A Different World (1987–1993): Season 3, Episode 2 - The Heat Is On - full transcript
Whitley's avoidance of math classes threatens her chances of graduating.
£ I know my parents loved me £
£ stand behind me
come what may £
£ I know now that I'm ready £
£ for I finally heard them say £
£ it's a different world £
£ than where you come from £
£ yes, it is now, yeah £
£ here's our chance to make it £
£ and if we focus on our goal £
£ you can dish it,
we can take it £
£ hey, just remember
that you've been told £
£ it's a different world £
£ it's a different world £
£ it's a different world £
£ than where you come from £
£ ooh £
£ than where you come from £
Walter, that felt so good.
I'm getting hot all over again.
I'll be back when I'm done
at the library
because I know
I'll be hot all over again.
You know where to find me.
"I'm getting hot
all over again"?
Another thrilling evening
with Mr. Softy, ladies?
I'd rather spend my time
with ice cream and books
than Lance Granger.
Mr. Maytag.
Mr. Maytag?
That's what they call him
over at Libby hall.
Because kissing him
is like going through
the rinse cycle.
Hi. Bye.
Hold it.
Walter, I'm going to be late for
my date.
The math department
called me again.
You still haven't fulfilled
your requirement.
I wish they'd stop harassing me.
They have.
Now it's my turn.
Sign up for math.
I have endured three years
of academic torture here.
Haven't I learned enough?
You're right.
Why am I bothering you?
I should be on the phone
with the pope.
Yo, pope, if you're looking
for a Saint
forget mother teressa
I know a woman
who has truly suffered.
Whitley of hillman.
Got to wear shabby rags
from saks fifth Avenue
and for the last three years
been driving the same Mercedes.
Whitley, his holiness is crying.
I am not spending my senior year
in a classroom
full of pimply freshmen.
You don't have to sit with them.
You can stand on your head.
You can assume the lotus
just take the class
or on graduation night
you'll be working
behind the concession stand.
And just so you know, I like
extra relish
on my hot dog.
What are you doing?
I'm keeping my silk dry.
Do me a favor.
Show me how you use this stuff.
Brother, either I did not
hear you correctly
or you need a class
in remedial hygiene.
Please, I'm trying
to prove a point.
I wonder about you sometimes.
Maybe that last roach bomb
killed off some
of your brain cells.
You're the reason
we go through three a week.
You use too much.
This is a normal amount.
They wrapped king tut
in less than that.
That's the way
my family does it.
Then mummify your hand
when you go home at Christmas.
Come on, we'll be late
for the concert.
We're taking the girls
to a movie.
We were, but with my juice and
$76, we are now taking them
to see branford marsalis
at the palace.
No applause.
Just $38 for tickets.
Ron, I don't have the money.
Come on, Mr. Big summer
corporate intern.
Spread that kinishewa cash.
I have expenses I didn't
have last year.
I have to pay for utilities,
bus fare.
I got to buy you toilet paper.
Besides, I have to help
my cousin Rosie
buy her wedding dress.
What's 30 bucks?
Three yards of fabric,
and Rosie needs all she can get.
Is it my fault
that your cousin is a heifer?
That's not the point
and don't you ever call anybody
in my family a heifer again.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I got 20 bucks.
I'll give you the rest later.
Save it for cappuccino
20 bucks?
Where are we going
for cappuccino?
No, leave them on,
otherwise we'll come back
to the great roach stampede.
We killed off all the roaches.
The mutants survived.
You know how ladies feel
about roaches.
Ah, roaches!
Lord, would you stop
crowding my counter?
And simmer down.
You're not at the racetrack.
Mr. Gaines
you're skimping
on the tater tots.
And you're charging almost twice
as much as you did last year.
You want it your way?
Go to burger king.
No, you stay here.
I'll go to burger king
because they got
air conditioning
and those nice,
little apple pies.
I sure could use one right now.
I hate this place.
What's he to you?
I spent my entire morning
in the financial aid office,
which should be retitled
the office of "we don't care,
that's your problem."
They didn't have your check?
When I asked what the
holdup was, you know
what she said?
She said
"excuse me honey chilid, your
name begins with 'w' and we have
a backlog."
I said what am I supposed to do
she said, "get another name
and leave me alone. Next."
I have news
that will cheer you up
and cool you down.
Air conditioners on sale.
It will be hot
for another two weeks.
If we had air conditioning
maybe the ladies
would stick to us
instead of the furniture.
You want to eat it here?
Let's take it back to your place
because I am really hot.
Even dogs take a breather
in this heat.
You can't hide
from the math department.
Colonel Taylor.
How nice to see you.
Got to go.
Got a dance class.
You must be good.
You've waltzed around
your math requirement
for three years.
Now it's time to face the music
in my class.
In your class?
The easy classes fill up quick.
You got to face
Dr. War.
But I'm an art history major.
Besides, we've let it
slide this long.
Can't we just let it slide away?
No, we can't.
My class.
3:00 P.M., Monday.
So the probability of event e
equals k over m.
All right.
Now, let's see if we can't find
the probability
of getting an "a"
in my course.
There are 15 of you.
Let's say that I'm giving out
five a's and ten b's.
I was expressing my joy.
Calm down.
The man never gives a's.
Oh, well, I am still
very, very happy
to be in your class,
Dr. Taylor.
And we're very happy
to have you here.
Ms. Gilbert,
awake and think.
I'm feeling rather poorly.
Oh, well then what better way
to get that adrenaline pumping
than a bout
before the firing squad.
Up to the board with you.
Yesterday I sprained
my right hand.
Use your left.
Come on.
Could you restate that problem?
Five a's
ten b's
probability of getting an "a."
Thank you.
Five over ten.
Bang, bang, I'm dead.
First math casualty
of the semester.
Next class,
I want the answer to this.
Five over fifteen.
Therefore, one out of three
get an "a", sir.
Well, thank you.
Just do the work
in your syllabus.
All right?
And do it at home.
All right, class dismissed.
Ms. Gilbert.
I'd like less flippancy,
more effort
and you might get a tutor.
No, I might not.
I've never had a tutor
in my life.
You might find one helpful.
I don't need help.
I need to be released
from this decimal dungeon.
Ms. Gilbert,
math is everywhere.
Let's say you're doing
your income taxes.
My accountant does it.
You want to double-check
his figures.
My husband checks it.
Chauncey is out of town.
I would never marry
a man named chauncey.
Okay, it's April 15th
and Michael..?
Michael is away in Nigeria.
My lawyer will review the forms.
You can't afford to pay him.
You've been fleeced
by your accountant
because you didn't
understand his figures.
Colonel Taylor
I appreciate
what you're trying to do
but the only math problem
I'll ever have to solve
is how many batteries
will it take
to put in
my little pocket calculator?
Whitley, you're not
the first student
to be intimidated by math.
I'm not intimidated.
I just don't like
wasting my time.
Then let me give you
one more math problem.
If student "w"
does not pass this course
what is the probability
that student "w"
will not graduate?
You take all the time you need
to figure that one out.
Of two rents.
I'd like to
but my financial aid check
has been held up.
Ah! Tell me about it, man.
Oh, hi.
You should make money off her.
She doesn't know a thing.
I am not here
to be tutored, Ernie.
Hi, Dwayne.
Hey, whitley.
Um, I brought you
something to beat the
Ernie, you think
you can pay me for the last
Oh. Whatever it is,
it's cool.
The truth is
I could use
a little consultation
in the area of mathematics
for which I'm willing to pay
$25 a session.
Twenty-five dollars?!
Whitley, nobody's that dumb.
You grossly underestimate
the value of your time.
$25, that's steep.
I couldn't live with myself
if I charged you
anything over, say, $22.50.
Okay, let's hit it.
It's the last five exercises
in chapter two.
It's a breeze.
Where you going?
You don't need me.
Just drop it off
when you finish.
Whitley, I'm a tutor.
This is not
"homework hut, we deliver."
Oh, sure.
Be a goody-two-shoes.
This is simple, basic math, you
can handle this.
I have some simple,
basic math for you.
$50 an hour.
Think what you can do
with $75 an hour.
Okay, Mr. Extortionist.
Take advantage of a woman
who's tied
to the railroad tracks
of academic distress.
One hundred dollars.
An hour?!
No... no!
Whitley, no! I'm not gonna do
your homework for you.
I'll be happy to tutor you.
I do not need a tutor!
Why can't I get that
through everybody's thick skull?
And give me my sherbet back.
Would you come
and sit over here?
You're blocking the breeze.
There is no breeze.
Besides, it's too hot to move.
Not for some people.
Walter and jaleesa
have been in there since lunch.
Since breakfast.
That's disgusting.
Oh, yeah.
How does that feel?
Like heaven, baby.
Partner! Tonight we
declare war on heat.
I got rocky road ice cream
and our new, deluxe,
compact fan.
It's a little rusty but...
Hey, how did it get so cool
in here?
Because the war on heat
has been won.
Take that deluxe fan
back to the trash bin
you found it under.
Ron, tell me they were
giving these away at the
instead of calendars.
Of course not.
It was on sale at radio Rob's,
and brother, it's your brand, a
Couldn't you think talk to me
before shelling out this cash?
Did you think talk to me
before you bought
that rust-blowing machine?
But that was only three bucks.
I hope so.
Ron, for two weeks
we could have lived with it.
But now what?
We're out $100?
Actually, $176.90.
You'er unbelievable. Ron, I live
on a budget.
There you go,
beating that budget bongo.
Oh, that's good, that's good
coming from Richie rich.
Richie rich?
Well, I'd rather be Richie rich
than Mr. Tater tot
toilet paper tabulator.
Are you calling me cheap?
Yea. Matter of fact, I can
see it now.
You'll be c.E.O.
Of kinishewa electronics.
And just like Howard Hughes,
too cheap to get a
dollar haircut.
You'll have dreadlocks
down to your toes, boy.
The only money you'll spend
is on a monthly flea bomb
and then you gonna wonder
why you don't have a woman.
Well, I wouldn't set a flea bomb
off in your house.
It would kill your wife.
I'm not going to look
at your rusty, scrooge behind
for another minute.
You don't like
the air conditioner, you get
Well you know what?
I'm going.
But you forgot something.
No. No I am not going to do
your math for you
at any price.
Doesn't anyone respond
to the call of dollars anymore?
No wonder this nation's
in decline.
Ms. Gilbert,
I've been looking for you.
Colonel Taylor, good evening...
And good night.
No, no, wait.
I need ato ask a favor of you.
Now, uh, I'm going to attend
the father-daughter dance
at delta sigma theta
and I need to learn the, uh...
What do I have here?
Ah, yes.
The Roger rabbit, running man
hip hop, and DC hammer.
Mc hammer.
Mc hammer, I knew I found
the right woman.
Why don't you
ask your daughter, Suzanne to
help you?
Oh no, no, I want to
surprise her.
Ok now, I wanna start with the
Roger rabbit.
I think I've got a bead on that.
Here we go.
Something like this, right?
You're serious, aren't you?
You ever see me with walk
around campus wit a boom box
before, huh?
It's really not
all that complicated.
Um, you just extend
your right leg
then you bring it back.
Release and step,
release and step. And
one and two,
and one and two...
Wait a minute.
You're not trying to solve
some mathematical problem
behind my back are you?
How am I doing?
Um, not quite so chicken-like.
Pitiful, right?
Hmm. Yeah, go ahead, you can say
Eh, that's why I've avoided
lessons all of my life.
You know my wife used to say
she wanted to marry
a man who danced.
And last month she did.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Ah, that's alright.
It's what happens
when you refuse to ask for help.
Colonel Taylor,
why are you doing this?
W-Why do you care
if I learn math or not?
Because I refuse to see
an intelligent woman
pout her way to an "f."
I can't help it.
It's just when it comes to math,
I'm dumbo.
Oh, you wouldn't be
if you'd let somebody help you.
I'm not supposed to need help.
According to whom?
I was doing just fine in math
until the fourth grade.
Then we hit fractions.
And I asked my mama and daddy
to help me
and they said,
"you're smart enough.
Figure it out."
But I never did.
You mean, you're willing not to
graduate from college
because your parents wouldn't,
or could not help you
with your fourth-grade homework?
Oh, whitley.
Get a tutor.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Now, back to my tutoring.
Well, better take off
that jacket.
This will be a long night.
Five, six, seven, eight,
and one, and two.
Double up.
Oh, my goodness.
The war finally
took the boy's mind.
Hey, what did you do
to my air conditioner?
I didn't touch it.
I only bought a kinishewa
because of you.
Next time I'm going to sears.
Smoke! Fire!
Call 911.
Quick! Where's the phone?
We need the fire department.
Good thinking.
Thank you.
I still say
you acted like a jackass.
No, no you acted like a
Man, I don't know what you're
talking about.
You want some ice cream?
I'll get some spoons.
Just remember
to stay on your side
of the carton.
You got all the marshmallows.
Then we'll switch sides.
Well, now you got
all the almonds.
All right.
So what we have here
is a sampling of 1,000 voters
and a breakdown
of their opinions
concerning the stealth bomber.
I for one
oppose the squandering of funds
for the creation
of these instruments of death.
Throughout the third world
there is a pressing need
for food, education, housing.
Surely these conditions...
Oh, I'm sorry.
You teaching math.
The probability
that I should be silent
is hundred percent.
No, no, it's quite all right.
We want to hear your views
and we will
as soon as um, Ms. Gilbert
tells us the probability
that an African-American
opposes the bomber
using this data.
I got that tutor.
Oh, well, good.
Let's find out how good he is.
Now, what formula would you use?
I would use probability
of e equals k over m.
Right, right.
And in this case,
what does "k" represent?
Total number
of African-Americans.
Come on, now, think.
By the time she figure it
out, the stealth bomber
will be a dinosaur
once again, Mr. Bennett,
contributing to noise pollution
as usual.
This time he's right.
No, he is not right.
Now, almost every student
in this class has had a less
than shining moment
at the board
and those who haven't, will.
I assure you.
Now, Ms. Gilbert
has temporarily lost her way.
Let's help her find it
by praying for her.
Yes, you especially.
Now bow those heads
and ask the lord
to help this student.
Come on, now, Ms. Gilbert.
What is "k"?
The number of African-Americans
who oppose the bomber.
And "m" is...
"M" is...
Well now.
"M" is...
Come on, she's hesitating,
You're not praying hard enough.
Total number of voters.
Come on, now, class,
you're losing her.
Put those hands together
and pray a little harder, class.
Come on, now, think, girl.
Think, girl.
Think of what "m" represents
Ms. Gilbert.
We are looking
for African-American
opponents of the bomber
among all
African-American voters.
Right, now, right.
"M" equals...
Yes, ma'am.
African-American democrats...
Plus all African-American
And what is that number?
Um... 50 plus 200...
Come on with it now.
Come on with it now.
Oh, 250.
What you say?
So probability of e
equals 215 over 250.
I divide by five.
Keep those hands together now
We're almost home.
Okay, 43 out of 50
oppose the stealth bomber.
I got it right.
Yes, ma'am.
I got it right!
Captioning made possible by
the carsey-Werner company
wrigley's spearmint chewing gum
and nbc.
Captioned by
the caption center
wgbh educational foundation
£ stand behind me
come what may £
£ I know now that I'm ready £
£ for I finally heard them say £
£ it's a different world £
£ than where you come from £
£ yes, it is now, yeah £
£ here's our chance to make it £
£ and if we focus on our goal £
£ you can dish it,
we can take it £
£ hey, just remember
that you've been told £
£ it's a different world £
£ it's a different world £
£ it's a different world £
£ than where you come from £
£ ooh £
£ than where you come from £
Walter, that felt so good.
I'm getting hot all over again.
I'll be back when I'm done
at the library
because I know
I'll be hot all over again.
You know where to find me.
"I'm getting hot
all over again"?
Another thrilling evening
with Mr. Softy, ladies?
I'd rather spend my time
with ice cream and books
than Lance Granger.
Mr. Maytag.
Mr. Maytag?
That's what they call him
over at Libby hall.
Because kissing him
is like going through
the rinse cycle.
Hi. Bye.
Hold it.
Walter, I'm going to be late for
my date.
The math department
called me again.
You still haven't fulfilled
your requirement.
I wish they'd stop harassing me.
They have.
Now it's my turn.
Sign up for math.
I have endured three years
of academic torture here.
Haven't I learned enough?
You're right.
Why am I bothering you?
I should be on the phone
with the pope.
Yo, pope, if you're looking
for a Saint
forget mother teressa
I know a woman
who has truly suffered.
Whitley of hillman.
Got to wear shabby rags
from saks fifth Avenue
and for the last three years
been driving the same Mercedes.
Whitley, his holiness is crying.
I am not spending my senior year
in a classroom
full of pimply freshmen.
You don't have to sit with them.
You can stand on your head.
You can assume the lotus
just take the class
or on graduation night
you'll be working
behind the concession stand.
And just so you know, I like
extra relish
on my hot dog.
What are you doing?
I'm keeping my silk dry.
Do me a favor.
Show me how you use this stuff.
Brother, either I did not
hear you correctly
or you need a class
in remedial hygiene.
Please, I'm trying
to prove a point.
I wonder about you sometimes.
Maybe that last roach bomb
killed off some
of your brain cells.
You're the reason
we go through three a week.
You use too much.
This is a normal amount.
They wrapped king tut
in less than that.
That's the way
my family does it.
Then mummify your hand
when you go home at Christmas.
Come on, we'll be late
for the concert.
We're taking the girls
to a movie.
We were, but with my juice and
$76, we are now taking them
to see branford marsalis
at the palace.
No applause.
Just $38 for tickets.
Ron, I don't have the money.
Come on, Mr. Big summer
corporate intern.
Spread that kinishewa cash.
I have expenses I didn't
have last year.
I have to pay for utilities,
bus fare.
I got to buy you toilet paper.
Besides, I have to help
my cousin Rosie
buy her wedding dress.
What's 30 bucks?
Three yards of fabric,
and Rosie needs all she can get.
Is it my fault
that your cousin is a heifer?
That's not the point
and don't you ever call anybody
in my family a heifer again.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I got 20 bucks.
I'll give you the rest later.
Save it for cappuccino
20 bucks?
Where are we going
for cappuccino?
No, leave them on,
otherwise we'll come back
to the great roach stampede.
We killed off all the roaches.
The mutants survived.
You know how ladies feel
about roaches.
Ah, roaches!
Lord, would you stop
crowding my counter?
And simmer down.
You're not at the racetrack.
Mr. Gaines
you're skimping
on the tater tots.
And you're charging almost twice
as much as you did last year.
You want it your way?
Go to burger king.
No, you stay here.
I'll go to burger king
because they got
air conditioning
and those nice,
little apple pies.
I sure could use one right now.
I hate this place.
What's he to you?
I spent my entire morning
in the financial aid office,
which should be retitled
the office of "we don't care,
that's your problem."
They didn't have your check?
When I asked what the
holdup was, you know
what she said?
She said
"excuse me honey chilid, your
name begins with 'w' and we have
a backlog."
I said what am I supposed to do
she said, "get another name
and leave me alone. Next."
I have news
that will cheer you up
and cool you down.
Air conditioners on sale.
It will be hot
for another two weeks.
If we had air conditioning
maybe the ladies
would stick to us
instead of the furniture.
You want to eat it here?
Let's take it back to your place
because I am really hot.
Even dogs take a breather
in this heat.
You can't hide
from the math department.
Colonel Taylor.
How nice to see you.
Got to go.
Got a dance class.
You must be good.
You've waltzed around
your math requirement
for three years.
Now it's time to face the music
in my class.
In your class?
The easy classes fill up quick.
You got to face
Dr. War.
But I'm an art history major.
Besides, we've let it
slide this long.
Can't we just let it slide away?
No, we can't.
My class.
3:00 P.M., Monday.
So the probability of event e
equals k over m.
All right.
Now, let's see if we can't find
the probability
of getting an "a"
in my course.
There are 15 of you.
Let's say that I'm giving out
five a's and ten b's.
I was expressing my joy.
Calm down.
The man never gives a's.
Oh, well, I am still
very, very happy
to be in your class,
Dr. Taylor.
And we're very happy
to have you here.
Ms. Gilbert,
awake and think.
I'm feeling rather poorly.
Oh, well then what better way
to get that adrenaline pumping
than a bout
before the firing squad.
Up to the board with you.
Yesterday I sprained
my right hand.
Use your left.
Come on.
Could you restate that problem?
Five a's
ten b's
probability of getting an "a."
Thank you.
Five over ten.
Bang, bang, I'm dead.
First math casualty
of the semester.
Next class,
I want the answer to this.
Five over fifteen.
Therefore, one out of three
get an "a", sir.
Well, thank you.
Just do the work
in your syllabus.
All right?
And do it at home.
All right, class dismissed.
Ms. Gilbert.
I'd like less flippancy,
more effort
and you might get a tutor.
No, I might not.
I've never had a tutor
in my life.
You might find one helpful.
I don't need help.
I need to be released
from this decimal dungeon.
Ms. Gilbert,
math is everywhere.
Let's say you're doing
your income taxes.
My accountant does it.
You want to double-check
his figures.
My husband checks it.
Chauncey is out of town.
I would never marry
a man named chauncey.
Okay, it's April 15th
and Michael..?
Michael is away in Nigeria.
My lawyer will review the forms.
You can't afford to pay him.
You've been fleeced
by your accountant
because you didn't
understand his figures.
Colonel Taylor
I appreciate
what you're trying to do
but the only math problem
I'll ever have to solve
is how many batteries
will it take
to put in
my little pocket calculator?
Whitley, you're not
the first student
to be intimidated by math.
I'm not intimidated.
I just don't like
wasting my time.
Then let me give you
one more math problem.
If student "w"
does not pass this course
what is the probability
that student "w"
will not graduate?
You take all the time you need
to figure that one out.
Of two rents.
I'd like to
but my financial aid check
has been held up.
Ah! Tell me about it, man.
Oh, hi.
You should make money off her.
She doesn't know a thing.
I am not here
to be tutored, Ernie.
Hi, Dwayne.
Hey, whitley.
Um, I brought you
something to beat the
Ernie, you think
you can pay me for the last
Oh. Whatever it is,
it's cool.
The truth is
I could use
a little consultation
in the area of mathematics
for which I'm willing to pay
$25 a session.
Twenty-five dollars?!
Whitley, nobody's that dumb.
You grossly underestimate
the value of your time.
$25, that's steep.
I couldn't live with myself
if I charged you
anything over, say, $22.50.
Okay, let's hit it.
It's the last five exercises
in chapter two.
It's a breeze.
Where you going?
You don't need me.
Just drop it off
when you finish.
Whitley, I'm a tutor.
This is not
"homework hut, we deliver."
Oh, sure.
Be a goody-two-shoes.
This is simple, basic math, you
can handle this.
I have some simple,
basic math for you.
$50 an hour.
Think what you can do
with $75 an hour.
Okay, Mr. Extortionist.
Take advantage of a woman
who's tied
to the railroad tracks
of academic distress.
One hundred dollars.
An hour?!
No... no!
Whitley, no! I'm not gonna do
your homework for you.
I'll be happy to tutor you.
I do not need a tutor!
Why can't I get that
through everybody's thick skull?
And give me my sherbet back.
Would you come
and sit over here?
You're blocking the breeze.
There is no breeze.
Besides, it's too hot to move.
Not for some people.
Walter and jaleesa
have been in there since lunch.
Since breakfast.
That's disgusting.
Oh, yeah.
How does that feel?
Like heaven, baby.
Partner! Tonight we
declare war on heat.
I got rocky road ice cream
and our new, deluxe,
compact fan.
It's a little rusty but...
Hey, how did it get so cool
in here?
Because the war on heat
has been won.
Take that deluxe fan
back to the trash bin
you found it under.
Ron, tell me they were
giving these away at the
instead of calendars.
Of course not.
It was on sale at radio Rob's,
and brother, it's your brand, a
Couldn't you think talk to me
before shelling out this cash?
Did you think talk to me
before you bought
that rust-blowing machine?
But that was only three bucks.
I hope so.
Ron, for two weeks
we could have lived with it.
But now what?
We're out $100?
Actually, $176.90.
You'er unbelievable. Ron, I live
on a budget.
There you go,
beating that budget bongo.
Oh, that's good, that's good
coming from Richie rich.
Richie rich?
Well, I'd rather be Richie rich
than Mr. Tater tot
toilet paper tabulator.
Are you calling me cheap?
Yea. Matter of fact, I can
see it now.
You'll be c.E.O.
Of kinishewa electronics.
And just like Howard Hughes,
too cheap to get a
dollar haircut.
You'll have dreadlocks
down to your toes, boy.
The only money you'll spend
is on a monthly flea bomb
and then you gonna wonder
why you don't have a woman.
Well, I wouldn't set a flea bomb
off in your house.
It would kill your wife.
I'm not going to look
at your rusty, scrooge behind
for another minute.
You don't like
the air conditioner, you get
Well you know what?
I'm going.
But you forgot something.
No. No I am not going to do
your math for you
at any price.
Doesn't anyone respond
to the call of dollars anymore?
No wonder this nation's
in decline.
Ms. Gilbert,
I've been looking for you.
Colonel Taylor, good evening...
And good night.
No, no, wait.
I need ato ask a favor of you.
Now, uh, I'm going to attend
the father-daughter dance
at delta sigma theta
and I need to learn the, uh...
What do I have here?
Ah, yes.
The Roger rabbit, running man
hip hop, and DC hammer.
Mc hammer.
Mc hammer, I knew I found
the right woman.
Why don't you
ask your daughter, Suzanne to
help you?
Oh no, no, I want to
surprise her.
Ok now, I wanna start with the
Roger rabbit.
I think I've got a bead on that.
Here we go.
Something like this, right?
You're serious, aren't you?
You ever see me with walk
around campus wit a boom box
before, huh?
It's really not
all that complicated.
Um, you just extend
your right leg
then you bring it back.
Release and step,
release and step. And
one and two,
and one and two...
Wait a minute.
You're not trying to solve
some mathematical problem
behind my back are you?
How am I doing?
Um, not quite so chicken-like.
Pitiful, right?
Hmm. Yeah, go ahead, you can say
Eh, that's why I've avoided
lessons all of my life.
You know my wife used to say
she wanted to marry
a man who danced.
And last month she did.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Ah, that's alright.
It's what happens
when you refuse to ask for help.
Colonel Taylor,
why are you doing this?
W-Why do you care
if I learn math or not?
Because I refuse to see
an intelligent woman
pout her way to an "f."
I can't help it.
It's just when it comes to math,
I'm dumbo.
Oh, you wouldn't be
if you'd let somebody help you.
I'm not supposed to need help.
According to whom?
I was doing just fine in math
until the fourth grade.
Then we hit fractions.
And I asked my mama and daddy
to help me
and they said,
"you're smart enough.
Figure it out."
But I never did.
You mean, you're willing not to
graduate from college
because your parents wouldn't,
or could not help you
with your fourth-grade homework?
Oh, whitley.
Get a tutor.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Now, back to my tutoring.
Well, better take off
that jacket.
This will be a long night.
Five, six, seven, eight,
and one, and two.
Double up.
Oh, my goodness.
The war finally
took the boy's mind.
Hey, what did you do
to my air conditioner?
I didn't touch it.
I only bought a kinishewa
because of you.
Next time I'm going to sears.
Smoke! Fire!
Call 911.
Quick! Where's the phone?
We need the fire department.
Good thinking.
Thank you.
I still say
you acted like a jackass.
No, no you acted like a
Man, I don't know what you're
talking about.
You want some ice cream?
I'll get some spoons.
Just remember
to stay on your side
of the carton.
You got all the marshmallows.
Then we'll switch sides.
Well, now you got
all the almonds.
All right.
So what we have here
is a sampling of 1,000 voters
and a breakdown
of their opinions
concerning the stealth bomber.
I for one
oppose the squandering of funds
for the creation
of these instruments of death.
Throughout the third world
there is a pressing need
for food, education, housing.
Surely these conditions...
Oh, I'm sorry.
You teaching math.
The probability
that I should be silent
is hundred percent.
No, no, it's quite all right.
We want to hear your views
and we will
as soon as um, Ms. Gilbert
tells us the probability
that an African-American
opposes the bomber
using this data.
I got that tutor.
Oh, well, good.
Let's find out how good he is.
Now, what formula would you use?
I would use probability
of e equals k over m.
Right, right.
And in this case,
what does "k" represent?
Total number
of African-Americans.
Come on, now, think.
By the time she figure it
out, the stealth bomber
will be a dinosaur
once again, Mr. Bennett,
contributing to noise pollution
as usual.
This time he's right.
No, he is not right.
Now, almost every student
in this class has had a less
than shining moment
at the board
and those who haven't, will.
I assure you.
Now, Ms. Gilbert
has temporarily lost her way.
Let's help her find it
by praying for her.
Yes, you especially.
Now bow those heads
and ask the lord
to help this student.
Come on, now, Ms. Gilbert.
What is "k"?
The number of African-Americans
who oppose the bomber.
And "m" is...
"M" is...
Well now.
"M" is...
Come on, she's hesitating,
You're not praying hard enough.
Total number of voters.
Come on, now, class,
you're losing her.
Put those hands together
and pray a little harder, class.
Come on, now, think, girl.
Think, girl.
Think of what "m" represents
Ms. Gilbert.
We are looking
for African-American
opponents of the bomber
among all
African-American voters.
Right, now, right.
"M" equals...
Yes, ma'am.
African-American democrats...
Plus all African-American
And what is that number?
Um... 50 plus 200...
Come on with it now.
Come on with it now.
Oh, 250.
What you say?
So probability of e
equals 215 over 250.
I divide by five.
Keep those hands together now
We're almost home.
Okay, 43 out of 50
oppose the stealth bomber.
I got it right.
Yes, ma'am.
I got it right!
Captioning made possible by
the carsey-Werner company
wrigley's spearmint chewing gum
and nbc.
Captioned by
the caption center
wgbh educational foundation