Alien Highway (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Missouri Mayhem - full transcript

A rash of recent UFO sightings brings Chuck's team to Missouri, the home of the 1973 Piedmont Lights Incident. Armed with new evidence, they question whether history is repeating itself or if the activity never really subsided.

Next, on "Alien Highway"...

People have seen objects fly out
of the water and zip around.

I look up,
and there's something there.

Lights around
the red light came on.

She claims
that a craft landed.

I did not just see that.

Do you think
we're being studied?

Oh, I guarantee it.

- This meter's going everywhere.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Dan, come on back
to Chuck.

Here we go.
- I think I see something.

There's something
happening across our land.

It's carving a terrifying path.

Right there.
- Whoa!

Lawmen don't want to
talk about it.

I have no idea how you
would explain that.

And the government denies
notice it's even happening.

The White House has dismissed

a full UFO investigation.

Those who speak up
face ridicule or even worse.

An El Paso County
Sheriff's Deputy

fired from his job.

They took my badge,
but they can't take my voice.

I'm determined to
uncover what's happening.

Look at that thing!
Do you see that?

I saw it that night.

I listen to people
who are afraid to speak out.

Nobody is
gonna believe me.

I find evidence
that's hiding in plain sight.

This is it right here.

Together with my son,
Dan Zukowski...

It's absolutely
moving right now.

...and investigator
Heather Taddy...

We never
really get this close.

...I'm here to find the truth...

I see it!

...along America's
Alien Highway.

Piedmont, Missouri --

a city of 2,000, isolated
in the American Heartland.

But in 1973, its residents
found themselves not so alone

when one of the most reported
UFO sightings in history

gained national attention,

known today as
the Piedmont Lights.

I don't know what it was.

I know it wasn't
a plane or a helicopter.

They all know
that they saw something

and cannot explain it.

But ultimately,
authorities discouraged

witnesses from speaking out.

Now, with new reports
continuing to emerge,

the question is,

did the activity
ever really subside?

And why is this region
constantly tormented by UFOs?

I was contacted
by a lady named Sherri.

She had this anomaly

She doesn't know
what it was.

She said that there's been
a lot of UFO activity

in this particular area --
over 37 sightings.

37 sightings --
that's a lot.

That's a lot.

What kind of sightings
are they having right now?

Anything from balls of light
to the actual craft sighting.

We're gonna talk
with Sherri.

She's scared.
She's confused.

Maybe we can be
the one's to help her.

I sure hope so.

There's increased
UFO incidents happening

all around the world,
but you still don't see it

in mainstream media.

Our goal is to go out to these
areas, hear these stories,

and capture any evidence we can.

If the media won't put this
information out to the public,

then we will.

One night
I was coming home

and I caught out of my left eye
fire coming up

And it startled me because
it just looked like

the tops of the trees
on fire.

There were some houses
on the other side,

so I thought maybe
a roof was on fire.

- Was it a lightning strike?
- No.

- There were no clouds.
- No.

No storms?

So I ran into the house
to try to call 911.

When I got back out here
and I saw it again,

and I watched the flames
turn into a ball.

And it folded within itself
and disappeared

and went completely black.Whoa.

Now, when it disappeared it
didn't shoot away, it just --

No, it folded in itself
and just kind of went poof.

And it was
completely black.

And I'm like,
I did not just see that.

Sherri's case isn't the first
case I've heard of this.

Firstly, I've interviewed
witnesses who've seen

these balls of light, either
above the tree or in the trees.

How long was the fire there,

It could not have
been very long.

- Maybe two minutes?
- Yeah, maybe.

It wasn't very long.

The next morning, I got in
the car and I drove around

to see if there was
any kind of singeing,

anything that
a fire would leave.

And there was nothing.

That's crazy.

My first thought is...

nobody's gonna believe me

because that doesn't
just happen.

I didn't hear any reports
of anyone seeing anything.

How did it make you feel
when you first saw that?

I honestly felt like
there was something

beckoning me to come
and that I knew I shouldn't.

I could tell right off,

what Sherri is telling me,
she actually saw.

At no time was there
any indication

that she was
exaggerating her story.

Do you think you're
in any kind of danger?


So, I was worried that it had
escorted me home that night.

Are they following you?

I have no idea.

Did it feel, like,
threatening at all?

That, I would just say,

I felt a sense of
I shouldn't go any further.Mm-hmm.

You had a pretty bad feeling,
so I think

while we're investigating
these woods,

we should probably be
a little bit careful.


Yeah, especially since
we don't know what it was.

Exactly. You know,
when you first saw it,

you could think,
"Well, that could be a fire,"

but when it folded
and went away...

I had never, ever
seen anything like it,

and I never
saw that again.

From an investigator's point
of view, what we want to do

is go out there
and shoot some full-spectrum,

hit it with the Geiger counter,
maybe a flare,

check it all out, see if
we can find any evidence.

Well this is definitely

that we need to look at.


Chuck and team
venture into the woods

in search of
residual evidence --

radiation, electromagnetic
energy, burn marks,

anything that could link
Sherri's sighting

to potential UFO activity.

Hey, guys, be careful.
Be on high alert.

If you hear anything, if you
see anything, call it out.

So, as a kid,
my dad always dragged me around

on all of his UFO
paranormal investigations

and I think that's why
I'm more of skeptic now.

But still,
every once in a while,

I come across something
that I just can't explain.

I've been doing this for so
long, there's certain reports,

like Sherri's, I know that
evidence will still be here.

So when I'm walking through
the woods behind Sherri's house

I'm not looking on the ground.

I'm looking in
the top of the trees

'cause that's where
the evidence is going to be.

I think I found something.

You can see a little bit
of tree damage

straight up right here.

Oh, I see a tree
that looks like

the top of it was cut off.

That's crazy.

It's definitely burned.

Some of the signs I've
seen where lightning strikes

is actually the explosion
of the tree itself.

But in Sherri's case,
we only see burning

on the top of the trees,

which tells me
that what Sherri saw

was definitely not
a lightning strike.

If you look back from here
to the observation location

Yeah. definitely falls in line
to where she was.

Whatever she saw,
this is the spot.

Yeah, I agree.

With potential evidence of
renewed activity in Piedmont,

Chuck has arranged to meet
with reporter Dennis Hovis,

who broke the story

of the original Missouri lights
in 1973.

This is Dennis Hovis,
for KPWB News.

So, I was the manager
and a disc jockey

at the local radio station,
KPWB, at the time.

Suddenly someone called
and said, "Have you heard

about these UFOs that have
been flying around Piedmont?"

And so we became interested
and decided we'd go out

and see
what was happening.

So you went
from being a DJ

to an investigative

Yeah, I guess
you could call that.

We were able to go out and
record people and talk to them

about what kind of sightings
they were having.

Strange, unidentified
flying objects

have been appearing
over the skies of Piedmont

and the Clearwater Lake.

And I saw the flashing lights

through the curtains.

Ronnie spotted it coming
from the east to west.

- What is this white light?
- It went directly over us.

- I don't know what it could be.
- There isn't any noise.

I hope there isn't
somebody in here

trying to get me
or my boys.

There was a lot of people
concerned about what it was.

People would come in
and ask us questions

about we were seeing --
a lot of them we didn't know.

And so two gentlemen
came in,

and they asked us
some questions,

and I happened to walk around
the car that they were driving,

which was
a U.S. Air Force car.

They had their military
uniforms in the car,

but they were in
civilian clothes.

If it wasn't something
that people were seeing,

why would the military
be interested in coming down?

But the people were
seeing something.


Strange things were happening
in the sky over Piedmont.

The sky over Piedmont
may once again

be under siege
by strange things,

and sightings have spread
across the state

to the town of Salem,
where local UFO reports

are at their highest since 1973.

Chuck and the team are eager
to collect eyewitness accounts

of this statewide resurgence
in UFO activity.

We were coming
through one night.Okay.

And I look up,
and there's something there.

And it was iridescent --
like, glowing from the inside.

There was nothing
on the outside.

And Dan was with me.

And Dan was your boyfriend?

- He was my boyfriend.
- Okay.

I said,
"Are you seeing this?"

And he says,
"What is that?"

It came right over us,
like right overus.

Not up in the sky --
like, on us.

- Okay.
- And it was scary.

I just felt, we've got
to get out of here.

You know, you get
the fight-or-flight instinct,

like, maybe we need to go.

This one right here
was during the day.

And these were all taken
around by your house?

Yeah. Now, that one --
it was during the night.

Something's interested
in you or your house.Yeah.

What's it feel like
to be experiencing this?

I just feel scared.

I see this
very bright object.

Fort Wood is not far from
our house, so we've seen

just about every type
of aircraft come through.

They do whatever war games
out there all the time,

but this was not something
I'd ever seen.

How was it different?

There was no noises.
There was no indication,

other than the lights

The bottom you could
absolutely see.

It was bright, bright red
and orange on the bottom of it.

- Okay.
- It was kind of oval-shaped.

Okay.I don't know what
they were looking for.

We just would like
some answers.

When was your last sighting?

Early November,
12:30, 1:00 in the morning.

Me and a buddy of mine
had been out driving

through his field,
and all of a sudden

there was two lights
in front of us,

just like they were
chasing each other --

both round spheres.

One had a big light
in the center of it,

and the other one
had several different lights

around the edge of it.

Now, there's
a military base nearby.

You could tell the difference
between airplanes,

conventional aircraft -- Oh, yeah.

It was getting daylight,

and you could see them
pretty plain.

It hovered over us
probably for 10 minutes.

Any sound, any noise?

No sound.

I wouldn't have
never believed it

if I hadn't seen it
with my own eyes.

Make the hair stand up
on your head.

Freaked me the heck out.

You didn't happen to have
a cellphone on you?I did.

So you got pictures of some
of the stuff that you've seen.

Oh, yeah.

I've seen these things
at night.

I've seen them
during the day.

Of all the sightings
that you've had,

which sighting
really sticks out?

I'm still kind of
freaked out about it.

Can you tell me a little bit
more about the deer?

It was deer season.
I was hunting,

seeing all the deer
coming out of the hollow.

These deer
didn't look right --

just like they're
a hologram or something.

You couldn't exactly
see through them.

They were, like, real dark
and real dark-eyed,

and they would just move
real slow,

kind of like
they was spotters.

Just kind of watch you.

It wasn't a hallucination
or anything like that.

It was real.

I have hunted and killed
enough deer

that you could tell
the difference.

I took a couple of the guys
with me

a couple of days
after I seen them,

and we seen them again.

So you've actually
had witnesses with you

that have seen these, too.Yeah. Yeah.

Still in the same area
that you've seen lights?Yeah.

Do you think
we're being studied?

Oh, I guarantee it.

From the people
that I've talked to,

there's clearly
a lot going on here.

They're definitely seeing
stuff above the treeline,

as well as
above houses.

That seems to be
a pattern.

I talked to a witness
who had seen

above the trees.

Balls of light, orbs.

We've talked to a lot of people
that are experiencing

the same activity,
and they're very scared.

Plus, everybody that I've
talked to is afraid to go out

during certain times
of night.

They feel like they're being
targeted by these things.

It's just crazy.

That tells me that we've got
to get these people together

and find out
what's really going on here.

Chuck has assembled
a town hall meeting

full of concerned citizens
and potential UFO witnesses.

All right, all right.
Everybody settle down. please.

Go ahead Chuck.

My name is Chuck Zukowski,
and I've been doing

UFO investigations
for over 35 years now.

I was law enforcement in
Colorado for about eight years.

For every crime, there's always
some time of evidence left.

Same thing
with UFO sightings.

We're gonna do what we can

to figure out what's
going on over here.

How many people have actually
had experiences here in Salem?

You want to raise your hand?

In the aftermath of
the original Piedmont Lights,

the national media
turned the incident into a joke.

who have seen this film

say it's merely a street light

animated by
the motion of the camera.

Could this possibly
have been something

that you imagined?Oh, no!

No way. Unh-unh.

And they all say
they were sober at the times

of the various sightings.

45 years later,
that stigma remains,

and getting witnesses to speak
in a public forum

is a challenge.

I know a lot of you have
probably had life-changing

experiences that probably
keep you up all night,

and maybe you feel like people,
your friends and family,

don't believe you
or they think you're crazy.

We've all had crazy experiences
like you guys have had.

This alien stuff is new to me,
but my background

in law enforcement
and being in the military

is why I'm here to help
do the investigations.

How many have you have had
experiences in Salem?

These fault lines you believe
are attracting UFOs?


Is that one of our vans?

What the ****?

Can you see it?

What is that?

I have **** no idea.

Amid a surge of UFO reports,

Chuck has assembled the
residents of Salem, Missouri,

in search of UFO witnesses
willing to share tales

of their close encounters.

How many of you have had
experiences in Salem?

Go ahead.There has been an uptick
in UFO sightings

for the last four years.

We live so close
to an Army base

that we're always hearing,
"It's flares. It's war games."

- Absolutely.
- Oh, yeah.

I think it's part of
national security.

They feel that they have
a duty to keep things at rest.

I've had actual events
where I've been followed

during investigations --
I'm not always sure by who.

But we're not gonna let
any of that stuff stop us.

One local witness
who wishes to remain anonymous,

approaches Heather
with what she claims

is startling evidence
of a close encounter

in her own backyard.

Did you pick up
any photographic evidence?

One witness
showed me this.

This was taken
in her backyard.

She claims
that a craft landed.

I see you
shaking your head, Dan.

Do you know if that
witness has any kids?


So, to me,
I look at this,

and I see this was
an above-ground pool.

I'm very suspect
about all this,

and I think me being skeptical
actually makes me better

when it comes to
this type of investigation.

Now, you know, as a kid,
we had a four-foot pool

and when we broke it down,

there was no grass at all
in the middle.

Everything was dead,
from the outside edge.

It was completely dead
all the way through.

My opinion is
we should consider this,

maybe go out there,
check this out,

maybe take
some dirt samples.


The truth might lie
somewhere on these grounds.

This is it.

If this is an actual
UFO landing site,

there could be
changes in the soil,

environmental anomalies,
even residual radiation --

exactly the kind of evidence
that could prove

what these witnesses
are claiming is true.

Dan, you know, when we were
talking about a swimming pool...

Yeah...this is at a slant.
You wouldn't do that.

All the water would
shift to one side,

especially if
it's downhill.

I think my dad was right.

After looking at kind of
how the slope is at the house,

no one would put a pool here.

It's something else.

Do you want to
look at the photo?


The homeowners
first noticed a ring

on their property
after allegedly witnessing

a UFO rising over
their backyard last spring.

In the time since,
the grass has grown back.

Give me that picture, Dad.

Dan is using
a photo transparency

to pinpoint exactly where
the ring was located.

Hey, where do we
need to be, Dan?

- Probably about here.
- Okay.

We're gonna map out
the ring with the flags

so we get an actual area
to be able to take soil samples.

Let's do this, like,
maybe every three feet.

- Is that good?
- Yeah.

What do you think?

That's about right here
where the picture was taken.

Once I take
the soil samples,

I sketch out the ring
on my tablet, I measure,

so I know exactly where
the soil samples come from.


It's down.

Your camera went down?
What happened?

It's working?

I don't know.
It just restarted.

Over by this ring?


Soon as I went to
walk in it.

Okay, you know what,
give me a couple of minutes.

I'm gonna go grab
my EMF meter.

I'm gonna see if we have
a high EM field.

You know, when electronic
devices react to certain areas,

that's a red flag
that something's there.

That actually drives me
to do more tests

because if something
happened here,

there will be residual energy,

and that will affect
our equipment.

And that means
that we could be closer

to capturing tangible evidence.

- Do a baseline of the circle.
- Okay.

I got nothing here.


You see that?
- Yeah.

This meter's, like,
going everywhere.

Right back here,
outside the ring,

I'm not getting
any readings at all.

Soon as I step into the ring...

...look at this.

Look at this!
You see how it jumps?

It's jumping.

Who's van is that?

Is that guy watching us?

Could just be a neighbor?

It definitely
wasn't there before.

That's not one of ours?

Let's go talk to him.

You see how it jumps?

While investigating
a UFO anomaly...

Hey, guys,
is that one of our vans?

...the team is alerted
to the presence

of an unexpected visitor...

It definitely
wasn't there before.

That's not one of ours?

...a mysterious van that
appears to be watching them.

- How long has it been there?
- I just noticed it.

Let's go talk to him.

It looks like
it's leaving.

Dan scared him off.
- You see anything, Dan?

Yeah, they saw me walking up,
and they left.

That was weird.
Oh, he's coming back now.

- Could just be a neighbor?
- Well...

- Did you make eye contact?
- Couldn't get close enough.

What was it? Who was in there?
Could you see anything?

Like, two people.
I don't know.

Two males?

- I couldn't tell.
- You couldn't tell.

Did you get
their license plate?

Did not.

I can't say for sure who
was in that van watching us.

It could have been
the government.

But one of the reasons why
the military or an entity

within the government
would be watching

is because they could be running
their own investigation,

or they may want to know
what I'm learning

that they don't know.

After pinpointing
the location

of an alleged UFO sighting,

the team is collecting soil
from the grounds.

These samples will be tested
for anomalies

that could link this site
to extraterrestrial activity.

Okay, so we've got
the soil samples.

The problem is the EMF.

I wasn't expecting that
at all.

We have an anomaly here.

We have something, and we
really need to look at this.

Let's go get
that stuff analyzed.

Let's see what we got.

Midwest Testing will perform
a compression comparison,

determining if a heavy object
ever landed

inside the mysterious circle.

They'll also test for radiation

and chemical abnormalities
that could point

to the involvement
of something unexplained.

- Here are the soil samples.
- Okay.

While Heather deals
with the soil samples,

Chuck has a new mission
for Dan --

a deeper investigation
into Missouri's UFO past.

I talked to Dennis Hovis,
who was the DJ at the time

during the 1973
Piedmont UFO flap.

Strange things were happening
in the sky over Piedmont.

He gave me a list
of witnesses

from that original sighting.

What we can do is
we can look at that list,

see if they're still local,
see if they're still alive even,

and if they want to
talk to us or not.

With Dan on the hunt
for the original witnesses,

Chuck regroups with Heather
to review the soil-test results.

Take a look at this.

The soil is hydrophobic,
meaning that the soil

isn't allowing water
to settle,

which can explain the lack of
grass growth around the ring.

- Okay.
- This is the weird part.

They're still
analyzing everything.

They're looking
at something else.

Yeah, there's
something else there.

And we don't know what
that something else is.

That's an unknown.Yeah.

Didn't you find
that kind of strange?Yeah.

You were expecting
the whole packet,

and they're holding back.Yeah.

Based on the analysis
of the soil samples

we took at ring site,
I needed to talk to a geologist

that knows a little bit more
about that area.

Heather found a researcher
that might be able

to shed some light
on what's going on

with all this activity
in the area.

Belleview's Elephant Rocks
is the current base

of operations for
geology expert Gary Hart,

who has spent decades unearthing
a potential connection

between what lies beneath
this region's surface

and the mysterious craft
plaguing its skies.

So, what you're seeing here
is an entire area

of slightly radioactive

And this is an exposure of it,
but the whole area

is underlain
by this granite.

It's busted up with faults.

Now, the faults produce
seismic energy.

It's an energy that mainstream
science does not recognize.

Now, we can look at
the fault lines in this area

with this map.


Most people
don't know this,

but I've plotted
the UFO sightings

onto a topographic map,

and a lot of sightings
are along these fault lines.

So you think this energy

has something to do with
the activity in this area?


So these are the fault lines
right here?

Yes, they fill this
whole area, for miles.

That's what makes this area
so easy to study

versus anywhere else.

So we have miles and miles
of fault lines

that are releasing energy.

And the energy being released
by these fault lines

you believe are attracting
UFOs to this region?

Yes, and the faults are
the only type of structure

on Earth that can generate
this unusual energy.

Now, mainstream scientists
don't want to study this.

We really don't know
what the military thinks,

but they've been known
to be flying around this area,

especially when there's
a spate of sightings.

That absolutely makes sense
because there in 1973,

military did come
into that area.


Now, what
I'm looking at here

is all these fault lines
are going this way.

These are coming
down this way.Exactly.

It looks like they meet
right here,

like a vortex or something?Exactly.

And where is
this convergence point?

Clearwater Lake.

People in the Clearwater Lake
area have seen objects

in the water fly out of
the water and zip around --

both silver objects
and orange lights.

That's exactly what
Sherri and the others

reported seeing.

So the lake is Clearwater Lake,
and that's down here.

Yes, it's right there,
just off the map.

Could the mysterious
fault-line energy

be the x-factor that is
pulling UFOs to the lake?

We need to get to
Clearwater Lake.

If these are aliens,
they can do whatever they want.

- Go, go, go, go, go, go.
- Dan, is everything okay?

Have you seen
or heard from Dan?


Now, what
I'm looking at here

is all these fault lines
are going this way.

These are coming
down this way.Exactly.

It looks like they kind of
meet right here,

like a vortex or something?Exactly.

And where is
this convergence point?

Clearwater Lake.

People in the Clearwater Lake
area have seen objects

in the water fly out of
the water and zip around.

So the lake is Clearwater Lake,
and that's down here.

Yes, it's right there,
just off the map.

We need to get to
Clearwater Lake.

Clearwater Lake is located
back in Piedmont, Missouri,

home of 1973's infamous
mass UFO sightings.

As Chuck preps for
the investigation,

Heather travels ahead
to join Dan,

who has tracked down
a witness to the original

1973 Clearwater sightings.

Could her experience
from decades ago

confirm Gary Hart's theory
that strange energies

beneath Clearwater Lake
are attracting UFOs?

So, I tracked down Jean Coleman.

Back in 1973, she was one of
the first witnesses

to report a close encounter
of strange lights

flying over Clearwater Lake.

I want to know how
her experience matches up

with what's going on today.

Are we dealing with
the same thing?

Is history repeating itself?

Oh. We were driving
across the dam,

and I was looking
out across the lake.HEATHER: Mm-hmm.

And I saw a red flash out,
you know, in the lake.

And all of the sudden,
it flashed again.

And so we both got out,
and we watched.

There would be a red flash,
and in two or three seconds,

there would be
another flash,

but every time
there was a flash,

you could see
that the flash was higher.

When it got so far up,

then lights around
the red light came on,

and they flashed.

So then when it got up
pretty high,

all the lights came on,
and they just stayed on.

What do you think
that was?

Well, definitely,
it was never identified,

so I would say
it's a UFO.

So how does it feel
to be back here?

I really don't like
to be here at nighttime.

Why's that?

Well, you know,
if these are aliens,

they're a lot more advanced
than we are,

and, you know, they can do
whatever they want.

I know what I saw
was real.

I mean, I didn't make it up,
and I didn't imagine it.

and I know, you know,
other people that --

very credible people,
you know --

have told me
what they saw,

and there was definitely
something that happened here.

From the multiple
UFO witness accounts

throughout Piedmont and Salem
to Gary Hart's research

tracking those sightings
along fault lines,

everything points the team

back to where it all started
in the 1970s --

Clearwater Lake.

This is ground zero.

Okay, this is what
we're gonna do --

I'm gonna set up
my binary light experiment.

We got to take water samples
because there might be

something within the water,
biological contaminants,

could be caverns, all kinds
of stuff under the water.

if something flew over,

there might be something
inside the woods here,

so we need to walk around
the woods out here

and check the EMF.

Be on guard, be careful,

and don't forget
your walkies, okay?

When we investigate, we use
everything at our disposal --

historical reports,
eyewitness testimonies,

photos, forensic evidence,

to find the best location

to potentially make contact
with a UFO.

Hey, Dan, how's it going
in the woods?

It's pretty freaky
out here.

Something's going on.

There was a heat source.

I don't know
where it went, though.

There it is.

Yeah, we got some sort of
heat source going on out here.

Could be an animal.


I've seen deer that didn't
actually look like deer,

kind of like
they was spotters.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.


Dan, can you please

Come back, Heather.

Have you seen
or heard from Dan?

Dan, come on back
to Chuck.

Dan, come on back
to Chuck.


Dan, can you please

While pursuing
an unidentified entity

at a known UFO hotspot,

Dan has disappeared
into the woods.

Have you seen
or heard from Dan?

Dan, come on back
to Chuck.

Dan, come on back
to Chuck.


All right, where was
his last location?

- Over there.
- All right, let's head that way.

He didn't respond
to anything I said.

Dan, this is Chuck.

Where you at?

Chuck, Dan doesn't
have his walkie.

So, I'm pretty sure
I saw something that was

bigger than a small animal
but shorter than a person,

and I was watching it
on my FLIR,

and it took off,
so I went after it.

I left the crew
and everybody else behind me.

While I'm running,
I drop my radio.

It was just --
it was really crazy.

The part that bothers me,
though --

I'm pretty fast,
and I can catch people,

and whatever this was outran me.

Hey, Dad.
I hear you loud and clear.

I had some issues.

- You're okay?
- I'm good now.

I'll be heading back
up there shortly.Ah.

With Dan safely headed back,

Chuck readies a next-level
experiment in UFO hunting --

binary light signaling.

Be careful
with the wires, okay?

Binary communication
translates ones and zeroes

into signals capable of
transmitting information.

Chuck has created a binary
sequencer to relay these signals

through a system of lights.

The result -- simple messages
broadcast into the night sky,

reaching out to make contact
with whatever might be

watching us from above.

It's gonna do the alphabet.
It's gonna do alphanumeric.

And then we're gonna do
some simple letters like "Hi."

What we need to do is
kill any other lights

so we can see out
over the water

and see if we get
any type of responses.

So let's get this going.

Here we go.

- Yeah.

What I want you to do --

okay, if you see anything,

I want you to point
in that direction.

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
be scanning, like a 180...Got you. see if I see anything,

and I'll point it out
to you guys, okay?Okay.

See anything, Heather?

Not yet.

Hey, guys,
keep scanning the treeline.

That's where a lot of
these sightings happen.

- Do you see anything, Dan?
- No.

I got lights!

- What do you see?
- I got lights right here.

- You do?
- I'm not kidding.

- Where?
- Hey, kill that light.

Right here,
straight through,

just over the ridge.

See anything, Heather?

I think I see something.

See it right there?

It's moving really slow.

No. Let me see.

- Where?
- Right there.

- Where?
- Right over there.

- Yes, right there.
- Right over there.

Can you see it?

Slowly moving
from left to right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, it's a plane.

Are you sure?
Planes don't move like that.

Okay, hang on.
I'm gonna try and document this.

Stay right
where you're at.

- It stopped.
- It stopped?

- Yeah.
- Give me that back.


It did stop.

Yeah, planes don't stop
in mid-air, guys.

- What is that?
- I have no idea.

What is that?

What the ****?

What is that?

Wasn't an airplane.
It didn't look like a satellite.

We didn't really know
what it was.

Oh, my God.

I have no idea.

I don't know what
I was expecting to see

out here tonight,
but it wasn't that.

I'm not saying what we saw
tonight was an alien spacecraft,

but by definition, it was a UFO.

There it goes.

What did we just see?

It's awesome.

Can't believe it.

As an investigator,
I usually investigate

other people's sightings,
but to confirm those sightings

with my own eyes
and capture it on video?

What better way to validate
that, yes, there is

something happening
here in Missouri?

It wasn't a plane.
Definitely wasn't lightning.

That's exactly what
everybody's talking about.

This is great.

This experience
definitely proves to me,

whatever happened in the early
'70s is still happening today,

and somebody is keeping
that information

away from the public.

In a region flooded
with UFO reports,

these unexplained lights
over Clearwater Lake

further cement Missouri's
infamy as a UFO hot spot.

This has been one heck
of an investigation.

We came out here to check up
on just one report,

and it seems like it's just
so much more.

It's, like, exploding
everywhere around here.

I think it's a place
we'll have to keep our eye on,

maybe come back for
a future investigation.

Since landing in Missouri,

the team found evidence
to corroborate Sherri Stack's

report of anomalous fire
descending from the sky.

You can see a little bit
of tree damage

straight up right here.

- Oh.
- It's definitely burned.

They experienced
electrical anomalies,

which disabled their cameras

where a UFO
was said to have landed.

And they captured
unexplained lights

at Clearwater Lake,

the epicenter of
the mass sightings back in 1973.

What I'd like to in the future
is maybe not necessarily

just put something out to Salem,
but maybe that whole county

about us coming out
to come to talk to them...Yeah.

...bring everybody in
versus just a town.

Well, then we're gonna need
a lot bigger place.

Bigger town hall.

The results of
Chuck's investigation

may bring peace of mind
to some of the area's residents.

I just want to thank you guys
for believing our stories.

But what remains troubling
is the government's refusal

to acknowledge these craft
that clearly populate

the Missouri skies,

hovering, watching, and waiting.