Alien Highway (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - UFO Terror - full transcript

A man, troubled by a past encounter seeks out the help of our team. Despite the initial skepticism they might find there's something to his story, even though the provided evidence seems unconvincing at best.

Next on "Alien Highway"...

- Now, what are these "them"?
- Good question.


Where's that brightness
coming from?

Oh, a spaceship?

MAN: You all can kiss my ass
if you think I'm [bleep] nuts.

What the [bleep]?

Yeah, the lights
across the river right there?

That's one of their lights.

The red light's a warning.

It's like when
you've crossed the line.

CHUCK: There's something
happening across our land.

It's carving a terrifying path.

- Right there.
- Whoa!

Lawmen don't want
to talk about it.

I have no idea
how you would explain that.

And the government denies
it's even happening.

The White House has dismissed

a full UFO investigation.

Those who speak up face ridicule
or even worse.

ANCHORWOMAN: An El Paso County
Sheriff's Deputy

fired from his job.

They took my badge,
but they can't take my voice.

I'm determined to uncover
what's happening.

Look at that thing!
Do you see that?

I saw it that night.

I listen to people
who are afraid to speak out.

Nobody's gonna believe me.

CHUCK: I find evidence
that's hiding in plain sight.

This is it right here.

Together with my son,
Dan Zukowski...

It's absolutely moving
right now.

CHUCK:...and investigator,
Heather Taddy,

We never really get this close.

I'm here to find the truth...

- I see it!
- Aah!

CHUCK:...along America's
Alien Highway.


NARRATOR: St. Clair, Missouri.

Situated in the heart
of the Ozark Mountains,

the area has a rich history
of UFO sightings.

There have been over
2,000 reports since 1950,

including a mountaintop
extraterrestrial encounter

that made front-page news.

But what about the stories
that don't make headlines?

What happens when it's just
one family suffering in silence,

allegedly targeted by UFOs?


I was contacted by this family
in St. Clair, Missouri,

about all this activity
that is going on.

The main witness,
Steve Dalling,

he lives along
the Merrimack River.

And he's seen balls of light
in the sky.

STEVE: You got to see
this [bleep] up here, dude.

CHUCK: He's even captured
some activity on video.

CHUCK: We're getting one of
these mother[bleep] on film.

Obviously, we need
to get out there

'cause I want firsthand
knowledge of

the situation going on.

Does the family feel pretty
threatened by the activity?

What I'm concerned about
is distressed voices.

When I talked to him
over the phone,

it was, "We need you.
We need you right now."

They don't know where to turn.
They don't know who to talk to.

The local authorities won't
help them, can't help them.

They're really not prepared
for anything like this.

Sounds like they're in pretty
desperate need of our help.

We need to be here.

We need to find out what's
going on at this family's house.


There it is right there.



- Howdy.
- Chuck Zukowski.

You guys want to come on in?

- Yeah.
- Come on in.

CHUCK: This family claims
to be terrorized,

maybe even targeted,
by UFO activity.

It's gotten so bad that Steve's
wife is staying with family.

She's so afraid.

- Oh, what a view.
- What a view!

DAN: Wow!You get to look at this
every day.

STEVE: Every day.

That was the keyword
when we bought the place --

location -- my wife and I.

So, you've lived out here
for a while now, right?

12 years now we've lived here.

And so, you're obviously

very experienced
with the environment.

You probably fished this area.

I'm an outdoors guy and the kind
of guy to start with.Okay.

So you just notice things that
don't look right or sound right.

And then when they start
repeating themselves,

you take note.

What have you seen out here?

Well, lights.

Where did you actually see
the lights, now?

The activity itself is
taking place in these woods.

Orange balls of light --

they drop down to about
200 feet above the trees.

Travel up and down.

Some go across horizontally
along the horizon but...

Called my wife back here, check
it out with the binoculars.

She's looking at it,
and then she says, "Oh, my God."

She goes,
"I see one, two, three."

She counts to five.
She goes, "I see five of them."

And there's no airports
on the other side of --

No. Nothing out there.

When you see them, Steve,
are they always orange?

- No, they change colors.
- They change colors?

- Okay.
- Yes.

STEVE: According to how close
you get to them.

The orange ones I call --
they're the babysitter.

It's just like it's watching
what you're doing.

If you get too close and you
start becoming aggressive

or you try to interfere
with them in any way,

you get a red light.

Have you noticed
environment changes,

anything unusual you've seen?
- Oh, yeah.

The biggest change
that's very noticeable

is that the trees out here --

I've heard 15, 20 trees
snap in half or fall.

And we're not talking little --
big trees.

How about the animals here?

Right before
the lights show up,

do you hear any of
the animals make noise,

the dogs start barking
or anything?

My dogs react to them.

Dogs apparently can see
and hear them.

Now, what are these "them"?

Well, good question.

That's what I've been
trying to find out.

It was all cool and fascinating

and all that
when it was out there,

but when things started
happening here in the house...

Activity actually
in the house?

Yes. Yes.
In the house, around the house.

- When?
- During the night.

We've had things that move.

We've gotten noises that go
on down in the basement.

What does it sound like?

Somebody throwing stuff around,
a voice every now and then.

What Steve is describing,

the things that are happening
in his house --

strange noises and voices --
are definitely unusual.

So, Heather's background as
a paranormal investigator

is gonna be a big asset.

So we have something inside.
We have something outside.

Yeah, I mean, we're gonna have
to cover all the bases here.

There's a lot going on here.

So, Dan, we have Steve take you
and me to the area

where he's seen these lights.

I want to see if there's some
type of evidence out there.

Heather, it sounds like there's
some activity in the house.

You may want to hang back
for a bit.

I'd like to set up cameras
and find out

what rooms activity's
happening in.

We're gonna stay
in communication with radios.

If anything happens here,
you let me know.

If we see anything,
we're gonna let you know.

Yeah, and it's gonna get
a lot more interesting.

You'll see.

Let's get out there.


NARRATOR: While Heather
sets up her cameras

to keep the house
under constant surveillance...

Please don't fall.

NARRATOR:...Chuck and Dan
venture into the woods,

searching for evidence
to corroborate Steve's accounts

of menacing,
unexplained lights.

But their first stop poses
more questions than answers.

Hey. Come here.

Come here. Come here.

See that orange light up
on that hillside up here?


That's one of them right there,
watching us.

There's nothing up there,
but it's an open field.

We'll see them
when we go back in.



Okay, can you zoom
in on that light?

There's a light up there.
Can you zoom in on it?

I'm pretty sure that's a rooftop
of a house right there, too.


It's a house.

That light that he saw that he
claimed was one of them was not.

My assessment of Steve
at this point

is I'm a little unsure of what
he's claiming he's seeing.

When we looked out
to see the light,

you can clearly see the light
was attached to a house.

And now I'm thinking, "What else
has Steve been wrong about?"


All right, Dad, I don't want to
shoot down Steve,

but how can you explain him
confusing house lights for UFOs?

It happens with individuals.

They can have one major event,

but they're so traumatized
by that one major event

that anything they see
after that...

You know what that's called?
It's called PTSD.


STEVE: This is where it's been
hovering off the ground.

We're getting one of these
mother[bleep] on film.


You get PTSD from --

Anything traumatizing in your
life, you can get PTSD from.

I've seen that in the past.

I mean, people who had
UFO sightings --

It appears that after that,

the witness thinks everything
they see is a UFO.

NARRATOR: After spending
the rest of the afternoon

in the woods,

and Steve's testimony
not adding up,

Chuck and Dan return to his
house to address their concerns.

I have to be honest with you.

Look, I wasn't expecting
to see something right away.Yeah.

But to confuse a UFO
with a house?[ Scoffs ]

This is where I start sounding
like a nut, a crazy man.

But you can see, like,
a physical...

Yes, everywhere you find

these things, you see one light,
and then you come back around,

there's another light.

Now, this hasn't
always happened.

It just started to happen.

- This year, yes.
- This year.

This year.So, there wasn't
a history of them?

- No.
- When you were growing up,

did you have any experiences
similar to this?


Um, yeah.

DAN: What was that experience?

[ Sighs ]

[ Exhales ]


He absolutely believes that
he was missing for two days.

[ Groaning ]

HEATHER: Is that you messing
with my light?



When you were growing up,
did you have

any experiences similar to this?

Uh, yeah.

DAN: What was that experience?

[ Sighs ]

[ Exhales ]

I just --
I'm not ready to tell that.

I mean, I don't like --
I don't like talking about it.

HEATHER: Yeah, we don't have
to talk about it.


NARRATOR: Steve's unusual
reaction causes the team

to question the validity
of the investigation.

Well, we're gonna have
to talk about Steve.

Right now what I need
is non-biased opinions

from both of you about
what you heard inside there.

One thing that I observed
was when we attempted

to ask the question about
prior experiences, he froze up.

So it's apparent that
whatever happened

there was some sort of stress
related to that.

Once we dig deeper into that,
I think more of what he saw

then is gonna come out
to what he's seeing now.

From my past experiences,
I've worked with people

that have had really
traumatic experiences

when they were young.

It might be a good idea
if we bring in, like,

a regression hypnotherapist.

It's a way of unlocking
repressed memories

through hypnosis.

That's a really good idea.

We can get one over here

and see if we can bring out
some memories

that either he's hiding

or he doesn't want to
talk about.

NARRATOR: Heather reaches out to
a regression therapist

in St. Louis, who agrees
to take on the case.

Joan Krueger is a certified

with over two decades

in conducting regression
therapy hypnosis.

The way that I describe
a person's subconscious mind --

It's the part
that holds everything

that we've ever experienced,
like a big filing cabinet.

When it comes to regression,

what we're doing is pulling
open the filing cabinet

to try to find
whatever information

that person
might be looking for.

Ready to go do this?

Um, I just wanted some time
in advance

to talk to him a little bit
about what hypnosis is

and how it works
and how he's gonna feel.

And I need to have some idea
of what we're searching for.


NARRATOR: After meeting with
Steve and hearing details

about what he can recollect
from his traumatic experience,

Joan is now ready to begin his
regressive hypnotherapy session,

with the team monitoring
from the next room.

All right. You comfortable?

- I guess, yeah.
- All right.

Just take a nice, deep,
easy breath for me.

Exhale slowly.

Allow your body to begin
to relax completely.

Imagine that it's causing
your eyelids to become heavier

now than they were before.

Steve, try to open
for a second for me.

Very good.

Now, Steve, we know that that
very powerful part

of your mind is open.

I'd like for you to begin
to picture yourself

on the porch
of a little cabin.

That cabin is very comforting

and feels like
a safe place to you.

- Mm.
- Mm-hmm.

All right, so, when I touch
your hand, if we ever need to,

the minute I touch your hand,

you'll immediately be
at that safe place,

at that wonderful,
safe cabin.

Now let's go to that time

in your life when you were 17.

So, you start walking.

Then you told me
that you come to

a wall on the highway.

What happens next?

- The wall lights up?
- Yeah.

How does the wall light up?

Where is that brightness
coming from?

[ Groans ]

Oh, a spaceship?

Can you describe it?

[ Groans ]

Comes down on you?


What comes next?

You're in a room? Okay.

What's in the room?

Some person?

It's not a person.

Can you describe this?

A long head and a neck?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Big eyes?

- Yeah.
- Scary.

- I bet.
- Yeah.

I bet.

What happens next?

Where do you go?


Can you tell me -- Relax.

Do you want to go
to your cabin for a minute?

Hey, Steve, your shotgun?

It's not brought because
of what's on the ground.

It's brought because of what
might approach us from the air.

- I saw a red moving light.
- The red light's the warning.

It's like when you've gone
too far.


JOAN: What happens next?

Where do you go?

Oh. Can you tell me -- Relax.

Do you want to go
to your cabin for a minute?

You're okay.
You're right here with me.

Just go to your cabin
for a minute.

You're okay.

All right.

And then what happens?

Do you know where?

- It's far away.
- Yeah.

Do you know what happens then?

- You go back?
- Yeah.

Do you know how long
you're with them?



And then what happened?

What did you do then?

- And you wake up?
- Yeah.


- Yeah.
- Very good.


So, Steve, I'm going to count.

You'll find that
with every number that I say,

you'll find yourself
coming back.





and one.

So, do you remember
what you talked to me about?

I remember --
Yeah, everything.

You do? Good.

Is that stuff that you had
remembered previously?

Uh...not really.

So it's not what
you would have thought?

No, I've seen pictures
and images

that I hadn't seen before.

It's kind of weird.

I just could remember it,
you know?

I knew something wasn't right.

But I never knew what.


That was very interesting.

So, in my opinion,

well, I believe that

he absolutely believes

that he was missing
for two days.


I think it went really,
really well.

I didn't hear anything
where you were leading

the witness at any time.
- No.

It's not my job
to judge something.

My job is to get his mind

to come up
with whatever it might find.

That really didn't look like
anything was being faked.

No. I mean, he responded well
to my suggestions.

And the emotion that I saw --

In my experience,

you have to be
really good to fake all that.

I would never say,
"This is not true."

I would not.

Could his mind fabricate
a whole alien abduction?

Anything is possible.

But I believe him.


Now he knows some of what was
going on in those two days.

Why he was missing for two days.

Right, which
he didn't know before.

- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.

That's phenomenal.

It is. It's amazing.

Steve went through something
pretty traumatic

when he was younger.

And watching his regression,

I definitely feel bad
for the guy.

Having now discovered that Steve

was the possible victim
of an alien abduction,

the team renews
their investigation,

searching for the orbs of light

that Steve has been
claiming to see.

Hey, Steve, I just saw you
bring out your shotgun.

- Is there one in the pipe?
- No, there's nothing chambered.

- Okay, that's good.
- Oh, that's good.

Never had to use it, but my mama
didn't raise no fool.

That's gonna stay
in your vehicle?

It stays in my vehicle
at all times.Okay.

It's not brought because
of what's on the ground.

It's brought because of what
might approach us from the air.

- Okay.
- All right.

But, you know, we don't know
what we're dealing with here.

You know, I mean,
you never know.

It's better to be safe
than sorry.Okay.

We're gonna drive on out there,
and the first place

we'll probably go is onto
the far end of the gravel bar,

where you're more than likely
gonna see the lights

and whatnot that go off
into the woods

and the surrounding area.

Okay. Sounds great.

- Great.
- Okay.

NARRATOR: Heather will continue
her investigation at the house,

while Steve leads Chuck and Dan
back into the woods,

where they hope this time
to uncover hard evidence.


See this thing right here?

They've built this.

- This right here?
- This structure right here.

All these limbs and logs --
All this stuff piled up in here.

What the hell?

All right, well,
let's check it out.

What the hell is that?

Okay, this doesn't make sense.

I know, right?

And you have a picnic table
flipped over.


This is crazy.

These trees are over 500 pounds.

I don't see how any human
can move them around like this.

It's like -- I don't know.
It's got form.

I don't know if it's serving
a purpose or for why.

I don't know.

If it's a hobby of theirs?

No, it doesn't make sense.

As an investigator,

I need to keep looking
for that next level.

What's that little detail
that takes a situation like this

from strange
to the unexplained?

Dan, do you see
another structure over there?

Yeah, there's another one
over here.

Hang on a second.
This tree's been hit.

If you look at the top
of the tree,

it looks like it's been burned.
- Yeah.

We have burn marks that are
just a couple of days old.

Yet we have snow that's been
here for at least a week.

I don't see any tracks at all
anywhere in this area.

And so, now you have a focal
point of something

that's been hit, and you've got
a structure built at the base.

I want to go look over here.


This has been burned, too.

You see, that structure's
built around the base

of a tree
that's been burned on the top.

That structure's built around
the base of a tree

that's also been burned on top.

Dan, look at the tree
the structure's built around

and see if the tree
at the top has been burned.


This one's
got burn marks on it.

So that's three structures
around three trees

that have been burned.

Three separate trees now.

Now that's just not
a coincidence anymore.

What the hell was that?

- Right there.
- That's ground zero.

That's where they're at
in the woods.




After regression therapy reveals

a possible alien abduction,

Chuck and Dan discover
strange evidence

that could corroborate Steve's
claims of otherworldly visitors.

CHUCK: I'm trying to understand
what I'm seeing.


When you come over here
and you look at this,

you have a picnic table
that was flipped on its side,

and you have this large tree

that's got to be close
to 500 pounds.

So, you have another one
over here that's got to be

at least 125 pounds
laying the other way.

And then we have a structure
over here with the same thing,

and then you've got
a burn mark.

So that's three structures
around three trees

that have been burned.

So far, it's weird,
but it could be so many things.

I have to see what else
Steve can show us out here

before I come to the conclusion
that any of this is UFO-related.

I think this is a perfect
location to set up a cam.

Probably over here,
looking in this direction.

You got the trail cam,

- Yeah. Here it is.
- Do it, Dan.

- How's that look? Solid?
- All right.

Let's see if we get
something tonight.

Let's go to the next spot.

NARRATOR: While Chuck and Dan
set up motion-detector

trail cameras in the woods,
hoping to capture UFO activity,

Heather inspects
Steve's basement,

where he's reported
hearing unnatural sounds,

to see if she can
detect anything strange.

Using a thermal camera,

she searches beyond the spectrum
of human vision

for signs
of extraterrestrial presence.

The insulated suit prevents
body heat

from interfering
with her equipment.

Careful on those stairs.


Meanwhile in the woods,

Chuck and Dan have arrived
at the location

that Steve claims is ground zero
for his UFO sightings.

So, where are we headed now?

This is where I started seeing
all the lights in the sky.

This is where you can see
the lights

from where they all gather
back here in the woods.

It's the best vantage point
for seeing things.

This is where it's been
hovering off the ground.

Me and Lisa have been
watching them right back here

through the woods
from the gravel bar.

This is where they travel
up and down.

The structures
that you're seeing --

all the limbs and the broken
trees and all that --

are all the way
down through here.

- Same thing.
- All right.

And it's about, I don't know,
a 100-yard walk,

and you're right in the top of
I call ground zero at one time.

All right, well,
let's check it out.


HEATHER: It's definitely
a little creepy.



[ Bird cawing ]

That light --
That's across the river.

The white one?

Yeah, the lights
across the river right there --

that's one of their lights.

Oh, hey, over -- over here.
Here you go.

That one straight ahead of me,
that's ground zero.

That's where they're at
in the woods.

You can send somebody
over there to start walking.

When they get so close,
it'll go out.

Just walk out that way.

Just keep walking
across the gravel bar.

Down the hillside,
just keep going.



DAN: It's just a house.

We debunked the first one,
debunked this one.

I don't want to necessarily
discredit what he's saying,

but I'm not too sure
what's going on.

Stop a second. Shh. Shh.
There's something over there.

[ Dog barking in distance ]

Is that a dog?

Dogs apparently can see
and hear them,

and you can kind of
pretty much tell

where there's activity
by the sound of dogs.

[ Dogs barking ]

Can you hear those dogs?

Yeah, we can hear them.

Okay, well, Steve had said that
the dogs would start

acting up
before the activity.

So, Steve, where do you think
a good spot

would be to put up a camera
for overnight?

Over this way,
and aim it that direction.

And then what about neighbors
and stuff?

Do I worry about them
taking our stuff overnight?

No, you ain't got to worry about
nobody doing nothing like that.

- No.
- Okay, cool.

NARRATOR: While Chuck and Dan
continue searching for evidence

to support
Steve's claim of abduction,

Heather continues
to monitor his basement

for signs
of extraterrestrial activity.

Her EVP recorder can catch
any sounds

that are below the threshold
of human hearing.

We've had things that move.

You know, we've got noises
that go on down in the basement.

This is Taddy's recorder.

I'm doing an EVP session
in the basement.

During this investigation,

Heather aims to communicate
with the beings that

Steve feels may be linked
to his UFO sightings,

and quite
possibly his abduction.

Okay, my name is Heather.

I brought some equipment
for you.


If you can, come up
to my recorder, make a noise.

Steve is constantly hearing
banging noises down here,

coming from the basement.

So feel free to bang
on anything.


Do you have a name?



Are you here now?



Can you come and say something
into my recorder?



Are you from another planet?


[ Electricity crackling ]

Do you see my flashlight
was flickering?


Is that you messing
with my light?


CHUCK: Dan headed back
already towards the truck.

We're gonna set up
a trail cam over there.

I think if something comes
through there,

we're gonna catch it.

Hey, Dad, come here.

What do you got?

When I was walking out
that direction by myself,

I saw a red moving light

right above the ground off
in the woods.


It was for about a second
and a half, two seconds,

enough to where I can catch it,

look at it,
and then it went off.

So then I went off in that
direction to try and find --

I couldn't find anything.

Yeah, you're not gonna.

I don't know.

I don't know what that was.


I've heard that many times --
"I don't know what that was."

The red light's the warning.


DAN: Hold on a second.

There's a lot more footprints
than there was last night.

Someone's [bleep] with us.

Someone messed with it.


When I was walking out
that direction by myself,

I saw a red moving light

right above the ground off
in the woods.

The red light's the warning.

It's like when you've crossed
the line

or you've gone too far,
you're going too close,

or you're causing
too much commotion.

How far away from you
do you think the light was?

At first, I was like,
"Okay, that's probably

a brake light
from that street,"

but then once
you get down in there

and look up,
the street is elevated.

So it would have had to have
been in that draw

that we were just walking in.

I don't know. I don't --

I don't know what that was.

I've heard that many times --
"Don't know what that was."

I haven't seen you like this.

I mean, you're
the skeptical one.

You actually saw something
out there, huh?

I don't know.

You know, now that
I think about it,

I might have been a little
quick to write Steve off.

But I saw a red light
in the woods.

We need to see what else
is out here.

HEATHER: Oh, my God.

That was definitely weird.

So, Steve reported strange
sounds in his basement.

And I'm searching around
on there,

and I'm not really
getting much.

And then suddenly,
I get a big response.

Is that you messing
with my light?

[ Electricity crackles ]

At this point,
I'm inclined to believe

Steve about the experiences
he's been having.

Doesn't normally do that.

That flickering flashlight
does feel like it

could have been a response
to one of my questions.

Now, I didn't hear any voices
when we were down there,

but there is a good chance
that my digital recorder

could have picked up something.

NARRATOR: While Heather
continues to search

for extraterrestrial evidence
in the house,

Chuck and Dan wind down
their night watch investigation.


I caught something up there.



- Did you have a light with you?
- Nope.

Saw a little speck of light
right here.

- Little, tiny white one.
- A little, tiny one.

Right there.

Now, when I first saw
that through my viewfinder...

These lights clearly
are house lights,

and that's why I was
looking through my lens.

What the hell was that?

Is that something
that you see?Yeah.

Yeah, you see
the little white light.

It seems like the closer
they are to you,

the dimmer the light.

Oh, my God!

Nice. Nice.

After an eventful evening,

the team hopes there may be
more evidence to analyze.


The following morning,

while Heather downloads
her footage

from last night's investigation
in the house,

Chuck and Dan return to collect
the motion-detector cameras

they set up in the woods.

You want to go ahead
and retrieve that?



One of the batteries
was hanging out,

so hopefully it did something.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Okay, well...

It's all right.
We'll look at it.

All right, let's go get
the other ones.


Hold on a second.

There's a lot more footprints
here than there was last night.

I don't remember this coming in
from the left here.

Someone's [bleep] with us.



We didn't do that.

No, this is all --

This is not how you [bleep]
did it last night.

- No, no.
- [Bleep].

So, someone messed with it.



[ Bleep ]

[Bleep] battery was out.


Okay, so, the battery's
pulled out,

which tells me
that whoever did it

didn't want
the camera to work.


Why wouldn't they want
the camera to work?

They make it look like
something messed with the camera

and took the battery out.

I think at this point, we need
to get the other camera.


DAN: That camera's facing
the opposite direction.

I had taken the camera
last night

and was looking this direction.
- Yep.

The question is, is why are
they moving this around.

It doesn't make sense that

someone's purposely
assaulting the investigation.


NARRATOR: In an effort to
determine who or what tampered

with their cameras,

the team has gathered
to review any clues

that may have
been caught on tape.


CHUCK: Are you playing it?

NEIL: Yeah, I'm playing it,
but there's nothing on here.


I looked through
all of the footage

from the cameras
that I set up.

Steve didn't even
leave the house once.

Whoever messed with these
cameras, it wasn't Steve.

I have no idea who did this.

It's almost as if somebody
doesn't want us

to document this case.

Can you bring up the audio
from my EVP session

in the basement?

Is that you messing
with my light?

[ Electricity crackles ]

Okay, my name is Heather.

I brought some equipment
for you.

If you can, come up
to my recorder, make a noise.

Are you from another planet?


You getting that?Yeah, can you enhance
that right there?

I can try and get a little bit.

Right there.

[ Static ]

Are you from another planet?


What is that?

"You tell me."


[ Static ]


NARRATOR: While reviewing
an electronic voice phenomenon

recording from
Steve's basement...

Are you here now?

NARRATOR:...the team
has detected a presence.

[ Static ]

Could it prove Steve's claims

that aliens have been
stalking him for decades?

HEATHER: What is that?

"You tell me."


[ Static ]

It's crazy that we got that EVP.

I'm not sure if it's related to
Steve's abductions or to UFOs,

but whatever it was, it seems
to be communicating with me.

NARRATOR: With the team having
picked up the bizarre EVP

from Steve's basement,

they're now shown
some disturbing video

that the camera crew came across
from the night before.

NEIL: This shot -- we were
filming you guys walking.


DAN: What the [bleep]?
That's the same thing I saw.

It's really bright.

Go ahead and move back
just a little bit.

Kind of pause it.

We couldn't see that light,
yet the camera picked it up.

Was that the only camera
that picked it up?

NEIL: It's both cameras.
And this is the second camera.

Look at that.

Two separate cameras
picked up the same anomaly?

NEIL: Yep.

Dan saw a red light
in the woods.

I saw a white light in the sky.

And this is an orange light
that's floating above us

and behind us
that we didn't see yesterday.

So far, we've seen
all three of the colors

that Steve says
he's been seeing.

Look how it's just
kind of pulsating.

And it just stays stationary.

- What is that?
- Weird.

DAN: We did not see that while
we were walking out there.

So it's a little scary
'cause I'm out there

in the woods by myself,
and then all of a sudden,

there's something
hovering above me, watching me.

Wow. That's incredible.

So, what's flying out there
that we can't see?

There's no houses or anything
over there, right?

There's nothing out there.
That's sky.

I don't know what to say.

I mean, I'm kind of, like,
in disbelief right now

because I can't explain it.


Who or what tampered with

the cameras remains a mystery,

as do the mysterious
sounds from Steve's basement

and the strange lights
hovering overhead in the woods.

But with the team
now experiencing

exactly what
Steve has been claiming,

they return to his house to
share their newfound evidence.

Hey, Steve.
Since we've been here,

we've gathered
a lot of evidence.

- Yeah.
- We've captured anomalies.

We've got some really
good EVPs.

And we learned,
under regression,

about an event you had
when you were 17.

Steve, you're not crazy.

No. No.

How does that make you feel?

[ Chuckles ]

Right now?

Kind of like an enlightenment.

Yeah. Enlightenment
I guess I would say.

I don't know.



What I thought was really

was we've debunked
a lot of this stuff he's seen -- Right. just, you know,
natural lights and whatever,

but we've also caught

some really phenomenal
things out there.

What is that?

I think the regression validates
what Steve is saying.

And something is going on here.

I believe, just based off
of watching him,

watching how emotional he got,

giving him the opportunity
to open up more hopefully

will give him
further opportunities

to close that door,
and he can move on.

I think he'll feel a lot better
that we were able

to validate
some of his experiences.

I believe that, too.

NARRATOR: Steve's abduction
experience might explain

why he continues to encounter
so many UFOs to this day.

But what is still unclear --

are they studying him,
protecting him,

or is their true purpose
something more sinister?