dad?

[MIKASA] Eren.

We have other
business to deal with.


[GARRISON 1] Get ready,
the smoke's clearing.

[GARRISON 2] As soon
as you see it, blast it!

[GARRISON 3] Kill it
before it gets us!

Hold your fire!

[various outcries]

Listen. I'm
getting out of here.

Where? And how?

[EREN] Anywhere but here.
Then I head over the wall

[EREN] and straight
to Shiganshina.

But I'll have to
become a Titan again.

You can transform at will?

To be honest, I don't
know how I'm doing it, Armin.

I just know that I can!

It's hard to put into words,

but it was like reflexive, see?

[EREN] In that moment,
my mind subconsciously

[EREN] focused on
stopping the cannonball.

[EREN] That's why it's decaying.

[EREN] It only had the
endurance to meet that task.

Next time I'll be stronger.

I'll be a fifteen meter
high Titan-slayer

just like I was before!

[MIKASA] Eren!

Your nose is--

Your breathing is
erratic. And you're pale!

Something's wrong,
Eren. You're not well!

As things stand, my
health is irrelevant.

But I have two ideas.

[EREN] You two could
make it outta here alive

[EREN] if you stop
trying to protect me.

[EREN] I've brought you
nothing but trouble as it is.

I'm doing this on my own,
from this point forward.

You're kidding. But I--

[MIKASA] Eren. I'm coming, too.

No way!

I plan to follow you whether

you give me
permission to or not.

I swear. I'll never
leave your side.

Mikasa, stop it.
I'm being serious here!

[EREN] I'm not
your little brother

[EREN] and I'm not
some snot-nosed toddler!

[RICO] Captain Woerman.

[RICO] The cannon
is almost reloaded.

We're ready, sir. What are
your orders for the next attack?

[WOERMAN] All troops
will await my signal!

[RICO] Yes sir.

[ARMIN] As it stands.
The Garrison Regiment isn't

[ARMIN] ready to
assault our position yet.

[ARMIN] If they were,
Mikasa would have

[ARMIN] reacted faster
than a stray cat.

[EREN] I'm not some
snot-nosed toddler!

[ARMIN] I would
assume they have a

[ARMIN] well-trained
Artillery crew above us.

[ARMIN] That cannon
ought to be reloaded

[ARMIN] in the next
twenty seconds.

[ARMIN] Eren will most
likely spring into action

[ARMIN] and be long
gone before that happens.

[ARMIN] Why am I thinking
of that at a time like this?

[ARMIN] Is it-- Is it because
this is the end for us?

[ARMIN] When it's all said and
done, at the moment of truth,

[ARMIN] I was a coward.
Same as right now.

[ARMIN] I can't count
the number of times

[ARMIN] they've
come to my rescue.

[ARMIN] I was always so weak.

[ARMIN] I could never
reciprocate the favor.

[ARMIN] I still
haven't earned the right

[ARMIN] to think of
myself as their equal.

[ARMIN] I-I can't afford to
try and repay their kindness

[ARMIN] by going with them.

[ARMIN] I'd only end
up slowing them down.

[ARMIN] I'm afraid this
might be the last time

[ARMIN] the three of us
will ever be together.

Listen, I won't--

Just wait a second, would ya?

If you recall, I
said I had two ideas.

Armin, I trust you to
make the right decision.

Eh? Huh?

Now hear me out.

And yes, I'm aware of how
unrealistic this plan is.

The best-case scenario?

[EREN] I try to use my
Titan ability strategically.

Under Military direction.

This might sound crazy...

[EREN] but if you
think you can convince

[EREN] the Garrison Regiment,
right here and now,

[EREN] that I present
no threat to them,

I'll trust you and
we'll go with that option.

That's my second idea.

[EREN] If you don't
think you can get it done,

then my last resort
is the first idea.

[EREN] You've got fifteen
seconds to decide.

[EREN] Think you
can get it done?

[EREN] Listen, I'll respect
your opinion either way.

[ARMIN] Eren. Why
would you leave such

a major decision up to me?

[EREN] Because you
keep a level head.

You always choose well, no
matter how ugly things get.

I figure that's
worth relying on.

W-When have I done that?

C'mon, you do it all the
time. Take five years ago.

[EREN] If you hadn't gone
to Mr. Hannes for help,

[EREN] Mikasa and I would've
been eaten by the Titans.

[ARMIN] That's how you see me?

[ARMIN] You don't think I'm
a poor excuse for a friend?

[ARMIN] I had convinced
myself that I was

[ARMIN] just a
burden to all of you.

[ARMIN] But you never--

[ARMIN] You never thought
of me that way at all!


[EREN] Our time's up!

[RICO] Artillery crew
has reloaded, Captain!

It's your call, sir.

[ARMIN] Eren and Mikasa
have enough faith in me to

[ARMIN] put their lives
in my hands, and I have

[ARMIN] complete
trust in the two of them.

[ARMIN] More than
anyone else in this world.

[ARMIN] And that fact alone
is all the convincing I need!

[ARMIN] I will
persuade them, trust me.

You two just act
as non-aggressively

as you possibly can, agreed?

[ARMIN] Since Eren first
appeared and fought as a Titan,

[ARMIN] something has been
gnawing at the back of my mind.

[ARMIN] I haven't had a chance
to collect my thoughts yet,

[ARMIN] but I can do this!

[ARMIN] I'll just
have to think as I talk!

Halt! Halt!

[WOERMAN] Is this supposed
to be your true form, Monster?

[WOERMAN] I don't buy it!

[WOERMAN] I'll give the
signal to fire, I mean it!

Eren is not a foe of humanity!

We're willing to cooperate
with Military Command

and share everything we've
learned about his powers!

Your pleas fall on deaf ears!

He revealed his true form,

and because of that threat,
he cannot leave here alive!

[WOERMAN] If you
insist that he's not

[WOERMAN] an enemy
of ours, show me proof!

[WOERMAN] Otherwise,
we'll blast him back to

[WOERMAN] whatever
nightmare he crawled out of!

You don't need any proof!

[ARMIN] That's right!
There's no need at all!

[ARMIN] The fact
of the matter is

[ARMIN] it doesn't matter
what we perceive him to be!


The reports say hundreds
of soldiers saw him.

[ARMIN] And those
who were there say

[ARMIN] they saw him
fighting other Titans!

[ARMIN] And that
means they saw him

[ARMIN] get swarmed
by the Titans as well.

To put it plainly, the
Titans saw him the same way

they see each and every
human being; as their prey!

And it doesn't matter
how else you may look at it!

That is an irrefutable fact!

Kid's gotta point.

[WOERAN] Prepare to attack!

[WOERMAN] Don't let yourself
be swayed by his cunning lies!

[WOERMAN] The Titan's
behavior has always been

[WOERMAN] beyond
our comprehension.

[WOERMAN] I wouldn't put it
past 'em to assume human form.

speaking our language

[WOERMAN] in an
attempt to deceive us!

I refuse to let them continue
this behavior unchecked!

[ARMIN] It's hopeless.

[ARMIN] He let logic
give way to hysteria!

[ARMIN] Too frightened
to think it through.

[ARMIN] Eren! Mikasa!

I am a soldier!

And I have dedicated my heart

to the restoration
of humanity, sir!

[ARMIN] Nothing
could make me prouder

[ARMIN] than dying
for such a noble cause!

[ARMIN] If we were to use his
Titan ability and combine it

[ARMIN] with the
manpower we have left,

[ARMIN] I believe we can do it!

[ARMIN] We can retake this city!

[ARMIN] For humanity's glory,

[ARMIN] in what little
time I have left to live,

I will advocate
his strategic value!

[IAN] Captain Woerman.
His words are worth

[IAN] considering, sir.
Maybe we should--


[WOERMAN] Don't let
their words sway you.

[WOERMAN] They're all traitors!

[WOERMAN] I swore
an oath as an officer.

[WOERMAN] I will crush
all insubordination!

[MAN] That's enough.

[MAN] You should really
do something about your

[MAN] nervous disposition,
Captain Woerman.

[WOERMAN] C-Commander Pyxis?

[PYXIS] Can you not see this
soldier's heartfelt salute?

I've only just arrived,

but I'm quite aware
of our situation.

Gather our reinforcements.

I think we could at least
do these young soldiers

[PYXIS] the favor
of hearing them out.

[NARRATOR] According to reports
from the Scout Regiment,

[NARRATOR] it was
anticipated that the Titans

[NARRATOR] would
appear from the south.

[NARRATOR] These reports
were proven accurate when

[NARRATOR] the Titans
attacked Shiganshina District,

[NARRATOR] located on the
south side of Wall Maria.

[NARRATOR] Therefore, it
was surmised that their next

likely target would be

fortified city of Trost,

[NARRATOR] on the
southern side of Wall Rose.

[NARRATOR] Dot Pyxis.
The commanding officer

[NARRATOR] responsible
for the southern territory.

[NARRATOR] The man in charge of
the defense of Trost district.

[NARRATOR] The man given
full authority over preserving

[NARRATOR] humanity's most
vital remaining territory.

[PYXIS] Nope. Not any of you.

Eaten by a Titan
wouldn't be so bad,

if it was a sexy lady one.

[NARRATOR] The man
also notorious for

[NARRATOR] being
genuinely eccentric.

[WOERMAN] What the
hell is going through

[WOERMAN] the Commander's head?

Going up there
with those freaks

[WOERMAN] and not
bringing any bodyguards!

Well, sir. That's the Commander.

He's well known for taking
a less traditional approach.

[IAN] Captain Woerman.

We have finished
assembling the troops, sir.

[WOERMAN] Ah. Well done.

[PYXIS] That's that.
So, visiting this cellar

[PYXIS] should
clear everything up?

Yes, sir. Well,
at least I think so.

[PYXIS] For the moment,
there is no way to validate

[PYXIS] all of the
claims you've made.

For now, I'll just
catalogue them in here.

With that said,

[PYXIS] I can usually
tell the difference

[PYXIS] between the
unctuous and the sincere,

[PYXIS] which
is why I personally

[PYXIS] guarantee your safety.

[PYXIS] You're Cadet Armin
Arlelt. Is that correct?

[ARMIN] Yes sir!

[PYXIS] You mentioned
a plan to harness this

[PYXIS] so-called "Titan
Ability" and then utilize

your friend's power
to retake the city.

Do you believe it
could work? Or were you

grasping at straws to
try and save your hides?

Uh, well-- Both, Commander.

[ARMIN] I was going
to suggest that Eren,

[ARMIN] using his
strength as a Titan,

[ARMIN] could lift
that giant boulder.

[ARMIN] We could use it to
block off the wrecked gate.

That was the best
idea I was able to

[ARMIN] come up
with on the spot.

[ARMIN] I-I just wanted
to make everyone see how

[ARMIN] Eren's ability
might provide a solution

[ARMIN] to the
problem we all face.


[ARMIN] Granted, I was
pretty desperate to survive.

"Desperate to survive," huh?

That's as credible
a reason as any, son.

[PYXIS] Ahhhh.

[PYXIS] What do
you say, Cadet Jaeger?

Say, sir?

That hole. Do you think
that you can plug it up, son?

Well, I-- I don't know.

[EREN] It's possible.
But at the moment, I don't

[EREN] understand my
power any more than you do.

It's just, I sort
of feel irresponsible

giving you an answer,
'cause I don't really know.

[PYXIS] Ah, yes. Of
course, my apologies.

[PYXIS] I asked you
the wrong question.

Are you willing to,
Cadet Jaeger. Or not?

[EREN] I'll do it.

I'll do it!

I don't know if I
can seal that hole.

[EREN] But... I'll do it!

[NARRATOR] Despite having
fled in terror before,

[NARRATOR] the survivors
choose to stand on

[NARRATOR] the field
of battle once again.

Eren's mind is made up.

[NARRATOR] "I will
be everyone's hope."