And Quiet Flows the Don (2015): Season 1, Episode 12 - Episode #1.12 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- It came to this: the son rose up against his father
and brother against brother!

- You leave the house, don't you?
- Get out, enemy!

- Once establishes a peaceful
Soviet power around the world,

then I, aunty, will be sending you
matchmakers for your Evdokia.

- Smells of you.

- I want to have a good look.
They will kill you - my heart tells me.

- For the health of the dear guest
Grigory Panteleevich.

- And I'll drink to his health.

- Now you know.

The main thing is that
he would not beat

(Brass band sounds)

You fought bravely
with our common enemies!

Your merits will not be forgotten by the motherland,
liberated from the Bolsheviks.

I would like to award
those women of your farm,

who are particularly distinguished
in armed struggle

against the red bastard!

I'll ask you to come forward
our Cossack heroines,

whose names
will now be announced.

Daria Melekhova.

Are you the widow of a murdered man in March
-- cornet Melekhov?

Now you get money

500 rubles. Troop chieftain
African Petrovich Bogaevsky

and the Don government thank you
for your great courage

and ask for sympathy.
They sympathize with you in your grief.

- May I go?

- Yes. Yes, sure.

Anna Polikarpova.


- What is it for?
- It? For the godfather of Ivan Alekseevich.

God rest his soul, son of a bitch.

- And this is for Petya.
- What will you do with the money?

- And that's my business.
Whatever I want, I will do.

- That is, how is it so?
Did they give you money for Peter? Ouch!

Are you a family man or what?
And what do you want from this family woman,

you daddy?
To take your money for yourself, right?

- Well, not to take everything everything, but
Petro was our son, or who do you think he was?

We are with the old woman
should be in cut?

I won't give you anything, I won't even give you a ruble.

There is no cut for you here
it would be handed over to you.

- You live in a family and eat our bread,
That means we have to have everything in common.

- Oh, and I'm with you, daddy,
not married. Today I live with you

and can get married tomorrow. And for food
I don't have to pay to you

I worked for your family for 10 years,
didn't straighten my back!

- You worked for yourself, you lunatic bitch!

- Mommy, dove,
this is to remember Petya.

Order, mother,
universal memorial service

cook kuti.
Just don't give it to the dad, okay?


Now I would like to grab some crosses.
-Dashka, will you show me the medal?

- Look.
And why is dad so gloomy?

- Envy. I am now awarded
with the St. George medal

together with an officer's rank,
as the widow of an officer.

Yes. And appointed to command
a hundred of old Cossacks.

- Dashenka, dear,
do not lie, for Christ's sake!

- What? Yes I to you
I speak the true truth.

Where are the officers? At the front. And who
will teach old people how to march

and all sorts of other wisdom? Who, huh?
So they will be put under my command.

And I'll manage them quickly
the old devils.

Old people, attention!

Raise your beards!
Walk around to the left!

- Oh, cut it off already! You
went loose like you didn't get the kindness

- So it's not kindness!

Come on, Natasha, let's go out for an hour,
I need to chat with you.

That's what,

I fell ill.

I have a bad disease.

When I was going to the convoy this time
and got it.

Endowed by the damned officer.

- Had fun!
- Had fun.

And there's nothing to say
and no one to blame.

My weakness...

Got the damn thing, flattered.

The teeth are white, and he himself is wormy.

Now I am doomed.

- Bitter friend...

Well, what will you do now?

Need to be treated. Them, these diseases,
they say heal.

- No, girl, you can't cure mine.

- Well, how is it?

- And I'll lay hands on myself, that's how.

It's sad, well, it seems
there is nothing to choose from.

If I am treated -
everyone in the farm will know.

Well, who will need me?

My beauty will be lost, I will dry all up,

I will rot alive. No, no, I don't want to.

At first I thought: I will be treated.

And then I decided otherwise.

And I'm tired of everything!

I do not want.

- What are you talking about.

You should be afraid of God.

- And he, God, is of no use to me.
He's mixed all my life up.

- Dasha...
- Come on, Natasha!

I didn?t call you, so that you
would persuade me and talk me out

I want to warn you, so that you
from today, your wouldn't let your guys

close to me

And tell the old woman
I don't have a conscience.

Oh ... But I won?t immediately climb into the loop,
don't you think. We will tell later

It's not easy for me either, if you think about it.

Only joy in my,
when think about death:

I will be able to see Peter
in other realm

Well, I'll tell you, my friend:
Petro Panteleevich,

accept your unlucky wife.

he can't fight in that world.

Bullies are not allowed into heaven, right?

- I invited you, Melehov,
to agree on some issues.

Rebelious guerrilla ended.

It's time to realize it and
unconditionally obey orders

of the high command.
Why yesterday your infantry regiment

did not support the offensive
of an assault battalion?

Are you the chief of
so-called division?

- Me.
- Try to answer the question.

- I just arrived at the division yesterday.
- Where have you been?

- I went home.

The divisional commander during combat
operations deigns to stay at home?!

You, Mr. Melehov, are not supposed to
command a division,

but serve as an errand boy!
Why was the order not executed?

Didn't have a meeting? Didn't discuss?

We are not comrades of your
Bolshevik order,

we won't allow it! We won't allow it!

- I'll ask you not to yell at me.
- What did you say?!

- If you, Your Excellency,
if you please touch me with a finger -

I'll kill on the spot.

- We have nothing else to talk about.
I will report your behavior immediately.

to army headquarters.
- You report where you are supposed to

but don't scare me
I'm not the half-hearted one

Until then, don't touch me. Otherwise, I'm afraid
my Cossacks will beat you up.

-Will you go far? Me with you?

- You, bastard, do not know the service.
Why is a bridled horse standing?

Who should give me a horse,
I'm asking you?!

Damn it! You are still eating
you just won't stop!

You don't know discipline! Ha!

- Why are you making noise?
- Because!

How do you treat me
pork tripe?

- Why are you making noise?
You are also not great in feathers!

What I can't have a snack
before the road?

Why did you get angry?
- Because!

Who am I to you?! Ugh?

Ride five steps behind!

- I want, Natalya,
bow before you.

- Ugh? I thought.

What is there to blame?

- There was such a sin...

Remember, Grigory came in the spring
from the front on a visit?

And in the evening that day
Aksinya called me to her place.

And gave, literally imposed

this ring.

Asked me to
call Gregory to her.

I told him.
He then all night, remember? ..

He was with Aksinya.

Well, don't be angry, Natashka, with me,
I'm not happy that I confessed.

And the devil knows, not caught - not a thief.

Maybe he wasn't with her, huh?
- I was guessing.

- She was guessing!
Well, why didn't you ask then, huh?

I was afraid. I was afraid to know the truth.

Do you think it's easy?
- Well, forget about it.

I would forget.

- Forget about your illness.

- I'd love to

But, it reminds of itself, damn

Listen, Natasha, do you want
I can find out everything from Aksinya?

She will tell me. There is no such woman
who would not tell and keep silent

about who loves her and how.
I know for myself. Do you want? Ugh?

- No need.

I don't need your service.

You have served me so well.

I'm not blind, I see
why did you tell me.

It's not out of pity that you confessed
but to make it harder for me.

- Right.

You judge for yourself:
I'm not the only one to suffer.

Do you love your...

- As best I can.
- So, hefty.

And I don't have a single one
to love.

Loved like a dog, somehow,
by halves.

I would love to start a new life again

maybe I would be different?

- How is it - you will not read a funeral service?
She's not baptized, or what?

I can't bury suicides
not supposed to.

- And how then?
Do you think we bury her like a dog?

No, please have mercy.
Our family haven't had such shame

for a century
- I can not.

I respect you, Pantelei Prokofievich,
but I can not. They will report to the Reverend -

I'll be in trouble then.
- I won't bury her behind the cemetery.

She does just a random girl to me,
but own daughter-in-law.

Her husband died in battle with the Reds
and he was in the officer rank,

she herself got his medals

and you tell me such a damn thing?!
No, dad, your idea won't work.

I will inform the village ataman immediately
- he will chat with you.

What is your ataman to me?
I have my own ataman.

Okay, let's do funeral service properly.


- What good did you come with?

- I can?t go to you with good ...

- Talk bad.

About Gregory?

- No.

The husband is alive and well. Don't be so scared.

- I'm not afraid.

- Why do you think so?
- Okay.

Here's what I came to you.

Nonsense is walking around the farm, as if
Gregory leans against you again,

like you're seeing him
when he comes home.

Is it right?

You found someone to ask.

Are you afraid to tell the truth?

- No.
- Then tell me.

So that I would know and would not suffer.

- I won't feel sorry for you anyway.

We have this with you:
you suffer - I feel good,

I'm in pain - you're fine.

I'll tell you the truth: they say for a good reason.

I took possession of Gregory again,

and I'll try now
not to let go of him.

What are you going to do now?

Will you break windows in my kuren
or slaughter me with a knife?

- No.

I won't do anything to you now.

And Gregory will come, I'll chat with him.

There it will be seen
How can I be with both of you.

- So, it means, I
can live without fear?

All my life you stand across me,

but now I won't
ask, like then.

I won't now

I know one thing: you do not love Gregory,
just like this: you reach for him out of habit.

And have you ever loved him
the way I did?

You were entangled with Listnitsky,

you spent your time
with so many men

When one loves, one doesn't do that

- He did not reproach me with this,
and you do.

Okay, I'm bad, you're good.
What's next?

- That's it.

Don't be angry, I'll leave now.

Thank you for revealing the truth.
- Don't, don't thank

would known without me.

In the end, I'll tell you this

my dear neighbor

if you are able - you take him,
if not - do not be offended.

I won't give up on him either.

At least you have children, but I have him -
alone in the whole wide world.

First and last.

Queen of heave,
protect him from death

once he returns - he will choose.

- I've been looking at you for a long time...

Do you have something with Grishka?

- He, mother, again lives with Aksinya.

- How do you know?

- I was at Aksinya's yesterday.

- And she, bastard, confessed?

You didn't look after him.
You can't take your eyes off that.

- I relied on his conscience.

- Well, what do you think?

I'll take the kids and leave.

Let him take her to the house.
- Oh no, how is it? Don't even think about it.

"I'll leave home." And where will you come?

Who needs you?
There is no father, the chicken are burned,

you will live under someone else's fence,
Will you drag my grandchildren with you?


- God!

He exhausted whole my soul away...

I have no more strength to live like this.

Lord, punish him, the damned one!

Kill him there to the death
so that he would not live, not to torment me!

- Dear God! Come to your senses!
Who are you asking death for?

- Lord, punish!
- To the own father of your children!

(Screeching music plays.)

- Your temper is great,
you, young ones, true god!

A little something - you're pissed off.

Would you live as I lived from a young age.

You Grishka never laid a finger
on you whole life

and me my lame idol
was beating to death from a young age.

He himself did wrong things,
but he was taking it out on me!

For a month, it happened, I was all blue,
like iron, and nothing!

survived, and raised the kids,

and never thought of
leaving the home

I do not praise Grishka,
but with such you can still live

If not for this snake.
- Mommy.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

I want to tell you one thing...

Will I live with Gregory or not,
it is still unknown

I don't want to give birth to him anymore.

And I'm pregnant now, mom.

- But how will you get away from this?

Oh... Like it or not
but you'll have to give birth

Where is Natalya?

- Gathered some bundle and left.

- Where? What did she say?
What bundle?

- Well, how do I know, mother?
She put a clean skirt in a scarf,

Something else and left
didn't say anything.

- Oh, bitter little human!

- What are you, mother?
She didn't leave forever.

Must have gone to check
out her mother

- Where is Natalya?
Why don't you call to the table?

- Well, she is not here. Must
have gone to her mother and got delayed

She stays there for a long time.
It's time to know the rules.

My darling, turn to me,
let me wipe your lips.

Your mother is a lunatic
and there is no watch over you.

(Knock on the door.)

- God...
- Mom, wipe after me -

I left some marks.
- My God, my God.

Get up, father.
Get up, Natalya fell ill.

Too bad, I hope she won't die
- Invented devilry - fell ill.

Should have walked less in nights!

- Harness it at once,
go to the village for the medic.

- Oh, you bastard!
Oh, you son of a bitch!

What did you think?
Oh I will scold you...

- Stupid, damned? Where are you going?
Go to the base and harness quickly!

- Go faster!
Why is it taking you so long?!

Natasha is dying, and he! ..

- What, did you fall?

Move, you!

Stop yelling at the father, the dirty one!

Will it light up soon?
- It's dawning.

- Cover my legs with a fur coat.

I, mother, will die soon,
my heart senses.

Tell Dunyasha to heat the water
more, once she heats the stove.

Wash me.
I don't want strangers to...

- Natalya, wake up, my dear.
Why are you talking about death?

- Don't interrupt me...

It's hard for me to talk
but I want to say...

My head is spinning again...

Did I tell you about water?

And that means I'm strong.

Will it dawn soon?
- Soon.

- If only to survive until the morning.

Put more water in.
I want to be clean when I die.

You dress me in a green skirt,
in this one, with pattern on the frill.

Grisha loved it when I was putting it on

And lead the children away when I am done

I should really say goodbye.

Call, call them here.

Call faster.

Otherwise I won't see him

Tell me how you haven't ever
been the owner...

Well, who like this, without rest,
rides day and night?

You look how weary the horses are,
Grigory Panteleevich!

- Crap!
- Get down.