American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Home Invasion - full transcript
Serial killer enthusiasts reenact the brutal murders of two nursing students, while Ben returns to Boston to fix a mistake involving an old flame.
? ?
("Age of Aquarius"
by 5th Dimension playing)
? When the moon ?
Come on, girls.
Traffic's murder at the Bowl,
and I don't want to miss
"Light My Fire."
She just wants to blow
Jim Morrison.
? Aligns with Mars ?
? Then peace
will guide the planets ?
? And love
will steer the stars ?
? This is the dawning
of the age of Aquarius... ?
(people shouting,
laughter over TV)
Hey, Maria.
You want to come see
The Doors with us?
I can't.
I have an anatomy
test tomorrow.
Oh, Maria.
You're such a square.
Can't you girls
leave her alone?
What did she ever
do to you?
She refused to
pray for my sins.
I hope you get the clap.
Right, guess you lezzies
don't have to worry about that.
Your heart's in
the right place,
it's your head
I'm worried about.
(laughter over TV, loud knock)
You forget your diaphragm?
You can still get the clap
with a diaphragm.
Those bitches.
Don't answer it.
(door unlocking)
Excuse me, ma'am.
I don't want to bother you, but
I'm hurt and needing some help.
This might sting a little.
WOMAN (on TV):
Hello, Les.
Were you expecting me?
Saw you down on the sidewalk.
Seemed to be a very
interesting encounter.
You think that Jesus
is going to save you?
I'm already saved.
We all are.
I can't find the source
of the bleeding.
There's no...
no wound.
Don't get smart!
It'll only make it worse.
Fatty Patty, Fatty Patty.
MAN (on TV):
I didn't come here
to discuss Ed Carson.
Yes, I gathered that.
Our Mr. Carson is...
I imagine you did it with
your usual subtlety and tact.
You are a little heavy-handed
at that sort of thing, you know.
It's the intention that counts.
I assure you,
my interest is quite genuine.
Oh, now, that's surprising, Les.
From all the hints I've heard
dropped over town
all these years...
Wake up, sugar.
Put it on.
Do it.
No, not over your clothes.
Take them off.
I'm a virgin.
(blade clicks)
(sobbing softly)
Well, there are
no hard and set rules, Les.
He's a very sick man.
Well, you'll let me know
what I can do to help him.
I told you...
Jesus can't save me.
My Lord God,
even now I accept at thy hands
cheerfully and willingly,
with all its anxieties,
pains and sufferings,
whatever death it shall
please thee to be mine.
My Lord God,
even now I accept at thy hands
cheerfully and willingly,
with all of
its anxieties, pains
and sufferings,
whatever death it shall
please thee to be mine.
MAN (on TV):
You can't break
a man like Rossi.
He's not done.
You're outmatched.
If you did get him,
he might break you.
Did that ever occur to you?
You better make up
your mind, Laura.
I'm giving you
some brotherly advice.
Concede gracefully.
(cell phone buzzing)
So, what do shrinks think about
when a wildly brilliant patient
doesn't talk
to punish said psychiatrist?
I bet you think about sex.
Do you think about sex a lot?
I think about
one girl in particular.
Your daughter.
I jerk off thinking
about her. A lot.
I'm not comfortable with you
talking about my daughter, Tate.
Don't you want to know
what I do to her?
How I lay her on the bed
and I caress her soft skin,
make her purr
like a little kitten.
She's a virgin.
They get wet so easily.
Do you turn to these thoughts
to comfort yourself
in times of stress?
Actually, yes.
I jerk off a lot to make
the visions to go away.
Blood and the carnage.
I want the thoughts to go away,
and you're not helping me.
Well, we've only been working
together a few weeks now.
Well, you're sexual, right?
Violet told me
about the affair
with the girl in Boston.
Not much older
than her, she said.
Our time is up.
Bullshit. I don't accept that.
Our time is up for today, Tate.
(door slams)
(cell phone buzzing)
I thought we had an agreement.
Do I have to get
this number changed?
I'm pregnant.
? ?
? ?
? ?
I thought you hated smoking.
I've taken it up.
I can't sleep.
I'm terrified of everything.
What attacked me wasn't human.
It was Tate.
No, you saw
that other thing, too.
He was trying to
freak us both out.
What'd you tell your parents?
Don't worry.
I told them I got attacked
by some chola on Melrose
who wanted my Chanel.
Couldn't tell them I went
to your house to score coke,
could I?
I had to file a fake
police report and everything.
How deep are the cuts?
God, and I-I can't stop
thinking about that mouth.
It was a mask.
He was purposely trying
to terrorize you.
That hat doesn't look like you.
It serves a purpose.
My hair is turning white
from fear.
Yeah, I read on the Internet
that's possible.
Do you believe in the devil?
I do.
I've looked into his eyes.
(crickets chirping)
(alarm blaring)
Check Violet!
(keypad beeping)
(alarm stops)
Did someone break in?
Go back upstairs.
I'm calling
the police.
(door creaks softly)
(Addy giggling)
(floor creaking)
Go home, Addy.
Come on.
(door slams)
(stairs creaking)
The police are on their way.
Tell them to forget it--
it was only Addy.
I'm gonna have
someone come out
and check all
the windows and doors, though.
If that little freak
can get in, anyone can.
You shouldn't call her that!
Are you okay?
You're shaking.
I haven't thrown up, Ben.
When I was pregnant with Violet,
I was sick all the time
for two months straight.
There's something wrong
with this baby, I can feel it.
I'd be worried if you
didn't think something was wrong
after what you went through,
with your last pregnancy.
Your anxiety level must
be through the roof.
Don't shrink me.
(sighs) You know
what I feel?
This baby...
is why we moved here.
It's our salvation, Viv.
? ?
I'm pulling
and pulling, and this
Karen Carpenter
"isn't life the shit"
elevator music keeps playing.
(power whirring down)
? I'm on the top
of the world looking ?
? Down on creation ?
? And the only explanation ?
? I can find ?
? Is the love that
I've found ever since ?
(power whirring up)
? You've been around,
your love's put me ?
? At the top of the... ?
Chopped in half,
like a freaking Ginsu.
I'm feeling
around like,
"What the hell,
where's my legs, man?"
Sounds terrifying.
How many times
have you had this dream?
Like, ten.
I mean, not a lot freaks me out,
but this shit's
Like, if I'm with some dude
and he touches my belly,
I get all
Is it weird living
in Murder House?
Excuse me?
What do you mean, the-the
crime that took place here?
Were you aware of that
before you came to see me?
Dude, you're on
the Murder House tour.
I see. I had assumed
you found me
through the Screen Actors Guild
insurance list.
Yeah, yeah,
Then I got here, and
I couldn't believe it.
I almost didn't
ring the bell.
But then I thought,
"This must be my lucky day."
(laughs softly)
So, your career,
how's that going?
Kind of slow.
Did the murder happen in here?
I don't know, Bianca.
I'm more interested
in your nightmare.
Have you ever suffered
from any sexual abuse?
Like molested?
Sounds to me like your
dream is an expression
of some emotional pain
you're repressing.
Part of you feels...
separate, shut down.
You're reaching for it like you
reached for your missing legs,
but... all you find
is a bloody stump.
What do you think might be
shut down in you, Bianca?
I don't know.
I think I'm just afraid
of being cut in half.
Hello, Mrs. Langdon?
It's Ben Harmon,
Tate's therapist.
Mrs. Langdon, I'm calling
because I can't treat
your son anymore.
I'd like to give you the number
of another psychiatrist
who I think could help him.
Because your son has crossed
a line with my daughter.
That's so weird.
I thought you had left.
I got turned around.
How many rooms in this house?
Uh, excuse me,
uh, one second, Mrs. Langdon.
That's why I prefer
my patients
to use the front door.
I'm so tweaked out.
It's gonna get
easier, Bianca.
Staring down your fears,
facing them head-on,
is the best thing
you can do.
You were brave today.
I got it.
I'm so sorry.
I mean, l-look,
they're teenagers.
I understand your concern.
(door creaks)
I'm just not comfortable
continuing treatment in my home.
(mid-tempo jazz playing)
How come I don't
look like these girls?
'Cause you don't.
That's just
the way you were born.
Accept it.
You were hatched
with other gifts.
Like what?
Oh, Christ
on a stick,
I don't know, finger-painting.
Get me that ipecac syrup
out of the cupboard
there, honey.
In the brown jar.
Thanks, baby.
Does this make the
cupcakes taste good?
You can't actually taste it, no.
It's, uh...
it causes violent
stomach upset,
and sometimes internal bleeding.
Spit in it.
(crying sigh)
(crying quietly)
? People will say ?
? We're in love. ?
Hello, Benjamin.
What do you want?
Well... (exhales)
more than anything, I guess,
to be on the stage.
You know what
stopped me?
(slaps wall)
of what my family would say.
But... now that they're,
well, you know,
dead, and, uh, I have
terminal brain cancer,
I figure... maybe I should
just go for it, you know?
Chase that dream.
What about you?
What dream are
you chasing?
Or should I say,
what dream is chasing you?
Leave me alone.
It's the house, isn't it?
Whatever's tearing you apart,
the house already
knows about it.
It'll use it against you.
Jesus, this is
not about the house!
This is about me!
What I did!
I cheated on my wife!
Hayden-- that's her name--
she's insisting
I come out to Boston.
I'm trying very hard
not to judge you.
Me? You murdered
your entire family.
But I was never
Guess who called
me today.
You don't have a choice.
You're gonna have to do
the honorable thing
to save your family.
You're gonna have to lie.
Ginny Blevens.
The heavyset gal I treated
two summers ago.
She tried to commit suicide.
In the hospital.
Won't talk to anybody.
Her parents
are begging me
to go out there.
All the way to Boston?
Just for a day or two.
You know what you
are, Ben Harmon?
An idiot.
You're a good man.
(light knocking)
(door opens)
Avon calling.
Oh, Constance,
now's not a good time.
I just wanted to
bring these by
as a little peace
offering for Addy
disturbing your slumber.
Thank you.
I think I'm
gonna have
to start strapping her
in at night again.
Um... well,
I appreciate it.
I'm not usually much of
a cupcake girl myself, but...
(laughs) They're
not for you!
At your age?
You might as well just
Krazy Glue a stick
of butter to your ass.
These are for Violet.
Oh, I see your
little flowers there.
Candied violets.
They're from
a wonderful
Mexican market
on Alvarado Street.
I'll give you the name--
just don't go after sundown.
Okay. Thank you.
You're with child.
I have the nose
of a truffle pig.
I could smell
that little angel
the second I walked
in the door.
So, uh,
is Violet home?
I'd like to hand these
to her personally.
I'm a sucker for penance.
No, she's-she's not here.
I'll come back.
I know this is a crazy question,
but do you smell
anything else
about the baby?
Two sugars and a great
deal of half and half.
Are you worried about something
in particular?
I told you, those
are for Violet.
She's not
gonna eat both.
We can split it.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
If you had known
about Addy before
she was born...
would you have done something?
When I first met
you, you said
that if they'd had
the tests back then
that you might have...
Oh, don't think I
didn't think about it,
even after she was born,
leaving that little bug-eye
out in the cold.
That's what they do in China.
But a mother...
never turns her back
on her child.
Every one of mine
was pure love.
You have other kids?
I have four.
I should've stopped
after the first.
(laughs softly)
My womb is cursed.
My husband
was the spitting image
of Van Johnson.
You'd think we'd make little...
cherub children,
fat and lively, but
it wasn't meant to be.
I think...
our beauty...
was an affront to the gods.
All four of them had Downs?
Or some such malady.
Except for one.
He was a model of
physical perfection.
He was my gift.
But I lost him
to other things.
Your baby's fine.
Enough sad talk.
I'm off.
What are we gonna do
about Addy, Constance?
Oh, cupcake.
Not for you.
(door opens)
Moira, darling.
Put these away somewhere
until little Violet
can have them.
The Harmons here
are offending my largess.
And don't forget the
crumbs on the table.
Moira and I go way back.
Isn't that right?
Why, I even employed
her for a time.
I hope her dusting
has improved.
Your sense of humor was,
and continues to be, a delight.
Is there anything more wonderful
than the promise of a new child?
Or more heartbreaking
when that promise is broken?
(door squeaks shut)
I'll bring this to the car.
Thank you.
(door closes)
Is everybody crazy?
I wish you could
come with me.
Yeah, me, too.
(gentle music playing)
I turned it down.
What do you want?
Can I come in?
Our kooky neighbor
made you cupcakes.
Huh. A candied violet.
That's clever.
Want to watch a movie? I figured
since your dad's gone tonight,
we could have
a little girl's night.
Yeah. No, thanks.
Thought it might be fun
to hang out.
Can't. Homework.
Are you mad at me
about something?
Why don't you eat it
since you're eating for two now?
What, you think I'm stupid?
You stopped drinking
wine at dinner,
and you're gaining
weight in your face.
I was gonna tell you tonight.
You know the statistics,
when you have a baby over 40.
Yeah, I do.
You want to talk about it?
No, thanks. I'm good.
Having a baby
isn't going
to keep you and Dad together,
if that's what you're thinking.
Wow, Violet.
I am really appreciating
your optimism on this.
Really am.
Come on, go ahead
and say all your mean things.
I think you're weak.
(door squeaks shut)
(phone buzzing)
(phone beeps on)
(phone beeps off)
Thank you, Ben.
All right.
Just till it's over.
I understand.
It's the least I can do.
We are on a desert island.
I'm over us, you know?
I mean, what's it say about me?
Sleeping with a married guy,
my teacher?
Could I be more textbook?
It's not who I want
to be anymore.
I just need
your support right now.
You got it.
When I imagine lying there
on that table tomorrow morning,
it's just so sad.
Our baby.
Wasn't meant to be.
To you, Hayden, for
handling this with
grace and maturity.
(glasses clinking)
Um, listen, to, uh,
be clear, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna sleep on
the couch tonight.
I just need you
till it's over.
Then you go back
to Saint Vivien,
and I go back to Personality
Theory and Psychopathology.
Not so ba.
(doorbell rings)
Are you kidding me?
I-I just need to check this...
Sorry. Am I in a time warp?
Did I not just two seconds ago
hear you say no calls?
Give me your phone.
Hayden, no.
Come on, come on, take
it easy, take it easy.
It's okay.
All I ever wanted was
for you to love me.
Look, look,
no-no more calls.
No more calls.
(phone beeps off)
(dramatic orchestral
movie score plays on TV)
(doorbell chimes)
You stay.
Who is it?
Excuse me, ma'am.
I don't want
to bother you,
but I'm hurt
and needing some help.
What happened to you?
I'm hurt and needing some help.
Open the door.
Well, you said that.
Can you tell me what happened?
How did you get hurt?
Can't you see the
blood on my face?
He's out here.
Let me in.
What kind of woman are you?
He's coming.
He's gonna stab me!
I'm-I'm... I'm gonna get help.
(banging on door)
I'm calling 911.
(insistent banging)
(banging stops)
Violet! Answer me!
How am I supposed
to finish my homework
if you keep interrupting?
What's the matter?
Where's your phone?
In my bag upstairs.
Go, go, go, go,
go get it.
Dial 911.
(doorbell chimes)
Who's that?
Just go into your room,
lock the door, don't come out
until I tell you... now!
Stop it!
I am not letting you
in this house!
I have called 911.
The police are on their way!
I have money.
Please just take anything.
We're not here to rob you.
Masks off.
The transcript was very clear.
The nurses saw R. Franklin;
he had nothing to hide.
12 minutes.
Then the fun begins.
I have a surprise
for you.
No way.
I got it on eBay.
It's the one he used
to bash Maria.
Let me see it.
Holy shit.
Can feel the energy
in this. This is bitchin'.
Who goes first?
Which one
is Gladys?
Screw you, psycho!
I'm not putting this on.
You have to. Everything
has to be perfect.
Take your clothes off!
Put it on me!
Oh, you'll both
be wearing uniforms.
R. Franklin hated nurses.
He had a bad experience with the
mercury in a broken thermometer.
That's why he took
Gladys upstairs
and drowned her in the tub.
(muffled yelling)
And you, Maria--
he saved you for last.
R. Franklin was the first.
Before Manson.
He changed the culture.
We're paying tribute to him.
We're not going to be part
of your reenactment.
Put this on. You won't like
it if I have to make you.
Tate, they're trying
to kill me and my mom!
You have to get them
to the basement.
What the hell
are you talking about?
The basement!
Just do it!
Some serious art, man.
Why are you trying
to cover it up?
Decided I didn't like it.
(chair creaking)
It's all over, Mama.
Nobody's coming to help you.
You don't have to, you know.
You could just stop it.
Oh, but I don't want to, silly.
Well, I don't think
you're gonna kill me tonight,
'cause I think that someone
is going to stop this, and
they're gonna get help,
and you all are gonna fry.
(water running upstairs)
What's taking you so long?
So, are these vintage?
Nurses' catalogue.
You're eating?
It was, like, sitting there
saying, "Eat me."
Step on it!
Time's a-wastin', sister.
Tell me what's going on
You got all the cell phones?
Yeah, I... I told you.
The one in the
kitchen and...
Ooh, stomachache.
Answer me! What's he
doing to my mother?
Jesus, I'm gonna shit myself.
Not in the staging area!
Just don't start without me.
Are you kidding me?
It's 10:57.
Get in the tub.
Bianca, it's almost time!
You have to put someone
under water for three minutes
until they lose consciousness.
The brain begins to die
from oxygen deprivation.
This is funny to you?
What's funny is how you think
you know everything
about this house,
and clearly,
you know nothing.
This isn't even
the right tub.
Second floor bathroom.
I used to study
the crime scene photos.
The one he used is
in the basement.
We totally remodeled
this bathroom.
You think I'm gonna fall
for that?
It's a grimy claw-foot tub
with a chrome faucet.
Go look.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it pillow talk?
I don't know what that means.
No, of course you don't.
Do you think I could model?
I think
there isn't a closed door
in the world
that beauty can't open.
You're beautiful, too, you know.
Dance with me.
There's no music.
That's all right.
We'll make our own.
I told you
I was in a business meeting.
There's a bad man next door!
I know.
I don't like him, either,
but he owns the place,
and that's that.
Now get out of here!
Go on! Get out of here!
It's nothing.
He's over there!
Enough with the lies, Addy.
You're a bad girl.
Yes. You don't behave,
you go in the bad girl closet.
Look at yourself!
Look long and hard.
(wood creaking)
(muffled screaming)
(Addy screaming in distance)
(Addy screaming)
This isn't right.
You guys?
I think I need to go
to the hospital.
(water running)
Maybe we can come back
later and finish this.
Where'd you guys go?
(stumbling footsteps)
(shoes squeaking)
I hate these latches.
Too small for my fingers.
Let me do it.
I got it.
Dress-up time.
Get up.
Don't try anything.
Could you turn around?
Then I will.
Stupid-looking uniform.
I totally get why
he hated nurses.
I don't give a shit
how you're dressed!
You'd better not be
messing with me.
It's down here,
around the corner.
FIONA: Where are you?!
TATE: Over here,
you stupid bitch.
I've already filled it
with water for you.
Help! Somebody help us!
Help! Somebody, help us!
Call the police!
What the hell...?
Why aren't you dead?
Fiona! The bitch is going
(stairs creaking)
I'm just gonna kill her, man;
this is bullshit!
I'm okay... really.
It's the right thing...
for both of us.
Hayden, I'm so soy
about all this.
I wish I could fix it.
I just wish you could come in
with me.
You ready?
I'll see you when I get out.
I'll be here.
(cell phone buzzes)
Jesus H. Christ.
Was this
your handiwork?
It was them.
We have to get rid
of the bodies...
if you want him
to keep treating me.
I'll get the shovel,
you get the bleach.
So you were in Boston when this
all took place, Dr. Harmon?
What was your
business there?
Uh, I was seeing
a patient...
Ginny Blevens.
A, uh... real patient?
Unlike... her,
I mean?
This is the female
you say you saw
on Wednesday morning?
Yes, that's her.
She must have been
casing the house.
I'd... I'd never
seen her before.
And you won't see her again.
We found her six blocks from
here practically cut in half.
Looks like maybe she couldn't go
through with it. Ran off.
Her friends went after her,
tried to do
a Black Dahlia on her.
Seems your attackers
were obsessed
with famous L.A. murders.
Had a little
club going.
Planned to re-create
more than a few.
We're still looking.
Don't worry.
Even in a town this big,
people don't just disappear.
I'm gonna check the
kitchen for more prints.
Your mom said that you told her
that Tate helped you escape?
Yeah. Thanks for not
dragging him into all that.
What was he doing in the house?
How should I know?
You think I let him in?
I don't know why Tate was here,
but I'm glad he was.
You weren't.
You were really brave, Mom.
I'm sorry I wasn't here.
Me, too.
But you're here now.
That's right.
I'm home.
No, you're not.
We're selling this house.
Captioning sponsored by
("Age of Aquarius"
by 5th Dimension playing)
? When the moon ?
Come on, girls.
Traffic's murder at the Bowl,
and I don't want to miss
"Light My Fire."
She just wants to blow
Jim Morrison.
? Aligns with Mars ?
? Then peace
will guide the planets ?
? And love
will steer the stars ?
? This is the dawning
of the age of Aquarius... ?
(people shouting,
laughter over TV)
Hey, Maria.
You want to come see
The Doors with us?
I can't.
I have an anatomy
test tomorrow.
Oh, Maria.
You're such a square.
Can't you girls
leave her alone?
What did she ever
do to you?
She refused to
pray for my sins.
I hope you get the clap.
Right, guess you lezzies
don't have to worry about that.
Your heart's in
the right place,
it's your head
I'm worried about.
(laughter over TV, loud knock)
You forget your diaphragm?
You can still get the clap
with a diaphragm.
Those bitches.
Don't answer it.
(door unlocking)
Excuse me, ma'am.
I don't want to bother you, but
I'm hurt and needing some help.
This might sting a little.
WOMAN (on TV):
Hello, Les.
Were you expecting me?
Saw you down on the sidewalk.
Seemed to be a very
interesting encounter.
You think that Jesus
is going to save you?
I'm already saved.
We all are.
I can't find the source
of the bleeding.
There's no...
no wound.
Don't get smart!
It'll only make it worse.
Fatty Patty, Fatty Patty.
MAN (on TV):
I didn't come here
to discuss Ed Carson.
Yes, I gathered that.
Our Mr. Carson is...
I imagine you did it with
your usual subtlety and tact.
You are a little heavy-handed
at that sort of thing, you know.
It's the intention that counts.
I assure you,
my interest is quite genuine.
Oh, now, that's surprising, Les.
From all the hints I've heard
dropped over town
all these years...
Wake up, sugar.
Put it on.
Do it.
No, not over your clothes.
Take them off.
I'm a virgin.
(blade clicks)
(sobbing softly)
Well, there are
no hard and set rules, Les.
He's a very sick man.
Well, you'll let me know
what I can do to help him.
I told you...
Jesus can't save me.
My Lord God,
even now I accept at thy hands
cheerfully and willingly,
with all its anxieties,
pains and sufferings,
whatever death it shall
please thee to be mine.
My Lord God,
even now I accept at thy hands
cheerfully and willingly,
with all of
its anxieties, pains
and sufferings,
whatever death it shall
please thee to be mine.
MAN (on TV):
You can't break
a man like Rossi.
He's not done.
You're outmatched.
If you did get him,
he might break you.
Did that ever occur to you?
You better make up
your mind, Laura.
I'm giving you
some brotherly advice.
Concede gracefully.
(cell phone buzzing)
So, what do shrinks think about
when a wildly brilliant patient
doesn't talk
to punish said psychiatrist?
I bet you think about sex.
Do you think about sex a lot?
I think about
one girl in particular.
Your daughter.
I jerk off thinking
about her. A lot.
I'm not comfortable with you
talking about my daughter, Tate.
Don't you want to know
what I do to her?
How I lay her on the bed
and I caress her soft skin,
make her purr
like a little kitten.
She's a virgin.
They get wet so easily.
Do you turn to these thoughts
to comfort yourself
in times of stress?
Actually, yes.
I jerk off a lot to make
the visions to go away.
Blood and the carnage.
I want the thoughts to go away,
and you're not helping me.
Well, we've only been working
together a few weeks now.
Well, you're sexual, right?
Violet told me
about the affair
with the girl in Boston.
Not much older
than her, she said.
Our time is up.
Bullshit. I don't accept that.
Our time is up for today, Tate.
(door slams)
(cell phone buzzing)
I thought we had an agreement.
Do I have to get
this number changed?
I'm pregnant.
? ?
? ?
? ?
I thought you hated smoking.
I've taken it up.
I can't sleep.
I'm terrified of everything.
What attacked me wasn't human.
It was Tate.
No, you saw
that other thing, too.
He was trying to
freak us both out.
What'd you tell your parents?
Don't worry.
I told them I got attacked
by some chola on Melrose
who wanted my Chanel.
Couldn't tell them I went
to your house to score coke,
could I?
I had to file a fake
police report and everything.
How deep are the cuts?
God, and I-I can't stop
thinking about that mouth.
It was a mask.
He was purposely trying
to terrorize you.
That hat doesn't look like you.
It serves a purpose.
My hair is turning white
from fear.
Yeah, I read on the Internet
that's possible.
Do you believe in the devil?
I do.
I've looked into his eyes.
(crickets chirping)
(alarm blaring)
Check Violet!
(keypad beeping)
(alarm stops)
Did someone break in?
Go back upstairs.
I'm calling
the police.
(door creaks softly)
(Addy giggling)
(floor creaking)
Go home, Addy.
Come on.
(door slams)
(stairs creaking)
The police are on their way.
Tell them to forget it--
it was only Addy.
I'm gonna have
someone come out
and check all
the windows and doors, though.
If that little freak
can get in, anyone can.
You shouldn't call her that!
Are you okay?
You're shaking.
I haven't thrown up, Ben.
When I was pregnant with Violet,
I was sick all the time
for two months straight.
There's something wrong
with this baby, I can feel it.
I'd be worried if you
didn't think something was wrong
after what you went through,
with your last pregnancy.
Your anxiety level must
be through the roof.
Don't shrink me.
(sighs) You know
what I feel?
This baby...
is why we moved here.
It's our salvation, Viv.
? ?
I'm pulling
and pulling, and this
Karen Carpenter
"isn't life the shit"
elevator music keeps playing.
(power whirring down)
? I'm on the top
of the world looking ?
? Down on creation ?
? And the only explanation ?
? I can find ?
? Is the love that
I've found ever since ?
(power whirring up)
? You've been around,
your love's put me ?
? At the top of the... ?
Chopped in half,
like a freaking Ginsu.
I'm feeling
around like,
"What the hell,
where's my legs, man?"
Sounds terrifying.
How many times
have you had this dream?
Like, ten.
I mean, not a lot freaks me out,
but this shit's
Like, if I'm with some dude
and he touches my belly,
I get all
Is it weird living
in Murder House?
Excuse me?
What do you mean, the-the
crime that took place here?
Were you aware of that
before you came to see me?
Dude, you're on
the Murder House tour.
I see. I had assumed
you found me
through the Screen Actors Guild
insurance list.
Yeah, yeah,
Then I got here, and
I couldn't believe it.
I almost didn't
ring the bell.
But then I thought,
"This must be my lucky day."
(laughs softly)
So, your career,
how's that going?
Kind of slow.
Did the murder happen in here?
I don't know, Bianca.
I'm more interested
in your nightmare.
Have you ever suffered
from any sexual abuse?
Like molested?
Sounds to me like your
dream is an expression
of some emotional pain
you're repressing.
Part of you feels...
separate, shut down.
You're reaching for it like you
reached for your missing legs,
but... all you find
is a bloody stump.
What do you think might be
shut down in you, Bianca?
I don't know.
I think I'm just afraid
of being cut in half.
Hello, Mrs. Langdon?
It's Ben Harmon,
Tate's therapist.
Mrs. Langdon, I'm calling
because I can't treat
your son anymore.
I'd like to give you the number
of another psychiatrist
who I think could help him.
Because your son has crossed
a line with my daughter.
That's so weird.
I thought you had left.
I got turned around.
How many rooms in this house?
Uh, excuse me,
uh, one second, Mrs. Langdon.
That's why I prefer
my patients
to use the front door.
I'm so tweaked out.
It's gonna get
easier, Bianca.
Staring down your fears,
facing them head-on,
is the best thing
you can do.
You were brave today.
I got it.
I'm so sorry.
I mean, l-look,
they're teenagers.
I understand your concern.
(door creaks)
I'm just not comfortable
continuing treatment in my home.
(mid-tempo jazz playing)
How come I don't
look like these girls?
'Cause you don't.
That's just
the way you were born.
Accept it.
You were hatched
with other gifts.
Like what?
Oh, Christ
on a stick,
I don't know, finger-painting.
Get me that ipecac syrup
out of the cupboard
there, honey.
In the brown jar.
Thanks, baby.
Does this make the
cupcakes taste good?
You can't actually taste it, no.
It's, uh...
it causes violent
stomach upset,
and sometimes internal bleeding.
Spit in it.
(crying sigh)
(crying quietly)
? People will say ?
? We're in love. ?
Hello, Benjamin.
What do you want?
Well... (exhales)
more than anything, I guess,
to be on the stage.
You know what
stopped me?
(slaps wall)
of what my family would say.
But... now that they're,
well, you know,
dead, and, uh, I have
terminal brain cancer,
I figure... maybe I should
just go for it, you know?
Chase that dream.
What about you?
What dream are
you chasing?
Or should I say,
what dream is chasing you?
Leave me alone.
It's the house, isn't it?
Whatever's tearing you apart,
the house already
knows about it.
It'll use it against you.
Jesus, this is
not about the house!
This is about me!
What I did!
I cheated on my wife!
Hayden-- that's her name--
she's insisting
I come out to Boston.
I'm trying very hard
not to judge you.
Me? You murdered
your entire family.
But I was never
Guess who called
me today.
You don't have a choice.
You're gonna have to do
the honorable thing
to save your family.
You're gonna have to lie.
Ginny Blevens.
The heavyset gal I treated
two summers ago.
She tried to commit suicide.
In the hospital.
Won't talk to anybody.
Her parents
are begging me
to go out there.
All the way to Boston?
Just for a day or two.
You know what you
are, Ben Harmon?
An idiot.
You're a good man.
(light knocking)
(door opens)
Avon calling.
Oh, Constance,
now's not a good time.
I just wanted to
bring these by
as a little peace
offering for Addy
disturbing your slumber.
Thank you.
I think I'm
gonna have
to start strapping her
in at night again.
Um... well,
I appreciate it.
I'm not usually much of
a cupcake girl myself, but...
(laughs) They're
not for you!
At your age?
You might as well just
Krazy Glue a stick
of butter to your ass.
These are for Violet.
Oh, I see your
little flowers there.
Candied violets.
They're from
a wonderful
Mexican market
on Alvarado Street.
I'll give you the name--
just don't go after sundown.
Okay. Thank you.
You're with child.
I have the nose
of a truffle pig.
I could smell
that little angel
the second I walked
in the door.
So, uh,
is Violet home?
I'd like to hand these
to her personally.
I'm a sucker for penance.
No, she's-she's not here.
I'll come back.
I know this is a crazy question,
but do you smell
anything else
about the baby?
Two sugars and a great
deal of half and half.
Are you worried about something
in particular?
I told you, those
are for Violet.
She's not
gonna eat both.
We can split it.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
If you had known
about Addy before
she was born...
would you have done something?
When I first met
you, you said
that if they'd had
the tests back then
that you might have...
Oh, don't think I
didn't think about it,
even after she was born,
leaving that little bug-eye
out in the cold.
That's what they do in China.
But a mother...
never turns her back
on her child.
Every one of mine
was pure love.
You have other kids?
I have four.
I should've stopped
after the first.
(laughs softly)
My womb is cursed.
My husband
was the spitting image
of Van Johnson.
You'd think we'd make little...
cherub children,
fat and lively, but
it wasn't meant to be.
I think...
our beauty...
was an affront to the gods.
All four of them had Downs?
Or some such malady.
Except for one.
He was a model of
physical perfection.
He was my gift.
But I lost him
to other things.
Your baby's fine.
Enough sad talk.
I'm off.
What are we gonna do
about Addy, Constance?
Oh, cupcake.
Not for you.
(door opens)
Moira, darling.
Put these away somewhere
until little Violet
can have them.
The Harmons here
are offending my largess.
And don't forget the
crumbs on the table.
Moira and I go way back.
Isn't that right?
Why, I even employed
her for a time.
I hope her dusting
has improved.
Your sense of humor was,
and continues to be, a delight.
Is there anything more wonderful
than the promise of a new child?
Or more heartbreaking
when that promise is broken?
(door squeaks shut)
I'll bring this to the car.
Thank you.
(door closes)
Is everybody crazy?
I wish you could
come with me.
Yeah, me, too.
(gentle music playing)
I turned it down.
What do you want?
Can I come in?
Our kooky neighbor
made you cupcakes.
Huh. A candied violet.
That's clever.
Want to watch a movie? I figured
since your dad's gone tonight,
we could have
a little girl's night.
Yeah. No, thanks.
Thought it might be fun
to hang out.
Can't. Homework.
Are you mad at me
about something?
Why don't you eat it
since you're eating for two now?
What, you think I'm stupid?
You stopped drinking
wine at dinner,
and you're gaining
weight in your face.
I was gonna tell you tonight.
You know the statistics,
when you have a baby over 40.
Yeah, I do.
You want to talk about it?
No, thanks. I'm good.
Having a baby
isn't going
to keep you and Dad together,
if that's what you're thinking.
Wow, Violet.
I am really appreciating
your optimism on this.
Really am.
Come on, go ahead
and say all your mean things.
I think you're weak.
(door squeaks shut)
(phone buzzing)
(phone beeps on)
(phone beeps off)
Thank you, Ben.
All right.
Just till it's over.
I understand.
It's the least I can do.
We are on a desert island.
I'm over us, you know?
I mean, what's it say about me?
Sleeping with a married guy,
my teacher?
Could I be more textbook?
It's not who I want
to be anymore.
I just need
your support right now.
You got it.
When I imagine lying there
on that table tomorrow morning,
it's just so sad.
Our baby.
Wasn't meant to be.
To you, Hayden, for
handling this with
grace and maturity.
(glasses clinking)
Um, listen, to, uh,
be clear, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna sleep on
the couch tonight.
I just need you
till it's over.
Then you go back
to Saint Vivien,
and I go back to Personality
Theory and Psychopathology.
Not so ba.
(doorbell rings)
Are you kidding me?
I-I just need to check this...
Sorry. Am I in a time warp?
Did I not just two seconds ago
hear you say no calls?
Give me your phone.
Hayden, no.
Come on, come on, take
it easy, take it easy.
It's okay.
All I ever wanted was
for you to love me.
Look, look,
no-no more calls.
No more calls.
(phone beeps off)
(dramatic orchestral
movie score plays on TV)
(doorbell chimes)
You stay.
Who is it?
Excuse me, ma'am.
I don't want
to bother you,
but I'm hurt
and needing some help.
What happened to you?
I'm hurt and needing some help.
Open the door.
Well, you said that.
Can you tell me what happened?
How did you get hurt?
Can't you see the
blood on my face?
He's out here.
Let me in.
What kind of woman are you?
He's coming.
He's gonna stab me!
I'm-I'm... I'm gonna get help.
(banging on door)
I'm calling 911.
(insistent banging)
(banging stops)
Violet! Answer me!
How am I supposed
to finish my homework
if you keep interrupting?
What's the matter?
Where's your phone?
In my bag upstairs.
Go, go, go, go,
go get it.
Dial 911.
(doorbell chimes)
Who's that?
Just go into your room,
lock the door, don't come out
until I tell you... now!
Stop it!
I am not letting you
in this house!
I have called 911.
The police are on their way!
I have money.
Please just take anything.
We're not here to rob you.
Masks off.
The transcript was very clear.
The nurses saw R. Franklin;
he had nothing to hide.
12 minutes.
Then the fun begins.
I have a surprise
for you.
No way.
I got it on eBay.
It's the one he used
to bash Maria.
Let me see it.
Holy shit.
Can feel the energy
in this. This is bitchin'.
Who goes first?
Which one
is Gladys?
Screw you, psycho!
I'm not putting this on.
You have to. Everything
has to be perfect.
Take your clothes off!
Put it on me!
Oh, you'll both
be wearing uniforms.
R. Franklin hated nurses.
He had a bad experience with the
mercury in a broken thermometer.
That's why he took
Gladys upstairs
and drowned her in the tub.
(muffled yelling)
And you, Maria--
he saved you for last.
R. Franklin was the first.
Before Manson.
He changed the culture.
We're paying tribute to him.
We're not going to be part
of your reenactment.
Put this on. You won't like
it if I have to make you.
Tate, they're trying
to kill me and my mom!
You have to get them
to the basement.
What the hell
are you talking about?
The basement!
Just do it!
Some serious art, man.
Why are you trying
to cover it up?
Decided I didn't like it.
(chair creaking)
It's all over, Mama.
Nobody's coming to help you.
You don't have to, you know.
You could just stop it.
Oh, but I don't want to, silly.
Well, I don't think
you're gonna kill me tonight,
'cause I think that someone
is going to stop this, and
they're gonna get help,
and you all are gonna fry.
(water running upstairs)
What's taking you so long?
So, are these vintage?
Nurses' catalogue.
You're eating?
It was, like, sitting there
saying, "Eat me."
Step on it!
Time's a-wastin', sister.
Tell me what's going on
You got all the cell phones?
Yeah, I... I told you.
The one in the
kitchen and...
Ooh, stomachache.
Answer me! What's he
doing to my mother?
Jesus, I'm gonna shit myself.
Not in the staging area!
Just don't start without me.
Are you kidding me?
It's 10:57.
Get in the tub.
Bianca, it's almost time!
You have to put someone
under water for three minutes
until they lose consciousness.
The brain begins to die
from oxygen deprivation.
This is funny to you?
What's funny is how you think
you know everything
about this house,
and clearly,
you know nothing.
This isn't even
the right tub.
Second floor bathroom.
I used to study
the crime scene photos.
The one he used is
in the basement.
We totally remodeled
this bathroom.
You think I'm gonna fall
for that?
It's a grimy claw-foot tub
with a chrome faucet.
Go look.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it pillow talk?
I don't know what that means.
No, of course you don't.
Do you think I could model?
I think
there isn't a closed door
in the world
that beauty can't open.
You're beautiful, too, you know.
Dance with me.
There's no music.
That's all right.
We'll make our own.
I told you
I was in a business meeting.
There's a bad man next door!
I know.
I don't like him, either,
but he owns the place,
and that's that.
Now get out of here!
Go on! Get out of here!
It's nothing.
He's over there!
Enough with the lies, Addy.
You're a bad girl.
Yes. You don't behave,
you go in the bad girl closet.
Look at yourself!
Look long and hard.
(wood creaking)
(muffled screaming)
(Addy screaming in distance)
(Addy screaming)
This isn't right.
You guys?
I think I need to go
to the hospital.
(water running)
Maybe we can come back
later and finish this.
Where'd you guys go?
(stumbling footsteps)
(shoes squeaking)
I hate these latches.
Too small for my fingers.
Let me do it.
I got it.
Dress-up time.
Get up.
Don't try anything.
Could you turn around?
Then I will.
Stupid-looking uniform.
I totally get why
he hated nurses.
I don't give a shit
how you're dressed!
You'd better not be
messing with me.
It's down here,
around the corner.
FIONA: Where are you?!
TATE: Over here,
you stupid bitch.
I've already filled it
with water for you.
Help! Somebody help us!
Help! Somebody, help us!
Call the police!
What the hell...?
Why aren't you dead?
Fiona! The bitch is going
(stairs creaking)
I'm just gonna kill her, man;
this is bullshit!
I'm okay... really.
It's the right thing...
for both of us.
Hayden, I'm so soy
about all this.
I wish I could fix it.
I just wish you could come in
with me.
You ready?
I'll see you when I get out.
I'll be here.
(cell phone buzzes)
Jesus H. Christ.
Was this
your handiwork?
It was them.
We have to get rid
of the bodies...
if you want him
to keep treating me.
I'll get the shovel,
you get the bleach.
So you were in Boston when this
all took place, Dr. Harmon?
What was your
business there?
Uh, I was seeing
a patient...
Ginny Blevens.
A, uh... real patient?
Unlike... her,
I mean?
This is the female
you say you saw
on Wednesday morning?
Yes, that's her.
She must have been
casing the house.
I'd... I'd never
seen her before.
And you won't see her again.
We found her six blocks from
here practically cut in half.
Looks like maybe she couldn't go
through with it. Ran off.
Her friends went after her,
tried to do
a Black Dahlia on her.
Seems your attackers
were obsessed
with famous L.A. murders.
Had a little
club going.
Planned to re-create
more than a few.
We're still looking.
Don't worry.
Even in a town this big,
people don't just disappear.
I'm gonna check the
kitchen for more prints.
Your mom said that you told her
that Tate helped you escape?
Yeah. Thanks for not
dragging him into all that.
What was he doing in the house?
How should I know?
You think I let him in?
I don't know why Tate was here,
but I'm glad he was.
You weren't.
You were really brave, Mom.
I'm sorry I wasn't here.
Me, too.
But you're here now.
That's right.
I'm home.
No, you're not.
We're selling this house.
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