Aquí no hay quien viva (2003–2006): Season 1, Episode 10 - Érase un dilema - full transcript

Fuck it's cold in the mornings!

If I had arthritis, this'd be so bad for me


Hello Rebequita! Where are you going all by yourself?

To school

Isn't your dad taking you?

I told him I wanted to go by myself to start to become independent

But you can't go all on your own

What if a bad man attacks you?

I'll defend myself

But you're only 7, how are you gonna defend yourself?

Like this

Arrrgh! What is this stuff?

Arrrgh! Oh God!

Emilio, what are you playing at?

Armando's daughter sprayed one of those anti-rape things in my eyes

But what did you do to her?

Nothing. Arrgh I can't see! I'm gonna lie down for a while

This guy doesn't know what to invent as an excuse for not working anymore

He's been smoking funny fags, I'm telling you, Juan

What are you talking about?

I'm sure of it, I notice everything

You need to keep a closer eye on him

Where am I? What's this?

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

Every day's like this

and I couldn't imagine it when I moved here

All I was looking for was a bit of peace and quiet

And I wake up every day in the middle of a hurricane

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

The house is falling down about my feet

The caretaker's nowhere to be found

The neighbours watch everything I do

I can't take this place

Mix in a cocktail shaker

thunder and lightning, an earthquake, and a volcano

and you'll get this staircase

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

Come on, show a bit of respect, the President wants to say something

Doña Paloma, a bit of respect for your husband please

Thanks Emilio

Well, as you know the technician from the TBI is about to arrive

Who's the TBI?

His aunt who lives in the country! Shut your gob, will you!

TBI stands for Tecnical Building Inspections

and the idea is that our building appear to be in good condition

But it's not in good condition!

That's why I used the verb appear, dammit!

Leave it to me Juan, I'll speak to them in their language

Do you wanna pay a bill? No right

Well everyone get in position and cover up cracks then, end of discussion!

Come on!

Señor Juan, that bloke's coming now

Come on, quick!

Hello, good morning - Hello!

I'm the architect from the council and I've come to inspect the building

Of course! Go ahead, make yourself at home

- Thank you very much - and you too

- Hello - Hello, good morning

Hello Señorita Belén, I've been sent by Doña Concha

to fix the dishwasher

But we haven't got a dishwasher

Shush! Pretend, dammit!

Belén, I feel so lonely, I need a bit of love

Let's go to your room!

Are you dumb or what?

Come on quick because the gasman and the boilerman are coming this morning

What, do you think this is a brothel

and you can come here for a good time whenever you feel like it?

Listen Belén, we're wasting precious time

No Emilio! This is it for you and me

We're finished, get it through your head. WE'RE FINISHED!

It was good this time right?

Right, get out of here now before Alicia comes back

I know what your deal is now. When we fight, it turns you on

What the hell!

Yeah, you're into all that weird sadist shit

Look Emilio, this was a goodbye

The last one! Got that?

Sure, sure, the last one

Like the one before you mean

Hey, how about a fag?

Pay attention, the neighbours' meeting is about to start

Switch off your mobile phones and try and make your insults original

because it's always the same thing. Thank you

Right, before starting, I'll give the floor to Concha

so she call tell me to quit

Quit Señor Cuesta, quit!

Good...and now I have 2 pieces of news

Give us the good news first!

Both are bad

The council technician tipped me off on the phone

that he's going to issue an unfavourable report about the building

Well actually his exact words were it's falling apart

But can it be fixed?


The work will cost us 24 million old pesetas

How much! Oh but how much is that because I think in euros now

You call anything thinking!

But that's 4 million per flat, that's an outrage

And what'll happen if we don't get the work done?

We won't pass the inspection and they'll evict us

Can I say something?

Yes of course

That girl always looks so nice

Hey, why don't we bribe the inspector?

Yes, we've already considered that option

but we rejected it

Sure, because it's illegal

Well because of that and because we've got no money

I'll sleep with him if you like

Emilio, don't put that on record!

No, I won't be putting anything else down either because I left the book at home

Well Juan, what are we gonna do? Because we're not paying 4 million!

Relax, there's another option

I'm going to introduce you to a gentleman who got in touch with me

and has a proposal to make to all of us

Augusto, how are you?

- Good morning - Good morning

My name is Augusto Carvajal and I'm a property developer

I bet you were born in August, weren't you Augusto?


I had to say it!

I'll be brief

I'm prepared to offer 30 million pesetas for each of the properties in this building

on just one condition

- I'll sell! - Me too!

Wait a second, let's let him finish

I intend to knock down the building in order to build an office block

As a result, either everybody sells or there's no deal

Hey, how much are you gonna pay me for my flat?

Nothing because it's part of a shared space

But I'll settle for 20 million!

That flat's not yours, Emilio!

Ok, 10 and that's my final offer

Very well, I'll expect to hear from you tomorrow

It seems like a very reasonable offer to me

considering the condition the building's in

so think about it

- Good day - Bye

I'll get at least 5 million out of him, you watch

Right well, the day of reflection starts now

Mauri, what do you think then? Should we sell or not?

30 million for this flat's a great deal

Let's sell then

But it'd be a shame to sell it because we've got it looking so nice

Ok, let's say no then

But then again, there's that bill for 4 million

Let's sell then!

And where are we gonna go because finding a flat's not that easy!

Mauri, what do you wanna do?

I don't know! Why do I have to be the one who decides?

Because if I decide, you'll blame me for it later

Sure I will if you didn't consult me!

Look, get some olives out please

Mum, why don't you ever consult me?

Son, we're selling both flats!

And for 60 million. Do you know anyone who's got that much money?

Yeah, Mum's boyfriend

Anyway, I'm gonna give you half of it!

Ah ok, in that case let's sell!

But what's gonna happen to Alicia and Belén?

Those 2 whores? Let them fend for themselves

Alicia, we're getting kicked out on the street!

They're gonna knock down all this to build offices

- Do you know what that means? - Yeah

we're completely screwed

No, it means I won't get to see Fernando again

I've got to do something

Yeah! Think about where we're gonna go

Hey, you could have given me a heart attack!

No, I'm the one who's gonna get the heart attack

Get this smoke outta here...what is this stuff?

You smoke and I don't say anything to you!

Anywhere Lucía, we haven't even been here for 3 months

Yeah but the thing is I've become fond of the flat

Well imagine how fond you'll become of a place with normal people

Ok, well if you look for a flat

I'll take care of it!

And organise everything for the move

We'll stay put

Anyway, this flat's really nice

We're leaving Juan, leaving!

and we'll buy a nice semi-detached house where you sister lives

But we're fine here!

The kids have got their friends and they can walk to school

Well they can get up earlier and get the bus

Or if not, you can buy me a scooter

- And me a car - Sure, a BMW

Plus, I like being president

And you can carry on being president but of a housing estate

Imagine it! Making decisions about the swimming pool, the green areas

the colour of the bins

That would be a challenge, no doubt about it

Of course honey, it'll be a leap forward in your career

We can't get stuck in a rut, we're young

We're young, dammit, let's go to Benidorm!

With 30k in our pockets, no German will be able to resist us

But this is our family home, we grew up here

Well let's grow here and shrink in Benidorm

that way, we can mix things up a bit

It's my house and I say we're not selling it!

Fuck, you're so lame, Vicenta!

It's not a joke man, they're gonna knock down the building

We're gonna have to go on the dole

No, you can't cos you haven't got a contract

What am I gonna do now? How am I gonna eat? Where am I gonna sleep?

Relax man, just find another job. What do you know how to do?

Me? Be a caretaker

Right, and apart from that?



Oh look, downstairs flat, 25 square metres

full of light, 700 euros

Let's call before someone else snaps it up

Belén, I know what I'm gonna do to win over Fernando now

Get a sex change

No, I'm gonna use the strategy that never fails

When you like a guy and he ignores you, pull his mate

So now you're gonna hook up with Mauri?

Sweetheart, that's kinda pathetic don't you think?

Men are jealous by nature

They're like animals, they mark their territory

Right, and they piss outside the toilet seat

but I don't see the connection

The mistake I made was to show him that I was into him

I bet if he sees he's losing me, he'll make a move

Look, I thought it was hard enough with Fernando

but if you manage to pull Mauri

I swear I'll pay you one year's rent


Actually, let's make that 3 months because you never know

You're stressing me out!

- Hello? - Augusto!

This is Juan Cuesta, President of the community

How are you? Are you going to sell me the building?

Yes, yes, everything's in progress

Excellent. Is everyone selling?

Well, strictly speaking there's a 3-way tie but it's looking promising

I'm very sorry but in that case there's no deal

No! Wait!

I'm sure we can still reach an agreement

I'll another an extra 5 million for each flat

- Son of a bitch! - Sorry?

No, we were just saying it's very generous of you

Look, I can't be wasting my time, this is my final offer

You've got 24 hours to make up your minds

Right...well I think...

35 million! 35 million for all of us!

Nobody can turn that down

- We're selling - Oh really?

Fernando, we already talked about it

Well I'm not selling

Me neither


Calm down Mum, breathe

Because I'm happy where I am, we just renovated and I don't want to go somewhere else

Come on, aren't you attached to your houses?

For 35 million, I'd sell the flat with her inside

Well I wouldn't! The flat's mine and that's that! Goodbye

See you

That's it! Screw the rest of us!

Well if they don't want to sell, they're within their rights

It's a shame, but I think you ought to call this man and say no

No, no, no! None of that! No-one's calling anyone!

We've still got 24 hours and those 2 are gonna sell!

I'll see to it that they sell


Shit, Dad!

I'll see you in a second, I'm gonna see if any of these losers buy a book from me

Dad, they're firing me, I'm gonna be out on the street

Why, what did you do, you idiot!

Nothing. They're selling the building and knocking it down to build offices

Don't worry, you can come and sell books with me

But I don't know anything about books!

Look you dummy, do you know what the classics are?

Virgil, Horace, Balsac, Lope de Vega, Calderón

Jose Hernández, Dante, Petrarch, Dickens, Dostoevsky, and Homer

And the contemporaries? Carmen de Icaza, Pemán, Pérez Galdós

Matas, Mihura, Aguatí, Luca de Tena, Ehrenburg, Guillermo Diaz-Plaja

Y the Álvarez quintero brothers

Wow, you know so much! You could have reached the top, Dad


Hey Belen, let me introduce you to my dad

Pleased to meet you

Belén's my girlfriend

No shit, that's great

- Well actually we're not... - give me a hug, son

- I thought you were gay - You thought what?

Well I hope you'll be very happy

Oh and by the way, I've got a book on sex for couples for a very reasonable price

Come on Dad, go do your job

Ah, you'll have to meet my wife as well soon

Smile Dad, you've got a lovely smile

If my son's gone and got himself a girlfriend, I can definitely sell an encyclopedia

Are you dumb or what? Why did you tell him I'm your girlfriend?

Because you are

Hey Belén, now they're gonna kick us out, we could move in together

You want me to move in with you!

Sure, so we can get to know each other better

Right but I don't wanna get to know you better

Look Belen, I can't carry on like this. I need to know where this is going

Nowhere, Emilio, it's going nowhere

The fact we slept together a couple of times...


14 already? - Yeah

Ok, fine, 14! It doesn't mean anything

I'm not your girlfriend and I'm not moving in with you

and I don't wanna meet any more of your family

Got that?


Marisa, come here

Fuck, I was watching TV

Look, now we know how to get Marisa to sell the flat

Hey, it needs to look like an accident, though, ok?

Don't worry, listen

Marisa, let's say your sister is a person prone to be manipulated fairly easily

- Yeah, she's stupid you mean! - Right

Marisa, look, in this document

Vicenta grants you legal power over the flat so that you can sell it

And all you need to do is get her to sign it and bob's your uncle

Fuck! And how am I gonna get her to sign this?

Vicenta! Come here, someone came round with a petition to save the Amazon

Sign here, come on

To save what?

The's a beautiful really big rainforest over by Brazil somewhere

Oh no! I'm not signing that

First, they need to save our forests here and then the ones abroad

But...but they're also gonna save Doñaña National Park. Sign!

Make up their minds! This lot don't know what they want!

Those forests already exist. I'm not signing anything

Shit! For God's sake!

Hi Mauri

Long time, no see!

How's it going?

Fine, just picking up the letters I get from my friends

at the bank, the electricity company, the phone company

and another company that fixes TVs

They're so moving, when I open them tears come to my eyes

Wow, you smell great

What aftershave are you wearing?

One of those unisex ones that have just come out

Don't you think it's a bit strong?


Well, the smell of an aftershave depends a lot on the person wearing it

and in your case, this one smells amazing on you!

Er ok well I'm off home because you've given me an idea for an article

Hey, are those new jeans?

Why? Do they have the ticket on them?

No, it's just that they really suit you

They make your ass look great

Seriously, the things that happen to me!

Hey, what have you done to the computer? I can't get on the web

Alicia's coming on to me

Alicia's what?

She's into me, she's hitting on me, she wants me

What! just made me laugh

What's the big deal? Can't a woman be interested in me?

Sure, and Bush can become a member of Greenpeace. Get outta here!

Hey, when I was 16, I went out with a girl!

- Really? - Yeah!

And did you sleep with her?

No, but she had a brother who was so hot

Look, I think this thing with Alicia is another one of your delusions

because it's really obvious that you're gay

Oh really? So there's no reason for us to hide it then

Well, to some people it's obvious and to others not so obvious

You mean it's not that obvious then

No! It IS obvious! It's just that people look at me and kinda have doubts

Ah, they see John Wayne and say her over here must be his sister

You know what's wrong with you? You're jealous

because now Alicia's into me and that's what always happens

At the beginning they like you and as soon as they get to know us, they like me better

You attract them because of how you look and I win them over with my personality


Hey, is Mauri there?

Yeah! I'm here!

Listen, I thought if you're free tonight

maybe you'd like to go to the movies with me

Great. What do you fancy seeing?

- I don't know, you choose sé - No, you choose

- No, you - No, you

See that? We're like a couple

A new movie with Cameron Diaz's just come out

Ok she's good, let's see that one!

Well, you can come as well if you like

No, Fernando doesn't like the movies. Best if just you and me go

I'll come and get you at 8, ok?

- OK, see you later - See you later

I've got her in the bag, bro

No, it's obvious what she's doing

Actually she's into me, she's just using you to make me jealous

Or she's been using you to make me jealous

Come on, no way!

You're jealous! You're jealous!

Mauri, I'm not jealous because I'm not a jealous person

and I can't get jealous because you don't like girls

So it doesn't bother you that I'm going out with her?

Me? No!

What I don't get is why you're going to the cinema with her...

I love it! I love it!

Finally, you're gonna start to appreciate what you've got at home

I'm gonna go decide what to wear

Juan, him upstairs is taking a shower

I can hear it

Señor Cuesta, you're not gonna cut off the poor boy's water, are you?

Emilio, however painful it may be, when a neighbour is in the wrong

it's the duty of a good president to make him see it

By the way, which ones are the fuses for their flat?

No, no, no, no, no!

Yes, yes, yes. yes, yes, YES!

Fuck! What the hell's going on with the water?

Ok, great

Now where the hell are the fuses?

I'm making a mess of the floor now. Shit!

Hello! No, I was taking a shower

Hey, have we got any candles?




What the fuck's going on?

There, there! This'll make your clothes smell good!


Oh hello neighbour!

- How are you? - Fine

Look, what's the matter with the water? And the electricity?

And the heating? Actually with everything

Yes, we're experiencing a lot of of problems, you know

It's just that there are so many things that need fixing

I shudder at the thought of the bills we're going have to pay

The plumbing's old

The electrics are a mess!

But you've got electricity, right?

Huh? Oh yes, well yes and no

because it comes and goes, don't you believe it, it's really strange...

See? Now it's gone again

It's driving the electrician out of his mind

Right, but the phone's not working either and that hasn't got anything to do with the building

Is someone gonna come and fix it or not?

Of course! We can't be cut off, can we?

Juan, the phone!

It's my mobile, I like to give things their traditional sound

Do you think I'm stupid or what?

What on earth are you doing in the dark! Switch on the light!

This is unbelievable!

Fuck, shit, bollocks!

Hey, hey Belén

What's wrong now?

No listen, just one little thing

If in the end, they sell the building and knock it down

I'm gonna go back to Córdoba

To Córdoba? What for?

My brother's got a fishmonger's there and he says he'll give me a contract

But what do you know about fish?

Well, the essentials

First there's white fish and then there's blue which is when it goes off

Fine! But if you go to Cordoba, we're finished!

What do you mean we're finished? You mean we're dating then?

No...I mean, we won't see each other anymore

No, you said we're finished

and if you said that, it's because we were dating

No, I didn't make myself clear

No, no, you've made yourself crystal clear

Leave me alone

Hey! Listen Belén, if you tell me we're a couple, I won't go to Córdoba

Hey! This is an ultimatum ok!

She's breaking my heart

I'm gonna lie down for a while

Well? Did she sign it or not?

No! But I've had another idea for something she'll definitely sign!

She'll read it!

No she won't, I've hidden her reading glasses

You'll see

Vicenta, someone came round with a petition from the society for retired virgin spinsters

to make an all-expenses-paid trip to Cuba

- Oh really? - Yeah

So sign it because there's a Cuban just waiting to show you round his island

Oh no! I don't agree with sex tourism

I'm not interested in that

Ok girl, well you can drink a few cocktails and lie on the beach then, but sign!

It's a con! I bet afterwards they try and sell you a set of saucepans!

They wouldn't take you to Cuba to to sell you saucepans!

Are you stupid?

Marisa, I'm not signing

Ok fine, it's not happening!

Fernando, what are you doing?

Can't you see? Taking a walk, dammit!

Hey, if you're gonna carry on walking up and down the hall

I'll give you the mop and you can take it with you

Hey, where are you going?

- Hi - Evening Emilio

What a whorehouse!

Hey, what's going on here?

Shush! Quiet!

Don't you lay a finger on Belén, ok!

Well, this is where I get off

I've got 2 more stops


- Right well see you tomorrow - See you tomorrow

Fancy running into you, Alicia!

Oh hey!

How was the movies with Mauri? The film was a long one, right?

No, we went for a drink afterwards

He's such a joker you know

Yeah he's really funny once he gets going

Listen, tomorrow's my day off

and I thought maybe we could go to the opera

I just happen to have here...2 tickets to see La Bohème

Wow! That'd be great! But the thing is I can't make tomorrow

because Mauri's taking me see an exhibition of expressionist painting

But we can go some other time if you like. You don't mind, do you?

They're only showing it for 3 days but never mind, it doesn't matter

My sister wanted to go

Well thanks anyway

- See you later - See you later

Hey, where were you?

Washing the car

Oh, by the way I ran into Alicia

and she said tomorrow you're taking her to an art exhibition


The thing is I was going to invite her to the opera

Oh well, you always can take her another day, assuming she wants to that is

Hang on a second, she knows nothing about expressionist painting

Just like you and the opera then

Until recently, you thought La Traviata was an Italian mall

Excuse me, I'm learning to appreciate it, ok!

Like her and expressionist painting

Well, today's alright, but tomorrow I'm taking her out

No, tomorrow she'll go out with who SHE wants to!

Let me remind you that you only met Alicia through me!

Is that so? Well thanks for introducing her to me

What's your problem? Are you trying to play the alpha male now or what?

Maybe it's rubbed off on me from seeing you so much

Hang on a second, why are we fighting over a girl if we're gay?

It's your fault, now we don't even know what we are

In the end you an me are gonna end up being straight and her a lesbian

Right, fortune's constantly reminding me how shit it is to come out of the closet

Fernando, you're either on one side of the road or the other

If you stand in the middle, you'll get knocked over

What about you then?

Excuse me, but I know for a fact I'm gay

Yeah, well let me remind you that you're going out with a girl tomorrow

Think about that

Excuse me, mean...

I'm going to bed

That's it, go! What a joy you are to be with!

Belén, it worked! Now both of them are after me

Fucking men! You can't even rely on gays nowadays!

When Fernando saw me with Mauri, he got crazy jealous

He stopped me on the stairs and invited me to the opera

Do you know how much those opera tickets cost?

You're in a jam now, who knows what you're gonna wear

cos the only one who can turn people's heads there is the tenor

No, I can't go because I said I'd go out with Mauri

Hang on, I thought it was the other one you're into

Yeah but Mauri's cute too

He's so sensitive and refined

Sure, that's a novelty for you

Hey, excuse me but I've dated really sensitive guys before

Yeah right! The only sensitive guy you've ever dated

was the one who was allergic to gluten and nearly died on you in the Chinese restaurant

The thing is I don't know what to do

I like each of them for different things

Look, it's easy, just choose one! Either Fernando or Mauri

You weren't thinking of dating both of them, were you?

I don't know

Alicia, they live together!

Yeah, I guess that could be a problem

Hi honey!


What are you doing in the dark? Has the power gone out?

That's what it looks like

Whoa it's cold in here, why haven't you turned the heating on?

We've got no heating, no electricity, no water, no phone

no nothing

What are you talking about? Ugh, what's that smell?

I put this clean t-shirt on and it stinks of sardines

They're after us, Lucía

Let's get outta here while there's still time!

What, you're saying the neighbours are doing all this?

Either that or my horoscope for this year is totally screwed

Does it seem normal to you that we're the only ones having problems?

Hey! It's Emilio, open the door

Emilio, what's going on?

They're screwing you over good and proper

No way! This takes the biscuit! I'm gonna go talk to them right now

cos if they want war, that's what they're gonna get!

They won't care

If they all agree to sell, they'll make our life a misery

Yeah well they're not gonna make us move

Right dammit! You guys hold firm

You smell of sardines!

No it's him, he stinks

Come on Emilio!

Paloma, don't you think we've gone a bit too far with the couple upstairs?

You can't give in now, Juan!

Look at the villa

Yeah right, it's very nice...

Turn over, check out the garage

Wow! 2 cars could fit in there

No, not 2! 1! I know what you're like

No, I meant for when Natalia gets her licence

She's gorgeous and she'll have no trouble finding herself a boyfriend with a car

Whoa, what was that?

I don't know

- Mum, there's no water! - What!

Hey, I was on the phone! What did you cut me off for?

This was her upstairs' doing

What a mess!

What's that woman's problem! What have we done to her!

Natalia! Find the candles!

Where are they then?

I don't know! Oh no, my frozen fish is gonna go off!

The candles will be in a drawer something. Look for them!

Now we've got electricity and they haven't

Actually this is gonna be fun after all

But if you put silicone in the lock, no-one will be able to open the door

Right Emilio! Well spotted!

If you see the Cuestas, say goodnight to them from me

And to think that women put this stuff in their tits!


- Honey, what a thrill! - What have you done?

She's cut off the Cuesta's electricity

and their water and their phone line!

Let's see how they like that!

But don't you see? You're turning into one of them!

He's right, you're like Paloma

just with less chest

Hey! We need to stand up for ourselves, don't we?

They'll leave us in peace now, you'll see

They're not gonna leave us in peace!

For 35 million, these people would knock down the building with their own heads

Paloma, before we declare war on them, we need to make sure...

It was her! I'm telling you it was her!

That snob's had it in for us from day 1 because she's jealous of us

And jealousy's a terrible thing

Ok but please first let me do the talking because you seem a bit worked up

Worked up! Look at the state I'm in!

My hairdresser told me I'm a picture of stress

Open up!

Fuck! It's them from downstairs

Oh no! What am I gonna do now? They can't see me here

- I'm not opening, ok - Roberto open the door!

Go on, open! Let's see what she wants!

So are we agreed that I'll do the talking?

Yes, you're president

- Hello, how are you? - Hello Roberto, we're here because...

Tell your girlfriend to show her face if she's got the balls!

Oh well she's not here, she had to go out...

- What is it? - Don't play dumb with me!

Who do you think you are to cut off our electricity?

Me! It wasn't me, it's the building, you know as it's in such a bad state...

Right. However...

You don't know who you're messing with

Hey, where do you think you're going? - Paloma, where are you going?

Paloma, get out of my house right now!

Whoa! Look what we have here, Juan, a backstabber!

No, I'm a spy, I was here undercover

Paloma, I'm not gonna tell you again, get out of my house right now!

So you want war, do you? I'll give you war!

What do you think you're doing!

Please, don't hold it against her, she's a picture of stress

So we wanna break stuff, do we?

Ok fine, let's break stuff!

Where are you going? Juan, tell me you shut our front door!

You said we were just going upstairs for a second...

Don't let her in the house, Juan! Don't let her in!

What a mess!

Come on, show a bit of respect here, we're all human beings

Oh fuck, you've gotta be kidding me

Hey don't be shy, ok! You make yourself at home!

If you break that, my mum's gonna be so pissed

Hold it, hold it, hold it!

I bought that in Almería

Hey Roberto, how's it going?

Paloma, you choose! Either you leave us in peace or this is gonna end really badly

For God's sake, let's try and reach an agreement

before we end up on the news

Are you going to sell or not?


Well there's no deal then

I'm gonna rip your hair out, you stuck-up snob! - Go on then!

Let's go Lucía, let's go please!

That's how it's done, settle your problems with dialogue, why don't you?

I'll have words with you later

Let me go!

Paloma, please, the kids are watching

I'll pay her back for this!

Mum, you were born to be a UN embassador, you know that

What am I gonna put here now, Juan!

I'm finishing an airplane model

My little angels from Almería! They were priceless...

Lucía, I can't live like this, I'm not a violent guy

I've never managed to finish watching Rocky

What a beating he was getting, the poor bloke

Well in the end he lost the fight

No way!

Yeah! The other guy started hitting him like this

and smashing his face in

Alright, alright, it was just an example

What are we gonna do then, Roberto? Move away? Sell the flat?

Are you serious! I'm gonna be kicked out on the street

Yeah but maybe it's better, that way we can save ourselves that 4 million bill

- 4 millon! - Yeah

But what do they need that much money for? Are they gonna build us our own metro line or what?

No, the technician from the council said the building's apart

Look, I'm an architect and I'm telling you there's nothing wrong with this building

Well why didn't it pass the inspection?

Because the guy offering 35 million bribed the tecnician

Right! That's why I thought

This one of those cases of corruption at the top

Ok, well we need to report it then, right?

We need proof

Emilio, how far are you willing to go to save your flat?

Me? As far as it takes. What do we need to do?

Vicenta, someone came round with a petition to show the Little House on the Prairie on TV again

Wow, lots of people are coming round with petitions at the moment, right?

Yeah, tons of them. Come on, give me your autograph

No, the Little House of the Prairie is quite fresh in my mind

Fresh in your mind!

What I'd like to see again is...

Falcon Crest, or Dynasty

or The Rich Cry Too

Ok, put a sock in it now!

Or Curro Jiménez

Or Roots with Kunta Kinte

Poor thing, he had such a hard time

Look, it's not happening

Vicenta won't sign that even at gunpoint

I've already tried everything

She's gonna ruin us!

What about drugging her? No-one will notice

Why don't we tell my Jose Miguel to forge her signature?

He's got your one nailed

What! You mean he forged my signature?

Yeah, one day you weren't here and I needed the chequebook

- Marisa? - What?

What's this document that you left on the table?

It says my name here and something about a legal power

Look erm...I can explain, ok

No! Here, I've signed it now

You forget to tell me things and then the deadlines expire

What were you thinking!

Shit, she signed it, dammit!

The only stupid one round here's me! There you go

Neighbours' meeting! Now we're only missing one

Come on, come to my house and I'll give you a glass of whisky

Morning, how did you sleep?

I didn't

Hey, why is it that whenever we fight I end up sleeping on the sofa?

Because the one who sleeps on the sofa is the one who's in the wrong and feels guilty

Mauri, we can't go on like this, ok

This business with Alicia has got out of hand

Yeah, but at least it's shown that I can pull just as well as you

Come on, enough! Look, you know what?

I'm gonna go upstairs right now and tell her we're gay

Wow, I'll go with you, I can't miss this

Come on then

Can I get the video camera?

I'm being serious

So am I, it's a historic moment

Oh ok, sorry

Alicia, I'm going out!

Alicia, I'm staying in! Come out!

- Come in, come in - Hi - hi

Alright there!

You've got visitors!

Yeah, look we've been talking about you and we wanna tell you something

No, I feel so bad about all this

It must be really awkward for you two

I know you both like me

- Well actually... - She's so modest

Well I admit that at the beginning it was Fernando who I liked


And as he wouldn't make up his mind, I decided to use Mauri to make him jealous

Told you! That's what I told him

But then I realised that Mauri's a wonderful guy

Wait, she's not done yet

and that I was attracted to him for things Fernando doesn't have

Keep going, keep going!

Hang on a second, what things?

It doesn't matter. The fact is I've decided not to date either of you

It's much better for everyone if we carry on being friends like up to now

How nice!

If that's your decision, we have to respect it

Wait, wait, wait! Fernando wants to tell you something

No, well basically it's what Alicia said

that it would be a shame to destroy our lovely friendship for something so silly

And what else?

Well, I think that's essentially it

Ah...ok, fine

- Shall we go? - Ok

- Bye - Bye


Yes Señor Cuesta

No, it's me, you idiot

Erm...yes - Huh?


Yes what?

Yes...fuck this is hard

Yes, we're a couple

But this is something just between you and me

No-one else needs to know

So we're a couple? - Yeah

Well I'm dumping you then

What do you mean you're dumping me!

I'm breaking up with you, we're finished, it's over

But why?

Well because I can't be with someone who's ashamed of me

But I'm not ashamed of you

I just don't want us to be seen together

Yeah, look sorry Belen, I've got a lot of stuff to do

Emilio, wait!

No, no, seriously

What an idiot! After all the shit he's been giving me!

Augusto Carvajal

Hey, how do you spell Carvajal?

With a v

No, I mean with a g or with a j?

With a j Emilio! Otherwise, it'd be CAR-VA-GAL

Oh yeah, that's true, it sounds bad

What time was the guy from the council supposed to bring the report?

I don't know but he ought to be here by now

Hang on a moment, let me see if I've got this straight. Come here

So I ask him stuff and then press record?

No, it's not an interview!

You need to keep this in your pocket and try and get information out of him, ok?

Oh God, this isn't gonna go well

No, it will, it will

But be very tactful. Make small talk with him about anything

and then when you've got his confidence, hit him with the subject of the fraud

and see if he spills the beans

Ok, ok, I've got it

Very tactful so he doesn't realise

He's coming!

Hello, good afternoon, I've come to bring you the report from the technical building inspection

Your face has got corrupt written all over it!


Yeah, don't play dumb!

The guy who wants to buy the building has given you a backhander

Sorry but I don't know what you're talking about

Oh really? Well I'm gonna call the council right now then

and get them to do another inspection. We'll see if the building's really falling apart


What do you want? Money?

No, no money, although that's a nice watch you've got there

So that Augusto Carvajal pays you

to make dodgy reports about buildings, is that it?

What would you have me do, man? I can't live on the shitty salary the council pay me

So yes then?

Yes what?

Yes this guy Augusto Carvajal cut you in!

Are you stupid? Of course he cut me in!

Fuck, why do you have to speak so quiet?

What do you want me to do? Shout it from the rooftops?

Right, get outta here! Go on, get going!

What a disgrace to the human race!

Hey, I've got 4 kids, you won't say anything, will you?

God, well use more protection and cut out the corruption!

Come on, get outta here, you dirty crook!


Fucking hell Emilio!


Well yeah, I'm a caretaker, I'm an expert at getting information

Great - Is that a new watch?

What this? No I found it outside the front door

- Hello? - Augusto?

Juan Cuesta, President of the community

I've sent you all the documents you asked me for

But I'm missing a signature

You see, there's one owner who doesn't want to sell

and we don't know what to do to convince them

Ask if they can knock the building down even though there's people inside

Marisa, for God's sake!

Which flat doesn't want to sell?

The couple in 3a, the usual ones

Don't worry, I'll take care of it

For these kinds of cases we have other ways of getting people to sell

It happens a lot

Ok, but can you be a bit more specific about what you're going to do?

This afternoon 2 of my associates will pay them a visit

And in a few hours the whole business will be settled

Hold on, is this bloke a mobster? He's not sending 2 thugs round, is he?

That's what it sounded like to me!

I think they're gonna break their legs

Oh well, it's none of our business

For God's sake Paloma! We can't allow

a fellow neighour to be blackmailed or manipulated or harassed

Ok that's what we've been doing to them, it's true

but everything has its limit

That man's a scumbag, dammit and I'm not selling him my flat!

Right but we've already signed

That doesn't matter! All of us here are prepared to give up the 35 million

in return for the well being and safety of our neighbours

Yeah but I have to give up 70!

Ok shall we call the police then?

No! I think it's best if we stand up to them when they arrive

He said only 2 guys are coming. There are 4 of us

4? Oh me as well?

Oh right, of course, me as well!

If they come looking for violence, that's what they'll get

When those 2 individuals show up, we'll be ready for them

For God's sake, no-one back out please!

This is some elite team we've got here

I bet some of them end up in hospital

How exciting! We're gonna get in a fight!

No Mauri, I think it'll be best if I go downstairs by myself

How come?

Well because you've never been in a fight before

and it might show that...

I mean, you might not seem that macho enough


Do you think when I fight, I pull people's hair or something?

Sometimes I wonder about you, Fernando

You've got all the typical prejudices heteros have

Anyway, who do you think you are, Van Damme?

No, but well, you'll see for yourself

Come on, hit me

No, no, it has to come spontaneously to me

It's fine, land your punch

What the fuck was that about!

I thought you were gonna dodge it!

You didn't give me a chance, dammit!

Ow, I bet I'm gonna it's gonna swell up!

"I bet it's gonna swell up"

Maybe you're the one who'll have to stay at home


Get me some ice

Right, when the thugs come

let's try and exhaust the via of diplomacy, ok

so you 2 let me do the talking

Don't go too far away, though

because I'm not much of a shield

But shouldn't we warn them that they're after them?

Right! That way they won't be worried

They're here, they're here!

They're coming up in the lift

Are they big?

One of them's wearing an overcoat so they might be armed

Ok, calm down, keep calm, whatever you do!

Actually, I think it'll be best if you negotiate with them because you're a lawyer

Yeah, go on

Hold it! Where are you going?

To pay a visit to 3a. Why? Is there a problem?

No, no problem

No more than 4 of you can go in the lift at a time! It's banned!

Señor Cuesta, What's going on here?

There's a fight, Emilio

Are we winning or losing?

Winning I think

Lucía! Lucía!

What's going on here!


Phone the police!

What the hell are you playing at hitting my dad?

What a mess!

- This is your... - But...but...

But do your coat up properly or you'll catch cold

Juan Cuesta, President of the community, welcome...

Emilio, the caretaker, you have a wonderful daughter

What kind of nutcases have you got for neighbours?

I don't know!

We thought you were the 2 thugs from the building company

who were coming to force you to sell the flat

What are you going on about! This is my dad and his driver

What's your problem? Don't you ask questions before hitting people?

Tell that to Karate Kid over here

They came looking for trouble, ok!

Sweetheart, you're very safe here, you've got more bodyguards than Victoria Beckham

What did you want Emilio?

Er...oh yeah, Augusto the corrupt's downstairs and wants to talk to everyone

Right, let's go take him down! Come on!

I'm very sorry Augusto

but we've made a unanimous decision not to sell the building

We're respectable people and we don't do business with crooks like you

yeah, and still less by subjecting us to mafia practices

and terrorising our neighbours with 2 thugs!

What are you talking about! This is my lawyer and my accountant

They were going to offer an extra 10 million to the owners of 3a

Ah so now we'll all sell then, right?

Of course, I'm sure we can reconsider because when I said crooks

what I really meant was...

I'm sorry but it's too late

I've already purchased another building in the city centre

I'll leave you to rue this missed opportunity that you let slip through your fingers

Bunch of losers!

Hey, you wouldn't have the balls to call me a loser out on the street!

Mauri, we're already out on the street!

Hang on a second! The technician from the council said

we'd have to spend 24 million on getting the building fixed

Yes, well that's your problem

No, it's YOUR problem because you're gonna pay for it

Is that so? And why would I do that?

Because we've got a tape that shows you bribed the technician from the council

Here's the tape

Hold on a second, it's on the other side

Right here we go

Paco, have you seen how hot the Cuestas' daughter is!

Just look at her, look at that ass!

- You're telling me! - If I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd be all over that...

This thing starts recording whenever it feels like it

What the hell Emilio!

Sorry but I've got a lot of things to do

Don't tell me you recorded over it!

How do I know!

The only device I know how to use is the mop and that doesn't have buttons

The one time we could have got some money out of someone!

What a mess! I'd give you a good beating if I hadn't been at it all day

Señor Juan, I swear this wasn't me, ok!

It wasn't me, seriously

Right, I'll have words with you later

Well Roberto, my daughter tells me the 2 of you are getting married


So you're not gonna back out then?


I just wondered

Ok, well I'm gonna give you your first wedding present

Roberto, I've got a vacancy at the company

Well actually I fired someone to make space for you

From next week onwards, you'll come work with us

But Dad, Roberto doesn't like architecture!

Well what did he study it for then?

You and I are going to build a ton of flats all over the place

Well, I'm grateful you thought of me but...

Look, drawing action fictures is alright as a hobby

but you need to start earning some real money

2500 euros a month. What do you say?

- Wow - Done!

Welcome to the family, my boy!

Listen, I need you at the office 8 o'clock Monday morning

Bring marker pens, triangles and a compass

I was kidding, dammit!

Oh, thank God, because I'm not an early riser...

No! I meant it about getting there for 8

Take care, sweetheart

Hey listen, this is a short term contract

So if you pull out of the wedding, I'll get rid of him



Well...are you gonna work for my dad then?

The thing is I don't know if I want to

Well why didn't you say no then?

He didn't give me a chance

Call him! Call him and tell him you've had second thoughts and you don't want the job

No, leave it, he might get angry


Hey, you don't have to wear a suit, do you?

What about a tie?

Fuck, you've gotta be kidding me

Paco, big news!

Yeah, I already heard that they're not gonna sell the building now

No, I've dumped Belén

Why, what happened?


So why did you dump her?

To show her I'm a badass and you don't play games with me

Aren't you into her then?

Of course I'm into her!

But why did you dump her then?

I dunno, I ended it so I can get back with her whenever I want

Yeah right! You don't know how spiteful girls are

She's probably out looking for another guy right now

Fuck, don't make me worry, it's not that big a deal

Emilio, you could lose her

Oh God, what have I done? What have I done?

You've fucked things up like you always do, you dumb-ass!

Oh shit

What about the sex?

I's not that serious, ok!


What do you mean it's not serious?

Stop calling me a dumb-ass

But that's what you are, man, a dumb-ass