Angel (1999–2004): Season 3, Episode 10 - Dad - full transcript
With the birth of Angel's son, the gang returns to the Hyperion to regroup. There are countless demons, humans and lawyers after the baby now, and Angel is scared to let the kid out of his sight. Team Angel will have to help him keep Connor safe and defeat the baby's enemies. Meanwhile, Holtz finds an ally, a vengeful woman named Justine.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Angel:
His family, his children...
It will be 200 years before you
can confront Angelus or Darla.
I'm tired of waiting!
SAHJHAN: I want your word
you will show no mercy.
LINWOOD: Who's the pirate with a sword?
- He's not in the system.
ANGEL: This is impossible.
- Tell me about it, Daddy.
FRED: This might be
that bad thing we expected.
We need to dissect it
and find out what it means.
- It's human.
- I'm gonna have a son.
The prophet says
there will be no birth.
She wants to have it here?
She can't have a baby here.
This child, it's the one good thing
we ever did together.
You make sure to tell him that.
Now's your chance. Do it.
Finish it while you still can.
You can't just let him walk away!
I swore that I would show no mercy.
And I won't.
CORDELIA: We'll need to make
some changes for safety.
Covers for the outlets, kidproof
the locks on the weapons cabinet...
Right after we gut and remodel
the entire hotel.
Be careful.
Whatever was in those cages
could still be loose.
There's blood over here.
WESLEY: Some bastard's blown
a hole in the lift.
Sorry, my bastard.
Oh. Well, not like we ever use it.
- Is that a welcome for a houseguest?
- Houseguest?
HOST: I figured since you all
destroyed my club twice...
...I wouldn't be imposing,
asking for a place to stay.
Maybe I should reconsider a marginally
attractive Mulix demon's offer.
If he, she or it has
suitable accommodations...
Come on, hand over the little nipper.
Let Uncle Lorne take a gander.
I'm sure everyone else
has already had their turn.
Wow, I'm sensing a serious
mama-bear vibe.
- We're all still waiting our turn.
- I get it, "Looky, don't touchy."
- He's got a little scratchy.
- During the rush to leave the alley.
Let me put some ointment on that.
- Here.
- I got it, I got it.
Easy. Right there.
All right, let your arms out.
Okay. Sh.
- What did I do?
- You don't have a woman's touch.
Whatever your taste in clothing
may indicate.
- I don't wanna know.
- Could you throw it?
- I guess. Why?
- There!
Bogey at the back door!
This isn't over, is it?
No. Angel's son is part
of the prophecy.
Everyone and everything
will come for him.
Which means we need a plan.
Think I figured it out.
He wet himself.
WESLEY: We could use your help.
When you finish...
- changing the baby on my desk.
Sorry, I needed the space.
WESLEY: You nearly had sex
on my desk... I shouldn't be surprised
there's a baby on it.
That was some guy
who switched bodies with me...
...and can we keep the S-E-X talk
away from the baby?
Do you need help?
No, Wes, I know how
to change a diaper.
A normal one, with pins.
It's these newfangled fasteners...
Did you know these nappies are lined
with material designed for astronauts?
That's interesting.
Now I'm picturing men wearing
nappies, and I'm disturbed.
ANGEL: Okay, little guy,
you're ready, aren't you?
How's the list coming along?
We divided it into two categories.
One, those who we know pose
a threat to the baby.
Holtz, Wolfram and Hart,
the vampire cult that attacked us.
Two, those who could pose a threat
once they know of the baby.
"Order of Phillius,
Beltar the Cremator. Frank"?
Local mobster,
specializes in kidnapping.
What? You can't be wet,
I just changed you.
Are you hungry?
I got a bottle all ready for you.
Where did I put his bottle?
I had his bottle ready for him.
Okay. Here's your ba-ba.
Take your ba-ba.
You take it like this:
You drink and you're happy.
Let me take him for a little while.
I helped raise my cousin.
I can handle it.
We have to erase
everyone on the list.
- I can do that.
- Fred?
You meant erase in a squish-and-kill,
violent kind of way.
I'll just put that back.
Come on, it's a nice ba-ba.
You wanna stop crying and take
your ba-ba, yes you do. Please?
That was thrilling.
Not like I waited for you... take vengeance on Angel,
just to have you let him go.
HOLTZ: Why didn't you tell me
Darla was pregnant?
SAHJHAN: You're supposed to kill them.
HOLTZ: She sacrificed herself.
Darla did your job for you.
At least one is dust.
HOLTZ: Angel's demise will be
a great deal more painful.
SAHJHAN: You use words like "death,"
"no mercy," but I haven't seen bupkes.
Listen to me.
We've got prophecies to fulfill.
We don't need some deep,
dark plan for Angel.
You put a stake in him,
you watch him go poof.
Step one is getting rid
of these minions.
No, step one is poof,
and then there are no more steps.
We can't get rid of the grapplers.
I signed a two-week contract.
You don't wanna piss them off.
They're soulless beasts,
bred to maim and kill.
SAHJHAN: Maim and kill.
Two more words I like.
You'll need them,
unless your painful plan is... kill Angel with candy clowns
and marshmallow pies.
What's happening?
- I need more than fighters.
- They're choking! Know the Heimlich?
I can't do it in this dimension,
my arms will go through them.
What did you do?
- I poisoned their drink.
- Why?
I don't need mercenaries
who kill for anyone willing to pay.
I need warriors who will die
for my cause.
Like that.
Great. So step one is, I'm stuck
with four costly and dead demons.
What's step two?
HOLTZ: We can find information
using this box.
- Correct?
- Yeah.
You won't believe how fast
my connection is.
- What do you want to find?
HOLTZ: Obituaries.
What about the ninja guy?
- The vampire cult killed him.
- There could be more.
The world is a sick place.
There are already three websites
offering money for the baby.
- Fred, help her trace the websites.
FRED: Right.
It's good. Try it, you'll like it.
So good.
Teddy likes it, and I like it too.
What was that?
Listening to those furies
gives me whiplash.
Thank God they left.
My head was about to pop off.
- Granted, not a big deal.
- That was their spell kicking in?
They put a force field over the hotel.
Nothing can get in or out.
FRED: So the baby's safe?
We're all safe, right?
Unless one of those killers
throws a firebomb in at us... they did at your club, which
had a similar safety spell around it.
- Sorry.
- She's right. He won't be safe here.
We can get out. I installed
an emergency exit in the sewers.
A mystical barrier opens
with a password.
- Pylean word for "hedgehog."
- Oh. Oh!
It means something
different in English?
We'll have to use it.
The baby needs to see a doctor.
What? He's not sick.
- Does he look sick?
- No, but he needs his newborn checkup.
The baby book says that he's supposed
to have a vitamin K shot...
...and a PKU test after he's born.
Are you gonna circumcise?
I think he heard you.
Are there fluorescent lights in here?
I keep hearing this hum.
Plus, fluorescents, green light,
green skin, it's all bad.
I'll take the blank stares
as a big, fat no.
ANGEL: Gunn?
GUNN: Yeah?
I'm in a war,
I'll need serious firepower.
- Beyond swords and spears?
- Way beyond.
- Leave it to me.
- Thanks.
- We getting to the websites?
- Not yet.
Normally, we'd hack into the e-mail
and trace the relays.
- But they're using remailers.
- Which means?
There's no direct I.D.
It'll take time.
We don't have it.
Are those all the names?
Working on other leads.
We're all doing the best we can.
- Do better.
- Angel.
I promised his mother.
No one is gonna put their hands
on this child.
No one.
LINWOOD: "No one is going to put
their hands on this child."
Is this meant to be ironic?
According to our highly, and I'm now
thinking overpaid, translators...
...the Nyazian scroll said the child
would never be born, yet here he is.
A technicality.
Darla died during childbirth.
Dusted during childbirth.
Our sources say she staked herself...
...leaving the baby alive
but never actually born.
Macduff was from his mother's womb.
Untimely ripped.
Clever loophole.
We could use those scroll writers
in Contracts and Negotiations.
We have to get that baby.
He has a knack
for stating the obvious.
I have a tactical team working
on intercept scenarios.
Lilah would have thought of that,
given time.
Moving on, children.
I want everything there is
on this character.
He slaughtered some
of our best-trained men.
- He's gonna be a problem.
- We're locating him.
Preferably before he locates us.
Now, that's a cute little baby.
Yes, you are.
And your daddy is a vampire
with a soul.
And sometimes he reverts
to a creature of pure evil...
...who could rip your tiny throat out.
Yes, he does.
I like kids. The senior partners took
mine before I really got to know them.
Turn it up.
Turn it down.
Teddy isn't crying.
Do you see Teddy crying?
Teddy isn't crying. Do you see
Teddy crying? No, he's not crying.
Come on, kid, you gotta
give me something here.
All right, last-ditch effort.
Here, let me give it a try, huh?
He doesn't like Smokey Robinson
and the Miracles?
- You said he had a soul.
- You know what?
You're fed. You're changed.
I hold you, you cry.
I put you down, you cry.
What do you want me to do?
I'm a terrible father.
I can't even get him to stop crying.
It's getting a little tense.
Your vibe, that is.
My vibe? What vibe?
The anxious one that's been
coming off you since he was born.
He's connected to you.
If you're wound tight,
how do you think he feels?
He's not a day old, and he's got an
enemies list. Wouldn't you be edgy?
Yeah. I'd also be in awe.
Look at him.
He's more than a mission, bro.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Okay, it's all right.
Hey, it's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Hey. Sh.
Do you like that?
No, obviously.
Okay, how about this one?
I only got one more.
That's my little guy.
You like that, don't you?
Lilah Morgan, clearance 0112773.
There we are.
What can I do for you?
I want everything the firm
has on Angel.
His life history, unlife history,
intercept records...
...victim lists, everything.
I'm looking for someone he crossed
paths with 100 years ago or more.
And make it fast. The boys upstairs
are at Defcon, like, 1000.
Sure thing, Miss Morgan.
Just a sec.
Everything's in there?
Down to the baby that wasn't
supposed to be born.
How do you know about that?
I'm Files and Records, it's my job.
Great. I'll be back when l...
Miss Morgan? There aren't
any documents in there.
That's just a reference key
to the full file.
The reference key.
So where is the full file?
The key helps locate which section
of the file you'd like to look at.
That whole thing is Angel's file?
Just the first 35 cabinets.
Does China Palace deliver here?
You'd punch quicker
without so much to drink.
It's a tradeoff. Because without that
much to drink, it hurts a lot more.
- You stick to the shadows.
- I'm not much of a day person.
- I'm not here to fight.
- Your bad luck.
I know you're in pain.
I know what it's like to grieve.
Nice goatee. Kind of rounds out
the whole creepy stalker look.
I'll be moving on now.
I'm not finished.
- How do you know my name?
- I know everything.
You live at 7221 Spaulding.
You stay out all night, sleep all day.
Ever since your sister
was murdered six months ago.
Your twin.
It wasn't a mugging
like the papers said, was it?
Major blood loss.
Two unidentifiable neck wounds.
My name's Holtz.
I want to help you.
I'll tell you what I want.
I want you to stay the hell
away from me.
We still haven't traced the websites.
Get any sleep?
No, I was up all night watching him.
If you let us take shifts, we...
No, I wasn't watching him
like that, I was...
I was just...
...watching him.
He looks a bit like me,
don't you think?
Oh, yeah. Look at that brow.
He's a miniature you.
Hand him over
and catch some shuteye.
I'll sleep when I know he's safe.
Which will be when?
Around never?
Angel, I understand
you want to protect him.
But you gotta let go a little,
share the responsibility.
- You can't be everything for him.
- I'm his only family.
My job now is to be
everything for him.
Really? Okay.
Follow me.
Come on.
ANGEL: Where are we going?
CORDELIA: Come on.
Cordelia, wait.
We're going outside.
Where your son's gonna
want to go play.
Where you'll have to rush him
to the hospital, but I see your point.
You can't go outside in the day like
other parents, because you're a vampire.
And even if you weren't,
you can't do everything for him.
If he has to get
to the hospital at noon...
...on the sunniest day of the year,
he'll get there.
Even if I don't.
Stop. Angel!
Good morning, all.
Is that bacon I smell, or did somebody
fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like this...
...the only truly safe room
would be the janitor's closet.
Thanks for the tip.
Could you sleep,
or did you hear humming?
HOST: I put some earplugs in
and slept like a baby.
Cried and wet the bed all night.
- Tough room.
- Mission accomplished.
You said you wanted firepower so:
- Good work.
- We got company out front.
ANGEL: They see you?
- No. I doubled back through the sewer.
- Who are they?
- Two cars of the vampire cult...
...and a biker gang I recognize.
- Humans?
Into extortion and kidnapping.
There's some fellows in a van
wearing hooded cloaks.
Lilliad demons.
They make a magical broth from the
bones of human children. Two L's.
They probably want to find out how
a vampire's child affects the recipe.
They use strong magic. They may
be able to break the furies' spell.
- What are they waiting for?
- Their power links to the lunar cycle.
We're safe now,
but when the moon rises...?
Tonight's a full moon.
We won't be able to fight off the
world once that force field is down.
I don't see that we have a choice.
This is impossible.
Two hundred and seventy-five years
of the most inane...
What kind of wussy name
is Liam, anyway?
Okay, you're at the hotel.
The pirate's about to kill Angel,
Angel calls him...
What? What was it?
- Hope.
Holtz, Daniel, vampire killer,
circa 1754.
Hunted Angel and Darla until
his mysterious disappearance in 1773.
Larson McMillan, Vampiricus
Conquestus, page 412.
- How did you...?
- I'm Files and Records, it's my job.
You mean, I've been sitting here
for the last 14 hours...
Uh-huh. find that you know
everything in this case file.
No, Miss Morgan.
I know everything in every case file.
- I'm Files and Records, it's my...
- Your job. Unbelievable.
What's the skinny on Holtz?
Why the hate for Angel?
Just a moment.
1764, Angel and Darla kill
Holtz, Caroline; Holtz, Sarah...
...and Holtz, Daniel, infant son.
Massacred his family, that'd do it.
Holtz vows to avenge their blood,
May 1764.
Pursues Angel and Darla
for nine years...
...incidentally killing 378 vampires
in the meantime.
We're dealing with a single-minded
vengeance machine with bloodlust.
That's just awesome.
- What in the hell are you doing here?
- Watching you fight.
- Why'd you wait?
- To see if you could win.
I would have kicked his ass
if you hadn't distracted me.
- I wasn't your problem.
- Really?
You fight wild.
Your passion works against you.
- You'll teach me about passion?
- I'll teach you how to fight.
- What's in it for you?
- You help me kill a vampire.
- You don't need me for that.
- I do.
This vampire is strong.
Are we talking about some kind of
Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi groove thing?
Wax on, wax off.
You'll find references to modern
culture are lost on me.
What a shocker.
But I know you're interested
in more than the trivial.
Your life has been ruined.
You can't sleep.
Instead, you make others pay
for what happened to your sister.
That's where I can help.
I see your talent, and I see your hate.
And I know that I can shape and hone
you into an instrument of vengeance.
Sounds like fun.
It won't be.
Guys, the Lilliad demons are starting
their mojo on the force field.
All right, sun's down.
Vamps can come out too.
- They're headed toward the bikers.
- What are they doing?
Having a brawl
over who kills us first.
WESLEY: We must hold our ground.
CORDELIA: If we can't?
Fall back towards the cellar.
We can retreat through the sewer.
- This won't work.
WESLEY: It's primed and ready.
Not the weapon, the plan.
I'm glad someone said that.
Sitting here waiting to die
never was much of a plan.
So, what genius idea you got
hidden up your sleeve?
- Plan is, I take the baby.
- What?
He was born in a siege,
he won't die in one.
Not if you stay and help fight.
We're in a war.
- I'm in a retreat.
- What about taking them out?
There's too many of them.
I can get out through the sewers.
- You're just gonna run away?
GUNN: It's what he's good at.
You don't want to fire us
before you leave us to fight?
We already established this
as a bad idea.
You'll be all right.
Once they realize that the baby's
gone, they'll go after me.
Wesley, stall them if you can.
CORDELIA: Tripping over our
dead bodies will slow them down.
You really didn't hear anything
I said earlier, did you?
I heard you.
Angel? Don't leave us.
He's running away.
He's sneaking away.
And giving us a chance
to get the jump on everyone.
GAVIN: Alpha Team, he's in the sewers.
Today, the world is different.
A vampire has sacrificed herself
for her baby.
- Know what that means?
LILAH: Something's good about the kid?
This child could grow up and hunt
each and every one of us down.
- Let's not let that happen.
GAVIN: No, sir.
- We'll find the baby, dead or alive.
LILAH: Are you crazy?
Worried we'll hurt
the itty-bitty baby?
I'm afraid you'll kill him
before we can cut him open...
...while he's alive and find out
how he's alive in the first place.
LILAH: Alpha Team, where are you?
MAN OVER RADIO: We're here.
What are you doing?
lmagining myself as John Wayne
in Rio Bravo. You?
Austin Stoker, Assault on Precinct 13.
If we live through this, trade in
the DVD players and get a life.
Got him.
I have a visual. Let's go.
we're in pursuit, tracking northbound.
Where's the child?
Upstairs, Room 312.
Why don't you go get him?
Wait, I have a better idea.
Master, it's a trick.
He's taken the child.
Now they're all after him.
- I hope we stalled them long enough.
- Whatever.
Running away was his call.
We'll get through this. Vampire demon
biker posse, that's the easy part.
The part that scares me
are all the questions:
Why is the sky blue?
Why do people get sick?
Why is there always pig's blood
in the fridge?
I don't have all the answers.
Well, I do to that last one.
Here we go.
He's braking left.
Could be worse.
At least you're not crying.
Give us the baby.
You want the baby?
You can have the baby!
Grab the baby!
VAMPIRE: What is it?
- It's a...
Sorry for the wait. Let's go.
Good morning, all.
Is that bacon I smell, or did somebody
fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like this...
Back it up.
- fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like...
Stop it right there.
Magnify 100 times.
That's where he gives Angel the note.
- the only truly safe room
would be the janitor's closet.
Thanks for the tip.
And tells him to read it
where we don't have surveillance.
That green houseguest could hear
your transmit frequency.
That Sturm und Drang about Angel
running out on them, a performance.
Who knew Angel had the acting chops?
Are you kidding?
It was one-note. Forced.
- Funny, you bought it at the time.
LINWOOD: It worked.
For us.
Angel's little trick thinned the herd.
Any word about Holtz?
No reports that he was among
Angel's pursuers.
LINWOOD: I hoped he would
be among the casualties.
- What do we know about him?
- He's a vampire hunter.
Angel killed his family.
He spent his life seeking revenge.
And one more thing,
this all happened 200 years ago.
- I thought Holtz was human.
LILAH: He is.
A time traveler.
The Nyazian scrolls
foretold his arrival.
- He's a player.
- Yes, he's a cog in the machine.
And aren't we all?
What do you think he wants?
Other than to tear out Angel's heart
and wear it as a brooch?
We need information.
How he got here, who he works with.
It's only a matter of time before
our needs and his come into conflict.
Maybe sooner than we think.
My son's got a tiny scratch
on his cheek, and now so do you.
I'm holding you responsible
for anything that happens to him.
A cold, a sunburn, a scratched knee.
Whatever happens to him,
happens to you, and then some.
Not only are you not coming
after him...'ll make sure he lives
a long, healthy life.
You just became his godfather.
- I believe I do.
It's all right.
One more thing, college fund.
Start saving.
I got my heart set on Notre Dame.
I'm happy to report
you have a healthy baby boy.
- Great, but I'm not the mother.
- I apologize.
That's okay.
- I'm happy to report you...
- Me neither.
The mother is no longer
in the picture.
I see.
Well, his height and weight
are in the 90th percentile...
...we gave him his vitamin K and
his PKU, and he's doing very well.
We don't seem to have his...
What's his name?
- His name is Connor.
DOCTOR: Connor.
Thank you, Mr. Angel.
And congratulations.
ANGEL: Thanks.
- Sure.
Hey. Hey.
- Mr. Angel?
- Your first name's Geraldo.
- We had to tell them something.
FRED: Geraldo Angel.
You're a pet psychiatrist
with a small practice in Pacoima...
...and you fight crime.
We just told them the name part.
The rest is me having fun.
I don't know what to say.
How about, "Thanks, I appreciate it,
you guys rock, way to go"?
What she said.
Got the best one a very small amount
of money could buy.
Connor, you wanna go for a ride?
- Oh, goodness.
- Connor. That's a lovely name.
I don't suppose you ever
considered Wes...?
Not to be negative or anything,
but we're okay, right?
Nobody else is coming
after Connor or us?
No, we're safe for the time being.
Let's go home.
- Nice stroller.
- Thank you.
Subtitles by
SDI Media Group
Previously on Angel:
His family, his children...
It will be 200 years before you
can confront Angelus or Darla.
I'm tired of waiting!
SAHJHAN: I want your word
you will show no mercy.
LINWOOD: Who's the pirate with a sword?
- He's not in the system.
ANGEL: This is impossible.
- Tell me about it, Daddy.
FRED: This might be
that bad thing we expected.
We need to dissect it
and find out what it means.
- It's human.
- I'm gonna have a son.
The prophet says
there will be no birth.
She wants to have it here?
She can't have a baby here.
This child, it's the one good thing
we ever did together.
You make sure to tell him that.
Now's your chance. Do it.
Finish it while you still can.
You can't just let him walk away!
I swore that I would show no mercy.
And I won't.
CORDELIA: We'll need to make
some changes for safety.
Covers for the outlets, kidproof
the locks on the weapons cabinet...
Right after we gut and remodel
the entire hotel.
Be careful.
Whatever was in those cages
could still be loose.
There's blood over here.
WESLEY: Some bastard's blown
a hole in the lift.
Sorry, my bastard.
Oh. Well, not like we ever use it.
- Is that a welcome for a houseguest?
- Houseguest?
HOST: I figured since you all
destroyed my club twice...
...I wouldn't be imposing,
asking for a place to stay.
Maybe I should reconsider a marginally
attractive Mulix demon's offer.
If he, she or it has
suitable accommodations...
Come on, hand over the little nipper.
Let Uncle Lorne take a gander.
I'm sure everyone else
has already had their turn.
Wow, I'm sensing a serious
mama-bear vibe.
- We're all still waiting our turn.
- I get it, "Looky, don't touchy."
- He's got a little scratchy.
- During the rush to leave the alley.
Let me put some ointment on that.
- Here.
- I got it, I got it.
Easy. Right there.
All right, let your arms out.
Okay. Sh.
- What did I do?
- You don't have a woman's touch.
Whatever your taste in clothing
may indicate.
- I don't wanna know.
- Could you throw it?
- I guess. Why?
- There!
Bogey at the back door!
This isn't over, is it?
No. Angel's son is part
of the prophecy.
Everyone and everything
will come for him.
Which means we need a plan.
Think I figured it out.
He wet himself.
WESLEY: We could use your help.
When you finish...
- changing the baby on my desk.
Sorry, I needed the space.
WESLEY: You nearly had sex
on my desk... I shouldn't be surprised
there's a baby on it.
That was some guy
who switched bodies with me...
...and can we keep the S-E-X talk
away from the baby?
Do you need help?
No, Wes, I know how
to change a diaper.
A normal one, with pins.
It's these newfangled fasteners...
Did you know these nappies are lined
with material designed for astronauts?
That's interesting.
Now I'm picturing men wearing
nappies, and I'm disturbed.
ANGEL: Okay, little guy,
you're ready, aren't you?
How's the list coming along?
We divided it into two categories.
One, those who we know pose
a threat to the baby.
Holtz, Wolfram and Hart,
the vampire cult that attacked us.
Two, those who could pose a threat
once they know of the baby.
"Order of Phillius,
Beltar the Cremator. Frank"?
Local mobster,
specializes in kidnapping.
What? You can't be wet,
I just changed you.
Are you hungry?
I got a bottle all ready for you.
Where did I put his bottle?
I had his bottle ready for him.
Okay. Here's your ba-ba.
Take your ba-ba.
You take it like this:
You drink and you're happy.
Let me take him for a little while.
I helped raise my cousin.
I can handle it.
We have to erase
everyone on the list.
- I can do that.
- Fred?
You meant erase in a squish-and-kill,
violent kind of way.
I'll just put that back.
Come on, it's a nice ba-ba.
You wanna stop crying and take
your ba-ba, yes you do. Please?
That was thrilling.
Not like I waited for you... take vengeance on Angel,
just to have you let him go.
HOLTZ: Why didn't you tell me
Darla was pregnant?
SAHJHAN: You're supposed to kill them.
HOLTZ: She sacrificed herself.
Darla did your job for you.
At least one is dust.
HOLTZ: Angel's demise will be
a great deal more painful.
SAHJHAN: You use words like "death,"
"no mercy," but I haven't seen bupkes.
Listen to me.
We've got prophecies to fulfill.
We don't need some deep,
dark plan for Angel.
You put a stake in him,
you watch him go poof.
Step one is getting rid
of these minions.
No, step one is poof,
and then there are no more steps.
We can't get rid of the grapplers.
I signed a two-week contract.
You don't wanna piss them off.
They're soulless beasts,
bred to maim and kill.
SAHJHAN: Maim and kill.
Two more words I like.
You'll need them,
unless your painful plan is... kill Angel with candy clowns
and marshmallow pies.
What's happening?
- I need more than fighters.
- They're choking! Know the Heimlich?
I can't do it in this dimension,
my arms will go through them.
What did you do?
- I poisoned their drink.
- Why?
I don't need mercenaries
who kill for anyone willing to pay.
I need warriors who will die
for my cause.
Like that.
Great. So step one is, I'm stuck
with four costly and dead demons.
What's step two?
HOLTZ: We can find information
using this box.
- Correct?
- Yeah.
You won't believe how fast
my connection is.
- What do you want to find?
HOLTZ: Obituaries.
What about the ninja guy?
- The vampire cult killed him.
- There could be more.
The world is a sick place.
There are already three websites
offering money for the baby.
- Fred, help her trace the websites.
FRED: Right.
It's good. Try it, you'll like it.
So good.
Teddy likes it, and I like it too.
What was that?
Listening to those furies
gives me whiplash.
Thank God they left.
My head was about to pop off.
- Granted, not a big deal.
- That was their spell kicking in?
They put a force field over the hotel.
Nothing can get in or out.
FRED: So the baby's safe?
We're all safe, right?
Unless one of those killers
throws a firebomb in at us... they did at your club, which
had a similar safety spell around it.
- Sorry.
- She's right. He won't be safe here.
We can get out. I installed
an emergency exit in the sewers.
A mystical barrier opens
with a password.
- Pylean word for "hedgehog."
- Oh. Oh!
It means something
different in English?
We'll have to use it.
The baby needs to see a doctor.
What? He's not sick.
- Does he look sick?
- No, but he needs his newborn checkup.
The baby book says that he's supposed
to have a vitamin K shot...
...and a PKU test after he's born.
Are you gonna circumcise?
I think he heard you.
Are there fluorescent lights in here?
I keep hearing this hum.
Plus, fluorescents, green light,
green skin, it's all bad.
I'll take the blank stares
as a big, fat no.
ANGEL: Gunn?
GUNN: Yeah?
I'm in a war,
I'll need serious firepower.
- Beyond swords and spears?
- Way beyond.
- Leave it to me.
- Thanks.
- We getting to the websites?
- Not yet.
Normally, we'd hack into the e-mail
and trace the relays.
- But they're using remailers.
- Which means?
There's no direct I.D.
It'll take time.
We don't have it.
Are those all the names?
Working on other leads.
We're all doing the best we can.
- Do better.
- Angel.
I promised his mother.
No one is gonna put their hands
on this child.
No one.
LINWOOD: "No one is going to put
their hands on this child."
Is this meant to be ironic?
According to our highly, and I'm now
thinking overpaid, translators...
...the Nyazian scroll said the child
would never be born, yet here he is.
A technicality.
Darla died during childbirth.
Dusted during childbirth.
Our sources say she staked herself...
...leaving the baby alive
but never actually born.
Macduff was from his mother's womb.
Untimely ripped.
Clever loophole.
We could use those scroll writers
in Contracts and Negotiations.
We have to get that baby.
He has a knack
for stating the obvious.
I have a tactical team working
on intercept scenarios.
Lilah would have thought of that,
given time.
Moving on, children.
I want everything there is
on this character.
He slaughtered some
of our best-trained men.
- He's gonna be a problem.
- We're locating him.
Preferably before he locates us.
Now, that's a cute little baby.
Yes, you are.
And your daddy is a vampire
with a soul.
And sometimes he reverts
to a creature of pure evil...
...who could rip your tiny throat out.
Yes, he does.
I like kids. The senior partners took
mine before I really got to know them.
Turn it up.
Turn it down.
Teddy isn't crying.
Do you see Teddy crying?
Teddy isn't crying. Do you see
Teddy crying? No, he's not crying.
Come on, kid, you gotta
give me something here.
All right, last-ditch effort.
Here, let me give it a try, huh?
He doesn't like Smokey Robinson
and the Miracles?
- You said he had a soul.
- You know what?
You're fed. You're changed.
I hold you, you cry.
I put you down, you cry.
What do you want me to do?
I'm a terrible father.
I can't even get him to stop crying.
It's getting a little tense.
Your vibe, that is.
My vibe? What vibe?
The anxious one that's been
coming off you since he was born.
He's connected to you.
If you're wound tight,
how do you think he feels?
He's not a day old, and he's got an
enemies list. Wouldn't you be edgy?
Yeah. I'd also be in awe.
Look at him.
He's more than a mission, bro.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Okay, it's all right.
Hey, it's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Hey. Sh.
Do you like that?
No, obviously.
Okay, how about this one?
I only got one more.
That's my little guy.
You like that, don't you?
Lilah Morgan, clearance 0112773.
There we are.
What can I do for you?
I want everything the firm
has on Angel.
His life history, unlife history,
intercept records...
...victim lists, everything.
I'm looking for someone he crossed
paths with 100 years ago or more.
And make it fast. The boys upstairs
are at Defcon, like, 1000.
Sure thing, Miss Morgan.
Just a sec.
Everything's in there?
Down to the baby that wasn't
supposed to be born.
How do you know about that?
I'm Files and Records, it's my job.
Great. I'll be back when l...
Miss Morgan? There aren't
any documents in there.
That's just a reference key
to the full file.
The reference key.
So where is the full file?
The key helps locate which section
of the file you'd like to look at.
That whole thing is Angel's file?
Just the first 35 cabinets.
Does China Palace deliver here?
You'd punch quicker
without so much to drink.
It's a tradeoff. Because without that
much to drink, it hurts a lot more.
- You stick to the shadows.
- I'm not much of a day person.
- I'm not here to fight.
- Your bad luck.
I know you're in pain.
I know what it's like to grieve.
Nice goatee. Kind of rounds out
the whole creepy stalker look.
I'll be moving on now.
I'm not finished.
- How do you know my name?
- I know everything.
You live at 7221 Spaulding.
You stay out all night, sleep all day.
Ever since your sister
was murdered six months ago.
Your twin.
It wasn't a mugging
like the papers said, was it?
Major blood loss.
Two unidentifiable neck wounds.
My name's Holtz.
I want to help you.
I'll tell you what I want.
I want you to stay the hell
away from me.
We still haven't traced the websites.
Get any sleep?
No, I was up all night watching him.
If you let us take shifts, we...
No, I wasn't watching him
like that, I was...
I was just...
...watching him.
He looks a bit like me,
don't you think?
Oh, yeah. Look at that brow.
He's a miniature you.
Hand him over
and catch some shuteye.
I'll sleep when I know he's safe.
Which will be when?
Around never?
Angel, I understand
you want to protect him.
But you gotta let go a little,
share the responsibility.
- You can't be everything for him.
- I'm his only family.
My job now is to be
everything for him.
Really? Okay.
Follow me.
Come on.
ANGEL: Where are we going?
CORDELIA: Come on.
Cordelia, wait.
We're going outside.
Where your son's gonna
want to go play.
Where you'll have to rush him
to the hospital, but I see your point.
You can't go outside in the day like
other parents, because you're a vampire.
And even if you weren't,
you can't do everything for him.
If he has to get
to the hospital at noon...
...on the sunniest day of the year,
he'll get there.
Even if I don't.
Stop. Angel!
Good morning, all.
Is that bacon I smell, or did somebody
fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like this...
...the only truly safe room
would be the janitor's closet.
Thanks for the tip.
Could you sleep,
or did you hear humming?
HOST: I put some earplugs in
and slept like a baby.
Cried and wet the bed all night.
- Tough room.
- Mission accomplished.
You said you wanted firepower so:
- Good work.
- We got company out front.
ANGEL: They see you?
- No. I doubled back through the sewer.
- Who are they?
- Two cars of the vampire cult...
...and a biker gang I recognize.
- Humans?
Into extortion and kidnapping.
There's some fellows in a van
wearing hooded cloaks.
Lilliad demons.
They make a magical broth from the
bones of human children. Two L's.
They probably want to find out how
a vampire's child affects the recipe.
They use strong magic. They may
be able to break the furies' spell.
- What are they waiting for?
- Their power links to the lunar cycle.
We're safe now,
but when the moon rises...?
Tonight's a full moon.
We won't be able to fight off the
world once that force field is down.
I don't see that we have a choice.
This is impossible.
Two hundred and seventy-five years
of the most inane...
What kind of wussy name
is Liam, anyway?
Okay, you're at the hotel.
The pirate's about to kill Angel,
Angel calls him...
What? What was it?
- Hope.
Holtz, Daniel, vampire killer,
circa 1754.
Hunted Angel and Darla until
his mysterious disappearance in 1773.
Larson McMillan, Vampiricus
Conquestus, page 412.
- How did you...?
- I'm Files and Records, it's my job.
You mean, I've been sitting here
for the last 14 hours...
Uh-huh. find that you know
everything in this case file.
No, Miss Morgan.
I know everything in every case file.
- I'm Files and Records, it's my...
- Your job. Unbelievable.
What's the skinny on Holtz?
Why the hate for Angel?
Just a moment.
1764, Angel and Darla kill
Holtz, Caroline; Holtz, Sarah...
...and Holtz, Daniel, infant son.
Massacred his family, that'd do it.
Holtz vows to avenge their blood,
May 1764.
Pursues Angel and Darla
for nine years...
...incidentally killing 378 vampires
in the meantime.
We're dealing with a single-minded
vengeance machine with bloodlust.
That's just awesome.
- What in the hell are you doing here?
- Watching you fight.
- Why'd you wait?
- To see if you could win.
I would have kicked his ass
if you hadn't distracted me.
- I wasn't your problem.
- Really?
You fight wild.
Your passion works against you.
- You'll teach me about passion?
- I'll teach you how to fight.
- What's in it for you?
- You help me kill a vampire.
- You don't need me for that.
- I do.
This vampire is strong.
Are we talking about some kind of
Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi groove thing?
Wax on, wax off.
You'll find references to modern
culture are lost on me.
What a shocker.
But I know you're interested
in more than the trivial.
Your life has been ruined.
You can't sleep.
Instead, you make others pay
for what happened to your sister.
That's where I can help.
I see your talent, and I see your hate.
And I know that I can shape and hone
you into an instrument of vengeance.
Sounds like fun.
It won't be.
Guys, the Lilliad demons are starting
their mojo on the force field.
All right, sun's down.
Vamps can come out too.
- They're headed toward the bikers.
- What are they doing?
Having a brawl
over who kills us first.
WESLEY: We must hold our ground.
CORDELIA: If we can't?
Fall back towards the cellar.
We can retreat through the sewer.
- This won't work.
WESLEY: It's primed and ready.
Not the weapon, the plan.
I'm glad someone said that.
Sitting here waiting to die
never was much of a plan.
So, what genius idea you got
hidden up your sleeve?
- Plan is, I take the baby.
- What?
He was born in a siege,
he won't die in one.
Not if you stay and help fight.
We're in a war.
- I'm in a retreat.
- What about taking them out?
There's too many of them.
I can get out through the sewers.
- You're just gonna run away?
GUNN: It's what he's good at.
You don't want to fire us
before you leave us to fight?
We already established this
as a bad idea.
You'll be all right.
Once they realize that the baby's
gone, they'll go after me.
Wesley, stall them if you can.
CORDELIA: Tripping over our
dead bodies will slow them down.
You really didn't hear anything
I said earlier, did you?
I heard you.
Angel? Don't leave us.
He's running away.
He's sneaking away.
And giving us a chance
to get the jump on everyone.
GAVIN: Alpha Team, he's in the sewers.
Today, the world is different.
A vampire has sacrificed herself
for her baby.
- Know what that means?
LILAH: Something's good about the kid?
This child could grow up and hunt
each and every one of us down.
- Let's not let that happen.
GAVIN: No, sir.
- We'll find the baby, dead or alive.
LILAH: Are you crazy?
Worried we'll hurt
the itty-bitty baby?
I'm afraid you'll kill him
before we can cut him open...
...while he's alive and find out
how he's alive in the first place.
LILAH: Alpha Team, where are you?
MAN OVER RADIO: We're here.
What are you doing?
lmagining myself as John Wayne
in Rio Bravo. You?
Austin Stoker, Assault on Precinct 13.
If we live through this, trade in
the DVD players and get a life.
Got him.
I have a visual. Let's go.
we're in pursuit, tracking northbound.
Where's the child?
Upstairs, Room 312.
Why don't you go get him?
Wait, I have a better idea.
Master, it's a trick.
He's taken the child.
Now they're all after him.
- I hope we stalled them long enough.
- Whatever.
Running away was his call.
We'll get through this. Vampire demon
biker posse, that's the easy part.
The part that scares me
are all the questions:
Why is the sky blue?
Why do people get sick?
Why is there always pig's blood
in the fridge?
I don't have all the answers.
Well, I do to that last one.
Here we go.
He's braking left.
Could be worse.
At least you're not crying.
Give us the baby.
You want the baby?
You can have the baby!
Grab the baby!
VAMPIRE: What is it?
- It's a...
Sorry for the wait. Let's go.
Good morning, all.
Is that bacon I smell, or did somebody
fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like this...
Back it up.
- fall asleep with the curtains up?
Gotta figure, a guy like you,
a place like...
Stop it right there.
Magnify 100 times.
That's where he gives Angel the note.
- the only truly safe room
would be the janitor's closet.
Thanks for the tip.
And tells him to read it
where we don't have surveillance.
That green houseguest could hear
your transmit frequency.
That Sturm und Drang about Angel
running out on them, a performance.
Who knew Angel had the acting chops?
Are you kidding?
It was one-note. Forced.
- Funny, you bought it at the time.
LINWOOD: It worked.
For us.
Angel's little trick thinned the herd.
Any word about Holtz?
No reports that he was among
Angel's pursuers.
LINWOOD: I hoped he would
be among the casualties.
- What do we know about him?
- He's a vampire hunter.
Angel killed his family.
He spent his life seeking revenge.
And one more thing,
this all happened 200 years ago.
- I thought Holtz was human.
LILAH: He is.
A time traveler.
The Nyazian scrolls
foretold his arrival.
- He's a player.
- Yes, he's a cog in the machine.
And aren't we all?
What do you think he wants?
Other than to tear out Angel's heart
and wear it as a brooch?
We need information.
How he got here, who he works with.
It's only a matter of time before
our needs and his come into conflict.
Maybe sooner than we think.
My son's got a tiny scratch
on his cheek, and now so do you.
I'm holding you responsible
for anything that happens to him.
A cold, a sunburn, a scratched knee.
Whatever happens to him,
happens to you, and then some.
Not only are you not coming
after him...'ll make sure he lives
a long, healthy life.
You just became his godfather.
- I believe I do.
It's all right.
One more thing, college fund.
Start saving.
I got my heart set on Notre Dame.
I'm happy to report
you have a healthy baby boy.
- Great, but I'm not the mother.
- I apologize.
That's okay.
- I'm happy to report you...
- Me neither.
The mother is no longer
in the picture.
I see.
Well, his height and weight
are in the 90th percentile...
...we gave him his vitamin K and
his PKU, and he's doing very well.
We don't seem to have his...
What's his name?
- His name is Connor.
DOCTOR: Connor.
Thank you, Mr. Angel.
And congratulations.
ANGEL: Thanks.
- Sure.
Hey. Hey.
- Mr. Angel?
- Your first name's Geraldo.
- We had to tell them something.
FRED: Geraldo Angel.
You're a pet psychiatrist
with a small practice in Pacoima...
...and you fight crime.
We just told them the name part.
The rest is me having fun.
I don't know what to say.
How about, "Thanks, I appreciate it,
you guys rock, way to go"?
What she said.
Got the best one a very small amount
of money could buy.
Connor, you wanna go for a ride?
- Oh, goodness.
- Connor. That's a lovely name.
I don't suppose you ever
considered Wes...?
Not to be negative or anything,
but we're okay, right?
Nobody else is coming
after Connor or us?
No, we're safe for the time being.
Let's go home.
- Nice stroller.
- Thank you.
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